Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 3

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L& COU1YIND~I~JENDENT, PRIDÂY, JUNE 11, 1909 rheOnStveWlt a CABMNE TOP> The New Perfection Wick Blue Marne 011 Cook-Stoye differs from ail other oil stoves.-It has a CABINET TOP. Tis! means you can keep dishes and utensils wthin easy reach while cooking, and can ihep food hot atir remving itfrom the blaze. Frontnins woriderfui burners tw its raks for holding toweis the NEW PFURMFON Ik DneFlNu 01 cook-slove la wthosst oqual. Its principle ofc omnsated hast mianit tt the. work can b doue. quckly and without the. kitchon heing heated to an unbesrable degree. Can bc igbsed insandy and tumned "high," 'iow", or 1 Top. At your d«eir', or wrire oui neatrest agency. M e d u " i Jl. l h ize s . W it o r n es o t a in e t r . lap rfec- e . cile tu gast.Gives a tchAr *bdghlitîglis tdut reschoos tihe fartbqst corner of a good-uizecl illgroon. Wsll mati throughout of nlckeled brai; l antisu very ormentaL. I noi with your * uewrite Oui fl5&5t 5g511cy. *Iandaed OU Comtpany MILLBURNI Li8teni for the wedding bliusin the rieur future. A iiuch ueeded rein arrvd the fiNrt in EVERY SATUIDÂY NiEUT Mis Maude Clevelandl and Leon ftrauig Mond.y baviug ba.d a week'ti vacation SATURDÀY EVENIN4I, JINE 12 wtti the home folike. j rred trotter, of Chicago, a ibne h MNuaic by M ason banquet lait Wednesday. IIAPKE'S FUJLL ORCHESTRA John Aus1tinl, O! WaUkegan2, came Ont __________________________ta the Mdaonsentertainment. but iustead EVERY ODY IVITED toiik the girls for a ride. EVE YBO Y NVIED i nvitation@5 are out for the wedding o! To corne sud have a good Mise Lucy Trotter and Clarence Bonuer. time. Ice creabn andl cake Messe. Bain and Martin traneacteil servedl at the Drug Store. businees lu Chcago the peut week. Baggage clîecked fre.e of Mr@. W. G. Thom wasa Chicago visitor charge. TICKETS 50c Monday. Mi. a-.d IMis. J. M. Strang bave let AMANN EROS, Props. Caiforna and are at the Seattle, W'asb- ROUND LAKE,.11l.. i ngton Expousion and wll soon be bomne. Mr. and 51rs. C. E. Dennian and Mr. OUR~ PRICE LIST !and Mre. Ou; M.,uire were Zion CIty MOJL per quart 6c. p- t 3 .' îeltors laet Smuday. Creiffl c t 2. Mr. and Mre. Clarence Chope will sourn 20a ler 1r-return ta Monteas. Btem. j"pt ar........ ... 16, >cgrave@ o! a brother Woodmau at the Cottage Chee. pe quart .........Mlîuru eemetery l&et Suuday. AU. GOODS DEUVERED James Jamieson had is bouse paf nted Gooda obtainahle at faeÀory et ail times. the pat wsek by palotera lromn Rusell. Special orders forIceCreami fillel Mr@. Cutler and daughter, Mai, o! THE d n4BLbKOur notice. ZIo C'n Cty, vfeted a few days witb Mrs. 111E G(iASAKE R*VEAMER. E. Deuman . Tel Grvulk< 6. rsylak. ~ Mr@.B.. E. Jamison ga&ve a linenl 11%, AI! THE NE%%' SHIA J'Ev S , IIÀSHDE Xiii be picased to have al îuy 01d Ftst.,mers cal1 and wiiI be giad to weicome uew on em. Miss ElizabetbLEtwis At Kuehker & lioem's Girayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fresh Bread every day, Homae Made CakesIPies sud Other Pastrv. 1 soches aud Meas served at ail houri. cA N D Y IGA RI E. A. LOFTU5, Prop. Tlpbes. *s <IRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS vie Have a Fine Uine of Stationery and Souveir Pot Carda DRUG STORE UINES. We havi a fullusnoo! D. EResses stock !ooît anti ather remetiies just receiveti. Nunu in the time to useiset povtier. Park Davs & C.. ans o! the largeol cliemical lbouge@onLI. S. putesup ual nly thîe best but the strongeet andi cheapet insect pîîvder ou the market. You vilI aIs finti white Helleboro af great use in kilîng varis on yanr plants anti husiies. Nixaf Paluta are stili a leader vith us. (for porc.In nul floor paints havi no Dr. Scîmîger, thîe optician vilI h be rs Monduy, dnne l4th. If ycîur oye. are traubling yoo dont fil ta ses hlm. If yoo havi any laundry lt us know about it. We vif I gather il up every Wetineday anti retunu layou Saturday. Burlinglon agency. GR.AMMLE PIIARMACY FLORENCE J. ORUCE, Prop. ahbower in. h«oor fîMies Lucy Trotter, Tbursday evening. rGAGESLA Fred Chsid wus a Chicago visitor Sunday. E. S. Faulkner and daugbter, of Donphan, Misiuri, (and Mns Henry Faulkuer, of Warren, visited C. C. Âmes lait Friday. Mr. Date epet a couple of days in Chicago the lait îof the week. Dr. Wattersîîn, of Waukeran, was a calier at the AMe" home Thursday. Miss Miller, of Liertyvilfe, epent Sun- day with Miss Grace Coker. J. B. Keller iii entrtaining hils brother from Rockfîîrd. Rememnber Chiltreni@ Day ueit Sun- day mornlng. A good mrograu is being prepareti. About fil ty were lu attendance at the Ladie' Aid Society lait Tburmday. A mont enjoyable a!ternoon was epent. The next meeting will be at the borne o! Mis. Allen ou Tburodas, Joue 17. Friends o! the Outhet aîîily wir.e saddensd ta hiear o! the death of Dr. John C. Outhot. FREMONT Frank Wagner vas a Long tiroue caller Sunday. Mr. anti Mm. Fred Wagner spet Sun- day vitb Nick 0105er and lafmily t Prairie Visw.r Mr@. E. V. Orviesà spent a feu' tinys lait veek witb ber parents, Mr. andi Mns. Aart. Jake Dethorue anti son Bernard were Chicago callere Sunday.f Cora Titus retumedt t Waukegan ai- ter a fev veeka viit vith frientis anti relatives becs. Et Wagner anti Berthe. Selim cal led on friende t Long Oove Sunday. Mr. and tIrs. George Wicks are the prouti parents o! a baby girl. Frank Hlertel apent Fritiay lu Wauke- gan.1 Auna Frunti o! MEieury le visitlng with ber siter, Mr&. William Amaun. l Pain enyvhere stoppet inlu20 .minutes sure vlth anseo0f Dr. Shoop s Pnk Pain Tableti. The formula ianu the 25 cent box. Ask yaur otiolrordruggLet about Ibis !ormulal Stops vomaniy ains boadache. -pain anywtsre. Wrte D. Stoop, Racine, Wis, for res triai ta prove value.ýLDELR 1ORAYSLAKE DPRMN FJ. DRIICE, Editor Phone No. 11 Orders laken for Jol Work Advsrtiting Rates On Application Mre. Ed Wagner andi Mrs. Ed Druce visiteti frienot aukegan lait Friday. Mr. andi Mrs. John Lawrence, o! Lîhertyville. were gueste o! B. J. La! tus andi !amly lt Suuday. E. Lo!tus traniacted btîieiss at Antiocb, Tnestiay. Eti Wagner andi family were guemtso! Carlyle Drues anti !anîffy Sunday. E. B. Sherman o! Chicago, calleti on friendw here Suuiiy. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Weudelken are vlsting relatives t Chicago. J. Plonien transacted fbifuses lu Chcago Montiay. Mise eta Maseffy, the assitant at tbh blgb sehool returnedt taber borne iu Chicago, Saturtiay. Prof. MeCiellanti and !amlfly let Satur- day morning for Willlamavile where tbey will @pendi a couple o! week's witb relatives. The aunual dune meeting o! tbe Congrgational cburch met at Oayalake lait Tueetiay, lu spite of the bat wesather quite ea lew were iu attendance. The lades' o! ravslake servet a tiluner. Mises Ruth Riley, wbo bai bati charge o! the prbmary departmnent o! the school returusdt t ber home at Matoon, Satur- day. Mi les Louis Emmons, Mrfata Meade anti Lillian Fleming spent 8atur- day evening andi Sunday witb Mis Maris M'bite at Round Lake. 'len o! the Women's Club atteudeil tbe plcoic lait Friday acrose tbe lake and al report a spleudi timtînîsad plenty ta sat. Mirm. J. Bllard let Tuesday for Cali- fîrnîa, vhere abs wai calleti on uccount Ofth tocaikuese o! ber brother. The Sorosio Chajîter nf the Easteru Star'o! Orayalake arî, inn ted fy Wauke- gin Capter toa s six îlokdinuer autd work in the evenicg. Thursday. Joue 24. Thome wbo ind iil connoýnient tii go vili kindly leave word %vitu Il B. G;od!rey. George Druce is (iii..,,f tiie lat, victime a! the mumpi. Arcbdeacon Toi! n ii î,uoduct the ser- vice. at the Epispocîîî Nlîceîîn îext Sun- day evenlng. Everyo.îtîîcdially invited. Mr. and Mr@. George MaNamara, of Russell, visiteti the parente of Mrs Mac- Namars,, Mr. andi M c. Godfrey, the fmir o! the wsek. Mr. anti Mm. Rolland Town uend ns- tuin their home in Clinton, Iowa, alter a three week's vinît with relatives and I ientis hors. A good tins. at Amannis Hall, Satur- day evening, June 12. lDance tickets 50c. Mr. Ronnalwr Sbepard died t the home a! Mms.Ernest, nwlivre he bailbeen stoppfng, Iast week Wenneday. The funral wae helt ai the f'hrbtian cbnrcb, Fort HII, Frliay at 10 a. m. Rev. Stewart of the Graymlake M. E. chnrcb officlatoti. Alter the cîurcîh services tbe funeral was tatou lu charge hy Rising Sun Lodge 115, A. F & A. M. of Grays- laits. Interment atG(ranteemeýtery. George Strang, the untiert.aker, ba@ taken np a new ntutry andi basiinstal. led about thlrty beehives that te bai full o! boesswhlcb takes Ifhe mot o! ie spre tîme téolook alter. The htes indus- try le a lucrative aiîd iriereting one, andi Mr. Strang bas miade it a study anti eau tell you marîy întcresting thinge about tbem. While attentiing the dance at Round Lake Satumday evemiîrg dont forget the Ice r a prlote at the. drug storelces craM, s anti ail soit drinks. mee colti. LOUIS J. YEOMANI THE JEW-ELER Graduating ExorcIses. Tho graduation exerîises wblcb took place at the opera bouse lait Tburstiay eveubng were wlibout exception the bout that have evor occureti bore. The stage wae artistically anti hoautifufly tiecorat- et inl reti anti white. the claim colora. There were seven gradutes: Misses Lu- lu Gilbert, claiehistorien, Auna Ban- son, Auna Mareth, Roberta Harvey, Leonarti Book, Arthur RackchiffIs anti Marquis @baller, lai prophet. With ane exception the claie were aIl present.1 Leonarti Book wai detaineti at home on account o! icknessi, muehtot the regret o! is clasurmates anti many frlsutis. The essayye by the tiferent oues o! tbe ,,clans were ail gooti anti original anti1 ahowed mnch work anti thougtt. Those wbo asistet inlutle.exorcises ont itie a! the dis werste rayelake Orchestra, Lou Book anti ulster Dra, plana duet; Mie Llian Fleming, piano1 solo; Miss Aura Batterabal, vocal solo1 Otto Wald-an, vocal solo. Theue Ar. tisti are aIl Wefl known lu Grays- lake anti viciity anti it in usedffs 10 say tbsy carrieti thelr parts Weil ant were teatly aptlautiet. Remarks hy bSuperintentieut Simpson vers Weil chosenanti tilivemeti wilb feeling. The dipamsai were plesenteti by Director E. E. Moore with appropriaIs remarki. This closeti one o! the most suceful sehool yeara in the istory o! our chool. Author and Amit. Grayalake la prauti to ho the home o! Chai. (o. Lougahaug. lfa mh tau author andl arti-t. This montt Cbarley liai a froutispmece bu the "*Sports Aielti magazine, entitled, Builîeat inig ou thc Kaànkukee" that dos im credil. fie alobam a sketch written au the saule iubfect which is o! interest. Mr. Longabaugh in itili attending achool at the Art Ilutitute o! Cicaga. Graysbake Post Office. Grayslake pot office le ta now ranz as thirti clane office. Postme.ster Shafor reeeivng word ta that effect ail Salur- day.Tams nsures the office o! a salary o! $1400 beides rent anti clerk hire. RUSSELL Chibtrenstinynext Suuday, Juus litth. The Ladies' Aid met witb Mies Brave lait Thuretiay with a gooti atteutience. The Oak dale Cemtery focietY yl umet witb Mns. Frank Neveil, Thursbay alternjoon. dune ltith. Mrs. Ada Williame will help entertain. A cordial invitation is etteudedt i .l interesteil. Tfîe ladies are niakiug arrangements for a grandl celeberation July 3, ai the Fouctli iornes on Suntiay this year. J. R. Carrs anti vifs vire Zion visitais Sunurday. Clara Effinger andtfi ndt of Wuukegau, spent Suntiay t E. P. Sivers. Charefes Deffery, vifs anti baby speut Suntiay ut Corn', anti Murries. A. C. eorris 18 treating bis bouse toaa nov cont of paint. Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Murrîs, o! Kenosha, are a1inting a!fev tays vith their sou E. J. Murnie. Eîeryonewouîd bebonettetiby taking Folsys Orlua Laxative for constipation, stamach ant i lver trouble, aiel eveeteus the stomacb andi lerat, gently stImu- lates th iveanti regilate the bovels anti is much ouperlor ta pUlla anti ortinary malive.. FRÂ%E B. LoYELL. LONG LAKE Miss Eva Carfield isl viiting relatives ou the est aid, o! the lakes this wesk. Mr@. Mûs Hool vas quite sick the firet o! Ibis wsek. Ed Grahami attendeti a shoot at Janesville Wls., lait week. Mises Mary fteton andi sister were Omaysiake caSIm erscently. A large crowd attendeti the hall game at Graham's Sondtay alternoon. Mr. Henry Riter o! Chicago viiteti Johu Clevelandi lait vesk. Guy Haok vas a Waukegau visitai Monday. Mye. Henry Staffer anti cousin weri tradiing at Grayalake limt week. Tbere are several new cottages fîeing built on the nsw mub-division on the saut shore o! tbe laite. Mr@. Gertrude Klenle tiied t ht er home iu Chcago lait week. Mris Kienle apeut soveral summere a: the John Converse home on the eau oie o! tb. lake. Dont forget tbe dance at Amanu's Hall, Round Lake, Saturday evening, June 12. State of Illimnois, Couply a! Lake. es. lu the Circuit Court oPLake County. Mary Horen and Etiward Fforen vs. Mlles Lanicaster, Jua Lancaster, Cath- erine Lancaster, Margaret McGregoc. John [D. NI-Gregor, Elizabeth Mor, John J. Moore, J. B. O'Cannell anti Miles J. Bevlue.lien. No. 3525. Bill for liar- titimn. Public notIee le hereby gicen thut lîy virtue of an arder anti deeres enteret imn the ahoce entitieti cause lu saiti circuit court at the Mareh term, A. D., 1091, thereîîf. the undersigneti will, on Tues- day the sixth day of July, A. tD., 1909,. ut the bîîUr if ans o'elock lu the alter- nio nofo! aîid day at tle est door of the court houelu the clty o! Waukegan, lu saiti county anti itate le the bighest anti boit bititer for cash at public auction the !olloo iîg tiescriboti laund aud reales tate, ta ait. The north-west quarter a! th,, eîîuth- eaiî quarter of! section faurteen (14). Also the norlb.east quartier of the south-eamt iquartier of section !ourtîen (14j, A:eo thi,. aît hl!of the north hall o! the sonith enet quarter o! the south-eaelt qluarter o! section fourtoon (14). A18othe north-weit quartier no! the soîth.n'înt quarter o! section thicteen (l1t). Alsn the mîmrth bal! o! the eootli nest quarter oi ti-e saulh-west quarter (if sait i î,ctiin tbiirleen (13). 1 Alto the wvent bal! of the nortbî hîîl if ithe souili tst quarter o! section fouir- teeli >14 i. Aiea îî parcel o! lanOd dscribeuaus coni- mencing ut ibis soulh sait corner oîf tle north-eust quarter o! the north.n'est quarter of section twonty-!aur (24), towu.ship !ucty-!our (44) north, range eleren (11 )cait o! the third princmpal meridian, thence runnlng uortb îisteen (1)1> roitin thi-uce West te Chicago, Mil- 6wauke-e & St. Paul ratlroati rigbt-of-wu3 ai now Iniateti; theuce south tothe pub- lic higilînulthenceesit te the'place (îu heginuing. excepting however t h e ens une-bal! lhalf acre o! saiti plce or puccel o! landl. AIl o! saiti real estate b.iug atuatet rn townshipi furty-four (44) north, range eleven (11>)cput o! the principal merid lai sln the ionînty o!Lake anti date of! lii nais. ELAm L. CLAmKEu, 19aiter bu Chaucery. Dateti dune 4tb, 1909. C. T. Heydeeker & Son, Soicitors. M6-4 VOLOI Mr@. Chas. Parker ýjent Monday (! thia week in Chcago. Mise Lue Dtunnill, A Loîng L.ake, calfed n re1 atives bere Thur.aday. Miss luez Ifacori,(of MILllenry, unethe gueit o! Mis Jennie 1'. ir, Saturday and Suuday. Miss iteba If usn t an..a r.enit Mcfleury visitor. Mrs. Cbarity Itanghî ova. tie enîe'.î o! Mr. andi Mrs. Amlîrî cii. light at Lihertyville last week. Joe Roming, wbo hasnà oietiîu in Chcago i.s pending a tt o % vUsv ac-a. tion with bis parente livre. Mr. andi Mre. Wmn. N\îhîllm and i îly. of Rosevilîs, were Sunday vjt.vre At tan Harry Nicholîs orne. Mrs. Mat Lînden, o! Kani.8 was rail- log on aId Inond e be lait week. Mr. anti Mrs.1--w Hendee andi biltirei o! Hainesville, epent lait Saturnlay with Mr. andi Mrs. Chai. Parker. Mesdames Auguet andi Lawrence Miller vlalteti relatives near Jobuisburg lait Wsededa.y. Mirs. John Brown, o! Wauconda, wa@ a recent Volo caller. Mesdames John Walton, A. J. Ray- mondi and Hellen Raymnond mpent Thurs- day lu Chicago. Burt Johnson and Mrs. Ada Smith, o! Orayalake, were the gueste off Mr. andi Mrs. Eti Lusk, Suntia aternoon. Ms. Chas. Baugbt ls spending a lew tiays wftb relatIves lu Waukegan. Mre. John Blironimus anti daughter anti Miss Mande Walton, o! Waukegan, were lu Volo over Suntiay. Irwiu Wbeelock andi Miii Fauny Sexton, of Wauconda, were in towu Sunday. Everybody dance at Amans Hall. Round Lake, Saturday eveniug, Jue 12. TAYLOR GROVE Mr. lieed vrai entertaineti over Suuday at the Wilhy home. The isecreani social1given lîY the King&Imugbters waa-welIattuded. T. D. NewelI anti Rollo Shea were lu Chicago Tuesday. Leo Lux and Baward Shea vero lu Kenioeba ou business Tnesday. A number !rom bere attendoti the les creain social iven at the Horner Car- man home Friday svening. Ail reporteti a fiue tOue. Miss Bertha Crawford and Ethel Lew- iu visited friende and relatives at Pisai- aut Prairie Wstineaday. Waukegan vieitors Ibis wesk were: Jerry Shea, Mr. anti Mme. Oso. Lewin, MM. S. A. Shea anti Stella Shes. Ida and Oea. Lewin spent Suuday wilb Chai. Levin. Several froni bore attendeil the dance at Autioch Wetinsoday nlght. Miss Minnie fibea entertaiueil 2ompany !rom Chicago lait week. ZDon City callers Ibis week were Katie Oelling, Minnie Shea, Ethel Lewiu anti Olive Wells. Louis Gsfling, Eari and Blla Shesa aI teudeti the bahl gaine at Ournee Sunday. Ladies' Aid Society o! Roseerans wilI meet at the church Tbursday. June 17. Ail membens are requestedt 10bh presont as election o! officers will be helti. The Epworth League wilI give a pro- gram net Sunday evenlug at the Rose-1 crans cburcb. The Bitidlecome &-boni closes next Wetiuestay, June 16. Mme. E. Hasings will teach anotber year. Bsn mauy frientis will be gladt t bear ths wlll ho with themn agaîn in the fail. The fInonde o! E. S. Faulkner anti Bertha are gladt t ses them agaiu. The frieutis o! Mm. Lon Edidy are sor- ry tu hean she Is vsmy low anti that thers ia very lttle hope for ber recovery. Mre. Julia TuttI. @pent Sunday with ber parente at Roseerns. WARREN. Mn. Annie Woolley and daugbter Roby are vislting relatives in Wiconsin. Mra. Carl Lambîhoa Pittsburgh, Penn, is viating at C. H. Lamb@. Mies Beruice Aleu entertained frientis fromnuChicago îvec Sunday. Mra. Dlarymple mn inîprnîviug froni ber reivunt illepsi. The annual meeting of! the Warren Ceruetery Asoiation wiul meet wlth Mrs. and Miss Miller Weduesday, June Mn (bCas. Chase, who liai been (fuite sîck, mn gaining anti the chiltiren are ru. cîîverîng nicely from their reent attaek od scarfet fever. N., new cases have de. velopled. Nrs. Mary Nevwton if ingfeafie bas bnen miiting relatives anti frienda liere. LOON LAKE Mini Blanche Dennison celomed a sue- c"sefnl terni îof ahool ut Saud Lake (iCo. White le home, hies dholf aving cluimeib ut itu lester ai.ademy. m.c' L. V'an Pattemi le viiting with reaties lu Iowa. Mnp Dan iîeha s viiiting with Irimide iii Chicago. Nli.nn Irens Cunningfhamîîvielteilthe uni wiek ilu Waukegau. GURNEE, (;iminee ilefetet Itosecrans at humnes last Suttiay hy the score o! l0 ta 9. 'Fb,.gaine vas mankeil by thloss ieid. ing of lîoif teamne. The winuiug mon uni vcoredi on a baie ou halls, an error andl n bit after twa vers outin luI lt of the nintî. IBrtks anti Winters for tlie w inters anîl Welch anti R. Shen. for the Imîere vere the batteriesj. Welch sîrîmk ut eighit min. Score br inuings: Ri-ein..4 O O O O t i 0 2-J' i.,îriî0 0 0 5 0 O 2 O 2 i-i0 Tu nu mi, srions resuits take Faley s Kiîtney fteînîîîy ut the firat igu o! kbîbmey or 1buaddter tisorder 8shali a bncache. urmmun irregnlarlîies, exhaustion, and1 you un illvouin lue uebl. FaÀrocB. Lon i: î.m The Lakte County Indepeudeut andi fhe Weekf y inter Ocean anti liarmec $1.85 lier yeac. 1 h av e at m ' vhume Fýe%'eral ýt ' Its of the Baldwin Pi as. 1 invite tcîu to cLIl and ice. I'iîcem withjo the reaeh of ail. '.GEOýRGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licens.d Embalnu SGRAYSLAKE -1- - 1- Io - IWNOI$ Ice Cream and Soda Watt GRAY-SLAKE PHARtIIAC Be fore you BuIy"- I that Buggy (orne and look over over our stock. UameIft 4 to select [rom. "The Staver is a Sta ver"« IF IT'S FROM SCHrANCK SCIIANCK'S BRÔS.' IT'S Libe rty ville, h GOOD ANNOUNCEMEN~T Electrical Contractors We can furnish yoti with elettrical material of' eve3ry description at Iowest priees, ansd delivert 14 you at our storeroorn, 280 N. Genemee Street, Wié? kegan, III. i forth se.-. )$bore Electric C j RED JOCIlIlIM SPECIAL ATTENTION1 Telophone No. 49 LihortyvilIs]CU BRAKER and CONIECTIONE To out cf Town Ordera 1 LibertyviIIe And Shipping Trade 1 MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPIL,,I1 WE.DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWN peepepe eeeeeeesem;..:: THE FIRST PAIR 0F GLASSES Sîonlî be Carefully Fitteti B-cre the Fittlng i@ Scientîfle DR L B. JOLLEY tii'îies-Oillce 122; eidence i2i OFFICE ItOt Ri q:',moil ia mn 2 to 4 . m. 7h' 1P iii OFFIE iii and Suaies treets. Ompvii thu Bank 1North Chicago, liinois WatChes. CloCKkànid Jee q Ail WoeI CuaraMU4o SPECIAL ORDER FOR J!W5 Pnomptly FilUd ' W.' H. MOOREI' Grayslek - mmwmý 1 1 -- ; 1

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