lu"E tgYIDPmDoN.FIDg .~ 1,10 BIRD FRIENDS Of TIHE !ARMIER Prof. Hankînson Reports Stomnach Contents of Mary With Sonne 1Surprises. It le very dittreuit to tefl1 t a distance what a bird is rating îov e and quail apparently in tihe net ot ating grain, were tound tu have r)lv weed s-erdlu tbeir cro)pr. Thirty-une blackbirdi; that gesesd ru be puiliug corn were Ahut, the etomarbe utf 11) routained nothiug but cutworms, une having 22; the ther twelvebad eaten chiefly beetiem; a little corn was found in but 5 stamarhs. Crowe have aiea bren kilird wben tbey appeared to be destraying Young corn, anid white grube and cutworrm; were fournd in their etoniache. The Quai-The quail eauâ many weed eeedesud naxiuue insecte, and probably do@@ little if any danmage. The U. S. Biological Survey exambred 800 quail etomacha troum 21 tatee and tound 15 percent of the foui1 ta be insecte, ut 116 kinde; 100 ptato heeties were louud lu ons stamaclb. The fanmer may well aek. "la it profitable tu have quail kiled on the farm," even tbougb ttbey be excellent food. The Hawk&--No birdsq have more undeeerved persecution by man than the hawk. Extensive food studiee bave ehown tîjat tbemajority ot the býwks do mucb more gaod than tbey do bar. cbieflyt by killing insec!te. 0f the 163 kînda iu Illinois only tbree, the gosbawk (ocarce). Coup.r's baa k, and the sharp sbiuned hawk are inurions. The ed- tailed, red-ebjoulde-red. miareh hawk, sparruw hawk and others are benefiiat. The eparrow hawk lires almuept entirely upun insecýte. ispeciallgroselioi)lperm, iu summer and ulîn lu iiee in wifter. Th'le Yelluw-Blled ('urku-this lird, seen about the orvhard or w ourtlandeI aud known as the -ramerw'! etro)ye a bost of injuriouse insects, eP81rci.1lY caterpillars, 2,771 ot the latter were taken trum I1,5 stomnachs; 48 tent eater- pillars runi a singlestumacb. Wood peckers-Little damage 1tree" e doune by woodpecke; tbey are usually afiter insecte aud they p rutect botb fareet and fruit trees. oune wods- peeker@ alsu feed upon graseboppers, plant lice. caterpillars. white grube aud ut.her nohione insecte. The fllcker or yellow-bammer rue il long bill into an ant', net and collecte insecte on it. sicky tongue. t l@ tbongbt ants coin- M se hait il food; as maiiy as 5,000 bars n takeni froni one stomach. Thoeu bfrdb do sartie harm u d the Yellow- befls woodpecker or .ap"ucker bas a bad habit of rnaktug ere 01 hole* &round limbe o fruit tue..Iu fruit growiug redg thig opecles may b. poultively ijurious. Thle littie black and white aptted . dawny woodpecker of ten found &bout aur daoryard troue, sepeclly ln wiuter, te imun e .minet bqesilal speclee. It detrose codling aDotb pp tsonelsbark of apiple tresi. T'2h. ?ighrwk-This bird doeno harm, and eeds entirely an insecte wblch it ctches on tbe wlng. Four ugil. bawke had, reepectlvely, 60, 38, 22 sud 19 gra"boppers In their etomacbe. Ai many as 1,000 wnged ati bave been taken tram aons bird and 20000 ute wre found In the tomache of &7 nfgbt- hawks. The King Bird or Be. Martin-Thia unial, aevi member af Vthe lyatcher 1simnly ataêoniwbaVa88 a policeman by keeïsng îwsy îueh large bird as hawks and crowî. t dose littie barm lu catchlug hse wblcb were found ln offil 14 out o 241 stomache examined. The bulk of thir food lestoxious Isects. '2h. Bluely-Tbe bluejay le a tnlsnd of the farmer aithoug i 1 este sane corn and do«, a ligeeaLler miseblet. The food of neary 800 blueaye takren at dileret ime. of the ysarfrom 22 statue .bowed LIa nearly a quai ter ofil; wbe, iumect, oetly barm ni ones. Grau-. happers, caterplLari sd beet"se «mail tais asaly two-thirde of ihs food ek.. in August, Blakbirds-Blaekblrdo appear tuado mucil damage ta tbe conf or a short trasjn the all, but durng the reet of the jear they do mucl god by aing ineecte. * The examînatlon of sreral tbausaad itantaclii by the U. S. Biologi- cal Survey eowed large numbers ot white gubsecutwarme and grasebuoppere. Medwlark-The meaduwlark Le one of the nmait benelcial of ail birds tu the farmer. It te etimated lt saves $1.20 a easiru bv killing grasebuppere atone. The 12 courua parrowe are ail beneticial exept the Englisb sparruw. The ruse breastsd gruebeak is au important enemy ot theColoiadu potato boetie. Tbey have beeu esen tu gorge hemselvee witb potata beetlentif tbey could ecarcely tty. The cardinal grosbeak or commun redbird Je a raluable inset destroyer. The Swalow&--Thre everal epecies af ewallow., iucluding the large purple martin are a.moug Ibe mut vlaî insecr estroyers. The Englieb sparraw drives tbem awa.y aud detroys their Young and eggs and mnay tariners pull duaçn their neste. Tbey eat cery hâfle ftat leou vauc ru the tanner and are eepec.ially adaptcd for vapturing insete in midar. The eatirdr eats mrne small fruit, unlep@ tIare ns enîugî a id ruit. but ih offet4 Iis lry destroying ants, lreeîlee, caterpillars and gramshulpers. The Bruwn Tlirnein r S. AFormeg studieni thne tod p enrbly 12 tirushes (or brurn th aslinr,,s) mitn ,I llinori, and eaye, "Insecte almrnnt t,, about haIt u1t he' tond tur cr, )rîrtihexr.'pt May wben they raise t,, thrre trurtine, and i lu.Iy 'nren tlney' t, une- tourtb.' June brettes, cr rrrriur, nntm and sonne caterpiltars were t,,url. The robin detruy'i a gret nnany insecte aud lu this ay inurlurnterlty paye for the truitit eataexr'ept in reginn wbere a great deal ot fruit ie ranerd. It will est wlld fruit intead i euch eau be fuund. Dr. Forbenl found rubins eatnng ctwarmi exteneivply inu eîringc-lr,t1. T. L. Haukinson.-Lltinrls Fainear' Institute. Springfietd, 111. If von wauLt teefl wlt. look weilland. MA 7FA~C $22,000.00 Worth of Merchandise Bough rmNw York's Greatest Manufatrr at Lèss, Than Coït, tp odtce -No news could be more weleonied than thi s annoîrneement of our third Mfanufacturers' Outlet Sale, for theW~ is not a person within a radius of tWenty miles but *ho eau plaiuly reinenîber its two predecessors; wliat great sensatidns tliey aronsed, what marked entliusiasin was manifest and how the crowds of eager buvers thronged every aisle of this great store. The phenomenal suceesé of the first Manufacturers' Outlet Sale lield just onyeraoisie us to niake it a semi-annual event. Now eAerv thrifty buying nman and womanlooks forward to it. plans on it, waits for it; because it's money saving ad- vantaearw'totimt- nunr of the leading Nçw York manufacturers unite in holding twice a year a great sale for disposing of the season's surplus stocýks. Thev naturallv have to look to the retailers of this great country for an outlet. A few weeks ago we received nîotice that on a certain date these enormious stocks of spring and sunmmer goods would be placed on sale at less than the cost to manufacture. We lost no time, our New York representative w'as immediatelv notified to be on the seene of sale briglit and early and to bny $22,000.00 wortli of the choicest bargains. Hie bougbt andbought riglit, not an article or yard of merciandise but what is actually worth from 1-3 to 1/ more than we paid for it. This rnighty purchase bas been made, the goods are here. we must seîl themi. They are yours for less money than you ever paid hefore. One thing to remember is, thiat it's the highest class of inerchandise obtainable. The produets of the foremnost producerg, and the styles are not "lias beens" but the very netvest and most apl)roved models. This Mighty Sale Commences Tomorrow at -9 a.m. and Continues tili Saturday, May 29 CalicoB 31/2 C 30,000 yards of the best standard inake calico, reds, grevs, black and white and liglit shirting prints. Sale price, per yard 3îk Curtain Ends 15e Sample ends of Not- tingham ceurtains that seil at pair as high as $3.00. A liînited nuin- ber only. While they last, vour choice at each 15C- 1 Sheeting 171/2c Full bleached Aurora sheeting, the kind every woman is acquainted with, 2 -yards wide, worth 25c. Sale price, per yard I171c Toweling 31/c 2),500 yards of a good qunlity bleached toNvel- ing, twiiled, reci border, w'ortl i îearly- again tlîis prîiv'e, tor' this sait', pe, yard '31C Ginghams 91/2c '7,000 yards of Red Seal dress ginglaias. A splendid selection of the new'est spring patterns anîd ((1101ings. Sale priee,,Ipet yard 9+c (Hope!' Muslin 71/,c EA'er'V Aotîiti know-s the v'aluîe<of "hope" miuslin, 5,000<) vards on tîis sale. Fil lleaclied one' yarul idelt, atIlite loAw pire o(f pur 'yard 71c Table Damask 221/c Good qîîalit ' bleaelied table dainask, 58 inchies witle, eheap at 35e. Kplendid patterns, 2000 yadat per yard 'ad,2 2c 'Gingham s61/C 4,500 y'ards gond quaI- lty drees glngbame. stripes sud obheks, lu ail desîrabte caînrîngs. Esly wortb 10. Sale prie per yard 6+c. WAUKEGAN,.............ILLINOIS Bed Sheets 37c 50 dozen extra qualty bed ebeets, elze 72x90 luebes. wlde hem, ease- Iy wortb 69c, ou' thîs great sle, t each only 37c Pfllow Cases9C 35 dozen of superlor grade pllow cases. made o! splendid quaI. ty mualîn, sîze 42x36 Inches. 15e values. Sae price eaeb 9C Apron Gingharns 8,000 yards o! genulue Amaskeag gingbam. Weil known to every womau, tapte blue cbecks, on sale, et per yard. only 5kc Toweling 73/c The weIl kuowu 51ev- enR "P' , uubleacbed crash towelug. more than 6,000 yards. 18 n1ches wide. wortb 12%ce Sale prîce, per 71c Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits at Hgalf Price Buits $500.* Woînen's and M4isses' Suits, bouglit Suits $8.69. Stvlishlv tailored of ail wool strip.- from a leading manufacturer at ½/. their real pnm'adsreewhds value. Nicely tailored of plain and striî d Pa- orednm nd e re, ec.sha6den nama., 36 mcli coats and shortý1er, coats, semi-fitting, trimmied wîth U satin linied, trimnired with ut buttons, satin lined, $15 and $18 .f M for.................................. values for....... ...............w Sensational hrgains in. Mens Fine Suits A mighty purchase of the verv finest products of Men"s and Young Men's Spring Suits. The surplus production of two of Nýew York 's largest elothing manufacturers bouglit at a tremendous price saving. Garmnents that have no equal f or style, quality and fit. An unlimited selection of the choicest spring patterns and colorings, beautifully tailored in models to 'Suit every fancy. Small sizes for young men, to the largest sizes for stout mer. LOT NO. 1 LOT NO.2 LOT NO. 3 LOT NO. 4 LOT NO. 5 LOT NO. 6 Tour choIcesof an Tour cholce of an Tour choIcesof an Tour cholce 'of an Tour cbolce of an Tour coole of an Immense selection of Immense selectlon of Immense selectîon of Immense seleetîon of Immense selectIon of Immense selection of 17 50 and $8650 nuite 11000 and $1250 $1360 aud $16.00 $1650 aud $1800 $2000 sud $2250 $25.00 an) $3000 at suite at suite at sute at cuits t cuits St 4.7168.95 L-16 11@6.0l 4Nfi9.15 Hosiery,'Ribbons, Etc. Womens Hose 35 dlozen pairs of wo- men 's fine black hose, values that î'egularly bring 25c, full fashion Sale price, pair.. 15e Women's Vesta Fine"gauze vests for women, . low neck, tapcd, siceveleso, al sizes, regular 10e val- îleR. Sale price 5c Taffeta 811k Ribbon No. 40, ail pure silk, black, white and col- ors, sale price yard 9e Handkerehiefs 5c Just 350 plain hem- stitchied andi lai'red lawn landkerchiefs, placed on sale at the special prie 5c of ecdi.. Bed Spreads $1.39. 20dozen full sizc bcd sl)r('a(s, fringed, soine have' eut corners, posit- n ce $2.00 v allues, on sale at onîx 1.39 Percales 12c. 36i iîîeh M-Nanehester canil)rie l)e1rales, fine qîîality, liglit anti dark c-olorings, stril)C5 and neat designis. Sale price yardl 12c Ticking 12c. A firm hcavy quality of feather tieking, guaran- teed to hold feathers, staple stripes, splendid value. Sale price, yard 12C Silkolines 81/c. 3,500 yards of fine sul- kolines, 36 juches wide, attractive p)atternîs, 15e and I21,ý,c grades. Sale price, yard 82C Table Damask 55c Ilighly inereerized table damask, 8 beautiful new patterns, extra Aide, splendid 85c value a great bargain for this sale, at yard 55C Napkius $1.19. Good firm qualityt of da- inask, size 22x22 iinclies, splendid l'ange of pat- terns, $1.69 values, dur- ing this sale, per dozen, only 1.19 BUSlin 43/C Bleched and unbleaeh- cd inuslin, over 6,000 yards, firm serviecable qualitv, ý mwonderful bargain for this sale, at per yard 4tc m - j { c,, c,, G> 1~ o 4.) a- t HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE YELLOW CIRCULARS IT TELLS 0F HUND- REDS 0F PRICE SAVINGS. ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS FOR MONTHS TO COME AND BUY DURING THIS MIGHTY SALE. Footwear Neyer So Cheap Women's Ohoes and Men's Shoes andO- Oxfords $1.39 forcis $2.19. Beautiful new spring The very new'est lasts mno d el1s, made of for spring and sum- Vici Kid, with patent nier. In tan and black tip, gun metal, patent leathers, sucli as pat- leather and tan. Lightt cnt and gun metal, extension soles, lace bliueher or plain eut, and blueher, positive lace style. Some witli $2.00 values; ail sizes, perforate tips, ail siz- special price during es, splendid $ tlîis sale, pair ~3 lues, at pair 2.19 Hundreds of *Bargains in the Bargain Basement Cutan trtcer ,j 1îîe Go-Carta, full collapsible, 101 Matches, 200 to the box, f frames, niekle plated adjust- incli whe'el, 3-8 inch tire, body sale price, 12 boxes for. . oc able pin s-center f of highly finislied wood and Comforters, summer weight, brace, sale price... 1. 19 steel, upholstered with Eng- good cotton filling, silikoline Cups and Saucers, w'hite, semi- lisli leather, . 5 overing, large 85LWc porcelain, sale price, 5c has hood.............. . .si ze................. p)er set................... Suit Cases, 24 incli steel frame Napki.ns, white crepe paper Table 011 Cloth, fancy, 15C einforced leather 98 napkins, special sale sale price, per y ard. i-F corners, sale price...........price, 2 dozen for....... 5c Shelf Paper, 5 yard C Tes, Ketties. No. 8 size, heavy Cloths Baskets, large size New lengtli, all colors, at. ....C4 gray granite, sale ýrice.. .39e York willow clothes 694 Boilers, heavy bloek titi eloth- Door Mats, 14x24 melies, Co- baskets, extra strong.. 9 es boilers, copper bot- r% coa door matt, firmly a Womens Hose, black, good tom and rim, a t. .....750 woven, sale price ...39 quality, sale price pair..5-