Newi s OUI or mte JIL, Flfth Cuse of $malt Pox Dicov.ncd in 'the MeVeflofiHum. on South Coun- ty Street and City Quas-ntinei Pourth Homne. Retrenchmcflt En- force in Paylng for Attendanc eon ensall Pox Ciscs. Thoma Wllltten of North Chcago, bookel Ily tie polce mas adrunk and disorderli',' Tuesday mrutut cooly tocoi avntige cf a chance for ttee- dom tisat opeiied betor. hMsud viies Dcii gorgeant John Manard ca the *$mu ecft hemen vho but mereir etaye la Uic cty jeu for tbe slst, lnstésad cf teyng iluJouil temet tue charge agaiset hlm, vaUied forth a ftai.mas vitIL 8h. "ftay overs" lAter, hovei«, ho remensbrud thit hoh"utloft a PeoselatheCchargeoe tise qO ansd retnrned te reclato lt, cmli4# b. r.aurMW,, bronght befln, of the Joli lolto tue open air, sud Oued $3 B»d coe. WOIetSs proteted tisat he dld sot mcv that he vu nsotrf-e te go sud that he thougbt h. wu. t Urti vhin the Jail 60r. cpcsed. The po- lice laim tist h played a clever dodge but vas caught becase. et hie doine te reciain hie mener. Wllis tos pald hiesse sud 1.ft. *Mali Boy Chroaie Runeay. ChIet Tynrell Tueeday mornin t tek lu charge trom a McAlIster Ave. re.i- deouce EnnemI Siobesta, aged eleven, vho lesald te b. a chronto runavay froin a geod borne. The pouce say that hrue avar contantly, bora Of selghbhcra th a pitecua storY, sud Wil set romain et home. Chief Hcia once more teck hMm to bie home, save ordcna that h should staj thcte, and varved lite permi» tiat if h did sot b. vouid have te ha phuaceL a shuofcorrection. Anther Stua1Ilpc eau.M TUseiay musig a pbijaciSu dleg »0" e ot"" iuas hbai on vil oul ooome .wui" tlu.Lea mi e* mllIi a 8k9os la- thbe ~-muobrbtrte, erw t-,ÏÏÏ0 iy li t o. «Il dc~ 2*0 preunt cme le tbat cfa *12 puIaé ic<otàll tb put oumeeut 1 iadr quumatne lu tb*-OW. Iomme 11110trs* «e mii atter la "the i Our bhue "114.4thec dol$ws M t> 8-UailPo- atter. Peop11 wb.bai cfléà muetythei 01r evudodlos 1515 toc &"douce vher6 c pdaute, me. tise b0llu for a&l supplies and am torth, tbe ctty puylng only viiere the peopl, causot pomablYdo m. seek for Caum T$PeOPle areputttng I18up barÉ te the heeith deiartinont te Sud tii corne.&o90 MeMa u ceofettise res dimeeme »udwite .an epdemtc te Do tasred tuere le a grevlug desre th& eafraordinary recautlonsataies t prevet tue aPread f tise disesae. roUrD-GRArT!Rs IN THE! COUNTY StA Willi "Lid- Practice of Dsprmin Funde 80 Evry Tom, Dck ar HasrY Who Claims Ho Wili Woi fon Ont Man and 'Thmn "Worki Every One Practice mu Ganerait Condomncd but Requires Muc Cousrage to End Parlleularty 0 South ide Whomu MaspesAA &&Id to Swrm In Great Numbers Incensee by persistent "hbold upu"4 and petty «"gaftings' by alloged poli- ticlana vhc are "fer" every candidate vie cornes vîtulu tuir tcutaclo 1 graep, politictans are nov taling oft fosming su offensive sud defenalve1 lae sad refuelsg te diabunue a eut to au lecilcu varier et sur TU ii.tuation ona tue ucutu aide la doerbed fa the vPnat possible lu sur City aïdIt18tua urntly s mi it 1in %U a nampocet book la vertu te ga aves- there and try te electioneer. Narpie. lunhuasf oras urnoud Mim et evoe-y tep ual beg for mosey. "ras for os,." th"y leciaru."I vani mm.yGive me »eansd i vili w" 'for yo. If jeu dosIt cough 1 Va11»et ot agaeinat you and 1 can est jeu, because I have many ',Ii gaine, lt la rooorted. lu venked SelImie eanldate sud then os an- cUier sud alvays fer mener. 38te ta ,rote buybn#. 18le vote vos-k burlue and the mms vi ela"id inexopected to huetlc, but lic nover dc.. a stroe or work mu a eralliy mekei a b..' unei for lIe Suorest Saloon on for home, viiere blethve. tte money. Tt legsaUitomcs t if ausieds of wosieasa u the me*ti aideaKiuwwUaIl and &mpou th ailte"napeàa4caiy th-r are * ot more tbau tvo or tire. Who are fair dealing sud honeat sud tsi. reit are political pirate. laylug for h. man vith thse coin sud the ltch for the office. it là nov preposed te shut devn on tht. sud candidates at the nseat elec- ton, ot whatever nature, vîll b. iii- ed set te 1005,5 up te the. citent of a penpsy, me that thc allons eau b, broken efthtie grattlng habit. Pelîti- clans adsilt hhat Il te ther ovn tault, but tbey claim tuat tbcy have nev tiirovu te the birds ail the. meney hhey lteni to, 30 thc practiceocf PoY., lng ent money to every Tom, Dlçk sud Harry, vie cenut pei Uthe tongu.e ecept te make a teuch, vii b. "ldded" as ped jt l8a clatmed that me muci s M 0 Ihue neen throwa luto Uie district &muon& "taiWe ieoomwoirr*t ont Ielectiosi, v uore Ile sDot 'tated. Trourist o Leve fer Ultwuukle et Orn on th W&y te Mlnqisapolls aMW Omîhu. ýVIiit Pim eWiuakegan Ap Pehin NexI OIl4detr our. Trip. HoosMa"e Prom. Detrpt by thse Paos E.M. . Car ..... ..... .. The P. M. F. psuifnder car, vhicli ta mapplng the route for the llddcu tour, arrIvea inl Chicago Thureday att- ernocu sud lu Waukegan fridar mors- tnig Dean 11:30. Tii. pathfinders lot t Detroit lait Monday, but have made noefforest te speed, preferrlng te taire thein Urne and Invetigate the mont detrable routes. Dair Lewis tated that the ttip trom Detroit tc Chicage 5411 eccupy tro dey». The f"r day's ornery wl bnlng thse touriste te K.lamaaoo, a 142 miles. Ou the econd day Chicago viii h the destination, the route te b. via Southi Rend. Thte scisedaie clle for 173.3 mile. eft travel. Thse pahisSaders 10f t Chicago at 8 ociock Fnldey moraing for Mlwaukee, beanaI fer Mnneapolis. Threecm>.a tmMishave bhua ahiduleml bcteea fflcaefflainnessapolise.The SAro yat alor th* qirlda y cfthe trip Hurman Schwory CIaimed to Have Ruetved Check from R. C. Town- se54 of Highland Park utroy fer tepping Runawey wth Two Olsldren, ln Cardage LAit Monday In North Shore Village. Prienso f Heriiean Bchwery, late candidate for Justice. etthi e e, and a wefll nown regident, aseerte diat' flday he recetved a check for1 ll100 frein 1&C. To*necnd cf Hlghindi eiit esau arecognitonof obisat th oavlng Touimemsa itwo chflren t mm possible diath lua Wrunaway th. prevl-1 ou& Monday at Mlahland Park. schircry could sot be tosmd lh u.ffrtaor démi the . utryend Towu- e" ore c y 0mw lii.ueo.coiil -o b. otV.>a YàIPa%04ln, the M ll'Wlei rt i U1hJj ,r u*ytC7 rla ue' àt the.1*oiint "aemit h. se tbeh It Umm thm-ie Towndtom »KM tulown the. m-is treet of H01 land Pezk at mday mSioru gVi twro cluMep tu i.zru *ena" Oa schwery. 'wtiola n e * sny, rein cet and oealst hWor 0ftihe dof the temn hanglsg on for der Mie. HO vue dxaed a lait block, lita ClOth were tllpett front hlm, and one of hie limbe vue Iac.rated for the lensths of six or ,1iat Inches. He dd sDm antickpate cru hcertn< frmtheIn-lu cident agein epd ha. bees et borne numilng bis injures for severai daYs. Frtday bc recelved the checi, hlm friends ay, and uow It lu claimfid he la dvtded on wviether to retunn It or not ln true modeetY. MeHI.rends are urging hlm te, keeP the check, which. if h. performed the OCt, h. rlghtfuLlly deà -e. m oold b. 'eae THE OPlICIANj vii Camrythe touriste te Mediien, j Win., the -second day te LaCresse and tise thrd day te Mnneapolis. The touriste iii remalu over Sundar lu th. latter cty. Leavtng Minneapolis tue teunlete vIii head tevard Omaha, but Juat vhat route I. te b. folleved la te b. laid eut by the, scoute. The tour viii tises take a direction tevard Denver andl yul cosclude a Kansas City. Tii. tousits iil start trom Detroit on Juiy 12. The. scouts evethe guesaeThursday eventng ofthe Chicago Automobile club, viiere they were entetatned iiy W. L. Otiiene, Cizicago agent for tihe E. M, F. Surprlsed. j Central Drug Company empioes osf a] the store ln the. Murray building at5 Goneeeand Madisnstreete vos-ePFs--i day surprlaod viien a SUN reporter P teld tuom that the quartera vhlch t they occupted ver. advertiseed torn rent sud tated that tuor mnev netu- tng about tise matter. It lte atemi by reprementativez of 8h. building ovueru tiat the ste vUi ib. vacted abot Augut 1, vhe nM the aow r cthie local drug tore vii1 b. oettied lu connection vitu Uic aet- tiemeut oethte Bush eotte. Mr.. Hobart ChatSield-Taylor laatt thse Michael R«»o hospitai necever-r tng from a miner opration. Rer at- tendlng physîcisu, Dr Lester B. Frankentisil, saa dlut night that ahe wouid net b. able to leave tue Inti. tution fer a tortntght. The operattos v u pertermeal lait Frlday, and vas succesaful. K Mr. F. G. Fritte, Oneonta, N. Y.,1 1Write.: "MY 11881. gis-i vaigreatlY bene-1 eSftted bY taking Foie y's Orne Laxative, sud 1 thinkIt18ilatue beet reuzedy fo- -constipation and liver trouble." Foley'e rOrmeo Laxative la tise bt ior vomes and obldren. as It le mild, pleesant and es"",e ad4e a spiendld sprng medj- da% an It 18»Mlsiieothe syatem* ad deans tleeoapIaaio. Fuea B, Loixs.. RIE ISGOING UP Wltis vheât purce. on thse upshoot Baturday, anueuncement came that the. general price.of bresd, lu al prob- aqUlty, vi i necte 6 cents a loaf a veek frein torrevw, sud possible hughes-. Baker. laientt8h.eUi. e ripe for a bout sud tuiat 18 le bound te A.,start lu price lifting, affectlug 50,M0 pereona, wvu made late yester- day by Jevish bakers In the Ghetto. Thea coet of Jevteh lsroad wvu ucreas- id trem 4 te 5 centu a Pon. Wbat sa knovu as matice, or Jevim istcitt, Iumped tnom 8 te 10 conte a dozen, and hait rye brout vus raleed frem 5 te 6 cens a poissa. Dealers de- clared that thée: are- obigemi te par rrom $6 te $6.25 a barel ton Sour at prcent ai compared vitu $6 mrn time ago, and tisat vtth advnedc prions Utey are uziable te M"aiesu profit. Othm Jovialb4ieretisrOsub- ont tise ctty arc .spCt uta" iemn nua actiçof4t41 Ceveland ye.tczder Jeviwi era"km aiw 4enft louves Int 5 ems sand M cents BOM l a ChicoMuniOleiclesi lise veiglit cf loavb. qý ffeavermlIulu cf brfad has bee m lalscd. MW* oOsièe ste Nove. Atter two jan living on1isd tisai they tmo M o th le gOV-'MaCit a samben of lBgluieadfansI" e Ore erdorel to vacate lent wvek i Colon- et william PUées, lote raturned frea cube, oa à me, wa e tfor thei te be off the reaevatom. T'MOnler- came un a surpqlsn o 0 iséfamulies. The homes orf*il amune s iailthal they soid to thse grernent abeul two yearm 940. IDeteAd or remevisl afler ite sale, liiey coshlnue t UIv( there, vithosIt hrdesuof debYt taxes. Nov hhey muet remeve fs-ci tii. gcv.rmeut lanu. With tic octet vwu iseed incIta. one tista affl iere, nov living WIt »tueir feaulie. otewd*tht rmsrvauiS mueSt bv1lt*fottre"iet omet of tho f004 ab&drug lmpoutpu bhoard garding ii. labdh*ug t caesd liO Ma4 Whte &ah. ,out ovu f the malnwn lduatry have pekedmi ert&ry Wleon 'ton a readjudlatou of thse ruîtug, wand hhefxud, emt Mcuday a the date iwhes tii... Inlereots are te b. huard lu th. matter. The board, mter declarlug thst miny pecu put up Ilip ' ck u "dogtammo" undor faady "ames, ansd thus oeil them te conaumera who mai' belleve thein tQ be of euperfor Verte- should b. lab.led wlth their cemmon Dames. f. Louls J. Guasuba. Secy. luatate cf Ida E Whitney (decd) tu I CSuRIt. 'W 40 f8 E 865fi 120 fLot 2 ,Btk 5. Norths West Add tu W«auk*gan. W D $1000. SE D Kelly and wtt. te Mru. F E Jor- Lgtn RojjIavlnla.' W D 11250. GV Flake and wife te Davld Flake. Lot 317 Lako Forest. W D $1.00. Davfld Flke te Edna W Fieke. Lot 317 Lake Forcit. W D $1.00. J G Spollu at. joseph Churchili. o cre. la Norths Eut 14 Sec 14 Ver- non Tv. 8 W D$160. CICE Star sud vite te JoBePh Diyb- nick. Lot 7 Bih 3 Waukegau Higli- In"a.w D $400. L X Jagmns te John BaieeY. Lot ta votuegeorfwauconda. W ID $'.DO. là W Gage to Jacob Oolenberg. 2 p8p, on 2pd ., I4lertyvlle. W D 0 Xa 4 ID a is. Wod. IW m fluer and vite t.o lmil S. iw8silake Zurich. W D HervuUm- eler Mud if e te Lotie aDIe..à. ctiota £8 Lui.Zurich. W b $1.00. SW W X Nixon to John Kingmnand w1fo. lâot 13, block 1, Nixoni« AU, Wauk.gan. W D 8175.00- Bta" of0f GT GI (miner> te T ID C&U.latsI ansd 2.block 44, Laie lnD. Des.$800.00. Enoci Hellmau and vif e te Ube ]Hellmaun. Loti 12 and 13, block 5, bern e Bb, Waukegan. Q C $5.00. fl>t* Hellman te Enocli Helluan ad vif.Lots 12 and 13, hleck 5, Lernoz ilub, WankeganB. Q C 100. Auguat Gottschialk sud wtt. te lHen- ry Gottschiik. Lot 1, Heteee Sub, Barrlngton. W D $500.00. Eutate of Peter Schmnidt, decd., tR E P H". 6Sacreln 9W M se 25, Vernosn Twp. W D $400.00. Johnsa Resu 80Rose Fressel. Loti 16, 17 en ut rtlt 13, blôuk 6, Grarsa lk. w D 15*0. W C Parker te Boe. G Bteily. Per lot 4, dOmew sb. Weikeff. Q ma ast ob ~ tii~I u Azsdrpa Gc.hos* ~ alto si âý , P a bjoa W ý d u b à Oc. Pp. 6à 'q' la *ëet 1.2 se al, Vigne. Tlm W D $68"ê0. H H Bescà sud vif. lu N K Je...j - Lt 6, Jemu Bab i itulock 9, Lad &George. AdU to Wasicgu. W1 $1.00. E A Cummnngaandl vit, toe tanl Pienska j4oits 145 sud 146, C=r in"g & Co AU to North Chiea W D $260.00. Fred Batrotev and vit e te J1 UAndaulst. Lot on. Weot aide McAli ter Ave meat aouth cOf Cummisgs A& Waukelan. W D $6.00. John Austin uam vite te Emm Trenner. Lot In Village of Luberti ville. W D $200.00. J C Jeneep and w1t. te J P Andei om.67% S 1-2 Sec 13, Vol non Tvp. W D 01900.00. > J E Hall and vite te Mary J Kuka; eLot 3 and West 1-2 lot 2, Mcci Waukegau ilglands. W D $4000-01 James Noely and vIet, teBernar Drew. Lot 6, blcki 27, Orlglui Waukegan. W D $35,00. W H Tovnend and vite te Mi Kate Watt. Nor-th 53 ft lot 8, block' McKay's 2nd Add, Waukegan. W $ 1600.00. B B Fellj sud wtt. te A R Porte L.ots 4. 5, and WIy. 1-2 Lot 8, CUi quaptn, ln Oe 36, West Autiech Tu, tW D $5000.00. 8 nSh Brook, te W H Murpl àLoti 9, 10 andil1, block 93, Nori yOCicago. Q C $».Do. 1- Lydia licyt lu W IH Bennett. L klu 8R 1-4 Sec 29. Deerfield Twp.Q y1$.00. 0W H Bessatmugivie to B P Ht Ltiger. Lot tu aSlE 1-4 840c29, DeQ 0 Sem Twp. w 1>067.00. of Senford Peck Mdl vite te W 8 Bc unlsg L sie à lo'U bndS0 oI lot 8, bc~%ime W D 1 LeOLa W.3unie and humbaad ltAlexander Robeteon. Part lkt 8 a he Foreot. Q C $1.00. Rrie. Part lot 892, lài. Forpit, W m 1.00. tu May JFtch toH H Beh. lU *s 6. 7 and 8, Jenes e-Bob lu blocit Ledd & Georges Add, Wauiegau. atD $1060.00. ut- ag Take MiIk to Vole. e The Vole creamery la repcnted »M ithe prospoty brig- ade. Get infUne wlth the Improvement idea. Give your houe. or barn a nice, dlean coat of paint. Good paint pre- vente rot and decay. It. keeps your propertX ae and eound from the at- tacke of the weatber. Makes lt worth more, too, and prevents exponoive repaire. We've got good paint when you nQed it. Don't forget that no palint will give botter ser- vice than the old rellable Bradley&Vrooman, AB8OLUTELY PURE palint lias sold conti1w- oualy for over 81 yurs. Âlwaysa.a1"top nD*cher" la flura$WMy and oo"- omy--fflOrf 850 'qiýa» bonaIsefX., d;pur~e ox- Ide o! Zinc and pure Lin- ue.d Oil. No matter how cloelyyoti compare qua]i- ity you'Ill and this paint je alwamys a littie better than othere ln every- thing that je neceoeary in a good paint., F.l.LOVML 0.'DDAEBT 8110101 -MAR mmu DY, 1. L TAYLOR 01110EoVUE . Etu. TmeUOI USD. nore.:-? lu 10 a. im. 12 l 4 Md 6 *0 8 P. iM. RuldeSc on Bro.dway, oppocite uk LIbentylll. Ilhil, DL C IL GALLOVAY, uuu-bfrm 1*0 8eàtMd l4 S * . a DIL GODffG nom 8 *0 12 S.u.-I to ..M .J. lmTrnmBsUulm wlth Dr. J. . u r-Pho..197 BOe& Phono10"' mnob-4 lu 12 . Mdat1 lI 9P.M. Ofeos=vesLu. & CospaYssStore SA"111«10>1 Atu wubhwto tm ,phone 2761 PAUL MA4C GUFFR AI'fOBIUT AT LAW. Ltb@eQTIU, lo EneBr. p 1>rimo .m LUMTYVILLE B181510 CLmaRNcr.FL.AGG TONSORM-L PARLOR &%fryog Buy Con &Wd look over over our stock. Hiave fI[bg to e let fros. ",The Staver is a &taver"e IF IT'S SLA C FROM SCIIANCK'S DR OS. lT'S Libe rty ville, Ill. Sprin Time and flOuse Cleaning Time Do yoýu know that tbUYearly papenng and paintig ile wholly unnemmear if you USE BfLECTfIC LIOIT eg abeolteysu &d odorleee btise =lui"4 »Phone for OurMm an sd avJ4 ie "l a4 ard "e. next v.r liv having yotY hou" Ie Io NORTHI StIofl ý tLECTRIC CO. Phone Wankegan 298bÔ NrhGeneses St.> WAUKEGA!N, ILLINOIS 1-- -- ;sss:se:; .,OMJ.:SUPOS*OSSO'S** .~ I r~U JoCIJtrnM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade l'berlyVIMl! behsg end COw!!CTIONER LUbertgville z' - lilimols MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE EIE AJCN Y Eledtrlc ft..dePresper. Dunltiste puit fev yeanm the i- provemeut uadc lu basdling eleCtrie trubaiubecnsua ithat at the pru.- onut tino 8he ni of lite in Interrbas travel' lu practecaliy ellmlaated be- aide. Uiecocnve1uce. Otthceclectrtc uin«acf today are on a par la cvcry way 541h th.e amruade. In 8h. .tat, cf Ulinoiu there are 1,34M ile. o! electrlc ralroo, ea- tlmve of the City treet carlimé.. WhS. I theotun ahoed lavaela to- tal of 12, thoetulue.' IDuons l19 theii.ectnlriemm COU, ntcd a total of S10.61S.1T1 Paaasgur mis easet 7a,84s61- pumsegmes>ea ried by tise steain rallroe. trouYy ou iaveb ae mby a"'Kliuq E.memtlu c bolhée uP ie Belq. 50 t &Mb iiisetpepsmt manue kimer M trouble usy evmoa Fumx B. Lovaan. WWaemoud you tais a certain lengt of turn e o oly cm. article cf foccd. Wbich would yue There ia one focod thât stands withoul a rival for such a test. Quaker Oats la that one. It furniasaMore strusigh with leu1.,8ear and tear on the digeativo orpusa tias any other fooc&.Yaell feel weil and troug et the. end of the dme Try st. Dont stop eatng allierthlugs but cet mm oreuker Oas am yol noie. thImm gin lettcugtb The regul u "m"e P eao f Quuko OusaesDet lOr the.large taulydub Padma" .cou aa d lthe faeAr idu puckes. oo.ihIu a Os=. of beeuMM éha for dtaM. béecost30c. AM m W& Oses d4* f« 1 1kem pus me or the dog'e work Pffl . M",.n 11 1 "