Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1909, p. 9

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AKE COJNTY INDEPENDEN-T, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO. 29. PART TWO LIBlEWVTYVJLLIE, ILL, FIDAJIY, MAYt 28,1<iý FOUR PAGES lPEIR YFAU IN ADVAN('E. I~t Wtt MESSUS TELL OF MURDER DRAMATIC SCENES Ai INQIJEST WIIEN PO.' LICE PRODUCE NEW WITNESSES IN StNSATIONAL BAIC MURDER CASE Coroners Jury Returns Verdict Thal Prisoners Now in Charge of Police Are Srdlcated as Guilty Men and Recommenda That They b. Held to the Grand Jury Charged Wth Mur- der Without Bail. (From Wednssday's Ht.) Thiar Steve Bale, or Boyle am his tai-lias leain ttsd. lethe murderer Wi atnas MSazevicze, the Lthuanian kniiivn as Nlek Mossis, killed a week agîi Sttnday ait Nlnth and L.inrolnt tr,e'i, was thetetatimony that waz giti'i at the loquent last nlght hy John, Minalaga. the main wtniesa pro (liiied NMinalaga tateit that ha hari seoir the ight andt wae positive that Steve Bal(- watt the man that tabbed liothli,~llinowmki and %Iazevieze. Hia ti'ntiniotiv and chat of other witnretseit vsiuld alsti show that another mati via ltiflIliatedf, as han been printeil Ili tire-SU'N snd l t eU at libeety. Hearing Continued. A tt hi' coneluinorft ha lnqutent, Salt i aie viantaken from thte ity mli tii Sheriff Grimfn'e office ini the court iiiîii,î'andl St cvi- Baie, ti llmpjiig froi tii," offert of the ahot In is leg, viansiroiîglttrover front the curttv il foir a Ilearing if-Tira Police %lagiln- rate Taylor. Attorneay W. F. W'eiss apîteareit for tire dafatidantsi and movad for a <-oit. tillntitce 4tilIoh couhd have a talk with thé Irlsoeti sd vî-îlddo a lit- tle lttvesitlgnting The iuntion was ai- lowed and the haaring waa continueil tîntîl Thiîrndsy ightlit aI7 :30t harp al the pnolie station Bth mien are hi-Id tin twoi hargas mufi-r and anstatîlt wit li tent in kîlI, Verdict Baye Murder. TlwIi iliest wan hi-Id la,,tnight n it(- Larinuansdt <onrad moriigue. Il resiLtd li a v ardIet tif deatith y tuiila avotiidn niitiiiy Steve sait Saîi Baie.ý the veardict rai ommandeit théy liefheld t tit' granîd jury on tlour der eiargpmn witnienn calied. île villII hi tîont loi- piortantith trhattlioîf the t wo pli- oneen aijîflshin tory agalitît Steve Baie lai art trong Its effiet 8enion certain Mînalaga Saw Murder. .linalaga tateit that on the Sîînday evening the murdar occurred ha had beeU a viniing forth of Nirtth treat aînd had leIt for hie homea a littie hi- fora7:30. Walklng down Nlnth tt-att he Rtated that he naw neyeraI nmen on t ortner and daerîhait them asoihav- itig Sllinewsinklandit azevieze among tham. lie taled that they teppai tot orie idae Lait, h il, panis and that ha cranai-i the fitreat. There ha maet a Young f'ellaw who aît, "Watt aîîd nea what hajîpens, Tells of Murder. lie 'tîrned around and had aiarted to walk hack toward tha grouti agaîn when ha naw two fitantuir froio acrobs thte treat. Ona, whom ha daclareai was Steve Baie, vhoutad, -What ara yoîî golng to do hart, fght? l'il show yoîî how toi flght." Wlth thie, Mina- aga itachared ha pungait Into, the St-ou with hîn kolfe In hie hand andt that ha tahhad fitst Mllnoweki and then Nlazevieze. Thnn they turned and rati. Minalaga aattit that Bale tirtî'd 10 une the knlfe at once wth- ouI any parhey or any fitit fight to ha- gi with. Ha declarait that Samn Bale wa'i wth Steve and hait run acrtes the street wlth hlm but dld flot tell of hi,, part. In the flght, If any. ldentlfied Baie. flii, dentification wae made hy eny- Ing that the man in tht County mali. the woîîîîded mane, hadl usait the knlfe. Hiastaory wan told trongly. Another Star Wtnesa. Almont equally Important with hie, wan thetetaimony of Gaspartas Zukan, athot\gh ha tatait that ha hait not seon tht actual stabIg. Zukas la a yottng Lithuanin. Hae tatait that ho haisoen In Pete Wember's saoon wlth Mazevcze and Mellnowskl andi that a couatrytuan of the two Bo&- nidana Under arreat wne with thom. When -they vaiket UP te atreet ho ttatad that Miazeviezearanî the Bon, iane wtt-e talklng tagether lit a Ian- d vgt ite dld not understand. D Implicates Another Man. Attklng what the conversatîion wau, abouttlhe sait .lazviza tldIthini the tiosnian wanted hlm 10o go t,, his houtîse ahile lh allan refuKnig tii(do no Wh'etn the icornar was raachî'd. Zukas mntatt' Itlle tafk -èOntlnued littu lnallv the Bonnian took oaae<f %Iazevi(7,e-'g arnus and Pullid Oaa way whiie ha, Zitistanot the other and rulait the other way. Than the two men ran frottanrosthte treet,lhe tatad. Did Not Seo Weapons. Whe't thet wo ran aîî, Zukas statait that lha,.wae ehovai totaont sida, jagant the fente aso hit lie h stayed thare while the fight took plane Ha naidldiha aw no kntta or rotua ut aaw \IelltOwskl hleeding snd saw lNlazevie-ze faîl ta tha ground, Thi' evidence that vvaa preslentad art the' laquent la a distinct ( redit to the piolice' who have unearîheit the ait- nasses; and liraîareit their ide of the cave. Tht murder wan the mont tang. l'-d Crimtie hpolice havaehidttacolle aIthý The testimony oSrerait last night wasni) a spart of that lu th e itOsesnion of the tates aide and 0s itumtiir of wtnaees were titrer put oti the s tand andt did fOt attend the iliîîulet Nllinowekl dld trot attend. The futl linft of witnesan o tae stand lIsai night wtre. John lHerrick, tbld of ictpture' of the two Itlis denlibieii prinonaîn. D) ilînvin tastlieit to renuIts of aiitotpsyi DirKalowsky tî ttifled to 10 bcail- i-il to 'iiena of niidai, ut inding %nzi-v icLz deait atd of later attenid îngN'il îlnowîaski, viltittir, Gourla> Muci(hai-I Raqouski. Interpîréter. ToIt of vihat ha foîtnd alter eomlng to the scelleeliter thtfilght wanover. Gantpartas Zuka8. a 11h the injuîred man ait deail oan. Told uf the ight. Sirttoti Kachtite a îhinist at wirî' nuIt. hslit ibougenaai cornet of N luth and Lincolnt where mîtîder occutrait Vins li, the houtla, lia tanitified. lîtard the tîtîlanad ranl down tb chas,' te tutu ana>. Flght wan over and the tan titin acre ruînig Testiflbndlie chanat theni far enotglite net Samu Hale's face whon ha lookait babinâ hlm andt Identie aiu lm. leattmoU~ when hi' toit of bis lpart wab eomady of loquant . 4 n Johîtnlnalaga, star wtness of Iný qîtent, told of the ight. Asitant Chief of Police Thomas Tyrrel. btld of hrlnging tIie prison- ara frornutht North (Chicago jalil Iothe Waukagan jail and dinphayod the koife t and goun takan from Steve Baie. Knlfe, waa; long ladait hunting kîif- aîîd waa stilI covarad Wlth blond. The Verdict in the Case. Tht verdict returnait hy the coco. tara îjury waa ta thte efact that lg- nae Naczawlcz, more famillarlyc known as Nick BAlei, camne 10 hiH death of wounds InflIctait hy sharp Instruments In tht e bralla0f Steve Baic and Sam Bale, whomn tht jury recanintndeit to ha haIt Without haill, in other words practicaliy ehargingc theni bath wth mander. D.nsity 3f City>"opu.tion. Âlthough ter e a acertain ares of &bout thraa sud a hait acres on Man- hattan Iland where the delty ofk population hlaet the t aaOf G6S0Wpto the square mile, yet the cîty of Parl@ shows a fer greter average dsuitya ,of population titan New York,ý the fig- s urrts for Parla betng 70.300 a square Mnile andi for Ne-w York ety preyer *0000 a square mile. Tht avemsen dmast7 of Lmone'a population la 87,-c 000 a square ile sud that of »U OTMO0.-Pderation Review. A Cheerful $eUl. Oreditos, (deWurlnediy-I aha«Ilta at roar houa every week nutIi rS jUy tiisaceount amir. Doe (b he blandeet of teuee-Thon, eair, t*pe mre .eY proSsbllty of cora> -Lan= aWpitisa11Lsgle i QUALIT SBe Sure and Enqu Our Dress Bar. Big assor and blue1 ma-sy har values far Y " Hein's Seil It For Less ïMW S^rYLE ~ aire Albout riains tment cf %white, pink eLingerie Dresses in orme styles, aIl-$5 Dr Friday and Sat'day Friim^y & Satur4.y Greatest Price Rediuctions in Spring Suits, Spring Cogts, ChiIdrons Coîts, Waists, Sairts, Ntlii- ery, Dresses. Sommer Garmenis alto go for these Two Days at AsteaIhlni Redoctions. GOdmaroaauige andfgo Gihe, Kvind Meer Peut Offleu Immitatjon Linen Jumper Suits, neat, nobby garments ............2 9 Clearance Sale on Suits Chace of a fine sélection of Ladies' Sprlnlg Suit&s-Sults made ta seil at much higher prices -fine materlî, wOrkmansilip hiGh class, satin linings. this spécial lot will go Friday and for Spe'.ial Clearance as vse must make roorri for Summ"r go,ds. We are takîng drastîc meuaures ta flet rîd of aur entire stock of Sprinig Suit* quickty. Yau wili flnd here Suite ail $25 values sacrifle d vring 'ihis Oceoratian Day Sale at the bargaln prkce Wo.,.ul'a sud Mimses' lFmlay TaiWoad WOseen's sud Misa a.tlasme SZ0 Suite 1t................ .... . ..... O Superb ShowinLy of -New Thirî'. for Summer Wear Ladies, Note thes3e Items LADIES' LINEN AUTOMOBILE COATS, havoyeu seen thsse new germnent&? Fine aelectioa, la mont popular stylas, $s values, Frldey sud Saturdey go apectilet 2,098 The new lot of Ponges Popilî Coats ihet we pet sn sais tomorrow la aurea b prove a truite atlmaltor. Thons garsuenta ars aoanethlmg s.tirely uew lua àfun iength coat for spring aud summer wear. Oser Sale price fer Frlday and Saturday snly 4e98 Pleasurable Surprise will be Experienced by ALL who enquire regarding thîs Waîst affee. Hand embroîdereit lînen Waists--real band embrodery-made n many beautîful designa. cuffs andt collars laundered, aisa fine lingerie, Lace, Net and China Sîlk Walsts. M any of these garmenta warth $3 and $350, your chaîce while tbey last, Friday and Saturday at 198 Great Shipment of Dressing .Sacques n fine lawns, many surprlslngly handsomne patterns toi select from, regular prices range fromn 75c ta $1.006 Chaice of this magnificent lot Friday and Saturday, et 50C I Juat Jum$ a spq Trimmed ilats Hailf Price Hein'. Hats, so mach talked about, muet go on iepeciai Sale now for quiet clearance. Many wau'derful bargaîns wîll be offered in this départ- tnent-anîi,iesities you have the satisfaction of know- imi that whatever Mat you may putchase It la high class aand strîctly up ta date in every respect. Ladies' and Misses, Hat* 98c, 1.50, 1.75 2.o48922.98 Children's Hat& 50c, 75c, 98c Those mmch taiked &bout White Musile Undersklrts, tii. kirta that created such a furore amont beral asekera Saturday-Sklrts wlth a s u . in. Mog~rd *gala Frldsy and Ssturday ln sur Aue sud eCuced trecelved, s speciai ahipment of 5h t-taist and Made store st te mtonishingly low pre..Ldis hotu iper Suita. Many handsoms styles ta select from, ecial bargain affer for Fr day and Saturday onîy u at is ulnNgtGws 1.79 1.98 2.48 -speclal....... ......................... 29C wortb about double i 0chiîldren's Shot l 7QNouse Dresses ln fine percales, *c 23C. 35C. SC,98 1 9 -8 me~~~~nat patterns ....................... Remombor,,No inaftsr wkat the Prico you Pay, If you *et it at Hsin's it's Good Choos One of these Ceats and Save Money 1,- # Ladies' Fine Coats, reduced ta $5,98 $M7.98L and,$10 Exceptionaliy fine lot of full lengtb tan Covert Conte, aisa samne handsamm fhlsusie trimmed with Jet buttons large assrtmeM, hpecial Tremendous Decoration Day Sale on Children's Dresse Children's School Dresses .&ny plasing designs, $2 values, for this sale 9C AIl $3.00 Children's Dres- ses, new lot in many styl. ah modela, big selection at 1,098t Ladies e ChiIdrem's -'uniet i Uhe People's a Ladies' Fne Dresses la Nue. V.iilng. etc. 88 vallues for Frlday and Saturdoy, specil 5025 inle Silk Drsaje, worth Sis, for tie sais 7@25 1

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