Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1909, p. 7

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LAK~ O~flTY JNDEJD~NT flA AÂPRIL 16, 1909, 25 CENTS JE i REAL ESTATE ilï FOR SALE-Two elgamt homes lu Deefield,Ï9 sud j0roomo eaeh; nmodern la Avery particular; 5 acres. jlueS WAMla, l)erfild or HJIBEENIAN BANK, Dkalý Eetate De t., 122 blonroe St., Chîcago. 29-2 FOR SALE-Sixz roon, bouse on Broad- way, bard wood finish. electrie lighte, good epri ug Water, prie reasouable Il takeu at once. R. .MÂK, Lîbertyville. III. 23-cl FOR SALE-Loto ln the Dymoud sud Austin subdivisiou, 501140; *IOOeh-b 85 dowu, $5 per iuontb. DvMoNn & AUSTIN. 2 7-tf FARMS-We bave a large lat of Lke count> [armestooII, aIoboume@ aud lots n village. DymoNiu & AusrtN. 27-tf FOR SALE--Cbolce lote lu C. Frauk Wrght'& addition, 50u150, for $200.00, '#250.00 and *$M.00. Dneomsu & AusTnx. 27-ti FOR SALE-Acr lots o Dimmd'sa nbdiviaon, clous 10 0w. sMd ebocslc cars. Prioes M0.00. DsuomD&AsTIu -I-- -- - - - LOTS FOR SALE-lea tb B&J1, w. uub-dlvlelon of Ubartyvilb, mso0f ewhtrie ro"dan llwauko avosu.. J. J. GsaaEs,. awUbt. 15 tf FOR SALE-Peoprti k.own-am Father OMr &' Suua're ec.S MIy rl e o f geouU on corner vltb fruit sud sad& es. and tvo story building vitb lateel Improve- ment@. Three additiona reldeDcese eau be bujt ou this corner; migt consider dlvidlng. &e M. 0. Jatuceoisç. Cook Ave., or P. 0. Box 71), Lkbertyville. 118-tf FOR SALE-SIlO acre improved farm iii Red Lake Couuty, Mau., good buildings; migbt dîvide. M. O Jo. yCook .Ave., or P. 0. lox 719, Llbertyilile. 1-tf FOR SALE-Il,,.î.e iud tarn m, i Fr-t atreet. Iaq ir- ofIlB F. 5,o.sto c LlbertyvilW. >1tf FOR RENT-Cottage ont Lake tr-et. luquire Mtua E. S. WAnukE3. 21-tf FOR SALE-Nine room bouse sud baru also store building uow uced as s barber @bop aud barn aloo vacant loto. W. Lý lEsuaiott, ilackeelder, 111. 29-4 F01 g4T FOR SALE--Surrey sud single 1p Id. Bo. l god condition.Mi. M.ALL OONRIockefeller. Phonue m i l UWertiVîU. 2687. FOR SALE-A brood mai wegblug 91600 lbo; with colt by aide a week old, Jàyg CALLAHAN, Warrenton. 29.2 FOR SALE-8 ehoato, weigbing about 80 lb212ab; "os teftm, wagon aud bar- ne.. and 4 yesr aid colt, wt 1420. Wet. SPELLMÀN, Libertyville, 111. 27-8 FOR SALE--Uood new otoek 0 o eng. Homr feuce 20e per rod; 7 wi-es 48 incee 'iigh, 27c; 9 wires 40 lucee bigb, 88c; beavv outltry fonce 18 wire, ý48 taches higb, ilu. stay, 41c,; 20 wireo 58 ln blab 48e. Low ricee on asilghtiidefectîve su dd styles of fenclug. 10 wlres 47 ln. hlgh 29c; il wires 58 ln. bilab 33c. AmEiEcAw Wiaz Fxacci Co., Llbertvllle, 1 Di. 27-tl WANTED-Tbe»naof mon Who want to bal a good farta lu central South l>akoto4, of ithe b.aitbleut, riceet and met Iproductive statec in the uniou. For Pull Information ait JAS A. RCEvxE, Ruoeell, Ii. 29-4 FOR SALE-A good black and bay hors., Sanud 9 yre old, wt 1200 aud 1800 aiso Il lr of well matebed bay .".t. CULBoafl, Lake Zurich, 111. FOR SALE-S. C. Black Mdinores egge, $1 per mttlug. f uquire Gus LÂNoNE, Libertyville. 28'- 2 OOR SALE-16 paaeenger bu.. J. E. ia, baiu block north of old deot, = eryville. 1. P84 DRAININO AND TILINO-Persond udemiring wark doue lu this hune plee rail JoaN Bex, Esot Park Ave., Liber-tyville. 26-4 FOR SALE-Counpl.- oi farte h,,rto-s )aY Jîtî,*E (iilmt-r, . 2 2 1 FOR SALE-liglit r',,ril hou,-on' lirainerd Court. al ,1 ,t, ,, [ - IWANTEDi WANTEO Sto,,k t,, Isetur.-. finu e l u- gras,,ni) owsmp lr),-rsb ater datly., lInquire (0. W. BERGEttONol,.ad Morris, fartv,, twuIles weet ol Lbrv-le Phone 754 2lî-tf Il 'i FOR RENT-We havieaàiv £)ad mcd oea boumsi&"uddata to i tst. ucinA AU&MI. 27-U 1 FOR RENT--O amre WSg, bai n sd boug*e IDqui-o J. fi. Wixsve, Roekeer, FOR SALE Il, I 3 a 1 FOR SALE-75 carde of hardvcod, bY the cord, or tb. entire stack. Inquire Wu. CavYà, superintendeut Thoruherry Farm. Lîhertyvîlle. 27-tf FOR SALE-Large waîl mape of Lake CoUnty. Prie $1.00. lNDEt'NItENT office, Lberayville, 111. 22-tf FOR SALE-Titree yesr oadaseparagus roots, $1J50 eentâ s huudred. E. 1). HtuAtil, Lbertyville, Ill. 2, -tf FOR SALE-Carload oi choice Rural potato.. ou tack at 'Lihertyvîlle neit Saturday, Aprit 17. J. Eî.î Ttas.B FOR SALE-Pure bred Wite Wyan- dotte egge. four cent@ eacb. Mmt..H LueN, Phone 1311, Libertyville, 111. 29-2 FOR SALE-E>tge fromn thoroudhbred White Wyaudote. 75c per settiug. W. W. PiunAsrx, Libertyville, 11L. 2"- FOR SALE-Es&rly cabbage sud tomsto plante. Cod]lau D. D. HEnRICS, Firet etreet, Libertyville, Ill. 294 FOR SALE-S. C. Black Minorea, Nort us @traiu, aud Blac-k Laugoban egg.î, $1 for 15; Pekinanuit ldianRfunuer duck --eggo, 10 t eel -White tlolland turkey egge, 25 et. e b. Mmt. L. V. Lusg, Orayslake, 111. l oîne Round Lake 125. 29-2 FOR SALE-Wh'& Plymouth Rock g. Caîl or addresa L. egs, ,111I. FO SALE-4lood tbree spring wagon.1 luquir. 1R. H. LYrLE, Lîhertyvîlle, Ill. 29-tf FOR SALE CHEAP-Oldaoblle run- about, lu fine runniug aider. Iuquire1 of B. M. Flck, Lbertyvllle, InI. FOR SALE-Anyone 'wisulng tu, buy a1 meyen rooce, modern, icto-dste boum e me Eu MeDOicÂLD. éd for occnjraip May l1.. FOR SALE-Barred IPlymuouth .Rock1 eggu, tsfty cent, for settlug of liffeen. Byxoze CoLit, Lbertyvillbo, L. Tel. tephone 2654. 27-tf FOR SALE-Pure bred Buf Orpngton eg1s alssettiug. FRwoe BEux Or&~s laits, 111.1 4TO EXCHANOGE-8 fiat building front- lug Jackson Park, near Midway, ane of te best locations in Chicago. Alreuted1 10 good tenante. Annual rotal$*520. Prices 50,000. Will excbsuge equity for ~oad cloor fsrm lu Lake connty. GEo. IgBRN .& Co., 1057 E. 58tb St.. Chi- Çago, or Ouruse, 111.27. FOR 8SALE-Fjrist-ele.s lover sed. homo gran sd guaranteed to be trie fronî foui ueed. Inquire ScRnm I Bsxu À,Llirtyvlle, Ill. Po2"GO MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-On Improved Wama aI 5 petrent DYMdOND & AurN. 13-ti MONRY TO LOAN-$2000 tabkm atii Ubr7ll. . 22-tr Il Tg AMD POUND LOST-Ladioo long coat an April 11,; botwoen igbwoo d dJ. A. IUseona - Fînder rew tiau1 J. A. àiàwqo, Prairie0 Vlew, aud reei.ereward. e MADE rT RiGHT.--n5 'et Il Was Net Easy For thé Sslosmat lu GrasptheBous' Schemne. In ane of the suburbo eof Lendou there le a wholesnle flrm the enler mcm ber of w hi mar Le kuon-u as Mfr. Blaul. The tru, bas lwe travelIng Sleomtn-a singl,- recel INgS30 shillings per week. amdibe otber a marrIe,] man. tirav.Ing f2 per n-eek. A shtort lime ago tie single mati. Le- Lizg lu the îhop and fooklug over mat- fers, disceered that tbe marrfed sales- man n-as recelvlug 10 shiflngs, per n-cck mure FaInry thon bîteself. n-bIle be (te sinle atafm'as eelling more goods. He called Mfr. Blaki alten- tion to hi sud iuggeolc, It. tas he n-as actlifng more tian the ollier fel- Ion-. he ,hould aIt east recelve ai muet li5y. The senlor partuer acknowîedged te apparent f ncousisleucy sud aseraredhbi man, bat b,- nogld look tutu Il sud if the stateen't ,tere correct he oulond maIe matlers rîgt Another n-col roule,]by, sud n-heu lte slngie*mati came te, dran- bio sel- amy from the hookleeper be was sur- prised lu lu,] enly 30 -shllinugs pasied out te hlm the saute as befere. Hc de- murred. The heelleeper lnststed be itad recelve,] ne Instructions te rais. bis psy sud referrcd hlm lu Uic gav iruor. Approoeblng Mfr. Blauk, be said: *'Tou remember. air. I apoke la yen luit veek about my alary. staling that. vhlle 1 n-as sellng more goode tIm the ater traveler. 1 vas receir- lug lem pay, sud I tbaught 1 sbanld receive as mucli ae be diS. Tou soer- id me you vould laook Il sut ad make matters rigitt." "Te.," sld Mr. Blankr, "I remimber jour mentlonlng the maflir, M 1 madie Il rlht.dîdu't11?' "Wity, no: 1 doul sou boy yen have, as the bookkceper bas lust paid me1 lhe saine amtont as before I can't se. bow that la maklng Il rigit ,ar." tTYou dou't understand," aId lte nIor çartuer. 1'1 have made.lil rlght Yau titougbt yen ausht ta bhave as muet psy asulte other utan, a»d I bave Made Il rgitl by cuttlug 1h. othot feliova psay dovi."-LAudon Tt-Bits. Adjudication Notice. Publoiftce t, bereby rIve,, thatt.e SuS- wieberAduilusrartx 0f itsetate of WlIam J. Poilier. fisobasse nil] atteud tte CQunty Oourt 02 s4e C sk atrza bereoto te Itlden At VVIs Omet Nta IWankegatt, tesald <oiuty on llitd y ôf lne ucutI .,e.*11 spd M» r. ,tino.0~lsdim gl .aid 4,e.aeage oqssdt rea !7 9 OFFICIAL BALLOT e l'li following le the offlctttl ballot of the Village of Ltiertyville, Laite County, Ill, t10 be voted Tues- day, A1,ril 20, 1909. EARL H. CORLETT, Village ClerTk. Q People's Ticket l'or Premident For Truste D (E0. 1F. LYNCIl DE. il tEILLs R. 1P. SINE;I FoItr Trustce ta 1111 vacaul euore year ALBERT FAUIRNER U4il. MILLUR. Attouéiy Adjudicatioun Notice. TbR i e.nI « 111>a11c ribe àdtuator estat. M or1ha"24 Gin.decewed.wW atendtheCooaLy court1 of LiSe Oouati. mat à dr ft i-holde,. nt the COmrt Mnel Wiea, L' eeoun- tCo~O .. 1105M by T. C. MeClure 1 on the tiret WM;2ud 01 un ae uît . 1 z.It, audboe. à oro. haviug cJa>,,,,agtnst I>eacou Hendersoun-oas s meek taanntidE«ate are uoffledanud rq ucoc tpr,eo,,, who had Married a abren-. Con-e trou- tgdOutfrg to bled the deaeon's n-ttc There w-ax Waukegati, MareS ht. 1009. . 3 nie cO lu paRtîCUlar that tlîe deacoa 9always treated wftb the utmuet ten- BEN M. MILLER, Altere3. demneu sud finat bis wtte, per contra, always tbirsted te kiJI ou the spot.1 Adjudication Notice. Thl; was a one horned cow belonglng Public Notie Sile ereby tlen t ilt. Sut. t. the Wldow Glenn, lu the village. At tuele rtraîcafSIutteroethl a l '-,î. ofI nome Stage lu ber con- career S.oule on@ tettend the C(lunty Court of Lakte (i...di O,,4 a trni,,thereoft u bttcboldeu et the t r i,,oseý b.d knockec lier rîglit hortoff lufi, aaefi.t fttuî ,,1e~S. o fAtie ex, WO heu md cher, a-r,, ta-eatlug ber nu n lresliuofer. The desca- îtn1 iz tno aga'ttaid Estate o-"îIe con'. wlfe Wnnld te militaor k1111finat fgrdleateidUeon. h ai t . 'r COW cause lbh- bovine Sind but the HERMAN BROC$MAN. Adii,-'r,,, ene bore, and bý sIc belouged t .luM 0 lw a wldow thnit biîd once wüudered bow tic deacon could Posslbly stand iltut lire wltit sucb a wlfe I Siue am C. T. MEYDECCER à Sffl, Atty.. ta, E.tete about finat there n-erc murnîngo nheu Adjudication Notice. the one hornied con- came home wl;b a~a otet eei ie,1,,i, u, lmp and a deJected attitude sudother Pbie NUe in heai tSeIaSt iaTi nt,,t-,, morutago ochen obe came borne îit nof Leu& Wirtitdeeeaft.ed, l atteai thte beadandtai in he ir nd blleingConty ourt ui Lakte Courtty. sBtria,thereot hea su tal l th ai su helevngte Se Solde,, at t.e Court gouste ttri wauikegsu that lite n-as wortb the living. It aIl lun gaw Cuuuty. oun1the5,-st Moud., ,of tune itext. w veu sund n-hec. a&D er-nà , tavint depcudcd ounvitether the deacon or hbisdatant BE aluol st ate am e tified xCr itfe got UP tiret and fond ber tre. Zj= rewentbthVa,,uc IU u ,rt for paulug. FRRDmICE . WIETZ. Executor oithe t The ou. horued mv bad hecu vitat Winl Snd Tolaiseut of letUt vIr9zdeeeed. mî2gib.e alled a fluture for tvo years Wanke<an. fDL. Mai-eh L M.. - before lb. deseon'a wlfe dled. The cunduct eoflthe ccv and lthe deacos __________ vile bad dilided the sentimet et ti h. eeuamunity. There ver.the ccv par- ty sud the anti-cov psmly, snd bath ai teutwere provlded vîit poverful 5au, gumaints ta sustulutou- ppositions. The _____________ vite waxs everal days lu dying. Wben- %lie hsd giveat directions about ait otb- L c .r'sA er thîng, eeu te baviug lb. barrel o acir ns14 @Ott soap utoved ta, a Shady spot lig A splendid bargain in saidte tber husbaud: "And nov. Job, 1 vaut te talk about Nottinghamn0oU r t a i n s, thaf eue horned con-. I hoped 10 ]ive -white and ecru, 54 ta 60 lonîg eîîough te kîll ber, but Provm- deuc-e fins ordered otherwise. i go, inches wude, 3 to 'U Yds. aud ste -stityq. but 1i nt yeu te prom- long; beautiful new pat- lIse t,- irint.-,It bot for bier. Kuokek f berotlîîr hrn. Brekbruck 0pr terne; worth $2 00), pair lier rtd lave rio furtlser inrcon be'r l ,,.,-aase shc le tbe cnw of a w d_ .4 1 , it'tdie citat' nuIt-rat ou prom-1 4 i se r',. itý Y;, 111 i rî,Ij,a.uv Sud bier lt t!h,- '-oit,1dl, lii- day ut ray futeral. I>,,tî îiîl,,d m,». but gel out sud go for te ,-,.Chase l-ier ten ilottes arouud( fbe lot anid bre-ak toth bi-r bU,] le-g,,. Il a-as agaliist the grain. but the sud premleed, and It in duc hlm te oy ltaI for a montb atler lte fumerailihe Those 'who arecoc dld bis hesl te carry out lte proises. He tildt inud the cow trepassfnk fiiid it decidedly tc ho& $lie puthln ne ot ber ghutremnel'y large and elsevbere. Witeulie dld Sund ber b. .. y euedand stoned aud raised bumpa newest- patterns ai and lump. on varions paris cf ber body. There came a day, bovevor, vhez hi lIt up on tIis The one horn- id ccv Icaked aI ,hlm o mcuanily 4 and reprochtully that hoe>culdet tbrov another rck. Shi seefed, to boa aud appeal ta hlm ta gi-te ber a shov, aud lhe simply pnfl up a laU eoru.ltalk by lhe route sud usod il ad a gad ta drive ber to the blgbvay. Fur the neuttwo Muthe the one hcmid cov llved ounlthe fat efthe la"tS an sinîteti ever ather con-s wlth - me borne. Then Deacon Heudeson tcund blnasetf lu a quandary belveen bis flead n-ite sud the lIvIng con-. He baS madie certain promises te a dylng vo- mtan. Hle buil falled te break tit iow's neck. Instead ot no ddolibe n-as ireatluàg ber s-lth ail love and gentîcuess. This tact began te n-orry - the good man. He grew thin over 11, mnd lie n-as vet undecîded wnheu lte rutleer of lits ctnrcb cnlled une att- ernoon. Here nas tbe opportunty tu unhurden bîmseîf, sud Itln-as taken îdtvanlage of. The mînister heard blmna- titreugit vîthout a word sud then sld: -'l am N srpriîed flint Sîster Hender- son carrled sue-b a feellIng te the gravae, wltb ber. 1 I n-a you badl nut prom- [sud n-lat you dl, asd yel It would b. unnalural for you to carry ont ftoue promises. Von have probnbly trIeS te break that cow's neel?' "For tbree or tour n-coLo I trIeS niy test." n-as the Ituaner. Price Sa i g "Yon dîdu't et en succced lu kuock- " ls fforcvr ung tbe otfer hemn off?" T i lS ffOrCVr Nu It's lucre yet." colorings. Aloo Wooda] "And] ou broke nue ot ber legs?" "Not a leg.' Linoleum. 2 yds vwide, tWell Ie, yen bave trleti sud ie.i-god uaiy Spual ed. Il la flot your fauît Ibat yon bave go ult.g«al falled, but you badl better stop rigbt priced at per there. Somethlng Ia on-lng te owuv as runniug yard, 9 well as te tbe departed. Ou the ther band, tbe Widen- Glenn, kuowiug that ber eue borueti con- t. a botheratlon and s damage te you, bas no rigbt 10 et bier mun ut large sud la b. deflat about Il. Neither eau site reasonably expeet that yon vîlI continue ta tisaI ber animal w-ith the merey sud tender- te.. Yen de." "nulthere ougbt te lbe came vay tnt off 1h" saIS the deacon. i sCap "Yes. there ougitt. Suppose jon vire Gnarateed; havehfh ad to eaUl on the wldov sud 1*1k tliluss bristleeJapanned trimmingo, over lu a frtendly way.'seil .. ....... "But site mîgit thur me culdomt." pia------ "I wUll sec ber tirett lliu you Win fd bergesu ad amiable. o I e Sme1uaamt A mantb later lhe deacon calied. ieW. have added boariJ Se horued con- vas diseuwed trous ber of special th* s guirnfi theit opftber one bcn totbihe p etr ffrd O 'rl ter ragged taell, but vlfhcut acelouay. r fee o;frl Mi mnthes after tuaI, austhe cop%6 ulchased elsoiere. T troe u t tbbn» tte a t.MW at yacks, wlth.or withoi f your id ber 'ader Dwuer. N . 0 ~Citizenis' Ti'cket For l're'iideut D DANIEL LEE1 For 'Iru..îees D SELDEN -MITCHIELL, D RUEZ (OSBOfRNE D STANLEY RATrON DFor Trustee 10 f611 vacacy-oue year ANSON WHEELER Lace ,Curt'ns 2.48 Nottinîgham and c a hi1e new ourtains; values that wotila readily bring $3. 0 ý white and ecru; beautiful range of new patterns; 34 yards long.; full width, 2.48 WAUKEGAN, - . - ILLINOIS __________ SALE OF ROON SIZE INS întemplating purchasing new floorcoverings this spring wilI otheir advantage to investigate our prices. We show an ex- handsome Uine of the best grades of roomr size rugs in the rid colorings. SpecWalpuïce features art presented ta encourage immediate'buying.. eD kr gt rujvus*r offsrd at îtii leu tharx $ t.75. Teptternaareof the miost beau- I~~I ~ \ ttifil floral *ua" Orientald a', aIn A ~ n t ~ coe coebatn colon. e armIt offerng them special this wek at the Iow priceof ....... VELVET BUGS, $19.71L Tase price at w'hich these ru&o Bsell1 in other store@ ta fnot les@ thau $25,00, and iu mauy paces even - 4more than that. They are full 9112 s ize. Choie- est Oriental aud floral deigand, aud lu extremely II attractive coloriugs. Offered special for this sale St . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brussels !", gi,8:95.Size Qx 11. llaud@ome Oriental * patterus, l i color combinations. A $12.b0 value Bt ...................................9 Ruusatai$24.75. Biglow electro & body Brussoes mg@, size 9xl2, aiso 8-Sxio-il; floral sud Orieutal patterns; neweot oolor- inge, iucluding wood ehades; sî>ecially priced Bt......,. ...... .... ... ..................... 's on Linoleums, OUl Cloths, Mattings, Etc. ngs is shown very extensîveily at the Globe. All grades and widtlis in the choice8t îum in bard wood fînisýi, used as a fi'ller around rugs. We guarantee that our priees will Rave You hlloney. Linoleum. Ilalf inlaid. LinoleCUm 4 yds. wile, Very baudsorne patterns. A nuruber of attractive LI yds. wide; wothg 0 patterns;'p ci 1.25; running yd.)8C prce, run'g yd .26 Mothers, We Seil GomCarts We show the largest and muost attractive line of Ba by Go-Carts in the city. Ours are superior in many re- spects; they are staunchly constructed and at~ the saine turne light in weight. Many different styles. Made of reed, veneered wood, and saine leather up- holstered. Prices range froin $là$9 b> *25. are Specialties HI h Grade'Wall Paper nes in the-basernent a num- Ourw§paper, which is 'carrled in the basement, frnitu re, whioh we belie-ve while moderate in price ils af a4r unusually high Bmoney than they can be olsas. We have a wide range of handeome styles 'hey oonsist of costuniors, ta choose frotu. The col=ings in eaoh pattern it mirrors, book and plate are beautifully harmanized. If you are oontemp- waist boxes, and utility lating papering your wals you should not l to Drop mn atnd see thein. have a look at aur splendid sliowing before deoîding. Ve have a complete stock of Wind'ow Shades in regu]atioîî sizes. The be8t grade nused in their rnaking and the rollers are of the most durable kind. We also mea.strement. Il -1 , 1 a Ili .1il 1 1 mi

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