LAKE - 59 egres62 inteswet 17 oët cedig l ltil pudig nd d T iier so t wtqure r 0f lb95.o tio PauIl Mac Oufin, Orvis and Beau- feet. thence uorteriy 475 !eet Ona5dee52mnuts etB57tit eof. Thtiipuiu u uds e out estqurteonfth eervlEas Isie, atoruye.curved line ta the right (conctve thence northwesterlY .49 teet ou a pose ! bWLs t tornoiy no ks.e sterlyl having a radius o! 955.4 teet curved line lu the right (concave ALBERT I 1RNDE, sent quarter o! aton$,rekrin xe lai the Ooaty court of Lake County. to a point on the north lune o! said northessterly) having 'a radius o! Clerit of lhe Counly Courto!aie hrerm4acson1e et * ec West Sitoke Drainage District, Ys. quarter quarter section 339.6 !eet west 716.8 !eet ta a point 384 feet West of Couuty, nitu15, sud 4 acres on the. sonth aide ot the. corn John 8. Orman. Harrie A. Parsons, o! tie nortbeast corner of eaid quar- the northeast corner o! sald quarter Waukegan, Illinois, April 26th, A.sasme. AUlu Townshiîp 43 North,' cond Foy -M. Parsons, Lura . Parsons, Vr. ter quarter section,, contsining 2.5 quarter section, conîaining 1.2 acres.' D. 19,9. Range 10 East o! the. Third Principal Recc %tala G. Parsous, Frankt E. Parsons, acres." "Unknown owner or owners -Unknown owuner or owners o! or PAUL MBcGI7FF'IN, liiaI. o Wiczabeth Conlu, Anu Zahnie. nee o! or persans interested In the !oiiow- persons iuîerested lunte !oiiuwlng ORVIS & BEA1BN, Aise 7 acres lu the. West hoit f oth1e nn oli John Conilu Kate Conlia, Ing described plece. parcel or tract Of descrîbed plece, parcel or tract o! 81-4 Attorneys. South eaet quarter of section 26, and, James Couil, Mary Conil, Peter tend, to-wit: A piece or land in the land, lo-wit: Alil that Part o! a tripTonhp4NrtBue1 mof D Coullu, Michael eclin, Sophia Zahule, northeast corner o! the northwest o! lsnd 100 !eet ln width lYing lu the the Tblrd Principal Meridian. descrhb- Elizabeth Garrity, Mathias Zabule, quarter o! the southeast quarter o! southwest quarter o! the nortbeat.5 State o! Ilinois, Couuty o! Lake, sa: ed as..* Commenca at a point lu 32 George Zaimle, Joseph Zabute, Louis section 20 township 43 north range 12 quarter o! sectiôn 20, township 43 Iu the. Circuit Court o! Lake County. the west lin. O! said South euit quar* Zahnle. Jacob Zahule, Kaherine Sei- eat o! the Srd principal meridian, uorth, range 12 east o! the third prin- Catharine Pahlman aud CarneO ter 25.68 chaîne uorth froin1the South gel, Frank Rleckteuwaid, Anuie Reck- descrlbed as folows: Beginunng et cipal meidian, &nid exteudlng 60 feet Schueibel vs. Fred WitkLeneheiiO, West corner o! sald sculbeuat quar- tenasd., licou léektellwaid. John a pinlt 164 !eet South io! the northeait on each aide of a center liue whici 10 "unkniown boein or devlaees o! Samuel ter, ruuking tience north oni said West Recktenwald. Margaret Recitenwald corner o! ssla quarter quarter sec- dezcrhbedasnio: Begiuing at paas deeasd," ukuon '.r Il46 cuRe hue t1 Miller, Mary Loulea Golden, uee tIon, thence north 164 feet, tience -the soutieast corner o!fadqare !Or TO5 neete ulenem hîa hue.uh 46 hi, Recktenwald, Mary Cain aud Thomna vest 431h !eel. thence southeasteriy qu»Lrten section, thence norti 520115 ettedmrcnbèd in the bil o! coin- theuce West 15 Chains 10 the place o! Can er iusbs&nd; Frankt Meaney, on a curved line (concave easteriy) the et hueno! salai quarter quarter P", ,ý haow Ltie or deisa01 f o beglrnn& pr es eauey, William Horeuberg- harîng a radius of 687 fte tit . * ectlou 926 teel, thence northwestSr- Ira StO.i. pfle ""unkuovu hleirs ELAM L CLABII, mnen .1 cc Zahule, huahsnd o! Anu place o! begeui5g, contaliflng .18 o! ly 400 teet ou a curved lin. ta the Pr devsees .! Jonathan Martin, de- 81-4 lmaiter ta Cbsucery. a nee, odnlin, Dald Garrily, aun acre.", And "Unkuowu owuer or let (concave westeriy) havitg a ns- ceased," "unkuowvubohe or devises Dated April 801h, 1909. o làMoIf O! Elizuabeth (iarrity. JO- û*vers o! or persomis iulerested ln dîna o! 573.7 feet, tnence nortiierly o! John Wldner, deceaasti.'" nlinkown sep Beigel, husband of Katharine lie !oliowing descihed Pece, parcel 4765 etdon a curved inoe 1ta the . eisiso JhnWider o Setigei, Robert Mler. huaband o! Mer- or tract o! land, to-vit: A stnlp o! ighl (concave easterly) iavlug a bdiresoraevUise« H.f oohn W "n- l taii.oCircuit Court o Lake u- ty e t garet Recktenwald Miller, Lawrence ln 0fe Ie i etrm !radius o! 956A 4 tdta0a pot on the Indece inon William eH.sCok, "n-e n y he a R ew u Coutohae E. 81 Gloden. htsbud O! Mary LoUla Glod- which ln daicnied as !oliovs: Be- north lino o! said qatrquater MOM docéc.eill'"unituowvu irs-or EleR.Shw adLhals . 11 en, Mdward Moorea, Van Heuicrofort. ginnlng et a point lu the vestflueno! sctf n 39.6 feest "est o! the uOrth- evisi 1 va~C~,~ a Catherni.e.&Cretr ad1 l Ioula So!ker, tlb."unkuoow un ieestha!o! lie northeast quarter eaat corner o! sald quarter quarter emi" 'eunko W ners'L o o' ecss Get rene G .No. 8743, :~e or ownels o! or persoa ntterested lun ofthe uorthWeel quarter o! section section, cotaluing 2.5 acres." flv.Certain notes o! $200.00 «Ch, Pubietueee- cre the topowing deqeribed tract, piece M,. tovnship 44 norlh range il east "Unkuowu owuer on ovuers o! Or dated iar&sch 21îst, 1857, and secuned i tertlule o n rdrndtldcause la or parcel o! land, to-wt:A strîp o!' o! lie rd p. M., 250 feet Souh o! the pensons lntenesled lu lie !ollou'15g lbi a mdrtffge fron Hram Evenom al ru iteCaor tt ie aushe ia land 10fi ide, running in a norti- uorlkrwest corner o! sala esat huit o! described piece, parcel or tract "M 0 WlliaeM.CaCourticbinitgsthA. . rCh fUUUUIM erly lsundr weterly direction and - sala dquarter Quarter section. theuce lsnd, to-vî:A ic o Odfat ~ncddtaa " H. owebr'sOfice ~ Aster1lu Cho ery t alCort im, tendag throggh the soulivest quan- eal 700 !eet more or lens paruilel uortheat corner o! the notiveet ILake (lOQty, Illinois, la Book T. o! atrl hneye MCu n ter o the. nortieat ugrter o! sec- wih sud 250 test Soth o!rlthe uorth quarter o lie southmet quarter et ou ~ ~<~ mTuesday, 111. lot day et Jans, A. 1Il ticu 17, tovwnship 43 nat, range 12 lineo!fsald section 25, ta the couler section 20, lu township 43 north evurg sua hon raeo!3"» e certAin 1»9t othe o s.14eat 1l. Eant d esa o ti.Umri pinipl mrlau meo!li sidpnposed ditLh. range 12 easslo! the Ird principal ntaiaggregtng $840.00, dated Apriltmo o b. o a . ly e the Cit eo! and a part o!f1the norhwst quarter Cousiemnation No. 847. meidîsu. descrited as foliows: Be-'301h, 1864 anti securd by a mngu5se ofaue< Couty c! @lakesudlte o! lie notheastquarter o! sald sec- 'Thicrequisile find.lngs sud order of glnnlng utai fpoint 164 test souli of tromiJohn Wlckershieini, Jr.. sud vite 0< mietn oIs uelat ,of Lmuctan Ete m teu17, lie center line of vhlch ls de- the county court o! Laite Counuy thc northeast corner o!fsald quarter te IHiramn Everson, vbhie Mort a f l intisdOel ai !o<lolng uctnlbte, scrlbed as tollovu: Begnning t avigbe sesdterqlîequarter section, lieuce.norli 164 test, recorded lu lhe Recordeesrtgs Ofic e st bidsdra ethe. slola d lu me point 302 fet et ao! lie sonîheast affidav ils hving been filed Iu my o!- Ihence west 4314 teet. thence south- Lake County, Illinos, lu Book 27 o! landund o! akesa simd 1.1 o!Ilin ts, corner o! salad soutivest quarer o!f e l 1 es slerly on a curved fine (concave motae npg 4. Gn ounyo aesdS eo lios lhe uortheastt qurter o! Section If !cemasby te staue lu suchcase "r;gs npg 44 e.Np- . .ft thence norti ~ ~ ~ ' 46desad providedd noice la hcrcby casterly) haviug a radius o! 617 ted 4136.LoSee(7luBokNe(9.u thne ot 0dgee 6miuesgvn ote aaJohn S. Carreman, t0he place of beginuing, contalting PLIontt lSe-eygve iaIKr eadve ( s)AddIIokNne10(9)ulIn vest WA 4 eel. thence uortieriy ou Rubli n.tPardonse Jamea Conulu.rk adMaryel.18Ado!ioauttend.e cRoyed lîners0nticJaees. hsvlug Marubs18Goden ire" y vitue o! an order aund decree en- gau, Counly o! Lake, sd State o! i- radius o! 1910 tedt (concave vetter- Goe nec Recktleuvalmi, and 'Uouknown ovuer or ownert o! tered lunlihe above enlitleti suit lnu mole. Lavrence Gloden, busband o! Mary or perbOrc5 intereteil lb.he!olowing salé Circuit Court nt the. larci Term Trao ne 0prcn uio 950te, tene onii 9 dgre Oulsa Cloden, Mary Cain tnd Thom- deacrlbed piece. parcel or tract of A. D. 1909 liereot, tie underslgued day of sale sud balance on deilvery o! 16 minutes vet 720.5 tdt apitas Ctn ber iusband ate landm, to-wil: A stip o! land 10 telt Master lu Chancerv of sala Court vîll couveyauce. feetlm a o ir lneori 64adegees castI489.5 «'Unkuowo ownier or owocra o! or vide, lie center lune o! whlch la de- oun T unsay, tbe Srd deyof Jue. A. t)aled NMay 7mb A. D, 1909. fet ,-m pir l le oni udpersaont interested inlu te !olowiflg acribemi as tnllait,s Beginniug ut a D. 1909 autlie hber o! une 'ciockinEluNIÂMICLARKE, -aOntti qu,,- -t r qurmler line c! sald sec- decnubemi piece. parcel or Itralto! point luthie vest hneo!fIhe castItie atternoomi o! sad day at the norti s-M riser lu Citancery. tion 17, 12orner soo!fsth ectoniad, lo-wit: A strip o! ltmjd 100 test bal! o! tic norticat tquarter o!f1the front door o!f(Charles Stemnpel's store ______ -qate one f sai ecinwide runntug lu a uorlherly sud veat- northwest quarter o! section 25. town- lu Long Groel heTv ! enn 17, (.014aiiili1 4.1 ues or wer eniy direction snd exlendiug tirougi sblp 44 north range 1l etst o! the rd Lakte Couuty Ilîlinois, Bsll at public Stato or Ilos, Couuitymof Laite, oas: les." "Ukuveovur r wursthe southvdst quarter o! lie norliease p. M., 250, etdSouth o! thle nortivesttauction 10 tic blghesl sud best bidder lu lie Circuit Court o! Lakte County. of cr pensons irlresled luli te qare oection 17, ln tovnship 43 corner o!fsaim east haIt of Salai quarter ton cash tic !eloing describemi land Fanle L. Smitth vs Axd Gorauson, tollovLg deselieti plece, parcel qoth rance>1..casîofthli thfrd prn- quarter section, theuce cast 700 teet sud real estale. siluatedibtcCuîyCmsîaGruoAietCrn on tract o!aind, to-vît: A sriip Olpalmriai-anud a part o! the more or lest paalid l i and*25O o! Lakte sud State o!fIlli~5 ovl oAu oasu ereCrn o! enA 100t~e vie eteulugnorhWet qartr m! le nrtissI tdsouti o! the uorlh ine o! sald The soutti 1 romi o!flte southeast sou, Cari W. Lîicrg, Guardian, etc., thncugh the uorthea5terly par th le qatro a section 17, tic section 25, ta the ceoten line o! tic quarter o! the nortb east quarter o! sud John R. Fulton, Trustee. GeR. - pnoposed main ditcl." section 35, lu Township 43 North, No. 4184. ---- ---------Tht! the above ntmed petîtioner, Range 10 Easstof the Ttird Principal Public notice ls hereiy given limu _______________ ------______ ----------__________ thle Wet Sitokie Drainage District, Meridiau. iy virtue o! au orden sud decree su- the eltore filied ls condemnallon p.- Tiat part o! the weat bal! o! lie tered lu lie above enlitledl cause lu tîtion lu sald court, sud liaI thereup- southhcasl quarter o! section 26, satd Circuit Court et lie Marci Termn Non the final hesrnug mof Iis cause vas To'wnship 43 Norh, Range 10 E3aIt o! A. D. 1909 ticreot, lhe undersigned. 1$ a E.I .JVU - sel iy lie judge of! aald court ton ticelte Thîrd Principal Meridian, de- Master lu Chancery o! sald Court. lic FinI day o! Jue. A. D. 1109, ai .a poit lu the westlinueo o sad South- A. D. 1909ai the hour o!fmne o'cimick lie court bouse lu lie Cty o! Wau- est quarter 3.25 chisSoutb o! lie lu tie a! lernoon o! aaid dyayiuthli N kegau n la Lake Conuuy sud tint uorth veut corner thereof; hbence Eat front door o! tie Garni-tHouse In Iad Judge ordered notice ta ie glven ensa 20 chalu;t; leuce.South 6.60 tic City o! Waukegan. lu ssid Couuty, T H E IA N O M A N ot auci hcarng, Il as by the tatule chaîne; licude west ZG chaîne; theuce Bell ai publie vendue fon cash ln baud T H E P I N O M Alu such case made and provided; no- north 6.50 chaîne ta lhe place othe- ta lthe hîgical and bet Mider, lie lice la alec glven liaI a sommons gnning. couîsinilug 13 acres e! land !olovlng described land and rosi es- tiereupon issueti ot o! sala court more or leas. late. sîtuatemi lu the COunkty of Lakte ------------ ----------- -againetthle siove usmeti respond- The nori west quartier o!flime Souh sud SIale o!Ilîlinois, to-vl: culs sud deteudauts elurnable euthle 0151 quarter o! Section 35 Lot 3. lu Blockit 5, lu Washburn _____________________________________________________ ime sud place ttot.said as la iy law Tiihe et bql of lime norti bal! o! Sprnugs Subdivision mof lie South 100 mortvait cuafter ofthle mouhhesî kenter -lino of wlmlcb is deacrltmed requred. aund tint salA suit sud pro- the. ust bal! c!fltme Souhi esst quar- acres o! lie souli vesl quarter o! sec- quarer ! sctin 34 tanshp ~ as omovs e: ucsmrn aiua oint '302 secion34,towshi 43fat eet esth le toultbast corner o! norlim. range 12 saut o! lie InA P. M-, salA eouthvest quarter o! lie norti- lie'ceter lun o! vhici ls described dast quarter o! section 17, lieuce as toiovs: Beglnning on lb. norli norlh O degrees 46 minutes vait 114.4 lin. o! salA quater quarter 455 feet !est, Ihence uortherly ou a curved veut o! lie notheat cornmer lier.- une ta the lett, haviug a radius o! o!, thcuesu2dgre s 22 in-190 eet (concave veslerly) 950 f..t, a 898 fait. thesice seti 58 de- lience north 29 degrees 16 minxues gree& eut thie eut Une .O!salA vesl 720.5 test toa spontwvilchinl quarter quarter section, cotalnlng nonli 64U degnees sent 489.5 !..t 175 acres." 'Unkucuovuen Dor rn vu nm spotta inte northhsud south ers of or pesons uterested ta lie fol- quarter lIn. of said section 17, 1212 lovbng deecribed piec, parcel or fest seti of the. morli quarter cor- trat o land, to-it: A tip o!f laduer o! salA section 17, couttainn 4.1 100 toit vide extamding acroas the acres." scuthvait corner &! lie esitlf to 'Un kuovu ovuer or ovuen o! or lihe soulivegt qurter o! lie nôth- pesons lulerested lu the. tollowtag eagt quarter o! section 28, township described pace, pancel on tract o! 43 uorth. rangs 12 msat of lhe 80f land, to-vlm: A stnlp o! land 100 tet principal meidian, lhe cenrter Unei.O! vide extendlug lirougi lthe northeasl-' vhîcb la descnibed ai foliowe: Br erîy part o! lb. nortiveet quarter o! glnla«eta point 49% teet saut O lhe seulhaet: quarter of! section 34, the othvest corner o 55Jd hait tovnshiip 43 norti range 12 eat o! lb. qutrter quarter section, thmetce Oxt511d, IrA prncipal mnerldian, the menter lin. ing northweateriy 75 fait ou à curved o!vhilci le descîibed ase ollowe: iUe t0thie igt (concave utrl.ater- lleglnlng on lie nortihueaso! said l bs.vl.nga radius o! 1593 teed loa aquarter quarter 4551 etd esl o! lie point ou lie vesl lin. o! salAd abt nom ieasalcorner liereof, tîcuce souli hait quarter quarter section 57 test 25 degrees 22 minu'< i cat 393 faet, uorth o! the s,.utaect corncr ihere- theuce souli 58 degrees eat ltiChe of, douialiug .02 o! au acte" "Un- ease line cf salA quarter quart «sec- knownov over or om uers o! or pîssomme hon, coulaicing 1.75 acres." interested lu tic !mloiuhvîg descibed "Urtnmnv owoer cr ovuers o! or pace, parcel or tract o! land, to-it: A slrir of land 100 teet ide exteud- persoas nterestd lu the olowing ing thrugi tic southwest corner o! descrîbemi place, pancel or tract of th. nmrthvdîL quarter o! lhe nath- land, o-vt: A stnip o! lanA 100 teel cut quarter cl section 28, in town-.,de extendmmg acrose lie sonîbveel ship 43 nom lb, range 12 sut o! lie InA corner o! liee casl haIt o! tihe souli- principal mcmidan lie dearter Uîne oft veut quarter o! lie nortieat quarter viiei ludesetid as ollos: B.of section 28, lown"hlp 43 morth ran'ge ginuing aI a point 196.7 test norti 2e oofc2dprnia cmiiu tie anulbvest corner o salA quarter lie ceuler lue o! viici le descniiemi quarter section. thience souti 59 de- su !olows: Begnnuiug t a point 49%9 grecs 52 mirules caul 19.6 lest. thence fetleasSIo! thc oulbvmst corner o! soumim-asterly 293.4 test on a curvcd suid htiti quarter quarter section. Ue tuatemiengîl (concave seulîvegt- men exmeudummg northwe,teniy 75 test criy) havlug s radius o! 955.A test 10 on a cve hUe t10helicngt (concave lie souti hune of saimi quarter quarter notheaterlyl iaviug a radius mof 1 section, contaiitm"t.68î of su acre.",559.3 f td 10anpoint ountevegt lin.e 'tlnkno;.n owuer( r owners o! r on aeii d eat bal! quarter quarter sec- pesons 1interestem Iin tie !oîowing ion, 57 teet norts of the moutheet decciied piece. marcel or tiact o! corner îc ' conlaimî<ng .2 o! au land, o-il: A 3lrluî o!laumi 100 etlacre." vide extending arross mie nomîeast "Unmmown OtvUer or m'aiera o! or quarter o! lie mmuib'.t itquarter o!fiperms interestdIin the fol' OU.iug lie uortiwcsl quarmer o! section 29, deBrrimi-i liece, iarcel or tract o! township 42 nortlm. rammen 12 east 1o! lanid, to-wil: A strip o! land 100 tedt the 'rAdhprincipal meridianth ie renter vide ,xîendlng Ibough the soutivcst uine o! vhil I s descrIliemias tollows: corner o! thc nprthwest quarter of Ithe Begbnm'im'et aI tpouint 29 teet south ],o, meast quarter o! sectiol, 28, to'. - o! the morteist corner o! said ouar- lil, 43 nuorti range 12cast mof thse ter quarter cecm'ou, tien coîlh 59 de, '-.,rd i înc-ial meridian, mie renter lIne grees 02 o unIes West 157 teU themce o!f'mluii s descnibemias tolhowai Be- uorlivwe.,erly 349 fect con a curved i 'mng aI a point 196.7 ted morîh o! Ue ta the i i-ht (concave norllîoat- Il e s mtwesl corner o! staldquartr erly) baving s radiums o! 71G>1 e 10 îîuu t-m mecIon, tieuce mouhîb a pont 584 <et veLtto! te uorthe-aî g1, 7ý 2 wruite dst 19.6 feet, corner o! saim quarer quater ,.mm- tlicmu' oitieastcrhy 293.4 feed ou a tlorr, cotalnlrg 1.2 acres." "t'nknovn nt llie 10 me 1i I le Ctcavi" ovuer or ovuers c! or p1rBsntier- bat'ni-' livIng n radius o! cuIedA lu tbe toliowiug dm-au ied !17 1 fî-,t i 0tme South irIte O! smld pece. parcel or tract o! lard. m-lu I înnît' r 'ilater Re.. lori, conlaluiug Al that part o! s stm :lm o! lai d 100 f9,-tC8 of ail .1 a', la vimti l'ing lutic soutivest quai- 'il 't-a i 0m. tor na l tor or ter o! the nortieat quarter o! sec- lC om)1sisltt,- ebrcmd 1 m tie iomm mt dion 20, tovalt'o 43 uor,h, ranmge 12 ut11,1 mît-cec. lceOý tla o! euit o!flb.e1J pirincipah meridian. Imil , ow i iud 0 te and ext. ,udiag 50 mccl on cmch side 11, idlmt,, ex. nding acrob't lhe nocli- o! a center 1line wvilci ledescribemi as Cat i mm.mmrmrof the uortbwetil quarer tolovi: BeUinunmi et tic soutiest o! the nlor.0'aem. quam C, O! section cornter c! salA quater quaiter sec.-82, tlmmiiîi43 uort ange 12 eat lion, iK-uce norli atoug tiecauthUe o! lie Ird pinncipal meniiit h.cen- o aald quimit",r quarter section 526 ter liÉe o! bilc inl descrlbed as tol- teet, thenoe nertllwetertY 400 et.onau ova. BegIummlug t a polut $29 tuaI a a uv. Ue t1<'t"lm eft (Concave seuli o! lie nom ie-t comimer b salA -lsl*q jasmAls o! g73,7 -quarter quarter section, thlmAmmc Oth IW COUPON NO. 2. FouR PA= r 0FWOMEN'B STOCRINGS WITH THS COU- PON 5c None without coupon. auFT liw*M"for woneny ises en--1Uiggoati o o ufing of #he seasoei Speell Sal rCf alleoidOoe aand suite - Y Women's and Misses Stdts, good N~ Women'5 and Misses' Coats of Waah Dresese styles, silk and satin lined 4.5AM Oovert, Panama and 29 Fine lot o! Butt sold elsewhere i Broadcloth . . . . . ..2 9 5 o f cheekA,percfales and - at$1. ul a50ntd xtra Fn otnwghanis Al tfee to nurat $15 - "*"a' o edshipment of the bust styles - neatly trimxned, ases u1pto - Elmeat ...t.t.f.. ~FieWbt ereCot, .0 14. Speciaily priced for this 100 Suits at ..... a........9 5 t oreof the beat $2500 and Bengaline SiIk Coats, Taffeta $W000 Suits now on gaie115 w . RÎ ý .501 39C 50c 9c ~ineri Desss, Lades Fie Lb Iwn and Lingerie Waists Polka Dot Stock- Feather Bilk~ Pet- lkblue and bed Vests, 35c Fine Lingerie and Lawn Walsts, 3c igi i oos tcaa4 lc whiteeleg a tly q alityfor ......... ................... * * - 9 tite lgd l ult New Waists, $2,00 values, many 79c 12,c 69C 3.95 19C styles to select from ............... FriemaN. Trnmd Mny New Modèealà, Dreas8 We keceived from New York a new lot At $1.75 we offer Skirts that wiil surprise alal, finest Panamas, neatly 17 dol ll-f manklH.ulaiul"flmuus.u 'and have. - n.n fle s 1 @75 àrranged the prices, so that you can now get the blggest bargains of the season at 98c, 1.50 ,2.50 ,3.259 4.50O Cbid&f'm Hat* and Straw Bonnet' 50c, 75c, tima $.5oweahae a v lare --sort-e-lt o Akts3includhavext lragie aVoreqf PanisndiWrstrieds - -. ý jj Whiteaserge Vklrts .... 550Ue7 at ....................... 55 Elegant Voile Skcirts, heavy embroldery trimmed, wonderful valuese9 ............. COUPON NO. 1. ANY STYLE $1.00 AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET. WITmT SCOUPON None without coupon. 1. ý a2 , Townsh p 46 North, Rangs 12 @at of i ciel, OountY 0f Lake, s. t f the Third Principal Meriditu, Iu the Couuty Court of Lake County. cept fve acres l n th e so u th e at l a r e ti e. fiu a l se ut lm en t f h . e es al mer of said quarter section. oc- of Ernst Hecht. rdlng to the Plat recorded lu the To Mrthe, Peterseu, Emma HOCt ýcrder 's Office o f Lake Cou ty, 11- Em ly k3.. Boch , LiIIy Koch, W altreeht.' s, ln Book B, of Plats on pages 61 You aud .«h o! you are herebyuotl4 M d62 lu Lakte County, Illinos. hat on Iodai, the. fourt..nth (14) dey Dated May Tth A - . 1909. 0f jane, A. . 190 , at the p atg O ELAM L. CLARKE, Court ou Ibat dey, or as ouf th*rqslti ne the matter cau lhe bord, *9 Md.* U-4 Master ln Chaucery. peeto bis Honor Judge Jonis, the _____________ CoutyJudgs of Lake Qount!. le th# roouusaly occupl.d by hlm a auria Rov. 1. W. Willismion'a Lutr. roûni, lu the. clty 0f Wauk.KiCut of Lak, Sata of liola h,11e 0"à Rey. 1. W. Wlllliu.eon, Élautingtou,. accolant sud report ln the. &boOe itied 1V., w rt.s: 'Tiuslto esrify thalttEUWo!01rusI Rect, doocssd s"d nod P'oloy's Kidnej' .B.m.dy forOakthat lthe sains b.approved a @Mad WTo U e lhaution a ".t=i*msy-trôatJ eha fr0. f =i e , ad a mn fre.e10 saY tb th w ll 40ali ti ponahbuity or dut, t w iec th"iMe a d i) cdaim for Il." F o ly ls K fd » yh cey oe 7 11 c oul app ear Il yOU son fi. emedy buau toTSd I.ltbaud astsagh Eeldàw .rg EdTM, thousande of wesk, ma dows people. EII8 MT otaius no barinfel droits- Md la LILLY KocU. " M an t 01 k . .B. I;CElL Basutors o! tb E ttof KVDIý».CbI (IjombettaPrince .STALLION S-AS ON 1909 Gambetta Prince la aseýM brovu iadlion, 16 balads 3 luchai liigh snd weighe 1150 pounds. Sired by - Ganialeon, son of Gain- be,115 Wilkes, he by George Wilkes. Dam by llambletonian Prince, son of MAinelau, lie hy Rydykes Ilambletonian. <4ambeta Prince in a borne with a good dispo- ntion, fine conformation ad perfect trotting ac- tion. A show borge fit tshow in any conipany, 6"Gambetta rinc" aon he took tirât premium for bet trotting stallion a.ndl as the sweepstakes for tallion amy age at the Like Couty Faitanut falitsud two Of bis colts took premiums, aud as a twoyear-old lie ou the two-year-old stake race at the Lake County Fair, as s three.year-old he troted iun.0 and as a five-year-old ho trotted a mile in 212. lie bas heen in the stud nnly a short ime aud bas few colts, but tbey ail show good action, fine conformation aud good se aud color. Those that bave ien bandlod show grest speed for tbeir age. If you tbink of breeding corne and ste b orne and ee some of bis colts move before breedig. le wili maie the nesson of i909 at the. Libertyville Mile Track. Terme $25.00 to imeure. J. W. Swanbrough, Libertyvilie, 111- and