Re,4 efe19ObD o 1. mi bfors Restdence TeIeltone S. 1141. Llbertyvllle Exchang& A park Improvemen t Furid and CoMn. catemo if the Pesoce tueI bertyvillie, M1.. sa Second Cia Mater mttee Cr.ated. Liconses Gsantedf 118MM WU5KLY. ADT55?TMStN SATUe NADU SlOW» 01 APPLICATION. and1 Other Routine Butinae. # 80R1PflON PRICE 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE- The. village board Imet lnregilarse *XMAK M. JUST......................... .......................Ed........... ...........e.e.i... M ta909~ IÉ .KELY....... ......................................... :................. City Edtar r ient i le lte chad ir. 4folil menhers anewered pissent: -Eger, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1909. Crett, D)avis, 'anIknier Lynch Sch;;e- _________________________________________bis »d Wells. WORKING GIRLS BEST WIVES. The mnutes of the tet regular and SPeciSl eslOns wore read by thee elerk. College education seema ta Imaure roduction f progefly amnosg 'colloe- IMoved by Cf.irett aria Weil@ liat the bred fathers and mothers. Nt two-thirds of the mess gradttses have chldren. mnut«e " acpted and placed on file. Motion carried. . Net fifty per cent of the girl graduates ever wed. Thoee seho become wivee Tih. foliowlng appolntments of the.le aeldomn or neyer brlng large familles of children Into the world. prosident of the board for the next terra Is thie dilemmes Presîdent Mary E. Wooley, head of Mount llolyolce col- store ree.d by the clerk. Tresourer and legst, a Massachusetts institution, acknowledged ta be one of thc leadinegigrl*' coilletor, J. B. Motse; marshal, Ilennié celleges of the Engiah-speaklng world, comtes to the rescue with the admission Limberr;etmrahal, miannî Ller. C tiseS sorling girls moite botter vrives than college graduates or girl@ reared On motion of Corett aud Schnaebele the is idleness. Spponftm91ts wescorfirned. Motion The sorklig girl appreclates teé difference betweuushautewck..f ler carrisal. sadn osi.0 ouin convenience snd toll for a fIxed number cf houressix days fixOk In tise board were Alto apoointed b y store, office or factory under oders, from someosse e»e. The college greduate Preeldent Eger: Fnance-Wela, Lynch er thse girl rsaredin idenese condemvns. her huaband for Ilfe ln speartment and Faulkner. Street-Corlett, Devis tuoeadarig oe eas ho and Sobnaebs le. re andR'ater-L.*nch, Iseelsan bordng oua. ecase thInka housework a burden. Wello and Colett, Lloense-Scbnaebele, Tise virin girl Wifeé la seldom stem ln thse divorce court. th. dose 1505 Lynch and Wells. Buildings and Park taunrt hbarisumband sith hh* Inadequate incomse or Mnn heceuse te h lsefeseet Ioprovemenîe..-Llavls, Faulkner and *eee.sA theis ler faher used ta provide. lshe laves recrimlssatioss and divorce Coriets, Héalth, Seatary and, Seser- te ufuce sho rend novels and primepedci ie oothet sipdld the hanse- Faulkner, Sehnsebeleao Davis. L_ Marehli Limbcrry preeented a requset icesit. . .affisg for thi.esmoud and lAAt 5uaday The beeissesgirl malcea houeekeepissga buelwoes, Mdl her home aternoone of cad . 0outh off duty. w . l&Ui i a.elp met ansd unot.a drssebelt..ead"tise sueo alse ier h Moved by Welsaaand'IPubmir that the feay VMI cessder himsef ln luck sc 111à MMa We iRb M5 plaieri of ths Ue t IbogMated. Motion carrled. nosi app.aved belore the >board lmge iaa of youssg somen ses muett o W urthe W0M e ftis h t e is f- aeklng for ai eduetion of the bowling pretloss.alley licence. latter wae refrred to _____________the lie l Copecomitte. for investigation. * The reporte of tievillage trseerer and HOPKINS OPTIMlSTIC. clek were read by th.s.erk andl anditud Ex Senator Hlopkinss in the lolowlng letter te thseIlîlinois prees, toits ai by ommIte.Moe byO eptmesieviee f ltsdiflcltis:Lynch and Wells that the. reporte bu -Tise opposition ta Senator Hopkins la nase flghting ln tise last dîlcis. If acce tlyble trern b h is cosceded tisaI no man cen be elected United States senator except H okinsclerk sud 0. K'd by theé banc. coni- .ansd thse onfiy hope of the opposition in that thcy can continue the didock iitIxe.. Moveal by Crlett andl Schnae-O untîl thse adjo>urnmeft cf thse legisiature, and thus defest the election of euiy bot that the bille be ailoweal with the SantarCulomsudhav Illisis eits oly ue enaarexceeption of thoiio grantlng rebate on cnecme a cotîcague taSato ulm n av liosst ot n eao idewalks whieh stere ta b. Investigateal until soes futurse section of Uie legislature. Governor Dneen cavinot appoint by the sîceet coniuisionter before psy-O ad thse enlY waY te cmeure a second seccaor la by election of thse legsature. ment. Motion carrital. Warrante stereO thetGovrno DeeenordereçÀ drawn on the treasury for the 'Thse opposition test their followers ta bellave ta oe o oenfolio ring bille: seuld flnally except the aenatorship and thus tlie contrat cf state affaire would Mr@. Spring, meala ............. 8 - - b. piiccd in their iansi-the loyaty of Goveriior Deneen to thse primary law Lyle llmith, 8treel work..........O (09 an etewt ftepol ettdthia plan. Ed Q4uentin, etreet work...... 7 50O endtatie lt c tie coîcdeeacdJas.T. Dada, draylng ..............5 -Thec oppositionisnt led their followeesi to believe Iliat -perliaps Loudeis, Joe Bond, bauling.............. ** 9 (0a MocKluley, Shsermsan, Cailsoun or nome otlscr prominent republican would con- E. C. Young, .a.lary ............... 65 (0 »mtta beenssi. a candidate for this office, i.t these gentlemen were toc, loyal Dennis Llmberry, saary ....65 (0 beoeaLake Co. independent ............ 16 25 th@e pslmary lave and Uthesl cof th republicans of Ilinois 5tba ce1 National Meter Co ..............156 (0 #@ty te tii plan. No prominent republicais ln Illinos seho deoires te remain Standard 011 Co ...................... 8 0g la ge.d stansding wlith th repubIicasflSand the people wiould gîve hl. consent Id. B. Colby, supplie@....... ........ 45 f t ece-sea candidate usider the circuneances and tUS the liopes cf the Norti hrt Eletrie Co .......150 27 q EdtB . Warren, rebate on walk 24 860 oelteiin falled li tisedirection.0.,L Neworn, " 7 20 0 -Thse opposition nase moka the usembers ta vote sitis tiern te defeat thse G,. Mitchel, " " 2724 electies o f sny United States senator by tht. legllatiare. T'hie le golng E. A. Biop, " 7 20 '.istlsly too furmud It le very evidest tirat uobody can bc slected but Senabor The quetion of saloon licence was Hinfpkls. Messberas ts. have beau vting again8t hMm seul fluallY vote for n"fxlconsidered by th board. Lynciof M tht licornse ommittae, preitented theéU bis, s ndtous tise deadlock wlul end n à triumph for tise People. It sel ed îollowîng re.ohutlon: Be i5 réaolved by be ln à triumph:l for tise ruts of tise majority and it sill enid ln the election of the Board of Trustées of the village ofca Hoa. AIbertJ. Hopkins ta the Unted States enate." Libertylile that the drain ehop icense 1I be plaeed at seven hundred ($700) ti dollars per year, payable qnarterly i CANOWS END IN slimT. advanced. (Biaced) R. P. Seinslebele, Tihe ttacisa ef suclimagasne sasColler,* ad Successeon Speaker Cannon 0- P. Lynch, E. a. Wells, licensecrn- wilibc &tcgd y mny ftha gnd ent f iterst nd o oe mre hanmitet. Moved by 8chnaeisele andl Welle tIi seulb. atchd b snsy wtis god dal o ineree en no n. oretat tihe resitution hé acoepted. Motion by thessopeile of thse lieserto eoags'eesssl ditrict Mr, Casusiestnds befor thse people cf thse country as thse personificattots Thé foloring applications were made o etith e s that as poiticeS iglt muetue. Machine poweer pused te l té&o frdamusp iees l Usa ettrsoetymud tseataluest e eideovr Ue eiI c té pope bcamuWm. Rekinghausen, Fred Endaclin, De end dreetyandtheettiramt o ens oer he ili f te Popl beau"Peter Petgee,4 J. W. Brown, Sco. Boehmn not dmllgnt f actie ha. the payer toe efforce the a~pion i& th«e endsuidn 5and W. y. K.sssnn Movasib lselisas. a Mr. .. W"lW"llstimttisaapplications e h irair pay amufmihe eseegslte EtIseMrlgta of th isamnrtY have o atbe bL~on et theaov ad. api i., UW. CMwe pWW*eeply asd ho ha. asly tise merit of betsg honcet ln is, itsnte were mort cousidoea by the. license deenie oste UuP000c. snttee visa reporteal favorably. MIse Uamimss. Wl» tisr aisetiamifew bhnrsi ts oiseassde 1raaders, Movea b y Selineetsek s id Faulitaer tisaS auIMpM- U" spelitliesI l kgt '.mmty W i, but Uiey can ~sthe the bonda sc wS>tad. Moton. eal. S -~ Té foloiengreolnt o p5 irmIted w bSil fleft W mithé reet Pcr la pppir lie seul corinedosen selUs aby Ljneholitht licence ommitto.: Boit5 h ta - - tém mi»paocedde a s e ag puMAb" aWal-s. ecolvesi by thse Truntsés 0 thse Village Jiu peupe amseeam deMr. Caassm5e o oer and selsgs t tiseraf ibertyville thast the licena. on pool- d~ sS uais se eule di deIhigs mie, ere ti.plapoc c isi-And bUSard tabe héloe e t twooty 9ekoorde * rmb e P0111,0, b* e t#01119 teY 0r»th*Pur060Of m-($20) doilarefor tise crsit table, tl ($10) , pthom vuhéde. Tbe emoti7 peola tefdiiliste isne 5alttt ,ibiîted-Ite bfor thsa second and l ve ($5) no ld b"a tie mwppomet .thse gm tieSnstiser guise upeas tise machisne dollars for a1t otlier tables Mru nde thea lit a Moersol if" a5ewalfer til-sk iseP. Wsmi59158gmmlet. Andl ha t fortser I a~ ~rse hve lsne ld t stpesi uen iseunaeee tie popl ~ recolvil dtbh, the lcreàmon bowling stem, *M bt -ý gaors, âd a dpenii w th mases th P-ie ticale-ye ho twentv-five (025) dollars for e.. esit sMy. de ont talta the subgazisas.Tis a n e »Vay cifcunumtascce ite ret Ailey and twecty ($2») dollars bd Omet abusssjet cedtioma » lu e msuce, a oeeut of a job ani hussgry. ift s for aL otisir alWye rma b hte same et ttwegm W lin c éltte suir up a reroutisi agîsset oppressionmss tihe ranks a gemenç'Ut e4(Sineal) EL P- Scbnatele, cf msse tiast l ta Steit p m tie rsskscf isaetaea6,<iF. Lynchs . . ýWels. oveal by otise m$"tm ti esi tu nte nso h l»Corlrtanal Davia that the reuçlution holiea Thomre s eul nconquasltion Ma.te th tve n att.cklhg Cannaion. sj> .,pted. ]Édt eun Carriedi thes os fis lldis ce suit support him ma" tie umifseiliiseus sut lgo ta Uscr Tuée Iuiowing applications fomr liceas )w creit Wleu tse outrypuesor isS prtoncf l efiecs ocene isid~ ertted. J. W. iBrowen, tro pool r-fdit Whu te vuat Prm O es Pt- f I whch 0" gt OI4the (LbesiPeter Beeklman, tiret Pool posiowiesetrkesart mwàn ad te n".netheendis n &ghttailles andl O. . Luce, tiret pol tables h ________ - ana l 'er bowling alley. iMatter si rs-erreel tioýibelsieeise conmInttet sWbo 1l.. W,. CT, 1 vill"et swsith Mr*'reirtflarorafily. Moveal ly Corett [~~saattiona b tariU Corrii . clr. Tu-eelsy. ay Il et!2 uio slFaukner that the report of thé _______________________ $nî,ieî '9isr r"îes",o lnfmsrsu~ h.'eseemnsittee Lt aorncteel.Motion Mis. Mamie fitelluege lI tw"s.t1,r M', P hrima... 'S 'Lago psetei 'Til boud oSH. B. Eger raspresiaient of clil',rSia ter. ,e I» ý t içeebao *e.itasJ li/A., t )i , hm ,LHs ea bthe Village to>ard re prwenttd tisthe I atTerai rnoths.î.dmnm' ;. 's.l se. t l.eedînsr board, IMorealbi osett nal Selena--T. Bigh guwsî yrliwe-oSnt ried em.urem :1 C A. t m/ l-nemor Cooand eSlte tuaSt ti*hondS 4c accepteal. Motion E Miatuire in rom n i, t, W) dml). trortA, lb SmeetL, 'A tilwage.e 5cr..guetta '*rrj CI sale hv14 lies Hum' l mi.oiiF-u .rcOol l5emideîty Il, L.. e.n !A. , ý Lynids ollelid the, follsewng resolution;: f Lilertysilie. 3 1 2 lînrard ft It rroiilthst îwo lsendmmdîtom) k dollars Letuk.sAnoirQntse uuspproprlated fi XXX Daitry tbmelacomi ;raina. at $24- ut, alii». Wfi, Iii i'eIîiSlolnn ku lepWlacrSlusfusdlo b. kaon i CheapeRt fecd moe îles jarket. Cirtainefrom £0500IL ih1;.st ri4fàmty su iol îl iaersdtei ciia sPart fo.nd, Moaed b 17 er entIrmtmmîm llmsî f.m scleneae lseu ie~n. ' îl'- eern 51,5'. 'h am Fsie laulksner t Stise resolution CoNipàs'. Libertyslle.1. -3 71 2 lÀtwrtysviile. urinK çils' îOi eofle. seopteal. Motion earritd, Sincerthý e stowr ba- c Iore ,re Fred J.e.e,.iii-l teplei*infg g. evo ivel bLynet And CorletSthat th, settlealboroeinen utI l ieimlp Irisek have tylsille tecii, blike e l u ha P"ianIlo lim»Atatise village gravs.l began ta gel Iu.momy ick IMmMaioowtunantd'iweblile deivery' ag',am for tie f die rti fi)toti e osntttte on park hegan Tues§day lu suork is bhouses tbs i n abrmamaiug is skm-ry trad, U*e wento otion easieal. &roud o intheparauce" rpea. * Be()Lneoion f t uIÀ4 t/aifd Schnaehtle arenndor n te çibrutfCr epet. e Spray pour fruit ttse &rai se iir w ; m is~ti. sg ee)irmsre.' hma string IbisNecasmn tbut clii neki.fruit. Ses- a". (ils.àsý ..c ' u.2 ~ ~ ES.S.C~.rVlaeCak a stir lu barnes% cireleu. iflaeCek Forty ormoreladiee me attlieemontbiy Tht uitile fi auglier <A Mr, bnu s meeting of the Mttodit Ladie' anal lr#. 0, C. Deker resuseoiamu.u~ Aid Socety tat Tueeday at thet bome oper&td u lOllutt aturday tmp loto, A »Peell rlag 0, ise bw'1 W& of Mrs,.I. B. Colby who wa assistCedîn Foley anal Taylor fur an aboecee of tw l t ila ii.v.. ha e id~eeh entietaining by Mr@. Daniel Le. Iteent. seir. A iýrl "In.0 "0l00Tiselrd Il tis tosrs.hismg soclety base palal It& An Informai dmil ts iana Ath p rt l, eglalsat Egmuér vise t ld n1âgre of thé éburcli kitehen. bas Iapetal theme of Lest Vle«, Monlasevenirg. thst th#a psrpsàuof, tbisemsSIg ue treoftéMorne at thé parsonage, About tru'uty-flv. Couple vet resan1Is55 eomlmeeolseesya e rrsadfor varnlehing the wood stork, and al enîo'yed a mnt plea"ant eeeuiti. Tb isa. 'Ser theieal miluR »à tile k4lor-e e Z nedehavetifer consideration for the Lugîcî refresbmente sters served. fing Muebr aer.u4p Vetoe futureth pspering anal carpeting of the eîr1 I1, ltEDvi.V.Bl.r ZniW.i ehore)L ~~~ E }aktr endalfamfly, of ekN-"dWIbwk Thésetn calleal for preparaîlon for hl'v ,e itnteirsu,]u, àeosorll Py mt ln adjourusal session CT>M. Fuler, tlw pat lw @k jt U)moitS ly Ly,u md Cbtluté th& Sthe f- klse-A.-or.1othe Meliodi.1t Churcb !:idy ,r sattlr, wà$Li;wbers.ttyOiOO lWw for i,. lot whix She&. sad denyig and de- fytng, *Behold the suiffraglat a- speechafylng. ,No better 'àbode anywhere than here. làne ofSuperb -positively without an équal. Not becanse we Oay lso- but because the goodg themsivee do the talking. Tfry for youraelf-the sooner the better-now, today. A ~SSWATÇHMAKER 0 ~and JEWELER BaaaeeBBSOOO@@lI@ The T( The'only sa Cyclones in Farm Propertý Village Properi E. W. P H.artford Pire 1 Phoenix Fire I - - - - - - - >rnado S.easor AS COMMENCED feguard against Tornadoffs and aa Rellable Insurance Policy. Rates 1 yr. y Rats ..... 50 ry Rates..20e 3yrs. 75e 40e 60 I o o o o o o rs.I 000 >c o O e )ARKIIURIT, Agent [neuraumCo o., of Hartord, Cortn. Insurance Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y. enehéo ollected qusrtevty mes. d wretofore, $175 in adiance. Motion arieal. Mloveal hy Lynchi andl Sdonabeethat ae licence on billiard anal pool tables Lad bowling alleye remain thesans. Jotion carrieal Moveal by Sefmuàebele and Faulkner bat »aJonekerajrnted thse privi- ee of pool anal tai prouidlng bey b te r.qulred boe. Motion are.,Fanlkner, Lyncis, ehaabele md Wells. roting "y." Corbett anal )&VIS "no."1 On motion of Wells anal Lynchi the nétn d rEAdL .COLTlek ctnadureAal. CiumCek W'rc P ence. Do Dlot mis§ tiserelai sale, 12 rires iincheshbigh only 30 cente per rol. St wiii not Iset longat tis apriebut we âave nomet for you. Coin. analsen. 32-2 AMEEIL'AN Wîss FIltcx Co. Methodist Services. "The Ninth Commaadment" viii hé te subjeet for thé ceningermon at thé lethodiet cinreis. M119 n*g serv anal Sunday scbool asuunal Miss es- berg a atndent st thee Moody Bible Inie mte wîi bave charge of the devotioDpl scetlng of the Longue at 6:45. Straugere wIll hé relcome. Charlt E. Meyer, oIf(Chicago, who l istriet îrfflident of thr Epworth Lan met stitii the eabiuet of the local ebsopter sent 8unday evening anal then took barge oif tLb devotional meetilg. lu le@ reoearks bu sîntal that Libertyviill .as donc gemme of the becS work of nny bhapter in the dlistrict. Card of Thauks. àdri. Francis Trip,, the cbairnman of the eoînneiitee anald é assistants, wish to thank everyone stbo helped te, make Tag Day a sueelu Libertyville. ~EpeIaly lie snggero, the teachérs anal 'ldren stho coudocteal tht very suc-ces- nil candy *ale. Mr. J. E. Triggs wbho klndly gave the us of bie front stlndow for thc #ale and] I . Y. B. I.ovell who f ouate'] the candy boite. The C. M. & St. Paul railroad anal the electric rosiS for funelbing tranaportation 10 tafgtrg tad the lIeEPmCtDSS;T for lea avertiolng. Farm lusurance at Cost. Fur furtber particulare apply to John L. Bllard, agent for the Rockford Varnfers' District Mutuel Tornado Iu. garance Compea. Abso agent for thé Mlîbuin Mutue reins #urance Cons- pOUy. 82-4 Notice. Ny stife, Annie Cooper, havbng loSt My lit' anal board, 1 horae give notice that I sîl nl itrepouabble for any debte rontracteal by là.. 81-83 Bîxîr COOPEIR, Wlre Pence. Do nemI mise thb ise al saIç, 12 wbree 51f Ineeha lIio.11,80 cents per ro']. it wHu not leet long ast ts apricebut *e hase borne for you. Coma analoce ui~ 312.2 AtoakiAZiWtxs FuCXCxCo. it, prepaSMl to, apray.*our fruit tree phon. 411. GIUsLu P. WLL.tÂus. l»,, F. U& Mrtin returneal Wealneeay' froin s trip Su Colorado. i o o O Report of the Coniion At l = l'a Seta Us tale Of 1Uhool. àÀ014 clome0 Ie ks. As ilm159 U. a. Boe tcusonsdcrculation ....08 8oo ;=:.e : : - ec. . .-. .......s,Z.01 Bang hom». tomu eMdtEinaes. 10.M8ce Dm. fin mend rlat béeae9"a bunkers.Truet Ooueaaleesud eavlgsbnks7923 oesbo al Uss en ~. . 5fl I"aOtt" .......... ........... 11946 tari ieS onsy lesie ta Eek. Tb: 8-018s.................£7,1l86M loea-teade ote....2.0080 214a 85 Ieedon iondwutbV. 8. Treautirer (fi e= naoiIesaoe . . TOta........................ IM.31 50 LIABILMTES Captael tock Pald In........S50M08w Surplsfonde................080 0 UndMled Profis. lam expenees sud taxs pid...............4.M 926 National Do oa iseadit 40M w Dtvldeadi enWde..................... 40 w Individusi deposIte subjeett 50ebeek -.- 1*4.7Il1 eaS&Ygn epcults ......... .......... 92,327 M Demeandcerificat«s of dePostt .... . 50981 Total.............. ... ......9049.151 50 state of Ilinois, Cosinty of Lake. u:. . 0J. Ir. Wright, Cashier ofth1e oe-&e bak. do solemn1y sweri 105the aIovestate- mentla. true to the best of sMy kowedge snd beflef, C. F. WIG1HT, Ciabler. Correct -AlItest F. P.,1)XMOND. . A WRIGHT. C' R. GALLOWAY, Dlrecton Sab.ertbed and eworn te before me Ibis lObday of Ajiril. 1909. FLORA A. àTAPLES. Notsry Poýble. Report of Thse Condition of the f IRST NATIONAL BANK of Libbrtyville. At îtht closle of business Veaneecay, April 28, 19019. Resources. Loauxanad Discounts................ 8124,742 94 U. 8. Bonda 10 eaureeircelatlot . .6,» 00 Prcniîmsun U. 8. Bonds..........- .300G Bonsseurti..etc ................ 1.150 irnture sud ixisUres ... -.........218000 Otiier rea) estate osod ..... :ý:..... 736 62 Due from State and Pclvatt Banksa nd Bankers. Trust Compaties and Savinp Bank% -s.............. 060 Dlua front approvel reerv sgnt...22.67f82 ecks mndS other cash Iens.......0 1 ,sia ootherNational Banks. ON008 ratieaal Pper currency, nickela aud centl............................ 93761 Lasti m nI Rmtnte iBa*. vi. @psOie..ý ................... .oet50 Lagaltender ilotes........ 676009.718 50 fuewlostnd vstll U. 8 Tremeurai 1prcent ot crculation) ..........-I--i8150 Totalt.......................$918,101 99 5. lddpriýta, let emenses aud N toa e psid... -... ".....-tg........,840 Individuel dspost ubJec beck. 70,187 il Savlnasd*noots ....W . ....: .W22 75 Demand certificates of ueposit.... 4.29 27 Total .......... .............891,011 9 State oîlMuis, COUOtI Of Lake. M: 1 J. S. Gfirley, Osier. Of h. abovyasd basS. do sotenîr stear ttiat the. above statement la tro te the ebeM out 157knosltdge and betiel. J. L. TAYLOR, BSNH. iLLR OSEBASI 5255EK, Disc1ra.m Suberbedan <oin10tente me Ssii Moline and 0li'%er Plows Sprlng Tooth. LeA'er and Disc, Harrows Wagons and Trucks Buggies and Mllk Wagons [ALL 000118 THE BEST OP IBEIR KIND] F.ufryLawu( rass Supplies If You are Golng to Fertilihcr PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN Y0UR LAND S0W SEED 0F ANY KIND WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your wantâ Lîbedyville Lnmber Company_ CuaI's Telephone No. 47 Fm1 Up àcIap New Yur Bis Your new ready-made or made-to-meas- tire suit may look well the firot time you put it on, but the suit that stands the wear and tear le one subotantlally and caref aily built by a good tailor. Keep that in mmnd. Tailors make clothes to wear-not to @eil. Yred groker, Callor and j)raptr LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cae ariclar Palu wtl, Prtiluar Liliesfor ParIklar Peoplt Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farrn, one snd one-half - miles north of Wauconda, Illinois, bas constant])' on hand and for sale, at lowest mnarket pnice, a stock of ail classes of Isorses, suitable for the road and ail farni work, express and îlraf t, useful and serviceable. f rofli lioo to x6oo pounds. Prices, $8o.oo to $2oo.oo. No plugs. Corne to Mountain -Meadow and see the horses work on the fan. Alaclilniated and avoid risk of sickness. AIl guaranteed on delivery as represented. COL. F. J. BERRY LAKESIDI!L I'N1 CEIR Lakeside Butter is made of pure creani, from se- lected dainies in the Elgin district. Purity and welght guaranteed.-Badger Butter Ocs, East Troy, Wis. CORLEIT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.