4 LAKE- OOUWTY INDI LAKE COUNTY INDEPIENtbENT [_____ OFFIIAI PAPR 0 LAK CONVE. Kirchner and famiIy have moved to ________________________________________________ Lake Bluff. Orlâ. Toiephone No. . i Etorti Remideace Telephone No. 1iii. Lbertyile Eeehange Band coincert et the Union church tiei Matered a&thtie Postofler, i'Ct Ltbertcs'ille. t11, am Second Class Marer Thur@day evening. IStSOW5*Kt.,. AI)V5itTlsliYG iTêl MADE astiWruON APPi'iit 11,15 Wili Decker, af Cicazo, @pett unday OUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE witb relatives lie. E. R. Shapter. of Highland Park, W"a FRANK H. JUSr .........._........._...... ........ ..... ..... Editor a viitor bore Tuemda.. E.M. KELLEY ...._...... ... ..... _................ ........... .... City Editor Frank Davison. of Paw Paw, Ili., ban teen vimitirug hi,&iamutler boettre pat FRID Y, A RIL ), 109- eek. FRIAY AP ILmisei Carnie Laiîke.y, of Chicago, a AL^-KA-UKO-P-A [PC E-POS-TI0-N---visitiug ai tiieiioiie ai ber brîitber, Somebody has remarked that att expositions since the great Paris and Atu akyteps ek Chicago shows have nerety donc over &gain what had been donc betore. Thre LaketidJe Femeter.v Asociation wilii neet with Mr@. Acheti on Friday The Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition ai Seattlee s going to be different. It i atternoon, April I. There wsill b eewing. flot going to ha an exhibit of the known, but ot the unknown, Hear the' "dry" side af the que'stiomn Those who planned tht, year's show absumed nothing lets than the tank diésfssd Iy Cuîiiîen ret the town bal, of introdticing that haIt of the wortd which in devetoped aimost to the iextTuediyniiht A Ladies' Quartette ultimate, to that other haif which, by comparîsen ls devetoped not at ait and wiii soing. which, for centuries te corne, muet be the flied of the world's greatest work. The W. C. T. U. wiiinmept at the honte Beattles exposition witi bring together the Occident and the Orient an fetch of Mrs. Margaret Moore, Tuesday, Aprîl nd 1 3tb ai 2:30. Snbject, 'A Mothera Alsaka from the north te know them both. It will assemble the Istands and Ovpprtunty." poloples cf the south *sas, go that Tagal may look at Siwash mad the. world The Ladie' Aid ot the Preshyterian know each au hi la. Aso the trasterner may look upon peopies and scontes of eburch wiil have a bakery «Jie Satnrday is own country that ho knows not. atertoon, April 10, at 0. 1. Luce & Co. This la the fundamentai difference between the Alaska-Vukoen.Pacleficinrnitore etore. show and lts prudecessrors. But thene are others--the exposition wil be ready L. C. DuBois bas opened a harnees re open on timte. lit wos ninety-flve per cent compieted threo menths before repair shop on Bprague street opposite thre Pester biacksmtbs@hop in ihe routa th. opsning date, Juin let, and it did met asit the United States government tîirmerly occupied by Leu. Drury'e barber for rnon.y. Equaily surprlsing la the fact that the hotel ieepers of the ex, @hop. position city have made an iron-ciad agreemnent met te raiese their raties. îIf>'otienjoy a good speech, wittiy and The raitroade expect te carry 2,000,000 people to Seattle this suanmer. humorouw, convincing and persuasive, They wiii soi the met novet, and what Chrles Dans Gbson has pronounced bear the YOungZ machbniet orator ft to be, the mot heautitut exposition ever pianned. Adsicao AIre,. t h o al Janatbao Edger,ofiLiverpýoot. Engiand. SHOULO STAND DV AGREEMENT. arrivod boieTue8day and willi 1wont- Att the candidates for the repubtican nomination for Cierk of the Ilci.tid at tire Wetnîod Farinaof .loeph Illinois Suprerne Court last summer made their cannpaign upon the Mediii Patt'rstîn Hio iormorly iirtd on slogan, 'tut out the fee systemn; put the cterk on a satary." J. McCann thr iýtfrnadhemn red Davis was nominated. This dectaration ceas geeatiy favored by the people. Under the nid tMr, trois, oiii iiai, l'rolliîer oii system of tees the job ceas paying trom $25000 ta $50000 a year and thec ai-;rder iii ý iirientors at tît Ille rm-gia clent et the court cas making fa r more rnîney than the judges or the rietiiig lat Thîirstilan'm-iiimgut ti attorneys who were practicîng before the court and the people ceho had e.-eiral inîstrumîîental eeleetiiîus tiiit ae-5' cases in the court were payîng the bilts! liieil iu1ipreît etd and app;laiildd it I Upon this came piattorm, J. McCann Davis made his campaîgn for rtt the clerkahîp nomination and weon il and cas elected. A billcas recently ,i,-i, etri-tt it ait' , i ix ii'il'il ititi. introduced inte the tegislature providing a satary of $6.000 a year for the Li iiirtu til le ii irtoiiry ai-lin Court lii-aied in the- m'a- J. EiTritrir.cuti clerk, the rest et the meney to be turned it the statle treasury. If re- îi'iiiin Suiaîiired mtrm'ete and sigut porte freen Springfield are truc, Mr. Davis sn opposîng that bill on the 1iiîts ii naillage' iuprarenîent that Iround that the change wasn't te be made untît he hadt scrved his teren siîîîîîd fot be tan away. of six yearm T'he. choir af the Md. E. eiiurch gace an The legisature should pass the bill at once. The Ilinois State Bar exî'i'ient entertainment of inusie and ausuclatton sn werking fer tir passage. Mr. Davis won the office ever Kangst tise rureb lait Friday evening. Chris Mmerbereusethelater art adehimeffTite cantata "Eaeter Praise," wsc Chni Manerbecusethelater ad adehimclfrîch with the tee Iewatd ai itheevening servie laut systn. Now lt Davis accept the saiary of $6000 a year or let him Snnday evening in place of abs sermon rutign Und give the jobte se tme main cho wiil stand by his campaîgn and waiexeiilently rendered by a thoir platfoe'm. ai ieive Voces. Board Meting. Annuel Staiemnent of Funda. Thei. Til board mest ie regetar s- STATE OpILLINIt . lion «u Monday svenieg, April 5, 19W1, LLKE Ca ITY j a Prséidia L . 1h Eer preshdieg. The Ta" ofetVernon, eSSecoettoninsoitenisr. mil m caied y th clek su the7Tue f lninatg s a ttsnent by Geo're N roliw, cllsdby he cerk nd he tnentn. upervie, et the Tes'",ot Veeon lu tollowluamwusered preseet: Eger, Cor.Snu enyaaSae.eesl.e ien bot,.Davis, Kaiser, Lynch and Wecits. pbl eisrecelsei l sd expeuted by blOis Thiminetes of the lest reguîannmeeting 3»durlnof ,eiicyl. &uctsel esding ne oiey Mud otose ope"la session erre read by pubie i ninba hnd althae commencement ni tii. clrt. Iovedhby Lynch and Wels =".d. sa dOSS' t ue ent e aine te tbttii. mintes o mspted and pL5iied Suie t fpublifled1,sexpendent sud teor hat on al& Mêtio carried. P= "Ped$&d dnint laiddosaiy*&,.. A pii of theoJ. IgEUTr4m susbdivision se i foem.i& totiilsuolLb.tyilo cs laed To. nMid (eorge Quentin binsdnty .O to tbe viIagi ofsibsetysa wlplac t looê.n.e blcell 1" boe.rdfor lie approval on tiheistb Sàsnsrled . ue soilenereets esqu$o i -bu tret rommittel. "«On.f:assas"s 0 abm hs O sis b",v , l g#iet lii. eplat b t hh me umubM et ths e fi"ds ea elve a mest. af wbcen bonds ta telb. csoures trnu vISeS nedysi0" se If o, PII, of M rnug the ontrer. s' iexcstddsad ruveise fer yhleh tîob »Id gradlng ai the sireoli, bo pre- exPudedes t foM i 4011W t d.éleu, dsOW t 01 the oarmid. aussesats @sosrW ta o. . uti Sle' bjr avl anddai of pruA. D»tlm. ~ rus. is 11I1EaN7m.lHOMTE. mUlesOSfUme Pesce. 0. D. 461arise mpressait aetiihemeet- aocIuVzo. $*Md g brsti hourd a plat of on D ule uis tbu84ue s spw e bktpermission e 10Paues unneg anotacelnocday e Mr.i m 4 ule iliags propOreT soutb ai the rail- lm I eond ar the gravel pi whore a pro - Au5 'n SecS Ce Tees. deilou. dos U stîee;it tehi put tbrongh coe- Ans,22 tas 17 ý.. on e 71etrd C, Tees. Slieq tawnn meti« itb dl eeosd strck. iioved hy tas s90ulm ia Kaise @" Lynch that permission ho Aur 22 Rrd Co, Tees t ilulMa <'miai ni ibI prpeey iîr st-ct A S ied Co Tres.delinti T end pwpom Siuy. IMotcu carriod. T tas lIt0- _ 02 D.....e aetIse permission sets. l17 Lae Ce. Siirent 11 5 t of "ils. hol u te b tise eent Weila 5Sl e o f bime r..onds 17W 00 ,- il12 Lae Co. hait lent 00 c oniii. seugnt diot lucînavenue tbre lu, fauttrfostihe property ine in order ti xxrý Alet xs1,nt n e. lm iti Siç2a glas ia sylumetriWal ntre. Ioved by A ' ter ie laclindot t- im iMe corlt sud Dbavis tîtthie pritilee b e Toe,.t 1 grauted toexetend the calk tbree k4,t in EtXi'NaLRD the etreet erMnwD-cinx #&idda-rne twete 1iW). teet eacb sie ut tihe liaint. Motion un' mrir .titi ,,iesc Thb~il@net-r ral fitîtud -im.-d bit ne' 1t1,tFp Mio.tmîaW.lci gluaniîte ' 1.3 màt-Ig a t-, CA i Stn Cn i,t i i îîicmi p0intid tii ii iif mt'ii a tflat i ,î l. aî-îîî g n , v mittee tblî-Ii byRai-r ai1 Iti-t -d 'mcinAy ibat ail 1t,4 -miit- îîai nsiIi l- .-1- y,". ii ~n ite r. t i t l lu tiCk -' t'i2 A. . muluit .' A Il,,î, Ilta m i72 - F. tl.'i'clslin M. l . ot , 'i 't i ' i ~ ' J i 'ieninst , ,k 111) 1','i i ' 4-t E. C Yongmalry ou À,l> I Lae 0 n"nPîsî rî'r 1;2., 'e M f E.dH.GQuett, snual -ici, 101 Io ii)r. . iriitn iuit't C. Wcî,irîdg aile l ,)iil H.ii- i t s t uliiinix LiE. C.yovllu mbig, G).,aind-_ -1 i; tit i t- ta 1 biise. 'n tliun s.tHndarlC, aîuury li... i (ii4o t V i.eî QattuîusututImie 4, O. E. Lester, streett eork ......... 1) 'ofititrce .o n sîd 'i SJ. Doinlin. drayingI2;site North Shore EiertnIce)Cii itteso a 5Ooi'JEi2sttu7 W. Wl. Heath, table_-------------.. 175 Wm. Laycnuck Uit , repaira. --... i1 't Ma" Pester. repaira------------......t. 10 9 LOW FARES FOR SETTLERS, CHt- W. F. affsan, meais----------...... - 75 CAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Aàlangthyv report tromi the Vii4fe PAUL RY. trelasnrer was read aud auditmd iv tii- fiaiance committee, Mied ic Lynch 1-11 iii,ic'- fln ettierm,,-rytu't otu sud Dawb is te im'rt îrehoanceijtttl I t~lît2:nitii AIrii 27ît. i-lct lsud iled. Motion carrit' ,i N îîrtiî lDako ttaau ntîîlMi tuaitî1_utio. The. sppoiing of judgi'ca"'] -rk,l[nilu iti' iluta tttgu iîlwiniikeu'k 'u & election cas next brîtughluthi lire tithe iiittRtail, a% ita-eapptli'mi, aute, boardoacb memben si-i i tg i n' te t tiiugir, iiîonait 'rîîart a Ai t ollaci: Judgcs-Kaiser, Jaiuiili eu s -ittu,-n N tti i i ta t111îînu,11iti a Lynch, W. E. DavisA; Wm-i, hIl. ttl ke iilon(],Iiti-.lies3 tii, u-iitI Cimrks-Criett, lUeo. Bond, laies, F, E. i larîn tuttii iait am iuti Ovoeon; Eger, A. J. Austin. Ieesmtiîa h -iI îl tttPtMtiaa t oictnl mi Tisere being no furiber bneini'c theian thie ne li, iiît.i mtîrtumm meeting sdjonrnedà. fre-e-frontt tîouu -al agent, PA >MIi t I il. EASLL H. CasLE'r, Village Clerk. enrlnaeignA-uî't-g,2. Harcy Putnsm la dispiaying te hi» friends a large siik handkterehei ihat ln imite a eurioaiîy le the le aitoilei articles. It la about a yard square and gives the record of ail Eegiîaeh Derby winners iram ihe lamons Diomninl 1780 down tea a ear âe. Ih cas brougbt tram Ireland hy Brother Adjutor who presented ih te HalTe as ancebwo would appueciais its true vains. Out of ail money earnsd by Mditchell'a Military Baud aises iti organisation ffld stili on band aud In theirtresury îxpt ac tuai expenusithe band hm-e lasd $100 loto a tnd te perchas. uitonas suitabis for ue on ail ocasious aud liaviug completed thse business mei4'i sevies of wiuter couustm, tii. bois wli gihea cobem 'Apll 5th ub au entirel new program sud wili pçly the iutue semens tiis (M&d Waren H. ENll is l esters Saturs toOsa -..Cola., c hahba.e =t a posonea wltbe Cs. q morey Merea.- $de, Co.,Deo(isthsla s#wbolol troes boues tu tjàwn6. ibis sle indsd a gltedgesditationansd Wbi- rens s , fiediunit. in congratu- lations sud u'lsb hlm orery a le lib.b wur4td. 21rtu ci titishomei are e Mdfarbetoeu sund tu DosvS there la alcayo ailong caiting, flot .ssk. ing an opportunity te aunex tli.inilwee te thi. eni-known rm. PEOPLE'8 FORUM A Prolesi. DAPRIL 9~, 1 99 New cou, the April showers Which briug sweet lMay flowers Poîîring! Ordere a r e pouring in on us. Because we deliver the goods. Ouri line of WATCHIES ie a satisfaction giver righit from the utart. It con- tinus to please. It will please you too. Why flot give it a chance today. LIBE1kTYVILLE, ILLINOIS I LOVELY!I Soon satîntermi forth thelias. ter nia ii In gladsome garmients. uiew, arrayed. That'e what they al say aboutt our lins of Tailor Made CLOTlIING ion cati 't bt-at it. It's gooti front stiirt tii fit- iush. Qttality. tliat'mt t)tr watclî wîrd. Wliy [lot today fil dontt what really good clothes are-by trying our line. Now's the time. E.W. PARKHURST Schanck Blck, Libertyville 300 Square Feet two coats te the galion, that's wha± T/l HERW1EN.WIUw IPiim- wilI cover. And on a good surface it wiIl cover more than that. No paint "Il do better, and very few paints wilI do as well. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading qualities, iongest wear, and greatest economy are whaît we dlaimi for S. W. P. It's the one safepaintte use- Always gives satisfaction. If yon want to save money in painting Jet us show you the way. We sell paints for ail kinds of good painting. SLD @Y YOUNG & LYNCHI BROTH-ERS Lihertyville, Illinois We aloo carry a lin@ of Aleton'e Paints. Wall Papier. Corne and See. To 10 aithellraooeaaddrxnlin lait - Wek«s I'NDLî-s SitT, WhY peo0ple sbOuld The Up-To-Date Smart Set. State of Illinoais, Cc trae uict> ibm-haine uere-Iuta. 1 gin'e nie unu1uaitiI'mI iniitnsneuts- Tht-n ithas.tceaiait kinde (if"11 - ]litue CircuIt Couni Btint1 take exe.pt1ionu and rement tlaira- luows (li il e ntad fon the' iattu-w John ',N. Tananevi grapîiu uit tis imeathiest ïcîtizeria af yeern -Siiiiofmithem hauve' tts)eiii's, Marylios takow yiinr î-tîîuuuiuty patroianî- hauic- iLi-di--ru i -ili u ttinIr, toi)lt, iti toriiîî ias ' Ctt diustr iftatai il- ,:iiart Se-,eaniln "takes anniti z.S h i 'Ne utrthirutaanîd lr i meiîatutn tue iakc* it flic- tieat ricai i aki- Wait, tublecînotie tg in aî.î î'uîmu j ye tîî'în aIs a> figure îaur- It i iîîî,eutthp 8&-bewartz t'tiatii'in iî3 sirîne nof an id cI.- iuuOtbii,'n llgi-4(9<t Niaowwiit ,'nîtikegati lt n Atîntl it hi)adenîîi tiitate t'rc'd lai the aba e t .telewoui i tuti diaxti ns dîta ai t he ic l, mclui ti, gîtier îîiît lii lis-aI ai 'ru mi. îîîuî,, hltrî'* itti' geitilal i ,iu îr t.tiil e-1. eii'n. Thi itili--e sali tCic uit Couatî î i tlIM; rtiîîuînîeiy (i] i)iU,-.tejti atb i . a w.n1ns c ti.t artlet,,d tbrie tuct t-uiiaiedy Ternît A.1). '111h t lit te traingu oa wns frotut honimte tuai ns uu îrî tb ia titi-ein any BItiad ssci iusnetsgned, 'Maqter In lu ittlais Ice, d-ct jrs. Itanre imit Nia i tînt. t te iegiitlî-, Court w i, onu Tut-k anit ii l in ,m u r Lweaittiftnitlagi, ii tt al- l oi1t i li ti atut t e n'ituresi' a tint ýt di t iui s-liieond waytîar'k and lne trlîtîrtîtebch lmiktaalîn Itîrtunt a! Apil A. DI 't09 i.. ui e iim- (tr ti mt isareis wîîuid 1t1,n.-, m> iI ci-U iotuedî Ufit-reil ocriak In itie-tftt-t (a-utu, -% riaIi craikm-n tînt smat anîd quettflous, at Viailîega t ,tbium îmt îu,n etire aud njIitit'tri> isti> wlyrpadi'r tii tisluta-r ii i u aloil mss rsoiit j ute iM -i- "-Iilni'iuemt. a Cetevm-r 'i ln1i" f Lake anud State i ~ ~ ~ wl t-rîititi.elethe lui-nat lve Ctutti-e turnner Coupoin Iris ilege froniipubihîe venduie ton (ll.ct if ierhoimi tathon, hariii- rn îi-i,î tsc'ine, Whs it teincliver- tht' ihetst Mlder - î'iiu.etît-nd ttu grave iiigger. Ourin lietî ment Preîty and toittirety scrhh'd lan anitd ne i 'tîîtv" u",'iF1Muerenu oif pagea.; e, ii iil 1dnlpping o1tes.linri-iffci' lutht a - t 'iinn re nottice of an 'bu-h ruic tl- .i cideithi.eh bisnea-, lt- n theCouni cf I. lui,, 2 lî,tuaîîe. wl1i- 3carde aifthankm, l ltat, iii talth cosce' siuipty ta Illinois, ta-wit: til tsui-u ratie umtsilewo; altil itenhape iintruo-îtiin ts lever sutititute ion reai Lot Fourit-en (I i îuati.'mua iitiiritte ltîtînWal, paRittiite'cf- tir. Sloop'* Health Cotes h; ( 10) l I ecbuW uiile uîîîiomîatnrus t>ur bunkers- gltilliialglas great popul.arltv Leeanae lai sbr tac lt, It igereoll'. bill, thene wouid netlFi.s, lis elqulsttstante and Savon; Vision af the Boul icfly 'titi se-uîî,îtnalaiîolute s hlnea; abird, (100) acres of the i Hait a,'l'i ai n Ibn . tesPan.c. tt eeiif, uyîlb *25c; fourth, fi»sof section twenty-s tItl -cri îlît trmîne eonislvely that uîîîî t.'iil.lci No todhous 20 1ti 30ig) n - Fny le8 tt-tirit-ret« Iii cv.rybody ln a fuicu ute. ieitlling,,Made in a inintel,"y*hpFry-le(, titlI ti ici icti are senvod by a patron. Dr. Shoi,1. Try itait youn gracers., for Twelve (12) Euct tIWOeo i tiiui- nierelhanis sud honte a pleaustsonrisen cpal Meridian (ex- îuîîiîîeî ri-s, laui t -t,rh&ly le Liberty ville, CORLÊT'rï FRaorRICI4S. the south-eaat corn a lucre titi' clire, 'tarr'y good si"-ka and_________LA sdil atrp reatuiaiilopries, snd chers Ite ELAM retlîtistmtUgýbar uieco unt4"at)w To Whom fi May Concsnn. M li t itles tUr tien uSn rte c enaut, Tmtti.ti t hai the naine oi the Dated March 17t c Ic t 1nii 'i,-an sd the htiglîi-t 1lt isMevrLunîber Coa., ltis cen i -itil vîri ile' -turt, the Keumerisi publie iý-iinngstt tt, Llrtyville Luuiiht'A)Ui. LESLIE P. MASSA, Atl l -I. i'.taliant " it scit fi bianJ4. 0, Kiet'nsa.l 'res@Ident, Adjudicatit mii Vttai,,luh lieno oiatr mfuiltrder: E. A. ttsîoi', Seî-retany PblcNotice tail erch il,uni rie- i etti-r alenys cilti-ie ('iur,'26-- rte.i1il Eeenteles nf t wuni Wi i i îîîsitt, t heir reIiýi', tett o ftiiuvt'iiii t i . eli Luithui> citstufilî,eeta tît Il i ,ul leilpiikunehe uand uriîany tle heides ait the Ciiuim tîtki t,, t i g euithr*iy off th, - -sIl itm, titi sîiuld take Fiîley'e Kideey in ssid CoUlY.Ilt. tthOeti- '0i, t iTitîuns uphapiri«O su. fidîmesi i).uîî1.' ...ie.ad blidu th.es"heui and wteee&Il ttlîl~ îiu i. lîSl t.n ii ~" algainet sslit ettte amre i l'uum miiiur îtners îiiiî foi thtcill Set art îot>criv. au a ireseuîîtiie lane tus»Id s)lmrlle itnr than I'ltarcne- citîlîs kiinî,y trouie uuay devclop. rOHENCALETA MAX lainOs. i-aî iaLsjt..Waiukegse. 5Mb c29. t îunty of Lake, s. rt cf Lakea County. eut ni, lii,,Reka- sty and Joaetea so. 4011i sî-rtby ;is t-n that der aîîd docret-et- mîltied cause in at tht' December it'nri'afthe aiîden- Chinnctry cf eehd sday tht- 201h day at tht- boucai one- Tîcaît ofaid day rof the Court an In said Caunty of Mlinets, st-il et cash In hand an the toliowiog de- ca estate, eituaied Lake end State of 14) In Block Ten Springs, a Snbdl- th ana bundned souih-eet quarter 'tIght (28) Town- il) North, - IRange of the Third Pain- icept five acres hn net-) L. CLARKE, [aster In Chanceny. bh, 1909. 4 tter.y tres cuîtnc. in Notice. -s Ktues thst theSoSat, tie st WliIaSd Tecis- 'essed sxhil t tendl thn untîrat s teenu tiereet it H-on1. Waukegan, .t Monday tutine. neat, perment havn« niaismm notitlet and mes'ted te 1 onet tue sdlndieatieon ASOZ Esecuticea uit. 2'-4 '" Chi-Namel Bc It Modir ine, V a ru ishor Hardware Low Prices do flot make it a Bargain Lihbertyvilte Luffber Uowpany SUCSSORS TO TuE- b'uinns-ererLiliber Complanly Jta uchange ini titi nilît, tlîat's ai]. 'lie Matnageint and Location niof er 1bi iiess remains thea salue. Call, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exchaange, Youi wiIl find us ready and waiting to serve to the hest of our ability. Wtt invite continued patronage and new buoiness. Libertyvîlle lumber Uompany E. A. BISHOP, MA.-AoYR. 0SPRING CLOTHES 0 The first time you put ont a new suit of clothes 0 o there je nothing that gives more satiefaction than jto feel that it isalal wool. "'Ail wool andl a yard* * wide" would be the correct expression in the v ernacuIar. (iood cioth makes good ciothe@ and * the trouble men experience the"e daye in buying 0 * clothes le gotting what they pay for. Thore le * o much shoddy goods on the market that 'when * you buy a ready-nade or made-to-measure suit * of elothem your chance of gotting the real thing * * j pretty slim. When you go to a tailor you seso0 * the goods in the boit and his word ie better than * the bond of a mail order house. jFred Croker an RAPEOR Libertyville, Ill. Morses Fzor Sale. ~iî,t titi Mcadoîl , ý i k i irili ct ni u ii nu c-s iiortli t tf tit uia IInois lias calistantivo iî 111 mifor sale , t at selt narkc t rire, a stockotf Ilai , o1 S itrsc>s sliiitale for the rî,aîiandi aIi fari wc)rkex press andçi rafti îtscfulit atd sersicea1hîe, trîîi 1100e ta 1600 jýtiiîîs. riCes $ t ta2O e n. No piîîgs. taule taMouiiiitiMetiow atiîdsec thelilrses work oit hie farîîî Ail accliîuateîi andi avoid rîsk at sicils,. U uaait eidn dei rytas ersitd COL. F. J. BERRY FO R EASTIER Swift s Premium HAMS AND BACON" choiceCluts of PRIME BEEF, 1,AMB, VEAL Always 0on Iland Corlett &Fredericks \~<~ ~Telephone No. 30 .~ (.LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I i Corne and I will show yon a bargain. It bas been said that ln every fair bargain both @ides gain, and only the thief anîd thte sheriff can oeii goode at lees than cost. q Trhe service any varnlsh wili give lut governed by the materil of which it if; made. The three staple Ingredients of CIiI-NAMEL are, pure Kauri Oum, pure Turpenti ne and pure Chinese Oil, imported from China. LF