LAKE COUNTY INDXPENP»2NT, PRIDÂ'&X, MAY 21, 1909 Jhn lMuray, o! Chicago, spet Sun- mui_ d ady nith relativea in oun village sud viiity. Ed Mille trauaacli-d business in i-be it>. hasut Wsdne0day. Mise Leilah Glyncit rIoseil ber ai-bonI bay-sa In the Flint Creek district ast Friday >' was aerseh.liebas bei-tuvery succeseful ~.h ~ <>~7havisg taugbt tbnee years in this ci lese ri' district. D. MClain retorned tOu oui- village laitt ubstdasu?. JRDswMis week Iter speudung i-hi-m'inter monîha lu Florida wiClu Mn. aud tii-. John Oolding and famil>.. Hi- reporte every- ehisg ineslu tbe souat but prefers %Yaucauda lur the uaumuner montits sud ailI maklehie borne %virilbis ister, lire Harrison.b MssMary liu bai relnured from Mn. andM s. C. A. tiapte and !amuily, 4,Viago alter anir-s-ne o! ascerai ciIihertvilclui-upet Sonda'- aititf waeks. H. tiaiman.1 BL. Tripp sud !amlly enteitaiued tibelCarl Notit %veut ltheb.City at1 former's ottler and hîiother lrom Wedueasday aber- hie bai secii-i-d a UÀbertyvulle Sunday. ostin MVisRuth Yore -use te gieto! h M ,Hule transat-ted itusies in edstiar, lim.,J. C. Diirfleti-rSiet o! ti-l ire Ce ity tonday. melk. George Thatcher ntuj amily elueul Titi'fi-set Satorda>. ereuiiug daste o! Stinday ait Mr. sud tirs. J. J. Itouse the seaitn aih hibelld ut tiei.laestde et tlueir fermoni-ar Wçni-onda. pvloouatdsi veieg, May 29. Sehafl-n s orchetra auit trahu drutu and Lait ueds>. svesing i-be puipilwaus bells, o! Mî'Henry aili lurnisit music for oeuensd lu>.Miss Josephine Nii-boglite occasion asd asfHue lime le aiaured vangallant. 01Cncinnati, Ohio, avitagave ta aih. There aili h. s dance e i-y a mrY itestiug talkwbahhwai greatty Satunda> eveing at titi- paviluon dnnieg ',,pps'cisd b>. a lange audience,. te sommer. Tic'ketes ac. A joerail Tie Misses Hazel Tripp sud lunule invitation isexteuded ta ail to attend P *Ou wene i-bogeu as delegates to the iret Sstorday evening dance i-is goprmeat oun Sonda>. sehool aI the season, uoaisston a b bau aiPaos, II. At ast the wavl! bas bei-n caîîlursd. Frsair Knigge, aile aud liitledugbier Atbough aien ity man> o! oni- peoplet U4t Sonda>. bers guests ofltheirmotbei-, tbnoughoul the aiciily nase o! aur ro.W.. Knigge sud Mr.,aud lira. S. A. huntera ted beie able t0aiapture hlm >5raen.outil lait Salonda>.. eo.a. nd Wilii Mfr. and lir@.,Fr SKern, o! biberl.vville, Ruson sud Clifford Benavili coruered hini 8Sudyed bersavit relatives and friands, in John Vesiey gravi-hpt i-ai- Volo T]lsé Ladies' Aid Soitl> aers enter-ansu hol hlm, It wa8aithes egulai- grey -tsined Wedueaday a1 lb. home o! M. iimiter avl! bottual large being about »d aa re. A, L. Lake.,.tavo-thirds grown. George brougitl hlm John Bones., ,,bai base apeuding tbe t a on Monday la sealiatitouet>.r peit lew days avit relatives bers, 1titiy aerseuh-tled ta. -- .1 -Ikder ava Chicagou i-aiton tiret The Niagara Fi-s Ca. hi-id their annmal1 d a the week 8îso a guest of bis sOu, meeting luti-be village hall lait Mouds>. ..,&bert sud vile at Cougreas Park, evsniug. Meeting avas -ali-d ta order Adam Titafa bas the conaIt for drulu- b>. Cie! J. P. Blanck. ltr rolili-ahi orl hmg tva Wells for A. F. Sheidon, n tmemabera minutai o! lait meeting avers tha ArtIsan Koons stable sudo'onaIt ecallid fon wbk ave-reaad dappnovsd, #roundastaked ont for bis office biulding Samies o! BaiI ertt sud P. A. Hoogh-1 i4gt lt th ego! twn.ton air. preseetdfor isembersbip, t'luedgsSaine aers voted upan and acs'pled.1 Set lu onder waaiel-ctionuofoulit-ers loi- mhore Special Services. ensuing yean and rèeulted ai fîtloas: TIse third of te apecial eveulug sur- Chie!, John P. Blauck; assistant Cihir. vicie at the chapel vas &aauod gospel E. A. Goding; secratar>., B. C. fiaie; uarmon b>. Misa Josephine Nichaiso, treasurer, W.- V. John@; captain englu- 40*flit [rom Cincnnati. lilas NichaIs compas>, .S. H ii-ks; assistant captaue ;I b"moi-h surie.. lu ber avonk; sud A. L. Ilafele>.; captain bas. compsury, B. oblo ld higitl>.commended t>. aîl abô C. Harris; assistant captais, BH E.1 bé 'ba1r earuest message Sunda>. laimas; iraI pipemne, M. Basele>.;i second pipeteu, V. Stone-; wramchmeu,i N«at Stoda>. evening av. ailI have W., V. John, W. Dahms, Lenau iansd WIlh ue a soespapen mas o! aide Otus PolI-r, Alter tetieg the englue i-laa t.ion, M. Richard T. tans,.lin, aicit aai ond aIl lu 0. K. condition ,v J.4a is aloo a devoted cbnnch avonker second i-ohlýaa calhed aller wbich thoij à ittIssOhnnch o! the Covenant, Cicago. meeting vas adioorried. Bevili tell us hilIs star>.. Tiis aili liemonial Day ailI ha observed] in oui- b le wavneu mrstueg. village on Satunda>., May. 29. tiemorial * 'h eV@Dnlg O! the 30h ave aili bave a addrasailI be gvdn b>.te Han, C. A. eo Mio lecture an te subiect. "Evo- Pantridge, o! Wankegan, liembera o! llttkU aud tite Possibiliias o!flian." the G. A. B., W, R. C., Souso! Vetensa. IUB vOl ha cîsutllicail>. instructive as m. w, A., M. W. W. sud leachers and sn d u instructor lnth sonlies aud citizens@aiilloamtain a pro- eII&bthsvstern University., vit te esslion near O. A. R1. hall at 1 o'ulock Ivtbor*gblYcouverasuîtit bis material, and MmrcitthIe cemeter>. led b>. tbe Ton have beau bigiti>.pieased avit the Waacouda baud, abers tse usual pot &raittrs numbera Attend theffe twO cOemonies ailI ha folIo wsd b>.decorat Il çrim i.n0 îg the soidiera' graves. The proceision wihi tben mari-b ta Oakland Raillabers n -- an appnopiateprognam aillberandsrsd, DEERFIELD, liemonial services@ailI ha hehd ai Volo 1ia . IL Behm sud cbldran, avho Sanda>.. May>.80). AlailI unçt aS the à%" gpent te vinter lu Caiornia ElchOoIlibous. at 1 ai-ock sud mari-btta t irsed hotus lut vesk. te cemeten>. abers <haeusual serviceailI - tlla Isabel Kiai, o! Wilmelte, visilad ha beld. or 8anda>. vititMise Jouie WoodmsP LA1N mi". Mary Whelau, o! Chicago, va P L T N . the gust o!cinr.sud lira, J. C. Wui sdubt h weeak;Dr. Rbehrt Mbaser forment>. o! Palatins Wfise bara.iug a hanse iondiay la iocated a1 758 N. ttaletetd St., Chicago. -90taiug, Austin aPlagge sseverel>.Mr.insd Miss Prstlberg snteitained klzud fi tIs lace. Dr. Davis vas lun- fiend8 lrom Chucugo os'er Sunday.,i Suedi.&ey cailed lutu d lbe vassenu a05 CthbhanlRichmond sud bis fn-ende,1 'bog&Wtin lu eiago. Preeeul aviing be Mrnsd lira. Wallace Ist Mouds>. nigbtj la iovl>. neaverng. for Ni-aYoi-k, The>. inted t0a sili Mit. Cetehr We moutit, o! Ciicago, lia>.121h on tse Cossard Lins Ion a1 vas the guet dl Sadis Galboa>. Io mothf visit ia titiunohd home n1 Seanda>.. Scotlaud. MiseVirgisia PansonsI, o! DesPlaines, Mn. sud tins. J. H. Scib-iding enter- -'Visltad lfiriands sud relativeslbse rlâthast inedtir, sud tins. T. Cathov, lRa>. and , Wak. Miss Heerielta. lM!Evanstou sud Mlin .The Ladies' Dorcas Society. met Thons- Chas. Smith, o! DeaPîsainea, ohe Suda>.. day lternoon aitli re,S. P. loti-bisun. Mr.-,asd liral ohun Sai-k iad for their " New Butte Shower"waasgiven gues ti r, and tirs. Chas.Garison Mfrsud lire. J. E. W'abbei-, Titureda>.torm Biue s-i-nlY.. sveing at te I"Manie." 'Ihea' niceived O. H. Devoe ailI luiat home ta thiti- uty rt>. ud uselul si-ticles, Irienuls in thiur ni-a-home in tt, future. T %a>. morniug oi-rnred tbe death Mr$n. tii-yeno entenlauu-ed ber datiîgrter, ,ci Andrea Oyder at bis home iu tirs. Oldbeck sud daugbîuur, o! Oat Dee'ieid, 111. He had luien s reidient o! Park, ni-en tInday. tbs.u'lield ion years, runuiug a blaikmitit Lait Satunda>. v@as s u>.day foi- aboi utlil i-be at ta-a yeas. Fuserai Palatise Chapter, No.2, s'tha -e Royal services aers beld Thurada>. afisinoon An-b digri-. aeas iassied ripouninse t u te United Erangeili -bihu o01iandidates. Tits sessionu tsginnuug 51t vitcithli-waas a uuu-nben. Titi- ev. tavo u'ciou-k p.tut Behultz, ai Highliand plari, oieiati-d. Lytun Snysin, sotu of titi preuideit t! -Mn. Onyder hiai-es loi utuonuis lotmse- aOur hgisiolisntnl.II rie vile, lava daugitti-ri.and btait sanse . -yli A rane MMlra A. H. lMuilte, o1h-i-i-hi-id ts'ous:nisetse un atiendasce, 4480. Velten, o! Ciîagu, lFrank., oflowîa M tra, H. Sebierdhsg sud dauglîter, tirs, M.d Dr. Gi-o.SdN-di-i, o! I)eerfheld, Titi-Botuse sud Isuuil>. aili returain rî thi- ; I > umly bave titi-m sytilaoruthetutu cu i ta uClorsia, Mas. 2fth. LAEZURICH William Fuesai-ing lias hi-eun-ar Tisa oloaviug parties vîsuted Chui-agt atendhng lite annosi district couueresi. à«Mvsek: Mn H. Frlittos, trs. Matî t!ihi- Evaugelical Syiuod ut Peik, Ili, 5Wlekertheimasd daugliter,Leuie; tIre. 15N miles frinm Chicago. ie aa %.Labbe, litasi-etie Wetiiiir anud aci-otipanied h>. ti-luatar, Rer. Titio - H Brrmusil. Tuiliatusu Neanl>. 20()ýpaistOr and fis -Xartln Sposniis, of <hicagir a isutt- huiîi-'lireprese.utatives diii-uggeditm , > omne last aeek. vasrîo deveiopmesîs in home aund lir. Herru and su t, ii-tiigi-. ari.-or,igufieldo. r. F. Pister, o!Cincinuuuuhh, 'Ai. .Riem ad dUgheri lii.. head ilttié.Sy nod vas tir-i-ut -. kea .51.Bubm su dogttr.lua uluîinag al sessiotia represgenting titi Wankigan hst avek, i-i-rau Synutd. Cerrie&Si-is>.vliated Libertyville ht-a -Titi-tuTilluoshus a-ii s8ta>. us-t Sundîay ini Sigiîtliruiy, louva, bis molli-t tmm mm Si-ar sud brother, Fiaskt softiug ront a aiversatc of weak. services-s sexî t uuday, I1ELPFUL AND SA!! W. endeavor to reuder s beiptul service tlu cieryoue Who ornai into Our Bank. W. believe yon aill flsd t he1pf ni 10 îope-uau ucootunt vith un*'. W.welcome amati account~s us wla-lselai-gi- tmes. Ywmoney deposit.ed in aur Bank is SAVE. TIIEfIUTNAIONAL BONX 0F LIBERTYVILLE S, Ir VI w te E ai la la bd le p d, FI p L d. rf t4V a L Ni h t IL r r t anv t u Paul Mac OGun, Orvis 'and Beau- on a cnrved lins (concave easterly).r E AM] i. attorneys. havlng a radius of 687 teet to theÊ State of Illiinois, Conn2ty of Lake, s: place of begjnnng, containlng .18 ot Mr. ansd lira. Otia Smith vistd faut Ini the CountY Court, o! Lake County. an aère." And "'Unl<nown owner orq Sunday wlth the formers parents. Wêst Sicokié, Drainage District, vs. owners of br persona Interested lnt Mir. aud lMra. Oeo. Newton spent laat John S. Carinan, Marrie A. Parsons, the foliowng descrtbed plece, parcele Snnday with Mfr. and lira. Lee Ward. Roy- M. Parsons, Lura E. Parsons, Vir- or tract of land, to-wit: A atrip of! ginla G. Parsons, Frank E, Parsons, land 10 test wlde, the center lino etf Miss Emma Grabbe returned la@t week Elizabeth Conlin, Aun Zahnle. ne. whIch ilacescribed es follows: Be- rom lier igng yisit in the soutb. Coulîn, John Conlin, Kate Conlîn, gînnlng at a point ln the west fine ef Mr. and ira. L. H. Bryant, of Liberty. James Conlin, Mary Conlin, Peter the east liait o! the northenat quarter ville, cailed on !riends boesone day laat Conlin, Michael Conlil, Sophia Zahnle, o! the nortliwest quarter of section s'aek. Elizabeth Garrlty, Mathias Zahnle, 25, township 44 north range 11 east George Zalinle, Joseph Zahnle, Louis of the 2rd P. M., 250 teet south of the Mir. and lira. F. M. Smith and daugb- Zahnle, Jacob Zahnle, Katherine Sel- northweat corner of sald eaut haif o! tr Lola spent last Saturday wltb lirî. gel, Frank Recltenwaid, Annie Reck- said quarter quarter section, thence1 Elocta Clark, of Libertyville. teuwald, Jac6b Recktenwald, John east 700 feet more or lIs parallel1 lirs. Ed Lnsk and Erg. Charte@ Parker Recktenwald. Margaret Recktenwald with and 260 teet south o! the northr and danghter, of Veto, spent one day Miller, Mary Loulsa Golden, nee uine o! sald section 25, to the center2 last week with Mirs. Grant Lusk. Recktenwald. Mary Cain and Thomas lineo! the sald proposedl ditçh. The Ladies' Aid boetd it@ annual meeting C-inli er husband; Frank Mîeaney, Condemnatian No. 847. lait Tbursday afternoon et the home of Frances Meaney, William Horenberg- The requlsite. findîngs and order o! M.iss Emma Radke and elected th@ er. Jacob Zahole, huaband o! Ann the county court of Lake County followiiig officers fur lbe coruing year: Zahnle, nee Conlîn, David Garrlty, havlng been made and the requlsîte Pre@ident, lira. H. C. Payne;: vie p o husband o-f Elizabeth Garrlty, J- affidavits having been filed lu my of- dent, tirs. Judion Amos; 8ecretary, lira seph Selgel, husband of Katharine tice, as by the statuteln u scb case Henry Van Plew; treainrer, Mies Mary Selgel, Robert Miller, buebaud of Mar- made and provided. notice la hereby Payne. gai-et Recktenwald Mller,, Lawrence gI-en to the satd John S. Carman. Gloden, busband o! Mary tanisa Glod- Roy M. Parsons, James Conlu, Mary VOLO e-n. Edward Moores, Van Hemnerfort, Loulsa Gloden nee Reckîehwald, Plutie Hougbton, of! Wanconda. wa a1 LOuIs Sofker, tbe ' unknown owner Lawrence Gloden, husband o! Mary n tOu 05 da lai owners of or persoasinterested bIn Luisa Gloden, Mary Cain and Thonm- in twn oe da- y aât eelte following descrlhed tract, Piece as Cain i-r husband and the C. G. Fluson attended to business boe or pari-el o! land, to-wlt: A strlp of "Unknown owner or owners o! or SaturJay. land 100 feet wlde, running in a ni-lb- persons Interestedi n the following Mrs. Wmn.'ttilion and Mies Elsie Walton erly and westerly direction and ext- describc'd plece. pari-et or tract ot were in) Waucondauone alternioon lait tendlng tbrougb the southwest unir- land, to-wit: A strlp of land 100 teet week. ter o! the northeast quarter o! sec- wîde runuing lui a norlberly and West- tion 17, township 43 north, range 12 erly direction and exteuîllng through Mise Lui-y unilil wbo is employed at east of the third principal meridian the sôutbwest quarter of the nortbeast Long Lake waa home lai3t Friday. sud a part of the northweet quarter quarter of section 17, lu township 43 Mir. and lir. John Browvn spent Tues- of the northeast quarter o! said sec- nortb, range 12 east of the third prin- lay with titeir son et Waucooda. lion 17.,ltheibenter line o! whicb la de- cipal meridian, and a part o! the scribed as followa: Begtnoing at a nortbweet quarter o! the northeast lire. Chas, Raugbt was the gnsst o! point 302 tes west 0f the southeait quarter of sald section 17, tbe relatives ai- Waukegan fromnt ednesday corner of said soutbwesl quarter of center line of wbich la described ta Friday of lait week. the norîbeait quarter o! section 17, as foilows: Begiuining at a point 302 Mir. and Mrq. Wm. Bacon, o!flicHenry , thence north 0 degrees 46 minutee feet weet of the souiheait corner of visit.ed at the Patter home lait Sunday. vi-st 114.4 teet, thence nortberiy on said southwest quarter of the north- Mr.ndr~EdardLnkwre a curved line to the left, baving ý east quarter of section 17, thenice Mr.adMrëEdwrd Lskwregu@tgradius of 1910 feet (concave weater- north 0 degrees 46 minutes west 114.4 at the Oliver Hook borne at Rollins lyl 950 feet. thence norîh 29 degreee feet, thence northerly ou a cur-ed Sunday. 16 minutes west 720.5 feet te a point linoe th-e left, having a radius ot tirs, Scott Sneli and dangbters were whlch hs north 64 degrees east 489-5 1910 feet (concave westeriy) 950 feet, reeut Wauconda visiter@. il feet fi-cm a point lu the n6rtb sud thence nortit 29 degrees 16 minutes lira. L. V. Lnsk and Miss Catberine sonth quarter quarter line of sald sec- weat 720.5 fest to a point whlch ls Doweli, of West Freinant, ners ù ian tw ieni17, 1212 feet south o! the north nortit 64i/4 degrees i-ust 489.5 feet Sunday aiternoon. quarter corner of said section ,!rom a point luntte north sud soutb 17,. containlng 4.1 acres more or 'quarter lineo!faaid section 17, 1212 Mesdames Chai. Parker and Edward less" "Unknown owner or owners feet sonth o! the nortb Quarter cor- Lnsk apent iast Tussday et I-anhoe. forproaitrse Intenrf ldecon1,otiig4. Miranidlira. Paul Avery, o! Lake Villa o0 i esn neeld l h er0 adscin1,cuann . wereSuaay vsitr@ t th Roertfollowlng described pli-ce, parcel acres." Pad udock sior or tract cf land, to-wit: A strIp "Unknown owner or owners o! or Mrs.A.J.Rayond nd augber0f land 100 fi-et wide extending pirsons lnterested lu tbe followlug Heln, uGayondakenddangblter. titrough thtii-northeiasterl paît of the darhdpee )re rtato Hln, vr i isyik na alr norltwest quarter o! the soutbwest land, to-ait: A strip of land 100 fes'&. 0000.quarter o section 34, tow nship 43 vidie exteudiug through tbe northeast- lirs. Richard Compton bai retnrned tO uorth, ranrge 12 east o! the 3rd P'. M. erly part of the uorthwest quarter o! ber home here alter spending Beveral the i-enter line o! wblch la described the soutwest quarter of section 34, 'veeks wîtb lier daugbiter, Mtrs. Jennie as foîîows: Beglnlng ou the nortb townsitip 43 norîb iange 12 east of the Cosmaun, at Round Lake. lueno! sald quarter quarter 455 feet 3rd principal merîdian, i-be center liue Chas. Patter wbo baisiteeu iii for somes west o! the northeast'*rooruer there- of which la desceribed as folloas: lune died at bis home near Volo Monday of. thence south 2.5 degrees 22 min- ieglnting on the nortit lino, o! sald morniog, Miay l7th. He leaves tO utes east 393 feet. theuce soutb 58 de- quarter quarter 4,55 fi-et we-st o! tbe îîîoorn bis deatb, tiiree danghters: lin. grees i-ast ta the est line o! salit uortheast corner thereof, titeuce soutit Will Bacon, of liiHenuy, Mr&. Everett quarter quarter section. containing 225 degrees 22 minuties at 393 fi-it, Stone, of Wanconda, and lilas Jennie, ai 1.75 acres." "Unkuown owuer or owu- thi-uce south 58 degrees i-ast to titi Volo; one son, Earl, and a aiter, lira. ers o! or persoas interesled lu the fol-oesat liuo of salid quarter quarter sec- Smnithu, of Elgin. Fanerai services wee owiug descrihed piece. parcel or tion, contalnlng 1.75 acres." held at the Veo M. E. cburch Wednjisday tract of land, te-wit: A strip o! land "tUlînown owuer or owers of or alternoon, Miay 19, at 2:30. BUni-linl 100 feet wide extendlug across i-be hersons inierestd lu tite followlng lbe Grant cemetery. southwest corner of the east liaif of descrlbed plece, parcel or tract of Died aI the home of bis parents iu the soutbwest quarter o! the nont- land, îo-wit: A stiilitof land 100 feet Volo on Saturday afternoon. liay 151h, sat quarter o! section 28. township wide exteuding ici-ose the southavest Josepbhuler. He bad been 8ick for soims 43 ni-lb, range 12 east 0f the 3rd corner of the essi- hall tuf the soutit- lime but it wae fltutil about a woee- pri-luila uridian, the i-enter lineo! west quarter o! the norîbeast quarter belore is death that tha case wai given whîcb la descrlbed as follows: Be- of section 28, township 43 north range nP ai bopeleas. Thera are laft beaide hi@i ginnlng at a point 491/2 f set east o! 12 eaat o!fi-be 3rd principal meridian. parents, two sons sud a dangbter who the southwest corner o! saled bal! the i-enter lin.o! which la described rigide with bis parente hr. two brothere quarter quarter section. thence extend- as folloava: Beglnnlng at a point 49 1ý and three aitera. Funeral services wera ing noithwesterly 75 fest on a curved feet east of the aouthwest iorner o! heid in the Cathoili- i-boni-h boesTnesday hlnt te rlght (concave naitheailer- said half quarter quarter section. morning. Burial in the Catholli- cemetery ly) having a radius of 359.3 teeStoe a then extending nortbwesterly 75 feet at icHenry. point on i-b eascal lneo! aaid east ou a i-uived lini- t the i-lgbt<iOuia". INGLESIDE, bal! quai-te "uarter section, 57 feet nori-beasterly) havlng a radius o! Mari.. oith of i-be ithaveat cornýer Shere- 359.3 feet toe.a point oun'the avest Itue On Mnday May17 t 10a. m ato!, containing .02 o! an acre." "Un- o! saldt east bal! quarter quarter sec- thn hondayftheliy'@7pare1nta.M. ad known owuer or oa'ners o! or persona lion, 57 fi-et north o! the southwest Mrb. homegl!aseV. dattadolnter. ucid nterested in the followlng descirbed corner thereof, coutalnlng .02 o! au Lad OugerlVialt AdweuntLucinapiece, pari-el or tract o! land, to-ait: acre." mad ivger Willia eheremonlted l A strip o! land 100 feet wlde extend- "tjnknown owuer or ownei-s o! or witnssd by the immediate relatives of! hi-ougit the southaveat corner 'o! persona lnterested lu the !ollowlog the bride sud groom. The ring crsre-lte northwest quarter o! thte north- descrlbed plece, pari-el or tract o! mouy was perorined hy RBey B.F. east quarter o! section 28, ln town- land, to-wit: A si-rip o! land 100 feet Lawier, postor o! the Mthodiqt iburch ship 43 non-h. range 12 cast of i-be 3rd aide extendlog tbrough the southaveat at Lihertyville. The bride wai gowned principal meridian, the i-enter hune o! corner o! the northwest quarter o! the in white Japanese ilk mail and carried which ho described as !ollows: Be- northeast quarter o! section 28, town- Pink sud white carnations. Ater the glnninrg at a point 196.7 feet north o! sitip 43 north range 12 eat o! the mnarriage ceremouy s ligbt lunch o! ice the southwest corner o! aaid quarter 3rd principal meridian, the i-enter line cream sud cake were aerved, Many quarter section, thence south 59 de- o! ahi-h ha descrited as foliows: Be- oaeul and valuable preeentë were received grees 52 minutes iast 19.6 test, thence glnlng at a point 196.7 feet ni-lb o! hy the bride fnom friends and relatives. sotheasterly 293.4 fiet on a curved the soulba-est i-orner o! saud quarter The bride aud iroom lî'!î for Diton, Ifl.,liu e thei rigbl concave sontba'ist- quarter section, thence soutb 59 de- returning ta Fox Lake, Wednesdav erly) bavlng a radins o! 955.4 feet t gi-ies 52 minutes east 19.6 feet, evening. Alter spending a lew daya the south lino o! sutd quarter quarter thence southi-aterly 293.4 tiet on a witb the groomsf parente tbe young ai-i-ion, contalnlng .68 of an ai-ie" curved hueo ta the rlght (i-oni-ave couple ahI make Ibeir borne in Racine, 'Uuknovin owner or owners o! or southwesterîy) baalng a radius o! Ws, aber. - Neigh boldo a position persoas nter-i-ted linte !ollowiug 955.4 fevt ta lb. soutbhueino! sald lu Armora awbolesahe pai'king bouse. i-escribi-d pi-ce, pndrcei or tract o! quarter quarter section, conlaiîîlug Thei- many Irienda join le wishing the.- land, to-ait: A sttnp o! land 100) fiet 68 o! an aice." moi-b bappine@s and prospi-iity. wide extending airosi the nortbeast "uI'ntuîîoan owner or ow'uirs of or1 quarter o! titi norItacat quarter o! t-rsns luîeri-sîed lit ite foiioaing GAGE'S LAMC. the northa-si- quarter o! si-i-ion .28. dest'ried pli-ie, pari-i- or Irai-t of -_ ) townsip 43 ni-lbiange 12 i-ast o! land, to-ait: A sti-lt and 100 fi-et Uert Kruseuiarg, tof Chi-ago, h spend. the Ird pri-ncitpal utiridian, tei-i-ttirlunawiddit, exleudîng airosi tti-enir- ing i-le ai-ik wiStti- Sage lamiiy. liai- o! whichis dc'sciied as follow8: i-ast quarter o! titi northai-si quarter Mliss Clcr-hili, of Libertyville, spent Beginulsg at a pot -329 fielt soult of titi non-bai-st quafti-io!fai-i-iion Sundy St.lob Crerso!fti- soi-titiast iorner o! sald quar- 28, townsip 43 nortit range 12 i-ast s N i- JhieGn Cokewas uli n el ter quarter sectin, thoen nortit 59 de- o!flte Ird principal meridian, the cen- Miosing er oe boo witb qrui-atemin ri-i-s 52 uminutes. aiest 157 fiet, titini-e ter line o! aihbladescrlbed as fol- lo!igle îuoney bookeenWiarreonsud northaesterl9 li'î fi-it reaa ierved lbs: 13-gnning ai- a point 329 teet Wankegau lin Tuesday. lise 10 tbe i-ht (couicave uorlteast- sout o!fi-hi- nortiteasi- corner o! said The IPick, Ki-usimai-k aud MauLachta erly) bavime a iadîtîs o! 716.8 fiel i-o quarter quarter section, lbei-uf-i north lna point 384 fi-et a î't o! the northeast 59 degrees 52 minutes ai-sI 157 fi-et, homtîles hos.tSua ttersme corner of sai qari-ir quai-i-ir sec- theuce nortbwesterly 3.49 fi-it on a bnmis bes.tion, contalning 1.2 acres." "Unknown curved line 10 the rigt-(i-oui-ave Mci. tAmes sud trs. Fri-d Wrighît wili ownei- or Owi-srs of or pi-isous Inter- norteasti-rly) having a radius o! eotertiaî the Ladies' Aid Society an ested lunlte foliowlng desi-ribi-d 716.8 fi-et te a point 384 fi-et ai-st of Tlînraday, Jue rd. Everyitody cordi- pi-e. liai-i-i- or tract o! land, to-ait: titi non-hi-ast cou-air of sald quarter aliy ineited te attend. Ailt ihat part o! a sti-ip of land 100 fi-it quarter section, coulaiubng 1.2 acresi-5 Onr) îinuî to! commencement tiie lu adhb liig l inte aonthweal quai-- 'tnknonn owner or ownera o! or usinai pi-iai-ing service ailibe omitti-d ter o! titi-nortiet us-quarter o! sec- tii-isous iuterestlinhi -e ollowiug uipt-Sonjay uuouning. 1ev, Wallace thon 20, townipt43' nortit, range 12 descrlbed hi-ce, pari-el ai- tract o! ivili lîreach hli$ lareaveli sermon ni-Il iatt orf ti- i-rd piiulpal meirdian. lanid, to-ait: Alitai- part o! a strlp i4unîlay eveuing. and ext-nditg rf) fiel on each ide o! land 100 fiet lun'idtli ng lanlte WEST FREMONT. o! a i-enter lune awhi-t la described as sontha-est quai-rr o i-be nortbeaat folows: Bi giîuîîng'al the soulteast quai-i-ir o! section 20, townsip 43 Miss Tillie Tekampe, o! Rockefellern, corner o! sit quarter quarter ai-c- nr-b, range 12 eist of lte tird pnin- su-ut Sunday at home. tion, thi-itri- t-laoug te eastlinue cilual uteidian, sud extendlug 50 fielt Mns. Jacobt Fredori-km, sud daugitter, o! saîd quîrt-ir quarter section 525 ouu iai-b aide of a i-enter hune ahi-Ohi ti sa, ai-ie aotonda i-allers Saherday, fi-et, titinieuortui'es-eily 400 feet ou descrited as toilons: Beiglnlng at Miss Mavite tiiyen, o! Libentyville ' a coi-i--ilelIio-thlie left (ioui-ave titi- ouîheast i-orner o! sald quarter apent Sauriday sud Sunday ai- home. ai-at-rlh I ha îang a rains o! 573.7 quarter section,.tti-ni-e uiaititalonig Belen Tekanrpe la viiting at home .a fi-et, tîteuce liottîriy 475 test on a titi- iast îlot of sald quarter quarter fe dysthi-le. ui%-'d liiuu- it ti- rîght concave section 525lfie, titi-si-enortitaester- fi-a day titis -eek, iasti-i liatuiii- au iadius o! 955.4 fi-it ]y 400 fi-et on a i-nrved lise 10 titi Fi-nkut t Il-'ansd son, Frank, wasI-i- a l tuî1 tin ii' ni-tlinueo!fsaid hifl (concave wesi-eriyl baving a i-a- Libi-rtYville i-allers Sonduy afternoan. quai-t-r iaîittîr s-,itton 1396 feet ai-st dius o! 573.7 Ici-t, ttiitce nori-hi-ily Mri-. aîd irs. Frank Miartin iisited o!fte 1iîui-tluuctiorner o! safld quai-- '475 fi-rt ounaR i-uri-ed lineo10i-be PAUL .'uaeC'FFIN. ORVIS & BEA I'BIE, AttoriieyB. A book or5Veomstiam andI a trial lneatmssl !flDr. utioopa hhîuuuatir Remedy-lit1nid or tnbiete--iu beiug seut frei-e ta sufli-rera by tDr. Shiaop, îo! Racine, Wis. You that are a-iil, gai- i-lis boouîk for Borne diounaged. dishiiarteni-d enflerei! fio a simple aI iof bumanit>.' Point ontthIis way tii qui-k ssii tertain relief!Soi-prise soue uuî ffenen i>. iraI gitting flinme tr-heotîtlet anîd ite- ti-st, He aili ahîprecuate yoiur iî. ALL DEALERS. . Matten's Sale. Theu Johln Wikensueitulaiii lii , acre., g ut ihue .oiun Wii-tershueim au.îd- land o! 20 acresA vilI hi- aî tidaIChiailis Stemitei's stîre lin .. îuu Gire, Ilîinutîs, June l 1h at :)oo1 ).tî ,i' i l,. Thue ')29, ai-r,' farimu s ah-,ut titi-ie miles north of Palatîi-e, i-ar ti.ti - utkC itt itse, sud le umji-iîs c itla-l u ea na-sd liai-n îi f2let). grutuar>., tuol sheid, otut ittînses, roooing Weil. ete. Et,.L. b iARKi-, Materîunf hanici->., Cirui Co rt Lae ut Ill inoi 324 It's worth a great deal to you to read this ad- x'ertisement frorn begin- ning to end, if you are going to paint. You can buy paint at aIl prices-but it's flot ail good paint. It all looks good ini the eau-but there's quite a difference to be seen after it has been oun the building for some tîrne. We're too busy selling Full Value paiut to talk about thes otiier kiud but if you watît top notCh quality anîd pîîrity you cannot afford to use anything but Bradiey&Vroomnan A13SOLUTELY PURE Paint We handie this brand because thousands of tests under the rnost severe conditions have proven it ils the best, longest wearing - most econornical paitît made. Every galion can cuntains a f ull standard U. S. gallon of paint. Its composition is pure Carbonate of Lead, pure Oxide of Zilic, pure Linseed Oil. If you want the best paint for every pur- pose then corne to us and we will sbow you how to save inoney on your paint bill. F. B. LOVELL Libertyville, Ill. meridhan, descriited au follova: Be. ginuing aS a point 164 feet aouth o! the norlbsait corser o! ad quartier quarter section, tnce nontu 164 $eat titmuce veat 43% fte thence sciat-. eaterly on a i-urved lina (concave esil>) havlng a radius o! 687 feat te lte place o! bsglnnlug, contalning .18 o! aa acre," and "Unknoan ovuar on oavners o! or pensons lnhenested ln lbe !olloalng descriited pli-ce, tiancel or tract o! land, to-ait: A si-rip o! land 10 fi-et aide, lte ceoSer Ilnso! ahich ia de. si-ribasi as fohloas: BegInnlng aI a point lal tsevagI line o!the esa bal! o! the nontiteast Quarter o! the nortitasal quarter o! section 25, toan- ship 44 nontit rangs 11 east o! the Snd P. M., 250 feel soutit of the nonthavest canner o! sald estii al! of said quarter quarter section, <hi-ni- aest 700 feait more or hssa paraliel aith and 250 feel sentit o!thbe nantit hue o! sald section 25, t0elite ci-nIer Une of the pi-opased main dit-h." Titat lte aitove nanued petîtioner, the West Skokle Drainuage District, iteretofore llled lis couldemuation ut.- ,ition lu sald court, and titat titi-niup- oui tbe final hearnlug o! Ibis cause as set by i-be judg- o! said court ton the itoun o!f eu ai-hock lunlthe forenoan o! titi Fl-at day o! Jîune, A. D. 1909, aI ite coulr t oluse lunlthe City o! Wuîu- kegaut lu salul Lake Coptity and ltaI iaid mdci- ai-en-O notice 1tehi- giveu o! sncb bei-ng, aIl as by lthe statut. ln soi-b case made andI provlded; no- ticeI-olaaiseo gi-n bai-a summous titeneupon issned out o! said court agalnsl lite aitove named respond- i-uts and defeedunts r6turnatl- aI i te limre aud place aforeaald as la b>. law required sud ltaI sabd suit sud pro- ci-edhig he atihi peuding sud undis- posed of. AL.BERT I. HE\DEE, CIi-ik o!fiti- Couutty Court o! Lake CouutyhIllinois. SVauikegan, Illhnois, Ahi-h] 261h, A. Oý 1909. WLIM LAYCOCK CO. Libertyvilk , III., Opposite st. Paul freigR t Dptj F. BAURSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence bolicited 126 Genesee St Waukegan RUSSELL Lilifber Yard For Figures tit BUILDING MATERIAL My priiles unei'riglît and rhiade-a gaîtî W lji-ter IouitO iy lui uiti-gi-tuy tHgoree. I. . sMlEAD, Prop. Cigans and Laundry Tobacco Office CLARENCE rLAGG TONSO.RIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Ordena Take n for Riions msa ines aud Put in Ondenr Peuoadicais n Guarauteed Coigh Caution cuugb-",Fm 5w- a amle m am-mu mita .lwiama. motasi&sasatba iryliMd brous. ethiab "...Dob8juind Imnpaitpm snups!yine poison. vîao w4uff a l e U.saal we ttunita. mIxturas or xarptions coniulinslnOpum. Chierolorm .or imh1mvsgpeAnd noW-a uttis '&te tbougb-Couea y§ isPSit m . slabel ilP -I ,tisaa l mC. ius,' Oue1.d H a nchRmtrosj~..-~ob sud s abomuld luIuigon IaiiD.iuou C.bhojNo zPoson marlis on Dr. Shfflp's fle It* modicie imauIt mustur ]Av bas00 thp label. And Ire agi cuir sals, but t la mafd lauha hi touathtBkucah bt a :0TI~ nuankahle s mitrmdy' I~~5Les et oopà o".Oompm anscrowiy th@ Dr. euw,~ck= s llh thmls wd nota the Dr. .Shoop'ws Cough Cure . "ALL DEALERS" Without Alcohol A Stroea& Tonic VithoutAlcobOl A Blond Purifier withoutAlcobl A Great Alteratlve Whtbout Alcohol A Doctor'. Medicitle Wthoit AlcobOi Ayer's Sansaparlhla Whout Alcohol Aye's Pilla are liver pilla. They ict d=rctyon the liven, make more bile se *te.Titis la why tluey are an valu- sabue in constipation, biliousnesa,.dys- ciepsie, îlck.headacbe. Ask your docîni- if he knows a benter laxative pihi, -.d. b, utaeJ.l. Aas lCs.. Lomait, M...- Automobiles We carry a full lin. of "final aid" nemeiliegtauatoistm in trouble. Enginea overiuauled. Tire tronbles re5iaired. Au- tomobile stînuries oui baud, Cali on îelephone-a micbiui.t always ready. Repairs '1'tuîe and moud asycul y - îromîîtly repirînng tarun mu- chinery. Wi. are pi-ipareil ta (Io machine work o! ail kinds sud have a. aiuop titi y eqip-qO -ped for thuat purpuse. 31-4 0 it