Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1909, p. 1

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LÂKE cO~YNTY N»EPEN»ENT.e and WAUKEGAN WEEKLY. SUN VOL. XVII. NO 29. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FItIDAY, APILIL 16, 1909-10 Pagesr $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNCE. r( _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ v TIIERE IS SOMETIIING DOING IN IIIGIIWOOD Hogan ln Saddle Finds Outiocl, Cheer- lois and Admits it as Blind Undor Covor of which Worlcere loir Up Sod to Make Campalgn Vlctîry for "Blind Pig Crowd.Y Indopendente Hopeful. Tire soldiere are fiocking Into High- wood again ln ipite banhi- ment order of a few weeko aga. The lid le ni.d to be off. New places alleged t0 be for blid pfig, are belng litted up- with castly mirrons and mahogany and glass. Two tallor stops are naid to be op- eratlng n0w as gambling dons. "Speak easy" drain shope are sud ta ho numerous. The blind pg keepers sem to bave tiven "BIg Chier' Hogin thes reins and are belng mun to suit *'the aid Beer la beng brought lotao11gb- Woord y tire wagon Joadtiunder caver of ngt t ilà1h nd and s Deerfieli man le sonon t open a reoatt unknown ta Waukegan. Theze are stlrring days ln Hghi- wood. Tirere leIo t e a sî,etacular finisir1tirte wldest mayor race lhe clty iras ever hraît. In fact. altirougirtire Peoplesg pariy leaders are announclng tiret tirey aref boundtu t go down tir defeat. tirey were never humler thon rîow. Tiey have1 theinr osis off anîl an-re arnrg up the1 goti. On thre other bondi.the ant]binfhll 1 Pig" t'om-ee. bing confident of trtre conditions are 'not sleeping overtinre. ani Juding by tireir meetings In en- thuMiam and attendance andi stand- ard Of men beeking tire cause il looke as thaagh thre Hogea crowd wiil have ta gel up prettY early In the maning if lb-g>' im ta "Put oame over" tues At au Indepeodeoit Votai-s meeting1 la 06 1.0. O. IF. bail on Wdndséy ey05ing g J soem0tlomI5. t» lhp- OMKly cgudltO ma" oTabvet atter ne4fghboal.g toque. Te meetingà -O wU at*.ded aai th. strriag0 0POoclos W«@ .Weill roceivod. TI"t renldents of ligirwood belng- lng <o the 00 callieti"docent niriztyl" wil »k <b. umate llessure tta d9p- rive the City of ls charter as a clty anti bond Il back ta tire Deerfieli town offciais, bag and bagage, If tire Hogan element wlns et tire coinlng electicr la tire assertion of tire leaders Of the Hogan opposition Tire 'decent nujolty leotietermin- ed On a clean Cty ln every respect and Wll spore no pains 1te make il dean, Ibis bing tire otJect of the threat 10, malte tire city itt a village again. city rule iravtag thrug for, Il le clalmeti, proven a falure. 'Mie veledth ireat la thre bggeet dev- eLOpemeesOt he week tu iîlglwood'a hotteet mayonaity figt ClosBind Pige. FOIlowlng On tire arrivai of Wauke- 9"n papers taHighwood Saturday nlght il Ie clalmedti tirainmd pigs were ail ordereti ciosed Uto tay closeti bat Itlta claimeti that several irours afterwards ttey OPeneti again as te- fore Police OffIcer Edwarti Spelîman tas surrendered iis star, dlagusted i ttl affaire, and Je no longer a policeman. Margtal Moore la tanging on for a tOme. Reporters f rom Waukegan antiChfi- Cago were ln Hlgirwood Saturda>' niglat, In-nir of tire journal belng the Chicago man. In a letter - ta Hog an p)romisea ta Issue at once il la stated that a pro- moinent llHWILOcd man of tire "decent maloitY" Wil te ooosd hotly. St2tomont la elsiue. Tire "decot naJOrlty" Issues tire followiunn 0-ai tatemnent: The attitude Of thffl in favar cf iIe«xl liquor oodllng accosdnE 1to tireir own statemet4& la Mapola 19W, were identicel <o tins.- af two 7.0.- ag0. But tad&Y <bey daim ta ire do- lng ai tirteir power to put an end . ta tire bîtatipige. On Saturday, April lOtir, tire police made tire rounds anti Ordereti ail blînti piga closeti to stay cloed. Thig taok place after the Waukegan papers oonttining tire trrti about tire con- <itions exlsting here ln dotIsl came ta town. In January o! this year tire leaders of tire present cty adrIninltrýtIOn ad-. mlttedlilcenaing ilinti pige indter tire name cf "Blllarti Hall or Saîfron," lit li aileged, Tire present inayor, Wtt- I- P . Hogan, on iis retnrn f ram Granui, Akaneas, It in allecod, ln au open meeting in the councilichant- O D J D bers Of the cty hall, relterated tirel D JES R N M I A E above two weeks ago, saylng In part:1 AT PRIMARY ELECIIO N ýWteu tihe sloswer-e torcedoti Ut wà plain that Bo long as tirere was awoldie te bortd Sier liaondere Charles Whitneyj, the Lake County Candidate. Runs WeII wldbeaeid thean unerMir coao!00in Mis Own Countyj But Loses Byj Over 5000 btlliard halls or pool rom. Votes in the District. ?jow It la reported Mr. Hogan dlaims ire 1e dotng ail hé Mrn ta put a stop Hotly Contested Flght Ends Wlth ta thre liega sale of intoxicants. it Threo Present Judges Nomînees for Whitney ..........40 does flot seem nsthangh tbe twO .luno Election. Whitney Goes Out LPrFt plurality......A s4.or1e« han together well, citizens of Lake With 2000 Pluratity, but T.,lsl Vote i9came. cisim. His explman s are not sat- Votes of Othor Counties ln District iOlIl7..............4 lefsctory. Neltixer doea eltirer etory Are Too Heavy for Hlm. Frost................. .440 qwXe a very good 1*1k. If ire issueti Wright................ 2.52 He ense ta oil quor ln direct op"o- (From Wedneoday'm Sun.) Whitney............... 405 itwca ta tho statute of thre state of, ar' 2 u o 9vtn r- Wrighrt plurality...109 ]Illinois it certalnly "waa flot a pretty[ cincts ln Lake county and golng out Gran Total..........istrict mway to do au It were," and If te of the county with 2009 plurallty, Donnelt............... 1427 t~Ibohocl.edib btn pie 0 evrtiielees, Chrarles Whitney of Wright .............. 13644 etay closed he "has anotirer thtnk Waukegan, waa yesterday defeated 'Whitney ........8103 conng," for botta civilians jand soi- for tire nomination for circuit Judge of Wlnylgs1y52 oe 610.-s bave coatantly frequented the seventeenth district andth ie tirree T Whitneyrloses y 5324lt e% Lk thonse places ever since. lresent judges. Donnelly of McHenry, TwnCorre yWneytnyak Wrighrt ofBone, andi Prost of Win-Co:n. ne- .ont-a...,.. ...asthe.Donnelly-Cuba-1 precinet. With tire removal of theater liho- graphe anti glttering tin signa f rom tire windows of the aî,ealt easy" dis- trict, Hlgirwood iras ireen transformeti over algirt and wbere Monîday, were iregrinied Windows niystcerilisrlý conducreti jolits are rions %id,,oi- ful l fletigi-ti"pool j<rrntIa On evcr>orie etof glii îi,-rIliîr ptg ,-Ilndiom, qioriliiorý zir , igil. iî ooru' aîitiearrt a-i.'ili ilî 1ýieii-i-n t O ri!r1h l nu-i cth , cii lri'ri, loehlig atairi. iiiiird t OlI bîind hIe ti li; in t igllrliiet noriinees. Il iii a tact rlat eacb candidate for jutilelal îreferment carried hiis own courty. Whitney, Lakte by 2009, Don- rî'tn tri-enry by 711, Frost, Wlnne- b b-eY -C"ii anti WrlgIrl.Boone by lm of litthe siail majority liaI i Ile t1îiî gav e %rigtt. tire flgirI r-, iris lii. ageti moat igorousit ný'-l 111Sterrlinîg od mn ianti o it t 11z. - i Jutige i)orninelI ,1 - h :i iiiid iinvotes of thre three oi on ce hefore oet iîa0ngtfîr pool anti m r. Wtîlitn(-n aconeti heaviest In billard iralls. -Wteuthiey get our new sensen laid so water wIll rn u ril, antiwiren we gel our new sldewalks ln ant i al paiti for from lire revenue collecteti from tiese billard irail saloons we'Il present tire "Olti Man" wltir a watcir fat or a pair of ear rings," slate tire decesat meàosly. The actA..o!f e blind pige lu tabsa M a 61.-oct oer from Hogan san Bd teao anothe.- step tlaiis pusilgifor tire inara chabir. Thre action of tire "pool i-ons" lu takem us a jake ln Hlgbwood, but, follawlng tire stvice of one of the decent ma- jorit>' leaders, "2Even a*-joke la a ueo-oua maltter et <is stage o! the campaign" lire Independent party is taklng -thre ilove as a signal for gi-ca- ter- efforts anti the closing day. o! the Hlgirwood campaign are propheoied ta be of a tenait>' neyer before wllnessed ln tire clty. Next Monday evenlng, lire Inde', pendant psrty meets ln lhe Otit Fel- Iowa hall for a big rally anti neat Wednes<lay tire Second Warti cluib. ai- so membens o! tire Intepentient. de- cent majorlty. psrty nneeta at the scirool bouse for a rally for tire Sen- erson ticket. G.K. Stark., o! Chicago, formerl>' a eident of Higirvood>I. l ta atidreani a meeting ln tire chool irouse Frida>' nlgit. He la one o! tire most noleti oratora 0f tire state. is wife, a noteti singer, ta to give ser- eral selectlons. Sîrleltirilsr, nihicir îreclnct la hake Forest city. Ar theewnd i)n, It wae foutidthat Whiltney tati lost ty 5324 votes anti thal wlthtevery daim tirat bis frienda matie for im conceetidire would not irase won tire nomination, s0 closel>' arrangeti was lihe organization fgr tire iiree olti Jutges. Anslysis of tir. Vote. Falewin i.tire analysis o!flbhs en- tire vote, folowed hy tirs t*butalaba crt tiradetaffl vote lnIn Lke oountY. viricir madie sucir a gondt eowing for Wnilbey* Waukegsn Total. Donpelly ..............757 Froast-----------------..745 Wrigirt................. 664 Whitney ..ý............ 1420 Willney plurallty...663 Lake Count>' TotlI. Donnelly .............. 2193 Frost ...................2061 Wright .................1999 \Vhitney................4202 Whltniey llunaltv ..2009 Total Vote for McHenry. Donnelh ............1. 5759 Frost . . .1. . . . . 5048 Wright . .. ... .. 4916 W,'btnea .- . .. . .. . 1087 Donnelly lîluraliy ..711 Total Vote Wlnnebago. DonnelI . ...............3059 Frost .......... 4691 Wright .......4090 Wrlgit-Benton 1-1 preclnet Frost-Shiteldis 2-1 precînet. Wiitney--'Benton 2, Bentoa 3, New- port. Antiocli 1 anti 2. Grant, Avon, Warren, Waukegan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Shields 1, Shields 3, Libertn ville 1 andi 2. Freemont, Waucontta. Fla, Vernoni. Deerlleld 1, 2, 3, We-st Dti- fli'd-26 precinctB. LAKtE CO, letîton I 48 50 14_1 4- lienton -'ý..136 134 131 144 Benton 3 . . 116 117 124 127 New Port .. 84 28 31 104 Antioci 1 .. 38 28 32 99 Antiocir 2 .... 24 32 26 86 Grant......... 60 40) 36 106 Avon......... 55 51 67 232, Warren ...25 22 23 186 Waukegan 1 147 144 119 271 2. log 1» 180 257 3.109 1» 1 03 211 4 171 3T 149 314 B.103 121,89 lu 6. ] 11 ,' -U 154 Sbield 1 ...210 2U6 2M35 70 2.... 54 .7 58 7" 3 ..32 si 28 155 Libertyville 1. 78 59 74 184 Libertyvllle 2. 99 58 89 180 Fireemont .. 2 il 7 110 WanConda.. 80 71 70 84 Cuba.......... 81 65 36 77 Ma ........... 30 26 29 92 Vernon........ 26 19 29 68 Deerfielti 1 ..55 36 48 95 2...71 59 62 90 3.. 63 54 56 171 W. Deerfield . 13 13 16 107 Total ....2193 2061 1999 4202 Interest ia Koon. The interest ln the outoome of lhe conteat was keen ln the extreme and newespaper offices were fairly beselged with anxtous inqtulrers wha ghowed al gradee of emotions from grave te, gay and wiro gave vent t0 both.disappolnt_ ment and jubilation, thie former moat- lc mlî.-rîit, v as knonn tlurt Mr Il bt- "i >hait berribeaten. 'The SUN a usual hatia x Di ~lletili ..r\ici' aril gol. i,% ,.g i anti Lhe cont, the liraIonIi andI de! alleti retu nia on t he primrlý cvs rjiig the enit!re distriîîct tullv Y1y tolev>hone, t(n! ,îh :i o ni ieger. "By seven-thirty the entire vote for thre district had been bulletined ini thre SUN windows wi tirte exception of eleven precincta lu M,%cHenry court- ty, andi later tirese came tumbllng In and compieted tire record of the score boardse. Tire cempiete City returne tati been builetineti aI 5:40 and the lait precinct ta Lake county irat been scureti up by a quarter to seven. Tabuletons of bleu were furnlished rigit witi tire returns 1û) SUN reati- ers could tell1 mat how thelr candi- dates stood, and tire SUN office was the polilloal center for tire evenlng. as Il la on every electian. NewsPapers of tire district co-oper- atedi witirte SUN ln maklng ls re- turn.s Complet@,an dli a group of gooti frientis of the SUN wiro telpeti galb- er the returfis ant i diail of tire bi- letinlng. SWISS DISAPPARS f ROM LAKE FOREST Carme to Lake Foreit, Got Job, Left Wîthout Orawing 6.alary and i wth Everything Left in Mis Fgoom. Could Nvt Sz!a. Englrsh andd t ls Feared rOay Have Met w th, Foui Play or wîth Accident. POLICE BREAK INTO MAY BUILD LINE f REE LOVE NEST INTO LAKE COUNIY Police, Pire ana Street Departm1ents of Zion City Storm Crosby Free Love House andi Skeleton Key as tised ta Open One Door, Sturdy Knee of Police Chief Other. Then Tableau. 5Kenosha, Long Conslulerlng Trolley Lîne to Russell, MI., andi Lakos Dis- 1 trict to Gel Farmer and Resortor Trade, Will Be Balked et Owft 1 Games, As Merchfintb WIi Aid Wynn Road Now to Succesa. When, attet Inn oking the combinedtIif Waukegan does fnot bullde! e aid of bthe police, ltie and street de- electrle trolley roid tati te lako db- Ilartnients lI Zion (1îtv', Ctain Valk. trt of Lake county,,tappino Kwl.- er andi anotirer ollicer Monday broke th& county aiea, Kenosha will, 'and into Charles Sanson's quartera ln the Waukegan wiIl loto Il» chance Choaby home aetIlat andi Gabriel, it If Waukogsn, ln other word., do.. was 10 fEnd Sanson wîtir bis arma flot succood ln sldlng Meir Wyiw»* tâ . locketi about ira Cnlthar-t, whilintire firiently to bulld thée Wàukegs, WM.. j iusianti etooti passîvely by anti Aman- ford sndlin TeteCp~~ da Block, Saneons former "atity, eilt through Laeo eosty, Keoesh watched wtt wlde eyes. la gOlng te hop 1.10 the. broeh uoWI Juet before ibis tire officere. armed wlth un Indopondent prepeoltileb wltir eearcir warrants, were forcedti 10mn Olsctrlc Il" te<oRUMseI, I, o06W use a skeleton lrey on one door, rirey meeting wlth the lakea district. Maimt, and Captaîn Walker brougirt This le the way buslnesI men of hie knee up and brouita anoturx- Saukegan regard thre traction and Sanson called out 10 heaven for aid trade proposItion, and as a resat wlien the omfcers priet i hm spart. up and down tire etreét there la a ooo> One ted 10 take hold o!flMrs. Colttart piete manifestation af good wlU to- andi anter of Sanson. Tiren tey wards thre Wynn Une, *hIlci, It in *o puilledi ati[ tugged until they prieti reallzed. will îesn rauch for Wauke- tireni apart.1 gan trade. You have no right to rate i." If the ti-ade of tneýZern Lake and saiti Sanson, -lsoi golng 10 tave 1*4 abha couinties, andti artirer weet, 001) wvne-i. ntih i 's .!v arred wiîh la gooti enorigt for Kenosira tu bilît 11,r- a 110e 1In gel, il la tetter for Wauke- -les ruiiinng al(,]ose race wi tir ,an.This lathe way the business King Solonion andth uInt mllion, -saI1d rmeri are reasonitng. the restrît le go- an1 officeet t lgaveelîlnî ni, mur- to have ardtei holti.' deetareti( '0lthart. "beeatrse tire Lord tolr ie nIo do, .1'* A veîirg nian v-ho has hecn vork-, -1 e...0 o At tire plotce station tIrs. ('oltliarts ingat he hatIel-Talorplae, n Ove chiltren attendedth ie hearing. Lalte Forest, lias disappeareti, ant i tî They nange f romt 5 to 21. Tire iairgi- rrientir are greatly concerneti about tertire eider one, preferreti charges hlm. 1azalnst ber motter for 111iegai coiraii- Tire man le a Swing ty tire name jtta.adtr fe a ai atr of Aibertine anti same direct to LAke taion n h fe aet h iwoman tiraI sie glve Up Sansona andi 9boreet fi-om Swttzerland abutou go home. Sire refiaseti, bath herseif weeks ugo and wen<ta woi-k for tire and &Seson were put undet- $500 gardener et Tayloe-s. bonde andi boti raie 00W la the coirn- evenlng ire went away 1>' je,]. wittirt saylng «ayUirng toa 10700 abo« i t «Md iras e on »on or JIM D~ ~ hemeil.«oglumea. M-so waug, a" 3181 Do l ty b o eapoe were lott ta ir.oo. i 1, -ý - 11 néet dr*wu ble wauboan ig ay 'Meeili,'S do.4 lt abôut a dolar wiik bina whm hoe iet ~oa icre 471 .dtir curot I&l*week Tf.. Yong mo-n niot upftaBEW uà th*filerai '105 heut dlt m T% lisir but con 4*1k Geren, so if Ibut 00W. C=lne <0 fniesdi Ore tudaY. crould not evesa ask directions back Doutearty, vWb"l employed ln a 11v- ta bais home. ery etable, bore, wus sa-releti th a Tiere le no reeson ta thIlnk the V05211isiu, Malmee, for on silegeti at- young man would make way with tsck an a girt wile lataxlcated. A iimeelf. but the wlrole case as a mys- thrîrd moneOoePed. Tire good biebav- tery tiratItI will take time ta rnravel, lor o! Dougberly andi Malone afler so, no persoît seeme 60 ire able te, do arresltirhe fact that threY tipped ouf It at preaent- 10 Sierif Griffin Plane for a lai] de- _________________ llvery, andti irir goati records before lHunIers In tire laine regiona are tireir areet bougirttem llght sentenc- brnnggin ratirer amalkMlle o! ducke,9 anti one notîceable feature of te nim- rotin bîîndens thua apring le tire abr-1 aece of randti ens. Tre ihanteras daim1 tirat itre irave been plenty of tiucks1 this season eapeclally on Foi Lake1 battihey have as a rois flown too high fer the sliortsmen. Juat after the e i vett out geese were reportei more1 jlentîful than before In ten yeare. Both remnoved ta Chicago atter tbeir ret eae. Durlng lie progreas of tire trial, a false report tirat Malone tiesti wn olrculated bere anti as hie presence waa Important, il caueti much excitement. The report was said ta have been started Ps' a rival for tire ianti o! tbe girl wth wtom Mabone>' waa intimate. itig te be eaty co-operatlon witi tire Waîtlegan. Rocltford anti Elgin Trac- tion Comopany-, becatîse If tirere le one tiring rhat Wauilegan does not Ilike Il la Io see Kenosira "put one aver on As malter o! fact Kenouta iras long teen coneiderlng tire building et a trolley line tb Russei, ][IL,.tlu Labo county, andtiis plan bus been ouo biy mercirante of Kenouaa ot inter*"to An any- road.,non tho rinde prompoe. thre samo tirt tireWynu lhbqý oaa*- tôtWkma, -Mu ot to-j Kemiosha. Wankesa " sW.1 n0* ln thoir o*n wiy'ami PIIâ** Wff ne b-sto succ.& Howevor Gm»ral Masr.- Wpu imsoîf la a bosy usa nd aMM 1* ting air>'grass gBo0 ndér bis hoist , Tire stock of thre Wynn rSomi l a tô have a very r-eady roirkot #Ad th. prospecta brigirter avery 'day., Sur- veys are now finliret and thre Oraya- lake franchise wns due to corne up llonday nlgirt. Rireumatic poiqou@ are quickly and tsurely tiriven out of tire ilooti witb Dr. Siroop*o Rireomatic Remedy-liquld or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklo3 on rheumatism plalnly anti intenuotbagy telle luet how thie le done. Tell smmre write Dr. Siroop, Racine, Wls., fôr the hook anti free test saniplo. %»d Bo moneyT. Juet joAn witir Dr. Sb nad gi-e some enfloer a plea u=plu. ALL DEALER&. *The Three Successful Candidates For Circuit Judge Nominated By0 Overhelmng Mjoriiei JUDGE P'ROST. RocMçord. JUDGE WRIGHT. Belvidere, Boont Co. )VO

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