Lake County's Choice- Whitney, Donnelly and Wright. PPnVyRTf.1 O Dont Argue Wth ths Canductor, Pa>' Yeur Fare and Then Repart Vour1 Cmplulnt tai lghwiood, Because Ue Cenductar Ma* ta Cotiect and Cannet Usa Discrettanar>' Pawers, Say* Noad. (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) ilet there be pesce, tiat ta the' ad- mOgitoo that the geneial passenger deiirtmnt of the eletrtc road ls Mldinta the riding public. Itlta s plea te, bring about a pact oif trangui 1ty btreen the condurtor of at-pet comsand 8the passengera to get fait- pla" for the two parties cor cernied. Mus the foUlowtng intru' .00tethe' puablic mode lttaappeananri' tn the' street cars? In a&l cases of diapute with the' cenductors regarding tare and trsasfers the passengar wtll plesma, psy the aanduetor'g cdaim wWt report tacts properly for ad- ~3et' ta the, ganeral supeil- tiedmt. The cotductor lias no - Ieat00-rYpower lIn suci mat- zéM bt lagoerned by rles ha la net auhortzed ta change. AMd taiowdng the exemple of the maoummla thls Instruction tesm lr eeda throsghout te countr-y wîîî JUD>GE DONNELLY. Mako tbe sMMaoppeal ta the publie Who ha& pt-slded avet- our circuit ct-urt in the past six years mare than ** te prpse. o avodlng thse old eicther 0f aur ther judges. and is un.vesalIy tîked. Ail who have came in OMd on disputed riglits betweewi con- - contact with hhum are for his re-nomirtaon. He has seen ta it that aur court 1ISt"e ba~ aof the officiaIs of the ha« been open for business whenever required. His defcat wauld be a public iUiqeUL th pl san wtl prove Bat-caaii flOOARAIN'T MORE DEOT Nesr Yor-k, April .-Tisa directore q«tbte (Corn Producte Reftng comà 9ay wlfl Î$et snoe Urne neit yack for lb. purpoma I conatdering the qgtIam oai suing bon do for Cou- wuiPoe purpoees B. T. Bedford, . - P 09 a the aaompany, ta oppoeied te m ü1mrs..ofitisa ndebtedneaof <h. pouy beilavbng that ail con- w em ork should ha provfded for aitr jnes.iCaneauetly t%* *eI t"st If a bond ta- .sXiearaie4 apon It wll hea s smll "W buosesof Oie CoriProducs BoW a m oy shows an Improye- USt sud tha Company ls Oow grind- day_ -Notwlthstandlng th. business tepq0 the arnnoal report of tise to#byieaxpected te reveal a fair ll!WJCX 15 RACINES MAYORj Min' Weil Known More Rs.eacýed for Raine l4eadahhp. (Vwem Weaedsie9SUU.) Raina,- Wlt., Âprll6.-Pullteturua bc* elaven precinctta is tise city ai- oct e. J., Horlick (Repi), mayor. John I*Igler, assessor; Leaihe M. Fow- Wo, elork. Tise republicans elet Pao ilidrinen and th. demorats three. 7Fer cotbty Judge Max W. Heck re- colvs 2.302 maJorit over Thomais Hardy; William Smel.îtng ta îlecteil municipal Joige, wthit, îiliqposition. G. J. Zlrnmerman was celî' ' cunty suprntendeot of schola witiout op- oltIomi. Barnes, supren - Justice, ct 987 votes In te ûctt Vote for atate superîntendant In cily, Cary. 547. W. W. Rowlands, justice of the leea,. (Rap), eected wlîhout oppo- stion.1 RECORD H 0 F PERCHý Koierplme n uded 5M0 Pound@ thîs Morning on Suisnsa Firit Lift. (ram Wadnesdsy's Sun.) TIe lergest htu of percit that hums 1 -- broutt into Waukegan harbor ta tbas yeRs, w»a inded thîs mot-n lcby C. Kopperan atnd son. Thei »1 totafed 620 poomsanmd ta an ex.- oa»"*aaly arge aise. It was the' fit-ei Rif mode thig ymr andi nets a recor-t th" vini b. tard to beat M»ofaitIsa ftahtng boats tcf t the' à~*o thla mornlng on account oi Me bamvy gae. Tisa harbor presenteut aquiet aperaoce.1 UlT TO PROSECUTE HlM 1%@ m of ai Eoe, oino, under nsmt Ibr smbi" imitAs a home be HON CHAS. WHITNEY Lakte cauntys candidate. He shouidba ane 0f the three ta be elected. An able attorney, represcrntatîve citizen and honored menber of the bar. Mr. Whitney shouid have the support of Lakte count>' voter*, by thie urne token Lakte caunty shautd have anc of the judîciai represientatives in the ditrict. 1 "1 Whitney.Wright and Dnnelty acem ta be the three candidates In Oreatest favor in tls caunty, and hy vtîng for thern you wil make no miste. * o * o * o * O * i. * O * O * o * o * * o * O * * * o * i * i * o O * O * JUDGE WFIIGI-iT. t o* O ~ t..nfow lth~'.~' A judge who has the reputatono îptIgbsna ltcutme l- am *0 obuffl .0* MOM erapidly than any ather judge whô eve* preided in LM* oemy. Wb 1M0 a ~~~ll' ~ o'Jny wili make a great mîistake unie"s tii>' »a te li t tht Jldp Wrllhtlet 1 l) and re-alected. IRUCION-OFNEW LUNE UP I#UCRTIONEurI____ 7JON FORI3TOLD "Af:e Yestrday's ior PRO7IET JOHN BROUCK WHIO lAS LIVED IN WOODS WÀ1TINEi FOR RAVEN TO FIND HlM LIXE ELIJAH MAÀKES PROPBECY Generaî Exodus of Fattawers ot Man Whq Clîirns ta Be lnsptrea la ta tait. Place Before April 28, When New Beer Says That City of White Doe Witt Be Swept Off the Face af the U.rth and Became a Place Bar- ren and Bewn Wîth Sait. Does Not Tell Mains of Destruction. That ZMon Cty wtll be itisiJi off te face of Oie earth in a grnŽttetili.t leare the clty if liec xislîî'thk;li teu'ajii worldly gooda , isti'eiroîitii-ey ofJothn Itrouclu.theiee it Z'ion (il>tN i,'* this mot-ing Broîîck tia l',-iliNiiig lu tli' woods about Zionîil . vutti Mti exi- treout' oui wi-slltiý.cî oming to liii hoine only at rare iriieNsals [lie ti- Hleves tiat like the îîroîîit(ifut nd tht' MANUFACT[JRING CITIES 0F IL.LINOIS (lt'om WedneRas aSun t The principal mantifacttir 1ng cjttteý and (o% ns ofIllintois,. wth tltetr ont- put,- for I(1 are as ,)ttows: Alton $ 8~i.l Bellevile Bloonington l'hamîîaign Chtcago Danville- 1ecatuî .... E. St. Louis Elgin .. . . . Pt-eeport.. 7.329,012 * 5777,0630 * 486,221. 955036277 1, 7304,1201 8,667,302 -. 37,578,198 9,249,271 3,109,301 ravs il ti nliconle tii hîni anti teed Itîttît Tiht ta neti lias tnt yet suit-tu tciit itioc tti, ltrimi itil anitilewilllttg (il %w at. lie' 5035 (bat eetaitmestsages lia' e cont 0hi ni antti t lZioti ('I y Sill bi- di'sttttoyid, w1i itil tilt the tmal). Thli ili t Ii-liats Ittivd iltIti- itott ilitS ct-d a gtii it-litît orîti tfti' titi. t iti tiifiil -(.11w itil,.a ' it t. Ilirt hent amti fattil., i tt ia ill .amniutg Candidates for chaizimea etthe forthcomtng meeting are samuita be Mttbew' Horuberger of West Deer-- field and John Sutherlatnd or Nauke- ' gan. - Benton--lltraot, Ferry, Jr., elected yesterday. Newport-Weich, e'Iccted yenter- -day. 49 rTHEE BE I'EACE" SAYS ROAU te hy Fms Kick le Oro=ce iTÉAM ROADS FOLLOW SUIT dil is. iiI"li.iîi Samuel Blackieir, of Laike Forest, la thé new superviser from Shields i,a i- îîlîgahuolifIi-N ilio township and the SUN congratulatas the votera of that tawn upon ther viiiçi *i ta tiiithi,- 1' gi'tuiîi selectian. Supervîsar Appleton hus autlved hie uiieiulness an the board. tii iiitîiîî t ~i(l bt Ibi- Mr. Blackler is a splendid main d durlng a pravicus service as supcirvisor it-t111ti(tii tîi ti r nociji lie- does îepreeented hi& township better than it han been since t-oIto,1hffif ,l itl orue, b> it-n HeNe i !the calibre which imeures proper administration of the paopils Iiidori. iii lii iincfe but hc ta nîght affaire. IHe enjays the respect af men. Ha e lot sublect ta Indîscretions i ltt i.i t i liii gîftIof iîtoluieiy whicl, destnoy hîis usefulîneas. Mr. Blackier wili receive a most hearty welcame an the Board anl pravo lu.... 2,217,77l-lOIS ane af its best members. lo)lit ...33788 700 ~ I budt Sugar Coffee and Te& K a nkai1,i, . 2,089,143 I aasudt as> that the lowering of the dut>' an sugar tram 1 cent and Ki'aipi6.-'2D.381 ninety.flva onehundredhtti of 1 par cent, the present rate undar the Dingle>' [,ai S 3i .1 s 3872 . ,ta one cent and nînety one.hundchredths of 1 pcr cent, as Per the Payne titicii i 11,248 bilil, ta in reality a reduction that wîlt satisfy the universal demand for relief f-arn taxation mpcn an article that ta in unîvereai use. M'Il liei:.î( 42 tilasf.i 7.t20l t is estîmated that the annuat pet- capita consumrptian of su-jar in-the 1,iîî 12 1,13() United States la about 80 paunds. This "lawerlng" of the rate of dut>', as- ileiiria i 111 suming that thýe prIce af sugar ta the consumer would b. propotionately (iiii-2 i 1)7 .1.2 2 1i cduced-which lt wôutd nt-would resuit in a savtng of atmost one-third liefie(l 15. 27 6, 1 '- cf a cent par month ta each cf aur 90,000,000 cf inhabitants, an the fabutous Rock Itlantti 5, 33.u*-,!f 7cum at 4 cents a year! SIîningtiî-id .5 ,G 9, g%7 l, It ta ha imaglned thut an>' member af ltier house of Cangrets will St reator t .518.894have the hardîhood ta go back ta hie people when their extna ssincae %'aikegaîî l3,961,51. nd tell them tis @tor>' of tarlff recluctian on sugai'? Or thit, ta secure a. Thei'lntiiat triocý fni hi-tiitheut' oit traduction, oan tea swetening It becamne necessar>' ta tas tea ttelf 8 ta 9 ond mtaniîacilng niy. at-e tntri etsprpud havei'inr-easedl17 lier cnt ln ive cns aI pud years. TIeti'p-ntcitalI tdtryoleit- There are mnany strange inequalities in a tariSf bill; but for genuine humair tilleul liqîzore. of whttFh 78 lier tn't nathing has evar been attempted in tariff tagîslation that equals the sugasr at-e prodiîîed tii're. provision of the Payne bill.. ý1jù"VjTHE ALEX HEIN O 1.Tremendous Easter Bargan Grn olcinFriday and Saturday ýjo Ladies' jumper The $5.00 Kind, Dresses in ail the Latest Shadea, 3peciaI Easitar 5argain Spectal $L.98 Near Post Office ---Waukeg.n, W. $3 48 Un maa'aII.d Psr ea iem.e gu Viau» en W ue' EAYTER SUITS EASTEROGOATIS $1000 Butta, most surprising va- Our Easter Butta at $10.00 are a Ladies' Coats, made ta tetl At Ladies' full length Spring Coats, lues for - auEster surprise toa att Fine materlis, $6.00 in tan and otherI29 bargatn Msale .. s98 atin tîned, new spring modeta, Sprtng thades. Specîi finest matertals, latent shades; OurEaser itàat*8.75 are the neyer befare sOuh o *1.oo Costs, lncluding handsoma Coets, mode ta, salI at $15»0and tait of the community. One suit bai'gains ...............blackt broadcloths, choice '1f en- i20.00, the chance of a lIfa hunrednewone hae j St r enatianal sate on Easter Suitta tira assartment at aur kaster trne t ...st10 rived ta seil at this price. TheY at $18.00. Wonderfutly taw pric- Bargaîn Sale $10.e aepre ..... came tn fine matertals for d cot dertng the quality of price.......... aepte.......... Spring wear. Excep- . C ths arins orne waattex ttanally 10w pricad. ,...75 tJmaodels areeintuded. They camne OhiIdPIi'S p#4àg Jaaelw a Immense lot af new Easter "ota in fineat French serges, chtffona, Ecletqatymtras adaeyttnedn taei saliat$15.00. These gar- panamas, Nwoatede, Prunetia Exeen qai tynuc mat Filayando Satr...... .... ment& are our spectaity, and witl ctath tn tact AUl the finbst mito- e- ilidcmnsFla n 3udY....... befud&acIs n the Annex. This riaits for sprtng wear; guaran- Chiidren'a Coïts far Bpring, newEaster -1.48 ltne comprisei the gretest se- teed satin itntngs,; htgh-class destgn*, choice....................................... faction af garment$ at this price warkmanahtp. Our rogular US ever brought ta Wau- ul!te. Speciat Easter Gharala N w aaoe D e kegîn, spectai .......... $15 bargain et ..............e ~~ Chudren's Confirmatton Eau- Beautiful Silk Foulard Dressas, ter Dresses, sait lustrous finish, min>' hand- 1h. Preablemnof 0E sier lMat Worth $2.00, fine white - 8 0moitY1014 $1500 values, 9p la na prblomn at a11 ance yau came here and se thiebasaet $3.9, aer8C pci c s- Eier....... $498, Ç$5., etc. Shali t be a ornait or large hat, litgf or îaw crawn, Fine Lingerie Dosasse,$5 a deshing titltd brim, ar one that draape dernurel>'; a fiawer creattan lues, for EatrS 8 ChdrnsLster Dresela* or asismple yet effettvety trimmed hat-a showlng o tastefui, 50 et .........t. .8 hlna s a te.0rnlDrn lsesmae pretty and withali reasnabi>' prtced compared withi what others $10.00 811k an~d Nuns Velîng ter»lauts for Spring j eu auk. Choice for Frlday ) < ~ t iO Drasses, bargain prkee matce alue atrng. . b attwdny ....-&.. .e3.981A)Op .989 5.98 for Easter Sale..-598Js7hon vlu e. i.sttor Suriala Sale on Walsts S100 Waiste, handeornely em- broldered; ail- coored , Wasit a for hou"sas. £25c 11our Sale on Wlis In ordor ta, give the people tramn out of tawmtheti. pportunit>' ta escure omso s peciai waist bar- gIn$ we wll put on sale for ans houe Friday and Baturda>' morin-10 tea Il-an Immense lot af besistful waista ln fine lawns, b" atfuUy emrolradered, walts mode te aslI nt 11.50, for th@o Xa*lionalbargaînLi pria. fetw tb one hour..69 Mandeoffl eLown and Lingerie Walotg, beautifully ernbrodered, mUm lin .ellAt 13.0 and ,. affi-fe< <aMur 1speciiils In -Our Annex $1.00 Blackt Underitirta, chaice of the entire lot, speclal...........35 $2.00 White Petticoats, handormel>' embrotd' ered, cheap nt ......8 Ladies' Nightgowna, arn Fine crisp French Voile Skirts, wa have the n i main aure and amnextpécioI nt.. . ...... .......... e 500 white Pettlcoats,2 9 250 Corset Cavera, special---------........ 15 50CcCorset Cavera, speciat----------------..29c Ladies' Lawn Kimonas, .18C *paclai-----------.... Fine Panama Siirte, neati>' trlm- med; speoiai Eastar 1.É% Zsal barg.n at ...... e Prices Cut on Spriug Sho~ "Wadt eo en d rCiidrmh'a-1 Shoas go on sale Friday Asn 0& turda>' at a raductioli of train 20c ta ...........2 c A ComplteLUne of Sprtng Oxfords n tan, atent and duil leathea Moon handwenq aline, MWMe. ee e UI7 4usQaLJys Ek~esAtiocli 4'rant Kennedy, elected 3 eeti'riay. Grant-Grahani, hld ovOr. 19ANY CHANGES APPARENT Aon H. il. Edwardi5 r(.etecte'd. Warrcn-Frcniont (10w, iioi river. Some towns Oid Not Have Town Elec- Wau kegan- Con rad, re-eledPes- tions On Supervisora Vesterday. con,, newly eloceod. Ntherland alid Detals aof Board Wàlch wilI Organ- Dayton, botd overs. Ize in Aprtt and tElct Chairman. Shetdg-Samiie l taî-kler. clected Tais of Candidates for Position It yeterday. sa Reported. lttertyvitle-Ml Iler, hotd over. Il 1"emont-Nleyer, r-'lie. i ( Froiu Wednesday's Sun.) Wauconda -Raytiond. hotd river. 1to1iowtiig le the peso nof tir ti baIl ljnt aney, hoid rive'r. 11.'w' tuant or rierlioî ater the.' tlla-Flcke. Itokl river. i-Ici(,loies su i s tie board willt ap- Vernion-Qtienitin., laet chdtrntan e (al r o ie igallIzat ion takes jplace. ont )hot d over. Ni-n rt.;wiltatitear and there h; tici Il('Id- 'tati kr,, ties]y eetied aî chti' nan t" lii' ehoseit at ti(!or- yetstt-ay I. M. Prietr, titlit uvtr. gaizailoi nceting sotnte tii' tibIs West.)eertit-ld- M tlnrtibirger, îîînth. holdu-oier. U, Imm. TIIE LAKE OOUNTY- Fm r 1