LAKE OOUISdTY INDEPENDET, FRIDÀY, MAY 14, 1909 1 have at My bomne severai styles of the Bldwin Pianos. 1 invite Non te eaul anîjlqsea. 'rirea withjn the reach of ail. GEORGE E. STRIANG, tjndertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAKE - - - - . - IWNOIS I-ww-~ 9very SATU RDAV NIOlIT Neit Saturday evening at Amann's Hall, Round Lake. MAY 15 Music by Hapke's Full Or- chestra. Everybody invited to corne and have a good tirne. [ce cream and cake served at the Drug Store. Baggage checked free of charge. AMANN BROS., PiROP'. ROUND LAKE, ILL. - 1I Spriiio mIiImr IN5 ALL TISE )5EN . Ai PS ANb sRilADES Aili be pleased ta have al my aid cuftomers call and wil ha glad ta welcoiue new Miss Elizabeth LEwis At Kuebkar & Hoam's (irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAURANT Freeh Bread every day, Home Made Cakes, Pie and Other Pastrv. Lunches sud Me&1s served ai ail heurs. (ÂNDY CICA IS E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. Teepbsne 19 lRA4ySLAKE, ILLINOIS We Have a Fine Unicet Sttionery sud Souveuir Post carde Watches, Clocks and Jewdlry Repated Ail Work (iuarsnteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptly Filled W. Hl. MOORE raylake . Illinois OUR PRICE LIST MIIk, Per quart 6c. per pint 3c, Cream " '* 20r- per --12c. 1 1,hall piaf6e. Bute x -k per quart ...........4c, Cottage Cheet, .pet quart..6c ALL GOODS DELIVERED Goods ebtainabie t factory at al l imes. Speciai order fer 1cr Cream filîrd S 48 eurs notice. THEGSAE CREAMERY Tel. Gassisk36. ravslake. 111. DRUG STORE UNIES. Onr Sundaea and godae are juet e littie botter than thoeya thoughc be8t. W. are bunting for noe tradeanad quality and a square deal. Everybody le the ammunition we use. Hlear thab fllaw rattie hie glass ha waots auotberchocolatc euntae. They naver t stopWitb aire at our fointain. Bitter Lick will mrekyour herses i,îck and tee! better. 25e a brick. Spaiding Atblsuîic Geade are always the heet. Vistors to aur stores arc always weicemie. A cal need nut imply the obligation uf a purchasa. Whou lu ueed of ice tfulepione Ne. 11, Grayslake. Our laundry leavesa veiy Tlîursdny merningand returnaSaturday ar truocul. We have the Burington ageucey. commutatioîn tickets ou bcth the W isconsin C 'trai and St. Paul R. l Ail the latest magazines. Couninluan(] loek theni uver. Dr. Scllairer, who bas chiarge oi the optîcal departmcîîc ut the raylate store "ili nfotlie liera untilliay 24th. Reuiernhler the datc. We have a fine lina oi up-to-date musc aise agcnts for Kini hall Piano Ca. DRUCIE DRUG CO. Grayslake, Rocefeller, Round Lake, H. A. WATSON, , R. ph. L. BAK~ER, R. Ph. A beok un theumatieni and a trial1 treatment of Dr. Shoop's Bbleumatic Beredy-liquid et talets-is heing sent trae te sufferers hy Dr. Shoop, o! Racine, Wis. Youm that ara well, get Ibis bookE fot some- diecouraged, disheerteneti suffoerl Do a simp 2ati of hununitq1 Point out Ibis way b quitk aid ertain relief f Surprise sanie sufes'., hi iret gttiug ftom me the hooke and tihi test. He wti appreciete yosrcai. AI!. OSALERS. IRAYSLAKE D EPARTM ENTI F. J. DRI'CE, Editor Phone No. 11 Ordars Iraken for Job Work Advtrtising Rates On Application Je...Laugabaugh traueacted business lu Chicago Wadueeday àr. and lMra. Earl Thonison bava y no'sd into their new borne recePntly pqrehaasdoaiJohn M aeon. 0Misa Alica Smiithî entertalned the laalsouary Society tact Saturday atter- noon. Richard Sears andi iamly bave moved tothair hoantilul îumaicr home on Gags. La«ke for the summer. So0ro* tapter Ni).:329, o. E. S. *fil entertalo WUlurn Chapter on Tueaday evelg,Nay 18. Weork wili be exemplil lied. AUl inbers are reî1ue@ted to make a specal efforit toattend. WaterTownoeud, t WMaukegau, calied d- D......... Jfl .trds. jMies MdaWbeeler apent Suaday lita. 00a. Stewart@ and lady frleud of with her aittr at Chiýago. Wankgm1a eut wtb ber wnIfor e prnst ur Whits'@. jouf yo u oa inin 8ud uow, Om LAVRTYIL»Lt U 3E R Ca. Mi" ea Vena Rty, of Gurnas, "net I4rtnrRadcliffe commencad wark at Suuday ut J. Longabaugh's. tihe dm4 astore IMonday wbere he wlli b. Aouzo Felo waainChica, Monday. elplo.,ad for the sunîrner. Ha willi alan J. Turner transaed bun ine lu c 0fthe delivery ot the les and Cbkeao, Toeal anC ddeiiverv of the iaundty Aiea Oranger, of Antloch, wae a gu«t rtheBnzllgton Agency. at tb. Turner haone Sunday. Iia.HatatTlflnY, of Antioch, waa a it,. 0Garnisonvisited trieude lu Chicago taller bers Weduesday. Satutday. Don't fogt the dauce at Amauna Mdis Emline COUlson, 6f tiraiton le hall, RoundLake, Saturday eveuing, the gneet ot ber brother Bert and fanýiî May 15. Ide creani and cake served at at Boums, y the ce ecrmai parlote ut the drug store. lira. Frank Haîden, et Antloch, wa@ L. Bakr and Dr. Shaffer drove te the guefit of lira. E. C. Hook uver Sun- Long Lake Wsdueaday alcernbon. day. The supeulntendeiît c f lie Highland The Grayelake Livery le out with a Park echools visîtd the sihool here fi ne ne%'ly painted hue. The work was Wedneday ta see~ the ivori. of sume o! doue by L. W ait, who la an expert work. eurtctachers. We trust we are flot te man. Io"@ auy morseao ur gîcd teacers. Change in Grayslake School. G'-ayslake wil hava emanenew changes neat yaar in the way ef tbe classification ot tht grades and aise lu teachars. tirayelete achool wvill looe two gaod teachere next yeux. Miss Grtrude Lester, who bai had tba fourth and fiftt grades bai accapted a position et North Chicago lu the third and tourth gradee and Miss idiliey, who bas bal the sixtb and ssveutb grades@bas acceptad the t ricipaLsbip lu the sehool at Lake Bluff. tadaar good teachers and gave satiefactîory work and had the oppor. tunfity et rernaiulng, but tbey leave ta accept more lucrative positions. It le allegad that Grayelake ranki, lower th"an ay surrauudlugschootiain tcachera iaiary and tbusforfelts ber good teteers yearly. Il i. possible that athers will leave for Ibis sanie eason. The sèhool veair under the priucipelihip of!]Mr. licCleland and hi. ahi. assistent, Mliens Zeta liasoey and dis good corps of teechara bas provsd inecestul taid according tu MIr. Simîaou, Supti. of sehoais, the sebool lanlubtter shape Ibau aver before aid there ino mason why rayîlaka sbhonld nu avarsagood grade as wall as blgh sehool and tanx ai hlgb as others lialary aid many other thingi that dis sebool la badiy lu nead of; aucb s au tar>' conditions. larger biiepaud more grounde. IH there l ayhIng that will bulld un a towu and give it a good prestige with the eut ide worid its a good up-ta-data achool. Decoration Day. Decoration wîll ha obsstved bers ou Sunday. lMay Stb. This la tbrougb the efforts cf Judge Fit'ch aud T. A. Reynolds, who hasethie able aupport from the teacliers ani schuci. Exerclees ss'il ha field in the Opera Hiosain the atternoun and aPprpîriat', servi, as wiii be beld at the churches iii the evenîug. Everyhedy invited tri attend. VOLO. lDt. J. L. Taylor,. et Liberlyvitie, was called te Vulo Monday afttrnoon. Micai Eva Miller, et Jehushurg, la spendinir aiew weeks siltli lra. Math Baur. M ill Hircnimua is bas ing bis eyas treated et the Chicago Eyc and Ear liii rmary. Bts. tGeorge Eatinget nas a Riugwood vistot Satutday afttruon. Jack WalcsheoflicH@uï-y, was lit town Monîday. Mts. Beu Ruiug wus a recent Gravs. 1 lake visiter. Mise Elmie Wallon siai tlhe gusatcf ber cîster, Bauds, ut \aukegan Saturday and Sunday. Mfr. and Mrs. Bat Mfiller cutertained relatives item Chicago lust ieek. Johnî Kretcbîet and Mies Ida Touyeu, iof Iigleside. ivere in Velu Wedueeds.y. 1fr,. Geortge Roing aud childten, of Round Lake, att ,nded cburcb bere Sun. ilay. Bts. Cari Atteriîury and sou, ut Wau- kegan, are vîitiug at the Raught ltinm. Mesdames Edward Luet and A. J. Raymond epeut Friday afternoon et ast week at Lrayalake. Misses Clara and Lena Stoffel. ot licfenry, wcra lu Vole lionday altetr- neen. The tait gircu by the Ladies' Aid of the Gierman church luat week wau well attended. lits. Wm. Dillon aud Mis& Rîsia Waltosî wars recaut licHenry tallera. The fanerai of Férdiuéiud Ptanuestiel who d'ed a lits home atLake Defleuice lest Friday aternoon, MAy 7th, was beîd Sunday forenoon eItIith Germon ceireh hbe. ButtaIlun Vud cemetery. TAYLOR GROVE. llav. Rc.ed was entertainel at the Brewer nome over Suniday. Mise Mary Duncan ie in Waukegau. Farmera berm fiuisbed sewing their eats last week. Several tram boe attended the dance et Wadawerth Saturday eveniiug. Miss Elise BreWor in eutartaining tivo ef ber sheln hicago, Miss StAlla fiSe spenlt the latter part of the week at ber brothers, Herbert Sbea. Eari Loe is wetklug fer Dell Lewin. Lon Eddy, et Waukegau isas eut at bis tari bere lait wssk. lir. C. E. Hastings spent Sunday at ber bore na uWaukegai. Mise Julia Anie i peut Suuday with ber brother, Heury'. lir. Jobu Shea, Jr., calied on relatives bers Suuday. League tsy.icor.U&y 16, 'Forsaking Onter Lo'obn 6: Q6-77. Stalle Shea, MILLBURN. lit. Lorimuer, ot Evanston, spent Waed. nWsay with iiis trlead, David Young. A. K. Dain trauawcd business lu Chag, Wedneday. Miss ucie Trotter retutned te Eranston witb bini. lira. A. E. Martin visit'd Thursiay and Friday in Chicago Lawn andtirau- sactati bus'qiess ,i Chicago. lira. C. E. Derimanattended tue dureral oi Mis'i uic an old tineiereîiliiet Tliursday tuin hicago.9 Petar McDcîîald, ut Dumfries, Scotlanti, who bas heen taying with t>1). îuug loit for Evanston where ha han ioutîd work at bis trade. Tue Milletsm, et Highland Park, moced te the Spafflurd fatailat week. A amali i,-vclone visitati this viciuitv last Ttiuraday mornlng about 730 anti biasv îver trees and out bouses. îlot licOuire lusd bis ban boue lowu over and detruyecîl everal setting et eggs. Wm. Mctiiire mn sick witb the abinge. A metingoiîthlseapetvisors and bridge men mat at J,,lîn Elehankçrs last su"et te tai ovvr tue new bridges. Oue that the etrtîîteok away hy ElnîerCanîîotî s and oee tlîut is coudend yJt Iichauiger'emesl. u Geo. (ierrit.v.' of Round Lake, %vas a taller last suilidiy. C. E. tulîle liîî-L1, Pilîgrima Progrtece seresy:' l tletros."John 19:16-i27: Lute -23: î;î i.,l. Mabal Bepuer, leadet. The C. I.Eî',iety heid a 'Tiic il Social' u t lchuîircb Tburaday eit, itig. Breakfast cc ere ut 8:301)p. nu. DEERFIELD, YORK HOUSE NEWS:, j Miss ma@ Grieihu, ut hirago, wae the Mr@. Charlev Ihîwell, grand daughtr 1 Prolessionaf Card.'C gnaat cf Lillie Frantz seerai days thb, &and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferry vlsited week. Mr. and &iri. H. L. Wilmon last week. Mine Olive Jenk& vsited in (are overW Mr. and Mrii ('harles Flutterflild visited DR. 0. F. BUTrTERFI. Bunday. with relativce Sundlav. E RIA S GON lire. Lord and clîiidr,-n. 4 Houecîon Several of the frienle trî,în 'i rk House VEOTENÂR$TATE URI7EML. Texas,1 are vislting with M1r. and MBs. ttended the tuneral of lirs, [), llis at LTAr 5'TTEet MiisÂ. C. W. Pettia. Kenoaba on Sunday, Mlay feryll9.Ilna Wm. Kreb i8 reportcd iii at present The Bard Tîme s.,ial held at the home wrlting. of Mr. and Mirs. G. W. W,118 on Frnday DL. J, L, TAYLOR, eh rnyeinSqa e venlng waa a grand aurcea9. bout ~ ou .E! USILe TePebtrn uii' cool bave 100o attended dressed in ail Mann . orer orRJ L. we LO aPPointed Màise Viola Riekenba, h as a costumoefromn Uncis Sam tethe hbro oous:-7 ta 10 a. mn. 2 ta 4 a" 4 t de l g a te t a th e eta te Su n d ay sho o l M & u g e A a i w n th a ie '8 . m Cclvnia.prizs anfuthe gent'@ prize wam equalîy Besdence on Broadway, oppoefts. Pý Rey. Bosold 14 attending vonference at divided between Bev. . W. L. EHurti and LIbertyvflls, IlUaI. Pekin, IIL Hia daughter, Miss Edna, la Jus Maasek, ot North Chicago. _______________ V'iaiting ber grandparenu slu Miner, 111. DOQ't forget the entertajument given Woro hm bson reeelved of the death o! at the York Houes churcb on Frîiay DR, C. RL GALLOVA-Y Mia. A. A. Plausotiehl Who formerly lived Oesnig, May 14. AUl corne and have a OUFICU oyez LovzLL'a DEIT*; in Highand Park, now reidlng id the good time. . *Oia-from 1 to 8 ad ô to 8Sp. m eut. Merreili Nalon bas heen dolng lame Libertyvflle. Illinuois. Mr. and Mra. Lea Seller bave mo ved carpenter werk for H. L. Wilson the________________ into the honte foreral7 uoupied by Fred pa@t week. Ott. Spauldlinga Corner'. achool visltsd DR. GOLDMN York Honnesechoal laasIPrlday and a DHNPIST Mrs. Lewis Beecham and aon, of Chi- hall game. It w"sa tie hstween theni Ho,. 851o 12 a&M-i1 5ôp... eagc>, are vialîlng tbe Beecham tainily. The Ladieé' Aid Society m@eta wlîh J. Ell TrIenl lie. Elizabeth Endor, of Indiana, i.elira. George Weil&, May 19.,wth r. . r ri Poe1 vlitlng with J. C. Endor and tamly. ______Dr.__J__L. B i oo 1092 le' LOON LAK Auction sale. Lion IDIiObula Ca1ri and Pearl Hughes, of Lihertyvila., vialted Saturday wllb Guy' Hughes. Percy Hughes @peut Saturday and Bnnday lu Grayalake. H. Shoeean aid Froddle aid Madalane vlalted Buuday lu Chicago. Wili Hodge, of Antlocb, wililsoan open a store lundiaelicCaun building. Ble wiii cairry a fulilfinaet grocerlas and general marchandise. .The Dixon cbildren are hack te achool bavlng beau absent on acceunt ofthte measles. .Sidney Dibblelii much improred haviug bad a aueesaoful operatien at bshiee near biere. Miss Maud Frazier bas retîîrnad t'. lier horne in Hickory. Audrew Peterson and farnily have moed inte the bouse fornierly occupied hy thea(jonye fauîtly. Mrt. and lira. Levi Wait, et Waukegau wisarel staeat tha ilhmbu,@eda Mriss aha Baner o Mlhnrspenwat C.rCda ltnd bar cousi ld at. C.oC. AfnEs. aud daughfflanc.ld fat th hoe a! . t. ghsad amy r.ently. eS.,adfmybv lOir. ShetSe.,and familonbava movwed ntl tetean hue u h Mid@.lChar. ibr fWukgn th. Chao s. ilu,Wa Dukag n- a ta geet liRa.W. nhnMn day evegvnb h LdeAd Theyupaeveng ptba Ldes' rAid, Tbmeady av eegturavle eu'ru nianteadpge.dThenxeetinga larg e be tha home etflMr@. E. M..lietcait, Jue Std. RUSSELL Mir. Brovsîn wil Preach naxt Sunday. Evaryone le inN ited te bear bis axcellent sermons. Dr. Lewin was n Keuceha viitor Tiîemday. lire. G. A. Siver l enetertaiug tom- pauy tram the eaet. The Society at lir&. Fierry'@ was nat largeiy atteuded. The next meeting will hie with MIsa Btawa. The Miount Boit Ceretery Society mes witb lir@. A. Dhzon ou Wedneaday. Make arrangements te spand tihe 4tb of July at Ruisel. Jimmie Dawss racelved a telegram, Saturday saying bis uister, lira. Abble Downa, wae dead. She was lhe aidait daugbtir otWm. Dowoe. Ber bornewai lu Denver, Cale. LONG LAKE Pat Graham trausavted business at Round Lake, Monday. lit. Cooper and famUiy, et Chicago, have meved luto their naw cottage on the eashoabrsetftbe lake. L.sni )ury. of Round Lake, is rinuiug a iaunidry wagon this sason anid was a business taller bers Mouday. Lec Gilbert bas llnielied lathing lire. Mao Carfildes new bouse. IL la now ready for plastering. Misses Matie Whiteanad Muretta Meaude vîit.jd at Gifferd Whiteso, Sunday. M~r. Steffer, ci Silvar Lake, wa8 a lbusiness callar bers recanitly. lire. .ay Giraham was a lirayelake WAReREN.ctly Mess a erRer ad. madesacre Lmbsbtpver had i iade a hsncetpteC Aio tuîy.ttuedth T.îmîng ithuseboLaetForedsthen T.y i..:Ele unttutvand Feeet o duiylf wi're RimrnlietiaMoeadl] ta ItAlm att eon limrE Thed WIarrnBoss. y m8cato T-he W'arr es. SarahteyAscatnie '111 afet sii M aah ede9. A niw ap-to'r.,,,us, tea b1ar tee puo "p-t odaheie wtra her ex'ichang îede t , rFtue cyenrat'ie ~ m WEST FREMONT. GAGES LAM__ Mis 'uligdaieue Meyer le able le ha ut cite.r heîîîg sick Nwitb tylboli tarer. C. C. Aîîîe c un the siet lst. lliîry Norîliiyer waea tînsines taller Sidney luit,'. ot Chicago, cisilel Ili, at Hi tmir bute' lait Thureilay. brother ber,' l'lîîrsday. Mie,, Almaîil Meyent onutesay last J. B. Keller ile luWaukagau ,)n îîîîy csik "iI aukeganl. thîs week. M týoe plSeii A ikiiis andi dauguît r, Tht3Searmfitnîil.y, a! Dak Park, cplit Mary, clienitoun'i(IAY this ieekt i i au. Sunday ut tlir fatm bers, Iiguti Ira Harri,ofiPark Ridge, ivam î,cvi lt»'ihi le'* nus a Wuukegau taller the laest ftIie' xek and soltibis iarîîulf lutl îII 160 acres tiioI Dady, et Wauksgeîr Ti choir ivill meat with lit. a)d lits, Fred VaniZauidt, Friday eveulug, lay 14 lIfIîIII natf i seiali, look well anti to, practica Ici' Cbildren's Day. Ici w ailte oley's Kidney Releil lffns uIe tidusys aud bladdcm', C. C. Amese i having his bousle, barn puridie teu blood aud testoes healtb and out buildings peinted. Ribbard arîd treligth. Pisagaut to eltat andi Brod., et Druces Lake, ara deiug thae otains neohrIl drugs. Wby not work. comîmeuce today? Fiîueg B. LoVELL. Rose con ,u. C. Tue@- ledge hene Tha undeaigue.j wili ssii at public anedion ou the farm formner!>' known as the Green farr situatad 1y, mligg nerth 1euet of Half Day and 2 mules west of Evartt On Saîurday, liay 15, 1909, ooiàemOuclug et 1 o'clock, tha foliowing property cauaietiug of: l'lve watt boisa@, waîghing item 12o0 te 1400; 75 baskets of tutu, 6i ton& o! upland bay lu stack, etaek of atraw, De w tram barneas. fanm hamnes, cingle hamacms, wo 3-iuch tire Wags n le buggv. cern plauùar, puiverîzar, plow. 2 mection lever drag, sulky cultivater, walting cultirator, ana herge lîay rate, Deering mcwer. hay re k, ariid tone, and .anY etiier articles tue numarous te mention. Term ut Sali -hýumeetf $10 and under sume over $10 a credit of six mî'nths will ha given on good bankable no tes bearing i; Per tant lut reât, Joux TULLEY, Prop." JAKE S 'u.,Auctionser. If yîîur stomacb, heart or kidneys are weak, try at ieaas, a few does anlyo! tDr. Sheop's Retorative. lu fiva or tan day@oniy,thareiultitsyljurprise yau. A taw centswii coear the test. And bars is wby belp cornes se qniekly. Dr. Shoop doaut drug the stornacb, nar stimaulata tha beart or kldnes. Dr. Sheopa BRetorative geaidirsctiy ta the weak and faillng nerves. Bath argun bas lts owu tontroiiiug nerve. When thes@ narves tail the depanding organe muaet facssslty faiter. This plain, yet Rastoratiys le sl anuivarmally =casfl Its auce"casele ladiug drngffste every. where ta give lt nuiversai prefereuce. A tcst will surely tll. Sold hy. ALL DEALERS. The Lake County Indenendent andf the Weeidy Inter Ocean and Farmer $1.85 par year..i DR. EDW. V. SMIftI 1 Generai Praceioe Office over Luce & Company's Staseý SPECIAL ATTrENTION ~ GIVEN TO DISBASES OP LIBERTYVELLE, ILLINOIS AKYLSTEARNM LAWYEZ 218 Waailgtou Strfsi Waukegan 'Phone 2761 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. L!hertyvtll, Illinote PUolm 88 DR E.EL SMITfL DENTIST. OVZE LAKILCONTY NATWXON A , nuPI-H ta 12 a. m. ad 1i o 6 p DAIT.Y. LbertYvIlll.RLIto DL À.ILcg~.L PI4YSICIAN A10 UfOtIa Office lu Kaisr Blok. aver Xns à A iq B r u s.' I r u an m e s ffl 1 ' SpuclalAttetio (vmut. M1 the Bye. Far, Noe au41 LIBERTVVLLH H oFARREIIS ATTENTION olsn OtSl oo PLOWS, 1-ARROWS o AND FARM TOOLS oJ. R. DADV Est, 18 S. Uenesee St., Waukegan USE ELECTRICITy FOR LIGHT AND POWER WiIY? ASI< us ~ fotmoSre Eetk 2:3 N, enasea St. Telephiona No. 258 f RED JOCHIIIIM TepoeNo. 46 Libe t y ille @ E xchange SPECIAL ATTENTION Ta out of Town Orders j WE DELIVER TO ADiAotTT SSOêpSStp--------------p:,~tmUu BAKER and CONFECTIONER Libertgville - formol LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER Dr. Shoopa Table" "ALL DEALERS" MA iawihDr Soo' Lam M--l