LÂgE COUMTY -MZPr-XDEIqT;_FRIDÂY, APRIL 16, 1909 M - j- = I TEk AND COFFEF SPECIALS And you need a good tonic. There is nothlng better than a cap of good tea or coffee. And to be sure of gettiing the kfavog or hprries tco maks, thesé;ý Corne to uts. A few pricts quoted here: luaât ctIice varitty Ooiong Tea pet pouod - Very fine variety Ooloug Tea per Pound.- - Good variety Ooioug Tes, pet pound Bet choiue varieiy Ceylon Tea pet Pound - - Our bet uneolored Japan Tee petrPound - - - Very fine uneolored Japan Tee per Pound - - - Good tuseolored Japan Tea, per Potind Fair uncolored Japan Tes, perPounud Medium grade uncolored Jispan Te& per Pound - - - Medinm grade Tes per Pounud - - Bail Mocha and Java Coff e, per Pound Good Mocha and Java Coff ee par Ponnd FIag bleisded Mooba ansd Java Coffee per Pound - Smith & Davis. choie bleuded Cotfee Per Pound Smith & Davis good blended Coffee per posmd - - Smth & Davis choioe miixed Coffee per pound Smith à Davis faney rnîxed Coffee per pound- Boat Golden Rio Coff e, Par Pound- Good Golden Rio Coffee, per Pound Rio Coffee, per Pound - -70e 550 40c 60, -60C -50C 45o -45e 3303 30e 25C Cor nl and get prc nu ilve and ten pousd lots SALE STILL (sOINGO N Smith & Davis Libe rty ville, Ill. GOOD TASTE i form, fabric and design it ah unr merchandise. Many attractive offerings in flen's Furnishings Some -of the de- signe lu eckwear are exlu@ii'ely ours. Stiff -Bosom Shirts, Plaited Shirts, Negligee Shirts ini hançisome new modele. Scarfs, Four-in-.Uande of excellent iks, at prices that will surprise you. Be B.MORSCLE & Co. j llanby.Block, LI bertyville LIBERTYVILLE BRIIEFS LOOAL AND PERSONAL MAENTrI ON] SPRINO IS lIEkE And it is time to buy gar- den seeds for your garden Rush Park Seed CO. Seeds for a limited time two packages for..... «........ 5c Also RICE'S, FE1-LLY'S anti CROSMA.N BROS.' seede and a f ulli une of bulk Sweet Corn, Peas, Beans, Onione, Sweet Peas, Nasturtiurns, etc., etc. J. ELI TRIGOS, RCE Ubertyville, 111. Mtchell@MUl]itary Band gave a Must satisfectory musical eutertaiumenî at the Unjon churcli last Thurt3day evening. The program wead ue oup eutirely <if home talent and was a vried and a-cl rendered. Two niea nunîhars ou the. "" oorm wre a elarinet solo by Ale) apeadamanduulîîî duet by Frank geau G.A. Beewvi ii. The accom- ranista wsre: Miss ýNliîl.l Higgins, Mmr. .B . Lovefl. Miss.lura Hapke and lim. . A- Besuiilier $13 waa realized by the sale I îîiiidy a-hid a-as vended to the aîiîeîî--. i,îîmnely youug ladies. Lyle Bond and e..-,Mise Besse Bond, returueti lau-i FrîîlovfrîîîoSan Benito, Tex. Lyle c îuiîicli îiproved ln hcalth and was ailede, iii ukthe joiney aithout auyserioÙs(liîiiculty. Previous te the time o! i.lus iese heoaas a member o! a gui -ruinent surveyiugr party a-orking on t iei1ins beta-cen thse United States and Oi lMexico. W. W. Davis, outiiennt. Ilapet Saturday nlght it aîlîrlaies re retarning hanse Sunday via automobile. Hoa having recently purchaeed a nea- Reambler machine from the Lake county representative. Bewa comupanîed by bis f&ther, W. E. Da vI. Geo. P. mesahan, a-ho lias been @pend- Ing tihé wînter la Melbourne, FIla, bai returned 10 Lake couuiy and aill open bi s ummer botel hlmar (irayslake. He waa a visîtor bore Moliday. Public opinion is trimigly lu avor o! pure peint. If you Phare it boy Bradley & Vroomani Pure 1'oîîîî is' the beet value ai auy prie Sili lir F. B. LuivELt., Lihartyvili-, 11L Paul MaeGuthu ndu)ii lu'and lic B. Miller aud -ie atîu-î-fcî a fîani1uet oh the Hamilton ClfFî i gioiiriday eveoing attise Andîtuîrîîîîîî 'nnex. lirs. Edih Warrenî ond son, 1Leelîî, returued Saturda., îrîîîîîSou Benito, Tex., wheretiseyspeinttlii-winter. Leslie vu@asmucli beueied o lthe chiange. WiVn. Gannon afti-c meuiiidig mepral mouthe in Texasasd ohe uic unifiaest returned home SuudaY Albert Goulti ba olîfil hrm to Ghcago parties and îîîîîed wlîh lis f amily to the village. lire. A. B. L-ewis. îof Waukegan, @peut Suday witb friands bore. Lewnseed; clover, ti motby alfalfa éeed. Hosmz LuuBza Co. 29-2 LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE PlANO ,,MANj Born 10 lMr. and lirs. Chai. Daton. Btnrday, A pril 8, a fine baby boy. Mr. and Mmra B. B. L»la ent Satur- day an4 Bunday witb friands at Palatins.t Will tb. parties Who have Ounr fence8 stretcher. peau e rtnr. SoeÂscK Baos. Rary Devis wtheàscore of 246 was the hg man at thse Luce bowling alley lait week. One carload of choies Rural ptates.t for mie on track in Libertyville nai gaturday, April 17. J. ELa Tatoos.c Seed Oate for saie. HoNME LumBER (1o. 29-2 Mfr. and lMrm F. H. Griffith$, of Kings. a sol 0" toêa-jibaheld t b wlbshool b.Ildingon axt Ssturday ~é~gfor lb. prposa of electlng one -trnieefor tlsresImm J. W. Buter la thse reti igtruulss whose tIns bai expireti andi ha saau" that b. a-l1 not bea candi" 1r*MSltbon. Tiser.: la not foot ao tibt t"ten flats village achool e iUaï bonsiderng 0 rusponlility o!t 11» lostee's jOOOKIe. au= &ie Mount W oS mspssomeb& hy tlem. It t4 *7.IE)0 «W., yon ls. bunsiness aif 4 vllSelsol les ysr nda-Iotsk asasP 00T.Mth comln yea . le-Sa - rwIng an tisa sehool laelnI sag' lisproportion. That voter@ shoti m ore interesi lu sncb au impêstini Iactar 10 Ca.. munity intarest' l isa opinion of many. noc.i.oaeisaleliW Thse amblcrs arsmmaklnx preperations dant bter, lire. A. F. Sheldon, the puât 10open anotlier basa baallmason and wses.will hl thei r firrt practie gainse at the obrt Halvoreen, o! Eau Claire. Wl.., fair grounde iez&Blundeay elternoon. Al bai aemptedi a position ai .hipping clerk base, hall plaVera Ini Lîberty ville and with thse Sheldon UnivereltY Prsse fllug vility are el:jitle for a "try" Ou the the vaeancy made by the reignation of team and the purpos of this meeting is A. F. Seiw ariz eirger. to test the mettle o! any new îlayers A nuiiber of the LIbetyv-îîyun who wlsfi te jon. joe Deerlove wili te ladies are planning to gi a0nu;ka the manager this year and .Joe Meloy dance isoîne tinie lu the near future and captaîn id the teans. The Ramlîlers propose to se thai the gentlemen are have soiîns goodrgasas1th eir credit in vcry lleasantly etertained. Invitations hepust and th «fnsal iii tesec vill be i8sued loter. even a bett,-r team thia year. !Thce oater Monday dance at the toiin Mr. and Mrm. FP. P.ymond, who have hall vvas well attendad in spire of thie been spenîfîg the witer in <alifornarin îgftA'esperao ev- returîîed horne lut Mîîuday. 0n thei&riYii i iacnet. pr a. sr return o îiroey tbey vislted everal puints inGColorado, Wyomîing and also The Lii) c Aid Society of the hresby. s;peni several daî s lu DesMoinies, Iowa. terinn citirîli a-hImeet at tlîe hoîîîc uf lire. liiit. liiggius, Thur3day alterno ii, Viec meeting oh the choral socicty at April ),2. the Presbyterian church lust londay re LN. nkoFemîtai evenigwasnotwaellatten)dedonaccount, arry luci. froskLfberal, as -andi of the raim. They are working ou a new iýBry1ukifo Lbrl a. pn eong called "The Pilgrim Fathere.' t1 Sinday at thîe home of Mr. and 5lrs. Il. le a very pretty piecie of music apd the' Luek. menîbers are oiuch pleased with t. The1 Edz*ar Wielle lft 'Tuesday niglît fic next meeting will bc hld ai the Preeby-ITviSîk rvGnwîr i fulter an uc îîdietModyeein.Aepets to re-iîinlufor several montlîs. hall tteîdanc le esird. IThe W aucîînda bowling tcam will play Thec local optioni rally ai the town hall a rctîîru gainie wiib tbe Lîbertyville teaîîî lasi Tueeday cvsning a-as oeil attended. at the Lu~e alicys Friday night. Thîe meeting was presided over by 11ev. Mise lre iLawrencebas beenempluîyed H. F. Lawler, puator of the M. E. churcis. as stenographer lu Paul Maef.ulfin laa- A ladies quartette compoeed o! Mesdames office thie ast few weeks. Wlre. Daviis, Hanby aud Higgius sang . several slections. The main addreea of Mies El la Staples hagone te Michigan tise evcning was delivered h y John F. where sliu expects to spend scierai Cunneeu. who le.workinq in thbe intere8tai weeks. of tise Illnois tate antiealoon league. Miss Heleil Johnsonu o! Glilago, a-a Hie talk was wel reoelved and ho tise guetf Miss Irene Lawvrence, Sun. presented many lnteresting lactisand day. figures ou the saloon question. Another meeting wll ha bid st tise town hall Mir@. Ru-bard Davy la spendiug several riait londay Dlgit. weeke wîth f riends ln Chicago. ABOUT YOIJR Y40NEY MATTERS. ERNING, ACCIJMULATING sud MANAGING yonr money le worthy your careful thought and besi efforts. Do it tise very best way snd before it is too iste. The haudliug of noney sud nney matters le our business. We can lîelîî you save, haudle and iuvest your mouey in tise uloe profitalel, iiost convenieut sud SAFEST way. EWery by and girl should have a sa iiîgs acoouut. Every man nud a-orait nods thse help and advice of a souîîd and serviceable bauk. We invite yoisr business and,. your account. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0F LUBERTYVILLE open Stuédsy ir lîts N a xI ser t e .Post office 1 Band concert at the Union church iei Thnrsday evening. Mir. and lire John Welch vit4lteil friendmi ln Antiochla est week. Jav Feeney, (i LaSaile, w"s in town on hufoioseSaturday. They may wander south, east, north and wenL lbut al onie biorneu in tlie spriug and gay Libeityville iookm the best. ?,lîlases EeeFfi-lIternationsi *and Suii,. ifiry leede. (reat rnflk pro- duierx. liilk lbrai),n flîît lîui o 29-2 The Eoasoýr lrugroui ot the M. E. cburchlast Siuda v everiîig zacked tise linrili to uverlîîwing. Au excellent proiani watigivenhy the Sondai echoul. Net Tueeday wili tell tlîe tale. It fla elther a fast or a lamine, a drouth or a reshet, wet or dry. There ýare varlonb @ides to thse question from varions people. Place your "X" ln the square. Il al the bonace lu Ibia toacu were ninted with Bradley & Vrooman Pure Pant here would ha no more panting for at least 5 year.. F. B. L0VELL, Lhartyville, Ill., le the agent. C. C. Copeland retnrned last week f rom Plttahnrg,.Lusses, wbere be "uet thse wlnter. Re la avtIlian ardent advocat. of the cause of temperance and @&y@ ha bas donc mncb work lu that fine dnrlug his absence. Mitee liMlitary Band w!ill g Ive a dance at the town hall on this Friday svening, April 16. ee creani and cake isill bae erved by, the ladies. A cîrdial invitation je extended to ail. Gome. Enhîîy yourmelf. The dock fseason îlosed Tlîureday, April 15. Whîle tiiere are many docks about the lakes thie year thley are saîd to have acquired the bail habit of lying ligh and the number laughieLrî-tl ins nîli up to the uouai standard. The miolporiermi rd Chao. WitneY gave lini a rouwinig receptiîîn and inniîva iîo at the tiwn hall lamt Frido vcr'iiîg Tliise who spolie were: . C. Edoîîrds. Martin De.ker, R. W. hîrehilf, E M. Ruiivard, P. L. PerAons, E. V. Orvîs. A. V. Smith, Dave H. Jackson, . r. Beydecker and Ghas. Whitney. The meeting was opened by Dr. J. L. Taylor, E. W. Golby seted as chaiîman. I aas one f the greateet arrayq of legal talent that bas visited Libertyville in suime tîme. Mitchel'a Militarv Band waea alqo peseut. f. 0. O. F. Inatakll Officors. Lbertyvllie Lotiga, No. 956, 1.0. 0. Y.i gava a 1îe Inatiton of officari a Tiso wau muslc by tisa orcbOtro sd ab quws'itta. Tb*apresn ýweb foUa- by ,érbaanmte d =a a e C n foallowin olemw i.- -N'( ak OI j. D. scieeU, V. 9.IU.L Hotste B Toas., L. Flag-j P. 0.,lraak li Lyl. Androw 8 . . V. 0.. Ë. i8. Clark R. .3,Tiss. eBrda;L.8i. S., G. T. fromi Wisconsin 1. 0. 0. P., willI deivr* the anuiveruary addreas, April 251h, a the Mf E. rhurcb at 7:80 o'clock, assistr by Rev. Lawler. The Township Vote. 0 Coi plete returnaifthtie judicial elcctiiuu a-hI beourid ln another colun@ Libertyville, as a matter of tact, waa 0 sirong or Whitney. The following is 0j t!ic voteilfithe ta-o precincts in thi@ 0j tiuo nsh N N o . 2 Total 4 0 I)onnelly ............. 78 p9i 1770 ù Frosti................. , 58 115 j iriaht ................74 Mir 1113 Whitney ............. 184 18() 3oo61ik W ToîtalcVti ... .22L,2323d 7 0 aggerated statemt Marly cutes a-i-ce ast for Whitîney aîîîîîi. > ers. However we i rers are ilot corn Miss Florence Evilsizor, a-loi l attend-* iug fuisnese î-olfege lu Evaiîston, kspent badly, neither do l'.he Easter hlîldays aith lier parents W1aukegan firms The R. N. A.vvll give ao cd, MWhite 0 > are hardly as gocr aini Illue hazoar et tise tovru hall, <j Ed Parkhur A1îril 2,afteriîoonanideceningx. Supper > f ruiii 5 tuî 8, illuuved lîy pregraim and 0 carigBy'S dance Super 25e; dauce tickets 25c. tharrying Bos' Si Thse nia- fraornal and insorauce order, 0 hmta oth Anliericon Stars oh Equty, Grytal 0 from hlm for $25. Spring Assecmbly, No. 131, gave a "good 0 time' party ri the ioa-u hall, lest 0 ~f or this epace to Wsdnesday evening. An excellent pro-.w n'0a grain wae a part o! the eveningo we wntsay a entcrtain mont Iollo wed by dancing. TI@ go1%edcrns attendauce a-as igoouiandi e moet pleas- go<j> aris ont evening enjoyed. Thefie Suite Jaîîîes K. Shields for the pat tisree though there are ycareStatetiuperintendent of the Illinois > Anti -Saloon Leegue a-lll lire tite lest gun<j the lot. Sorne w o! the local option campaig" attise town Lail net lionîlay nigît. hit aia under O Ed'e pnice, for c bis leadershîip tiraet the prefent local <j>et eenu option lawwaas paased Ibrongli the<> pie oS6lu lmgiltuirc hy wlîieb the peoiple of tl1111 <>1 1 anbta have coted ont more then 1500 saloons. Hief, a visc leader and an lnepiriug speaker.<> i Moay day, Saturday, Miay let. will lie T n i.Tag l)ay" for the hanefit o! the Lake <j> Gîîuty Tuberculoeiiie lutîtute, Lake Bluff tlrpluaagc and JaneslicAliâter <> LIBERTYVILLI fiospital. You a-lll be tagged. Havesa literaI contribution ready for a aortisy cause. ------------ --------------- 1 ~50%b»Mai WNIMtON A FACTOR IN IIARNESS CIRCLIES If "ny safe prediction (au Ticrmade at this 'between-hay-and-gra@ss eason" it may be hazarded that wi hie the Chicago trainer, Dick McMahn lias for two years past loti the race a ianing driver@ of the whiole country, while his money winnln)g@ have almo been hleavy, in 1909 lie ougbt to eclipoe al hie hformer records lu bîîth th~s respect@ At 1lea..ît tht le what a prelimitnary eurvei of the stable that he la getting ready at the Lberty- ville mile track for thic oiuiing .arupaign leado the critica, to antciîîate, Nowbere in this svorld does that familiar American inaxiii n Iili informe dm that nothlng eueeii ilie 'oie'-4m apply 8o aptly and woîrk mi iniliscrimin- ately tU on the turf. Just ion 'ilMeMabon la on the top wavPef il l,îi ilrity and publicity (whicli evi lii-position lie bas won eoiely by flîre olfbile owf abilities and menite) as i reiniriian,: and as a consequence lý i ivplndoui hoose among the be@t hormes in thu land from whicL to itake up big statle. and iflihe chose to, could have a re.pectable ied army with which to start tii the races nazI July. Cracks bave beeri eoîuing to hlm from aIl part@ of the United 8iatea for montha eat until hie barns are over- flowing. 0 course a certain percentage of tbem will not make good, such heing the nature of tihe best; but allowing for thl., he will yet, in al probability. ha able t0 tart away from home wlth suifIilent of a bunch to give quîte a nie lîttie race meeting ail hy bimself, if b» sbould not fallinl with plenty of com- pany. flmr la the lst of fast record trottieri and peciér that licMabon now l prs- palg to race on the Grand and Great etern circit-and lncidentally, wherever else there lii the prospect of a tidy winuing of coin of the realm: Trottera-Sonoma Girl (2:05%j), Brace Girdle (2:09%~), Just the Thing (2:10%j), Aisandra (2:12). Aaron MeGregor Noma (2 years, 2.19). Lottie Sherbet (2:19%j), May Neville (2:1914) and Misa lyria (2:23%); matinee amateur record PacPr-G4itatjon 2l~.Mima Wilkem (2:03%~). Red Bow 201) Velox 20, and Midniglit Boiy Ii,-eor Heralîl. School Notes. Mvrtle Smals e s tili absent from fourth gradte on account iof siekne@@. Hattie Boehm wcam absent froîî tise, eighth grade a lew days Iast week ou account o! sqicknees8. The regular board meeting was held Friday niaht. Mr. Smale visited the echool liondîsy. Ruthi Taylor and Gertrude Evileizor played aduetlast Friday morning for the freilimen entertainient. Katherlue Morrie and ber lriend visitae« secool last week. Rth Daly visited the bigli achool last week. Irone Bnlkley and Marie Schanck are absent from the bigli achool on account or sckness. The hlgh achool realize $847 as their share of the net proceede realized fron the musical entertainment given at the Union cbnrch. Pareetffle of attendance as followe: fligh wahool, 89.6; seventh and eigbtl4 grade, 90; f ili and sixth grade. 90. thlrd sud fonrth gra.de, 90.7; firat 8ý .sond, 93.8. Ganevieve Rielly and Hilda flapke arei absent froin te firsI grade on accouat o1 .ickneas. ITYVRLF.ILL, *000000 the 7e are patterning after the ez- iete of Waukegan adventls-. are not. Eastern manufactua- ng to us when they need cash o they corne to spread-eagle swhose commercial ratinge ofi as our own. irst wanted to, discontinue 3uits; lie had twenty-nine, of m $64. 10. We bought them .00. We don't want to, pay )advertise a competitor, so ;ything about the claas of are niostly sizee 8 to, 8, ai- 3eome as large as site 18 in we will seli at one.thlrd off othere we hope to, get hall' P. tWaukegan holloçw! ýE.FAIRA .E ILLINIM Thnousands of Years l Merchants found the Shortest way 10 Success wu l Giving the. Public Good Valuei There arc merchants today who are trying to ggt around this Truth, established 2,000 years B., C. We have bult up our businees on the principle of One Price and Square Deal Before you inake your purchaseis Be@ what We have to, offer in Seasonable Goodâ. Our lino is Complete in- Wash Goods Batistes Gwnghams Ditmities Percales Waistings India Linens Lawns, Etc. WOOL SUITINliS A lfine up-to-the-minute fine o[ Ladies' end Children's Shoes. Slippers and Oxfords, in black, brown and greg suede -and tan. teI je id 18 a Lit ]ig 0 e6e !L . No stocsk oh resented. t I I I I I I I ý' WTW -A se- .ght 4, vis. PROMPT SERVICE TREATM!NT ABSOLIJI! SA1TTY - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- --------------- lmý onwown ww%ý s ' 'su