Waukegan New aDAY WOICRS wiLL RIDf !Rre H,~ . Ashton and A. W. MaLimont, R..pectively oethéii.Northwetern -wnd Chicago and Milwaukee Roade, Boh4adyAcéét Rqe te Chergo on Hisitorie May 1. + Troath the ldndly efforts + of 3lu .Bidinger, veli + 4.kov public mani, Tag Day +~ *ta«"ra Wl May lIt page free + o f obarço on the Chcago and + 4.Nothvo.ter n md Chcago + a" mmd Klvuke roads and the + * tng lattera ouhline the + 4.uyhMn by Whlch tiey vWi i+ »gon w hhl. placinfi crédit + +. vherecréditt 1*due fer lthe 4+ + tort ida. + . lago. 11Il., AprIl 14, 1»09. 11g44diU transportaillon for -Tag Dear air: 1 am nlx recept of yours of the I»t meuet«tratsportation for the per- »mu in charge cf te "Tmg Day" event la bobsif of gverai norh shore in- atttions. Ths la omething ot of the ordinari. but in view of the char- table nature of the von vo vil are. te inakd mn exceptinlni Ibis clse " wM provIde transpoirtattin fer tvuêty peinons li ibis connecLUln It viii honeceusaerY. howeyer, for yS tte provIde us vlth the Dames o Iebm iiduab tob é transported mand 59e. reolpt of marne vili ee that th.e .51T ytickets are issued. M. Germer. our vice-president. bas referred te me your eximmumeca- tient relative to home people opertlng la W"1I amt staion-W. viii rn " tjm loea"dtle.neceary il.- gredoea have been given to the u- petatuiflent la charge of the termi- maL Y omr truli. - u. ie ASHTONi Mr.J . Bhdiegr. Waukegae. IIM Hlgbvood.fM-.Apil 19, l'S. li J. r. Bkillg#. 513 A"s t. Waukagan. DL Veaur Bir- Sub.: Complimentari trun*porta. tâm efr tmg Day Workera. 1 bel; te acknovledga recept cf your eteemmd ltter of the 101h test.. re- quemth le piviiegeof etpradis rld- iag fiee on the camsOf iis Compuq en Ma lot for the Iurpose cf tagglng pamegera for the benefît of the Lake at rapped about a peoon lni a forelgu WAIKCGAN WORM IS 91 etror la over a public building, DEANl O! uNiVeeRSJT l ItlaI cimed Ihal Il la an cl of lina- on that le punishable by lav, butla Ncw Secretar,' cf Baptlet Wenufl'01 w here the fiag hasnon officîi mean- Missionary Socil,ety fWest WithIP lng, noue of autborily, tbe rmmedy la Chîcage Headquartar and 'Mat sald hy attorneys te bc doubtful. Made Enviable Record at Chumha la Thue the batîery matinia,'houn- and Lterar,' Woricer. lIonor COmmo atle te punlsb lie alieged gullty ones. Without Application From 14r. n The Orly Remedy. "Punch off Ibm bead of the mati or, Mias Bls.ncit Loveidga, one of Wau-n menwhodisono th ilg,"decar-kegan's foremeet lterany vomen. ed onie lavymi-. 'Defenà lie flag prominent in citurch vork, bas beau vberever Ycu ses IL. Thats Ibme ul signaly benorod b,' beig eleted te vay, in tibIs couny-populari- ndlg- Ibm chair of Dean cf thm WOMon'm oW nation. Iiit 1 doubt If you cati fInd logo of rionisen Unversity. vithitu a rosi legai emedy uniea« You 5r- auj application on ber part. Sho hbu rest on a nilademneaor. acepit theIbhouer and vWUi14o eh "The oee ho punched lu Ihb ead chair la Ibe mIdle of Septouibar. a of the man vho lnulted Ibm llag or The iatter, telligeOfber elmtion Iramipe ou Il ceul ntI hoconxictmd lli Ibminvitation te accepl vas ne- b,' mc,'jury lu the flltèd Staes" clved by ber 1551 vek. Bbc ot0 1What Offlans. Wa. ber acceptance back immdlatel'. lBerb iquîr, o!fZMon people developcd prenait pooltin la smco-tay f eh lb Ibm fmct liaI the incident lbe Bat- Baptial WOMeca Miamonai,' foctet,1 tory C mah eferel 10 vas vbere of lie West but ahe viil e forcM tob ome independents are al b have give it up vboc mbq tabac ber eat aI vrappmd Amenlean gIas about them Dnu and paadel the alreeta cf Zien, vbn fibe becaim acquaintml vlth Ibm di- It la said Vlivana bore thm fagm off rectons o! Ibm univonmty thncugb ber Ibeni mcd traMpled Ibem ln lbe dust. vont. Inquiima made b,' hem at a case evldently for lie lawyer' anmd Cicagb Unilversit, , vere Miss Lo- puncblng tactics. eridge bas maxi,'flide. brougbt cul iu another Insace It lasail Vol- streng mcoemmoxdatous mnd sbo vas vans Ibrealened ta niob vomen vlhilmmmdiateiy ated if she voul ae- lie American fiai; vapped about cept the chair aI s certain suni. tie Ibeir bosome, lie vemen belng eiec- euaed lie offer. tioneerlnge LazI veet she vas lnferznod b, Ibm Duo Respect for FIag. Imter liaI abe bail beaui electod by1 It la claumed that Vollas as a the dîreclons and vas eBked te accept vheie proton Ibm flag o! Zio t thle aI ber ova terme. This site eI once fia;ofethIe Unted States, aud liaI dl. The houer le a tribute tc, ber lie,' bave lusuited the national ein- abillty. blem more tia once, a lig that le Her vert wltb the mlssiexian, sodle- revoltIng le ever,' true Anierican sud - ii.q been le communicale wtb Ibm that mates bis biood houl. ditteent missionanies and aise 10 Had incidente doscribed taten place travel over tbe countr,' mablng ad- la Waukegau the perpetraton vould dresses. She bas made an enviable net have been troed so eaelîr. It Î3 ocerd la ber verk. ilefere ber vort Ihe fiaç af tht- nation above eveny- vitixthebm oclety she vas veili kuov tibng. thnough ber cbunch vork la Waube- gen nd tiltrough ber lIterai,' verk, fi Densau Univesity'lain thelargest IGUILAND I>M ,K collera under lie guidance of Ibm DWFE AIS W!ST ENDS Baptist cburcb mcd ber pot viii Oua bundred mbverlag fas vit- thora viiioccupy nixie month o f nemel tha West Made go ldv" 10 de- the year. Hen leavIai la lOotti, test ina hein final gama o! the muaon. regretted by Ibe officrs cf lie LOUIS J YEOMAN THE OPlICIANt 7Cutty Hosptal and Litse Bluff Or- Hlgblan Park doing lie trick. FOl- or Whn. yltk lesr a lovlag la lie score: an Wg villie l itsurvon cd giea-i,'Hghland Parkt R H PO A E a: glvp you lie priviiegeofet avîng JDufylh i i 2 O resentalîves ride on u ncboc!Ourncm G. CImier, 2h . 1 2 1 2 0 as yen ma,' vlsh, and vculd request Maioney, e ..... 2 2 9 2 0 thaî you seuhmanappllcatlouîto tis P laDufi....... i 3 2 O2 ofiuice several hays I sivance givltg Richades, a..... 0 0212O the naines ofthlose vito vIii equlre ihrs . l I loiduoxîecisstatexiyEvas,lb .......i1 1 S8i1 O to rid uponthe crsggauatte .! . 1 0 (i 0 O auppi,' a pesaishat vii ldentity the2 0 0 0 part,' as having tbm rght to Iis priIvi- Hosabendor. c.f. 1 2 o leg durng he a Wet Ends R M- PO AE It la ot course uitdei-slood tbat Ibe iisiti, lb .... i 2 2 4 Q persan accepte Ibm piivIlege et trec Lluuggren, a s . i 1 O0 2 O nilg nlrl a ison e ehG. Wiiiams, r. _..2 2 6 - 4 0 liai lie cempany le noi liabie toi- any b12Il1i i (2 < ixjuri, whicb Ibheitereon may susînîn. . Iin, l.......i 21 0 1 Trustlug thal thie ma,' ho saîisfac- NI. 111gb, rc t ... 01 O-O i 8 tory te yen and wishing yen evt-iy suc- W.lliams, i-n. ... 1 i O3 0Il cees I Iis msl commendable orn llas i! I2 1 and promisbtg vry aid wme au ae- Ceary, . p.........1 2 t0 3 O là cord la tuitbering tbm good vert, 1 Two base its-Maroney, J. Dufy,, am, Wiilnson, D. 111gb. '(. Wiliams,.à' Veytrl yus Stuien bases-M aroeo, 2, L. Duf,lF. A. W. M1cLINIONT.* Nfy, Duggan. ite on halls-Off t General Manager, for Ibm Receivena. Glador, 3; off ('bary,,1. 8$,-nek ont- a B,' lader. 6; b,' (iar,, 7Passi I halla-Mai-ono,'1, Williams 1,.ht b,' u WOU&M g DE!ND lFIE! ptched halCleary 1. Wild pIt.h- t STA APD S RIP S 0mai,' Score by Inringa. t A momber Of! SlterY C, Ilinois Na. Highlanid Park. O O 0 1 4 1 2 0O0-8 tk>lonaQerd, Who l atrue patriet, Wst Ed ..0 05Oo o 00-- reading In h. -aUN an aricle from Sunday's game vas the. fi-t of th. tien New* tintabli hVoiva'm foi- the seasou for Ibm West Ends andI 10~8 r. re accmed f lnsuiting the. werm ai a slgit dsadrantage i tie AmerkàanMilg, haà Offred te head a way et lraticm together wbîte 111igb- inmant Ie bring whatevar legal ac- land Park bas playol tour or lire tion Ia possibe againal the people garnts. The veather waasaima 10e sasld te beguliy. i-u tor godil llpla,'ing. tbm pây'ýrx la a telephoxieIinteiiew Tuesday beitg tfrld te tate chane" wi1ht ha alated liaI ho vculd consuitt1ipuirt tirowing wîigo. A fow irttî-a viila avyer. tako the malter ui ,(t pior nd tlti-y viii 1,0 abl', in titI frum lits logal staudpoiut, and If l uv a gooîd cerne a8 tht-ybhavc ail we t vero posible veulil cause lie airestE e l~ttht (ieey, Wtstk-ar'v. ,a' . or the people vite had dfamed te er. vaýas:i aidt lit oi ît linfr-(,f ! fiag. It ho bond lie allegations true. îutlng hîîýarri (jnthé- initie am Iis Ma,' ne Ne ReMedy. vas .also hiq iret cgarte.. t14, ha th ThIa, ci-MataIan lnterestlng pi-oh- geodstît athirnttitoujb, si e- piît- loem vblckh le SUN I oced up vi d sevetttl g,çd gantes % tor tI Kîi«b> iawyarseue Io fnl itIvan,'posiby,' asteam lest si-amen. Ail tai la heo-e la »0 legal rellrea vater. noeded 1leaa iltte gaod vearni vîtte Wmt". AieeaOUfIo auseaenmd liey vîll ho able te maketh=. ,s a ombiese 09 stborlti. la on- ail step smre. miselotiary moclety wvobailsdoffered Rn lncreasted salary fer Ibis year but &l are glati cf her advancement. MOIUMMNT TOt ÉLIIAIIai. ImNrs c Attorney H.ydocker WiIi Appear Sa-t fore Legimiative Commlttao, Ap- pointaid Through Staarnme Efforts,f and Wili Tell What Me Ktnowm ofr Conditios and Wii Urge aMonu- ment Wiii Rettsrn About Next Fridzy. Thi-ougi efforts of Attorney C'. T.' ioydecker sud iieprettentatlve A. K.t Stearus, the mevement 10 erect a umnument 10 91111mb3L. Haines over bla grave In Wankegan, la about te bear fruit atid bc-fore long vîli pi-oh- lily b. an mctusllty. The meveant vas alartol by At- torney IHeidecker wb.en ha preaented a petition tte bolard of mepervittora mat Cai saisbic "tmtepetion the noeonMt ficm 1h. Ililatnre. Rep. emocaivtIe fdtes lnstrcdnceê Ibm mesure l inte legialatue.sud hunb hmisforetas balb"a coMmit- tee appeliteito 0inveaotigate theimt- ter. Titis counnittee. mot W.ndnlay sni M)r. tesrn's vieit baesovar Batuwda»v adOuaadsy ha mokd Attor- ney' leydeker If bhaeould be present Tuoada i Mn. ie,'d.cbar f t msulon Wed»"sdayapparel before Ibm itouuiiteet BptnngWi, telllng lieu, ail lbe kinga'of l0* rotter and tungiug îh'. Prection Of tho nMonumnt tir. F. 6, Vrilla. Oonla, N. Y., wrltmo iylth i mgtai ;e htu*d b,' table. Foi-, 'Orin Laxauiv, CAu 1 t1lisk it t e ii limai edifor <riuo u>I.xalve lae boutmafor vounu "d «ejjilmaatil;olà i>, pisomt and eleti vo, miaina Iled i n o e;mdl- de, M tl*UeU mse etllara Tb*. Lala C«ust,' fDayendent mcd tis Wooeliy nterCeoram Md lFarmer *13per y.' Anet= ondmitl meIput In Waukegmth'mIndmtelai r rua ca"MO ?dPOtS ii. utiPi'odut! Osmpne iwuch la the. glucose ÙV#4 te l *WI «oaymoa nd gstlwricg data fer tihe Pfflibi.lO ticit cf d haW q pW , f paeoably 10 malceomiady and bakie Powdar, o0"IthefaIt >WW ytl,4Oaipn" orh f Waukegan ror To.nm hrefrth r importa nce. wlua t la learned liaI Ithe ompanyf ht heli * oi~tfogie wlth beloit ne, officîiae nd ha. muked that a slip hat IiIpavuWto, couit.pont ulhh it&aland on the. flots and the. harbor, ,hoWiig ltat crn wlI i boahpped t. waukgan vin ake .botta and 'dltrbuted to 9il th* planta c« th..a@mlnaIiouL Th ?. 06*t ot he .*Ol,OOAO bond there bas been much talk about theni, Issu. Feïdy uhorlzed b>r the have neyer.been turned ont in very, Corn ' Produfta Company directora la great quatities by the Corn Prod- flot th* Qfiipltln of Argo. -UCta Company. latead la the cnstruction cf,* For instance, the men employed ou ui.w planit, j1lmnt in aize, et Wauke- the job have feund'eut bow mucht GQI. muid'a il. away from the. prem- land the compay owns nortb of the ot planst of th company, for the mAn- barbon, ezaelly where it lima *litb re- Ueac tuebow e ngýowder and candy. lation 10 tbe Waxikogan barbon liaîf, Frora *WéWaurvoyors, coercanmud cf- what the rail conventencea are, wbat ai.« *aie. ompny have be ba* um- lbecosl of a apur from hie belt lin., led WkW fla-lng figures and malt- te connect vltb Argo and ocher planta, lng pliWnbath cf Woukegan harber. wbt the cent of locallng on thea flaIs, mad the guneesqemect of the.new pro- vhat the cent cf ma mparate barber Jeotiloë lii e b mde public. mlip tb conneet wth the propcod non, The twfo f men bas long been cli- plant. "ad vbat the aipping onven- erved Io le buay nortb of Ibm bar- lances wth etiter porta. bor OUt b ft., vbene the, Corn Prod- The ramait cunbe but ene-tbat the Se ot.cmepany, the assigna of pre?- indutryiIntentia to une Ias land on loua 1904- companles, ownm a large lbfls te ereot a nom, plat, Pro- acreaqla 9,ýbo heunt or Wankegan'm ably the candi and baklng powder ldM-tr outer. iPlant, and t Waukegan viii e OM Oreilsa for Project. *ae Ibm cenltral com blhpplng port Inquhry mde showa that Ibe forca for Ibe gluçôee trust, for vbleb pur- h55 beaunjiiaherlng dtalîs fer tbm for. pose thbmsmilp la bing conaitructad. mulationt of plans by Ibm company for la. other vorda, Wukegoc viii be the nov plant to make candy and made a corn port as wail as bavlng baking povder, which preducts, vitie locatel, bore a linaunovne factory 10 #I,~ TRYING TO1 Mww~NT !XPLOSION Man Who Tried le Prevent Sterch Oust Exploson and Sacrlficed Own Lifm ln Endeavor la No Morn. Mary Weiss Dimd Yesterday at St. Mary@. Hospital in Evanaton and le Surlie Her. Sunda,'. Charles Wmmnber, formier Wautegan saotn keoper and for some years Ibm le"dlg lthumnlan citizen et Wauke- gaxi. d!ed Frlday nlght at 12 o'cieck aI St. Maigaret's HoepitailIRaini- moud, lad-, and Ibe romains worm shippeil hene for luternient. Womb.r basnet rosidgid la Wauke- ta fur mec,' monlis. bmviug quit thm saloon businems tollo'sng bard limes. Itlai@ of W ~reto nte ttat bm died practcMly la lie Mro !&ahue, as ho usa a nimtyr lni trying tb pteveu.ta starcitdixat epMaon libmtheplant or ibm Arneican M)Lb*Compay atRoby, idiuta nemi Hosemund, and vas do- lug moea tinxiehlmduty. lHe (s mar- ole ad bis wvit bas Hamamond. Chres Webittinavs wvanmd fav- erabi,' knwn amng bie peopleald aaxog Arnioniancm, and, lvaYa beld a bigb place li thoir oteetti TURBULENT IMES IN A LITTLE IAI MI-. sud AM-s. Antan Ki-uzevits camet tu the mat together aI Ibeir fli th e Ib Schwartz building, Water anid Sprlngc etreeta, Satnndoy morniug au a resulI o wblcb soveral nots of china dishost wore broeon, the dhumer cooklng onxi the steve docker Ibom botb, bot val-E on, disb pans, pqla, fiat Iront and evexyliug mise flev througb theo air. The tva ha^ve beexi quarrellug ton tvo or tbree menlia, on ever since tho,' accumubaled tegoîben $270 vbicb fiuali,' îbey askmd Chiot of Police Tyr- i-mil to bold as a veluntoer banke-. Theis laibe secret et thm fighîs Ibm couple baye boon bavlng-tbo mouoy. Satui-day mornlung, tbe voman says, hber iusttatî tilaited lie daiiy vaude- v-il show b,' tbroving a dx-luklrg cul) tbrougb tbm plate glass lni Ibm i-me flot door. Then, the aaya. ho came tu the stoee and .olzed the tetîle, pourlug the bol vami- geuti,' and at- tectloxiateiy'over hen bandeanmd ai-ms. She punche bhlm and smniefethle vater spaîterel on hlm aiszo. Thon te gaya h& began le lbrov things mnd abo tblnks ate ia,' bave nmpimd, la theo mni fabloe t, lh-hmremuil thât Stanley', ltea mliboy, aeeltg bot hleedIng and vatcblag hlm fali- or beat bl& nicher, burat late cOg- Ian heanlng Kt lie police station vllb the vends, "Ny fatlra kling ni, Mother. IWeO gelber aimect billel. Hems beatlng ber liketa ib. Muni-y And ho aboeel bmt au expert pugi- liâI hlm father la vbot hlm opponent loa a vtaxi, The man vas sougit aI once b,' Ibm Police, timuaIb,' lie vonian. andlber sou, vho beld the mtery oxciledly, vbila tva reporters bneugbt up lu Ibe i-er. The rabttîlWarren o! a buibd- Irtg vas maarcbed b,' Ibm maxi bai al- i-madl, tatou a lp msud gene to the po- liee siation. Tl vas mei-tby a malter et wbo tol4 he aloi-y f1raI. b tboxighî, bltit i' vomia bout hlmtleJi, b,' miens of 11111e Stanle, vo la Ibm ostly nue vite can mpoiak Exigliab. A iiibiuclptlou offor that viii Inter- est tbe wouesi folbsla thm Parla Mo0des Magasino for ven, Ibm Dalby IllnterOcmis#Mltic..ladoenîmnt aIl for $8,50p0 es DISSOLVE SAYLER 1IItJUNCTIO'N Legai Action '&ken b,' North Chics.- goan lnvolving bovenîen Chargea Comas te Naught and Sourd Neod No Longer ha Meld b,' Dela, B ut May' go Ahoad and Pick Out Ont of Twanty-two <ltcc Submitled. s e At&- meetiug Of Ibm citizen$* prtY cf North Chicago Tuamday nlgbt, lun Ibm premence cf twe butidrod vho et- tanded, Mgyor-ElecI John 'tierwIn,' fre-t mm31ýor of North Chicago, pledged ise flfat year's samar,' for a tavu dlock. to.be placed I the lover cf Ibe vil- lage hall to remlnd tbm people of hlm. The pledge and Ibm Id.. both nmade s hît and Ihe' fhrotig wtldIy cheered the nov mayer te Ibe ocho. The raliy ot place rigit aller the cly electloti returna ver. lu hovlng Ihat tbm ciltee' ticket bal vwon, and the members of th. part,' gaIbored ai a hall on Tentb atreel vhmne a gmemal clebratloti and good lime vene bell. Joa. BRuai*preided ai tbe meeting and mode a fine chaîrman. - Reaolutlons veife Idoptol 10 tbe f- tect Ibat Ibe parti tlaI ,cr of al] kinda cf clly Improvemeuts, cf munici- pal adyaneement mnd progress, cf fur- ther prompril,'. Baverai made addremu- I1 bc n Sptal advlces froni Rocktei-d. tu-cm Secretar,' Reardon o! lie tavu bigli cheol board et educalien, are te lite ifetthIal Jndge Frost bas dlmaelved ' th injonction agaînat Ibm board and thrI the Loardmay nov go abesd and a select a scitool site uuindoned. The fimyler- Injonction bas long blocked lie site seleclion and put the acheol board up la Ibm air.ltare ire aboultvawnty-lvo mites aubmitted. ['ho board viii nov mmml mnd matre uelmction lu an attempt te gmt lie aite cboaejunome Iat vert tua,'begin Ibis smmter. B,' Ibm dlamolviag of ltae LjuncUion the bonds, $85,000. become malmablo aI once. Ateorne,' Ries and Mn. Reardon for tbm mcbcol board and Ateorne,' Homer Coote for Mn. Saylmn atauded Ibm bearlug. lI Mn. Scandons message bore no parlculans si-e given. The next meeting cf the board la nexl Tueada,' evenlng. Chairian fivayen le lu Califernia. Attoney Hales statod te the &UN Tuesday atternooxi. "The Injunction va.9 dlsaolved, oitn1 tbe grounds thaltbte board et educa- tion bas somte discretton lu Ihe cholco et a aile. "The court vas flot dlsposed le lIn lertere wvltheborlgbt o! tbmboard un- beo abuse oft Iis discretion could ho sbnwn, and Ibm bill talimi te show It. Hexice the action dlssolvlng the In- juncîlen." DR. OGDEN BOLJND OVER TO GRAND JURYV 5111e on lis Part PuIs )pareiy Enough Witnemm on Stand le Show Cause for Blnding Over andi Then Tcrmi- n nates Case Net to Dispia,' Evîdence Betore Real Triai Cornes up in Cir- cuit Court. Saturda,' atternoon nier 2 Dr. Joasie Buckle,' Ogden, Waukogaxi voman docton facing a amnleus chai-gm, vas bound ovor te the grand Jury uxiher $5,000 bouda before Jumtice William F. Weias, and vilI tace triai at Ibm Octoben terni o! the cii-cuit court. Tbe amallneas of tbm bond excitei unusual Interest hecaume with lie charge ot 'munden" vblcbh lte chargm, l la al, evlad agaixial lie physimua, tha usual tilg la toI 10 have hall aI mIl. The etaI. Introduced Ivo vIt- tiesse, Mn. Couxior and Dr. Foie,,and lion realel lis ecasuoviag bai-el,' mough cf bis band te show causm for biuîlng over. Attoneys Pope andl Smih fer tbm hetauma on temr part dld not put a viluesa on tIbmstandi. The,' prefored to avait the nemi trial. Bond vas procunmd. Nothiug nev develope i aItIe hearing Ioda,'. bIsaittht- pain foi-mula ou Ibm box of Pink Pain Tablets. Thon ask youn ioctîr Il thene la a btter one. Pain meanm coetuntion, blood pi-oaure tome- wltAre. Dr. Sboopas Pink Pain Tablets chet hennI peInm, vomaul,' Pains, Pain anywltmrm. Trioneaudeeel 2Ofor25$c. Sold b,' AU.. DEALERS. Advortimlug payasd paves lie va,' l e btter'tblugm. Try Oui- vant Mouma. moot the Ont IThuridai of çcb montb. Olorm viii bo electel "d omnouncal' ater. The first food cf the dey. Ever,' maxi, vom-an md cbild begins the day with more or les& vigor cf mind and stnenglh of body accordlng te the finIt food supplied te the atmacli. The. bst first dish of the. day ta à bovi of Quaker Oats. The îtomach eau assimi- laie il more qickly sud vith lesa effort ta other foods' Thene is little or ne vaste and every ounce cf food la cou- verted lieomuscle, vigor and brait activil,'. Tii. strougest people in tic worlil arc tic reçular caters of Quaker Ota. You miouId eu itilfor break"aa ever,' day. The regular ize package cf Quaker Oats tels for 10r, the. large fanily as package ceomesat 2Sc and 3ke The Labo County Inlependent mnd Cjtlcago Datlly Tribune $3.50 par îesr cash ln alvauca. ~r ~.LLo» ~og a a R~ht Umm r~i Roofmn E A trong, aervice*bie Roofins for aIl buildings having a reof surface of aufficient alaut to ahed vater. Yen cati lay it youraelf-no, apecial lacis am encesary -cernent and tala for lape arm packed ln thc center cf each roll. W. would be plensed t-> tel) yeu ail about Arnazon Roofing, quate prices, etc, Powell Roofing Co. I7 PHOE 377TEE WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Tan andi Gravel Roofing fer Fiat Roofs; Gravel and, Smooth Surfsed 'repared Roofing for Stecp Roofm. h ,1 )y> Lhe rilol oo sqr. ft., or estimatea given on apitd jobs. Write or eall and W. can Save You Mocy, Be fore you Bu that Buggy Comeand ookover over Our stock. Have fifIti "The Stzover is a Staver'" IF ITlS SCJANCK FROM SCIIANCK'S BROS. IT'S Libe rty ville., M1. Spring Time and flouse Cleaning TimeI Do yoîî know that thim yearly pmpering and painting la wholly unnocesary if YOW USEELECTRIC LiOtIT being absolutely amokelea. and odorlesa It la the pertocÛT l ean light. Phone for oui mati and mvoid Ibis Imbor and aepensu next year by h4ving yenr houa. wred7!OW nier oui tlwo yeaim te pay plan. NORTHJ StORE ELECTRIC Ci Phono Wankegan 258 230 North GoneeSt WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS SPECI AL ATTENTION . :roocul cf Town Ordera And Shipping Trado Telephone No. 46 LibertyvIlle Exchange BAKER and CONIFECTIONIER Libertyp'ille - Ilrinois MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN#, coma amse~ê.S.SSS*S#fi Places £llectn trente barbor ofliht b,' the irtuilin Jc andci;d * tira t, off wa timber b, Joli 1 Pi ocut ii P; have a FI station CF flooded CF road d W, and do Greene b,' pou 1Li' rail brt eI 727 No as novw of flood under Thi riton -1 Candie lieaIiil otiterr Tih tuedigtl MOMwMPM-W-ý