~AKE' COUNTY INDEPENDENT, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO. 31. PART TWO THE LAKE COUNTY I1)EIENDENT, F iiiA ,sFIINE 1, 1919. POUR PAGES ~i.M PEI~ VEAU IN ADVANCE. LYSN'S M Us Mew h@« the store--affording unusual sav- ings to ail wlio attended this sale. This sacrifice selling that has been inaugurated will prove the sensation of the season-an oc- cas ion---without a parallel in value giving. 0tqr business has out-grown our present store and we are forced, in justice to our- selves ànd customers to provide Iarg quarters. W'e are, therefore, going - build a superb three story and a basement. addition to our present store besides re- modeling the older part along lines so that when work is completed we will have four modemn floors 50 xl50 feet. As it would retard workmen to have great stocks of goods in their way and as the goods would be mussed, soiled or damaged we have decided to clear out our present stock, giving the customer the benefit of price concessions. AN APPRECIATION 0f STEPIIEN DRUSE N. D. Pratt, Ckicag.an, Telis flow he Met vemrable Citizen Now Demesed AN INTERESTING LETTER Friend of Thlrty Yeara' Standing Re- views Career and Character of Kond. y Old Man no Weil Known at Druse Lak<e, Quates Prom Touch- lng Letter by Archdeacon Toîl and Prom Expressions of Priends. (From Wednoeday's Sun.) LThi' following ilm an aiipreciaiion of the, laie Sielîhen. lise hv N. ),Ilurii Of('*icago, a life long friî'od t)ie atternoon iin i,- siinoiier of 48S 1 1 wallied with my son, ihen noi ln lla îeina. ron. Gagî"s iLake,. wherî' nîy faniiv was speýnding the suîînîier. ta Iii ahi'm lýake, of whleh w.' had heard, biît ahich we haîl liot seen. W. 'oieîd a smallîoat Iran. the aî'îaniriîodatlng Hohart Emtey, and ait- Bide' of the lake, we wcnt ashori' o hi. iiociety shahl know hlmi no more rushakei.las aquaintance. Thi.s as I.lie had the ('hristianî spirit, andifr my fItlî.mîeeting with Stephen th,- ,,ii.'Beatltîîdes indicat.' * th i Chrisian and the acpiîaintance begùzî thai 1;,, haracter-and they do-h.' oas -aiiîong those ialled '-liessied,>*ho- svhen hi.. hld and trtsf.diy Infi. 1î.'îcause' uf their traits and lves. wonî ie, grew loto a trlendsihli iliai 1I nformed Chicagoi frIeiîds o(if lu .trength.'îiid wIth the years. snd i. dîath, and quote tran. several li'iiî'rs tlnued fl]iithe a"It dày of bis If.iii. iîfront different persona recel. s' il i th(> afîerîîoon af whlch, Sunday. Xpiii kîiosledgment. 25, 1 heard hi.. volce for the Ia.ai iiiii. 'Yîur leiter fM1IS nie a ih gril a:; he salît, "I atit lad youii Ci. "e. e brume dead! Sîîeh a g.oIî.l lai Early the following n.orning hi' j-,X liat hapipy da)-s we had theîie ed away anîd on Thurs5day was aidail i 'i1iarn e'tremely sorry to, iii..,oi the' favîily iemneteu-y near the' Idi tie dpath of M r. I)rube. lie w au n honîestead a'here he hM liii mio. .r it y n ici' man;v e werî ailI .i si..îy y cars. illich attached ta hini" For nearly thirty yeasa1 co.îî.il i ] 1amilndi'ed iaddenei ici livaiof hiîa.. a triî'îd whonî It was a î,lî'n. ire nd a îrivllege 10 know bso a, Il aîîd to Jivae as a caitijanion at el i, oiiloitîîîiity, and every year added iii nîi> respîect for and my attachaienit. hi iii, Auitii tirnise arqualntanci', imore itlniati. 1 thini than that betweç'n iiO l ii 1111. ci. .iie'.er i eend ni rr- gaidI anid admnirationî for hlIm. but lî*îl nwi lI, hîîîoi Jlin ti he' more. 'Ne sîleil d a, i and d.1a y i iogi'1ther, gerî'ral yini il,.' cîîinirv.aîîîîîîtî.oes ln the i iii and iîîx,îî lî' .1chliînîstances andaitaal] tUnies. hi- waaa tiesamie true. kindîx, ci.' rtî'îii.s gel. lî'nian, t fetha plier wiir-ti he w a,.on a'î ila triend whoîi 1 eoîîlîl s"'aîîd enjiîy-and a fePliiig er fishing for awhlle. and natleing a i elcr rî 'al a. ida daily, that the Inual îlawng ln the fleld on the west places w here' 1 inew hlm and enjoyed t lie, deai h of aur frien d. Sit'iîC lit uise. Ile wam a gi'niiineýly gîîîîd mail, alýa ai kind snd roîiriî'iiis X 1Ji. i ll misa hlmi, i'roi,î a letter frani ltev. Wýilliam F Till. fornierly rector of t'hrli chîîî.'l at Xaîkegan, and now archi diýa. ioinlt the ('hicago (iiîçice, wim Mir ilrîîae liî'ai and ion... id 1ilIl tl a..thoiigiitfiiliii.oiî). nî,iîf, ig asi ns,,Il ii <il t he ,îîiraîîîof'io na isi, uîirghi, g.'iîi'ie . î'rýiiii Stýiî'li. Plu- 1111()iîîhi'. 'lfi li, aasonîe îf tod a owii, true childil. liliig ii11)iii ilie ligtianîd opllrîuiistý ai-l.',Iîiiilj iiiniaiv Of those s.iih grealeiî,j ,oî iii iîlî V.hîîia bless.ed] ciiianid iesce lits. soU,las ai as its hiid, .nilit Iliase faund. 31y InterîsHtIrn iîîî wa. X y reýaI tecau.,' he himntelf was, .o ure from the seas and their wrecks, le hnîîîîrahle anîd true. 1I py hf îîîay working or. a secret treasure hunt, ac- 's crinon- ist li 'ver deeî,eing c.rçpng to the London Chronicle. l'-aen aliid îhaii h,' sîr.,light or Uod Oi pit lulUI iii'on oiihnC. hi th, iost boisteroua part of Vaile' \,il.'l'or, hi,. lireXîî,uiîw lia'v,. andlalnlo6t unapproach- Mly dent . [itiuiiii,eof ,'d îi'iuiry .l' i' X«-I)tby seslie.. Dollar Cove. wh 'r.' for the,' past thîee monthsaa raloi.' se,'k[ng expedition, tient FR D W IT E N down b, a London ydcthsbe FRED 'WHITeYeON 8" e onle three or four wveek. ago. aus.îended oieîations ln order ta TREASURE IHUNT get nmore' i.aVerful prp n er T1hose are ln working order. amd ai- (hougi. iho salors have littie to say ni ot thini atter. they afipear ta be A pparatus of Whitney Company oii.f sa <lcce.. In1 the year 1789 Now eekig TentyTons a <hil went aiihore there Now eckig Twnty ons '% I Il bouttwolty o t s pecte of Spedie i. îo.rd is faimliar with the appearance of the dollar. as large numbers have h.'ei waghed UP on the beach from îltme 10 lime, GoId piecen are sald te ha%, ' een disrovered recently by peo- île, walkiîîg on the beachý limîbîîr, , ono., lune 8t The atrike i lai ha..rl.i'ltweniy-two haitlac- tores lui ihis city, Bethe] and New .Milîford for the pazt five nOnths, was iîiai-ical, eîîded today. An agree- mienit ha, been i'enchied-between fIt- iee'iiof ti e manufacturing concerne anîd uihtîi tional exerutive and advîs- DOLLAR COVE THE SCENE Fîrat Search of Whitney Company Not Atter Sunken Lutine Treasure But After Treasure of Vesse] That Sunk ln 1788 Wîth Twenty Tons of Gold Coin Aboard. How Apparatus Suc- ce ed8.. (From Wceduieuday's Sun.) Iflitead of t.-ying to lift the sunkçen treature o? the frigate Lutine, Fredt Brown Whltneys Company, with Lon-a don offices, formed to wresi t. treas- îîry board. o! tho IJnîted Halte,'. Men Heeis Yow Chace The Greatest CIothing Sale of the Season is Biled for To-moi row. The Surplus Stock of Chas. Kau mari I& (2os. Market ought at a ma rvelous price concession. A'YTLEmesae came to us the other day f romn Chas. AKaufman & Bros., one of the Iargest mnai tufacturers of men's high grade clothing in the count ry, saying: 4 Our surplus stock of Spring and Summer Suits is for sale, corne down and make us an offer." 0Of course, our buyer went in a jiffy; the suits looked unusually good to him and what he offered themn for the suits while really it. was ridiculously Iow was readily accepted, as they were ex- 41, tremely anxious to dispose of the season's overproduction. Nearly every man knows the high reputation that Kauf. man's Pre-shrunk parments possess, what skili le used In their designinq end construction; only pure %ool materials are uspd In the makinu and they fit the flg- ure to perfection. Over 300 of these fine suite -on sale tomorrow. Patterns and colorings to SUit evmr fancy and ail sizes. They are dvided Into two lm- mense lots and prced ar follows: Lot No. 1 Here are suits that were made ta seli for $18.00 and $20.00. Over 150 handsome styles ta select from at Lot No. 2 Here are suits that were made to sel for $25.00 and $30.00. Over 150 handsome styles to select from at FOUR PAGES V-50 PER YE'AIZ IN ADVANCE. pe