6 LAKE OOU~ I~s-YT. ~'RIDAY. ÂPBJL ~, 1~9O9 - s ..-,--.- ~ . ,.-.-~ -C., ,.<""0 ÉDITORIAL RAVAGS oI4c WOME BESr FITED.AND Tiri!IR RetàMM! In an edtorial publsihcd in the S*dalla (Mo.) Sentinol appeared thons (B>' Arthsur J. Bll for the 1flhluats puragiapho concrninq the work of the Amuri-an Cvie Assocation: FParmiera' Instituts,) 'lb. Ides of women's club taking up and agltating civic cleanllnensa ntrtutlfewthn> nom@ ta b. apreadlng rapudly and intereait everywtsere la being arouaed. ln conclusion In economic entomology m&n>' citiet these club memb.rs are actively at work and are accompllahlng untîl 1 aee that kt bas been made coin- mores n eidinai-y reaults, pletel>' and tborougbiy avallable for "A clean and perfect municipal administration might accomplieh moa et the actuel work of the tarin, and that ef the objecta that wamen are striving tea ttain. but no perfunctory gcvern. ît le bebng ued wth Profit la tise reg- ment coulrl ever Infuse the same lite, arouat the neighborhacd's uenae af duty uiar practiçe of the Illinois fermer. ta one& immediate aurroundinga, or inculcate the spirt of civic c"-peratian Anlytslng lesua mentsnet hest ta par- wt.ich alOne makes truly patriotic ctîzenihip. tial and temporary fallure." Thun "Se, ater ail, women's work -in civic impravement bringa her back ta spoke Dr.S. A. Forbes, state entomol- home and chid, for her work as a factor flot anly in civic betterment but in oglt (l7rhaaa, Ii1.), et therecent 111- training the future citizen in enlightened cvît pride." noie Fermera' Insttute ln Rockford. ------- He la worklag toast effleiently for the > Waukegan is ta join the fight for free hides. fariners, and noiw orges thelr co-opera- Waukegan people are now urqed ta write to the congressional repre- to stiOa %entatives,, Senatar Cullam and CnrsmnFsurging ta hides Hi* Peculiar Dfficoît Tank. Cancer onstaefPosa, that it The economîreutomoioglut bas the The neceaaty for such a step is apparent when it la learned that manyl1 1Most coluplex and dtlllcult tank of cf the hidea and leathere tanned by the Wilder Manning Tanning Com- all, agricultural investigators, fnot pan>' f thiia cty are firn China, Java. and India. 10n bcue-ftegetetn n There as a further argument when it a learned that the future of the dît ersît>' of his field, but becauao his industry hert in dependent, prabably, in s large meaaure an whether hide. dteacendItons aricbnln; moft are pMt onto the ffres lust or neasathe tannery figures ta double ita Waukegan tecodiiouay nseetrpedanionaien plant and capacit>', as deecribed in the SUN some time *go, with the proper fort vlrtuall>' neort delnga>' farer. ltlnd f taitf revialen, which ail tanner and leather men faver. An officiailetvrulYeertI9ayfre "mte that the plant wll b. entarged anyway but the praper tariff revi .sien prithla a SearYt Inlence th a- would hoip much. Pnwti ert nlec h n That there la a fight on la shcwn by the fallawing Washington i dlpatch: sert 11e 0f a field that the entamolo- Waahlngtoms, 0. C, April 4-Atthough an argument has been reacbed for gt Cannot accuratel>' determIne thse a sa-te voeoen that pargnaph of the Payne bill which pi-avides for placing Becbauiise of te gret numberof s hides ons the fi-e. lst, the advocates of fret, hides express confidence that easoftega nmrofn- hidea will net be ietcred ta the dutiable lust. $one f the sautherrn and weat.t- e largeeut pieb e wnumb e of car ai-nrepreaentatlves who are pi-testing against the remaval cf the hide dut>'thfolaorera odibe nube fagreat of 15 per cent ad valoremn have hinted that the>' will vote for a compromisefu bevran teheaget rate of 10 per cent. The tanner*anad saoe manufacturera malte the positive npeiis>fainraihl partlmofth feld aex saitement that tbey wll accept ne compromise. They have made a cai-ful i ilfOis nal at !tesae poil cf the bouse and feel the>' have a safe margîn of votes in favai- of the prie eartners la cUse othe udbth recommendatien o! the ways andl mmiscommttee. pie ahneigteohradbt certain ta profit greally by earh otb- ers co-oeration. TREAT G. A. R. MEN PAIR., Poson Army-worms andl Cut-worms. ln hia pielminai-y talk before the regular Sunday morning sermon at the Vutworm anad army- rortrs rere People& cburch last Sunday, the speaker, William PorkielI. toucheS upon a sucessfully poisoned la a Pulaski sobject which la f close personal interet ta the people of Aurora and which ineaslow la southeril Illinois last Thes Beacan ha been urging for tome time. spring, by sos4lng broadcast a mixture "Oon't sin against the Grand Airn>' hy holding up the visitai-s ta the of 6 pounds of Paris. green ta 100 encampmcnt in May,." was the wai-ning a Mi. ForkielI and it was goodad îvlce i poitda of ean bran. eet up with Tisere hm. been no disposition, no far as can be leamed, te do this, but It insllgbtly salted water. The coat of the a gond thinq la apek of it in time. treatmnt was 41 cents per acre, and SThse Grand Airn>' ncampment is net braught te Auroaana a maney a normal crop a! ha>' was secured. mnleln9 scsemernate-arne. Loasl clvlc pride, Uic deaire te advrtlse aur cty. wble neighborlug fields sufered ceupied wth a isational patriottans whlch inspires us ta hor those Who have grea5ty. Ton or 15 pounds per acre be-sàirol-bs-autte lise bufet and the bayenet ln defens. cf tise aIS flsg. Of bran tis o aloned May weil be Tisa It la thst prompts us te apend aur time and mone>' liberslly toiprpe~ry D5rn ln an>' field where these worma erW lnois sitera.uppear: and tise entomologlat rouIS Thome sais.corn. for the encanspmentand tisaie wl h. agi-st hast, muet le@ps-evidtd nitanoasanS ,odgne. Und.stand, liasse are n totab, Or&"is- £vsrY Pem Who cornes expecta te pi>' for ulsat ho orabs eta. But Mies oeesy olsem' cîtylnIllinois Uses-e wilUb bundredos lso must ho taken «Ms-set lnuktis heresOf Aur-ore. Utft o.s withseA seylng lisat th. carnprnnt ln Auras-awil h.u s conap!o- meus succoees Aurea-a as a reputaIon for Sing Ihat sort cf business, W. hove inviteS thoeuMo-lnde bore te show them, a good tins. and tho> wlil get t. The encsmpmmet muet not ho marrsed b> an>' hint of gre.S-Aus-era THE HOSIER Y H-YSTERIA. Aocleord Repadllo: Anthor bystos-a-the houles->' ysters, Froenstthe pctus-OS nsofftof ai selo ata the fea'vid uttorances of ehivairomîa eteusemste mner of-et stckine tas-buasfor sam nieausatabli ue. pompyetol>'pesesed Ute public min&. Tht tarif on tesuand ahoes and tsrs Uke to b. asatfical of ach cases tisat s-se.ives notice, ef course, but conspistel> disappears wtsen1h. matt of et ia>' make es-itical observatioîsa.. à~l 'hm lai.nst'msiSure Halpe Agint C4m-Rot Aphia. "1To.mmndUiSle Wgn ps-atot, nons.. risn ln revoit. thée Sinusoe a sui- Tblrty or 40 at' nesta ta tise mile ffs-gus*vMetiemsi s etc . t, as-efaut a ftof e t us.ii fulmlnstiosonich o! tuatownansdanger fi-rn tise lias ase. lt onte. fIrninot article of appai-el ha occasoned. coru-soot aphte, anS 60 or 70 auto' nest Wisy al tiIs saelteose.tt ,W«n ellseuld nemi- toc initia, of course, hat par mile means serions Iosea. In5eY- e l -ui 0bay 5s-Ial te, Sematus-saasd net ventura fotoilbgloeoiSst. Qiovee, eral ycars of experlnmte one thIisg Iil la b%80, havae 'eed eos.iSsal commnnen, but iwhise has mentioeased a gOve- bas been fonS aira>'. boeneita- Mms revelutiemu? Yet, if prousa detelss can ho trutS a Part>' cf w0en deep plown an d repeated deep mi-- in thse E&t have tave-sia conSrited tensînfine aivance on Washington "san. ring of the grougnal previotus ta plant- bas," ing, If tihe lanS rwasinacas-n tise pre- Gon It lh. tht aucia a Sdy and ponderaus subject as the tariff can b. cedlng >ear anS heavil>' Infester!b>' *ffect@cyln h. allighteot way b>' vanit>'? A preninent Reciffos-S manufactures- anti. AnS tisere la reason ta beleve et hoaler>, ln a burst of cenfirilnce tant nlghti declared tâsatheUilifua ovur that a simple rotation of an infesteS ladies holer>' was moei>'"cacltle." crn fielS taocet% or nbeat wnu a- The gentlemen even went so eri as teai>'y tht ladien SlSn't know wbit raya ho profitable. ta a test field near tbe>' nia'.talltlng about Galesbnrg. th is 'elS f o!rin ras 25 "Tse>' are uasdei tise Selusion thit thora la a taifs- againit open woi-lt. per cent troator on %round tist irans ,was the Impudent anneunrement, "and If >tau crner an>' one of them &hsOilll la oats the >'our before than 4tbe qulckl>' show tbat Bbc knows notlslng et ail àbout it.l1iait rbere corn followed coi-n. Itlow- Dos the local manufacturer know anything nt ail about il. Doca anyone iog anS ahi-ce times diaklng lncrens- know anything at ail about It? M o the >ield 10 per eent las Use Gales- 1hi-g field anS 36 liei- centtln a B141Loan --GROWING INTERE ST IN POLITICS. rt>uty fit-d. Bay$ the Pbilaalelpia Public Ledger; Try> Stlrrlng, Rtation or Tînkage. -ItINI 15>edencooragiag ta gotaS Americarîs la0 iîtte the iacraïng la- 1Dr.Foi-ber sants notice fi-omtairm- Iciest asoong thl iiiilg gnArstllciîInî i.j, ,,î,u.,'(tf vtt> j,inryt taoasive îcPi-s whowill try on aid cri-nground. that tapI> o are cautrb dluiisstl stihfoiriî-rlî s'î. IK>fA" ait islig "-telsandcarl>' plowng, andl repeatod yotluît t, , liI ait h l .r,).ouf!tIi,-.".or Gtceh roott ,'r ai, siiet-hine. cquan. .'-tfPstlrirns(if the mil, anS h. nul . i, awsoahi-i og iliii îrît lii the t' il)ujct itîrîî i t, its lut4ar'. as'l r igoll-i-ilas'anS lospeet the orik. AnS 1hIc u hîie 'itit î>t unru-rv by ile 1 >-a4,i- aîîîî ti,. y5îi!,i îîut 1>>'the 1 t' rantta '-açaslal Y tuhave notice rouatttry, thatt uîî eti a ji lt, iilot ,, ii, i 'arti i a, f, t>, s>- it ii tfi-un ornera of a field one part of The pliticians frequenth>' coma, ver>' near ruinng polics. Tht>' are s-bi*h lias be'-ulu coi-n foi- three or inown ta lie corrupt anal peuple supposeS that poltic t tati!wss corrupt. ftour y'isori andtShtIc ther part Sifers Politica is, of course, ont>' the science af governiment, anS becasse thonse 'Illy lit>flitîtatfRas Ini oata lait >'ar cmtled poiticiana lot holal of the machiner>' of govel-fiment and o.rrupted If" ais) arti6 ts talitar fionfuri-mer% those who mitre empowered ta conduct goserrnment, tf wmm notliin1 against w lîa xli i ies a îIlaaa.er attachbint ta the sience, The man who bata that lie talaci niinterestI n ptolics ta firtilixa, ah.- hillîs a!flu) iorsnli boastîng of a thing that wili arrois an>' country on earth-not ta takt an in- 'nkg terest in the goveriment of tht country. flesots ta ha Published for Ail. The trouble ais that few peuple touis an interest in poiUtcs, That TU-sea rd seral (Abea'r roniori enabled the few who diS 50 gain cuntrot, anal those wbo toolt interest ,,wero 5'i promiseý lrnpos-wt rt esltà, nîtb- mot ainsys the unselfish ounes, If ever>' child were tiught the funictions & <tlit an>' 1 1ait whaufrver ta the crrOP governiment, anal traîned in tht art t o otîng anS of soloctlng publtc servant*, i "'I l)i- lorbo s le llllng o aid tests anS f emanding the ighest grade o! inteilltgence and Integrîty in public, o! the farMe- schoesiag. Thse resultz, office, there rouiS be no complaint about politicin. 1lroullt tisgetler lea a eral stilti- There ls reilI>' ene great question in the world teda>', anS Ihat ia the Illet wnîl iN hoited for Use houefit breiS question. Governinent tiehfwans faunSeS upon Il. Society' ns oigsiof mLII nixed wlit bread at Uic bottom. Peuple Cungregated togeaiser and5 carneS ta Tise Nocesoas->' Final Test, unito for Uie comman nelfare that they might obtain bread anS then esl af 'rijk stola final ablect la ta Irapire ln poe*. j th,- fariter" ax4ioda ta tIhe ssvan- Nor bas arganizeal soclety settied the bread quetion. tf j as potent lagdg ofs! bi iscmw, anSdmun absolutel> toda>' as t ever was in the istor>' of thet aurld.It ha&s man> ramnifIcationst teî ut step laa tisesouglIsfieldl and govcs-mtnt bas becomne cOmPtîcattal, but sîsce the day CoS droveAaSm tl;i liy» te fatrttsrm thenlvos. If ami Efe out of tht GardSen of Edlen thet mat a 1has been in foic.aS, andt-txiosl mailotàlie nab«ja ta(0rOrk hanan~oes-ben remilea. Men stili eat h-ed in he swet of thir faces andl wt.l Ilithti Iimof a!tie fat-a Who lnsjru nuL That the>'inlay est the hi-tad aithout Interruption; that they liluuus.lantI, it osajt liti CaugeS Or dis- mi>' have wundisturbed rngt te gather thtehi-tas; that the man> *hall mot iardii oves-s-sansd i-ebthofen; that tise breadwhîch ose ha& gathered mailbuo aveS Th, ntaaol*gut uesrainait o!ail treni daces Who hase ne titis ta uit; thal anc may not b. nounded oci-mieS Pratîîlt lt tlof 'fihe i O~A UmPPOesrAn »0 tisatha nlouilha"vs aloese ifficult task ln gathsrlng brea-thoss are the ,of! se>' îîraîmai tnm lujios->', taIiiSg fuctions of fgouses-- men AnSdnisat nabler stud>' could b. Imagînedi sbIOi-llocos Of Insecte sWb« Mtiis Ceau b. da~ Ievbal to Intvet4iat Ilbe bat. Write Os- Pecla]l>' bout: Wanbt t Kncw Five Thînge. Anythfng tiait looks llke root lice on tise mota of corna, whenlit la Juat beglnnug ta grow, on grouad Vlat was ln claver the precediug year. Al cases ofrlwreworm InJur>' to coi-n niere cor-n bas been on Use groond for two or more years preced- lng. AD n ijury ta the crn Plant la sprlag by bill-bue s(Ctat ake parai- loI rowa of hboes arross the leat), os- peclslly onu 14 groutnd The Army-worma or cutworm lnanay crop risatever. An>' mmi->'tolari lb> the heart worm, a brownlsh strlped snîall dflli-~ Pillai-, nhlch satsilto the top of the Young Plant. SENDS MESSA~GES VIA WIRELESS Youngste,- in Waukegan Sels up a Complet. Wireless Telegraphy Oui- fit in a Raam aItI-is Home. Paaaisg bis eleventhbibrtbday the ti-t of tis montls, Clarence Bawes, of nortls Sheridan road, han erected a wlrelees talegraphy apparatua wtb rich le cn send messages over 10 miles and wîlit the completion Of a tuulufg cotl rbch lie la aow maklng ilîl be able to sentd Usei over 300 malles. He bas set ni) the apparatua hlinself and lla more conversant wlth electrlclty now ilian the ruajorlly of the men o! the cti. He la Usee son of A. K flowes, stract wrter for the Lake (?aunty TiUle' anS Trust uomiauI3 andu las bis wlrelesInstalledin a moon, t his [home, 902 nortb Sheridani road. lie ta the boungesu nireless expert In the world. Boys of)1 l bave receeved usa- tîces for settlog ui) instrunments. but noue as yoong as the Waukegan boy have as ,et suc-eeded lan rdasterlng the wîreleas. The Instrunments that Clarence orna are worth ut least $150 and ouI>' the beat of electrlcal appliances are useS la hin station. Ho ban a fine Pfanntlebl coîl anS through purcha»- lng It attracted the attention of Carl P!astehl, North Chicago, electrîcal gi.sIus ansdlinventor, wha la non belp- lng hlm ln al raya h.e cals. Complete WUreosseStation. The nlrelese station tbat bie bai erected la camplets ln ever>'dotait ex- cept Use receîvlng station ana lbe lu non erccting IL Tise oui>' pant of the station that lbe dit!naotci-octhinself in tiseariaL It la composeS of six alumiaum rires anal la atretched lie- treen tro trocs on the lot nort ta bis home. With bis Instrumenta, lho charges bis aertaî nîts about 50,000 volts and a li ampboe. Hia stai-age batter'> la no mtroag that b>' short clrcoltag it hoeran meît malle nîth cane. Be- aides operatlng bhlm r-obsshlalethe master o! an>' number o! electrlcal ex. perimenta nlitb wbich lie amuses bis famîl>' and bis frienda. Benda Messages Ai-oaS>. That ls wlreless la a roaaplete sur- ces la showa b>' the messageslie lias airoaSy menît. Froin bis home tu, Para avenue la about s mile, and lie lias ticeaet distinct messages to, WiII. larîî Arnîold, living there. The mes- sages 'icie rereived ln an ari-dnai-y telepllie operatar's recelver and the Sots andl(Iaubes were as distinct aa liaugli the>' hsd been sent over wlros. Wlth tiue rompletlon o!fIthe timing rail, euh-,h Clarence la maing alono, anul wlthout aid, lie cao siend bis nies- aigiyutloast 300 miles. Ife la ai- i-tadvexpsîert et sendlng Use Continen- tl or Navy code and noeds 001> pirae- iii-,, ia order ta beoaie as goad ati-re- Surpflacd Pfansliebl. bila i-tli-a laorledge of electririt>' hau, ilin greened ouat o! text bocks assu magazines. UnUil ho boraine frlendsm with Ilaamtiebl, ho baS re- relveS rna advlre front anyoae. Yet hi* knowledge raisno ride on the euh- bort that h.esoi-pilied the laveator o! the Pfanstîebl rail. lemiSes shanlng hîs talent ln oler- tiit>, Clai-enee bas surpriseS bis Parents and hic trieudSela othor raya. From bis aarlîest days lie ras absorli- ed in machines of ail kinda. In order fo bearu moi-a about them,,lhe hsd ltught bîimgalftut rend before hoe wau live'yparm olS b>' mpallng out wris tlidt'r is lmmotber's guidance. ReaS Magazines at Five. Amsmoon aus licrouIS rond, lho per- au>it isither to subeciIbe for hlm tw the Scieutifie AmerIcan.and ho litsstitudil. lin pages over isince. AUl Real Estete Tra-nieus %"»"-iy uFuslshealBy..eaormjstl Laky. loiuty Tit'e & Trust l'y. Aba5trioý- cd ol . T "tlta liuaxrauteed Miisoouic Teniple lldg. Waukegan, 111. Lo)t-isJ. GtstNE'sey. J G Sînlth and w! ta Katierlne G Ke[es. I,.ots 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, tilt 2, Lenox Sub, Northli cago. W B $1. F D Dewoody and wf te Audrew Lai-son. 7 acres la S E Yt Soc 32. Beuton Twp. W D $1225. bF D Dewood>' sud rf ta Peter Lar- mon. 5 acres la 8 E % Soc 32. Bon- tan Twp. W D $875. State Banka of Lake Forost ta Rea- heu Sranton. Lot 6, Greea Bay Add, Lake Forent, S W B $376. J C Foley saSdr! te W 8 Belbora. Norths 22 ft 8 44 ft Lot 1, Blk 39, Wau- kegan. Q C $1. Ruth R Huiler sud hua te Fred S Erakine. Lots 2 sud 5, Blk 10, andi Lot 7, tlk 11, LadS and Geoi-gos Add te Waukegau. W D $1200. Esate of Peter llalsrey (deerd) ta C W and Ella M Russell. 411 acres ln Secs 31 and 32, Newport Trp aad la Sec 6, Warren Tnp. W D $1. Fred Kueliker and rite ta Louons M Lovelind. Lot 8, block 3, Kuebker's Saab, là1bertyville. W D $35-00. Julia M CSo andl hu&and to J D Dewes, Lot 1, block 2, Loon Lake. W D $500.00. C W lleyalecker andS rIte t W 8 Selons. 6 acres ln N E 1-4 Sec 32, WasikegaasTrp. Q C $200.00. Haflem eMulvsaney and hbainS Co H R Coudre>'. Lot on South aide Wklam- tugton St., nous- (St>' Limita. Wuke- gan. W 1D $1600.00. Loi-o>' Bocuin andrifte taEmernon Thompeon. Lots 36 and 37, block 3. Marderwella Bob, Waukegan. W D $ 1200.00 Daniel Pease and rife to L. A Pease, 2ad. Part Hast 1-2, blocka 2. Plat "C" Higliood. Q C 81.00. R L Peck and wl!e ta W H Sand- aman. Lot 4, (exrcept Haut 8 fi) blockt "K" Barrlngtoo. Q C $373.00. G S Brown to Pamuel Kennedy and wlfe. Lot 6, blocka 21, Wasliburo Springs. W D $250.00. Nelîle M. Paaoon, and husband ta IlI M UnderwOod. Lot 1. and Northi 2 roda, ut 2, Cory's Add, Waukegaîî. M' H tC DeCainl and wlfe ta C J Driver. Lot 279, Lakte Forest. Q C $1.) C, J Driver and wl!e ta Carialla S De Canîl,. Lot 279, Lake Forest. Q C $1.00. lias-et K Bail anîd hiîsband te T F Tobin. 1,oV 8, blocka 2, Gi-ad>' & Hal- brwella Suli. Waukegan. W B $2400. T il Burst anS wlfe Vo Loo Peter- son. Lot 34, block 3, DuraIs Suh, Waukegan. W D $425.00. R C Gilbert to Jesale E Gilbert. 6 lots la Moderwella Suli, Wsukegan. John Harpinan and wlfe te Alphat H Booetroin. Undivided 2-3 lot 21, block 137, North Chîcago. Q C 81.00. G A Wright aSd rifte V H B Eger. Lots 9, j10, 16, and 17, bloçit 24. Wrights ASS, Llbert>'vIUe. W D $300. Emnie J W'right and buasbanal to H B Eger. Lots 7 andl 8, blockt 24, Wrights ASS, LîberVyvIlle. W B $100. Estate a! H W Scbdlotor Vo R M Shaw. Tract o! land ln Secs 26. 35 and 36. Warren Twp. Ueo $200.00 Henry' Cam-mack anS wlfe Vo G H Camaca. Part lot 6, lock 1, Hitgh- land Park. W D 81.0)0. TI{H Hlbert t G A Red- Lt 8, tblock 75, -Highland Park. W D $1.00. e uise or a good articlte. 'Ihat iii wly the selec' P IN K tion of yoîîr paint is the vital steli. It ~is fîrtîîer I A I the stroiigesi reason w hy I IAI.A L0ER you should choose to bîîy 43,928 P. S. A. Sure, b'iik 24,765, 15,cr wnni-of tbp) ~~ Grand Sweepstakes and Cliumpionshae Bradiev*;vrouiiiaii t Chiatrnatioal 'tPink s. the gi-andest p>ercheron s-ver ABSOLUTELY PURE importel to Anasrira. Dans, Sirene, a 2,000 paounS mure who traces hack in four lins-s ta the great Brilliant. Paint 1.- l - --l-L L - Made of pure Carbon- ate of Lead, pure Oxide of Zinc and pure Linseed 011. Every eau full measure. There is more~ real wer-more real savlng - more rea.1 satisfaction iu this paint than lu auy other you eau purchase ready mixed or. have hand mized. A trial will quickly furnish proof of it's superiority and make you a lifelong user. Try it now-on your hou@e or baru-inside or ontaide. F. B. LOVELL Libertyville. 111. Regl Fs-ch No, Pink raraaer wn--kxethe foi, lowing route from Apeil 1 ta July 10 MONDAY-Prasrie Vlew. TUESDAY-DiaanodLake. WEDNESDAY-RocbkefeIr. THRDA&Y--Grayalake. FRIDAY-North of Ubertyvile. SATURDAY-Hoanc. SUNDAY-Homp- Fee $10 Cash ut tiîme of first service. if your marc dont get in foal you can tend ber oit ANoTaER mARE hback ta Pink Parader neit seson-frne of charge. For f urther particulars addresa ower. J. M. PAlTERSON - Whwi A. KX STEAINS LAWYER 213 Washington Sua-se Waukegau 'Phose 2761l lin tdBook M0 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Stud Book Ç fl esiran Sttu ,48684R0m E0 No. 4498 $15.00 To Insure Ana aflowance of $2.00 per mare froni the fee will be made for those brought to my fartu one and one-saif tmiles west of Libertyville. Forty pure bred Berkshire Sows and fifty pure bred Jerpey Cattie for sale. Sows Iýred to Champion Royal Pre- mier, Jr., who weighed 780 pounds the day he was six mouths oid. Rodney B. Swift, Proprietor. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER 1 1 other technilal mnagsaitez are. ia os r- ceived b>' hlm. He tas beens Isterest- oS luaail kinds o; mechasica and mosa chiner>' but lindS, blsgreateet defllt la electriclty. He started. the ore(- tlon of bts rîrelles station a place at a turne, about Christmuas, and now bas fi almost complateS. This week. a SUN reporter via- lted hlm la hîs station. The enti-e worktug o! Use wlreless fri-an an ex- planation of thle raye that carry the messages toaail parts of Use apparatua was explalnod by the boy and many experîments were performod by hlm. Sent Reporter Messages. Taklng the reporler ta the farther end o! the house, from hls Instru- mointe, lie connerted a telephone re- cçlver ta a gas jot and thea cloelng ail dnars hetweerî sent messages, every click o! whlcb rouISliehoebord by thie reporter. "You are umlng your body as an aerial,' ho explalned. Wants ta Recelve Messages. MNesaages rere aloo sent from the hanse ta a shed several bundred feet distant. "I read o! a Chicago boy wbo has a station," ho aaid. "I hope lo ieîli have a good sendlng station go I c- get messages from hlim. itua fun tamend messages bot It will lhe a lot more when i ean receive answers andl talkt rlth otber operatora." If tise laite boata Instail stations. he plans ta moud and recelve mes- sages !rom them. Hlm rork la encour- aged b>' bis parentasa intat the>' pro- vide hlm wlth every thlng hoe needs but Ibe>' bave neyer hebped hlm and hr lias choseil bis own amousemenits and skilled hlnî,,el! ln the Ihînga lie I o:iow s à0ay who b.d been tagg ta t.a~ W ~ ~ W U «wbyr asked b«e huband.&51f "I began by aakLng beu If %bu kDeW ,FUT 'Why, certainfly-ab015t a qutet: «r untab value tof forda ndehs l.1 Ul WiaooooorrY,$U show r yo-iixchowngê Il YD b .Vssmyl. wIp.ý 1 pay me. Showmat-l cai't tIve YOl> ASPINWALL BM 0 ny sainr>', but 1 wil pi>'for YOu @ui S 04SLd.1ss,- *UB01 keep.-Pllegende Batter. eeoeNsa e of aa N*i.jj. The Gem aof tht Potato Fleld.No ether There ls as yet no anethod of progre planter oea compare with it. A maa'velou knawq to mien thattla &o rlch and cool- construction that drop " ansd a fractice per plete as that whlcb lu mlalstered b>' a cent 90oCL truly grri- ,ptsdablp.-PhIlllPs Bfflod JOHN P. MUEHLINEI, Jobber For C»ool Du Pageand Là>£ Countlu F i rt--be MOUNT PROSPECT M ILLer sure ofyour TSU Paint--and then ofyour Painter. A good mochanic can- not give you the benefit of bis best work if lyou conipel hlm to use in- ferior material, thoughi even a poor workman eau get fair resulte from thie FOI WA2 lbt FOI Aus 45 Aus .FAF cour FOI 'OF mau Loia tro V FOR migb Ave, FOR Liber FOR ern I FOR witb Liber FOR houlE FOR a. A. FOR tise cg FOR coont FOR ru tx t Hiil F0OR béit'y, sée, El May' I F0OR Ilii,-, Lîji, FOR ëggti. p>ho lie FOR egF>. laki', TO E ing .1 tiélt'l t, Ego 1' rire 8 g'»> W. B eRa, FOR H. A. FOR lis>, i 10Otoi G. W. miles, FOR Whbita M. Ps FOR 80 Ibm noms a S t'EL S FOR home from BRcTI FOR Bag i highi, lienvy higl,' 48c. and o ia. Ili AmEii i. FOI year Palm' 1 la