Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1909, p. 7

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SPRING IS IIERE And it la time to buy gar- don sooda for your garden Rush Park Seed Co. Seeds for a limtted time two packages§ for ............. 5c Also RIC.ES, FERFY'S and CROSMAN BROS.' seedo and a ful l ino of bulk Swoot Corn, Peau, Beans§,Onioni,t3woot Peau, Nasturtiums, etc,,oete. J. ELI TRIGOS, OROÇER Libertyville, MI. TEh ANDI COFFEE SPECIALS And you need a good tonie. Thore is nothing better than a cup of good tea or eoffee. And to be sure of getting the leaves or bernies to make these cone te, us. A few prices quoted here: Beet <'boice vaiety Oolong Tea Par Pounud Very fiue varîcty (Jolong Tea Per Pound - - - Good variaty Ooloug Tee, per Pound Ilest choies variety Ceylou Tee Per Pound Or beet uncolored Japan Tes per Pound Very fine uneolored Japan Tee per Pound Good uncolored Japan Tee, per Pound- Fair uneolored Japàn Tes, per Pound Medium grade uncolored Japaxi Tee per Pouud Mediuum grade Tee per Pound Boit Moche and Java Colsoe, per Pound- God Moche and Java Colfee per Pound Flag bleuded Moche and Java Colo.e per Pound Smith à Davis choie. bleuded Colfeo per Pounud Smith & Davis good blended Colone per Pound Smith & Davis choie. mixed Col..e per Pound Smith & Davis fancy mid Colone per Pound - Best Golden Rio Colo.e, per Pomnd Gond Golden Rio Cf..e, per pound Rio Colo.e, per Pound - - 70o 550 40e 60,- 60e 550 45o 45e 35C 330 30e 28o 25c 25c 23e 20e 20c I180 f5c Cor n auid get pW« onccifm asud fen pound lots SALE STIU. GOING ON Smith & Davis Libertyville, fIl GOOD TA,..;, Sin for desigi merc. attrac Son are ex e tiff -Bosorn Shirts, Plaited Shirts,b in handsome now models, Searfs, Po Sexeellent siks, at pricos that will J. B. MORSEI9 ~l1anbby c, Jbrtyv ST E orm, fabric and n ini aIl our Iandise. Many itiveofferingsin Ilins rn lshings )me of the Clé- sin Nockwear qxclusively ours. N'egllgee Shirts 'ur-in-.Uande of Il surprise you. & Co* rville -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~ I Il - iw~~~.w-------------------------..-*w WWWWW -W- W.WWW t' t LAX1~ couwi~y D~DEILT, FEIDÂT, APEIL 284 I9O~ . - LIBERTYVILLE BR1IE}FS LOOAL ANO- PERSONAL. MENTIO(N eNIrRe PÉOPLIE'S TICKET !LECTED The Local Option- Measure Defeated. Vote Was the Largest Ever * Cast in the Village. Libertyville ha, declded to remalu "ýwet." The election lest Tuesday demonetreced tiiet conclusively by e ruajority o! MI votes or 157 voting-ye" ta tbe inestion, 'Shah tîCis village become auti-saloonu territory"' and 238 voted "no." Tbe entire Peopies ticket was eiected bY majorities chat ais said ta ho large fl or e village slecti<un. Tbe presideut sud tw olod members retaiulug tholi selats ilu the' village councifi end two nov mein. bers, R. P. Scbuaetiele and Abert Faulk- uer becoming noritiate membere of tbe anguet body thet edministers the affaire of the village. The complote vote vilU hi fouud lu anotier columa vitb other1 couuty political roteins. The ilection vas a notable one for1 oeveral reasous. One la particular eilng1 ith t àvas the largeet vote ever test et ae village election; the total vote belux 416. There -ors 22a traigbc Peopie'.ý ticket@ cast and 104 Citizen', tickets. Sixteen men voted ou the "wet" end "dry" proposition abuse and forgot t0 vote eitler ticket. It vas rather a quiet campaigui from bcginng ta sud and not until the lest few day. did the argumient warni 11v tu any greet extent. Tbe 'drys" were worliuîg quietly and b..pefnlly and toward the end the 'vete' teàd e nuil!!t case of stage right and «nI bus7 uUitb a1 viîuj, as tie returus show.t Tlîe election vas lttiugiy ceietirated by baud music ou the streets Tuesday niulît and chers was e general baud-'à ebeking and meuy flicitous congrecu- latiaus. The gond sblp of Lihertyrille8 la again squariug eway from port witb a few nov band, au board but i l il proabhlity abe vil! hi compeliad tu put i luto dry dock uex t year te, decide wiatd cargo elle viii carry for another year. Her clearance papers read "vet" florv twn yeau but tbe lav permits ber ta ho overbanlsd by cuptom officiaisevery year. And lie next day It rained. E. W. Parkburst is building a new bouse ou Park avenue. W. A. MeDeruid, of Chicago, etteuded the "uusbka dance" et the town bal Tbursday svenfung. Mr@. Warren M. Heath ti uIt'esday for Texas wbere sho expýecte t 'iwnd several weoki. She iii vinît Gregoiry, Sau Antonio sud other pointe 'm the "loue star statle. E. J. Hfgley. formerly ,f(irayslake, @ends to th!@ office a copy fIt11w Daîbaît Texen, a newgqpaper ptitll'.hd lu the ~ orsietovu of Dlhart, Texas. beo.y ha vs lots of boosters in tIet cowu. lienSI mou, the operaror etthie uev depot, was calied toa bi .nue lun(Icones, Ill., by e telegramu receivpul hbesSunday urgbt aunouuclug the serions illneos of bis father. Frank Appey bas beeu actlhg as substitues du ring hie absence. Tbe camping season mwl!1 opeu et Lake Earauext week. Mr.Sbeulne) nd femlly sud a nurubsi of employes of the Pise wfli live tuader cauvaus there during the summer. Studenis ,wh, attend 9the nommer school durlng July willsolilve lu teute.. James KL. Shielde, ouperntendent of the llloiesAuti-Baloou League, eddressed alremeetn te twn hall lait Modyevne. Be.HF.Lve Mreslddad i l ilitary Baud aertitled n th rogrem. Mr. phiess e0e fte et,îakertq lu the tete ou the cause of b ,il (ptiou and bis arguments vers qoul and reason- abls. He vasbeard atentî,'lv. The ochool eieetiou lAsi Saturdey nigbt vasea very sxciting one.- i.-lle it lasted and Rafe liulklsv witb lrauýîucally no opposition rauIlike a bon'uualre. Sucb a crowd bad getberedtluaî ,tnzltgan before eigbt o'cfock ail lie diretor, eaid ',hat not for mauy a lac ucre s0 inany votes cast luin cb ia l.lrt spac- <ol time. A total of 132 votes, er, ast:I Fi. Blkley ieceiviug 120 111I î.u BIuttera 11.-Id 12. Eldon B. Clarke and Ml.-. Edne M. Benaes, of Cincinnati, 0., eure United in narriage lu theo)bio City the. tirst o! lest March. Thai Ci re had lcceiea tieuedict did not beorne ie kw until severel day. ago. Ele bad hast absent sevaral veeks about tbat time ou e viil ta Cincinuati but thet lbe bad gone andi tied tbe nuptial kuot did nut tiscame kuowu to bis many friende until a few days sgo. The tvo iret becarue acqualntid lait summer wben bisan EBeusen spent seversel veeke in Liberty- ville. Mri. Clarke la a bîlgit and energetieq îonug rman adsd u employee of the LOUIS J, YEOMANi THE PIANO MANI Band Concert. e..M t Crabivu, of Chicaga, MîltcheàeUs Illtary nd vas favared bas aesp foition ais tenographer viti a most compllmentary audience et at the Sheidon nivernlty Pieu. the. Union chrpch lait Tbarsday evenlng. The saddle born esonbas opened A fine prga a ederMdasd thse promulsngly witb tbe Koon Brothers Ibis bandselCrtionoin wpa»rulrvwéewvrmlY Jear andÉItbeY have already made a applauded. Tvo decrptive pis ers number of gond males. nhw depatres la band numbsuand Mse v uilLCap wor hndedLna mon ai alemnut 0 ssi E Estyad ud ilLÇapl Thse publie bas shuvu It. appreclatlon of af Waukegan, and Mise Anna Johuson, the mad bytheban byOUI of Lake Forest. vers gueste sit thehorne th use ai every coucertgiven by them .Dlosli audy and each succeeding entertainmeut bas Ssed Oats for sale. HomE LIIMfER CO. ehown a marked improvement ID the 21J-2 grade of music and greater perfection iun v tcarenvi ol psoa tbir playing. e.Rcado ilhdEp pl Ums Lilah ifcCormick sang two aumi erviîeee in the Woodruen bail next bers lu ber customary perectan 5unday elternoon et tbree o'clock. A plsasing manne? witb whlcb the Liberty- cordial invitation is extended to ail. ville public so familiar end makee ber a The ne-w board of sebool directors meit velceme addition to euy musical at the school houseslest hlouday night. pvogm The Spanish dence by Misses B. H. Miller wee made presîdeut and C. RtbTaylor and Helen Kools vas a F. Sinale secretary. Considerable buii- new and nove! variation from tis Bsuel ness wes transected. prograin and was the bit of the eveuing. The FrankH a1@8tcCopn Attired lu eppropriete costume, thbe bas been k H. in teamseteck Cona young ladies weut tbrough the difficult @teps ani gracelul pose@ of this beauti- publie with e good cluso! plays at the fui dance in a inost liished manuer Uion chuflil the pat week. The Tbey were an eîually balauced tesa and attendane las leeu fairiy gond. Thpv worked wieli togetber. The audience > will remin iii ere the balance of the weeki. sbowed their appreciation by a uBomber Tbe cover o! the May Business Philos- of recells. opher le froin e loto teken byEdwkard AI I)oula. o!Kenoshe, who bnacbecoine Dreier nt Lake Earae eowing e well knowu tu Libertyville audiences as pictureeqîîe view. The magazine aiso e miopt finished violin player furnîehed ecnta ee ui .l..rpetywo moi3t delightfli ullnte nteporm land scenes erid ictures of camp life Messrs. Frank and Raîph Ga(lt, tv.o taken et the utce young men from Chicago, pleyed a tronmbone end cornet duet, with the Molasses Fel ]International and perlcton of professionae. The saxo- Sucicue deiri' led.. Great mnilk prio- phone selo by Ernegt McDlçnald wae ducers. Bulk bran., HomE LuiMIER C. very good. Arthur Millers8 piano solo 29--) wae rendered o îth lus customery accotai- plished style; Puderewski's mijuet wes C. Frank Wrgl)t, auier of the Lake one o! the nubers. County- National Bîank, returned lest The progrem closed with a deeciriptive Saturday niglut froin a two weeks' trip piece by the baud followed by the play- lu Texas. He hap intereeseil land thore ing of the Star Spengle Banner, the alnng tbe Sauta Fe reilroed and says audience standing. chat the country s slowiug vonderfuli _____________progresa. The onlly drswback the fer- mer, have there s saeligbt ram faill but lu Miss FlorenceGfleason bas beencoufined spite of thîs fact large trop. of grain are to ber home auseccount of ilmons several grovu and it ie simPiY a mettor of dastbe past week. seloctlng trope that are bot sulted ta day. the soli. Alfelfa grows viii ou the bigb Fred Jochbeim la excàvetlng for tbe lend and in tho draws or "grass lakes", baiement of new haire sbop lu the rear 'a math lerger ecreage Is produced. Tbe of the Attridge property recentiy pur- grovtb ofaffallaaloabusa aguarsutos of cbsed by hlm. suons .ta euny fermer buYlng land there. ABOUT TOUR NONUT NMATTCRtS. EARNING, ACCUMUtATNG aud MA24AGING yonr rooney ls vurthy your careful thougil aud best efforts. Do Il thc vcry best vuy aud before it la toa hIce. The bandliuîg of moneyand moucy matters le 'oui business. We cen Iselp you cave, baudle sud invest your mouey lu the mont profitable, most conveiut aud SAFEST way. Every boy snd girl abould have a savîugs acoont. Etvery man and vomýan uceda thceIselp aud advtce of e souud aud serveahle bank. We invite your businessud your accoua. TmE FIST NATIONAL BANK OF LIBERTYVILL Ops. Satwrdy Nlgbis Niai D~ o te Pet Cilles 'impRovmmirNs AT1 HIAWTHIORNE FARMI Much Wurk to be Dons on the Estale of Samuel Insuil during the Corn- ing Springas Summer. The ares, of the Hawthorne farm bas been increaed durlug the paet vuar until tbe ecreage exceedo chat o wned l'y eny one man in the townsbip or county for 1that metter. Samuel fusuli, wluo i. presideut of tbe EdisouElectrie couipauy rof Chicago fistbe owner and %% il moike bis home there duriug th,- coming summer. He has tissuin Europe for some time pas? but is expe'î..l home this week. Many tbousauds of dollar-%%uert- spent there let year lu improvement, and lu tact work bas been continued tîjers ail winter but tbis spring w ill mark the opeuing up of fer more extensive opera- tin. C. H. Boyes, ths Libertyville coirtractor, bas work ehead eiiounting ito about $15,000 moet of which le to be speut on the oid Davioon faim wblch vas receuciy acqufred hy Mr. Insuil. Lt comprise, about 400 acres ioceted on the tawn flueo road. The farta bouse wbicb Ia large one, 1s ta bo remodelod. It wiii be fitted tbroughout vltb bot aud coid vater, sewer' system sud of course ail the modernelectrical Improvements. Wbon complote it viii be occupled hy Audisu, EMngei, an efficli eudcapable fermer wbo bas retentI7 heen ruade superinten. dent of this particufar faim. This parcicufar portion of Inînîl'a boldings la to be used exciusively for faima purposes. Amoug the structures ta be ereccod on It are: .A large borebaun 34x6'2 foot, tool shed@ and a greuary; a bog pen 36x64 fPet'anl two silos 1Cx80. Ail of thee buildingH will bave concrete foundatuons and cernent dbore. ANl of the farm buildings will befnrnielied water from an extensive sysitem tiiet will be put lu and a seweregeeaystem witb septic tanks w iils lo be iustalîrd. There le to tic a color echeme of wbite and gre about the faima. The buildings ail tieing painted white with gresu roofs as eel as mucb white picket fence whicb i. bound to make the faima a dead ringer for "Spotiese Town.'* Lest weeii a gang of men were tiugy Puttiug lu about a mile and a ball of telegraph pole@ froru the chatean on Milwaukee avenue ta tbe Davîson faim wbicb viii carry electrit lightA and tele phone wires. Tbe ferm le to be e model foritIl equipruet and modern conveuleuces. Noexes i. beingepared and tbe estate et the pissent time in nov one of tIse mut attractive place. foirumiles erouud L- and it la met a suggestion of wbat it wili he wben complete. Woîk bas bean goîng on tbere quietfy. Tbere ba@ been uo noise of biareoto trumpeta but tIse. bas been e vait emunt of mouey- ixpeuded. Lîbertyvile bas been ludeed fortunate lu secuiing sncb e progressive nelghbor sud oue wbo fin peudlug no mucb mouey lu tbe locallty. Hie aika notbing lu returu. fHe selocted a site for bis country home sud Itlafi ecoaiug aï immense setete. The vark belug dons there sud vhat st111 romains wili be a booet ta the commuulty for some Unme ta corne. Master Samuel mIisl, Jr., la living on tIse farm ai t te promut tine sud m à hi like It flue. Ou Monday, April if, hi reecbed tbe ad vanced age of nins eé sud uslebrated tIse eveut by planting ulue trois. Ou tie suulvsrsary lit y~s elgbt tries verplantsdmsdIf tiecuito. finkept up a simple exampîs lu progres ans wll show tiai lu a feu, yeurs tii. Hawthorue faima wlll be a veribuable foreot. A big veil elght luche, lu diamiter whicb vas suuk. to, a doptb of over a tbousand foot vas completed uat lang ego aud vill furulssnurllmlted supply of water. REMIEMBER MAY DAY US TAG DAY Saturday, May lot, ls Tag Day for the teinetit o! the following Lake Cony institutions: Tlîe Lake Bluff Oîpbanage, Mc tlusler 'Hospital et Waukegan aud Tutierculnsis Institute nnrtb of Wauke- gan. Aid e grood canses by contribncing c, tlue fand wbeu approached by the taigers. Mre. Francis' Tri pp iechairman o! the Libertyville district and the I llowing, eptains bave beau eppuinted: F'r L.ilertyille-Mr. Carroll Gridley, Dîr. J. L.'l'aylor, Mu4slot Schenck, Mrs. isotit. Scott, Xirs. A. Bull, Mis. A. C. Murray, Mrs. J. B. MacbJufln. For ltnIouî-Jobn 8. Spoor. For Hiall llay-NMrs. W. Stancliff. Schonl Notes. True echool thîs year entarteinesmomne a.îltiun uacto ethlecic sports, as the liny s luîe diciuled tueuelves into two le'baIl tennuis ualled the "Excellera" and the .- Al Stars." Onesgame bas nlreýaly [bet) played tietwesn chose tenues tle laurels bteing carried awav tiy the " belr'ly e score of 12 ta 1Ï3. The Seniours are bu8îly eugeged un 1 ceparing for their conumenuýement exer- cumes. Clase nlght wiul be on Juns 3rd anud commîuencceeut ou Junie 4th. Tbe clase play vil!lue 'Handicapped' vbicb the duesm le nov rebersiug under the Instruction of Mie. Mttocks. Miss Dugg was absent Mondey and the charge of the tibrd and fourtb gradesi vas given tu Edua Casey but they voe unucntroliable and vers sent baome. The Seniors have Ietely takren up debatiug lu the Englisb clasm sud they bave bed sorne tory fiue argument. on tho subjects: 'War Paya" sud 1"Ail Great Cties Are Loceted onLag Bodies of Wter.' ag The third year tisse have just begun e nov book lu German. Irene Bulkloy bas returned b scbool alter a two weeke' absence on account o! sîtkness. Mr. Simpson viited &cluoudlest Friday afternoon. Blanchue Proctor was abseut Tueodey on accouait o! sicinees. B. H. Miller vieited lulgb echool Tues. day moruing. The Freshmen had a clase meeting Wedneedey afternoon. a - Thousands of Vears Ago Morchants fonud the Shortest way to Soccess was la Giving the Public (iood Values.", There are merchants today who art trylng to get around this Truth. established 2,000 yemr B. C. We have built up our business on the princiPle of One Price end Square D"a. Before yon make your purchass se what Wo have to offer in Seasonablo aoods. Our Line !B Complote in- WahGoods Batistes' Ginqhams Dimities Percales Waistings India Linens Lawns, Etc. WOOL SUITINGS Afine up-to-the-minute fine of Ladies' end Children's SUnes, Sippers and. Oxfords, in black, brown end grey suede ami fau. PROMPT SERVICE USERAL TREATMCtdT' ABSOLIJI! SAPETy Lake Uonly Nationial &I,,j ATM BLSAgent forth$5Q00 Bruali Runabout, which is a simple and serviceable machine. GAS()LINEAgnfo-te$50Far ENGIES ginos, whleh are used for pumpiDg and other light work on the farm. Albert W. Litchleld, Libertyville FOR (MEN We have just received Ten I)ozon Men's Handkerchiefs Made trom the finest (lambrie, the grade that uàually sells for 15c, while this lot lasts you ean replenlh your néeds at 3 for 25c Men's Mercezizod Four-in-Hand Wash Ties lu a great varioty of c&lor and patterns; you would expeet to pay a quarter for such a pretty, tie, but we only ask 10 Cents THE FAIR -p ---------------- nom - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 un 1

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