Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 6

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Tif NKNOWN IIESI Sy ANDREW C. EWING. ttlo,7TIghl. 1». by AmerSean ProeaAsO- Clation.1 It was lu thae riy deys Lu Caifarnisa when Froent 'thie Pathfiider," h. came a hero from croBsslg those menu- tains wblch now mar be traversed lu a parler car. But the route trom Mexico was open, and numbars of Mexin,98. luluding tiss. newly amlgrated ~o Spain, were movlng nortbvrard and building homes lu what was dastluad toet aome the Golden State. One of tiha Spanlards, Don Emilo Estillo, built hmouEa flue bouse lu gata Blarbana. It was deslgned after a Btoman villa, wtb a court and a fonuu- tain lu the center. elilfornia nt that period partook of the olden time. Though a new coun- try, It was inhabitad hy feflued people of Spaulsh blood. AitIhe same time it Wsaelfested iy bandits, sucb as have exisird lu Spaiu for cenuries. The leader of one of ihese gangs was Manuel Coro, a veritabie Robin Hoad. Lîke Robin, wbo ln supposed ta have bemo a nobleman, Corello was a gentlemen, and, though he robbed thse ricb. ha gave largely te thse plior, Wben Don Estillo's bouse was fin- ishad ha opened l wlth a grand au- tertalument, at which ail tIse distil- guisbed familles for miles arouud Were prasent. It was a brilliant scene. Iu thse patio, or court. witlxln a circle of tropical plants, was a baud of per formera, wbo sang sud played while tise guests, heaied by the dance, were seeklng the cool air. Spanish social costums for thse almusement of tha guess have beau sdoPted by thse bie bloodâ ef California. Don Estllo'sý gueule wera provldad with eggsbells ifUied witb silver or gold tInsel or par- t.mery. whlcb ware broken over the I«ods of ladies whom thse men wished ta famor. Âmog the men was ouaWhso et- -ractaduniversal attention. Ha wes jouug, vry handsomeanmd drassed la thse picturesqua Spalsh costume.,Thé -gusta aaked oua anothar who ha wees, but no oua saemad ta know. Oua of tisam asked tIhasbot but Don Estillo ald tisat ha did net know the stran- gr a"d supposaitha muet bava came witb oma of tisa guees.Naouanesug- gesteit Ct ha hait nt coma lum ac- coraDies wth the custome reguiting Invitations, for ho was evidently a poUised gentleman. Since theatranger knaw nuoneouah was obiged.tetafinit pertuers lu th*. nmernaprtit. Ha wosvery adroit.and tisa girls, lnstaad of ra- outIf 1*introductionsi, wera glai t taru- ceive is attentions vithout tharn. Donina lnes, dangiter of tise ast.wau thse mant favored and afler oue at tise lances want ot wlth tisa handiama stranger itotahie patio. where tbay teck mals on a banch hblnd a gga. tic poinm. mare tlsey ramainel no long that tise hostu, requirlng ber daugh- tes pronance for nmrna epecial enter- tainment of hr guast, sought bar and lad ber away. Tisa dancing had ceausanteut strates of munic tise gueste marchait lu te supper. Thay dii flot stand about «attg tisa viande as ta tiseans mach oane vas seateit. Just as they bail ail takaen tiseir seats a party af belatait guaste from Las .Angeles ar- rivet, mmong tisesls Juitga Antonio Bas- tamanie, mhey came min the suppar ron. and tise Judge was assIgnaa sst opposte tu tiha youag stranger winbbil athtreta Po mach attention adt visat!sodecurait for i supper compétition Donna lues Estlio. Na sooner dld the juitga look straight ba- fore hlm than bhien asbacama rvetait on "tlna inez's cavaliar. Il was avi- dent tisat Bestemenia vas movet by smre powerful emotion. Rising. ha calet ta thea bot eateit ai the head oi the table and sald. "WiII you bonor ma wtb au intro- duction ta my vis-a-vis?" Dan Estillo, Lot knowing the ua's name, lookait confuse&t Thse mianger roseaneutsald: "*LadIes ansitgenV~emen, fer ha il from me ta compromise so charmlng a hast as Don Matillo. Hle 'net responsîble for my prasance bare, for 1 came on my own Invitation. Ha connutIintroduce me, for ha duosa flt knaw my nome. 1 amn Manuel Coreli." As ha utieredtheiclast Word ha h- gan te bank toward the door. Tisa mo- ment ha spoka bis nome many a ftac vhlteandu evary mn prasant rosa ta hie fet. But al vera excitaetnoua of tIsem armait, and thera vas no leait- et. Crello, sasImperturbable as If ha verO dancing a minnet, drew a pistai and tionat il ta haosaaed. Nt Meafnabmiedstanding. "I sitpardon Of tise ladies," haos"d, "for displayiug a&-Wampon in tbetr company, bt hIle unavaidabla. Thera le $10.000 on MI hoaund I'm aura yen wll axcuse tha osslY maous 1bava of keeping it.1 BY tIs lime eha ba ckei tethei dace. As hoalsipped out Donna lues, wflis bet cheaks andt flasaig eyez, tlrav sameliing et hlm tIat truck tis eilsft. raboundlng, rttiat où tise Sor. One of tise guasts plckei t I BD amsthaim It dot. Il was an lum. maume diamonit set Ln a efrela or gohi. SOM Of athse mon ruchait Out anaer tise bandit. but thse» uptairs Iers lise daller cf h~,s8s ibots audknew tisat hbail.dgens trou. Than aach Vaut esagan ta fumisie for his or ber VsIuabies, but no one misset any- - NE.4,,.1909 Good Nws frtheJUl e Soie We've a host of good thîngs to offer at this June Sale; more items and greater price savings than you have ever dreamed of. The immense volume of business during the past Manufacturers' Outiet Sale accumulated a large assortment of remnants, short ends and broken lots. Our desire to make a quick disposai of these, accounts for the splendid offers at this June Sale. Fact of the matter, is,. the Globe offers greater bargains right now th-an at any previous time. Don't hesitate to, buy one of these Splendid Suits at $7.75, They'll go in a hurry; there'llbit no parley w'hen once you site these suits, because you will recogniie themn at once ý as being $ 12.50 anid $15.00 values; coats are 36 in- ches long, satin lined, made of striped and plain serge in the newest coiorings, and black. 0- 75t While they last they will go at............... ........ o7 Oh! What a Great Waist Offer, 69c It is indt'ed a great waist bargain, for who would think of bîîying themi for lesst tan $1.00. They - are nicely tailored of a good qutlity white lad s ~~ Linon, front, hack and sîceves tuicked 69 sale prc .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 9 - ~' ~ ~'~WHITE DBESS SKIRTS. Made full of a good qîîality -white linon and lawn, somne trimmed at bettoin i tvî straps, regular $1.00 f v-~ a I ies, Pale prie ........... 69C AUTO ('OATSý,. A very stnnning garinf-at inade of an excellenît quality Linon in the natural color, ilîih tura over colla,trminditli 19 buttons and pateli pockets, sale price. .. 99 HOSE SUPPORTERS Chîlfirens extra slrong and durable bose supporters, blRan eut alcolora, ail sizes, per pair 7c INDIA LINON A fine andt abeer quallly of India Lin- on, a grade ibat ai- ways liritigs8c, sale isice par yard 5c BED SPREADS Extra large ize cro- chet hait spreads, frlnged or hemmeit edue. Marseillies pst tarns. $300 values, sale prîce These Suits are going to create a lively stîr tomorrow. Just 20 of theue beautiful three plece suits; so we wil only seli one to a customer. They are the kind that have been selIing ail -se ason for $20.00 and $25.00; lumper or fuI waist effects, 'coats satin iined, tailored of ail wool Panama cloth in ail the desirable coloris.0 While they last they wilI go $ 1 at ............................ -- Messaline SÛRk Dresses - Extremely <-larniiig gowns, îIe-utifulîluredof an excellent qualily îî' slivî silk, iîî l'ose, grN'4ii and navy, alsi) foulard l ilk, Ilriti(".m front, Eîîîpirt- ba-k, lianl%4oîsseIy lriîîîîîied1. One wvoîîlî expe-{t to Isîi tlîeii for nmo less tîsan e20.00. Kale p)rive.......................... $10 LINCRIZIE l)RESî4Es. We have ua vei'v attr'active s('Ie(-tiojn of fineý Lisîgrie dresses huit %we are plaiîuiîg Son Sale at the lom- priee of $2!). (onin uql Lwhite ani culors niu-ely triiîsnied . .......,9 ('HILIIBENS DRESSES. Ages 6fta 4 vrsad offine white lam us ands organuly, Sou9e mligîîtly soiîc-d, values lu, $5.00, ai .....1'9 HOSIERV Womena andt cblld- rena extra flue buse. ribbel or plain, va- lues that usualsY brlng lic, sale 1rlce pair 1lOc An Immense Lot Men's Suits The heavy selling during the Manufacturers' Outiet Sale left many broken lots of Men's Suits; particularly in thc higber priced lines. We have combined these lots into one vast assortment, and priced themn at this low figure. The values include Suits that sold at $20.00 and $22.50, ail sizes, are re- presented in the lot and the seiec- tion of styles,, patterns an-d colorings is of a most extensive rànge. Corne and save more mon- ey on a suit than you ever did 75:_ before. BOYS SUITS $2.95. Nobby double breasted suits for boys froîsi 3 to 17 years, finely tailored of faacy cheviots, ceassilieres and plain blue sel-s, regular prit-e e5.00, very 29 specüial nt ..............2 9 BOYS WASH 'SUITS 49c. Ages4 3 to 6 years ' îuade of clîaîbray in blîje, pink and tan. Buster Brow'n, Enton and Bussia Blouse ....49c styles, sale price................. G LO VES Kas ser silk gloves. ln ail tIse sassons ueaest colors, also black, 2 clasp). sery special values at pair 45c CORSETS Fine batiste corsets, lu tIsa newest Styles1 aud extra weii made, bave supporters at- tached. ail sîzes, sale price 37c EMBROIDERY Flue lfamiburg em- broldery. raîîglsg lu wdth f rom 3 ta 5 luches, velues to) 15ç sale price yard 8c TALC POWOER Large ran ut talcum î,owder. extra grade, boreued, deli-aiely pei unîed, sale prîce cau 8c ilere is Millinery Economy Iç,itiiii ofi t 11'i ieio t îraciî-llsorît, foit 'wh lis iîît aIiiitlS liisave on tlîeîr liendîwar if possible. W'e bouglit frein Gage Bros., oîf ChIicago, a large assort- nienît of thîe Iiost larming cî'eations; liats tlîat as a mIle retail at $3.00, they aire lîaud îîmaue shapes, fine f l quîalit.v silk braid, triîumed - 1 ,vitlî foliage, inuline and or-lu-1 UNTIIIMMEI) SHAPES 49c. A ver *'v lîîw price for such sty1ish ani I ,j cla8s; sîapes, they are extra fiat qîî ih- stlwi alcolos, nn iaesld as iiglî ils $2.00, yo ellice49c for.. ........... The Best Baby Go-Carts Mliglit as B-cil bny the best if you are goîng to purchame a baby go-cart, for they cost no more than others ask for the interior and less convenient kind. Our showing is by far the largest and înost complete in Waukegan. «Our carts arm serviceable, comfortable and of handsome construction, ranging in price up to $25-00. At $4.69 w'e offer a most extraordînary bargain in a fuIl collapsible cart, 10 inch wlieel, 3-8 L inch rubber tire, beautifully ____ ail foi IHi f0 W( pmi Pl( foi ru ro! cas mi ic foi ru ce. anl iho foi roi ce~ w, mn tho ls mai ha Ai mo ee th tr km co Women's $2 Shàoes, $10-37 Thle îîewest styles in slîoes and oxfords, îmade of exçcellenît qualities patent, vici kid, gum* inetal and tan leatherm, lace and bluehier, ail sîzes, v alues that always bring $2.00. Sale price, pair ...........................13 ('IJLIBEN SOES#1.8.Sizsf2 to5, made of goo<l qîalitY kid leather, m-ith or w ithout wedge lîeel, valules to $1.00. Sale Prime, pair ............................ 48c Undermuslin Bargalns WOMEN'S PETTICOATS. Short or long, Èounce trimnrnd with an embroidery rIlffle,75c value»C PETTICOATS $1.39. Fine catabrir, beaîitifully trimîîned witlî cmbroidery and lace, $200 values......................... 131 ('HILDLIEN'S SKIRTS. Fine î'anibrie laean iîbroidery trimaîed, sale price . 1 DRAW'EIS. Cilrnsand nîlses' îraw ers,2 lace anîd emîbroidery trinîîîied . ......... -C

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