Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1909, p. 2

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WAUCONDA DEPARTMEN Ml. E. NMANConupoeM den uAgoni r? have gminea aMo yh»etakingià mqwm laSBs555.Auis.o Mr. Abertu Roder and vife o! Congres IPark, haye beau epuding the past tisa weveks wltui thea former parents. Mr. and Mms Louis Roder. lie. 1. E. Payne bas returned frarn a short business trip ta Minneapolis Mina. Ths Ladies' Aid society isere enter tened by lire. W. Nebrlich, Wedues- da-YW fthis iseek. lit. S. L. Tripp sud farnilv visted relatives et (lieu View,,tiret of the treek. Mr. sud Mr@. W., Nehrlich epet Suu- gay st Rogers Pe.ýa with S. A. Dietrich aud fazily. liMe,. L. Specht let Wedneday for ca vWtsit i relatives t Hîmburât and latine. A. L. Beeghorn, o! Chicago. le at home t". presst wesk ejoytug a vacation. Mr. John Albrect sud aife are nais * oeupying oua a! the Hoicornh residencso on La*e Street. Mr. J. P. Boney le vWutlng relatives and friende in Chicago anrd Kenosha this wSek. Mr. and Mmr. Water Evanson and @on. of Mdfenry, were Wanconda vbitore Tueeday. Floyd Carr, of Barrington, spent Sun- day at tbe bomne of hi@ parents la thbe Village. F. J. Barbian. ofU! cHenry, tranoacted busfiness ers Tueéda. Mise Nettis Murray spet Saturday and Sunday at ber bomne bere. Mre. and lire. E. E. Mairnan and Miss Cela eary @peut Tbursday lu Chicago. Mles Viola Martin left lionday for Valpariso, mnd., where ebe wili attend erbovl during the summer rnontba. H. liairan bas rented big bou@eson North Main etreet ta lMr. and Mmr. Ceey, o!Chicago. wbo will make tbeir bornethere dtring the sumrner moutbe. James Brown and Les (Gilbert, o! Libertyville. transacted business bems Tueoday. The penic delrgýatee o! thu ..0 . F. lodgeo tbrougbon te ounty were loenet8 o! the local 1. 0. 0. F. ivdge on Friday eveniog. A very pleaaut and enthusiastie meeting was beld tirrrng; tirne le reported. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ie, and lies. H.P. Halao Chhago, vWtild reatives brmoSatuv and Bunday. Mr, and lies.Olisador!, ai Chicago, am e spending the wsek at Columbia Camp. Our comiuunty vas sbocked Monday< marnlng by the report o! the death o! lirs. H. L. Brooks at ber hotus two sud1 oua-hall miles west o! the village. Sb@ bad retired 8uuda~y eveing at aboutj 9 o'clock wrou sud at 10:30 lie. Brooks vas awakenad sud beerd is vifs moaniug sud faund ber nuuctouin He lrnmedately sumamoned Dr. Fuller b3' telephone isba avvared vithmn twentj minutes but tound ste b.d beau steicken vith apoplezy sud ltbough te dbd evsrythiug within hie power tuhs baud o! the eilrngbty coul'l not te stajed sud deetb carne et 11 :30 p~. tu.lire-. Brooks was borniat WAucanda, June 10, 1867- aud was the eldet daugurer o!fIMr. aud Mes. Gea. TIdmarsb. wbo died several jean ago. On liaecb 19, 1889 ehe vas uited in marriage ta H. L. Brooks and ta thr were born six children, three boys and tbree girls the eldest o! vbom le ninateen jears of age sud the joungeet six jearn o! ne, vho muet mouru the laes ofai kiud end indulgent wife sud mother ishase los@ i8 mosi deeply fet. FuneraI issu bld tram the M. E. cburcb on Tues- day et 2:30 p. m. ltev. Piece, ai Belvridere ofiicting ater wbicb thbe remnaine were interred in the WaVucanda cemeteey. W. sxtend aur sincere eyrn- haty ta the bareaved husband aud ailY W. L. Ricb sud farliy tarted Monday for Idaho, ishere they expet ta remTEanaIG l duiug the summer. Their borne bas.LONG LAKE Ti O TN i beau rme t aMr. Ciao. Anderson o!fHOMSE PLANTS taks Farsst, isba. vitb hi@ faaiiy bave Rudoîpti Kieule and littîs mon t1pentý takren poseselon. lir. B. H. Sixen O! severel dava the tiret o! the week at Mr. Damner 'af the University Talla Byron Wi., wii act as agent duriug Chas.,Johnsone. Un. Rich'e absence, J. A. Rodgers %vasu lnoklng alter i l4ow to Maires Three Kiusds of Soif' Henry Knb"ak, wile and infant @oC roperty au the iseet ide of tire ats and the Fertulzers Needed. visited Chicago relatives Sunday lst. Satorday sud Suuday. lic. Wr. Berghorn and familj enter- Chas. Ca.tlidgs sud Fred Allen epent Iu tbe pottiug o! bouse plants yon cari taluad M. sud lire. Fred Braboni o! Sturday eand Sunday aut teir cottages. mix the proper soi yourself if Sou noai Barringlion. last Suuday. tir, sud lire Roy Dowise.oa Chicago, the neade o! the differet planta. Take Bdvard Joues sud family, o! Gilmer. were visiting iriauds around the lakesoe dbiera adudplItp 2«t B8unday bere as gues iofMr. sud thie iseek. noutild itnotsai onsudI avpie te de r.Hermai Kublauk, aIea 3Mr. sud Ldrltvsu XM.C. A. Hapte. MieLucy Duunurl visite eltve tformito! decayed vegetabîs matter for the lit Miiuar scit. nit t b~Valir Tburrda. cie ntiebr principal constituent o! ail kinds o! eof] humaof! Me. &E. DeanonTudy George Saurd for potted plants. There are thrse kinde 1»s~ L Te aiternocnon am we ex-Satueday. 'ai pottlng sai as bibios,: toUmijjpauned sud spledidij con- Guj Hruok rrauuueted business ut For geranirir ned tbe urdiarj ver- duesd, stitar vbcb a dmine ebeon aras Waukegsu, Mnnday. 'lette o! bloomiug plante.-Tbree perte uasvd t su veudaze laieSlmr. King was a Chicago visitor rl- fourn !rom tire rottad end, one part arelI lTse Rockefeller Ladies9' Aid seiety dan-l!ptsedi yul have a travberry social ut the .Charri oeo eerte aueadoehl atsil chuib Fiday evening, Jua 25. Bnp. isdtr. o o eetha soul laheavy. pw. ad"lt, 25e,e ibjdren, 15c. Corne. Chics .yislors ecently. Frfns eoissdscilug Mm .8. L Tipp vuted ber ulsterIr e. Jack OBruie isas ehearing ë1beep rieur plante -Two parte luam, une part peet W. L. Ruilie iia, ut ClevLow,, several Lake Ville this evert or leaf muId, and-oue bel! part saud if dajb1* eek. li. Tipp sud Bazel sl ebay go.qov on Stueday sud ternainiug ANTOI t ehuy :MrUtA.TeJhsnscolcos atist For palme or rose.-Two perte dlay Tb. Ctildre'o Day exercises yl b A picuic isu beld lunEcue's grave. 1louransd one part well rotted menure, bld et uday evesinu t the chuech. Couideiug the day quite e oumber sud sand ta suit the texture condition. 'l'. Bchteie bilt.a dea~th attended aud ail report a good time. Moiture and Light. TheRocels[le hal tam etetedheWe are eorry ta laar that Mies DeLany OAmydMae tean uadav. Score 4 ta 0. ii not ha witb us next jear. Use the inger tet tu ean when tire BateMI Rs, otse sud L ,King; Longs- baa&Is n ShaDer Auj team wishiug Tbe base bail gane btesen Round plants need wiater; ishen the soif trum- @UMm s iti t h Rockefeler teamt addcess Lake sud Antioch, Sunday wsu clled hies easily until dry it neade isater; J. Nswton, manager. off ou accounut o! raim. Antiocb isw u i asu it cakes reauily there le tao murh the fend. - ater. Do not give tbe plante a littia IVAffHOE Cage Wiliam@s rode homne tram Warike- isater eaeb day but ouiy isten needed, gai gaturde.j ou hie bicycle. sud use only vasier tirat lino the rem- Mr. sud Mei. Hnr Kuatiker visited ms.Cevrie Witrnore and sou, Frank perature ai tbe roam . Ne ver usec a ual- hm .lnt Buudsy. Hook Are vsting bere, tic ou the sud o! a boslu watening as it mm HaEwki's cottage la naow for rent lies. Frank Shepard ba@ b0eau ute causes tbe tream toi pack the salI end ebap.sick witb tonsuilti and lagippe. ijure the foliege. liv..Robertu Richardson and Lzie. lre Margaret Littue bas bougbt a To preveut jour iindois plante from Kusbkarv spmt last Frida in Waukagaaa. bouse sud lot On North Ave. iu Wenks- btooming only on thae treet ide, turn Dora Dorfir le vfriting witb ber sister "D. tbsmr oecaiouallj sud yuu will bave the et Round Lake this vsek. lire. Wil Rocker. o! Lake Villa, isas bloomse lu the room s isu. Do not Mms. H&M Paynestsrtemi for Monta lu Autuocb on business Monday. give luage plante aus mucb ight as foe Tc Tusamarung ta speud a few wiseke vttt ber dengbtar. lies. Athur Gulidge. Mr$. N. S. Burnett returued borne flboerillg Plants; keep the ferns lu e JobanStrapherd bas septed the Tbursday eveurng ater e tan deje viil ebedj corner; e uorth wîudow mure gruvd u~aagaentai irm ! 20 ares. lu Bockford wlth ber mster, Mes. .othaa' Wiacansln. He maved i bgr Fertilizers. bonSho1d goad anad iarnily Ibisaeek. Tbpre a]tllht an entertainmsult and * L.AKE ZMRCH t se as dry materiai ouly issîl rotted social ona Robrt Riebarlaan'a la-ti L...... 1........... ..J meure. To prApere - liquid menurestoi Weduesday, June 21$ A large crowd la A nickel dance w Iil begiven in Blctuese te appliad ouly aItar tha urdiuary *desred as the uds are tauibe given to pavailn 'iaturdey urght ti Stering bas beau due, tata an ordin- the cborcc. Anr adinission o! ten cents mTonanWi.Bcns ee rbrelouiigoe-lluterf for te gowu people. Cbldren iree. The W.TneadW.Bcus sr r erlcnann rebl uhlo entertaianeut aili couelel o! play@, rata- Prairie View sud Hall Day -allerJ freglb cnw duug, sud if extra trangtb tabions, tableaux and music. It ailI te Moudey. le rer1uirrýd arld a oupia o!fnquart» o! given by the yonng people of Ivauboe, tMr. end lire. Fred Seîpwtres Libety- feesbh eu turture, and caver with wu- aselted by (rajalake talent. A stage ville viivars Mouday. ter. Aterit lies frmeuted tluaroly thu vili te erected on the lewu aud iii. rouain, raka, leruonede and candy W il, le- Carl Ernst made a tripu to u iago iroarmernterial ilîl ail eéttle tn, the @old. Monday. bottoiiand vounîruey fiIIthe a rrel wthi Resolutiaus. Me. ChiLe. lirboîz, ru! Chicago. isrl aer and the solution e redj ti ib ?,ritÂ, in viais of thie lom eavbae relatives bers iaturday anrd Sunday. epîlied ta jou r plan ta. Au application eteiuied by the deatîrofounr freud,' ( it, ketanend Henryj Rlen aueae aery tisa aeeslut grueraly ail tiret re lies. R. D. Amas§ and erarnuiete li tire trip to Wautegan, Tuesdey. required. Ladies Aid Sriiety of whi-hre u@a a Miss Ernurue Shrieir la stayuuug willu Propagation. faithîl nl andwtuar rîreurer and telnved ber miater, Nts. LeuIriet Waueonla mit Preslident for six yeares ad il tira e eie o hspoý,,ssn egnrlyu looesnst.aiur.d ly thinis arlunu saPressnt. or thie prt oifras mntleavoraly nord neerest anrd dearrst tir hur, therafore Fred sud Cliariu.y hir.ikr.r, ofni mrej rvrylgt ui a îot aoabef te it fate iseere lier.' brrr.Tur.ouav. the formation cy! ut rote REavuLVEI, Tlat t ira[,it a luit triiîute The rarpeuters arr bus nuAlu The gerenui l perbepu thtira set ta thathe ren' lte ilat.r m uv uoelligs naisbuildlig rnPark Aue. ' bagin wiîti sud a goud bealthy top thtr grrrr mr rrnivil fromntu uerumulul lu e slave aere avood bas midet, ire Murtrufur onui.%uthno ,.vii n ErilrFicta and Ernest lrnnirig truae aeuaisy Wmrtlry u ounr rupin (t ar.d a trib u t Waukegeu lest Saturlu ay i fuorme,]. Take a shbarp knite and rut lie- regard. iln,,a joint. RESOLVEDt, tiret th,, Lururlrt tiunti Foliaga plants are cary easrly propa oi thias oietY bu.eý '.îto ur îariffly PRAIRIE VlbW 1gatrul and carry lady rau dur ber owu lu tbeir afflicioun, REsaLI LI), tîat lune t'-nuUtiti, b. 1.(iutlrurris îay prograur a-ill birk ofin îtthinsnature end wiitîr greet * publlebed lu oru ra atit i* u an lI t rmnrr t tîna irace Evatigerral n(imii su utatirn ripan the records ocul tu r" irtn ýLiaISuilar rv.-uitigaet 74..tIur l')\mi VI lut I ' iatr'l. Committee MAia i lihaak CutyIdeenetin f RaNI.% Ilaimu a.i .ndft1stig îays-and paves Im ITe aa ony nipuan u _____________________________ay Io ,triemtr things. Try aur uaut Chilcago Lally Tribune $3.50 per year I LNGGROVE c'tmnah ln advance. GereQuentin is ln Waukegari it tiý, s«pev..os meting thîs week. Fruk Cordes5 and wife vis.lted CoLnnug, " s eek and tuok in the miglutun uit JiVer Vlew Park. &ndrw Stabi and wife wersuin Chiuagnu Bu.aday and Monday visil ing friends. ]Frank Wagner waa in tuwn Sondai Co, Zimmus and arle, Ed Wagner and Iriend, Miss BirI Boehm aserei Chicago 'Tnursday attendlug the graduatirug stier of ai atharyn Wagner as a tza&ned nurse. Lo"g Grove Indiana playéd tbe Long Grass o es. The score waa Indiana 10; Locale 7.L Sdvings Tire Sua uurgs. ut lc )-ou accuinulate by biard labinnr amu nd noran -vyu carinfot siforul to and i in ar3othunt thunu the Best S.ecurities. I nVeStMen ts Ynu carurot ,nilnrd t, npurninaut an unveetinent of vvbuch a cn haa notIr, lrnii k nro.letige and Il mian, ,lt to snre niisapnjoîrutineiint \V' g t c efor private in% rutora a inntri ru unîluer of Ilîrst hi'm nnt jn1 . rReal Ratate l,,aîa nr lnrnerty iuLake County t 4 t. 'ilnu litl long est.allaifa alluie. ý linm , %uhave money to lori catl awl veriln.',Ve gladly fnurrnilu n nu lrnatin orn aIl c lasse, TU1E FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0F LIBERTYVILLE Iest D- o sthe. Post Otie. Openstsrdsy NlghUs s s riwai Im ve u ;~ias estinPMW Lt b si L WI e tos obusluiness la Sew ai itonbar aN.nded the dance Many relatives end friands mouva, bis "tCbhay, Mt Woonobdb, Obsrda~y njght. eprtre 1Maener Walter Kane. oaiElgin, spent Uv.. Iraak UMan iMvsted frlendse aiDDRPIDD. pmady vith bis uneie, Henry Kali& colo Bnadai. -lira. Wmn. Xist and ebildeen, o! Wil- MdissBanna Butte speut unday vitit liand@, Li"ainad Dubay Fear vlsited mete, peut Bud» vlwth the Todd lies.Rouese. il L. Stria, Undeyaft.vnoon. fa10113. lMr. and Mes. Geo. Out, lir. and Mes. FVsak Erbit ttmmated business In W. W. Clark vas a Deerfleld caller 0.0. Mitchell eud daugh*sr, Lusiia and McLanry, Moada& . Tfleday Mrs. Ou, . Br*pent Bond%5 visli Mr. FItr" Ll"Q' and te Blters and C. G. and Robert Pettits, who bave anIdr$ ies nrg at Lake ricb. hoir o! rtbs imont Catholieobnecb lspeut tb. vintbr ln Dakota returned Miu e dna Ochroder le vlating ln sent uday aiteinoon st Benehe's home Bnnday. Chicago. POYU[lon at Round La&ke. Mr@..G. C. Warfléded iblidren Mr. and lies. iao. Thatucher and WiII Nordm.yer raturnsd MondayfImm rtflrnd ta their home Ttruruday ater cbidren and le. and lir@. Wn. ezupksr Stroll, Souh Dakotua. Win thinka, spendbngsa eek vith ber parents, Mre. #peut Sunday wltb their parents. t'remont in the bsut Pacé jet. and lies. John Knsecht. - d Knightspont Saturday andBSunday Laou Shie la baving tue houas sbingled lies. Laues Hutctison la vislting with st borne. wberebha ives. Henry Tekampe ls doiug B. P. Hutcbisoq and famlly. i, u ie.Msr.ichl etvs the work.ieday morning occuered tre death o! borne Saturday alter spendiug a !ew Daloy Fear returned borne Saturday John Bslig. Br., slitbsh home ai bis son days witb relatives ln Chicago. alter bing away twa rnontbs. at Deerflsld. lie. Beiit bad'boeau ick MieIaRss@pu adywt stucs Februaey but b.d not beanu- Ms n em pu udyvt There vili b. an entertalument at lthe 8usd ta bie beàunutil a fiw day tiere ber parents at Aptakîic. Fremont Cnter Catholure chool bouse bis deatb. fie haves ta nimoun bis Ioss Pain auj where wtopped bu 20 minutas Jue 29tb. a vifs, four sons, two daugbters and a sure wtb anseaoftir. 8hoop'e Pink Pain hast ai ioving ftriends. Funeral servies Tableta. The formula la ou the 25 tant Frank Erbartu, John sud Frank were beld Suuday afternoau lu the St. box. Aek yonr doctorordrugglat about Fredericka hauled gravel Wedneeday for Paul'@ uhurcb the Rey. F. Bosoid, tuile fo>rmulai Stops womanly Pains, tbe cerent walk for the Frernont Cnter officiating. luterment at tbe Deriild beadache, pain anywbere. Writo Dr. Gatholitcburcb. emetery. Sboop, Racine, 'W iu., for f ree trial ta poovalue. Henry Hapke died at the home o! bis@ .LL DEALERS. brother, Chris Hapte, Friday mroing, To avoid serious results take Foley a_________ June latu six o'tiock. Hie daath vas Kideyttesedytthe tiret signa!f kldney caueed by being ijured lu a runaway or bladder disorder *ueh as bacace Take County Independent and tbe Saturday befare. Mr. Hapke W"aueriyirvegulaities, exhaustion, anj the Weekly Inter Ocean anrd Fermer about fiftytuuryjass ad. The fumerai 1or. vili soon te veli. FEÂANx B. LOVELL. $1.85 per year. Wulu, 7 -Il I ai 'fnlWoe coaa O nrfinCh Idren s PIay O casesan ed C sa$1.9 $1.00, Anus versary Sale price in nsat patterns, s ucky purchase enbes us to tell these to ynu Satur- H day ai 39c0mouNtS: 1JlWhite Petticoats, 18 inch embroidered 98 C Near Postoffice iiiea, 1.1 9 hiAnnîversary Sale Great Final Bargain Offer Handsome Trimmed Mlats Goes for- Satuîday at One-Half Regular Pâ,ces Tinto our store on Saturday ofllast week in response t our invitation t share Inth bargains offered ini our great 1 st Aruniversary Sale. And every day sinçe that date the people have been corning in hundreds to secure their, share of the good things now offered. As fast as stocks diminish they are re- plinished by others that are fast arriving and there i.s no scarcity of bargains for ail who corne. Saturday will be the last and best day of this great sale and ail who corne will pay less for their garments than on any previous day during the sale. Fine French Voile Skirts, worth $10-00 at 3098 Children'n Coats, worth $5.00, for 1 *98 Great Cleohn=up on Suits and Coats Ladies $10 black and tan Jackets, 39 at ............................39 $15 full length black and Covert, 69 at..........................69 Ladies' fine $10 Suits, must go now 29 for Clearance at ............. ..29 Ladies Suits, choice of a lot of gar- Inents worth $15 and $18, special .. . 7.75 Y[J m.. OppositeS HEIN'S ANItY Heîn's .m o rse HEIN aux ~Store me rss Fine Wooltex Dresses, 8298, 8575, $9.98 Dainty Shimmering 811k Dresses can be purchased A mont cbarxning lot of new Wooltex Dresses has Saturday cheaper than ever before. been secured for our Annex to sell at bargain Aseillto olrsadTfea nmn prices. These Dresses corne in finest aUl-wool oA theial tl o ef Fut lards and aeason Sany panama and other materia:ls in many handsome ofil the latin t ylo fets awithe be pola rce Sl new designs, every one bearing the Wooltex label. wheteyltintoosathewooparrce Choice of a special lot of $10.00 Dresses, 2 at .................... ...... ..2 9 Choice of a fine assortinent of57 $15 and $18 Dresses, at ......9.98.6 .75.. 9.75 Choice of any $25 Dress in the lot, 6 e 5 9 7 special at.......................... S DRESS SIRTS AT ANNEX $1.69W d msai RM Ladies' Drens Skirts in all colors, exceptional W ash SuiAUs at$9 8 # quality at our low price 16 Ladies Wash Suits in white and colors,1 for Saturday...................... o9 all sizes to select from, for Sat. and Mon,. .i.s These and the bargalus adverlised Iu Our Great FIrsi Anlversary Sale circulai r bii e on display for your seleclioR Saturday. Crowdu are In attendance daily. Coule Saturday wtthout Juil. E k 1 1 1 1 4 Il. i Fine'.C.are Fine flair ha' âine oare thst makes §a hait! Use AYer' Hit rVigor, cv improved formula, YS tematlcally, conscientioustYt sud you viii get resulta. WC knov le stops failUng buai, cures dandruif,msud le a mo« eleglIne dresslng. EntirelY new. New blotte. New contents. Dm i ,e lie "Y et I hai s si agi5Wt ýt t. e yiers AraHalirVi or, asnov made from our myew mProved formiula,ilatlielàtest, 0101 scientil.c, and in every waytheverybest heuir preparation ever pliced u th Ie market. For !sliing tiair and dandrufi l is Ille on*ut fYet medicire. A sutiscriptlon offer that wfil Inter- et the women folks le the Parls Modes Magazine for womsn, the Delly Inter Oceau and the Independent al for $3.50 per year.

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