Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY IND-.EPENDENiýT. AND WAU ECA WE KLY SU v % 7 1,A 1 11. > (J. 40i. .I'&KT TWO t"". IGEkT EPAGES pi ïý~ :I N JVNE BARRINOTON MAN IBVRIED A141VE FMe S. K Riet irod Farner, Caugmh la Cave-i.l laoravel PtThis Meroig BODY BURIED SIX FEET DEEP W&O Woriing ln Gravai Pit witit Son ln-ia'w and Anotiter Whon ISank Cav-. bdinfm. Kiehi Wua Caughi by Tons of Grava' but Gter Two Jump.d te Saf'ety. Porty-five minutes Nequired te Dig Body fronm Gravel. (Fr-ont Wednaadlays Daily Sun.) Fred Kiehl. a reft-aed farmner uf Ba.-inton, -as irstantly klled ibis moi-ing et eigitt o'clock when ba vas butled benealli six feef or gravaI, tien ambankinent of the pitln vilicil te vas vrirking caving in un top Of hlm. William Webser, bis iýon-in-taw. and William Riche vere aso vorilng ln the Pit and narrowlv escapped being cauglit by ftle cave i,. if tuok 45 minutes te dig KphIbla itoay front the gravel. rTe titree mari had heen worktng lri lte Pit for Reveral days. thrpe loading wagons sand ane bautiig tileinway, Titey vere at work on the lasIt oaJ vilen the accident hsppened, Caught BY Tons of Grave). Ail tht-e. vere worilrg close teotfile batk riffile pif, mr, Kieht who was utmI-tmgSd liearty sithougil 65 yearaF Of âge, ttelng mar t-arf0fie baril>titan ttc otberi. Suddenty the baril crumb-à led sud ivept dowu toward fltti-ne.1 V,%baer and Riche JumPad and mestt seCAPOd bing ceught but KiabI vas as moment laie and wvas ftied undert tons rif gravai. 11d>s ried 8is Feet, T~~TIJescaped lumped es lité Ibas etgraVai beneatil viicil la>' Kiebi and alarted ftantcaliy te dig. lu aplîn of tileir utinosf efforts Il vas tht-e quartera or anhubou- h fora bis boidy vas teaciled. ndar six fnef uf gravail Known Thi-ougiout Count>'. Kebi bad lived In fil, counny for about 25 yearan- sd vas oteofuthfil hast kDOn Oie Isldents. Batring. ton -as tunned hy the neya o! tile scidenit viicil had tesuted iu blsh deatit and fila shock sPraad filrougit i ftha cOunty as file report vas passedi Ou. Ha leavas a wifeansd tbre chilld. t-an. Herman, Mrs. William Websft-r and Anus.. Inqueit titis Affernoon. The inqueisf oser hie body waa hetd S at foui-titis affernoon at Barrington, tl b>' Coroner Taylor. The litaval pif ln vhIci l Riaitmat is deaf h is abouf li two tmiles weat of Bat-Inglot. fi ASSASSIN FIRES AT PARTY o Part>' Wu Held Monda>' Evening. PI Mi-,. Gogiel Was Sitting on Coucit cc b>' Window and Young People Waeeth Ai-ouhd Piano Witen Man Stopped ta In Front cf House andDoliberately 1>1 Flred Titrougit Window. (Fron Wednsdsys Daily Sun ) ln StoPPIng on thie sidewstk, ln front t>r Of tae home of Mrs. Maria Kowaien- ai aki at 1325 Soutil Sheridan road near n Tentit att-net. an unknown assassin ceý Monda>' aveuing drav a revolver attd h> fit-ad titroug thfie window ofthlit brme Et at a part>' of mat-ty makars Inaide tel Thea iullet narrowly isaad file heaiCRI rit Ms. Gugiel, vito lives uptairs In ( file bouse, and butlad tsel lu th, gyl waRLl Who tila assassin vas or vilat ME Cause be ilad for bis action la un- dai knovu as ha sicai, a sorin as thte del sitot vas fit-ad. Ma Bullet Gr&2ed Woman'a Head. uni Thea bullet sbatterth Ie vindow loi Pane atd Jusf grazed Ht-s.llngiel's tee bead Site w«as saied on a coucb, M just tn hsck ut the wlndow sud ln gai] plain viav ot the att-net, as wera Mostam li Oft hie Party', and wtear thea abot cout vas dirncted at bar or at sny otiter But Parttiulat- mamber o!filae part>' on vas T Jual fit-ad 8f randont lIofnot kario. aid( The part>' vas a numbar or boys tigi and girls wilu iad cattad on Misas tal. Ce., la Kowalenska. Ait wera gafberad solf about lte piano, singing, whan ftae fait $h« wvasfit-ad. at about 8:30. an, Chaud Assasain Down Street. one5 The JartY rtan tri the street ln lime vay tBaeelte mani tun davu Shetidan M rftOWs.rTenti t areet. Ha lut-ned SP>< & cOMUMd had diaappeat-d vien lice. 115 lt'fl>tY.tat putsued hlm, ba frt 11,1144411WsPot He wsu stili stand-.te tf$JISB t lIte bouse viles te lîlo but and cri- aý His ed uto glp" 1 acceprea and Natus8-'I 1: Vfrvis MA YWE DNfS for tfIl tturrieys anîd ILiii fliiî. n MANY WE DINGS te officiais have put toi i ii tf )j ow. Three Local, Orne ai at liu of WdI klews Couple, aind Orne i. WWsesl ALI ARE 0F PROMINENCE This Evenlng, Page-Cronin, Me. Guire-Craigitead and MeNeill'Hook- en Nuptiais Aloo Solemnized and Er. nest Brand Marrtcd Wisconsin Giri ut Her Home This Atternoon. t Front We-dneodaya f)aily Sut> i This aventng ta mat-ked b>' weddinga of Inmportanice amont- Waukegan Young peoýJfe. four faking place het->' sud one ln whicil a Waukegarnsu t3 mat-t-ed hing ileld in Wsconsin. The weddings at-a: Mises Bat-net Grt-ce ErBkine ta Attorney Claire Ch'iugl Edwards, Miss Bessie t-ena Hoo><cr f0 Ariguo D. McNeill, Mis£ Huil'u ilasd to Thomas McGuira, MiessPpe f0 Mr. t'rurin, sud AMiss Maida Wetse tu Ernest Brand. Young pple resthed the doo-il ve0hsaw tem be wheeied à ran He ax ascribed by Mi" IN wlnk, tii morning, as itaing atoUt mari, weartng a st-5w bat. E featurea could flot ha diatinguisb, and It vas even impossible to tell vhat nationaily lie vas. causaetofShot Mystery. Miss Kowaiaoîki itated that ai knaw of no rasor for the firlsg out f xhot. "Mn Oriogiel btas tad no tri hie wilb sny rine nor have any oft or of tbe meinhera of the pirty. si said. We don't know why anyor silould shoot et us.' Pi-id Shot Dlbe.-atoty. The evident attempt f0 kilt s<on otne laflie party Ja une orfthe mul cotd blooded attat-ks that bas evf beau made ln the clfy. Wbether tl mani fired lu a drunken frainay or nc cannot ha toid but thle ispeed vit vilich lie made hi% escape voUld ton ta shlow ibe vas ofintoitemed. T4 î11ot vas tlreit wtth delibierillon a» from Rome such a point that anyon tIn the party, Mr". (ogiel espectlît as B lnthe uPinosf danger. Reaidenta of the district are excitea and Indignant at thle affair and at, lrylrig tu learri vbo the inu vas. Si far they have been uniucceaiful. WILL SEIL SPOOR FILM1 George K. Spoor. Head of the $Pool and Anderson or Eaianay, Film Cois pany, Enterprîingly ExpandseOust nées o Talc. ln Europe and Sendj Si-other on Trade Mission Titi Shows Livenesa of Film Pirm. (Prom Wednesday's Dally Sun.) if te an Important mission thil fakes Harry Spoor, son of Mr. an> NIra. Mfarvîn Spoor ur 102 Sprn, streef. ta Europe tomorrow. He goas lu the Interesta utflte Es sanay C'ompaniy, moving picture filem manufacturera, but Instead of aeekini ta "corner" Huropean filims for- the American traule bis misailohe novai one of brlnglig American film@ f0 the attentionrOf Europe. - M r. Spoor and bis vite leave teom t-av toi- lndOit vhuIrhtheY vitI mal> the ES"aaaY ieadquartera for tile con hîinent. but yul travel froin Muropesi capital tu capital tn introduca the Es- anY fiMs. Mr, Spoor la ln fact Eu- rapean manager for tile film ulakers. He bas beeu treasurer at McVii'ker- theater ln <Chicago for yeara. TheEssanay company, villi whicl h" e lanov connected. ta beadad b> George K. Spoor, a Waukeasn mai and a brother. vbo yesrs ago vas Pagea of the nid Waukagan opera bouse and tater wasa aaaociated witil Edward H. Amet, ex-aldermn, nov or Pasadena, California. It vas Mr. Amef -itb bts8 experinenta, in moving pic- ut-as who firt-atInteresled Mi-. Spoor and indicsted the business route in he film trade that lias since led Mr. Ipoor preffy closely lu file millionaire classification. The onty ditTerence la f bat &met toPPed and Spoor veut on snd up, ha- ug a pionear lu the business. ten Years ago. and deveioping, sapanding, opening new fields for marketing lins, originating novat idea.aand lever Progressing. Ha heada file Esanay cDmpariY, vuh otiterwiae 5sf ted ta te S. and A. C'ompany, wbich trans. ted 1a the SPoor and Anderson ('om- pany. The compauy, wbich deals ln mov- ng pictura machines, makes and re- ýoducçs films, t-uns a dam nof tarit Ld theater shows. and dnesassui. es ln Suppiylug operators and ac- esaunJes ta the movIng picture fi-ada, 'am s big studio sud tabort-srty ln ,gawater, where Fraik T. Fowier aildes, and a duvu tOvn ofie, ln <Chi- ago. George K. Spoor residas at 1448 Ar- ial avenue and tle riofthtitbusiest vun ln Chicago. Ha vas bore Sun- y wben on file ave ut Hanrr' Spoor's parture for Europe Mr. ad Mra. larvin Spoor, tbe pst-enta, ibid sat-e- ion et whicb the feu chîldi-en were feltar fer the firt-atîlie in sevan- <on ya. liisanay films bava pleaed Wauke- !W theafer guers ef local pl«cea of musemant and are tri 4 met te mInt-y ovar. Nov they are to Invade rope. Te Spoors, aJI of thea thein, ara con.1 et-ad by Waukeganites Juit the1 ilt kind of peopla, folks vto suc, ed hy reason or good jud.gment, lid ability. and talent for large af- ira. Their succeas doles nel excite1 'y but admiration, because evet-y1 te knows fbay have earned Iheirf l-.1 Vaukaganitas wttt mis Ht-ry loOt St MVIcker's theate- box of- *.Ha haa always bad a welcome1 lte "home toiks" and iny ort nt vill remeMber courteaies viti t dnosa.,I Gamne Wtlt Be the Real A No, 1 Arti- cIe. Special Ruica to Fit Casa A»e stu lie Usad With Umpire as Court ofthbie Lest Appeal Wltit Ne Way to Get A^round Hia Decitlons. Lee Mc' Donougi tho Umplre tite Game. (Froni Weduesday's DatI>' SUn.) Oh, you hase bail fans!. Oh, you Pop buffles sud isscks ut pas nuls! Lawyers ot the cify and count>' ara fe0 clasht bats wifi l rt> and county offt- cisîs and absfracfors.Waukegan Day ef the pack sud file real A No. 1 chsm- pionshtp hall game of fthe country', gust-autaed f0 fade Cubeansd Box ef- forts at the national Pastîme lotofila rosy distance, ta predlctad lu occur. Wthth ie double abufe fl theitadoc' lors f0 avoid an issuewvththefila lav book men cuunfy officiais came for- yard with a dat>' sud galbai-ad beitali thei Officiais of ltae itY sud aitatrii-i lot- mon as aid. The challenge vasf Lino Up. Attornieys: Home. il h tlt h; Raliah Iady, catch, IHo n i i fit-st hase; W. H. rabrY '--luît lbase; Alex fteaublen, tlîlr(l la elMartin Deeker, short, ('hartes ing. center field; A. V. Smith,. cff li il ,W p Weiss, right field; E.V il, ii. îanag- et- and utility man; liiuc, I I iVe'r Subpitlch; J. K' (Irai-..lutiîthird; Steve Kennedy, su> fMrfl'apiîll Mal, O>tfin. auh short, Perra lîr8oia. îb second, E. M. Runyard, jit, ,tçhliAI, other attorneys are utlliia uiîiand are ta bes on the spot tui lilili <if> ftie game Ini cage u aorf î' Oflltats George t-i>thtiiîil. i il; JiuisBatz. catch: A] <igr, irgtI Jack Stsaftz, second. i aii t>, ler- field. third; Lou Hii,'laae and short; L. J. Wilmot. liiln511 E. Bloomfiltd. center Oil. Émd Har Wilyte, left field- At i hiîfiIt clty and county and ait o<i îî.r alîtràce fors, utttity men and eveien iflad itinilia Speciai Ruiez. l. M tcDonongh 1Iof0 fi1,, - I, ty botti suIes to take thte Iniliiii faut alicl dangerous po ist o Upire ali ajîccial1 8ultýs of armo- are in preîiarafîiir for his use white application,, ai,.,ipe for a ipet-anai ibody guauiI Spectal ruin@a ai-to lýIeiraff--d fiir tile gt-am, Inciuding 8Ubîioeuias for ail absent members rif th, fearfi o limilit- lham bt the grouLnde, and. n the rer- ommeridat ton Of thte oMfciaIs* teani. a rute tilaf the UMPIre Is the court of file st rasort au lte attorneys wil, not bie abte f0 Lppeai decislona tu su. preme courts and thus delay. the gainte. IThîe Nashville, Only War Vessel on theGreat Lakes., ÀndSceneson Board and About lMer. The Dorothea the Other Illinois Naval Reserve Vessel.I 2~C~ 2~ ~ ?~ -'-y 71i <~ ast /~, -s;, r:' , - Li RED WEIMERS HAD A SPILI Famnouî Pîik Suit With Suede Effect la Damaged. t Front Wednii-daya flally Sun.) Red Welnuera hisi, tocnIug fr1>'> ouf a imotorcyci lth îliratilar disas- trous affects, as on noctil Genasee Streeft ece the' Larsen building ta balng et-ected thne machine iluckedad t-an Int and oser a tone Pile on the east aida oft he' Street, sPilltng thie watt knovu hacher and spotting up vitht imetona a fine Pink suit vilh a etadu ffevit Pulished by Courtesy of The Chicaqo Inter-Ocean Th i \si\ ili -.iiojîia ir plcked cated an) h i nirraiocn after a dI is- siyî rinai> s-e onr)f ia -.1reet hiiiýIf ilai i I ouiud thaf >othirig <ouraging liigiiiiiigig n Waukegatî iiIî ,inî otfVaîivgaîî yai, înited nia,, i ii, i - hi- idv th(,ic achine l'hv li',iî laie of the plant lif, lon i- , mid i l., i admuiratioîn 50 p ,vi-;, n fo nt this wlll he increas ilhi liair ig, fo i llisDlora tdilîîîîge by (Ir ail i hir ii if atiililiîg frienda. i an iif ', îînaa Prospects foi ili , S iiii, I Wilis ('hidest-,îr lollov* t1 i îipalilare tight and a nunîlî-r twiirigýawlti ipe B RUNSO POST C. START oif Iirgiiontrarts have awaltlrîg lis i' iarig.avtliî .î, BRUNON iST C. a.RTi i ii th le futuirhone f te Began Operations This Mornng With hp,-peu lIHcoytet Capacty of50 Psta aDaf.Hweddlng wasa a famly iffair i l-iîîilî \Velîiila'4 Delly Sun.) LASN GULLIOGE W DIG1ihatwget rmiuqdm Th t, unio iiig the Bruison Concrete T o Place Veterday Afterioon at'rens a d te gom b te " Pnst t7onipîîny started operatinni 0 Ttc a rsy.îMneii A ta HieY MOO sUod ap w b teUS ifs new 'lcation lu the old electrie iFrr Wednesday's Delly Sufn.) 14 otiy>109tle U tii,înt pi;îîîi Thn. futeto> in fluaIt. l f) teray fteil-isî,etaI t th--,n t h lf i l,> othi'lir rltentlis next LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. -tri %- 47 AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN PART TWO Etsknt-Edwsrds, a At - thila venu8,. Miss Erskirue thecomes file bride ut Attorniey P-E1 varda atthfilapatsonage orithefiaS JoePahiurcil on McKinley avenue-. t Rasv Fatilar B. J. Scilueffa pet-foirm- 1lng file ceremon>'. Thle couple yl ha 9 Ittended by Miss Ganeviva Melody snd States Attorney RatPh Dady. Af 1eigilt, afferthe taceremonyfila weddtng aracePtion le ta ha ileld 8f the home 9of fila brida% parants, Mi. ant Mrs. Fi-ard S. Erakine. 419 notf Genee Batreet. BOtil Misa Et'aktne and li- aEdvards are ver>' veil knovîî, Miss Enakine hing a soctety girl pt-omit D entILu musical cii-dessnd Mi-. Ed- w arda betng one offilhe foremoaf 1mw- yen ofthfie clY Atter the cecenton>' thie tvo taking a weddtig trip ta Den ver, Mat-ty at Zion City. Misa Hooker and Mc. McNeilt ai-e to bé United lu marrlage hy Wtlbut- Glenn Voiva af the home of file brida ln ZIOn City, 2411 Gideon avenue, at 7:30. Miss Hookar bas fr some fume heen amployed vith the falepilone Company>' lera and Mi-. McNeill. advar- fising manager for file Atex Hein store la set-y watt knovn. Tila tvr take a Wsconsin vaddtng trip. West bide Wedding. The weddiug of Miss Enta Cralg- baad sud Thlomas McGuire 1a hatd til evenInt- at tlie home of fila brida on soutil Park avenue, Ras. Fatiler Ga- a-tu pe-foi-mina file cereniony.Ed. Brokson Io f0 ha hast marisud thle bridesmald8 are 10 ha front lte bride@ cii-cle of Infimafa frieuda. Bath are very watt kuovît and popuiai, fila groom balng emPtIOYed as s machin- Ist aI the Tvanftalh ('enfui-y Machine <'rUipanyý Erne8t Bt-sdud Oto saven yaau'- ago a resident of Wa,"egan, vas mart-ied Ihts sftecnoon at Waftethoa , Wis. f0 tî lsigMaida Wieaa, fila crc- many taking place 8ftiler homne. lis mtiler snd father, Mr. and Mrs. P P. Bt-sud and othar relafIvqs attend- ed tram hece. He ta nov empioymnd lu Wate>-ovn. LAW VERS TO PLAY OFFICIAIS AT BALL m 53

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