Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1909, p. 6

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im . , - , 1ý o T A1~" (n fITP'rT Pflh~7TfI WfTTiY.MAY 989'[MOI EDITORIAL INSPECTORS SAMPLE BUTTER AND CHEESE. State butter and cheese iapectors aw"opedi down on Waukegan mer. chants Thursdayand before the local dispensers had ime to realize what Wols up had taken aamples of every bit of butter, butterifle and cheese in ha varloLia stores which they vated. They dd fot visit ail of the stores but their trail waa rur, acroast noverai place. by a SUN reporter and admissIons wsre made tht they had been there. The Inapeclora took samples of butter and cheeaeight on the spot and Smade teste then and thera, or cime took aamples, glving one to the grocer and1 talcing one wth them, the. restlte of chemîical testa to be announced Iter. There are severe penalties deflned by the state for the. sale of butterine marked butter and for the sale of adulterated lard&, flot marked with con- stituenta and inspectors were vigilant for violations. The reaults of lhe visit, are fot known but lt la flot belleved that anyi violators were fourniin thia city as local merchanta are careful to conform te pure food law provisionis. Citizens are now urging a viit from statle ary Inspectors on the alleg- ations tat momne of the local mnilk la flot up to the standard for amount of fat thst t shoulcl contaîn. Pure food inspeclora for apices and other such materials visited here somne months igo and several complaints were the result. AUTOS AND BOOZE. We suppose it could be demonstrated by a senis. of striclly scientiflc teste that aîcohol, particularly when taken in excessive quantities, tenda powerfully to impair the vitual qulities; îfter so many ounces, a tree looka lîke the shidow of a pasing cloud, a perpendieular stone wall appears ta be a horiz- ontal macadam rond, a rock pile takes on the semblailce of a flower-bed, and a loaded fourhorse truck gives the illusion of a flock of sparrows. It mlght be shown, aIso, that stimulants clog and confuse the brain'a ,controf over members of the body. Under their influence thse mental impulse ýis converted into action with exceeding tardiness and inaccuracy; wvisilng te remove hi& gloves and put themn in hi, pocket, a min presently takea off hi* hat and titi on t. It can b. proved, tee, that alcohol greatly weikans the facultY Of Judg- ment. No prudent person, for example, would trust a man who had indulged frealy In il wth a buiidle of matches in a powder facory. We sheuld lik te tee a acienllfl demensîration and exposition of these thîngs, with accurale diagramf, percentaget and a* on. It might thon be qute univesally recognized Ihat il la v"r injudicieus te ridle In an automobile havlng the poer and speed of a mogll englune, v,4n opsrated by a drunken man. Almost dally thse mertuarY columh Of the. newsrpapera relogeaà strong presumption te that effect; and on unsclentiflc grosnde it mlght b urged tisa there are quieher ways of commlttiu'g suicide. --4aturdiy Evenlng Post. WHAT 'STRIKE-R" *IEANS IN ARMY LIFE. Fer, ln Lake ceunty outalde the sldiers at Fort Sheridàn understand just what a "trîkOr" la In lit application te army lufe. Tise arnsy latrker" sl an enisted man picked up by an officer te do menai duty etishe officers resîdence. He may ho s cook, h. may be a chambermald, ho-nsay ho a nurse girl to take cure of the officer's chldrcn. Me may be a stable boy, he may ho a bootblack, ha may ho ulghly honered wiis the posti of valet. He hua te do what ho office.' tellseiim te do. And If ho do"s not do kt te thc liklng oft ho superier mortel who is set ovor hlm ho may fin4 hlmself in the. guardisouso. This Ia what a "striker" le and dom, and wll ho and de no mor. It la sald tuat mnny of the "etnikers"' njoy "striklng."' They are ex- eupted from certain miltary dulics, and ma.', perchance, receivo a littIe extraa emolumcntu In tis way of tîps. But for ail thîs their service ia nt volunitary.f Thsy muetI do what thhy are told te do whthcr tise. llkc il or not. Man.' a youth wha hua. nlisted te do tise honorable werk o a sld6r found hîmesîf warlng en aprees ln tise ktchen, or gîvefi permanent onipleymient as men- servant, psrformilng ennobli"g duties about tise person of a mIlItar.' dandy.t Look ntat I nsus favorable à lgisI as you may thîs whole business aanacke very mucis of awvry. Gen. Wood hua corne te tise conclusion tint such worlc should ho ne part of thse dut.' ef an Amerîcais sedler. H4e huan gven forth an *xplcit eider tisat Il must stop, sud stop lmmedintely. Evaslen or dela.' lu carrying eut thse or- de.'r wll not ho ceuntenancd. Lt due isonor be givon ta Gen. Wood. Thre i sa uuci of thse suprior mortsl &bout tise average sittu. offcer.. lHils abit of c.nsmandift moen la net always good for hlm. Sut wlsen ha se lkngisd te coommanid mon te do'dstatteftll work. wortc whlch tisa.' <md nt Intonded oof dong wisen tise> joined tis. army., ha ha* gene beyod 'the bounds of decauscy. it la a wendsr that Uic lmpropriety of drsftlng soldîcre to serve sa.mentaI servant neyeir before appcsled te a commanding afficar. It la net godjor men, distlnctly not good for the olllcr whe are thus enabled to, issys Il thier ditasteul work done wthout expenditure of cash or energy. Habita ef sothfulinetsannd arrogance muet he fosterod by sucis an iniquitous system. And hosides it is wnong in principle, undomocratic., Zholly vicioui. QUf!R !ATLJfS . akrlth otber he ln a hor ie. AT WOdtTl!k LAKIEAà,hor,,arked Bunday,hoe"Ilkes cown," and front a imali itart naw bas Net Batisfied Wth Corl-lust s reàpe«labe bord oftcalves wblch he Growth of Clivlllzation Bleihartlant et'iâdlly Increases. Wbie ho "dose Aspire to Helghts lu s Sîngle O&Y sarnest thînker aud bi vlewi are ex. and Live Liv. Thot MîgisI Bs Ex- presed slmply and well and lu a cou- pected af the Whlly Gcod But vluclng mauner. IIirdly of Me Humans. l4ere's Natural Mechanlc. Bd, the meèace, hIo lowor, a tiser- Out at Wootter Lake ,ln Lakec Oun' msgh workman sud shows talent lu bIs ty, ehore Jacob Bilihart founded 8 undertalcinga. His turnituro ls artis- colony acordlng to hle own pectllar- Uc eami nvel and a suotar tbat ho phlloaophy la belng playCd àa uttle rosilhult 'himself atracted the attention lufe drama, and Ils substance l tht ofau a electdleli man. Like David aud of dreame. the others bils remarks are plthy aud Net content wlth tise corallke ta the Point. growt'h of civlîzation, whlch huea o ogte F ie taken years to mrar ssuf above the saFrtenOdL. sea of Ignorance and superatltlousthe Iu Gene, ane findi an luterestlng disciples of *Sîhhart are auprins to man wbo in probably the moSIst er- tise hlgisaln a sîngle day, s span of oua of the meuiberi of tise family. De- Tfli, by muae what they conslder vated ta ht, lOweri' and ts garden- an Idoeal comnmunty lfe. letg ho spenda moat of bis lime lu Thuilk ai a communlty wherc svery their cars. He also tends ta tihe haoses member hua forgotten or purpecoly on the fartu. At anc lime ho held a Ignore* the name hie father gave hlm, reaponsible business position. with a hl* surnom&. large Company' but ho uow dectarea Thlnk ofa i tile coîony or graffp that ho muet tblok isard ta rometcher of pecple %shre lie womnen work 118name andthe lIdesa o going back equslly s hard as ths men. jta his aldIlliha a sort of horrar to «rhi1, « . -.r. .. - hlm. choose oeics own work, doe t, and ho at peace. Thînk of a place where tiers la nw Sunday, ne marriage, ne churci, no, leader, ne ruler, ne precedent, ne cus- tom, nothing but that -law of laws,. tacitîy understood which compoe right treatmalt En expectatîon of the Sarme. This, In s squt thilI, la the Spirit Fruit colony, and below la s gllmpse oi tic dramatia persona ln one of the most pecullar and ahsorbing dramas ever playcd ln actuallty. Eight persons, acting wthoat orders aud et performiug &aIl laîkenoese- sary for thefr sustenance. bouides do- Iug mauy alliera ou a larger oraie, nover confittfng and nover ablrklug, la prbîps thse condition tisat wouid Scionîtil lithe IMakîng. Ralpis. the farmer, util spokon ta wosld lmpresane as a farmer atone but wisen eugagi-d in conversation la s imrprise sud a pimensat one. RHola s zealous isotaniat and lh sosnewbat of a goologlît. filis specimens are man.y aud for everytiing ho bai ho ta able ta tell nanies sud givo deirrlp- lIons. The couîntry araand the Spiit Fruit tarer la weill lmwn ta hlm sud the swampi andi woods are ta hlm th hornes of diflercut ipeclea of flow- ers and birdi. Ie the twa woicn who mîke their chie(i occupations the housework sudf the cartng for the mill, anc finds truc, naturel wameu,filPed wltb bornely In-. stinstansd very luteresing lu con-. veraatlon. LOUIS J. YEOMAN ~THE PIANO.-MAN~ appeal ta a visitor ah the Spirt Fruit "Abals" a Real Attractioni. farm at Waater Lake as belng the "Abois " tea oea af the attracUions straugo'st feature about the cuit fousxd- ai the f arnh.T4orougbly a girl she cd by Jacob Belhart. That two or can enterlain a viator îrom morning more do flot desire Wo do the urne unili niglit. She la oalve and in ber thlng, eaving otber tiigi gide as a expresions aometImýg startbes one. resaIt, seesua aimait a wonder until Bbc 4is nover atteusded gchool but anc uuderstands somewhat the mcm- she l8 well educated for ber age. Ne bers of the cuit snd the bellefa thoy oriiers are ever given ta ber but the follow. more expressimof a a wlsh la tie sig- Choose Own Work. ual for Instant action on ber part. Members af the famlly chooso their Alil Are Naturel own a ork, choose It, fram -what they Alicemembers ai thse colony are can best do sud t rom wbat they have people -tiat wtU be remembered an d a natura.l bot for. Thon they fliow theonaie thlng about tbom that proh- Uhc work ln an effort ta achieve re ably appeals the mont tW a viaitor in sute that wlll benelit the colony aua he pr fec~ t araI,,es. Noexus si( rh LET THE OEADLY WEAPONS SE TAKEN AWAV PROM EVERV dc PERSON 0F WAUKEGAN AND NORTH CHICAGO, CITIZEN AND ALIÈN Mena.' nelfe was spent and oe other was endangerCd sIn;ply r because ignorant, dangereus and boody minded allent wer permitted t carry knivez and guns. a Frank snd .Idseph Boyic. Besnîans, and of a race that fights te kilt if it 0 figist aial, mt Nicholas Mousis and Paul Malinowski on Ninîh trtet near c .,ncoIn avcntu& A qu.rrcl ensued, and jusl as acon as thes four grapplsd In rage, tise Boa- c rien* drew knlves. Mossis aitîlmortally weunded. Mainowskil B.d hadl.'h lnjured. Then h. twa osnians fied, and as they Bced a meb grew et hoir heols, n As the mob grew the fugitives lyrne.d in thoir tracks, Ievelled thhor revolvers, and belehed bullets inie the ranka et their would-be captore.'i 18 IT RiGHT THAT SUCH MEN SHOULD BE PERMITTEC TO CARRY WEAPONS 0F AMY KIND? THE LAWS 0F THE STATE 0F ILLINOIS, 0F WHICH WAUKEGANh AND NORTH CHICAGO ARE CITIES, STATE THAT Il' l8 A CRIME TO CARRY CONCEALEO WEAPONS. And till wespens are carried, concealed, and in Just such instances as these used wth desprate affect. 16 IT NOT TIME THAT A HALT WERE CALLED? LET THE POLICE 0F WAUKEGAN AND NORTH CHICAGO 00O THROUGI4 THE CITY AND DIVEST EVERV MAN 0F 1418 ARMS. I LET THEN PAV PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO 'tHE UNNATURALIZEDt ALENS. THE SUN WARRANTS THAT THEY WILL FINO SUFFICIENT DEAOLY WEAPONS TO STOCK AN ARSENAL. And, whbn Ihîs la clone, and the sale cf arma te Ignorant and evlliy mlnded men la prevcnted under penlatY f confiscation of stocks cf iivlvers and knves, lucre wili be lest crime. LIT US LIARN BV HEART THE LESSON THAT WAS BOUGHT 80 DEARLY SUW'IAY BY THE OEATH OF ONE AND THE INJURY OF1 ANOTI4ER.1 THE CARRYING 0F ARMS IS BY LAW CONFINED TO THE POLICE AND ANV OTHER MAN WHO CARRIES THEM, CONCEALE-D ANC WITH. OUJT OBVIOUS NECESSITY, 18 A COWARD BY NATURE AND MAY BE- COME A MURDERER IF THE RIGHT CHANCE 18 OFFERED. And above ai, LIT US TAKE THE DEAOLY WEAPONS AWAY FROM MEN OF 0T14ER COUNTRIÉES WHO COME HERE IGNORANT 0F7 OUR LAWS A^» CUSTOMS AND STRIVE TO IMPLANT ON THIS SOIL 0F LIBERTYY 1E SL.OOOTMIRSTY FEUDS AND CONSTANT PETTY WAR. FAR£ AND ASSASINATION 0F THEIR OWN COUNTRI IS. IiIie il, ohm sdistrict h». ne rean ion lie icien mrderen of Europe and Il » pslr!hid gentr i. ll net make Iaws te keep hlm out LIT US AT LgSAST rAxi AWAV 111 ARMil AND MAKE HlM WALK OUR STREMT whale, beneflt tise oIson niembens ho. ides thesuselvos. AIl work donc at th farsu le for Ibis resait. Wbeu sks arise wheré more than anc la needed, as many as are reqquired tomn n Cc hlep and tise main farming la aone in thîs way. At tise colony Suuday, when a SUN el-jortEýr vlclted. there were elgist peo- ple. These elgist rare for tise farsu, and rare for it well. Hans dca bs is owfl iarticular work and iselPa tise >Uicns. Those at tise colon.' naw arc: Bais.'" 'lrgluia Moore; doos ali'the corresponibeuce and la Uic business head of tise famlly. "David;" lakes rare ai tise cawa, mulisan sd does farsu work. "d"is a practîcal merisanir. lu- stalled all plumblng lu tise bome, bas made munis furnîture aud worko con- îtantly ai bis mechanical work sud helpa thse athers. "Gýene ;' lutise gardouer ai tise fare- ily sud alsa Cakes rare ai Uic borses. "ýRaîps;' la Uic main farmer; moit of bis work la wtth lise cropi. Que womau; does tise bouse work sud la head ofthtie kitchen. wber se la iseîîed by tise other womeu. Que wamau; la mIlle mald and helîts tise olisers lu bouse wark. "Aiala," Evelyn Gladys. n1ne yearit aid, tends W tise rhlckens, helpi the, womrnu.asd tisaraughly eujays herseif In play. ' An Interestlng Group. More luterestlug persans than are gatisereil lagether at tise farsu wouîd he bard to Sund. Fram "Bob" down te "Aisala," ail bave characteristlrs hat attract sud appeal. "Bois." hereelf, la an earnest yaung womau but Io mark- ed, as are ail the otiiens. wlth a quiet iumor tisat eijoys lokes .on others sud on au's solf. Bshe spenda moat af ber ime ln thse offce eItishe homo, aCtending Wo the carrespandence sud he business details tisat muet tnoces. arily arise ln sach a place. "David" Io Impulsive aisd soes at every jbho takLes 'tip lu a rush that foer anyitbnabout ise fhrm aecev offered te a visiter. There are no exruses toe)xeaffcred sud thvisiter wouîd somejaw ho dlsappolnted If one sisould lutrude. Thisor wayî are as . they, theuiscives, Ilke Ibesu boit and lu Chat cee detaill Uey are attractive. Anv oeewho Visita them la expected te art in Iîarrny wlth thesu but notis- ing la ee r lnpesed upon a visiter and tise absolute freedom frasu restralul exakes tise visîtor feel at homo before ho bras been at tise Spirit Fruit farm long enaugi ta realiy beorie ar- qualuted withis Is farnliy. Jeke at Table. ACtishe dlrxner table Uic discussion le always Ouled wlth lan and tise Jokes that are repealcd ou tise membera af the family aud on tise visitora preseut, If any are knawu, keepa good humer lu constant attendance. "Bob" Bits aC tise iead of tise table, wlth Davild aI tise foot sud thc others rauged ou ecrisaide. ItlaIs bre that any prois- lents Chat ma.' arise are uîuaiiy lhreîhed ont wltth everY momber ai tise famiy expected ta Cakte part. No cîashlug ever reaits and lu sorne way. ail Choir awn. thxe problem Id settled lu a mauner sat64factôry tealal. Resîdent ai Waukegsn. ltjrs. C. W. Harvey, one ai the aid- est residents ai Waukegin, dled at Tiiesday at her homle et 196 Llhorty street, ftlhwacaaeed hy oaid Me and heart disease. Bic was 73 yesrs oîd lait Deessxer. Mer liuaband aud fltvo rhiidren survive ber. Mrs. Har. 'iey was marnlcd lwlce, iser first bus- baud dylug durlng thc Clvii war. From thse firsl union tirco eilidren survive, il rs. C. F. Tordes oi Graylake, sund H. 0. and A. H. Tisompsau ai ChIcago, and frosu the second union two sur- vive, tirs, W. R. White af Waukegau and o'. C. Harvey ai New _Yark. Puait If yen can't puai. let as pull. if yen liane au-pwlnting YOU rani bbing Mlet 1U8 know SMd We wll came aft i. Lake County Title & Trust Co. Abstract. of Titi. Titiei (Uuarautftd &lasonlo Temple Bldg. Waukqtan, 111. Loris .. OuNEm, Secy. Joseph ttrba sud wf et ai to P 'E ZaJlcek. Lots 4 sud 5, Pesata Bob on Bluff Lake. W 13,1$. P E Zajlcek ta Jno Travulceit and Chas Chochel. Lots 4 and 5, Pesate Aub on Bluff Lake. W D $1. roth. Loti .12. 18 Wa 30, Bik 3. Win- tisrop Harbor. Deed $200. Mlargaret Turner ta M B Bitb. Lots 5 and 10, Blk 21, Lake Bluff. W D $1500. Joseph Baruott and wf ta J J Bains. West 55 fit Lot 6, Blk 49,. Mllèra Suis, Lake FaretI W D $». J J Boire t Chritina H. Barnett. West 55 fit Lit 6. Blk 49, liiler'a SB, Lake Fo'rest. W D $5.. Delllah Corser ta John Brosius. 18 acres iu N E %~ Sec 3 Warren Twp. W D $12642. B M Staffordl sud wf ta M J Hauber. Lots 19 and »0, Couaty Clerka SBh Village of Autiocb. W D $350. J P Hall aud wf te H T Crawford and wife. 51 t E ast frant on Coun. ty St, N of and! adJolning 81k 2, Croc- kett's Suis. Waakegaa. W D1$ 1. Hl J Stanton an&s wf ta Louis Kra- arn, and John Steker. Lot 1. Stan- toe's Buis, Fox Lake. W D $250. G T Luce and wlfe tW Harriet C Grddiey. Lot laMIsVlage af Liberty- nUls, W D $1000.00. J B Brewer la A J Brn'wr. 77 acres bi Sec 18, Warren'l'wp. Q C $1.00. J B Brewor tu W C Brewer. 110 atm slu Sec 18, Warren Twp and le Secs 13 and 24, Aveu Twp. Q C $2.00. Mary A Towner ta Destrice P Smth Lot 22, block M2. Laite Bluff, W D $900. Estate of W F steele (mnur) ta W 8 Miller. Lot 27, Green Bay Add. Lakc Forest. Deb $gSS.0. Mary C Newell et ai, la H F Me- Cormie).. 30.79 acres lu P W Y Bec 3, Deorflid Twv. W D $2.00. James Sbreve ta Henrietta Biler. Lot 10, block 4, Highland Park. Q C *6.00. tate Bank ai Lakte Forcît ta Chria- tian Hansen. Lot 61, Greenï Bay Ad'i ta Lake Forest. B W D $725,00. Highlanid Park Bldg. Ca ta Cathoi< Bîshop af Chicago. Lots 22 sud 23, block 11, Highland Park. Q C D $1.00 Chai White ta W H Mcyora. Loti 39, 40 sud 41, block 18, sud Iota 34 ta 44, block 19, Washbun Park. QC $1.00. 1tH Myers and wife Wa F W Eld. rdge. Loti 39, 40 sud 41, block il sud lots 37, 38, 41 and 42, blockt 19 Washbaru Park. Q C $2100.00. t Ameila fibreve ta Heurletta Seller Fred 9 Erskîne sud wlfe ta r N Johnson. Lot. 7, block 11, Ladd & George's Mil. Waukegan. W D> $500. C L Neson te A H Thuels & L D Eastman. Lot 46, Neýsccs Add ta ER& nuls WYoade. W D $3700.00. T Il Durisu d wlfe toRobert Dar- rMW. W 22 fi lot 16, and E 18 fI lot 17, Burusteln & Durits Sub lu block 2. Tîffanys Ird Add, Wauikegan. W jD 12300.00. TiIESE MAY WED. A. J. Strauss, Zion City, 36, Gices E. Ingrewson, 22. E. J. Wllfllu, Long Grave, 25; Neda L. Meyer, 21. H. A. Eggerts, Glimer. 24; TifflIe M. Thies. 22. L. E. Swaln. Lake Forest, 31; FI- della A. Lsster, IudfAMPalls. il.. 36. George W. Tulett, 51; Mary A. Lewis, 50. Frank Markkiîla, 21; Wilbeluslna Aho, 19. Louis Hausmnan, Uberlynile. 34; Helen Bilîmak, 22. Harry A. Holman. Maraetlles, Ill., ýIÉ Model 31, Price $1,400. We wont ta give you 'the naines and addresse of Émrb1er owners who« have driven their cars fron 15,000 ta 50,000 miles- and can tell yau how little it coSts ta run a Rambler. We want tc> show you why any man or man cSn drive a Rambe-why the Rambler* unit power plant incrcasel power, reduces wear, and makes it the easiest car ta care fa!. We want ta show you tie tiltlng body on Mode' S 31, and ta demonst3ate what it measta 'have evey warking part of your car easily accessiNe May we? f RANK H. JUSI AGECNT POU LAkt COUMbTY Gambetta Prince STALLION SEASON. 1909 Gasmbetta Prince in a seal lirown stallion, 15 handm -i inches higli and weigliis 1150 pouns. Sired by Gamaleon, son of Gain. b et ta Wllke@, lhe by George Wilkes. Dam by Ilambletonian Prince, son of Menelané, lic by Rysotykes Hambletonian. Gambetta Prince inaa hors. with a good diapo- sition, fine conformation sud perfect trotting ac- tion. A show horseýfit Wo show in any company, "Gambetta Prince" as hie took firat prcmium for bect trotting salon and also the sweepstakes for Kt.allion any age et the Lake County Fair asat fail and two of his colts took prembime, and as a two-year.old lie won the two-year-old Rtake race at the Lake County Fair, as a tbre.year-old hoe trotted in «2. 1 " snd as a fi'.e-year-old ho trotted a mile in 2:12. lfe las been in the utud only a short lime and lma few colts, but tbey ail show good action, fine conformation andl good six. and color. Those that have been bandled show- great speed for -their âge. If you thiuk of breeding corne and aee the horse and cee nomne of hi@ calts move before breeding. Ile will make the esson of 1909 at the Libortyvillo Mile Track. Teirts $25.00 tW maure. J. W. Swanbrough, Libertyvilke, MI. den. Sfor ti there Asap patis liere, a net wlItb low t a bru tapis ter%: BU.l TO Ala secur. flonee the n garre spot- balloi bruali camp. Tes .Almir back she <d. sand or pla Mfra'i bave: steve oisd p The. pocke ita tel à hav, oseds be dE Fou', "It Almir ..l s Centni aud tC fully. Thse fauit, plant 'pInce Tise mois stpot. thlnk lsoulg place cd ta corne den. Alu "I ne of pli Chere, .11m ab outi mono "Tbi got j decor AI n She or se. sire very wheci and send don't she a "Til word Idly-t codoi Ali The Comfort of Auonohmg Think of riding fifty mniles ta ,makea Your far-away friends practicafly becone your next door neoghbors-and ycu can give thern the pleasur of fr-equen rides-with the aid of a Rambler. You can sped your vacation in a RaNiber and corne back to wSrk again vith renewed health and a kee=e zest for business M.' M.* Zkowskl, Chicago, 48; Koaê 9.Kelwltes, 24;' Lizzie Kechakech, 23 A. H. Wlgeil, legai age, Waukegau; Eupiiemla Davis, legal ige., W. J. Barbou, ZMon CttY,. 26;' Mary ,Harson, 30. Harry Thorsen, Chiîcago, 45; Mar- guerite Wlld, 23. H. EXaîdall, Mlwaukee, 26; M"ix Ahi, 19. Jesse R. Bue]], ZMon CltY, 20; Alile Calaban, 19. If 7onr stoasc, beart or kîdnosa ais watry at lesat, a lew dose, OBIT a1 Dr. 8boo's BesW!ratîve. Ilu BvB or ton dayffocly, the rsult wlll surprise Yom. A low eent willlcaver tise osI. And bers is why help eores sgo qulcUJy. Dr. sboop dont drug lb. stouçàcb, nov stiiuulate thse hoart or kidnev. Dr. bopsIetrative«ces. dlrsctly 10 the wel.Ohudfl.llg nervea. Eaeh rb bas ,lts awu coutrolllog 0r,,. bs th.,. nerveas ltbc depeodlng argas muaI a eccesity taller. Thîs plaIn, yet vital trutîx, clsarly telle wh, Dr. ShooVe Restoratîve ias o unlrersallysuecssiu. le Pucess le leadiug drugglsts every- wbere ta givé l unlversal pretoreestA, test wlll surely tell, Bold by. AU. DEALER&. 1 '.

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