Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1909, p. 3

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L-AKr SO]TY 11qDePVMDRWq, TRIDY, APRIL 9,,1909 - Notice of Baie. The old Warren M. E. churoh aud con tenta wili now b. sold by the trustees of the UIrayalake and Warren Mi. E. eburcb. Anyone wishing to purcbaae the smre pleame apoly to R. W. Churchill, aecrtary, Grayolakeansd Warren M. E. ehurch trustees. fi. W. CitUaCLL, WeY, Bd. Trustees. <rayslake and Warren M. E. church. Grayslake, Illuols. 2 OUR PRICE LIST MILk per quart 6c. per pint 3c, Cream " -»,20r, per "12c, s-a1,e pat ........ ..6c,« quart, .........4c. Cottage Cheeme per quart.------6c AU. GOODS DEUVERED Gooda obtinable ai factory et &It times. special orders for Ice Cream flled TUE GYSL4IKECEAMERY -- l-----------------------. II 1 JUST IN TIME 1 Curtain Stretchers with stitionar niokie plated pins, 2 in f rime Specilai790 Curtain Stretchers with idjustable pins, two in f rame SPeola$ 1 -39 R!GioNALD 13. GODI'RY, G3RAYSLAKIE, IL OUR~ SODA FOUNTAIN WILL BE OPENED EÀS UNIY, ÂPRIL Il Grayalake Fbmarnay, Florence J. Druce, Propriator "qe i "aent ml home ieversl styles of the BAILDWIN PIANOS 1 Invite fou Io Cal! and e. PR ICES IN TH4E REACH 0F ALL GeORe E_ STRANG. IJdstkar amd U cosd Embabue ûKMYStAu(. IUJNOIS SprNg ifllllutr 11< ÂLL TUE !NEW SHÀIR'E4AND erfADES Wjll be pleased to have SUi My oid 'customers ciii sud wili be glid tw velcome new anes. miss EItsbetI fles At Knebker & Iloeinas FREMONT Lizzie and Cernie Wirtz entertainedl cornpany fromt the city a lew days lest weei. tir. and Mrs. George Hertel epent Sunrdey et Libertyvitie. Mnnie Sinwcine, u Cîriragnu, visited wbbth find e besSunday. Gnra Trtnîs, iciWaukeýgan, le iiting ithr2îaendsand rrlntnree a ew dace ne t. GimnRiIrrng, f Itou rrd L.rnie sle.rt tast wo-ek wrtb b4r nitrer, MIrs. lirrîter. ui Icauhoe. Berthe Behmn returned Iimîne Srturda.y after a fewdays' visit a th Irbend8 ru Chicago. Carnie Wagner, of Round Laie, wasea Fremont calter Snndey. Bennie Wagner, o! Waukegan, i viil- ing witbhiel brother Pbittip and faurity. Lena Dietz spent Sunday at hume. RUSSEL Tires will be an Easter soctable lu th@. cburc BSaturday evenimg. Supper wiIlý be eerved tram six until ail are servea. Ther. wilttbe an Raster progratu 'Sun. Sday aveing la whlcb everyone la imvitsd. R. E. Lewin "pet a portion o! 1h. wesk with bis iamily at J. R. Convis.' tira. R. G. Murrieanmd Doris attended the ldie' saclety at Gurmes lest Tirure day and,visîted R. W. Cittsnden's !emliy mmd durlug bW absence Mir. sud tirs. Frani Gelem. lire. King. L. J. glocuru aud a young man from Hiarvard came to viail ber. ILR. G. urie and son, Robert, are on lb.esici list. tire. I. L. Siver sput a few daya lu Chicago ast wsek. tirs. E. P. Slvsr was a Waukegan visitor Salurday. J. R. Corrna and IL E. Lewin were Kenoeha villo arstlurday. tir. and lira. E. J. bdmie pont SUD- day lu Kenosha witb h zrparse'ta A "ret muny attencied the funeral of Ilir. Forman on Mlorrday, also the fumerai of tire. V. Dietz on Satu rlay. tirs. G. A. end Mt ir,F.l ivercmwere Racine viaitors last Thlîea v The yaung peuple gave Mm. F. L. Neweil a surprise Inn ylest Trursdey nigbt, the occasion Uhi.rg lier tnrthday. Att report a fine trrnre A Birthday Surprise. Leâst Tnesday niglin. Mjc, I10,liillie Corris planmedeund irtire hnb11) outIbis aut, tirs. L. M. tinîrrer, exnutr.d a ins surprise ou hie mothenr, Mre. A.C. Cordeo. About eight oeclrrck tire family vere rîuietly sitting erourrd eetnng pupcoru when tire. Sonner uîpeucr tire kitchen door sud came in. At tîre seme time e crowd St tb. front donor ruebed lu. It wes a Coe surprise aud att the more sa by th. absernce ofilin. Corrne, ho going to Chkcago that mnonning and did ual relurn tiret ntght. Those prosent rwere: Dr. Lewin, Mise Browe, Miss Amy Arnes, irs.0. A. tirer, tir. and Mms. E. A. Reeves, tir. andwUrs. H. F. Siver, Lyman Nowefl. tir. and tir. R. G. Munrie, Bobert William sud Doria, David Murrls ie, ÜmDonner, Mr. sud tir.. 1. L iver, li. nudtir@. E. P. Siver, Imes, Ailes anmd tiudred Sirer, tir, sud tire. J. B. Corzis sud Aiesud A"a, Willie and Ira sCorna sund Iies Radia ftlley. . assewers playad sud Iovely refresiruamcs vere eerved. Al depmrted aIsa laie bout nlbug tire.Conris mmny mars happy irt$dayo. tir. F. là. Fritt14 Oneonla, N. Y., writes: "My lit$lbe s!wasgreatly bene- fitled hy takiugfoleja rina Laxative, and 1 thinkitila th. best remedy for constipation sand liver trouble."' Foleyle OrionoLaxative l hebo ast for wonuen and ciflirena a, 1hmuid. pismaansd effective and laa silsdld spriug medi- clu., as ià céaufes lhe system, and eans lb. compisxion. Fa.uoe B. LoYELL. W*ddlng etia0ery doue il fthe UiDPENDM~T oMe lacorect [RAYSLAKE DI3PARTMENT I Orders Taken for Job Work Advertlslng Rates On Application Urs. Emmons and family moved infio Jeus Longabangh te now mouting a the John Hook bouse thia week. cr.Sted heron whicb je a very pretty bfrd. Steve Phillipa wbo ba@ been drlving À quantlty of shavlnas suitable for for Dr. Palmer baaccepted a position beddlnu or coverirrg ie at hail price. St tbe 9. L. (arfield store. Inqulrs at GBAYsLAJCE PHRMÀCY. lJncle John Brewer i8greatly lmproved lm Ze6 Ma"eyev le pendlng the weeIr lu health. of vacation o! ber rchool with her pare-nte Jeanette Ermmons and her brother, se Chcago. Robert, wbrj bave been vjsiting relatives DruIg Store Uines. at Antjioel the îraet tIve weeks, retnrned ajr nove lieaurre baving abig sale horme Monday. just Dow. W.. are glad tu report that Wayne ihngmasni radsosou Harvey is eriuchi mproved. fisbrng tackle. W.ý Ilit, ean ie ir ne of Fran Lawoi)ha8 emined ispsi .lues, reele, tbooks, rt, Frark Lweonhasreegnedhiepos- EFuter dyes to arrnu-c thc bidren, tlie ti,,n at the S. L. Car field store., cn ts a package. Geo. Edwardm, oi Hickory, visited his A fultlfime of Spaltîrg'm balls, bats, sister, M.rm. A. W. Harvey, Monday. glovesansd mitt3 Cure bi and get a Mîeeee Mande, Mary and Inez Toules catalogue.. ul Ciiagu, viejted therr parente here Dottre ta rlchlager ha.- Sunday. charge of orrr optncail epartrnent every Sererali rom here attended a concert Monday. Cor n uand cee hlm. ar Gages Corners Saturday evening. tMr. Our soda fonntaiun wil hbe oirened for Lobdell trok a îoad over. the neason on Ear.ter Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Wright la viitlng friands in Grayslake Pharmac'v, F. .J. Diti.cie, Prop. Oak Prk tiâ wek. r@. Suais Whitehead djed et her home OakPak hi wed ber. Tueéday &lternoon at the age of 84 The flrm ni Kuebier & Hoem bhave years. 8be la generalv, known as g isolved partnersblp by mutna.l consent. Grandra Whit.ehead. F uneral Frldiy Ole la going t0 farma at Long L"@eand st one o'clock at the G ray slake Congre- Henry will continue toconduçt thestore. gatonal chnrcb. Have yon read the AmEicRAx Wiau L. Frank tjranaacteri business in Chrl- FENCz Co. ad. Il wlres, 58 hnches higir, CfflO MondaY. 88 rents. Baverai hunters were ont from the city Mies Riley af the prlmary <tpartment Over SIuday. se spending ber vacation at ber home Misselinrietta Meade je visiting ber South 0o! Chicago. aunt, tire. Martin, near Lake Zurich. AT Tiff1IWLSTOR Watehes, Clocka and'Jewdry Repaird Ail Work Cuanteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptly Fiwe W. H. MOORE C-" lb Brainard's Qeneral Store +SATURDAY IS OUR OPENINUG DAY + On April 10, 1909, we open our general store in our new building, which enables us to carryp a complete stock of goods and give our friends and customers the best of service. Cookies and Crackers leas and Coffees We are agents at this place for the National Biscuit Co. of Chi,.>pecials for 4SaturdayJ The buying of the best Teas and Coffees la something f0 which cago, the largeit rnanufacturers of crackers and cookies. Eight bars Santa Claus soap................ .. ........ 25c 1 pay the stricteat attention. EverY package niuat bave its right faste, Uneeda Biscuit, three packages ............... I Oc Package Corn Flake breakfast food .8c flavor and cleanineas before it is perniifted fa go ta a cutomer, *Nabisco, assorted flavors .................. I Oc Can of "Little Peoples" Corn ..............7 Famous Tycoon Tea, per pound........................... 50e fIZu Zu, per package................... ............... ..... 5c One botf le Squires Catsup ............... 8c Best in the miarket, two and a quarter pounda .......... $ 1I.00 Prernium, per package........................ ... ....I1 Oc Kingsford's Starcb. per package ........ .....8 c Sun Cured Tapan Tes, per pound.......................... 40e AFiagNe astito f oieper pound .......... ...................Oc____________________ Good as most 50c feas, two and fbre.fourtha poundi S 1 .00 Threc pounds for ................................. 25c F E E = A U D Y = R EC n e o d Bottie Goods five Twenty.rive Pound sticks of Ceresota !lour We arc headquarters for Sprague, Warner L Cos canned goods. Olives, if uffed or plain ..............I Oc f0, 25c Every peison taking a purehas will be given a coupon on The quaif y la unqueafionable and the priea wifhin reaeh of al, f.Pickles, ail kindi, per bottle . .......... ....... I Oc which f0 write hisanale, At 8:30 p,. m. cd person whose naine la Catsup, per botle.............................1 Oc to 25c la drawn will bc given a sack o! Cereota Flour free, Ceresota Flour TRY OUR FRESII AND SAIT MEATS f. ~Jeffies and lams. peu bottle............. Oc to 25c makes the best breadi goes the bathest and once used ilways used. We Carry, the Largest and Most Complete Line of fruits and Vegetables in Round Lake ,f.We Extend a Cordial Invitation to each person in Round Lake and Vicinityj to visit Our Store Saturday and Receive an Ice Cream Soda at Our Sanitary !ountain CHAS. . BRAINARD,- ROUND LAKE, ILL* x 1 l f *4++,4 i i î â1;ý è&ê1 â4 &+ê1 1 ï èiî+ i f f ;ý4 àèé 4 &4 &i î WADSVORTH. A joyfml Eûtertide to ail. tir. James Porter who bas4 been in the Jane licAlister bhospitel h;mucb im. proved and will be aible t enorne borne soon. W. Bain, ni Racine, wee a caller iu the village Tueeday. Blanche Llnkenbeld and Gladym Horen of Wankegmn vlslted friends Sunday. Frank Shea and L.eo Lti @pent Sun. day lu Chicago. Mir. andlMrs. I. Siver, of tRus8ecl, vieited at the Waddsll home test week. Dr. Lewin iâ testing cattie ru thie vicinity. Wrn. Penderand daughtzer, Dllie., have moved on their farm north of tulimmell Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Shonr. are thre happy parente o! a laby girl. tirs. Meyer@ and triend epenit Suuday et the cottage. Page HilIl l 8erirrg ebep lor James Bartiett. Mike Lux who bes bhen confllud to bis home for several daye§ with a sevece attack of la grippe le ranchb etter. Mesdames N. Brown and J. Meyers. uf Pleasant Prairie, viKited relatives boe Sunday. John Shelly was a city vistor lest Saturday. John Berst, lire telephone maintainer of tbehie ago, Milwankee & St. Peut whilison bit way ta Chicago Saturday wltrb bis molor car bil the misfortuDe to striâtea atone ou the track throwing tirs car off and damaging it quie bedly. He rselived llghl Injuries. A pleaseant surprise party was given Saturday evenlnig aIltre homne o! Martin Luxin Inonor of bis son Marrrice'e 21et birtirday. Progresive encirre wa layed and tire nai prixawarded. Adelcione supper was eerved afier whlcb ail kind@ of gamet were played and ail departed to their bornes having @pont a very enjoyable eveng. GURNEE. Miss Flov Dixon spent Snndey alter- noon wltb relatives boe. Mise IrenelBower, of Crystal Lake, is vfieiing et the lilley home. tire. turne and dauzh;er, Donris, of Russell and tirs. Barnteble, of Laie Arlea, wore griete of Mrs. Chittenden tire latter part ut the week. H. H. Corbet vieited et hie home ru Princeville over Sundey. Speclal music te being prepered for the Eester services et tire rburch Bunday morning, Geo. We8eel retururd home from the hospital Tbursday. (lea. Daiziel ettended the uerai oi a cousin at Elgin Sumday. Mr. aud tir@. Win. Duuham eutertatned Compay ira n Waukegan and (irayeleke Sund mv.- Mditse Floy Hawkins in at home froin Phattville, Wis., for a short vacation. tirs. Appleyardentertainedirer motber, Airs. Gea. Hunebinson, of Waukegau, tira last ai the waek. Wllard Hanmilton, of Rollins, vislted at Dllley'o receatly. tir*. Jennle Lec Io l entertainlmg ber ssler.ln-law, tire. Leach, of Roger's Park. lire. Throt. MoCuhhough tirm.Wlir and tirs. Boy Bracher enltmlned tire Ladies' Aid Socety atihe borne o! lire. tioCullough, Thursday. Supper was gerved la about' nlinety. Neit meeting1 wlll b. at the home of tirs. Leachr, May BIb. Ots Murray, o! Jobnsburg, was Ilu town Baturday mftrncoo. tirs. Edwaud Luai made a business tripla orCaego tiouday.1 Lest Saturdmrallernoon Iiss Roha Buson gave a party te about forty of M rs. Geni. Jackson called on frian Mlburu tionday. Will Kennedy. o! Waukegau, qu Sturdey and Sumdey bers. M r. andtire. H. Heudricié and a @eet Sund"y at Lake Villa. Henry Dowe and famlily bave «MÏ frorn Waukegeu and are livingila19 Tonyan's new bouse. Rohi. Daltiel spent Suuday là £loi Clarene Ruh visited over Btudayq, hie father. Tha local polticiana were s bore Tuesday, election day. Tb@ id was close and some o!mur r candidates were beaten by s b rnajority. Dr. Bropby "pnt Sundmy at bshW Wilt Tomyam wu&a aChicago lsl oms day lest week. F. E. Adamse, of Miulwaukee, m"i business cati ber. TuWsay. Harry Lusk vieited Lyun Murrie Ti day. Jcre Fiz acarlied to Oklahomas day to tris fathers eick bed. Severel new buildinks are nemi rnnrpletiom iu Rôund Laie at preseal Don't forget the REater dmne A manun ros b al Rester Monday, Muilton Lttwiler viitied frieuda cago Snnday. Arthur Shober vistted friands la p mont Sunder. Amrtîucmi WjRss ENcE Cç>. isc great vatues lu fence. Ses adi. 12,W 58 inchee bigir, 84 cents. "Doesn't Speudar evu, Myiy *q cold cashT' ý "No; It burus lubhm pote.t,"- land Leader. A WEST FREMONT. E. J. llretz and femtly, of Grayetake. and Mr. ad tire. Fredhornes of Laies Corners, spent Snnday at Wenseh Dletzsa. tirs. joseph Aikofer is spemding a few1 daYe in Palatine wtth ber de;ngbtsr. tir. mnd Mre. Wilt Lobmam and sonu were vigiting relatives lu Berrington Suaday. There was a etag Party beld et Chas. Nordrneyers Sunday mtght. Richard Dletz wu@ seen ou our etreets Tuesday niglt tira John Lof tus and cildren, of Haimeeville, "pnt Thursday at WIII Lobmausa. Frank Ullrich, Sr., bas takren the lob or bautimg the milk ta Gilmer lngteed of Albert elfer as stated lu hast weeks Items. Mrs. Katie Dietz and cblîdren, of Grayeleke, are spendtng Ibis week with ber perentetir. and tirs. HenryTekampe. Miss Tille Nordmeyer, of Barrlngtom, epenit the latter part of fast wesk viiting et WiII Lohmmn's. Albert Enfer and farnil¶- wereviiting relatives et Foi River Sunday. West Frernont creennery tooi lu over 3,000 pounde rot uili April let. EAST FOX LAKE. (meýr 8ierenàon purchesed ba new rîrrber tire buggy et Round Laie test w.est. Mc. end Mrs. Lee Tweed move i into the. uld pustolfice building lest week. tirs. W. Atwehl, who bas been very siri le slowly irnproving. Frank Galiger w"s a Chicago cîsitor one day lest wesk. tir. and tire Herbert Nelson visited relatives et ticHenry one day lent wesk. tir. and tirs. E. Culver sud tir. and Mre. 8. (Gilbert atiended the fuerai o! BOY Gilbert, Saturday. Miss Knott @pent a fsw dayo the firet ai tire week at tira. E. Cuhver's. tir. and tira. WiU Btrattonsutertaiued several Chicago people over Snnday. The l1111e daugirler of Mrs. jack Wa"e was quits sick lb. lirat of lire waek. Dr. ShaKfer, of Groyle, .was cmlfle. tire. Nellie Wilson, of Zenda, Isairehplng la car. for Mi. Alwel durlng ber slcknas. LOON LAKE Mi-Ss adia Golden la vislling with friands lu Waakegsn. Mise Mary MeCana, of Wmukfgmn, la eujoylng a wssk'sa cation mt boame tirs. E.Shebau n hmaied ber aloter, Mise Cars Omu, o! Chicago, Buaday. 1 Mir, sud Mr&.W. Waters. of Ole, o vlaltrsd Buùda~y wltblMr. and tir. M $heeha. T'he Gonyo fmmUly aremovini la L,". Villa. ber ienâs, tire occaion belug ber hlrtbà- GAGES L.A=C.~ dayr A good tume le reported. by ail prnt. Joa Gonyo of Wauksga lI4 A, .n Frorst bas roturued Wo Volo Sna il rsbohrm sitar spending several weeks et Keuosirs bere. tir. and Mrs. Chas. lteught were Mec- gtre aylo, o!w aukgaber Henry rallere Thureday o! lest week. ln te we rt e auita Wm. Dillon was ln Wlaoneln a couple MisVd TalrofWus o! das recntlyvieited relatives bere over Bunday. Unr. Paul Avery, nf Lake Villa, was a Mr.Sas fOkPr.l vigitor et the Robt. Paddock home lest r. sdearle, otOam Prk.1 ri week. conidyerabetiome t ihfrm. l Frank Nichols, of Chinago, visited nrfauiuye.c oeoIbr a home fokm a femdaar future.k born foie ie dav lat wek. The Ladies' Aid Society will mailý Miss Anna Compton left bere Seturday the church an Tirrdayr, April 1&. 1 for a stay wlth friends at Milwaukee. work will be qniltiug and everyboé$- Mre. Rd iturnau and chitdren,onf West urged to attend. Fremont, were lu Volo Saturday. There wae a good attendauc 1m The Gunue W. C. T. U. eclîl ruet with concert Saturday evenîng.trs AInea E. Roes, Wedueaday forenoun, krndly loenmd lber piano for thre coees Apri1 14,1909. Picnrcdinner. Dr. BubnbmwibbrSl, Mir. and tirs. Wm. Roming and sonr(t)ecenu April litb tocondn8clqm Round Laie, attended church hler.. Sun- rcouterence and on Sundae moraa day forenorrr. anirinieter communion. tire Laura Huson and tises Elshinî Sinnth an-e gueste of relatives et Prince- INGLESIDE. bran, 111. ---------------------- . -------------------- sumd Pieso lberpm Lunohe ansd X"m ved il mSU hôura CANDYCI EL A. LOI'T.. epd , -Gy U& goak We = i

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