Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MAY L4, 1909 SPRINO IS lIERE And it ie time to buy gar-' den seeds for your garden RuhPark Seed Coe. Seeds for a -llmlted time two package@ for.............5Sc Aloo RIOCWS, F.ERBY's and CROSMAN BROS' seeda and a funlliUne of bnlk Sweet Corn, Pos, Bean@,Onlonâ,Sweet Pea Naiturtima, etce. tc. J. ELI TRIO GORR Libity«>NI, 111. WHILJ3 TLIIY LAST Ten piece Chamber Ses, Worth $4,00 $2.84 Twelve piec Chamber Ses Worth $6,00 $4.50 Hundred piece China Set worth S$20.00 $16.50 Set of China Cups andi Saucers Worth S3.00 $2.19 Lot off China Culx andi Saucers Worth froin 50c to 75c 34c' Glim Footed Fruit Dish Worth 50c 35c: Glas Footeti Fruit Dish Wothn 40c 25c Water Sets, worth $1.50 $1.19 NeR4iee Shirts, worth fi-or 75c te SL.00 50c"uarîer Sheeting, worth 23c 19C Large Size Napkins worth $3,00 $2.65 Nopkins worth S$2.50 $2.25 Napkina worth $2,00 $1.75 Bei Sp-ead wSet$2,25 $1.90 Bcd Spr"cdaworth $3,50 $3.00 Apron Ginghanns Smith &Davis Libe rty ville, Ill. THREE OF A KI1N D is a winning hand S a m e satisfactioi 'i),, iC ~ - with the three good fitting shirts her displayed - comfor in wear, style and patterns. Everything in on . UP-TO-DATE MEN'S FURNISIIINOS to pleast', fancy designs for the natty, sensible el fects for the more conservative-a general excel lence in every, branch, an asaortment at1 pricest attraCt your trade, and Vo keep it. We invit inspection,. JB. MOR51E, & Co Everythlng forPIeu 1. 0. O. F. TO PICNIC LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS IN LIBERTYVILLf 0 Saturday. August 14, ia the Date fer LOC0AL AND PER13O:NAL MENTrION Big Gatherlng et the Lake O Wrlgt Jit ueeaytr Edertn, in l. raier eentSuuay ith TbeCounty Fair Grounds. C. P'. Wih atTedyfrEgro, UmM ree pn udyw h formation of a plie .-ammociatien Wls., on a short vioit. friendsi b Evauston. by the Odd Fçllowe of Lake County ha@ J. W.Miller shipped a carload of cattie Uis. G. A. Wright has been viitiiig be h uje o no icejn trom br lait Mal.lber daughter in Antioch the paat week. btie osiodee bo ut hedicuonith J. Fu Eller aud cblidren, of Wauconda. Our miii sa rumning alafn Now bring i0 O apenlt Sunday witb bis mother, Mr#,. C. on jour griot. LBErîi.LumBERgiPost i nsd alter a mutuai under- ( 1 e t er Md. Fuller. Co. 88-,2 standing bad been reached repreeen tative Mes. Spriug ha@ opened a restaurant Mitcelel'@ Miitary Baud wip g,, delegates from eacb braneb of the order e' r lu the. Bul1ley building next ta the. dance at the town hall thie 'riday w.,. appointed tefurther the interelt Joebbeim takery. evenîug. of snob au organuzation and to selct *W r a W. bave sure ta mature car, for seed. Ben H. MuSer bai been reappôlnts man ag officers te halndie tbe projetci.reta Tellow Dent, Pride of the. Nortb.L attorney. of the village@ of Rockefeller The. tint meeting pf tiiese delegateo LfBERTYVILLELLuaMBra Co. and Fox laits . Ji-eId l in bertyvite lait Monday I 1 (f UN lire. Frank Kennedy, Roy and Ums J. W. Bu«, principal of the. bigla evening alter the. regular session of tuis 0Il UH GO LL Florence Kennedy, of Hickory, vlitedl achool, spéctthue Ilaitot the week with iode and the folowing officers were Monday at th. home ofrlire. E. J. trieude lunUkbmond, 111. P0ien.W . aiou Hughe. Jams POUCk, e Wadsortlr waaLibersyvifle; tresourer, Perry L. Persans, W reSo0n lir. E. B. 8ba-maiî and daughter, boe Tussday psrehaiing Woal and wfl au e reShwaa Umia Florence, return.d luit week trom soon bave a l«Wg conaiguruent taoi fl and sertarv, U. L. Howe,« Texs wbere tbey spent the. puât lew froni ibs point. oULbertyville. moth.The. Homes Lunîber Company bave put The Liberty'vii1e meabnrsen fthtbe E. B. Part-y, repmmsnting a Texte a new delvery wagon on the »treet dolegation were ouccesui ln soecrhng : Beat Apron Ginghame apy,wa a viutor boe wbieb wl lleb.ueed for tire prompttb ripecadti.atl stfr6 Muenday. ne wa acompanied by I .handiing of smkI ordere. A6ct1.Ti.penewi W.bbof utiThe Laks County Gravrl Company be t the fair grounds whers thone Denuis Gibbons, of Deerfleld, visited ater being consi down tir tii. Past ton am ample accommodations for iaée ihall, n est Standard Printa lÀbprtrvflb eTuesday for ithe firsi lâm, lu day"on acconu iof higirwater resumed ~0 i ll.adobreto er6 thi. late RIebard Lancsir. Ch. Bysat oa te etntr tfora new sporits. Speclal trains willi e mn on @ste el ____thileriof_______hut_________o li ins n ohe utofdor6 Oren Mubike witb a score et 235 was bai-n and other lairn buildings at rends and it wlll b. on. of the. biggest the. higb man at the. Luce bowling alieys the Weeiwood farm, Joseph Medili dajei Lake County tliia year. The. Percales lait week. A pri-let $2 le given eacb Patterson'a country home. Odd Felows are strong lu Lakre County* 7c l I3 week foi- the hîgeest seure. Contracta bave beau let fur putting ln and Oaa get a big crowd together of juet 7c____ 10______13c___ Dr. J. P. Braehirgham, of Chicago, cement walk newer and water pipe lu iodge members alone but thie picnic will0 will deliver the Memoriai Day addrese ttie J. Ell Ïtiggs subdivisinn and the include net only Lake Couuty riembere at the Union churcb May 30, at 2:30 work will commence ru a short tirue. buCokCutldgeadirgeea AfW arsBy'$15 i o loek. Ho la a lecturer et wide exirer. Thre Lubertyviiie Choral Soi city bad a public will bie invited as Weil. 01 ienie and an elirquent speaker. very suceemtul meeting aithtie towu hall A meeting efthtie executive cemmittee Tire 6:55 t'rain Tuesday mIrning was lait Mouday eveufug. T4 hoîrus woi-k ill lie beld here Menday, May 24, and ______________ Itied up by a mmall wreck in the yards, le improvinigaud the attndance i good. represeutatives frinr every lodge in the Tire la8t cri being tbrowu from the Here's a reliable ircîpc hi follow. Get ceuuty are expectcd. Libertyville ile an trackbyna rstok e 7:2n4he at ir c a good painter te slirend lBradley & ideal location for a gatireriug ot thii, 0 A lot of Childreni's Shlo da@ne okte 724atth.wV rooman Pure Paint and vou ve got a kind. 1It le itrrated lu the conter of the depot. gond job. Sold by F. 'B. Loi ELI, rouuty and easily reachedfi-oui ail peinte0 - Mi-. and Min. BR P. Scirnaebele attended Libertyville, 111. as Weil as fi-oui Chicago. Tirere ai-e 113 0 thile golden wedding anulvermaiy of Tire Mtssîoaary mieyoftePrsy lraodgeel eok u nty abs a n ile a rela tives lu Chiciago last Thui-sday. rieîn churcir wllle ,osupi the L'oby. resenta etiront that bietion.e Tirey will i.lepl,rate tbeli-eilvei- or-twent'v- clîurih parlen raetro S . TlturednavTh êtW r flith arîrrlversi-y at tireir bole io u e Ste-wart avene, Saturday, May 29. eing, May 20. AII arec.r-rdialis invited te attend. The Public Park. $2 As a i-t-ilas. littIe vaudeville bouses, The CatiroHic of St. Jor.rph' hn bei ihyii egigt aeapr tire lariion at Waukegan continues > will rive a May Party toi- the beruiet of! tuenrmlelaR TIi-a hbg.av laceark hold iteiran. Tirere il@ au sutire cbauge wtIre uc tuetw alo usa o tumer T e st îigthe d.Aypace cf bill eai-h week and that tbe showvs are te Mrhay 2t.h dmîern hll1tc edayforeta uig. h a n worth seiug le evidenced by thelarge v ig, Ma serverii. Ili-îrily a a .. i-eour yugt en ila50 bna. h a d pot r of byngiiudtht asbre crowd that always attend. Libertyville lui ted t le envd. A huuorey ia bd ahplti-be )naie thak'butsthat mende over many patrons.1 nietaatn.bnrdbthnaeofprk utht Spriog i@ st band and tesui! f M.adMi-. Warren M. Heathreturned was about as far as it went O the iawu mewer le beard ru thre ]and. ipesa rît th exaswn. M Ar. fHeath bas Tirere le aoing tii be a rtiuntain that 0 Gardns re laned nd gowi. n- ipen thepaa wibpuinthre loue star- eçlasieand epatters lu the i-enter. t0G (bardene aereatntedand i-o g tate-%Nvirýre le boasimprorsd mueni- ubas alrendy been ordereil and will lbe0 chrkee ei-tciiu aucowoinlutîe iealth. Mrs. Heath but recently joined along auy day noN. Therewilb neighbbr'e baek yard. ore people]l1 e hlm on a short trip et two weeke. settees scattei-ed about lu tbe eirady chickene on) the table but tbey compin neok@. Thon. H. Coilett wae pricing @ O @ @ @ O @ @ et otber people*s ehcirkend tirat i-un at Thes echool beal-d has beei rnaking the turuiture last wesk. C. C. Copeland__________________ large. Moi-at: Dont iaise crilkens. preparatione for the faIl terni of erbool beard about it andlire rontributed lve Eat'emue and bave aiready eenti-aci-sd tor a iium- ($5.00) dollai-s teward theii- purchase. Clama Ne. 6 cemposed o! boys. lu the ber ot teanirere. Owing to the large He belle, e lu beautifiation as Weil as M. E Stidayâcbol a goin toenrolîmettlu the gr»des an additional elimination. M. . Siuay cbol re gig toi-acher bas bei-n added aud there wîIlIr badiaspreitd erganize themselve. lute a1clb whii-bow hevillage badbsapor e willl probably bo calied tire îouug 1ew brbe bireau tOe. elo ll Moiug 200 iriijete be used as a Par Lc Amrsnhans. They wiil fori a base bail tahr aetcn miyd issimprevement tuud and tirs presideut ba@ teani and devaiste iemeelvea ta othe Stwat, Webb, Bugg and Wireeler and appointed a cemmittee te look alter atirletie lprtis and amusements.A clans Mi-e. M. J. Duttole wlil lie the extra tin s.Abuetdisaete .eeStatement at Close of Busi ofyuug ladies ofet sanme chool ai-e teacher rin-be grades., No teaeher bas of t e impreveruent@ and i-mugir the. aise ergauizing a club but refuse teavet beau secured for iI. eightb. Mise boar-d basnet ordered Its ionsîruction divulge tire naine and will only giyoe ire erolan bas bei-n retained lu the iigb tbere fi; net tire eigirteet doubt lu the RESOULtCEB initale acoolbut tire Other assistant and world but tiraitbey will lu a short tîme. nial.rincipal have nît vet been secui-ed. 0. Seats will aise b. builtaronnid the stand. Loans and Dlseounts .. $341,791.29 Lai Friday ight two berges beieng. L. Churhill wlll be the ianiter. Mises Emma Bush, Whro bas aliays United States bonds ...41,000.00 Si ing to a contracter at the. Istul tfariM is -. tnewoto-smlîebeeub neetdl is ian enii~ 6ifal were reported etolen troue tthe Liberty- Ms ae knewo o an iebe nuhitrse 1 epub e Bonds n eurtm 6,70.00 U. vil o tble Marugaant'bbu been a sanographer at tire impi-ovement, is said te bave an oil vill hotl e. Se ,.einty ieiAon ..@es. left lait %uday for paintiug which wil lie ratlted off and the Banking bouse 4 ixtures 10,500.00 a mo' th e Oicgo hee ireistob.aniediproceeds go ioward tire improvement of Overdralte............... 8.0D -, liBi thi alomnfoe tue grounds. Tii. proposition hai been Due from U. S. Treaeursi- 2,000.00 DI thé dsoro whceee auppe tnbv i.Te r (J la5O aid te b. a romance iaked of before but this spring it la Csin0343 tbesau or wlmlr .suy Wb ae oneldWiuitswedding tue partie. more tiran talk-it'a the. ieus' thing. Du from bauks53,488.78 83,813.00 hein acedeutallM.itSaopu. Tbeymet at a summuer reort in thePeopie are gettlng interested and witii-____ fou"d graslng ou aa. Ble0e Milwaueeavenue. i lite reon of Michigan a lear mgo. t ont exception tbmnk lb.a gooi thlng and 59 29 W»love nt fini: sigiit &an engagement are willlng te b.lp ail they eau.$4.125 Tbat Tbursday à4ways wai a Jonab folowred. The groom la reportsd tae b. lb bas bean uggsWed that a vote et day wai again conelively proven lait bigi inluralroad clrclesand very wealthy. uiranks lie extended btite viile board Tbursday moranau when a mmull breez They wil maire tiroir housin Columbus, for their prom pt and ready support et blowlng trom the south nit the ratae ofOblowbere tue groom bhi a heautîtul tire masnse. t will b.e a deelded lui- about ixtY miles an hou, biew dowdf a home. Tire bride la a peetty blonde whe provemeut lu every way sa nee hat -------- number et stalle at th)e tair- grouâd* made many frianeîd drlg ber unief willloSer mucb camiont and recreation I Af T Iffted tue grand stand trom the. hase bail iojourn lu Lbertyville. te tire Village as Weill88 as viiters. I iu) i . dlamoîd into the truck, ftalebed p Work will bc commenced on tb. new LU ilID 1JC *"blurty" Mllier'@ baru and did otb.r office building which le toaCceommodate Ramblers Win First Gamne. incidental and mlscellaneons mg.AUTOM OBIooLtEoSeundne t TieRabg hchi Th tr tawe rvnsddmore &e -a lu a short tie. bsite iras TeRmlei-s played the i-st gainsof whet a simple and servi damiage atthre mils ti-uck ten any p h @&ýnatte fieaunets In this locality It fia eetiueated that il beensmeleci-ed aid plans for the grounds ieeao ttieti io willtaxeabot $3000decided uapon. Werk on the univereity Sundav aterneon deteating the Chicago wili take aboutthe0b0itorinir iii buildings there but wbether t je will bidn lînet'stari for moins tirne Cru=ers bY a ecore et 8 to 10. Thie evei-lie donc orr ici-r a question. yet. This wlll hi-onue o! tire busiesi- vrsitoi-s opened etroug lu tIe rei-t innlng laces about Libertyville thins umuer.lîut tire home ieam rallied and beat O I~ gn Tire tuneral ofthi-e late J. F. Clark was Wtb lie caupers, summer sobool, uldihem tiiit. Tire gamineîd uauyexciting GSLN belid troue tire romon Milwaukeeavenue luge aud impi-ovemente going ou. The rîriden tg but on ai-rouit il the cool day lait Friday atteruîron at tbree O'ciock. barni- e hwîll accemnmodateÂArtbur tire attendauce wasn unt as large as bank TbeueraI was a lar-ge eue. Met et Kaon'@ eaddle uni-ses le complet. and ire uouai. Followiug is tire offiji score: f~j]I, tue business bouses remaiued cleeed will train aid educate bisgiiigb-elaassR H. Pi0. A. E . J[j1J N E ginles duriug the tuneral heur and the. business stock tben-c. Mi-. Koon and famlly will Klig i 2 i 1, i i r associates and triende et the deceaedi move te Sireldounuret the comuing Week. Stoitord. Ii. -2 0 .5 t 2- 3 pumplng and other lighit wý gatired by tire score te pay tireir lise Tom Dreler reeently 'purciiased a uew Jmeiror, O3. 2 1 O t rst o tbe deceased. Tire floral cans 1u1whlrir irewiIleaiy l hmoelf on DOs. .. ......A1lbert tributes were beautiful. RLv. H. F. Lake Eara. CamnpîVagabondie will b.ienniiilve.21,l 1 0 0 o oAlrer W .e ic f M!nnýLawler officiated amsited by ev. .. B. opened in a few wseks and wlll bave a Boci, lb Li0tchl1< Mai-Gufilu. TireAcme camp of Modemn number of enroumer bearders. A.Meloy. ru.. 0 o o 0 I$iWoodueu atteuded as a guard of bonor The olnnnoof i, I .. i 2 O O i 51 0 and accîîupanisd the remaine ta tire bef a i t.Joe ihadLacstrw--ie-- oo i O ceuet,ry. Tire pal bearers were: L, .0, l t i- Iis;h's ebureir Tueeday * rrwy .B ovlE ut ml oring, Lv. P. J. Seanioî efficiatiu9- Total ....i- ni 273I il 7 Brin o rltt, . . Mason autefid , 'Thie remainieweritei-red lu tbe Catboîli, hco.. 0eo2 5O0t0O0i8X-ne a Toq.Clett . .Mgo.ndS . cemetéi-y at Waul.egan. He leavee w s a iei s 5i2100oo sons, John aid JaI ceLancaeter, Weil- A gare@ s srlîeduled f uoday 1(VI'1 .u r. and Mi-,. Wun. Wigiau celebiated kuewn In Liberty ville and Lake County. atternoon wr-h tir s terii Sîîoriing * * ~ their fifti-etir weddiug anuiversary lesti- ciki Lancabtr- as lie was alwayn (bouds teanni et Chicagor. E.l I Saturday. May .4. Tirey were invited by kuewn, was uone Iii tire earlyy settiers. L a r ge____P i_ * they wcre entertaiied aid pnesented incident@ cf bii trîIp and lits, tbree years Methodini Services.- Ëd. w ithlui gts luin euory et tbe occasion. in Autralia are fainiîiai- te hie mauy Preachnug unriîg ail evening by M.Wbighau wa@ne oitut tir i-t white frieude and arîliiaini-ncee. Hie demi-h tic puni-or. Ernning nulijeri-, ijilyi onl cilidren berni-nl Lake ceunty. Tire occuri-ed sudilcnily Sundaymeriuig as coin nandient@-.i Tins EpN%-ortin League ~.~ coup le wtre niarried luntic nId Methodiet tbe family were rctiring froue cinrrh. i8 i-OSnîti ears nnld and tins auniversai-y e bec it 254 tramed pe I. parsonge w%-hieh oui-s stood on the site He seemed tae tin vorypoor bealtir tbal, ser ie cf ont -iapter wlll be led by thegpi e o f tire preset 0one.-At i-bat time Mi-. morning but nering serions a-as tirnsiiîerii MismStei-la Maxhaili. take tir-m ail te get theni at our Whighan lved ner iaIt Day. froue ttrugit inn lnn lrad Ibeuvery inw at v______f__________docpee ,rt * wlîere tley drove i-o bie married.Tire various tjinnes tins ast few mentis but vret of ubes-adap, oday i-as brigbt tîut afterwards danudy bie wondei-tul vitmlii-y bâdti kpt hlm BR. W. ) Lrinn if Chi-ago, lias been' subjects, fi-cite and flower picturet Ur and tirougi-t tue an iII omen for their alive and bo alwayn ralhSed. Tbis time, vrsrtngi-lixte lIiue mercihauts witha *wsdded lite but hobieilet ilu t bas irowevsr, thoeswtchiîigby bis @ide e3aw a îîrcpîîsii-iou lu bîrst trading at home. size, lc4xl4 luiches, thie framue net bei-n effeted lu the leat aid cela- the sud had i-onis and hastaed tbe Re rsîirsssci-s i-e Sales Company al mailn witb fancy preseed hi brated the golden auiivereary on a day members ofthi-e ftiiily ta the bedoide as Americr.. f very eluillar i-e i-e oie onu wiich they lie drew bis lest- breatb. Luitb.r parti- l8 n a.Yuwudepc 4- were married. culai-s appeai- in anotier columu. - Tire Metlîodint Sunday sebool iras glas aîlm. ou wieold epeenu ___________________________________________________ eleited it superiitsndettMn-.Fra ' 8yuorchieo aypcu Trippasdeleg era Mt Say 27. o ......... l& ABOUT YOUR NONEY MATTERS. Under bier ledershrip theloa celis iQuick tking about SAND SIKIE a Complete Line of Toile du Nord Ginghamm 12*C Krlnkle etughami 1 5C 1loc 12C 15c, and $1.65 Shoes Vo (Jloge )es worth 9,1.00 Vo $1.50I oc- Shoe made for .00 4ationa1 Bank sinees, Aprîl, 28, 1909-, LIABILITIES Capital.................... 8 50,0W0.00 surplus............I......... 250000 rUdivided proit 40... ~ Circulation ............ ...40,000.00 Dividende nnp&W. ...... 40.00 Deposits .................. 430,14.8U Agent for the $500.00 Brueli Runabout, iceable machine. if or the $65. oo Fair- ks-Morse Gasoline En- s, whlch are used for vork on the farm. :ILibertyville 'Icture1S. ýc etres in on1e lot-we had tb prioe. There is au immense moonlight scories, juvenile e, etc. The pictures are large eie a one-inch beaded, gilt xrIM corners, complete with cto p)ay 350 to 500; we will e inOur eonth [îich the frames are sligbtl7 han theI .iu~A FAI i i O e O e * i I Ciàa Caes,»Pitcher worth trot» 10ete 20c ---------- q c

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