Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1909, p. 10

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TUEB SITE i Acres ou <iraud Avecnue, t Eastof Old Briok- yards the Loation rBRADURY IS GWNE#R1 of Contract for Saie in Rccord. pea Office ths Morning Makes Perj Niff Site Certain. No Remnovel BCeqn ut Change wiliI rng. rii~mpnte. State Tex Bill to 6,Î.Aid tg Colony. (Mtom Wedneeday's Sun.)- 1be ii.reclring of the contract <M'ýk 1 Scres of land on Grand 'iet of this ciy, in the] TiqSerxiWsomlce tbis merning.t ~s'eCoeny Tuberculosils InaU-i oý prner, or wll be s0oon,0 JL site for the tent colon>, * l;xoet c)artable intiltuttoi,: and callea for tfie ran.- 0<<.ftfte acres for a conelde-, -ef Ç,200. The deed for the' vIN be Iled within 60 days. An Ideal Site. Tho> mte ilsa stuated on the north oe q Oand avenue, lest eant of theg *U#OgWingbl4pkyards, hat va>'t »%, .Tii. front ot he landi alongj Ji e 4r oultratiost but at, la wooda tii t inWainmuci, ýtàMbinr Itlu roil dralned andL ~Ioirlis pqrfe. çooù tfor »Me .ameured thxe 4*iatthei and .Win hecom iIs wwm~t7 &ad the §Dg of the deed *W mark the absolîte transfer. : No flemoval at Preaent. lOcMtlm, the Stlckney pro, M'thme Beach rond, for thUic ýj wag5 h ioàeae forthue lan" rues 1 O".dtheiw ayt nd no settlemnent t gesMatde mS fer. th.-lvXM ofo the colany t6 QW PImoMUM t lootilon, and Irpoe --tbM'*Ul b ie. It willI ta -*thes.wblte plagîte vitina of aî s e ounty. ita' j" etthe greatest Ilute voui- ý' #iming mamde tltzug6m heot entire 0wry vilbce peaU>' t"d. 1ý oI d09the. laekeni's billht ,4~E0a1~areanother big boost vili ot$vm i 10 h.colon>'. Thie bill ero- OWat. t«mme of e- tuber- sdatisnitarlume. b> kvj'ng of a state tax. liowing *«tbUILtii. ittie balot for a tuber- bospital In Ciicago vas car b>' an overwhlming majority. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS frsbd b>'. Lake Count> oý j eI andi Trust Comipan>'.Ab- o atrmcta of Titie. Titiea guaran. o t4d MiaSole Temple Building, o Woukegan, xx. Louis, J. Cornee, o esirY Nrtmeyer dwile taWm e-1ýLke Zurich. W D) 81.00. IrToe. M4 vIfe ta Cathole ni- of làot in 14 i14 Ses nonotimô lfe ta J T 'wii.» "B- (...ePt 's 1 Iot) spa «» UAdd to Antioch. W tD $1.00. MM* iComptait.ta0 D Kns.y. Lot ibloc 33, la" Bluff. W D 45.00. OU 7. BaYinl& W D88*0 R Sund-rlandi andi bubanti to 19 eléring. Part of bof îft, ftîilnla Iiuag .1JHill and hudshnd b te ,. MM Jr, et ai, Part lotits andi2 7, Sunderhinisl1M Add, Wauke- W D $1.00. April 5, 1909. J E Hae to JCHalie. Lo33, block ýelNorthI Cbicao. W D 8i22.00. filultiaand w1te et ai ta Mary À AM Dougla.u; ildd3-4 111»4-r«1111W 1-2 e 8, Ao. Twp Daul~~buer. 80 acr'es in >4 i ;1,FremontT wl. SBru" to 1E ODtHanti. Lt 43, AM4' to Wahington Park, Wauke- :M elÀeryvUeTwp. 8 W D -pet«r Pearson ant i mie Io Oltas 4 &ono andi mite. LaI 22, back 2 Cunt COi', ASti to a WUkg85 TMe eütjLJ are Ofered "Kt 'Ielndid, Saings This Easter exhiit has proveil to he the most- successful .and auspeous oecaasto of ;its kind ttlaser enhii. a uj akegan. ilewnr<tly ipitd are u bers present. ajxd lileral huying, yçt thé resu1ts lhave been far greatèr and more satistactor.y than we anticîpated. .Ve want'ot _ yo o h het opeatno yu at Tite tine e efore Easter is now very iimited, so if you would be cothed correctly for the oecasion you sbould not delay in making your »mlesrtloni of the xiew styles. There Is another fe-ature aside f rom stylc, that you want to consider when purehasing and thut ig economy. Whiie our garments are the seasons mogt approved modelit, baving been selecte< f roni the most authenti.c style centers, our prices are» snch as bring to you nrked economy. Easter Rlbboums A complete showing o! ribbons in «Il of the very latest colorings in mes- saline, atone, taffeta and satin, every desired width. At 18e we offer a 4/ inch soft finish taffeta siik ribbon, 30c yard ..,Q.........i18C peetlcOts9ne A rare baigain in beau- tiful teatber silk petti- coatAg, highly finlslîed quality, deep -sftitchedl flounce, all wanteii c(- Iorg and black, $1.50 va- lues for Sing suits are winners at $18-00 t» $20.00, they am e autifuIY4t&i- gmd stheijal serge., prunella, panani andI novelty stripes«. LinKI milk, otîters with satin. iaehded inj the s4howing are 2 and 3-pie(,%mt- j --h .,,!,fiq Vatiir ,,d uv'n trrow fae Euster. S"neiui 1 ffe'r e -i ~lie 1 Madi n overY Ms' 1la nut qo pnx41lfty Chifon pein4ma. Tailoredi n the princffl Tyiet SOMe 'Atb, empire effeet. Trunuxueit wth 1»lttoxm S andi sati, lae yoke. Ail the newet's Qpe of1 mai10 vey r etWly of Whte la't ue#W and ecm- broiàdered lroxts, long seves,'otheirî%tR.flered froni mer- eeùrzed tmgred wa.stlngs;. They are garmients a that would rmxliîl%, ring $1.501. Ycmr uhourec for thîs East4er sale ...*................ 9 5 PRETTY WVAISTS AT ',%f. ade of al over net, in euaiso etessaline SUin Ce he new colorings and black, 717etucked fronts, li-atiful qualit'y, pomiti tely i~ worth $3.010. Iater oi>er ......... BILK WAISTS, $4.95. Made of messaline, taffeta silk, and bengaline net, new colors. Values.. W% tc48.0 .Special EButer Giet. .49 SULK IlEýTTI('OAT'$ $498. An extra srik r bagain in w beautifiul latiela mil pttieoat, highly lustrons quaity, eut extn'erely full, trilnud wîtji clus4ters (of fine tueks, everY ne.w popular À49 colring. Esl ott$.4,at Sale White Und.nnuslins W 4)M LN $ I>I'T1OATH. Handsoîne 4tylesÀ, being a sulipie lot ntauty of the valuièsare >worth up)to $2.541. %ae froîi fine îînality ea.mhrif-,and uainwlosk. Deiep erbridi'yîiîîîil (1flouice. 98 $sl........................ 8 WV()mEN$ 'ETi(O Sh.8ort. or lonîg, -madle iof goixod ambriv, tuckel flbnnr-, trimedeiwtlî lace or exilbroider ny, 50v alIue8, for ... 39c WOMEN$ iOWNS. 'Madie froin a fine quxaliity liainistsik iuisliul, 'IV" nîeck or slip îIver sîyh-s, exiîirolery and lace triai- nleft, aiso tuceîs. 50e valuées for................. . 9 WOMENS <0WNS . <di ret1 styles ail pr ivt tîl i î.îe'v laitceni iîroider tl tutks, j iateai~il e xtra quallty uainsook ixalîln wortIl 8 n ~ R Cb y fluilhed sîlk i lan ntdfgutei pongpeea splendid Une iif i4N fwl gs, very Af. polpular nxatek15 fpcial at yd49'c 1FIOURED BATISTSEiS and Emnproos pongees, the seasons litoicet of colorings, in liandsome florail k-sigs and check. Thvî qîmaity that ordinarily brins IL 15c. Sale pricetytwil.ý,..,-..1; J~p le~êierGloves Fffl 9L ail ulk Kayner glo~uc ,newei&ior ngs also bliack sud white. Pair.DU KID (1LOVZM. The "Globe" Special, Nari-ilxttd te give attsolute satisfaction, $p% iaiait.... ...... WOMENýN.JI 'MPER SUITS 98c. Nicely tailoril of fino iqualîty i aNvîx, plain and faiv. lein îîdit. <st.y le, trirnmcd very prt'ttily wifih lace anid isrn They are, stylish g.rixîettKand woteld bring ordu- narily $1.501. For tiisll Easter Sale .................. ... Meéssaline SilX Dresses1 -Elegant Lingerie Dresses AII the new shades a, ire iimmeludit-din these amplexi. t6aiîske n'ne pisvegarnients rmade very lret- Iitîly t'ailored giximitt. . Mîtîle in ii e Empire tIy'la te erincess style tfia rt>aifrkalily inte tyle tif fine q na ity mussa iline îsi k, Enipire back, quality of lingerl-, whitea l irallîxe tlors. fronts tumeketi ami t.ilnncd with lî e it ik, They are dainti]v I riiîned with fine lace11(l i-oke o! fine laie.14 5 eurdr.Wtt osilaiymit>A Q $peeial Easter offer .................. ....5 thmaot'his e o4098 Choose lYour E #eý i A visit tiio tr itillieery parlor onght to Jirtîvi a uesrell paestixce to ever lady who aid- tiiresf fine lieaiiwm'r. lFor you'll find yonrwelt surronnded on al sitesi hy a ino4t' beau tifuil assniblage. It sltlOii( le an easy maiter te cboosie becornixig Baster bat here because o! our uîlult.vd vanît'ty an<l vatition of styles and manner of trixnnxing. AIl the newest idées of the best hat designers of Paris and this conntr'y htave been !aithfniiy carried out lu the construc- tion o! our ixatm by our experiencd milliners. AN EASTER SPECIAL This week we aret placixtg oui sae a large collection (i! liats, lîfi n taîle shapes of silk nînl andt brajîl. inail1 the lxppîtar colors, trimumetl very st «iahly with fine'quahity ribton flowers. OClice o! nany styies >A .. . . .. . ............. Men'sS UitS, Special Easter ~~ YoIx, iesurprised whal great value ther isin <ethese nemw sJring suifs titat wxe are or- jt firing et $18~.00., Thev are garnients tluat t~~. ~~(îi iitadle lii>especiaIllyfoîr us lxv ('las K tufimt& rterad other leading ta.iluiîiu" Iliicernbi of equally high repnte. W e lexjv seen to it that bet erniateri-aig weeu4ed li their co"ntruction thanar orix iiîly put. into garrneîite at this price, Wh le the Inake Upi and style ca.nnot be dîx1î)ludt*ed. You'ii find ail the latèst CoteQr ings xepresentod in the newest stripes andi -~diagonals. Tîxere is no mnan too hard for lx) ofit.. <'ore and havea iook a l~ fiec garmients offered for thimt Easter.JSa1B at.. SALE OF BOYS SIITS. Boys nobby double breasted suanus, finely tailored of fancy striped ehoIviots andt Worteds lu the ittest color, eff ects. Aiso Plain blue serges, sizffl 6 te 16 ye'a Extremely higlu grade suxiis.49 Special at .........49 MENS, EASTER HATS. Yt'4mfi»~d al t4e newest shapas in both seo'ft and stiff hats here for Sprlng, la tÈè-ýe4et shales o! tan, browa gray, ciol au4i aiso biack. The bet vaines inD town t t $1.50 to $3.00. .4 .. -~ F%~4 ootWear for Easter WNe h@ilI"iîeer diila;Y4î a iiîîpl6exî8 beautireul a melet-titn of fot 18îarastIis sesO . Th-î'e laa 1rîiîiixl lî 4)îtv lx l o! our styles ttutu stroîîgly dýisthîigu isu(s them froxe otherinakes. %Vv lia utle Iliei Rotx Cross and the AmîseiranIi adY for w'orten and tIiv Americane leliniaitaxai VJmivorsity (tir men, ini lîîtlî alias ami. oxfortis. W1MENS OXFQII 1> PEC IAL. matile ofa splendid qîxality o! paient, vivn kid and tan RUxsia 'lf laceers, r buxten, xneditnî or ligli nilitary letls bhxcher, lîandsone new 'uxot(ll. Sperial Eaitter otter.......... .4 MENS OXFORD $SPE('1A1. A sçs.e ial Ekmtc-r offering iii mucus oxfords, Thulty lâÀts, mate 6f Russia cal! leather lu tan aidox blood, ciso blac-k velour, vici kid q~duu Ixetal, biit-tote or lae'. sl ises, pair ................. WàWns i!aicy lisiey At POc we.sliow a splendid afflortuient o! tw eW m~ausnexcerized lisie in ail colora, Aiseo lace andt exltbroidemreinluiack amni tan. A'spetial value in plain ganse, faucy lace, and einbroidetreil hanse, hi-ar m-> àladtâtn, at pair ....... M ..', ~ .~ *-~. '.r~ .î.,'.als .5 <,1 ~'~- o~ii*fretia t' - - 'Wýf, . - :ý M 1 IL - . , , 1 i - --- , - --- i 1 1 1 ; in( il

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