Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 13

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6TH1 1 =yICatedm»Il WiUShow'Y EPANTS BY THE HERD) ,*azl7 Tecday mnorning Gentry ~tosdo* anud pony shows il ar- ~ Ws~p.n.cowlng bers for gagniwot of one day. Au soon se t4"Ye Its twenty car Mf upapiiornaita Wm b. trans- 1",o44 lots. ~tiV rothrs sows sInce their p slsomre twenty-fivc years 4&ve i*ède 9 peclatLlof cater- te ta sit and childrem. Their 4( trIIomedanimais deUight the case. lad yt aro attraction to ibe equally pleaalns to the (a the, onWahent o ttalned cr05- t" * u W Go m*j tbm eU .lwu nmbers q= tp*,dospecipe, mule, Pli", ts.' an~d .tukeyum d casa ~ofo! the tricks tii... animais de ,pro =iomtl$uq.nd yhae on stops tu mervel # at bhhtus uaually dit- h!lt Io Perforas a lown'animal doos »Mli i tau-ýlSt relleve-the ait- Tb#. la the rattinte Gentry Brotb- ei* shows havé vlated Waukga n l ft"yora Wace. tiir lat visit the siètbava bom t'wtce e.larged. A 04t>lfi<01ftii9 nature of exeas la car- rW~ W sncb traveling aggrpsationa ni 01" relise the scope. o enr amtm pwrw romace. in Wsanoean GeutrY Broters m14b ise d# vseîcr .pa-aeTis > rd u4wruit oix tbe us u*n. ln, t »« UmoIy gaidur coored flots, -i.Ï nuse riPresting mrnefable of , tà .. tTié 014 Woutea wbç , lémm.laUw e sla MW*e titanordi- M"Oactors la thé "0 îJOpUC ts4 dgs sd'Uic #$ta.r ga by poni.. i tih. pomo ie »ar. touo" oncolts. %eTii ##» f&Mtsi.mDo part la the. per- t4fflmobu thtey a-Mreclplenta of au sud of admratiorn from techil 0"ptry ]Erpdti shows uiU prebent uMSprueae.doraua tWr tay lu -,%là*sa. be ogèd wulipeu t 1 mal W_.douit. An hmutand aqUar- t la ail*wel fur ptrons to viat the 1utgtut. the show commeno- t2f34 aud 8&là ocloci. For t waekaesrne mglement Uic price atdaulM pbas been reduced to 25 1*168 INTOILS IN CITY? cifim la Fenir Wamkaganite 1a Out Amcrdjng te a report on the treets Mq ytii. 1ut edtona et Chicago pa- paras1"ta igit, told how 96 George fflggs, an Ocer la the latiiora'un- t!la Jhliago, hlie om amosted for sihesd put ln a labor cousplraci-, wbUv. motiors, and a beenooreleas- cd uudr IAOM bail. Waou*ItUeple Wonder If this te ttc George Briggs Who forrnerty re- sided hct'a m wau inowa as 'Tlrn- iem" YHe iormerly roadddaet am- mn& l.The coabirset llagad la one te auepeomd vomi on a building. IIEPLE VIN ON WOULFE'S BODY Qijeer Poéédiags at LibsrtyvIlteIîn Regard to Corpse.. i 1, (lYom Wednesdare sSun.y Yntterday a Uberty-vOIe when Un- dert aker Luce refuaed to give lp lte ladY aoft.elat. John Wouite, unuil alEge.l chargea had bhein seWed, Fred Croteer. the dead meaW employer, rap- levnad Uic body snd gauing Dosses- alec had it hurle&. The mtter atarted ber. vhen a phy- siclaîl gavaeté body- to the chre o! tho WltltHoiIanîiCompany bie Craher otdred LArsenansd Conrad tot taie chutge o! tl. Ic latter firut UaeitheUicWhite Hotluni Company- for thebiody anmi va l i Saly to set a wrtl±an ordar. Croler tame lu ý-tog 4tiiewritten order lb la sait * mati a alleged theWhite- pupia, Mach tu tia took lthé body te tihe Luce 514 q#it la théLcs cihute. when iëror waiteLuLox ac CuLo&ýad and Jt*pLlUOl tDdo tlI oUrk. r'The Mgte fiab ireatid,.much fiat mptaic ontws - rd 2s wb o rbolrt arti t rt.arty U ve erer o he- os f IMbarts btueiM 4 . lt hoPemi. pIrauailpre-sffin Mtort wNIl b. sud j.U, 0 eïd 1 s- r Sale of the "CmOUS Japanese Air Be is, 49c. They tinkie auionatiî'aliy wheîiever a itreeze blows oit themi and issue niost delightful tunew-giving consolation and rest to tlie weary-retiinds one of the tinkling of ice in a glass o! crystol water at a titîte when body and mimd cati for a refreslting souad. A lijuitoil S number o! artistie bells suitable for porch, dei r o summer house, on sale at i d DInner Plates Worth Double. Fortunate indoed for you that wtt are building ai iMis time-si more for- tunateý that chinaware is poor mar- chandise to have about dnring building time-when brièks are- falling, beams li going Up and ail sort tif commotion go- ing on; ihat le why wtt are ofering sev- eral hundred bine andl white decorated, seven inch china platers at such a ridiculously iow price as (second foot-..... C A Special Sale of Glass Tumblers, at each 2c. A&nother one of tiiose c-ties miuere the need of room jei iperative, several barrels of glass tuinhiers that must move as we have no room in whieh te> Sstore surplus stock-furtheriore the 4Mt very floor in the china section is going r beb ripped out---operatitîns t<î begin in a very few days, 'u"th ie course of events must ttv rapîdly. Three styles, eutch 2c $1.75-WooI Velvet Rugs, Speclal at 98c. 'A cottbinatitin o! evenis is the cause of o! iis very uuual off er. First, tiîeme ýzý ruge were o-reafor earl1Y delivu'rvtand >,ý arrived but recntly ut at a titue S when wt w-unt to bc nu tof ail surplus stock. Wool faced vlvet rugs, size 27 x 54 incites nmde to sali for not lesu titan $1.75. Special dur- S ing ibis sale 2ct eucli, whie the last (second lr).. C 25c. Curtain Madras Special, Tee Yard at 19c. l-ever ai any tintelins otîr dtaperyse- tutuoilcî-eed grestt- vîriety of <luthm antd patterns, never itefore have ive had such an inv-entive to cie-ar ont evemy yard ofif uateriai in titis ffl-tioit as now w-len the work of raising the waii sends duet ami dirt flying lu eycr~y direction. Take advantage of ibis offer now when prit-e concessions are tel greateet. ISpecial 25e -aiue .. 9 ai yard ............... 50C. cup* ind Saucers, Speclal 23e. i I As a speciai clearance fealture ,,dning p titis giet Alteration suie now going on w-e offeri yon your unret§erved choice from six or eight styles and patterns. The dcecorations are of, dainiv l#oral aud serne patterns in the preitiet of tt- aginabie coloriage. The prir tt reduiced overhait. $peciai for tii sale eaci. ..... 0F ' stST WIW be Tu.W Id 0 M 7d Ev~~ IOUISuit, in tii. IIu>se Goes on Sale- et Exactly Blai Price No rçletvation irnipdç yourcthoice- May bemade from our enti ré stock $12.00 Cloth Suits special at $5.98 $15M0 Cloth Suits sp ecial at $7.50 $18.Q Cth Suits special at $9.0 $22.50 Cloth Suits s ccia t$1.25 $25,00 Cloth .5ffts specJal at $12.50 $30.00 ClothSults speclal at$15.00 $3500 C lolli Suits spetial at $1 7.50 Greýatest Ch ùi4ns E£vent of the Chllidren's Colored Dresses& ',ipany in- Starces Reduced Morenir . Chldren's $1 .50 colQred dress- Cs,6 tO 14 years ......... 89c Clldren's 75c colored dresses 2 tê 6 yeirs ........... 49c Chldren's $2i50 white jumpers 6to14 yeqrs .........5.1.50 thilldren's -S5.00 white dresuss 6 t»e!s years---------...$3.98 Children's $1 .50 whte dresses 2 t. O6years-----------...75C 2 Chldrsn's $4.00 white Dresses îto-6years----------...$2â8 Cli'Idren's $8.00 white dresses 2 to §ý yeors----------...54.98 Chlldtcn's'56.75 white dresses 3 to'6yçàgç ............S4.16 Chllbrep's $3.00 white Dresses 2 to 6yt .........$1.98, Chjldîe,ýs Î 2.00 white droi5seW 2 t ..-$1.39 Cjj$idiyewllw $1 .50 >white dresses 2 té r ......98 Chldren's white dresses 2 to 6 4e ib DhemsesGreaidy Ladies' linensuits, values 'at ...49 Ladies' 3 plece suits, $9.50 values at .......t$6m7 letsWash Suit. Reduced"$6- Vtlue Bimck & whlte iýtrlpe ç ç4 0 Brown &white strIpe erfects~ hlo Qu4,white strlpc effects1 - Pain blue & brown effects $3 26 Open à Çisrd Acpmt. SpeÇMI Values In wraieware. lFor- taturdai-, a'u~'ynd iWednes- daY ve offer cavera i splendid itîces ini the laiseittent granitewart- fsection. 6 fit. gru « v tîaîmleied pudding pais êare tf- fere>l et l0c, lu addition to the alsîve wi' ofler 12 !n. gray eînnelvid wailî basmins uaithe i4upecially re- 'O c t1 îîî'ed lprive 1'for tiis ugale. Lu c ft eichlt, h. Suit Cases, Speq-clal at 98. If .%onî -ail-going traveling muin tand aire in ta-ad tfrian iliexpei4ive unit casa -t-etuai lia every apiuarance of being leatiier antutt îrthmeniore will th pswrtli po t-p i ta, lo 1 t of ieathler coîtittrit -1hhai' tlotht fitnit Wit itii titeir leutlttr pi-otefiteil torperst broui tr-iini i gs anîd lea tillr lianttiles w'i Il add 1qietlÈ 14> tit» digtiit.v andtin>ifot'otf -Sc1 te i rite. The si7e are' 24 iiImm andI 26 incites. Extra Trunk Values, at $4.95. roi si trîeîigtlî. drahil.v and c.tiipltt ut-us atî ls' i inîk n'as neyver tîffereil t ait N-(-lihave llax-ed i itmsa 1I e tlift ie-xtfew (la *sv. Tiiymare elthtiiîied nu th ext ra heavvlhiek-oryv tit t-iband tt hi.tî4su cortneru un tilie u)Ittui leà. 'l'lie size oif thie trtnks &fi-t- 32 itielie>a nd tlie.v haere e r Ji 1i>' dli t von 4 i ai lai*ýt teet sad uitlt saeprit'e $4.9.5. 25c. Clear Blown Glass Vases, 10c. VaMIse. Vases. V'asu, littirads fr tltitiît li titil î i 11eglass in sai'- -ia shae fltse vaas Mt bat. t-ii-lt tht Cooil tau-ta size#4 ranîge froin '4vn nhs i) iftoeen. Nolhitig but u fl n jaking thieaf vases the recilt Thsgroup of regular 25e lu va ies special at 10c. Curtain Ends Specials, Each 19c. ý;a1iîîîle and fuîtiry 'uttain mdcm uken tfi-rottnt cii ai us tta t litav e ent itatde to sali in teé regniar way, that, lu ini thet rt-ue antd titre> antd a lraîf yard IE-îgtlits, ut iîtpwoard te) three tlfty anti four dollaurs Jper- îcir-we have nearly 200 tof theme endts thal. average about 19 twîpto two and a quarter CYardis, meh urtain end, Silkollne Speclal per yard, 7 3.4c S-eldothae lt on the uaopportunitytitat lmlîrettanteti at titis tintie. Huadreds o! Yariids thîît ituIde the cessons mo8t desiralîle paittk'rts have bn groupeil -fi thte olie price. The color aend pat- terin affocts eni bîr ace Or i entali and dformil desigins lu coinbminations that Witt b>'iguitalîle for neSrly every pur- 73 ît>»< etonniay .require. 3 ~eea this suie reducmd 74ço b per yard, 7%tc. - 'r- - - Wodd er of an@ oif Th-ma bide Dres ibis Pl thonsa and ai mony gardem Tc4j me«til wental Ilii. à lovera coartil were c thé. ho Bus On@ Amo ta aIbt deatha Nati health towns, lies 1 imoath cas t tht. ci staktes Wise, suit r: ,World which tareste The proilec obtaini States of the certain * Jo achedu Vlgbt i Chti. N. Y. Pitti Pittshi Chîca Broc New '1 Brookl Ray. Bergel Phil PhilIai Bostonl Spaj ham. Dpt.. Phit. Bos. Clev. Chie St. LO thical Walsht De t Det roi Clevel Mul Eaetei Bos Piiad Kra flarch Nem New1 Johi eth -F ý2 l-

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