ýSONPS MbOST PIiENOMINAL SALEÔ MOT GOOO NEWS FOR CROPS The mosti et May according ta »"Y.. fr1 R. Hicku viii remLu cool a" p gowint crops vilii fot came along Very test. Th'e manth W111 Open Wlth a reac- UiOuAry torm perlid la progress and rais trms ln evldence til the Sd& Pair cool Weather wiii prevali until the. St, vben a regular storm period lcentral, covering from the 4th ta the Sils. Tisere viii be a decidedre lu the temperature and loudînega ed reb in il attend. On the tb and 9th' there vili be a change ta fair and cool- er wenther. A reactiauary atorm perlid telle on, the,111h aund 131h. Ditrlieo.. viii bi ligbt If anY et ait during tisiaper- r lod. A regniar atorm peiWlod iibe in force fran tihe 161h ta thse lS bal- lng ts center on the Igtis. There WI be a sudden change ta very warm on the 12th, Indications of contint, »torue viii Probably ha ln evidence between tise l6tis and 201h. A change to much cooder and fair weatiser vili ho naturai tram the Ztb ta tise 2Ui A reatlonary arts periad la central on the 23d, 241h and 251h. Tisere viii Ontha mucb change ln the veather "WI UOs. 'A regular strs period 'vers the 281h ta 31iai Thunder strms and Wlnd starma may be el. North Chicag OProm Wadnondare Au.j O. D. Keuzie of the Atwater NIfg. Ca. left tam Yesterday for a te, deys- trip. He vili returo vlh a bride ln a few days and viii maieis home ln Waukegan. Work la being rapidiy pushed on \the ne, fou dry sud It le expected 'sat viii ha campieted by May 15. Wmn. Johnson of' Chicago apent yen. ~rday hereono business. tT. G, Troxel of the Pfanstiehi Lab- ÎtarY leavea taday for a trip through trait andi o1her points, F. 1- Waterous of Chicago aent Yetrday here on business. Prayer meeting tanight ai the home of Rey. J. H. Kerr. Tihe captaina au the Tag Day affair vigh te, thanlithe taggers vho vans- ed 80 o vaatlY On Saturday for the muccess af the affair. Ueo. Bristou bas galle ta Chicago. He returna lu a tom days vith a bride to North Chicago where they vlii saie iheir home. St.ate ofIlilinois. County af-Lake, sa: ln the Circuit Court of Lake County. Eua R. Shaw, andi Charles E. Shaw va Cathserine 9.('arpenter, and Louis 0. Carpenter. (Jeu. No. 3743. Public notOic ereby givon that bY VirtUe aofu rder and decreen- tarai lu the aboya .entitlod cause in "al Circuit Court et thse Match Toi-m A .-1"09 tisareof, the underaigued -Masfter lnsChanery of MMidCourtwvIIi. on Tueaday, the lft daY of June A. D. 1909 at the hour 01 glue *deock lu the sutrnoon of said dey et tisa,1114t door aof the Court Hanse In he->% i' Waukogan. County ar Lake (~t4t. of Illinois, sejilai public auÏ=oit he highest bidder the i'olloving de.oe1>ed landi andi reai st&te, situate 111- tise County of L.ake aud Stata of Illinois, ta-vit: Lot Seven (7) ln Blocks Nine (9) la Kirk and Powell' Addition ta Wauke- gan, Caunty of Lake andi State of iii- Inois. Terme Of sale: 50 par cent cash on day Of sale and balance on delvoery of canveyance. Dateti May 7th A. D 1909. ELAM L CLARKE. 3t. Master ln Chancory. St-t Ofai' Illiois.CauntY Of Lake,,ase: ln the Circuit Court af Lake Ceunty, Fanl L. Smith va Axai (Joranson, Chrlatina GVAranso, Albert Goran- Boa, Auna Goranson, George Goran- son, Cari W. Liuberg, Guardian, etc., and John R. Fulton, Trustee. Con. M'o. 4184. Public notice ln horeby givon tisat by virtue aOf an Order andtiadcres en- tereti ln the above entitle cause lu salti Circuit Court et the March Tans A. D. 1909 thereof, the underuigued, Master ln Chance,->'OUi'saiti Court, w1li, an Tuaaday, tua Sth day or June A. D. 1909 t the hou oforseoclc ln the affernoon Of saItiday at tise &Ut front door cf thse CourtlRouge iu thse CtY ai' Waukagan, lu eaU Couuty, sel] at public vendue for cadir ln band ta tho highest and betbidê ,tise foiiaving descnibod land and reai es- rte, situatod ln the county ar Lais aud Stateof iIllinois, to-vit: Lot 3, ln Bock 15, ln Wahburn Springs Subdivision of the sauth 100 acres of the south weat quarter af seo- tien 28, Township 45 North, Range 12 IIast ai' the Third Principal Meridian, except Ilve acres in the eouth eaat t. corner of saiti quarter section, ac- 10090119 ta the Plat rocordet i luIse NatirdrS Office of Lake County, 111- tuait, lu Bock B, ai' Plats an Ihages 81 25c Plain Scrlrn, yard 19c. This scrim cornes in both white aîîd eeru, it bas a fine mesh and is very practical for fancy w'ork orj- dainty eîîrtains, ya-d ...........9C Flued and Dotted Swlss, yd. 10c. Hundrèds of yards of -woven, figured and dotted Swiss, an t-xt- raordinary value at the priee, O per yard.......lo Great Sales of Room SÎze Rugs AI Far Less than Usual This Sale of Room Size, small rugnd nmaýttings affords an excellent oppor- tunity to spply our ieeds in the line of floor cover- coveringZs. In the rugs will be found apestryjand Body Brussels, Ingrain, Axmnin- ister and Smyrnas suitable for al purposes. Tan, one strap puîîîps, in a eompiete Iiue of sizes, splen- did vaàlues at.1h ... 7 price....... .......e. . Colored FIah Nets at 25c. ('oîld ' ou fi.nd a prettier oî'i oeap- propriate hanging for hall or corer thaii this wide megh fiali net, at yard ................. 25 Onie s) rap, tan andi patent lea- tliI liuiils and oxfords, a large assortînent î4 styles at......... White and Colored Madras. Over seventy-tive pieees, neaî'v tllre* thousand yards of wviite andt colos-ed Madras of everv description at from 98e a yard to...........~,JL Uxtords Splendid valuies in Oxfords .and Siiocs, at $2.50 c& $2.00 Out Sizes in llosiery and Underwear Never negiecting those small details which s onîetiînes onlY effects few or inanv, we have prmvided sU(' h a complete line ofths ot sizes ini ladies hosiery and underweaî' that you as l indthe ost as great assortrncnts in these ainteregular limes. Hosiery, out and extra out sizes - - 25c to 50c Union Suits, extra large sizes s - 50C to $1i.50 Ladies's Vests, splendid value 5Mc, 35c, 25, 15c and 1 Oc DANISH CLOTH. For Dresses, at SILK BATISTE. In abont a dozen 25o per yard. A most practical mat- different shades in lengths w th just criai for inexpensive dresses; it enougli yardage to insure the pur- cornes in every desirable shade, is chaser an exclusive patfern, Q1 fulil thirtv-six inches wide- it is per yard .................. PL realv a splendid material 5 at tlie urice ............ 5 ALL KINDS'0V NEW SELECTKD Field, Garden and Flower Séeds% In Bull[ Aiso Complet. Stock of Rose Bush. cm e thssu uii Pumps; Oxford, Babies Shoesi Cbiidren's Pui ips and 75 I3ahies Soft Soit Siloe's withl colored tops, 755c Cretonne for Every Purpose. Nothing prettier foi, the bed rooin than bed spreads ani hangings of this mat- (,riai, it tend to hieighten the lionielike atniios1)lierie , ý(1 35e to. 5 Lace Curtain- Pairs and Lace Curtain Ends Curtains at 98c. Curt.ajm at $250. C rînE Curtains at $1.50. Curtains at $350. Three stvles fr-uni (abît' Ss Cs', 'andibai wiehitI t< o se, Ntt- Swiss and cable net One Lot» spedal Two 1'erv pretty p'st7nets art în îîîded iii tinghiar euustains, 3 eurtains of a splendfid for this su*Ie, terns of'ample length tii lJi -ut th'~n yards long, 44 iuches grade, 3 yards long about twO Yiârds and width, speeual va' ilehngtbs, wide, worth a l. and 44 ilehes lh ong duî-iug this wl ths uiP to half morte..... 8 eal..72@50 at.....19CI.5Q 54 l ine'h ...3.50 wid at -.sale at. . mME 98cm he et- e Remarkable Sale of Oxfords'~Shoes W mn's, M*sss Children's Sosi Amerîca Qaten. QuIttj' ords $1.98 Oxfords at $3.00 A splendid value in Queen Quality, Paetwthbontos heccce Puxnis atace.7andPum>a anandlblackSue& Curtain End Pairs 49c Ablouît one hundred lairs5 iîiclîding the bt-st grades-eurtains t biat are( woîth 6 tirnes wiiat wve ask. j' Pair 49c fiundreds of Yards of Mattings Chinese, Japanese, Grass and Fibre Mattings in plain and color effects, ail of the new ideas being represented 45(, Grîass Mattig, matural and colors, yard, 35C Fibre Matthg, iiaturai and colors, yard,39c and 319c and 50c Jaiaîese Nlatting, maturai and col- ors, Yard, 50e to .50c to 25c $.75 Wool Faced Voivet Rugis. special whilehey las t Children's Shoes at $1.2.5 to $2.00 P>atenit leatliei' ortanlin l)lace ort bîîttoîî styles~, also eloth, tops), froni $2,00 do~vn to............I a $9.5,$11-95, $14.'95 or $22.50 Duys a Suit that Sod for One-Quarei io a une-Tirafore. St*u*ial fortunate purcehases enabit s uis lu offi t you tliese charîning inudels at these priees. In a(l(itioii to this we hlave included our entire regular readx--to-w'ear stock, mbi(eb sîaces the "Printzess" hue (oliprisislg ail of this seasons best garmeuts iuciuding the fainous " Billie ]3îk"coats and suits. We have divided theze garments into 4 separate lots whlch offers you the widest possible range from which yottmay make your preference. The prices for these dtf- ferent garments are $14.95 $22,50 TO B.1 MONTIJSÀ iinaei A Great Sale of Regular and Discontinued Open Stock China--- The Prices are About Haîf Fane ' vchîn, udd pieces, dieoiîtiiidý as Nvell as reguilar open te patterns. also voîoi- plete diiiiuieî- sets. Hundreds of piect-s f-oi w'hieh you inay make vour prefereîe although the lilantity of each kind is exceedingly smnail. Better eouine eaî-ly. Tumblers at 2c. 100Picce-Dinner Set, $6.95 ingBwa2. A good glass tumb- The regiila- pIiee of this beautiful 2 i Mixing ws2c ler, speeiliwhiîe gold arid wh'ite floral decorated one 12 inch Mgiing40 theylas, Stusdav hundred iie-e dinner set was $10.00. Iol,îeils 0 nutl sid eah. y We ofteî it during tuis ad- ~ vleseiiti --j varie May sale at ........ sleat6....95 A rewM"OnzW nY pon uStock Uiunaware offers Âdvantages. 54 Piece open Stock Dinner Sets at $748 and $8.50. Open stock ware offers înany advantages over the reguiar sets-iii the tirst pInt e niîu we use the terni "Open Stock" we mean a patteru that is earried by us x'ear after year, the advantages of purehasiug froni this Openi Stock are at once ap)parent. First: If yoîî do îîot care to purchase a compiete set at une timie you ean extend flhc period of ct>mIpleting your set over any length of tinie, again if you should accidentaliy break ami- part of your set, (athing which often occurs) vou eau renew it without delay. We e'ontinually carry a nuinber of these openi stock p)atterns and as a speciai foir tie îext week we offer you three styles of 54 piece diner sets froin this ware at $7.U8 and $.50. ,mà m m m r OUMummmý