Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENlýDENT AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY&SUN ýixvO l l. I NO.32. PA W'l PV 5 .AT fw t WJI-.U& £WU Independents Win Court Battle-Expect to be Instal- led in Office by Volivan' Council After the Decision. (Fra. Wednesdays Sun.) Caps were thrown inua the air andl wbisales aere biown at Zion City this miorning when It be,-ie known that down ai SPringFnAill ah i ntents tise attorneYs for lth' Independents hail triuinped snd as oafdanîna hbdti been granplned thebc',as(' of Llchty vs. Cien- dine,>, a hici lasimIAy tise case be- laveen the iwo rivaI counella of Zion. The grsfting af the mandamus mPans. ln the sImpiest terms. tbat thse Vocn colnril, the Volivan body, must >10w get the ertillidhookm and aheets fron the elArtion officiais. canvass themn. anaid elare s set of City oM.i ciaIs elecled accarding ta the returas. Matie, of Judgment Not to Enter. A>,,the lecisin la nterpreted thlii more»>5 ln ZIon this means that the- Voh an colinril, nr ay other. saflot to sit rii Judgnent on thue eectionnaa t>, whel bar It mas a frandl or flot or as ta wli'lher lilece were sny Irregaîlari. tie% ori- flacThe reiunasare sîmpi>' ta il,- daciareci as ccrtItied b>' the isaiges sud thse candidates de>-iart'd Pe>>ted sc'crdiag. ia these relurnii WiIi Put Independensa mInt Office. lnd>'pen>dc'nis >lalm. sand the resuit seoiniioh> i>î>îa hat the can, as of the rc'tirr-i c" n ha the Volivan cauncIl >11 >l' blihe calei pen c'ai tiket, bc'ad ed lia Mayor Richey. into offIce, snd thai -Mlot - ( lendinen sud staff w w l-o>sied. Thse iecisian createil great ext ment in Zion' City. Vliv, offie b ors at once ruahedin t a consultai witis <sir chief and inilependent ficers calleil an immediate conferen * What Voilaans Say. Wben tise decision was exillained Vlivans thisamorniag they dpcîsl that thse cauncil would never dpeci electeil andi give way ta an Indeppe, ent council. This wss a statenient belle f. Muet beclore Judges- Return. Tbe Ceffect of the derisiocc wil the deciaration by the old Zion coi cil1 Of the election or the Indepeaden Attorney John 1) Pape stateai C marning wben asked about tise ml ter. "The iudg,'sOaItise election mu uow certify the el.-ctIon returne,1 sateai "and the aid coumncii muat c> auth'eni anai relurn a report In5 cordanre wlîb the rettirns of tise i> lion iudges. The result or thfia <ecision wil thât Volilansites milsc now conteqo, k elec(tiojn bo continue tise fight visi bas h>ld lthe aflssOf the viiy in (angle aice the day of the electian. koic iar ired lare ýnd- tof lin- ts, lis lat. 1sf he la ae- ec- he Ich Fabry Elateil. Attorne>' Fabry callled Zion tIty friecîdH oir he long disance tels- luhao eas.soccî-as tlised'cIsion waa gi ven. W-0st everYthing we came S u n G o s . h P i c -s t N e w s . jth ec i s i o n e n g t'a h e p o w e r s o f t h e O s e > , t h f r s t b a g e t t i e n o r a i c u n c l a r e p u r e l y m i n i s t e r i a i a n d ch,- >uiren,>.,corts decision was tise that thvy. themgelaca, cannat docile SI'N office .and theoMcewaa hem! eg -if Illegai Votes wero casi blt nMuet de- ec %îlthis n>irlres rc'garaing bbe. SIyN clare rescltë 0f the elecUIon Accord. nî<'sa.c'OIIe iuiry even ca.ming ing ta tise officiai returns andaimuai frani thsi Zion ieraid office, The Hec-- thon contes> the election in the courts aid sm tis,-volian new$psiPer Eitor if ntatala l'»rby rc'fiiaed ta be cammnitted inta Tise entire, part>' or Zionîtes are ex. an expressIon of opinion. Pecteai home At seacu Iis evening. mari in the roai aanether deuil. PLOT TO ROB hart soc- drunk t tthat he lay there AUTOMOBIIair lis te InIten, 0f atopping ,,the ma. A UT MOBIIST; chine ad robbi-cg.Mr Bîdinger bail T RAP IS MEANS w.u..d.Nlhro tePOtr er wisen Mr, Bidinger and is car went forth. tise road. s country toi-n. One of Suspected HoId UpS plike was cieri and unobstructed. The Poses as Vlctim of Acci. man la ' yan his bai-k ln the roai andl as ho assbig. tall custamer. ho os- dent, Lies in Road teýndeýa tisewidtis of the tbarougisfai-e ________________ 90 that Xlr. idinger bad ta ttirn into lise ditcb la get b>' him Ex Aloorman Bldinger Believed to Have Been Target for Desperate Gang Public Min wa peeding Along in Automobile Near Winthi-op Har-bor Lais Lest Night when He Saw Man Lying in Middlie of Road. Moving Figures in Bush Gae. Wacnîng of Aiieged Plot. (Prom Wednesday'îSu. Coming aaîîbta W 'intisropFiai-- bor b inhs siltoamahi:-. iast night Ex Alderman Juiius F. Bidinger hadt s narraw escape firn hein5 tise victim1 Of a Plot ta rab sud the dastardly1 cauaplracy Is belag inveetigateai Ioda>'. As tbe weil known public man was speeding soutb toward Waukogauii n the pi-i-b darkness snddeniy bis bead- lights fniu on the pritaste figure of! a man >iYIîg in thse middle of tise roail t WILL SHADOW CONDUCTORS 'raircmen Sili et -hought of New 8py Systemn. Conductors employed b> tise Chicaý go and Northweaiern railway are arouaed over a new plan wicb waô put IntO t'-fect >esterday by Officiais 0f the roaa to kceep tab on the amahîLt Of collections receiaed b>' the canduc- tors as coflspared with thse amounts turned lit tiste comnPany. The road Lias decided to find out whether ItLa getting ali the revenue front cash tares taid on traîna and If flot ta (rap' the cnductors who are gulît>' of dia' honeat>' b> the einployment or traqn auditors, s plan wicb bas been trisil by several roads bath esat and West. IL la reportei that train auditors were inatalleai yesterday morning on traîns running out aof('linton, la., and Fond du Lac, %%'asuda t hat alter a test on the branh lnes they mtay be put On therniain lUne. Nalurail> conuductors are resenting the systetu. The irstIinstinct of the Waukeganiîe PRMR LA UCNTT. avas ta stop andi lend a baud but as RM YLA UN NSI . ho looked a figure movei b>' the roaa- TIONAL. aide îinbthehushes and coming to the BSpriungfield, Ill - Jine 16.-Tise su.' igbtning quick conclusion that the preme court declareai the rrimar>' iaw seodPr aas witb gn unconstitîîtional ioda>'. Tise statuts tise ex aiderîcîso awerved bis machine lmdcaed ifloeiative as whole ho. ai-aunailn a ctrve anîd baited past cause ai constitubional defecta. Tise thse graup, beieving that the man lai' dacision leaves Illinois aitholît a tii-l in the midaile of the roai ta stop the mary iaW or su,- legai niethoci for machine when the entire psrty wonid nomination ai cacnddates. haid Up its occupant. Ê'This la the sceee ried anîd warkeil Uderl'yBachelor-Kis. Bonside, wMi c-e times near Glencae laut yeai-. Fou narry mE? "'be ex alderman speedeai bis ma- Attractive Widow-Mr. Wackfoed, lose ta Wintbrop Harborsaid routeil are YOc Overlaoking tise tact that 1 J'av@ six chUldrei tise poice but the beating up Of! lderi>' Baciscir-Nat et ail. I want d tta 5usd an>' trace of ihem. It damn 'ems!-Cbleaga Tribune. reau>' beileveil tiat tise pari>' ia>' a eplotteil to balaiup Rome pssaing TEEMAY WED. - automnoble. 8. P. Boumne, 26, Waukegan; iii1e -.Mr. Bidinger la positive tisat tise 4-Kit 19, North Chicago. [d- on r- ot u'iJUNE 18 I, 1909- - FUJR PAGES $150 PER YEAR IN ADVA!NC<E. I The Globe's Saturday Bargaîn Buletin WHITE SERGE COUTS We X e lîte selling thesi' toats ail seasoti long foi- $100X and $ 1> () - 'fl' are stuînning garnients îîîatlc utfa Il 'vol white serge, 'w inches long, Iined vvith siik, t riîîîmi-d with burttons, spiacial ........7.95 Dainty Summer Shirt Waists, 98C 'l'iîse are exî'i-eptiîal' aiv j ujtx' of au extremel v fineii îi s1lueer iiaiit.y of white iîidi;i I llii. <)rie st vle lias a low- sq-ele i"kXXitli the entirefroiit trînîme(iil 'elise aii ai lace, ais>>iîîil..\u îî st vIe lias the I )liîî-l I tî tî'liiied ith eîiî> I iîn îserting and([l ti-ks, exceptioii$1 viiiis, for...........98 COOL LINGERIE DRESSES. These aie itiieudlîiidismiiîi giw-ns for sîxînniei' ivoa'. 'c reif lDot foi, thie fait of lmia ifg bet'n pirehasî'd nifiea t 'a i-oriahi' prie-c>îsielat111X %voîld lia Xc t>>-iai-g> $ý7.5;() iistcad tif this 1) i gt>XX pil( L'irîger'ie \XVasiseîi i]thi i i; îtîkiig, thev ai'>' I;jli% rii io-d witiî lave aîîd eiii uioiderY -o -nie in al i>îîtî colors, special pi'ice ............................ 4 95 Boy's Umtion Suite ai 45e Fixie haibriggatî xihl)ed union stîits, iong ox' short siccvcs, knee oî' ankle leîîgth, gaixnexîts that we ai-e iii the habit uf alw-axs WoMeà's Fancy Rostery Ain attiai-tiv'e uew hue ut lace anti cxilxîoidei'Xv los- iii-' , iii blaî-k and tan, sçuiiîed hecd and toc-, the pive x'wliii> XXe al'.a'.s get for these is >> l spec-îal per pair.'. 119 Kayser Gioves, pair 48c XVoîxî-xi's siik or' ile Ka v- sel, giox es. thele 'til kxiow n ixiake, two v >Iasp i double thar t-oons, v1150 .alues~, speial at 8 pail'.............48 Il ETCASA 9 PlnsneTTICOATSAT 79cti VVIa t « Vei~ l S'tro îs h ius hi, >->îein la>'k î~' deep floiîe-, attr-aeti-vclvý shiri'ed and stitelîci(l, values'thait îau't hie approaehed for Iess than $1.St), offered spécial f il ...ILL.INOIS 1» . Wool Suits Deeply Cut in Price- Yc>îî ean floXVbu v an v wool suit in>cuir sto-k at a mîueil mîlîîeed plic-e. The sav- ilig actilal ' 1'el>I'(seilt ie itaufad ini Iuall ili]stiaîîces a >oîsideî-ahle miore. 'At Nve ilavec oliected a vast asrtnient of tai ioîed silaits that fîue"-soiti at 1$10. ari nde 0f g> »» serviveahie materials such ^ as painas and serges, G J I. SUITS AT $10.00. 111 this lot are suits that - oî have secîx ali season pric-ed nt $20)and $22.50. The 'v inii>-tîe hothi two anîd three pieeniodels anîd coinprise al the îîopîîlar inaterials iiifixe desired col- oriîîgs, speciallv pxit cd at......... $1o.oo Fine ?tiffinery Undrpriced On mani' lots ot fine niillinerv -v eare imakxug e\trinely shari' ndiîxtiow., bfoi-îistance we offex a lot of tr iinied hiats thlat havei heen selinîg at $4.0() anîd $.0foi- oui'v.$2.48. Thev ar-e stiiiurîiug <i cations heaut- ifîlll v tinied in lnanv pleas- ing inaxncîs, a coluptehensîve selection of rnodels to choose frou> at ( hoice 6I NINFA NTS BONNETS 25c. f> ~ Made of fine white iawn, nîel' 4trii uîned li laee anîd eîîîbvoid ~- ~.~"" cv, the'. are '0. value,; 1but as sounie a eIst hghti'. soî1c we î1lioiee... ..c $1ýCorset, 89c Te('/B and Kai»> are two iiikh-s ofte>î"sts tiat are w ell kilownviit>> xc vwoian bevause they îpossesss the de- Siied merits, tixose of cOm- tfirt and sty.le voiuhîuc d, spe- eil otoi t>)lfoli>w IX offer the regular $1 0<) huie at a reduced prie v'výr he latest foi n reduig mtels, white o outi, o porers S'y attaehed, al ss, nrw 88~ SOc det' î'c'gîiiai' pi' uc A.7~I Wash Suits a( 3.98 Adîie îîtAuto i-lotI>, fuil gîîî-e<i skîu-i, seiii ittiiîg po-k-ls aind tîi iiiiied ti 't bufni xi or i o 3m98 CHILDREN'S CO0ATS8 $1.98. Madle of al] vool noveit ' vilth, ages 2 f0 14 yeais. At this figure thev aie 'i'V iun- li ll Here are the beE't 15e handkerchefs that yo u hav.e ex'er seix, tliey are extra fine quality, hand- sornelv embx'oidered, seal- ioped or heînstitefhed edge speial eaci 2h Lisle Vernis and Pants Knit from ectra fine lile thî'ead, vesta have higli neck, long or short sleeves also low. net-k and sleeve- less; pants axre uînbrella style, lace tximmed, al sizes, .35c valnes, q ChiIdrns Dresses ai 79e Ages 4 to 1'2 '-car.4, atfuae- tivel'.' made iin rîany' pleas- txu sxes îî as junîpet anti sailoi', of plaIi and fancy percale and gin- ghaxn, vaines to W omens Oxrfords made of Vici kid, gun so aIs, Russia Usf : Bd patent lesther, 180o tan, lace, buttoni& ucher.S 2.48 MENS SHOES. Box caf. veloxr af, pin mnetal and '.'n- kid leathers, latest istytes, Goodl\-(tii' 'elt, $3.00 aînd $.50 values' pair .........----------2 .4 8 -ISSES SHOES AND OXFORDS. Tan and baek Iathters. lace and buttoni,. sizes 111/ to 2, $0 values -.......13 i 3~ -J IThe INDEPENDEFNT has ,al the County Ne. -'s vmý ýim 1 0 LAKE COUNTY lNDEPENT)ENT 1,-,Iýiii.iv TrTXTV 10 i"ý" 1 1

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