LAKE COUNTY I2!tDPUD"T, FRIDAr, JULY 2, 1909 ,LAKE COLJNTY ICEPNDENT OU 'Telephone No. i &i.,tor*s Redence Teiepiio.e No. 1141.'ubertvle xci..rit Er 'b tcPO tofic e st Ubertyvifle. Il.. aseSeco.d Cas sMatter rws Aea.Y VERTISINii StTsuMADE KNOWN 0ON APPLICATION, ,SUISCR#PTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ApVANCE RANK H. JU T ý......................................................... ..... Edior M. KELLEY....>..........1..................................................ity Editar FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1'409. CONFIDENCE OROWING. Henry Clews in hie weekly letter from Wall street says of the crop out- e look- "Whill the crop outieok sa not Il that might be deired, it shows lmn- provement and presenta nothlng tlecdjasion alarm. t ia quite possible, If not proinable, tht w. shali have as large à cotton crop this year as lent, In sp te et th. agitation for docrasd aeage. As thero le goad profit In raislng1 cMttn t prenant prîcea, and cotton ia the most improtant crop in thé adjuet. mnent of our foreign trade balance, the outlook in this respect la entlreIy smatfactary. 'Whatever shortage there may b. in wlieat wiIl b. more than compena- steel for by the large increase in corn. acreage. If average conditions prevail1 w. ahould produce a record-breaking corn crop.' As thia crop exceeds In valuse sny other two cropa combined, and fermers are securing very profitable prites fer this cereai. it la reaonable ta hope for a nothe r profitable harveat. Whet la ,of course, a very profitable crop et preaent figures theugh it le net without .ignfcance that the present high prlce of flour ha. an checked consomption as te cause aupples ta accumulate and force price cuttlng amnong thé miîle. Win. Wairond le building a new brick addition to hie grocery building wbicb wujl be ue.d se a stock rootu. MIim Grâce Bond lef t Tue@day for Idarehatown. la., wbeýre Pbe will @pend the enamer with hbergraudmother. Dr. A. B. Churchjill aud family moved into the property be receetly purcbaaed from Dr. Martin on Park ilace thla week. AB an obje<ct leeson to pere§one Who bave ba.nü buylug liquor for men on the 'blck flot- Wm. Elte, atailor eiuployed by Fred Croker wss brougbt before Justice Butler lat Frlday aud ined 03 and coste wbicb amounted to over 85. The enumer chool of 'the Shldon fichool ofçorreepoudeacoopeiied at Labo Bomr,îiTbnreay, July 1, with &bout 65 pupiiea iu attendanc*. About twentY tente bYv heen put up for tbe accoumo- dation of tb,- tudente wbo will camp at the lake. Tbe YonstAmerican, club entertsined Mr@. C. 6. Husonsa ciae of the M. E. Snndayeebool to a lawn social st tbe bomea of Morris Proctor lit Twesday evening. They proredi to be good entertaluera and had the hast time imaginable. B. El. Mii..r will eurb ie poperty on Park avenue. and maka a paf'way Qn the outaldeou the walk . A Rew 1rive way i l sIenb.inoeboUlt. Thia work îe -_IWith aur 1 I.nductrlal and agricultiral situations bth in auch pram.nin b wdo@ac'""g% la&uww . condition, tl a not surprling that confidence ia growng, and already rumnnng a laudecarieg__nr the Paersor nto strng dgre o! ptimam.A bloc danice platform, 35x 25 fret will ha bult t Lake Eara for the celbration INFANT MORTALITY. fext Mouday. Music by Hapkte's The lliois tat boad'e heath ue ust ublshedsevrai houandorchestra. 0. B. Eger wll bc ilu chargiré Thelilnci atto oar cfheath as oatpoblahd sveri tooandof thie arn.îeement. tbe proccede-of copies of its 1909 crcular entitled. "The Care of the Baby," for distribution Éih -will go towarde defrayinir the ammong the mothera of Illinois. lot was the intention of the secretary, Or. epenoe.of tiie dsy. James A. Egan, to prepare a new edition of thia circuler in the course of the Aianema okaie on the deal- (present year, but as it was found that there waa ittte tai add to that pobilhed erea ehelves but they begin to loik and ayear ago, it waa resoived tu risaue the edition of 190. Sct difforetly on the bouse. Bradley & Vrooruan paet is a pure. full vaine, On the frt page of this circuler tihe reader is confronited with thre sat-1fulmaseure paint, snd will outwear anly 'long fact prlnted in bold type, that one-flfth to one-third of ail children born etber, as well as look nicer. So)ld t>y .dis befere reachlng the second year cf life. The compiler tires points out F. B. LoVELL. ÊàertyVille- ,tht the tatiatics of agilolcalities, bth cty and country, show tisat the highest AnumerfroinLibertyvilleattended the mortality of lifs la during the firtt year. In the state of Illinois, about ane- reception of thbe Maukegan Eastern Star tlfth of &Il who are bars, die in the tiret year. ln tire large? citilsa this deatir ia@t Tboredayeveniug. Two candidates tell ha* beau increased et timea untif it reached the figure of one-tirrd. teniarerecent %aarl evergrv itodaluie chose infants bern under thé bout conditions, and afiordled the natural food cf couifty wa@'rerated and 325 gu"st 'le. mother's mille, failta weather thre torma of the firt and second sommera. etdw oth banquet table. boimong the poor, and especially amanq the infants ceprived nof mothers miik, Mauy attended tbe dance St the boni. ltb. death rate assume&s hôiiking proportions. of Wm Spelosan lset Saturday î-enimg. The great majority of of deatha among babies occur during the summer The liug i heig hait brasa ud fr e vrieMhe. July iras a death roll nunrbering one-fifth cf ail' tirat die. It i the Henry Krtan will h.. at borne in their belief of the state board f helth that tins hîgh mortallty ie due nt only to flpw reidenare on Sixteenth Sýtrept in improper food, but to Improper cars of the baby, and tila the furtirer cone. North Chicago ater August lt. %fiction that hundreds of lîves nsay be savedi by irstructlng the motirera of "The Piigrim Fathere.' the --antata the Ut*on he arsandfeedng f teirbabes urin th surimr mnth. whjcb will bc. reudered by the Liberty- the tat anthecar an feeingof hei baiesdurig tc smme motheville Choral Society offeri antertainmeut for Thursmday aud Friday evening of this FineMuscalProgam.Wit TheSpots.week. The charactere will be eo@tumed VineMuscalPragam.Wit TheSpore.and the music'al talent the beet the towu Tbe Libertyville public wll again Il, The Ramblerae played ail arouud a affords_ It je somethiug wortb wlîile. onered the cunasi plailaure of beariog tesm 01I eounter lumpers" f ront Chcago tht.. ol ChklcaomoteebratedsltiCte lat SuudaY alternoon. Tbey were Allen u esell, o! Lake Forest, wag bere la s, musicale et the Union churcb, dvertioed aseemi-pros huttb"Ramblers nteitreo o h oigh a Wod»"yovuin, Jly14.Adophcleatbed tbaui up wth ease, tbe e cxre sow tiday aud lbauding out com-. Wedneaday eGertr, ude rose * erin be 7 to 1. The lone core beiug more plîmatarîe to the local borsemen Ur.Fekls.ailo!thChcaofeaI t than auytbing elBe. Rugen Arhur Koon will taire a number of ýervo;t0 ory a! usic are Most flnlabed the new pitcher. Wa@ a tuytery th"' boresa there Tburedlay wbich be ball .~acomlIaed nniclus nd resîmply cotud't fnd bila. Followinge enterait in several avent@.. Ho will try he d &d!frntdpatauaahts the score: for a record bigb jump. uchoj. Tbey appeared brs lat wnta! RAMBLERS The took an invoice ut the Amrican amijg lover o! music wtll ho more than R a P'o- A E B B Wire lance Company plant Iset week Pigatta koow that tbey will bave Davis 2b i.. 1 O 2 2 0 2 and found that tbay hbat 400 toue o! olbs opporteoituofistenlng to thein rtie sa ...... 1 0 1 teel roda from wbich tonska unitesteel al.They will 1h.a aalsted bY Ir eUeey cf.t i. ....1 2 c 2 0 beaminsfor concreta work basides filair laeE. Durand. The folowlng Dearlove If ........ t t can 0 uêal big stock of rire tance. Tbey hafln itb tendered: Kng lb'««c ....0O 6 1 I reoently received ona car whlcb alonée poriwliJohnon c . O.. O 0 14 iO oe o-8ns ..Eu5dGi.Pa8 Rus n D . o.i.. 1 21 t t 0 containad 68 ton@ o! steel. IBusines lier %C. 0 &Lune O 0 t0 t1 t0 ccontinue gond sud tbey are tili work- Vocal Soo-q* rtic 0o0o0o a o a o i -1 iug full capsflty. Wieçwefld........Braheca Rambiar...... 00s o j 0 X_7 vindmas.MainlS .Lemir Tbe gina for Suadsy, Ju17 4, la wtb A girl cho had beau sery claver at orqçqvosaeaaPerilil Piano ......... (Veri)LillIut the Chicago Colt@. The Bamblere wiîî Collae, camne home the olber day sud9 8i- ia . Iiuranoi Play a Chicago taaentt the Cleration $&id to ber notber: "Motbar, I've grsd- VIan, 58010-4V. 4isOsau --as-...Hubat nuit Mooday a!thruoon. uated but now muet luorrnm wseflu Roseobeeker_______ Ptano 800-P01005J5 op'.en, No. 1 ... -il psycoloffy, philology, bibl-"IJuat wait s .N;;zai 0. 37 No. li.0.. 0Dm iminute,' aaid tbe mother;'! bava sir- RcI"5VÎ aud Hrinmnsfrcli A Bad Record. rsnged for you a thoraugb course lu Taeu..........W5SlutrLu oasoybloo pthlg u apaa,. lut Detschmn .... During the ire celaebration@ of the g= 0%al oeaicolgy. Ntcow ot oun à,. WunrPerkns Fourtb oh Jul7 front 1903 ta 190î, i. your apron sud plck th cbicput o M.Pt15cnaiva, 21,520 Parsions were ijured acd o n lc htcikn 1 .163 were killed, accordiug ta statistice A man out iu Dakota reeuntiy tocîk Vocal soo-,e Caert.............. ..... iut gatharad. The glaut irecraer the train for hie borne in Granit Forke. Lovnne.......atn aloneinîured 1.,489 persona lu the cela- butasterrible enow torm. Wae raging Labrodaica W&ng a suine Wang- bratlonoa!19.07, killed ight sud led to sud about balf wsyIbore ILhi train Gertrude GoussocupPetrtina atbnoai aiolon81-AÂnesudaiInale (goy rQu* death O! eght more frOm lockjaw. was auorvad in. Al night the passeng- ii"iln. icse. n,.ec.le .. Mendellobu gogasys onue utthe madicai papers. are ware impriaoued but cari, ln the Pin olo-Barcaroliae .nfil ...Rbnsine No w là the turne to think about thace mornlinir tbey reached a telagarpb sta- Minuet n ........ ... Peris thinge. A little tbonght now willl ha tion sud b.. sent the following Weegram tala uàW."udt ...l 'Perkins etter than a tiorrowful recollection of to his office: IWill nat hb uh e fic Paraphrase (InTrov) .......*olith net- ....Ved)Gth atonJuly 4 day, have niot got home yeterdaS yet." Me tarhoine DO not get Out o! the habit o! elabrat- The new watering trough and drink- riouli Solo-Bridai Bong.-..........ocelo ing the Fourth of July, but try to maklte foluain wsa put lu operatian Mou- Mr. osenbektrltclrain ihotundeaer lgfun To-' My Hastver Pattll1hi" . Bac,Ct aclbainwtota netke" day. The day wua bat ona and cou- Gjertrude irosacup Peekinis bill -Exchange. eqat~rr prpit o h Adotroaebcta ihritenitoq. It bai proven a boon to ____________ nylady can gaet a eilver 'Nci-Drip" thirety animale as well as ipeds. The - I- f .. t-- inthAnrk athesoure o A book on Rbeurnstiam, hy Dr. SbIoop,1 o! RacLine, Wi., talla smre plain truths,a sud in a plain aud radtical W&7. Get tbla booklat aud a free triai tres t t o! Dr. Sboop'a Rheumatic Ruinedy fori corne dieheartened anliferer lu your vicin-. lty. Malte a gratelul sud apîîreclative friand oni mone awbo le diacouragad hweaiNle o! the failures o! others ta fief im epmtum e hetsadlfIcertaiuly elp your sufi..rîng riand. ALL DEALERS. Adjudication Notte. Paie Rtie ihari,)y ises tai litatub- arrISer Adminlotrtor ai tIi.. ,ýlaý1 llaîry Duflour. deceaaed. '1ii attend i us coolimsCoul of Lake Cenu, t S tra tre,,f 10 te toles et the Court Bossa le Waukegsu, lu -aid Cont, on teefriitMadar ai Augiiol eul t i9Wshen "od wtea er rsU em ane Ses l aims galoet Ssld Este ame otlelansd requesteil Sa iressit the amie taesOil Court for sadlc&slon FRANK G. DUP0OREAmoiîse a14.0500 Adjudication Notice. Publie Notice la hereby ivea test thre Suit AdtsleIersto futtee etate of Sophiri R deeerelu attend tise Count ~ isLekCoantY.aai trie Itreoitw ha aes 00fluet a = WsOksgafl, t ln«d EE e U tM SetMonday of A" D ext, l9W. wbml viereauailPrsans having claiiea *couat ali asête SetflaanS esirstul ta 0et UcO a"Me tu Baid Courttfor a4adicatlon. jiggggow WrTIOTON, Adolne#sratoru Aijeaication Notice. Pabne Nobë e leh b ,gitunteSItth1e Sah- a. ==SetbSsat idCosoet tw &*e Mnsdsi 4agut asZ10 5555 stan Md 'vissau ipessteh chaus S aaitm ma mm eaman e=e àelreested ta present tw fasse op ator= 1 ~ JUOuiSI . me Racine, Wie Seud no mouey. Simply1 sait for tht "No-l.irip" Coupon pririlege, r ring ynur usme and addreee. Dr. §boopw'ilI alo&end lrebic naw sud very iteraeting 1îttie book describing Dr. Sboop'elelh Cf!e Bst CoUe la sucb a close imitation o! real1 Callea that it requires an epert bo teil the difierene. And there a grain a! real ItL Mad. Iron puire toaited graine, ru ait and nute- its flavor sud taute ie exceediugly irratif.ving. No tediaus bouma a ither. "Made lu a Min- uta," sayi Dr. Shoop. Write today tîor thie book and No-Drip" Coupon. CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Notice of Application for Probate of WIIi. STATE fit ILLINOIS LAKEt COUNTY }s T,, Calbarlîie McDonaid. .Jsue Conee, Anne Cosme. Mausîrl. ic Ieonelil. Henry tourtiîey, Fratrie Courrt. *Jeorge Garnier. oreis Cresc. Rose Tbompeon. Mary Gorisam, Sarah torta Frasit Confise, Rabart coomar. Jenntt D.X.tu, L."r. Duflont. John DuMont. Mimnie OSeeua, Jamues Wise. Margaret iIse. Agneo Wise William oWise. Rimer Wise, Elle Wise, Anule Wisr, Jlames Wise, Br., haire at le, sud lersatec 5.0"'la k nomeof utJohn Coamee, drcssal lIe of tata County. nolihos. Y- KMare arby o .011il tiat aftlUcatioc bac a tesmadie 10 the CountyCourt 0ailte Coanty, dlMincis, forlb..e probate of tha 'vIlIoh John Coamet deï-racei. aud teSt thre hring or thc ap-ofoM aid ril &,.beeu sît y SallCourt for nie 121h des of JuIy A. D. 19N5 St thse Saur ai 10 o u o th 1e lornooriat the Court Bouse la , n luId Oeunir. en sud Staeevon eau sppear.If sot "efi1, cnd show cause, Il suY Yau bave. why salid l ren onlil sot te admitted 10 probte. ALBFRET L. HENDEZ. Connty Cierk. mue i15.10 3918 Pain rau bh asaily aud qu"cky stopped. Pink Pain Tatl'etg-Dr. Sboap's-stap beadacha. wnmanly pains, sny pain, eaywhere. ln 20 minutas sure. Form- ula on -thbe 25c.. box Aak your druggitt or doctor about thie formul-itl fine, sold by L DE ER neyer endîng amusement to thea kide" svbo not only drink themelves to death but eoak thernaèivea sud ail urihin reac bhy squirting the watar. Mir. wValtou PerkjJcs, president ol tha Chicaogo Conservat rv o!muserwill de- liver a lecture at the Union church ou Tbursday eveniug, Julv 15, ou muge sud technique. A emaîl admission tee whlch le ouly ta cover the naceàsary ex- pense 'vilI ha cbarged. tMr. Perkluc ie a master oh the pian o as averyon knowb wbo esw hie performance at the tUnioin cburch lait winter sud thie will heaa rare 0pportunity for studaute o! music and othre wbho are intarested to hear a moat vsluable talk. John Wolfe, wbo bas been in the arnploy o! Fred CI okar for the loasi. 12 yeare, died st Jane ticAlister boepital in Wsukagae lait MaunIsy morulng and otae buried st Lakeelde cetery Tua#- day. ne waa 78 yaara o! age and iras bor u DoermnY. Be wira sgond tal- or and faltbhnl worker and "Oldc John'a,, farniliar figure is, one that 'vili ha miseed about towu. ga luaves oua poor hbaath for lis pat yean sd.had b .ul the b.upWt.l a vanoutimes. Ha waa taken ta Waekegau lait Friday where ha paseed away eariy Mouday norniug. Ueo tioldenherg, the sevan-year-oid I son o! Jaku Galdanberg, died st the Preshyterian bospital lu Chicago lmut Saturday atternoon after au operatîn had lieeu perfnrmad on bisa kuil lunsIl audearor ta, allevisto the fracturai receuved lu the acchient Frday eveniugi Be wus huried lu Chicago Moudsy slter-I nonaHet-bal ta bemali bayediande. I oon. wiHe atk ea glads ia a fIn the prea ronin o! this office las a coloreq crayon drawing made by hlm nestly and well doue wblch dîspîsys bis talent and ability. Âmerjcan Shoes, JuLat 50 pair JFor Wllhelmiüa's littie heir. Popular, People trade where the good goods are. Particu- lar people corne to us. Certainlyl Why? Because our Ilne of alldJewelry cannot b. equalled elsewbere. One try will show why. A TSS WATGHMAKER and JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Are You OOING TO PAINT? This'Year Yes, we want to paint the House, Barn and Outhuildinge witli a No. 1 absolutely pure pait that will stand the test of years. Remember that these, paints cau be bouglit of Young & Lynch Bros. FIJRNITURE STORE 0F QUALITY WALL PAPER Cheaper. Than Chicago Mail Order Houses Repart of the Condition Report of the Comdition of the of thie f RTNATIONAL BANK [hK[CoONI! NAIIONAI BANK At the ili'.o! business NVedineeday, Jue 23, 1»0(9. At LîbrrvIllia ln thea State of l linois, et lita close olf business. Jua 2,19M Resaurcas.1 L,,.-so sd iî,j ,oîtt. . . . .....813«,74 il! E O R E t S. Boodz t, sýecurairelut 0.5'0"" Lo..uansd Dicounîts- ... ... SM7,4S0 OM Prealoîns l.iU ts. Bond .81 *5 Ovrrafîs. securedand olunsecureil 229 19 Bonds. ,ecursîles t tc Uto!0 Fuuranresol otures 410'lot t l= S .U0sOCUreirculatiou. O~O gd..tP.ùa.âs .n.. ..S. Boude. .. 1~t Otre rani asIate o' ........ .Bodg, securitie., etc . ... 07140 00 .. ir- SttC oted aiaS iOSnd l Bzntig og e. furuitare sud tatures. 10.W300 t Bsuherc Trust Companles and 8 Due lrom approsailraserveaagents. 485M2 ta Sasat- >a -............. 0taChaesud tier cash Items . 1;276 89 Due frua alperoveil reserva agents 11.13 71 NtsootrOatniBns000t Chectosfndorner tas tems . US 00ractionai parer, Currencors. sîcela NoIe. a!ftirerNatonl kase anOS sd rents ................ 2i Frartuusl al a» ure irocssd Lawiol MoeY Reerat lu Bantvis: cens..... .................32 12 Ispecie......... 1002t Lastai horey Rserre 1. Bank, ris Legsîl-tender notes... 4,70 ta 30.125 50 Mpecia.................*2 5.59 i Redempllon fond sit U. S. Treesarer 1 Legai-tender notes. -* 2,010 ta11.5M05 2 (5 par cent ofcirculation) .0... 00 00 Redeapîlon fond site tV. S. TraRserer - (5 per cut of circulation)..... ..815 ta Total............. 0649 20 Tôlal............ 34520 LtABILITIES Liabiiutiea.Capital stock paid lu........ 5t0at OS capitlt oct pald lu..... ... . 000S00ta urplus tonds....................ý26:W0 ta Surplus (fu ........... ..1200 SUnlivideil profils, les, ipeosas ad UrsilIIdeillots.les expe nd ~ - taxes ai! . .. ............. . 0. 022 taxes riail...............2.41 79 National Bank uotes oott&Ddlrst 89-O 00t Netinallisir otesorietadin. î5ai S Orldndaopad.......j**... ........2t NaiadldBfankpsoubl aaettOia9 eiiuldpoot uat l ltaoeot.-228.912 42 Ssr'isdcoslt...............4.00000 Oamadt&cSeo196est . 109206fi Damiandemtft.....e..u ....ep ..i .. 45.7220486 ____Crtfiat§_f___s Demad crtifcats e depsit -:. 48722 Total ........... ......0-30- 8688649 20 Total ........................ M . f llnos' Stste 0 lIn0.Cust 0 aa,- - 1,st. y. Wrightl, osnie outhae aOe 1. .ai-l = O-fthe' -n bed t .F rgl ahe ftesoaom tant, do clenlt serthesttheeabole meUntisdotruc ta teertes t e a kovle Sud alaîrmanuy Is true 10ailttcrbtot o!bemt ofuyîcilge tuBaan sud uth ei ,Md Qsmav.Casher.C.C ýWRIGHBT, Osahiar. Corrcc-AtIest: j 5 D£.Cbe, Coreetl Atteet. L. T lOR, G. A. WRIGHT. BENDB.eM ors. r.P.'DYXOND, Direttrs Sutecelteil and swom tata!ura e Itte 'Subacriteild a orc 10 befora me tels 20h dal oi June. 1m9 . . ite day cd Jane, 19. 2. N.*KELLX. Notit Pubiie. VLORA A. STAPLE8. Notarv Pubît. In making clothes we alm to please. A satis- f led'customer means a steady customer. Others seli clothes, the tailor makes them. Let us help you select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Libertyvilie Morses for Sale. MOI, ntain Meadow Stock Farmnuoe sud one.half - iles norili o! Wauconda, Illinois, lias constauîly on baud aud for sala, at lowaat market lîrice, astsork of kaIl classes of horsts, suitable for thea road sud ail farm ssork, express sud draft, ueeful aud cerviceablo, fotu iioo to io oopounds. Prices $So.oo to $2oo.oo. No plugs. Corne to blouutaiu Meadow aud cee the horses work on tht farrn. Ail acclimnîted sud as-oid risk of sickness. Ail guarantc-ed on delivery as rcpresented. COL. f. J. BIERRY LAiKSIDE ECREIR Lakeside Butter is made of pure cream, f rom se- lected dairies in the Elgin district. Purity and weight guaranteed. -Ba:dger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. If we believe what we are told G-o îî-1-d înuist mpeli GOLD. EXPENSIVE? NOT IIERE I'rioes low for' good goode VYou'ilI e satisfied ai. avery turm Our lina of MADE TO MEASURE CLOTIIING is a Satisfaction g iver.'lIVi t. E. W. PARKIIURST Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 0 Do@@ yoiir l'W'n need mowin& f o ct and see our -Genulue Phîladeiphia Lawn Mowers .I±very one guaranteed to give perfect satiiactiou, 16 lneh eut $6.50 18 inch eut $7.00 '"tSAME COI'ING Screens and sereen doors are necessary to your happinees thias ummer. Yotu know It will b. hot this summer and a GASOLINE STOVE would add greatly to yonr cornfort durlng the hot weather. One Burner $2.00 Two Burner $2.50 Three Burner $3.50 Ovens $2.00 Extra' Hl. B. EGER, Libertyville, MI. Poultry Lawm rass Supplies If You are (iîg to Fertilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KINIU WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING P>UT UP NEW FENCES We waut to figure on your wantts Coa's Telephone No. 47 Fi11 Up Cheap Now Your Bin .11 a 6 cg ép ri