Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1909, p. 5

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aie.. , 'l' alma, 4e LI(KE COLJNTY INDEiEt iLrtINOI$MAN PLfASCD OFFICiAi. PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY WI4 ALfR I 000 Tlepbone No . Uor' ReSIdenee Teloe N0,111.sL1--11Vsited Ranch Belong nig to Frank l ZEtered aSt t he î 1 iii otc ut eri11 11-as I la%"airHavon. arother of O0. .Maven, and -rrn.ED .i tt .RTS a Former Rescdent of Libertyville. SUBSORIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE Who Mas Been Very Successful with l _____________Fruit Farmn. FRANK H. JUST .......... E. M. KELLEY ....C............. -Editor F. lBenjamn,.of Elgin, and a engineerd 01tthe Mlwaikee Road rt.ently returned l FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909. front Calforniai wheie lie @pent tha wintfr witb is faîuîly anti the Elgind Courier niakes lun1îat the following Ha put ln sert-rai Nteeks th!@ winter ond the ranch owned liv Frank Haven, aé former Elgin grocer. Mr. Benjamin gay@ that the Haven rancit le the fine@t ilu sonthern Calitorzîia. There are forty- 1 eigbt acres atnd tbey produe seventeen4 varieties fruit. nt and grain, aIl of4 wblcb are profitable. There are twelve 4 acre@ o! oranges and thie >ear thea orchard producod a bandsome profit.d Mr. Benjamiln enoyed the pleasure of!d helping to gather the trop o! naval4 oranges just belore ha eft.4 Mr. Haven rnch la located at La- 1 Canada, twelve miles front Loa Augefls.d Mur. H aven pnrchaaed it three years ago mmI~m~*~ R for $22>,000 and this wnter ha refneed I LLINISU au offero! $20,000 for le" than hal! o! t. Mir@. Bavens ealth ha» greatl'yd Not ithut hy ondousstor, IlinisIllnoi, ùprovt-d since Ahie went to California te> to reide. Cao be writ the Nation's glory, Illinois, Ilianois. à W1"en Mr. Benjamin le! t the Haven r--h h.. -t a-lranch troua oue o! O te ecod l he eascluster o! twenty-eeven fine naval1 Ab'am Lincoln's name appears, oranges. Ilnfortnnately, muet o! themn Grant and Loganand Our tears, Illinois, Illinois, tellofù in hie trunk tit the way homte Grant and Logan and Our tears, Illinoi. appoînte iwalie had eon)ntd on exhibit- luit he brný-h ot iElgin r ends. FrtDefeat of the Season. EXPLAIN MR. BEHRENS For snme reason known onIy to himself, William H. Behrens, chairman o!I the committeon educatton of the lower house, ta eftectually blocking logis. b latton te give Illinois reasonablo prîtes on public schol texts by holding upT the Ettelson-Hope bill. The peopleocf the state demand the enactmont of this bill into law. Already it ha, passed tho sonate. No serous opon opposition to it has boon manifestedi n the housof represenftatvesi The only hostility cornes f rom piratîcal book corporations which rob chldren in the publie achools of a quartor of a millton dollars sach year. t Mors than a week ago thta moasure waa the houste tho I committe. of whlch Mr. Behrens happonste be chairman. Membors of thea commttos are anxious te have a hoaring, and report the measuro back t the houa. But Chairman Behrens refuses te, cail a meeting.1 Parents of 1.00,000 echool chîdren in the sauto are anxicus te know why Mr. Behrens favors the book trust. They wonder why hie friends among tho repubilcafi leaders do not apprecate the seroiisnessa of the situation as the I «nd of the session approachos. It wll be casier for them and Mr. Behrens te act ncw thon te explain later.-Chitago Journal. AGAINST BEER IGNB. New Jersey han a new law concernlt>G beer signa. After July 1, it wM' be Illegal for any concern selling beor te display any advertislng sign boaringJ the nameo f a brand of boer, or f a firm manufactuirng beer, upon theo utalde cf any building wherein the beor le used. Whon the bill waa lntrodutod ln the legslature it arouaed a storm of protst. The salconkeepers wore opposed te it. A good many of the tem- Perance people favorsd it, although the antt-salocn forces woro nt unitod ln aupportîng the bill. The brewera engineored the btll throug legilature, howver &aanat the sloonkeOpOtl, and It was they who succeeded in having the measurs paaaed. That mnakes s compllcatsd case which muet bc explaîned. The brewsrs cppoeed the displaying of signa on the outaide of the saloons for the very gocd reassoi tht competition ln such stgne has drlven* them te distraction. The aaIoonOPoi5isted upon having the mcrt conapicuous and the most ex- pensie menlgs. The brewer s Pent thousande o dollars for the signa to keop UaP wth competitors, ýor îf they refused to furfllsh s saloonkeopor wth an attractive slgn ha used a beer that wa@sos adverttsed. Bc that the brewers themeevos askod for à aw forblddi'ig thomn to do what thoy had virtually Ibeen diven te de by competitlOti. Natrelly the antl.ealocn people are enjeying the dincomfiture of the C ÇT CT G RM tsrmlnsd flght wsImdaeysat COWTMCTed Qnestlonlug o jurymeti was re- i S SIJD BY ESTATr peatedîy objected to and oiin f roi he court were necettsary ln sev- Worlced for Ti Company, Waa Injur- eral- instances. The case ii exîiected ed by Contr*ctter' Property. Abe to lie closely co nteoted thro>ighiit Attorneys on Both Gidea and Start- aod Intense lterest hait leen asuîised lng Wth Objections ln Exaynination hîit î of Jurymen, Reoerd Flght la Ex-_________ taurbî-rst tirsedef,-ated lait Suuîla3 by teI rcusrieo îdr tf Chi-aget TIte.boys uiade a ttth inuîtîig rally: but were beaten by toue mn. ithe futal aisre bsiug 2 to 1. Thie feature> o! the garni.wî-re the titehing o!fItoyeo wlîo allowed the isavy weight vasiting tsamt only 4 hite and etruet out 13 men. a oeusattonal tue banded catch lu left field hy Bock and bis beautilul tbrow to the Plate fromt the deep fit-Id wbiecb aaved a mun. rie gond fruits o! the signal practice Loy the Ramblere warr showu in the Sth nning. when the" caugbt 2 men in auceemoon Upin o1] n d base and put them out vîth eaae. Tha viitors mae a tripla play le thea firet lnuing, ome- thiug that happeas perbape once lu 500 wames. Their le! t-fielder robbad Jaka Boyeso! a two-bagger by capturing a bard ins drive. RAMB LE RS R. H. Pil ) A. E, Bt Daîis21, 0 t 3 2 0 i Merlii, ih 0 O i 1 i B-ik. If 0 0 i 1 0 O Bteet il i0 i1 O1 i1 I1 i De.,rlte. 1 1 0t i t> 0 1l I i 7 27 9 i i e-tICNSWICKtS iri-lln If 0 I1 i1 O0 If, O PPt,,eîO ori0 T. Possir Ztib i0 i0 i 3i 0e 0 Oetiuiat c It 1i 10 2 i0 Bardeu, iP 0 i e i i 0 'lotai ... '25 27 16 1i Brtusicis .. .. O 10 1 00 0 00- 2 The "Imblars wlI play as aturtiay af!tarnoon gante wlth tle Buettuer'a, a Chicago t"am and on Bunday siteraucin they aIs> have a gaine with the Thorn- dales. Ro>th are salit to ha rsttling good santi-prafeasIlal teants aud fara are Iooking forward to two good gaines. Help Ua Out, Won't You9 Soma@ntighty flue folk@ are coming to Lîbertyville durlng the firat two weake lu JUly tii attend the SbeîdontU smmer achool on Laka Ecra. Sonte men aud wiomt-n dot not wanc to lve lu tenta. And su wa have to test the hospitait3s of t4îs grod citizen@ o! Lihartyvilleand tlockt-ler 'lon sureîy eiave someroomeo you cati spare for two wees. 'ooeiblv ittîrie tif ivi(, ii oultilikv stitie îîllv nien pected- n Trial o! Case. ACr tî .iu.îwe u TIhis j, to ietir i tat ait lrigiet at', Just let ltekuow right ais ay how uraur Starttig sith a deternillned itlglit On autbiirîed tii refond vilur tiiiney if roîîmerg anîd liiardlrsvto eau entartain. theselcton f jros, ithspcialyFley's fa Hîiey and Tar laîla tirure Your And don t forget thîe 'ite theaceciO u jiuit tlt iîicilleoîigîi r e..uùîlit topse the coirgl, ht-aIem îrîoD.EaEt,î abeatonysfombt \akeatîe longe atnd prei'entm pueutoonia iiil Sheldtîu l.nhermity Preese. and Chicago on e.sch ailde, the caseC o cnmominptiou. l'iiîtaina ni> îiliate. The- James L. 5501er. îpublic administra- giinc la ini a tlliw' Packatge.Fis for, for the estatc- o!fiPaul Clechaiiow B. LiOtNE L. Seed 0Cr. eky galisttheChicgo ic resrv-l:arly Prince umatures lu 85>days, Pride j elr~agaiiottheililagoTIe ielnu(if the Wst maturea in iit-daii4,Stowell'a Iîig Companyti and William Bilîagt is- Stsie- rft lllinoit. Coi tîtot Lake-, s: Everarepn Sweet Corn, Rtd Coh Ensilage atîr and Sairs le occoli ng thse atten-' li the ('icouitCourt o! Lake ('untty. and Sut Nioe are sold loy the HOME I tio o!i îdg' Wigt li eIrîrî cort Faniie-L. SirîiiitilvsAxeIGoranon, Ltittiiiti iît'sxLibertyvilîe, 111. toofJig Vihincrutctt('1.1eIsa ho G ,iiîxoiî Allier t ('lron.34.2 and wi i1robiilY math ii a 1i ccord soin. ita CCIIaiîstrîl. IIorge Goran-____________ aiiîoîg driiî,tg..isu. is .I -CoUtIlil ý on, <ail W . Lilti-î g, i tardIlaii, etc., TIre c8i, >i inid onî e ai damiages aîîd Johni I. Furloi, T> it,i. Ge. Roofing. are asi.eîd >1101 loth h , ICompiîany,-No. 4184. nravel roîoiîîg and repalring. Ail forNY1011 W i I ii)N '",l î s CII( tg ublic Xltirel m hi i h. t ,> ivelt-I hîat ki id., if readi roollng a 1l. d îu te for w l~iîîgby xiiirtuetfair i> rît-i i î i ît i-e eni- rifso tr tirer oldf hIngles Wirk and tfloui tlf ir CII>t inii Iti ii10 is- teled it th bcht-aio ti ii'i ft il 10iateed. Pt E'H B.sKFti. Phona i1, lrolierty il vas til hr>X i i îBalthr -.itd 'ircuilt Courtt rît th(,ît- xliitTerni i.aks Fortet, Ili. 3 are held tiCI 1l i, ti.. t~th, 1011 A 11 1909 t(lertof, th lie- r HI lgiiid, --- - .Il steI-rni Chrance;t- r ti i-l IidCort, of te cse.wil. onTueday th Sthdayof unrlet"lathe. moet çlevsr littîs o! thiZiinCiascar. Aîl, 1o09Tit dathe h daof on, irîrckileireroftfe- strainar ever îuvented. ler ortio5'iîfi(, u Ci.iiï at hentha- e ) 11hathe hfnor oalit (i tîtheloc ;jt oteItires frot Dr. lboe>p, Raile. satetietfor tiitra tig it îtrîtih asEastilefr rn on oftho!surt iltuishe i Ii y fthscoupon plan. The coupon tane tnî tIe-cîîiîî1îiiic trîî th~e il), fron dore> e Court slhîoîit unty, îîDr. Shoo1's Oas book ou Healiht erecting a condenseri, Nxii I i rtle, oork, el ihi- ub'it o enukeaforlcsh Inioband C,4t1!- -nt Ii any lady reqeetlng thant. Ha was worlslng tudel a -cafuil to-atlîeîblî e nduesr aii lbieîid c..îutanttck anytina by saretly servlng arouto theechlghestraud beeta blîldîr. tht (ltr vIholis Health Coffae at meal tinte. arond he ondnso suho- a 1.-s yfrîlowilng lescrlbed land atdrîlth'e-a r Sutor ryu naad w tlmber felI about 35fi tianîd tatalltale'. ituated lu the Cooul o! d-car ie eriukiureaftand 't-s miii lit latinSîTie ut lîlluols, tiniitîltîtire ilm not a grain of ceaI roffee lu br.4 injre hîi.Tlî cirriitlîttî.î:t, Il, Block la, Ilu WaAlurn ihopaë Heilili Coflea. Pure g raina. oued for labIlIty for the loos i ibrîlit i5ags Subdivsieon oftihe soîtl 1001 inmlt. and nilte give Heath CofCa s 1 tiat fel and tIre tînîber coinIiîanýi> . t ci sof tIihe outh west quarte-r o! se-c-f exiiitt. and flavor. No 20 to 800 beld tresponelble for nor oe-îîg tfie lionfiSTownishli 451North,. Range 12 minulter tediesboillng. #-'Made in àa eoetactiuig ilui sas more cal ittîlih Eas il.tht Ie Thîrd Principal Nierîdlai,. iilnute,' Try It front yonr g ro-arand thedeiaaton.Th dmaes skýdýx t fi 'ItIse acres lu the sailltheast lget a lteasaît surlîrise. 1% ilb. package the eclaatîtr Te dmagel a i OrîîIertifsaîd quarter are $10,00- oititi tig fit he-Plat recrrfed l Inte CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Attorness>aOrvs jeand Beaublt'n ohf h tî Of'f.îilce of Laoke ('ulity, II___M._______ llîîîîIl, hotu, 1B, o! Plats on page-ItI 'wsskefA1aîîad iîstun. Lo%%fi iid il:,l QL .iii'Coiiîty.Ilîlinois, 1Adjudication Notice. IcO!ra cf Chcago, relirtseîîi ihe liteti Mai 'lîliA, 131909.i'îi.iit-1 ti-it i1, temstit1Iesniithâ i.theti, phllintIf and Attorniey Whitney, Dady EI.AMttL. CLARIKE, arseis itel aW ad Twliait and Rnnyard cf Waukegrip, witli se%*- 12 4Master fn Cbancery. 1,tiI ofilLake CousiY, et sternsi tererîl end cieff attoneyi retisenttheiiit ii 1e Court House Itn Wsukegaltt oralclicag atomnferepeseit he tîiaittttui>atYmitfini trMondatof Juiy tic compaloy and the contracttIng fi rn C'mmie-rcal tatloneri'-e'eluîe-, 1t11LlnI Ii5,lieu iiid hieare erintsd attd The aee as tarted with the ralIl-letter itiititttbill ieads, carde, itaie- -n' îteit Iitrli5il't th, shine tu salacourt for lagof our ths ftenoo an a e-nients te e luiii e-hen IaIl ln eliler astiîlitioi1l ln o cur tti atenou uds.delarge or lstail liiis> I sloEMMA MILL$, Executrls Wai'gt.Ii.. bMat 1,o. 235l The good ship sails the. bounding main, And breaks a record once again RECORD BROKEN We've mmaslied al ne- cords witli our liue of SHOES because i t's a record breaker. People Who want good shoes corne here to get theni. They corne back, t-oo. Let us please you, too. Schanck Block, Lfibertyville I - - - - - - - -------- - - -- - - - Boause the Ainericau mani 15 pright and no flirt Naughty Elynor filyn catis hlm a grandma ln a shirt Shocking!, We"ç<e ielt the pulse of the public and feel safe in suggesting where to, buy a Wedding Ring Our patrons waiît only the best. So do you. Maybe you didn't know where to, get it. Here's the place. Now's the tirne. Try, just once. A 14UJSS WATCHMAKER and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. -- - - - - - - - - - -- ----------- Poultry Lawa Grass Supplies If You are (ioing to Fertilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEEI) 0F ANY KIND WHITEWASH VOUR BUILD)ING PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your wants LÀertyville Lumber Oompany- Coa's Telephone No. 47 F111 Up Choap Now Yeur Bu IGO-CAR TS 11 We have a large fine ot uip-to-date Go-Cart8, iii fact more than we care to handie. In order tý make room for other stock we wish to dispose of them and at a reduction that is Worth while Prices Range From $1.75 Up Young & Lynch Bros. Liberty ville TIIE FURNITURE SHOP OP, QUAIITÎ We Sel Paint ami Wall Paper Notice of the Sale of Properiy 10 Enforce Agistera Lien. Clvbourne Liverv ToFLN TOADTii W'tosî T MAY s AnI allîdarit having heen lled witlî the am ed taI 'ltrt tiftht- hountyCourtof Lak-Ciounty. BEN F. CLYBOURNE. Prop. Illinoiis, tîrat tie place tif re.,ldriireo!f ietvilII Frank tîtt, i@ukuown f0 the utiider- Lbryil,11 lgn(-d . Nitite iA@rehy 'girsu that the 111oitt raitio ai &Il It cîitiîectioît ilth utitereigneil, J. W. Weilt, bas au agiotere lieu agaînet ons Two-Year-Old Lîglot BaTtotritiiîatid Liettii.isI Stallun and oua Three-Year Old Liellt Buggies and tiarusas *Il New, Riglit Bay Stalliomi for keaping, yardiug, feed- from tise Factory--AIi Up-to- ing and liatoring the saad talliona front Jone lot, 190A, tothe preast tinte; Date Turnouts that maid lit-n a.ounta to thre sum o!f oue lrundrc-d fity dollars 4150.00), that tlhe owuer o! sald groperty la Frank BEN Ri. MILLER. Attsmsy. Oitto, a lîose Place o! resideuce Ia un- Adjudication Notice. ktîrîwn ttî the undersigned, and fnrther PulcNoie. rbyatnbtth .b notice il eIireby givea that 1 shahl senIor Admntiltrtrix aIfiithettate o aane eufîîr'e tîîeatdlIeIn by selllng the eore- Fletcher Clark. decessd, filI attend the Counlt eald prolterty et publie auction t the court 01 Lake Catutie, sià terin theteer to lie hîgletitand eat ldde forcashet ny amden sitii,éCourt flouse tu Waukeeautui, lu d highmitand estbiddr fr cah a mYCôtt suthe tst bMndsy of Juiynexos, litai. tarîi on thi. .Mlwaokee Read lu the wlieun sd ottre &Il paran>. Serna daIm t ors tîf Vernon ou Sat>irday, the î2th saehmisaid asiate aset nittied andrequstsed tu day Of JuUe, A. 1). 1909, et the boum o! peesett the jiaeiW gala Court for adjudication. M T A .CLARX Adtinitusrtrls. tWîî (2) 0' 1 Loc m i.Waukeffn. M it. 1909 843 J. Wt.Ae LLeS, Prairie Viaw, . __11L_____ liateil May 20, 1900. 1- Farm Insurance et Ceai. A pain p1reriptiitu ln printsij tîon tSrI.i2.wlitbox 9! Dr. shootoit pink alun Tallts. tek your doctors or drugKlate If thie formîîula la Dottcomplete- Vinl liane, wtuialy pales, pain auywhara 'eIgatralef front a Pink Pain AIi.. OALIERS. E. Ballard, agent for the Roctford Fermerea Datrlet Mutual Tornado 'u aurance Contpany. AIe> agent for the Mlîbumu Nltual Fire lusurance Cont- patiy. 324 I eady te> grind for yon any tInta, LIBERTY vILLE LumnER Ce. 33-2 I Morses for Sale. Mtountait Meadow Stock Parti>, une sud une-bai! tuiles tli o!fXt.aiconda, llliîtois, ha.> coustatly vou d îîî ni for sale, at lwest market pride, astock o ! aIl cl asses of liortes, suitable for the rosd sud ail farro work, exk'ress atit draft, u.eful sud servical; fronm iu tt &sepounds. Prices $So.oo tu $200-00. No plugs. Cote to M-.intaiu Mleadose snd see thicbonites work uti the' farni. AIU acclintsted sud avoid risk o! sickncsîr AIl gnaranieed on *livery as re;rescnted. COL. f. J. BERRY Moline and ýspning Tooth. Levei Wagons ai Buggies and Att t >4D'I THE 1Il In making clothes we aim to please. A satis- f ied customer means a- steady customer. Others seil clotiies, the tailor makes them. Let us help you select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Libertyville , ,**#*s****s*#e*s*e I LÂKESID E LGIN CREAIERY BRAND BiJ UilR Lakeside Butter is miade of pure creaxu, frorn se- lected dainies in the Elgin district. Purity and weight guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLEIT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYnVILLE, ILL. Olioer Plows- r and Disc Harrows Lnd Trucks Milk Wagons ýEST(W 'HEIRKl"t i E GER 0 -* -J il %9-e a 0-2»--e8ý a7. e.-e .9-0

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