Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 7

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LAKE (JOUNTYI1NDXPXYDBT, IRIDAY. JUNE il, 1909 quarttftles given are wbat the normal soldier should est.- Tbe corupan>' fund la another way rlu wbich the ration rua>' be Improved 6especially at regular arru> poste. There are many sources of revenue for the company where there Io pleut>' of ground at the post. Many of the companles bave vegelable gardens, and keep pîgsansd rows. The plgs are Every great general who bas man- 1f1aten edomsud sold. the moue>' goiug ueuvered a large ftgitug force bas 1 th. cop nd, or the>' are kilt- dfscevered the truth of Napoleou's d sud the mest turned over 10 the derlsratin lot "l anarmy trayaelon ruce.W'eacows are ltept a gond fIs tomach;" sud 60 more than one num-is derlved froru the sale of milk bus corne the bitter realîzatlon that 0o the Ofeers aît bbc pont. This mo- the bhast Srm>'le the srmy whlnh has ne>' wic' a Il geen'to the cenpanY the hat stomacb. There la nothlg f îîrd is.u.ed t. bu>' luxmr'ee not oh- wich su cunlpletefy wilbers Imîtriot-Itained lu the regular fissue-te io tos n sd snoîbers courage as bbc î,rove the Issue," as fitla terzued. guawing pain of Indigestion; therî'tîre The kîtchen police le a detait of the Ieedlng of .ianamy bas recelved ha-o or tbrea pnîvates for dqty about as mncb study as Ils equipmueît as a the kileben. The diuîug routa ordarl>' deslroyîug frreý bas charge et the diuulng rooru sud lu the superforil>' of foo,1 haaid on cares for the dîshes sfter thea' bave th. ceai o! lac rationî the iiiuircaii heeli cleaued; he keepe the pantr>' lu army stands fan aheaul (if the other uriir sud sets the table. Ail of the arniies of Ifhe aoid, saya 1B.Rfi.Iiis- mess force, froru the steward 60 thi' low lu the Scleutiflc Ameiis; liti faut kllcheîî police, are executed fromt there la u coînpanlsoîu a-hatever tic gîrard sud ordîruar>' dut>'. tween the Aîuîenicati raion sud thal of ana' oilîr counry onaithe globe.TR C LV IO A The coat cof the Aruerican army ra, R C L V TO tion ls nearl> Inn per cent greatar 1B1G LNDERTAKING than the Biritishu srmy rali on, and- none of the other ceunînles wltlu big Nnrthweserru and St. Paul Boih Keep mllltary establishments feeda Ita soi- Trains Runnlig on Schedufe ln diers aua'a-ere ueanly as expensîvala' Spîte of Efevation Wnrk and OnI>' ase the English goyernmant doea. Thlnig That Annoye ta the. Cunstruc- lbh' American ad-ry ration le div- tlon o! 1he Bubwaye Bentath tbe Idc-d lu itlres klInds-garrieoii ratIon. Tracke. fieldl ration sud emerganca' ration. The gannisoni rationî ia hat given ho soi- Track elecatloîi ha beiug pushed rai,- diena at regijlarlv fastabllsbed ruflitar>' IdIa as possible at Eranston Thc pesisfileld rabti,,thal lssued le Northwstcru aork roay he praclîcal- troopslsitnthe field lit activeecaca- Iy sait! 10 ha coiîiletedalthough the jalgui The- eiergeucy ration la a pernianent sulwaya have not bccuî coîîdensed ration, lu which the hem-' built fri. The tracks, hoa-crer, are sud most valuatîle nutritive elerucits lu place ait thclr full leratîon sud the art eonit)iied lu the salsleat hulk. dire.. arc lu oIeration aith teupor- lu comloitlion the garrison sud field srv stations rcached by stalrways ln rations are sîmosl ideuulîcal. imitatiion o ermîeuanent a-orl{ Ilat a-I Eauh ration, a-hlch lasiilîfosi.d to be piut lu latI-r kee1m the solîllern ie day. furîîlsblng The St. laut a ork a nt su tar breakufast, îllîîîîr and sîîîîîer, oielsbs aloug, but thi-y aie vouring nuder s ut 2i) ouincecs mufiesh ,ti lf or nuîuto d emidn loit difi-ulty They bave 12 otiiuccs utfibaroîn,;Xounicea t so Ihrd acesue tbou bbcNorth canuied mm ai unri-aiuu.d flsh. 14 îîuîîc,- ecsbirn ruad huaslu avork ln aud on of dried fi..>io 15 ,ui,ee.(il5 ,1,k..yI..i n. f tih. p>5. ,.,.iof .-. m,.lnzni Ilsh -18 'îui nuof t ou r or 2d ui-'ofui cormietaI. ciii,,r 2 25 onice ofluii or pre 01ca, O1 2-5 ,mitics o'il iii-, heuoun3, andliiiaili-r 16 ouiîium ot puis toeau ut12 4-5 ouîîces of loitusu t,, galber a tff 1 35omilices ouithiîr ouflon i o mratuas. t 3-53 oinciesuit drled fruit, 1 i-5 nomnces ot uffe, snd 3 i-5 ourîce.sot sugar. Th. ratiloti alèo lucludaîs very simaîl quantitiî iof vînegar, sai. papper, soalu ai.)j raud les. Nowbere except lu, the ami>' i-li the food snuiuîa' of 3iJ,oO men it,mtalu. ageti b>'129)ruen. This ceauhe due with the artu>'oui the march, chrlîug lug stahion cii-ny da' .Tire unit ot administration la the coi-l.ssiccosd te consisb u of luîomeni Theunuit ut aclual accuntab1Ilila - oa e, iaI the brigade. Ordinarîi- an arniy corps ahI cousist oftIhnae divisions, and eauh udivsion a-tilbain- tlîre brigadles. The chlef cotmîsesara' of the division Issues bis storas le each brigade lu bul.k. The brigade commrissary in toiilis sues tu eacb reginuçnîal comiuissary, aIse lu bnik, sadribe regiiuentilicoin- mîssara' Issues tote coumîauias. The rations are uàrualia' conîlînîcîl iy tbc huudred suri are lecueti for teîî days A compana' uf 101, menui uiltiI hene- fore lbe lssued 1,000 i tiows. li ille field each soldicrIis suipposed] lu cariay oue regîlar ration sud onîce eusngel iuý rationu ai ail limes. The enierguuîuy raionti eveer eaien exuelit in case of enicrgcîicy, sanfthe egular ration The arnv iratilot,. Pailic accu.n conl,îiîi ul lue ofi iiiivitiiîuav. ahicli are nîditîuii iueiimi' iluliiuie-s. For Iîsiaîin, tii(qi i i ln uilk hiiudeul lu the ratio,alsi thei,-soluiir inuit take bis cff i luackuk oiUs. tuiw .abile ho puri-lilse a Ciiiof nul m ieud îiiî freru the * aeu, sîjtcha i iiisuiv- ilugs.' 7oigres8ashualuuih iiui laii 1 comiuiissliny departuiîiii 10 elu cri0 biaud thar article otftfood bliat are net lumulmuuied lit the ncgîîiîî ration, These are kepîlfili~'aIestores" ând are isîîed 10 tire mless sicuanîl lu ration for sac luige trorn the reg- ular rationls. Outh ut a uomauuy of 100 mcii theie are a iunher abo do net est ail of the articles iilb.thena- lion. These aoîîldlibe austehi If drawnî ha the nîcas steward; thenefore, a heu lire thuusstd rainsîfîare ibeaued bu, holm.eharetutu-, le the coiiuisary thai lait if the varlouis cooîpoîîenîa Ibat lhe ihinha ailI îlot lha uscd.This, bu the iaiuguilge oftirhe arma - is uîak- Iug an sai iii on he..rationis. TIhe. îsluî of the articles eturned ho the comiiisxayis coîaîpulod, snd the iiiess sîsuilu isaloacd to dravi fron the csales stores' a sufficient quntulty o! iui-cîrics Ibat are not bu the regular lssuc. eqiial 10 the value o! bis savng." The guverient, hoa-ever, will ni allowa- asving'" to be made ou certain articles lu the ,-artion. Presti meat. dried or pre- tieve Sh, potatees, oulons, lomatoe ..'isapples and peathes muet ha u3ed: a "s§aving" caunot haeruade a runnrlrg si-bu-uula oui t. road eletrie trainsa miuh cre wasaor the mther abiotit n i 'î fli eminîuutcs, lu sllte ufthiis fait ther are niakiug priigrr-ss Thef' ium--raitlieoles are ail si-i te, carry the trol le>' aIres sud the greate-r part mot the elecation bas pro- gresa, il sii fat t bal itI l îocî s al haer of greal dlfIlttiansucouic danger 10 cross ihe truck au> aýhpen luhe,-cen. ter of to an Worot n iiith uiLlaa>s a iIIbe pusb- Fd to -onIuilitclloii um souu as the St P'aul gitas a-umre pilesu driveu sud the pemnsent cernent aurk walîl he tut la ah once,. These cuba-ans lu the ceuter of the cil>' arc ail tb be praîl>' nearly the rpillaioii ucdtb of the streets dis lded lis a center plar. ai- Ioaiug jleuili o! ronior tlearus 6 pasou ecdi ide sud comtortahla' aiý iesdea-allu spane. Norlbwesiern traius arc nov, rua- niug on a nea- suhedule. A Fable. OInce upnun a durmas Horse a-as Rsaring andl snirtlng A IMan drea \par sud aslied. Wbv b-10Ymîu net thualy' »And tlre herse auswered.1ide) not Kniiw buh i intend ho in Ont aftera a-hile. Then thes Man iimukdad u ,îd a t'ocklehur udarucatli bure Horses Tai, But the Hirfa continued to Heuran sd Snort. "Whr not remuv ire ,-Coiklehiir srîdlic et Pmesuggmshe'lthe, Man. I -l îuîid if 1 couid, lent 1cist,* -nsucred lime borses,trying Iarîltelle Happy ansd Faceîiourl>'usung tire Werds ofi,,Sacrcd Soîng. 'l) iure Man. as'iuig tue IBiîse rc-ariuîg anud Snortîig inin anî.sd Trreuiiing theba tinui, sti-ctcliîcd trtlî lis Hand lu, reuuîîrcle heucklcîur. The Cicklclîur, saeing thbnt a-iiiild lic lec muîîed troui, s igb Position, lrouhiied thue Boras' a-ttî i s pin>' Singars intîl it a-as rieur Frani. TVie Tender Heari ilf Ibm-Mati wuse sî,ch> ouchaîl BeH rumbed Ilui mnulGrabhed tire Coukl,ur. tint et tieat SMomentuhebbhorse kuekeul iioiiietv. Tlîc iîmeke,îîr cbuî-kiled sud reîoi. d b>' eli,-kiug ils Stuuaing Spines sîil decper rt)tohie Horsa as tiseHMun la>' fruiiu,ied f pon dlis grounnd. Anud tire Horse cmutînîîeui te) ear and Snort. -Thîomas Brelan, n tha ttiiniess Philiso- 11rý Memorial Services at Gurnee. Fuily 4(0 Ipeople attended the Wood. meii Xlenioriaîl services at Warreu catîleterYi ar Gmi-t;mro e Suîîda'atter- nOoi. The sera ices a-ena Imprasalve. The addrs-, was mnade ha Ateorne>' C. T. Heydecker. A qnîrlet froua the conuta' sang several seteulons.' The Royal Nelghbors held services witt the Xoodmneu. Young Man-(uer'vouely) "Theres sometbing about -er->'onr daugter-"1 Cruet>' Fatier-' Tes, there Ws.1I ad noticed il mysaîf. It crmes svery aveu- lng about eigbt o'clock, sud doesn'li get sa-a until-about tweive. One o! thes nlgbls I'in going to kick Il1uStbsh street and ses wbkt ItleIs rade of." i ltb." articles. They coutaîn jmet jWeu1lU sIationmrdonil sa8Me le bixr Àur àtrtlve elemeuts and the iipllopNi 1 u.ê i -----------... Lake Courut> Titis & Trust Co. Abotractaoh TitIs. Tilles ldusasteed Masonie Temple Bldgi. Wankagau, III. Lotie J. 6 1 Rui>,, Sac>'. W XW K Nixoni tu F M Hewitt. Lots 11, 12 and 13, block 7, Oalalnd Sub, Waukegan. W D $180.00. Estate of James Tweed decd. to Ma- ry' E Gntzrer. Lot 3, Asseesors Sut S E 1-4 Sec 17, Waukegan. And lots 15, 16 aud 17, block 43, Wasbburu Park. W D 11.00. J P Scbneider and wif e te 1Richard WIllett and wlfe. Lots 46 and 47, block 8, Deerfleld Park. W D $1.00. J E Trlggs snd wffe to Han-jet C Grldley. Lot 4, Trlgga Sub, Uberty- ville. W D $800.00. Wm MWrlght anîl affe taHenry Scar- brougb. Lot 5, block 2, Sunderlîns 2nd Addition, Waukegaîi. W D $12000 Emîma G & Ethel Turulay to Mary R Turuley. Lot 1. Evarta & Boying- ton's Sub, Higbland Park. W D) Lida E Titus te Sarah J Evans. W 303 ft East 336 ft Ni1- Lot 32, t'ec 16, Waukegan. Q C $100.00. Sarah J Evans to John Vennlng. W 303 ft East 336 ft N 1-2 Lot 32, 2ec 16. Waukegan. W D-$15000.00. John Veuulng and wlfe ta M H Evans. 117 acres ln Sec 16, Newport Twp. W D $15000.00, F W Brown@ to W I Richards Tr. 14) acres Ini N W 1-4 S E 1-4 Sec 32 lienton Twp. W D $1.0>0. J1 F Peters to W M Richards Tr 2o acres ln N W 1-4 S E 1-4 Peu 32, Beiîton Twi, W D $1,00. Aiia M. Loornis ta Hattie M Selfs Part lot 7. 2nd Add . N5rth aide, Wau- kegan Dc'-d $5(A00.i David Fales ta A A Sprague, lxd South 1.56 acres lot C7, Lake Foreat W D $31.00 E verts'W rennsnd wlfe ta Olof Lin- dbtoom. S 50 ft N 150 ft lot 1, block 2. Wrenn's Add to Highland Park. \V D $1000,00 Ilarriet A Wilsoni t0 J T Pinekard, lo)t 1. Wiixon's Sul) at Long Lake. W B) 12îiii Benîijxn iNeahall sud aife ta tC N Kimlîsll. Los (j.7. 8 sud 9, NMeDan- cfl Sul),fHighland Park. W B $8000.0i0. Winthro1î Hairlbor Wier and Sup- ;îlyC <o tC C Post sud a te. S 1-2 Lot 1. Sn liori 16, Bcnîuiî Ta, W 1) 1, J l"avagc snd aileît, Adlaidp LOUIS J. THESi MACHIIý L luiiting. Lot 3, block 2, Hardeus' M'X ebbi anîd aife to Jacob Savage S 4 acres N E 1-4 N W 1-4 Sec 19, Newpoi-t Taî, W Li $13000o G N Poeansd a île tu P 1 Waruer Lot 9. block 8, Lyon & llulchtns Sub, %i aukegaii. WVBD84î'H 10. Enillua 1LSf id cI al tu Faîîny Ml Farinier ansuit îIli-S Pille Lotis 14. I5..le; anîd 17. Block 1, Styfleida8 Sul), \\ ukegan. QjtC fi.mi. B3ell, S Plus t. a Iob lielcn J S Kitcheîi Loi.. 2225 -;,27. 2,i sud 29, block 2. SIu Oeil . Sîii, X itikegan Q BM-1,.'S Pitt, et il t,,Fann « vNM Far- îIl'? la-ti;i andt7, hi, il.1 1, sa d lots 4, ,, i; and \\ Il il ho ' ilock 2, Siylil'ts Suli XX \ h\ c C t1) $LOOii. B.S Plîii- i îI o ,inîa 1,Sly- fihl, LI12 ibloc k 1.sant lois il, 12, U I aid. %V i X ,fC21 'i 7,hIOcli2, P-ii iii i N M I F liîî and l i , mi Jet aI toI luý J l S hi i miianid i.iiîm. 1. SI, il-h L.ot, 1 i ; kI, a I-17 bock 2, Si>ý >ii Sub, XX ,eîkîgixiil Q C $1 0 I iiiiiiMXl 'ainiiandîîhuslsid et aI to l'i. S Pt Loti, x anid 9,block 1. ia n i ot ',,, ut a l u,11) lock 2, Sly- iId«> Siflu XX aukogaii Q t' $1.OuII 11), blocuk I1 liglil.înd FOPit k X t)D $750.,1 C S Richaridsanid wile i aI to .1 K Loî- ' t fil N E I-4 Sec 36,\Viesi Antli i l. Q Ç $1.00.i ,NIai. XlM ifck-. it l tl iC Barris. Part loi (M, Wsueoîida.W D $1.00. J1 E Lau.. and ale to Geo Catlin Lot lit N E 14 Sec 1f, Grant Twp. W D $250.00. W' H Nlirli3 to Edaard Kelly. Part lot "A" Vest of block 127, Northa Chi- cago. S WV D) 225.00. 'State Bank uf Lake Forest to W S Mller. Lot 29, Green Bay Add, Lake Forest. II W D $875.00. Wrn Pisk sud wife 10 S L Coe. Lot 24, block 10, Waukegan Highlands. W $~ 375.00. THESE MAY WED. John Plut, 2e; Mai'> Mahlu, 20. Mathlas T. Wade, Kenoshba, 24; El- mma Georflaua Fitamorrfs, 20, 4i'tbi;r Beyerlng. .Mi1waukoe,, 82i; SCIÉNTIYiIC reeWiNt or A LARGE ARMY Rathons for One Day Are Supplsed for Each Soldier but Extra Food* ar" Company 'Savings" from thre Reg- rlar Meus. Soldier Mu4t Take Cnt- hec Withhut Mlk. 1 Ioua Edmunuds, 119. A. MI. Duddles, Chicago, 21; Flor- eneGehrt 9. ABashfulWooing Earl L Washburn. Gurnue , 24; Ratel NI. Edwards, 22. d THESE MAY WED. tCo7rlabt, M15, 1y T. C. MoCçure.] Fred Dckinson, Lake Forest, 21; Mrs. Sarah Wincbell, owuer eftI Barbara Wallace, 2. WlncbeU fotai, was a wlduw sud A. F, Girard, Anlloch, 29; Ada C. th. matrimonial market. i Colhy, 27. Oue desy a calamIty came. Two hi, >, S. NI. Kolar, Chicago 24: Leopoldine ot beeas tarted te @Warmn 1t once. TI Polak, 21. WIdûW rumbed ont and bagan flamme i- Michael Séteily, Wasitîh legal fls 0n1a pan and gol: the becs to xli,ý ii e; Mayrne Flesal, legal agc fer the nonce, but that was as fari 8 H. H. GrIffu., Chicago. legal are; te.cou.14 go. $ho stoedi yeliing f iDora May fixer, legal agi- halp whOU help came. A traveler, William Carr, Chicago, 2;;, lmeline the blzbway etopped and bitchedb 1Behe, 23. bornessnd walkad up the îîsth- ____________ aw wbat abould b. dons, sud h e w abead and did fi. Iu a quarter eft The City Youth and Hay Seed. heur lbe had the swarms lu the ne The Chcagoi Tribune iu a rai-eut edi- hives, and ater a look fit tue olbe tonial ou 'Educatlve Farm Shîow s- dis- iutormed the wldow that f6 would1 eCusses tbe pertinent question, lm il uit sevaral days yet befora tbey a-o possible Ibat the symbolir hay secd of coins, Ont. 53e bad ligne ta look atth the future muet he looked t. r inthie hair wilie ha was ut work, sud sa rath o! the rît>' youtb rather tiiau n ntmb,f Iked bis looka. Se fur as abe cou bis bigbly evofred country l,r.,ther* . uake out lha hardI>' glanced ai ber, au inho certain]>' hadt but a few words, Tiiere is more wisdom thon humor in s'. Whouehohautd iniabed bis w'i tbte question. The convesntionsa] couintry he looked over bier bead, sald lie wv gawk, whicb in the etimation et the glad te have been of une sud lookh cit>' YOutb le l-YPicai Of the co untry', is departure. The wldow tad savedlf fast disappeariug and inlufis place has bcoo> but elle was piqued. Any widl corne a young man Weeli dres,,ed, ai WOUh(iIM~VO b6eau. cornbod, and, wbat in more imporant Thre. or tour days ister the ot, Weilrnan.nered. Througb the aid of faire, bITes.ewarmed Band were takan csre, agrieultnral intituleo, one or more Jears bW'the hiredna. Te th trang, in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a acdi> rclee u UiE11 were getting aliJng. He seatned or whobas growu up ta thetouinîr>' kuîws barrassed aâd lua bnrry and retuse sonuefbiug of most of what the rit>' the invitation te enter the bouse.E youtb ie acqua!nted wlth suddnînch hl-aaise appaared te look everywberae l @!de@, not the leat o! wbich em the know- but et tthe wldow. binrwass uIc' ledge wblrh makoo blu rîuirteium no the combed, ber apron suow white sud i iean in bine jeanss well as (>tieui man cheeks like rose, but he Pald mi in solfqui. Hekriws noug tý cary attention te the poe treis and the aue in .gf! ui. le now e'îulît'îcarykettie aud the nummer equashea the hi" mauners into tWe'clt>, ulule tOO te ber. Hie just wsuted te kunow, yu many0o!the yOutbs eff ie itY feave Iii ansd was glad te flnd ont RE their mannero Ihbind then, aheii îley go then wae gorge, into the country' and displa>' a nîîigariîy Ot course s wdow that bad turne of boisterousuess and rudenams in the down a dosan effare otfinatrmn presienre of the bousest and intelligent eould net do utberwise than look at reeidets i f tbe couatryoide tîîat reveafm the retreating stranger sud tous li the biior. lu cousidering the protîleuis bead sud ssy that ha was a inutle if eduteation, lit in Weil toi aenu. did net aPpreclatte a gond tblug. Ni i a ot o rtheless aba ruade seume cautions f fie Ise't that the educa!(tiotiîiîe qutias ef the bîred men aud lu the not gire tu the courtes>' and gcitle niari,-'wsytound eut that hae wss a new rei fiers miièses onc o! tbe miisb îre, ios ' ident ef Ellauton, but ne more. giltm of culture. Then another week passad sand th __________stanger called te Bay that ha wa loeking uround te purchase s goo 'iO un end nie violets avery niurîîîîîg, tai suad he wlsbed to Inquire if th said the beauriful girl. wldow's waa for sale. on tbis occi ild,,* respouded the ardent 1-i 'rnalie enlered the boums, but evidel, "nt) tratter aliatthe cuet.'. IY witb reluiitance. fie was certaInl "Quite . uNoi wby not seeîd xî' a 'a basbful mn n l tutbe was a nui lîunclî o! asparaguas toinorrow inivîcal cil>'t. Whou Deucon Grabam. wldov it woul le judt as exPeusîra aîîd aiiîiî,ir, camne te bu>' the feai ut year lx l ilake Pighit ith a."fore hbel'ad stood Inluthe kitchen dc îîîae siiigbitwltbl>~and boldi>' announced: _________ - Wtdder Wtucheil, 'iru a-loekingt bu>' a tari. If you go wlth this, l psy $40 au acre.,, That rueant $30 an acre for the fa:] sud $10 an acre tor bier, aud, thougl YEOMABoNeno'> Indignant. The stranger, wt bad at lust lntruduced bitusel! as M Bingbarn, tbrew out no biat t fwa E W IN Q Iug anytbing but the tarm.L Most an thn ,wbrnu saehadt replled the tha farniwa net for sale bie ut oe YIE M A N rogie up le depart wltbout spesktugc bow wbeal sud cern were lookinga or casting a second glance nt the hi roi of suft soup she badlruade the da Charlty of the County Edifor. b.! ore and lefI at tbe kitchen doort Bld yon ever stop te think, sys the cool. filburt and li aggravatad. Mi Elgin (111.) Press, tiiut a uewspaper us Bingbam rnlgbt ho a basbfr.imin u a charitable institution? Tbere aethora are limies wbenaven a bashlt bosever lies hen be banty f the inu sbould furce imioelf to ta.ik. s ountry editor @eims to bave beau was§t- Two waeka îîassed swsy, aud the cd on2 barren oîl, sud on sucb occasions as tha widow Bat on the plat" on ha sa juéglilled in retîusîng te again exteud afternonff lookiuig se nîce that Feaut the sarne ibarit> tii the sarne persOn)e johuson's moulh wstared as ha druv Who faîl tii appri.ciate bis efforts. Sncb pos Mr. Iinghain called again. TIl cases bave coine to almoi ever>' edtor tieî a os.i h fu iu hie career. Eow nian>' of theru bavetinfiwso eifhe id a eat up igbts sbtudYin)g how te aselel a cow ho sel]. He W5s invited te s nome candidate tii sund the office he lm dowu, sud cows wei'e dfscussed.H Seeking? How mnan>' have nient rolurnu was iookiog uway Int the gardan f alter columu f h! ier faper telliug of the stead ot ut the woniau, as hae ougi: virtue îif certain lodges, ýsocietres. te do bis stiare of the dtscussfing Tb churehes or lîîinivials in au effort 10 wfdow Ladt ne0cows ho self, but as assielttienu îîver riogli places lu their dditBys) h etteigrsi jourue>'? Boa- iiaivhave donatcddu hel a' .sheiefl bbit htiren space anîf advertieiuî iig lte ue neefuiontaciranudhtifaeu aeounpfushîilent uusliiepublic enterpritse sgalgihlitiighttpossibI> bu>' ona. Sb ouI>' 60 have flint vaxZe chnrrh, sociel.,, jumîlco ifrîoî coies ho salves and fuet indîviduai îur Il. rs *>1 thenterpriâe as caives lu aieli andi lamba In beigest soon as their enIs %ncre iibtainged rush detalîl liîîî. 1btho guI uwaY as se( off t,î anotiier îritiig lbouse or go to as possibale. Othera laid mat arour the ci-l t 0hlave-al lcir priutiug domenc!uhil tair>' driî'en ont et the bons This is too oîîterîiii,- casesd tbiugh fi wi flcbii.hroouistick. Others ahlt ho hi bard iiîdeed t,' il tiîe liaru t>'of a l a1>' u iehd adnohu rounrîh>n,-wsa-e, iil.suî'h trea-îuent aîrd o i atsliîoh lm the surstwau, tuu(Io go. lem, theainlu raise. The a-idow tosaed lberliea charîl>' of the iu)uitri cilitor for bis foi- sud said hi e ddidut cura, but ae kui 1oasis18 irelY gi-cuit. loit even thîls uay @be dîd, jusi the sanie. be onerwuirkcd iiian iied souuebiuîis. At flic eiid ut anoîher leu da s th _________________bashfîîi Mr. Illlîgham waa backt salk If th1e widuw woufd osal i m Comnencement Progrsmn. hog or la-" aith the cow. Sha wa Graysluke tili ie,uool hld ls cni-sltbiaîgon fhice rnda agate, and, f iileuceuîeuît lasfi îiiund the foltoa-- before, lie waia inried te take a seul Wbeu ic hîîul donîesuasha moveda iug a-as tie tiuuliuuindered: au 10 hemn hlm in asudmotid: i Nlarcix ... . Orchestra 'Now, sir. look mie square liit t 2-Invocatloîî 1ev, Stewart face. Anre 3ou a wtdower? Bu y.i l-tiaas list.1x L.aura Glbert anSt 1teuy a tarmn? Be you wantt 4-Vocal solo .. Xura Baltersbaît bu>' a coivaîîd momae hogg? Be y'i I 'tios tîuiii iArt. Rackllfftc aneuto10 uy i>bens or ducks't Ara yo aftar luîiîs or ganders'i' 6-Nlusie .... Orchestra Mr. Biighanî hlushed sud cast dowi 7 'Clasa Piuiice u X>sMarqus Shaffer bis oes aîîd idigehed arouud, sud th 8 Pisîîo dîîutXii look, Ei'a Bon - idow uoîîiited. little. "If yuu are i wldowrar d sudtater 9-BDut>'. .... Aunie 1-arseux wfte, wa-b> i' toi you sa> se sud giv 10-Piano solo . U1llisu Fleming us betti aushow? Lord, man, bavai, il-Value ef tlalîit .eonard Hook yun au>' spuiik?" 12-Nusic"Wlii ou arry imal" ha bluni 2-ul.............. Orchestra demanded.u 1 -Friendshlp . Robvqta Hravey 'Good! Thals fthe aas> te talli FOR SALE-2 Rcegsered Guarnes>' Bulîs. 1 sud 2 vears old. K. W. Fanm, FOR SALE-Ire box. six-grlddle cook M OYTO LO I store,' 2 wefl mac-hines. lnqiiirao of Huigh Carne>', Lbertyville. 3- MONEY To LOAN-On lsuprov'ed FOR SALE-f55, haudsome c trisa ipr et Ooovpycsiq top. two eeated. park wagon, naturel ________________ Oak finishl, tutteil lau leather seatsi; storniiîurtaine. Inquire YotxNiî's Paint. -e'WAN'IE iOfop. 3>-t! 7 HL reWANTED-tiood girl for meeral houaý- FOR SALE-P; tpaseenger nus. Inquir work. Mira. Chas. Cheet-er, corner et JOE BOND, one-liaif bdock uîîrtfî o! old Mebanie Grove aud Diaruond Lake depot. T1elepîhonc 1G64. 36- 4 Roade, Lihert.yville. MFmESRi, 4117 tireenwood Ave., Uiao Ili. 37-2 WANTED-Hiirseo 60 pasture. Have 200 acres wirîzli ai! mile front on Des Plaines rivri' (ood fesd, wastar &bd shadep; Page tance, no bîarbed wire. AicTus Ci.aî LEIENT'. 30-4 WANTEO TO EXCHANGE-Higb cWas used I prîght piano for good horpa. Wll gire good trade as I bave sereraI piano* ho SeleCt frOun. STtlÀiRARHOCsE. 1263 W. NortIrAvce., Chicîagoi« Teisphone EHum- huIt 14413. 84-4 WANTED-Stock 10 panture, fiue bIne grass. no swauîp, fresb a-ater dafly.' tluîîîre4G. W. Bs UiiEHOS, old Morris farns, lum miles a-cal of Libertyvllle, Plions 75,4. 2-t! FOR REN I FOR RENT-Six-roini brick cotta" ol Schiiol etreet. App'lyrM. prie, ue- tyvile. 87-2 FOR RNT-PinosPlayerg, Orgaýj5 "00 0)up, rent allowed il pnreb.aed. Kimbali Agency, Lue Furnituare Store. Tel 27. 37-ti FOR RENT-We bave a few good mod1- ern bou"e and flat8 to reut. Dyieoistr, AU7STIN. 27-tf FOR RENT-Nine ruor bouse on Orehard Street. I uquire Mes. M. A. PftOTIN*z, Libertyvilfe.80t LOST aMdFQN LOST-Blaek c.,rd casecontaiarng >er.- oonaj i ards and rai road ticket«. NoIMff Il. L. Hall, Libertyville, 111. LOST-Laies' gold watcb, bh ta .,ase, un elecînlo, road near l. rze# bridge, Finder please relui t 1li office andirtScive rea-ard. DEATHS .Nîrs. Ana E. Hîcue>', mother of John and Nîrs.Catherine Nluzik. ai figumooub.Ilii.. Jumie i,1900, age 721 3 cars. Fiiiiralt Ii ruia'.1 uue :, trom St. Xlxry'a chirrh, Hilanid Park. at 9:3u) s. Ill. Xl tlOtC XýLI Jin.. 4, il109, uai ligli- lan Pilai-k. IIl.,Et ha cd aift. mut Ah-x lcl)otigall, 5teui '65, yuous. Fuît,,rai un isle fioni lhereldi-u 22SNrth G rn-n nBsay roumuf Si ,i -uîeeî lo i ucl".b-gu adiutem Satmiirla, .liiii 19, tnuuI Lai.eForcit xtidiii>fltoneuîclui iiilai g-atniasses fluat Institutlionuîlia. ui kîîoîcn. I o-ucWnlls la i(Iluia go 1i obe le a of tIie slii-511i on tuu .uiui rolu- B3 roîîR. Lamimi-ii,î. 22 'i'iiis o0,. -iuiitixcî,uoiutFit Sheridan, o4a e sifrluoîuu .îîi Siilao sîîi dthe po01luce of tiwi.- ii iii -huri i aubîe lu iid lfim. Loil XX'W.Prtchard, lu comuîiin it ut "uui Shiîi lîan. iehegraph- cd a desci ilion « the u ic ulouîeu' 60ail tbe oum-ihîieuplice, requestlng hb ti îmnu-lîs ajoti Storlîhoiuiu'rî of the Guru Producîs Reff.niiîg Compîanya at their eperfal meetinug Tuir-sffliay aulhonized an ls- stuc of $1,0i00,000 6 par cent ta-enta'- five ycar blondls. Thers bas beau pîse- cd alreada' $1.000.000 o! 63e issue. the proceda o! theasale of wblch wilII h ueed to retire floating indebleduesa. Shate o!ftIlinois, Count>' of Lake. os. lui the Circuit Court o! Lake Count>'. Octoher Terni, A. B. 1909. Enli Ruîderh.vsu. Frankln W. Ganse, flleu WV. Ganîse. Clarece Genyo and Chilcago Tille sud Trust Company', trustee. Geîî No. 4270. To FranukliIn W. Ganse sud Helen X'. Ganise, certain defeudants: bPatisfartora' affidavit Ihal the abeya naiuinîd detetîdants Frankln W. Ganse sud >'talen WV. Ganse, reslde out et this Sîshe. 80 that procesa caruot be serxýed tîon tharu, bavlng been fi1.4 a-îth the underafgoed, Notice la therefore hereby given, te tle saId Franklin W. Ganse snd Helen WV. Ganse. that the aboya named Coin- Plitisut heretofore ffied bis Bill e! Comnplatut ln saiS Court, on the Chsin- rer>' sida thereof, and Ibat a summons thereupon issueS ont of saIS Court agaluet the above usmcd defendauts, returnabte ou the first day o! the 1crm ci! te Circuit Court o! Lake Counta', te ha hetd at the Court Hou". bu Waukegan bu saiS Lake Count>', oni the Pirst Monda>' e! October, A.D. 1909 as la b>' laie required, aud wbIcb suit le stil1 pendlug. LEXWIS O. BROCKWAY, Clerk. Wauk-cgan, Illinois, Ma>' 201h, A. D. 1909. Ellîs & Lewits sud Pera' b.Parsona, Complainants Soîilthore. 135-4 lio,lmir' said the convalescent, Oui- iîg a-eakf>' .vo.>uu ua,>' end la your blU sur tuir noi.' "Tut, luti" renlied the M. D., eusse,' iug bis patient a-Rh a wave o! hbosé 'IVait hilyou get sîronger." - ý m a'ý I'ii aii~tiNONE RECEIVED q Il FOR LESS THANt 91Y IS 25 CENTS JW the àt ir FOR SALE-Large walliap@ o! Lake I REAL ESTATE eon y.Pr e #8106> I DEiEN"DEa.-r FOR t1IMc ibLert viile, 111.224fI T FRSALE-New- caeu nrouunbouse on STOP ATTENTION-irse»teal"of inei' Park avenue; ah modemn courenieuces hiaii. <lrphingtoue lin record, ail pila ight lU(]Uire Wiiîu, & Lxl.Lil'rtvile,. aîmî i-a e t ereryshsfowvand rrnq on# 04 ~ III. :3-tf tic iuluuiatad for le@@ than $5 a bird. for nnmnnnnnn.n.,n.. Wiii a-Il t, tio - rV3oru. for' $g a bird. r onFOR SALE-Eight rooau bouse on BIac aîîi fi'orn ermefs sudBeet wttr bhl Braînerd Couirt, ail umuodern convauîences. adSl a> CrsConisiîdee. 111a. ohr ItiUure teAs. KLEI"lli, Lihertyville. 111. ms an, 'uueII ICPhone 1144. 341tf vent 1______________ FOR SALE-Qa.oline range in gond au FOR SALE-[iits Iu bbc Bymond sud condition, six burne, large oven wlt ew 'muetiti subiuvirsuon, îilO $100 eah; a broiler. Iui4uire at thus offce. 32-tf bers :,dou n, e;-)îsr iminth. DYvîONu & h1 beA STIN.27-t! FOR SALE-Pure hred SuiffOrpington nild etggs, $1 aslig HN ru r>. lim FARMVS-Wre have a large ]lot o!f IAke lake, 11). 24-16 thec couîit ' lfnstîi ccl, also boiuses sud lots nu Elulage.l ,iîci&At-criN. 27-tf FOR SALE-God ujaw etock of tencinft. uld _________________ Hog feue 20e per rod; -da-ires 43 inebea and FOR SALE-Choi-e lots ilu C. Frank bigh. 97e-; !Y %ires 4s) inûhes hig b, 3&e; s0 tWrigit*s addition, XOxl7, ,for e2O0.O0, her>' Ioulîry fonce 18 a-ires 48 finces vr o 200 u 301 i vm A TN biglî, IGin. cIa>'. 41,; 20 a-ires 58 in blgb as 27-tf00and$30.00 Low puices un slightly defeetive hissud odîl styles ot feni-iug. 10-a-ires 47 bis ~ ~ ~ ln .n n n. u igii t 11; I aires ç584in, high 33c. the FOR SALE-Acre lots on LyrFd Ai s~I iN 'itCo., Libertyville, uow subiveision.,, u tw nd eletric 1hf. 27-Il cars. Pia DYMç. c ON,& ACSTI's. ber 27-t! ger LOTS FOR SALE-Iu the B. J. GriMesANE ec@ utdivi@ion of L lhrt> ille, so uîth f am lactrir roati on Mfilwaukee avenue,.t BOARD WANTED-For minl fanfl>' J. Goxus, ower.1 j-6f ona nîcefanru. Addrees: Mus. CnÀaaas FOR SALE-Property known a@ Father Seanlan's remidence; nearly acre of ground on corner with fruit and chade trees and two storv building witb lateet improve. mnents. Tlree additional remîdencem eau be lîuilt on thie corner; might conaider dividing. Se 11, (. JOHNSON. Cook Ave., or P. 0> Box -di, Libertyvitie. lm t! FOR SALE-3IOB acre iprvdfmn Bcd Lake Cotinty. Minu.. good building,; might dinide. M. 0. îH,î, Cook A ne , or P. C). Box 79, Libertyrille, 17-tf FOR SALE-Four'Ijînspes. entrally located; te i-Inca es late. Iinq nire)IfG EU). M. RAv. Ree(kefeli.r, or L. E. RA.lib- ertyville. 3I t! FOR SALE FOR SALE-20t acres of tiniorhy bay-- staufling HolrY MHis, Prairie X îew, FOR SALE-f prigbî piano lu good conditio)n. $175. W M. XV'liii;T, Prairie Vie-w, 111. ail ic e eiai Wirighît Lodge, Hait liay. 37-2 FOR SALE-On accî,nnt of dpeciiiig ,vears 1 idh sb b eilf unfarîîî o! (hO aeres. 11, miles @outti iof tiaruond' Lake; 10- roouj ouse, large ba&eroent barn, biîg.' pelinbouse and other out buildings, eîà nîtîtmall trees. B. P. WiLL.ox., Rocetler, 111.3-t FOR SALE-Self lurup tiay raka an a Crowuniuoa-er, i-beap. a. ffulktey,lib- ertyrille. 37-2 FOR SALE-Pouitry reitidieo, oup cure, lice poa-ders keap Sour hanse luaîthyan sd free. frmrulice, H. H. Fike. l.îlîertyvîle I1I. Pione 1428. ,Il . i 1 1 'Il --MI i i

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