Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1909, p. 4

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i il P h s 1. j J q i I s 4 '1 I I COUNTY IND EPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY Idàa ,ttidgoe t Saturda, for New Yorkt where sh ié ii spend severai v~5$tCNo. 14fOi'5le sidence TICeP2005 10o.4Lt.lbrtyvell C Elehage Week*. B 125 lthe osto0ce aiU 1 4 2v 0e, t, as Seco nd Cla s M otterT he big cireuâ lu t Friday and Satur- _î SRIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE addition ~ ~ a e~s a v- ___________"M ._______________________ diaappoinritlg to the elali1 boy. No JUS .............................................................. Ct dtr DuneS tbs bard sînrm vbteh swePt Clty EditorLibrtyvifle sict4 vliaînty test Iridaf FRID Y. J LY , 199. venink a barn belanuffta JpA. caUB- FRIDAY:JULY 9,1909. h n e;'iv nortb.east of towfl. vas tnick by lightang and tagother wltb the cave sheds. silo, and other out n % RAILWAY MNS M f buildings burssd to the grapud aniî Tr.osers~ AT 1GIL ND K tbe horoeo sud uther stock being savsd. te m K The v as partir cos'sred i inérur- suce. Ciiabau wvasla thebâfrina etih 5f.oiiiSfllmi<nisd Ia* .ilgbtiy sîunned by the Iaà» onty Titlisran-ut Co. Coor Scheme of Interior and Exte' s. bbi ouahrt. Atr t* boit ýb.e.t uofTiNtie. Titis. urants.d lor Mrmonizes. Administration sa iii fia.. sd t vawtleb difcoeur ýks*"nclemrpls Bidg. Wsuksgasi, In. and Home Buildings Art the Twin tbat soaiefutthe. barms vesgattes Louis J. Ounain, Secy. tructurea. Choclats Color.d out. brick s Construction Moiment. JoiMiller ta R W Hawkins. 50 Eihysi d t oCpaly eice tfront an Hamiltan Ave, Highland sTbeir wvii1 be a meting uof the Liherty- »a*k. Q C $1.00. Pictures have appeared of 1the new yiUle cburcb asso>eistias es the Union Rilchard Cote ta F N Baylles. 8 1-2 home which ia taelie erected for the chnîch, Friday eveuill, Juiy 23, for the et 1 block 6, Highland Park. W D better care and shelter of agedd a snaf electreqetetd ou Im or *Me.00. d.sabled reilroad mien. Highland business. Cetblci li,,bsop of Chicago ta J H Park fa proud ta have snch an uït- P. P. Dnîmasu.. Prepideut. htAor., 1.01 acres in S E 1-4 Sec 31, talion as one afItis features of Inter- E. %y. PÀANXvUBs. Se-retar>'. ~Md" Twp. W D $1441.60. est sud the uew building WEl add 1 àt Nixon sud vife to Fred W Buck greatly ta the city ln 1the way of lmn- Annuai Appropriation Orifinanco __ Ptt lots 5 snd 6, block 8. McKys proved reai estate. There la one No. 199. àÀ& Waukegan. West of C & N W man, bowever, who sees more lnth 1e An orfIOune spîroprtatt ffs&ebnmm orsumo erecion f Iis brne ossbty 01utmUser deemed ueesarbr 1"1eboard of 97; Co. W D $1.00. eeto'o ii oeissbyta rusteel of the village of libertro-ille ltevefrar W c io n it aAJNe-an te>Sprntnet Keeanl ecssry es n ud Ilabilles eflth.saId Nixo su veie 1 A JMer an othr. upernfedeti ORefevillage of LiberoYvtllefor and datio~nie fiscal dkânt. S part lot 6, MWest of R R bih lias seen baw much these men need yeso eliding the Blia day of March.6A Dil. Be il ordalned 1or the residet snd board of 1,McKays Add, W aukegan. W D a better home and tacilities whereby trustres of the village 0f iubertresI. Lake e.0. tbey catu 1e better takdil rare eo t. caouty'.llO or1e resao epme u genry Giesite sud aite ta Job Thomi- bas been bis dream, and now fite Iabilille. of thev îate f Libertroillie. Ilinois Io. 100 acres in 2 W 1-4 Séec24, dreanilate £0become s reality. His for10ndOvere thwb-a ropredg seh Sint. Culba, Twp. W' D $650000. lias been s prayer off alth witb wor s .msolt muer berin menlourd ant spectl.t 1ayBEsrie ta Corn Products sud lits Interest iu thetr behaif han Fer the Iucoose of aldinu lu payfng the necesssry contingettepeuse. fr the sfore.sld 8a~hgC.Uudivlded 1-2 of par made thIe men foeaud respect him. Yllage. the sure of flvrt-our buvvded dullsrs. e uboc 12, Sunderîtus jet Add, thee siv appropriâtlou o! oviry-on u mdred willdm&n.Q c$1.0.The home ta ta cent approximaftel! dollars te be dertrd from0 sa1oon and 002cr r,0 ockr ad wfe e H Beg- 80,00.andit wll aveailthe l-sus, sud liceusest rou, btlllvrd tables. 1oo 1H lnckr sd vte a H Beg- 80.00.sud l wll aveailthemod- tabl, ,bowling osleys sud olIer lihýenss.n omu 17.32 acres lu N E 1-4 Sec 20 emu tmpravemnfts kuos n ta make it esimal5d sinount of recelp( à fr0.. -vb sources Me Tp. WD 1100,betut "asfoncue Wa Tvp. Nxonl e D la81.00.c c oftabtu sud useful teth le mon. rMMsalus iceus"es....... si20 5c W W R ixon t EUs. enno<l prou Oldtables, pool tableý,.ho .1ïng en vife. Lots 13., 14 15 and 16, bih It w-tiI constt of two buildings. tbe alevs sud olIer iees. ctv..... 14 f0 1Okad Sub, Waukegan. W D admlnstratiou and home accntiig dollatotal O i anus tshr eudredfo dolin osaidaur laherey a hviM fa ko00. om-one building.,1the other containnth te balncPe of $&id cniresudfurl&-liedolas Wtate Bankt of Lake Forest ta Jeus bleao.te feS urad euses ni llrs. leaaon. Lot 96. Green Bai Add. Lake paver plant sud laundry. es.pri s ereMl2,14er oie. to-mit, Sîs Prset. 8 W 1) $67500. Temi uidn ii 1 h undeOd and forty-fio-e ~4. dollars tube B B oolitie nd ife ta Minutie D oies and a 11gb basement. prace.k. rsd asd bridge fond aoj six hudra ed 8M00 £ B Dalitte suddollars lue teet lighting fond. 8'aiser. Lot 5, block 5 Doolitties atîr ail above the grounf. but lu Ou f %%id contingent fond os.necuri&ted T.Yrs Lake Sub. W D $40000. - the neear, exessaiutelellous T H Dnrst and vite t0 Mr, Sofia the ternio01 the letter "T," 11e front beldinlvsit illage.salaries ofcsemblers u1thei »Mi. Lot 7, bock 4. Duata Sub. part beng 150 feet long by 42 feet board of trusv5iee, olare$ t mniers ufthOe lcl board uf bupruvmeug*5 ,slartofvi-lage Wakiikaeg W D $45000. vide, the center extension belug 40 nessurer. salari utf village rlerkr. tees for the M 8 C Kant sud viftetaEmmna Avillage attrneyr.&ryr f utesitee, tire Opsrfesn. Lot 42. 43, 44 sud N 8 13 t pet vide by 62 fret long. r.vymp1.rec aîrgd building village bonld- 3 Te panssho a uilinget looingsd operstinua mater moris and maktna ft lot 41, block 4,. Wiathrop Harbor. Tepln ho uidn c mruveuute ta ater ortms syse. pýrouIn« .p$00. srcl modern style of architecture sddtionl boesuad houecars #r lir vroec- 'sW DsticiilOu sdlire 518a cm grsgtingatol C leydecker sud vt uAie11 osnCti of whc ii1ef0 f............ ....... ... .... *M50f - ft Ih otsa9 40. 41 sud 42, bih1-Fr utprpseo parlas fr pouce pro- Habo. C$6-0. prouf throughout, with a pacch or l- ut ei 0 sd village .........s0f i'r Wltii ne Hadbor. teJula Cnyfo5600 lner10feet vide by 50 for the purpose of aingitialari uf » t rhie u vtet JilaH cn o ac rIstrfflt rumulasleionisa ,vilage.. Mo 00 *M6ride. Lot 6, block 20, Hghland feet long; these balconies are easîîy Total cotugese tondý .... $91000 Pak 6000.00. accessible by ail of 1te men. For D2 ure,»of utpajnef for repairs. ~ S Ruaell ud vfs e aI C W The ceoerr aclieme of the extertur muaintenanc. hsOyreients sud centuto ,srls Dits 64 aud 62 1-2, Lees Plat of the buildings harmonises, aud the lu sald village ofut beztyviUa. theasuuto o 00 Sovisae oend ove bnndred l55lg.f0>dollars Ot -',VtWaltnda. effet la very pleastng ta the eye. The whic utmm si ured sud frty-thve dolls Buin sd it t Rcbrd vaIls framn1the grade Untue th e Sot shaho bu dm luri son Mant oer hlensse,. D M rskie an witlbe ichethe iated $suni of ml sberebefots . Col. 3.01 25 eItOpt E 65 ut1b1ock top' window sailevill be of <ho 19 balac t.l us0 v huav y <SHIghland, Park. W 1 *60000. late coiored brick; foi11 o T het ddoas te-wtt aUne tbonsand du"b C . aie J bBias Dvi tery vindov .111 Uine tae1the third Ond 5d l isuta(185500dollars ta.te b. Loýt I blok 2 Hardees Sub. Laite For- stery vlndow saisa ilii 1e of ligbt rilr th@ u v19.popuaofparltnt hexpem of .wt. W O 8800.00.brick; the third tory viii bc of cougl . ~dmand ubalie lOam ofuM Rasar lumi3ksu vte10WH est einent o ou flh brick; 1the rum- MO m su d i f dollars. 0f wlich murphy. lts 19 sud 20. bock 5. Sminga aradnnd the Sont sud second clarfemm.tue, ietimatbd au ou0EWhInt of h a. heroibei ors mas la toue sbocaaad 11.1, Wudbarn Park. Q C $1.00. @tory viadova viile ocolate sintrod an t.tty-Svs (t.Um dollss. Etataeso Myron E Wtadru inou ta uosdbik sdbf ru ii tanteasr doulaisto-wtt one Ovcad to W R Wiarml. Undivlded 1-4 part lot 4, red tle. Al the vIndov saisasud beil htuird sud =Y dollars th" ho nSe sd S 1blocit 3, Original Vslskegan. D.ed courses viii De uf tonme or terra cetta. Fr@pu r ie ncf ut athe M am Ba.O1n *Al Interior partitions vilI 1e afbe.ol- ar »ums.i laiNO e1rd Ot Mcl Jirdi su hnban luedbocks, plsstered cach aide asu sreeicroulera and mra gsa as.. sud Amea MU Hrdi an huban 1sa I summ go Se cêied b, taxation. 850.115 »6 Mary A XoLsugllit. Part lots 14 vlth cenent panter. Floors sud cui- For nia soros t paylug im o ser bondu, ut Ingswlllbc o holow ile nd ein-saidvilage w mmcg ive s»dOddolla û5 Sed19 Western Add, ake orest. lu fvii 1eutS04.awlit1sanrin- 2. 'toitlier i s'tniesront on -, forced concrete. The Sauors of ail cor- 54201.50 ot semer bond. of »ai village., thesum 0f1SI=.OU Osà0te ae t edby taxation. am Q.~ $rldoon, taitet mauDs. hospital roon fole% aud kitchen viii bc of composition îutofbod . n..c d2, ....for...ose TIES MYWE. udrnintnislu Te oniSars Tar ........... .................. 2f0 and emet moatc Therecl liers For nie PurPoft 9paytug aurt 012r capn... taivier Keeing. Wanketha, Wi, viii e utfinapte. nt UUmoenuusav ad scfnd sud seb , Il,, tabet Anderson. Mflvauke. 18. Al Interior voowork vili 1be of s-unvmoberthed by saaion lb.froin u 57 8. Befnnitt. Chicago, 37; blrrb, Snlshed lu duil mahogany; tut-a Maine tni e Oumga of a oins llsousand William moa buadred sud foui-es (85..00) dollars of dlara B. Altensby, sanie. 37. let roonis. bathrcouina sud haspitli wbmmbarn es bui and lau boutrat (15,5.f0) Joh D.VanSlye, adion is. dolar lata e rasait hitaxation. Joh O.VanStyeMadson Wi.,rooni Snlshed lInvihite enaiet. Bach oft"as nisa of muse, sui thnie sggs- 22; .lenuie Remington Mler, saine. Ail staîrs wtIi bav-e trou trames gale Ibersof are d.eesd nsce.uaiy 27 the board 184 uf trUosýte e dfcay the ecesssry capos..s 18. vlî~~~wih ceent or inte trends, iron nev- sMd tiabUtl«fthés f 10oressaivllg orn Nort DaaIs elpass sd hastes wt irc z:bud ica s«Uodine Marçb 511. . l ther i Pur ]Persan, Nansnu ot kt, erponspad fluses wporbrecean 5 cabolae cicail, ut forfis. 35, Carnie Chapinan. Chicago, 33. ris.asc , arel 0 rslsd m aaloun. nt i. i. P. Howard Cronn, Golden, Cole., 31; 'Seeetb eeaa iicrr 1ett o »unt t hoaidby taxatio.0hais Bifpro- The lectic levaor wl arryth rat m o ortileie fruons aud ad Mai Ethel Page, 29.nmen ftmauy four ta the recreation Prtotl sis ou t eiste surlucaos autn a Ctaire C. Edwards. 32; Haciet Erg- sud card rocuisna lth1e haseinent lu te recte.or nounou mmsaireffate, mmfo kUne, 24. leus than one minute; the elevatur cala tron sld varues evise T'hmasA- cGire 25 Eua rei. feS. 5Ail ctber e ousua.appropriations Thonsa Meuir, 2; Ris rei- las a separate outrance on onu aide aMd cash balance fthe niaoical i-ar codlie heatI&Ma,09 51.1A. D. 15, ar ecoullnusdfor the lissa-t. 1.oun1the grouud ev ci for the accoinnia- urpa.. tor whieflc sy ers aiprupris.ld. W. J. SteCarîhi-, Racine, 21; 01gR dation af ihose who are obiged ta Sac. 4.1'bMtwtiolaInàS a.tb.sendtbe Bron, 9.safnee alra ludlI force sud eaient trou Brava 19.use vlieei chairs. sud aftrIfs passage &s u pohllta ceordini W. H. Taniblyn, South Milwaukee, The main building bas a capac ie astx. aS.Polel ilg ad 21; LuIn V. Fomie, 23. of eiglity-six lieds heides the bospi- R55> B. CORLMT. Vilage Clrk.9 1 Benjamin H. Rasigu. Lakte Forestl, 1ai0oam.vidiiacconimodate Ivelve î 21; Anna M. Paap, 21. beds eslly. sud couina for six men Pain cau hoemsiy and quickly tupped. l re ADn,1.FtlCicg,2;Lus- and six w-amen attendants, the spr Pink Pain Tabiets.-Or. Shap'--stap la A..Donji.1. su er-badace. v, omanir painsi, snypan, HAxM> Meicu. Lakte Forest, 1f., Intendents quarters, kitchen, dting anyviiere, lu20 minutes suro.Fu-- v 34; Lucy IVeisur, 29. ercluns. chapet. entertainnient recule,,uta on the. 25t. box. Aauk yaur dmurit James Bailey at Foreat, 23; etc., each S line aviug s reccualion or doctar about fibin tormmn.i& in e, : Eunice Steen, 18. sud reading rouni; eacli man viii Soid by ALOAES Otar Vaisseit. Chicago. 25; have its 0w-n iudividual clothes cioset -L EIES Stan Powll. 6.and the double rensviii eaiiy ac- Ehil Grant Racine. 32; Lililan Au- comodate two beds. Adjudication Notica. fl1arSon, Racine,.________Publie Notice la hersbytvn a nithe Bob- 'vB. McCloekey, lKenoaha, 23; Emima criber Adisrl*ao f the esiala Of Hillary Dusfour. hi . dacaled. miii the iaCoutycour PeOile ith ympomof kdne orof LaS. oui r t. etla thareof lu bc Solden V 1Innu fepan. DKaib, 22; Anus Bey- bladder trouble couid realistheir dan- on te cSeat UovUday0fAuut sin *j15, whan 1cIýý 19.gei tley woid vithont 10e. oftlime ram- sud wuS a pgsu Oouei bovains laim &gasinat v>5*i5~~~ 15. meure taking Flsys KidueyR lemsdy. aldEna aauedsd uetad lu»rosen à- A Smithl.25; Louise D. Sa- Tbfsroatî imedy- t pu the pain and ftes§uneSU~Cuttc duiac tihe irrgniarisise, sIia gbzSe ad bilde Wasvagn. JOlI. 14.11lm. a"- o-r ~ Baller, aenrst,23: Eni-t) lnhseorgaue aud liebe i nodanger American Shoee, just 50 pair For Wilhelmina 's littie heir. pÔular. People trade where the good goods are. Partîcu- Iar people corne .to na. Certainlyt Whyi BOL-ause Our Une of Silv-rware cannot b. equalled elsewhere. One try will show why. A HT0SSw THAE aJEWELER 118ERTYVILL, ILL. Are You OOING TO PAINT? This Year ,~Yea, we want to paint the House, Barn and Outbnildings wlth a No. 1 absolutely pure paint that will otand the test of years. Remember that thlese paintaecaui be bought of Yowig & Lynch Bros. FUIýNliVIRE STORE OF QIJALITY WAL PAPf R Cheaper Thau Chicago Mail Order Houses ,e.a .5 Auy lady cau gai; a silver "Na-Drip" Cotiea Strainer by vnitlng Dr. Sboop, The Coq jCorner RacineWi. on o ;moBARBER SIIO giigyour name and addres.Dr efi«Popetl Shoup viilaipo sudirsbis new sud wFlg.Poreo very iutet-eetîng littie book. deecribing Juet srunid the. corner on Spragos Dr. Sboap's HsaItb Caties. Heltb Street, usit butiith Boshm buid- iJoffeeuIo such a clIm. oitation of ros ing sud opposite the. Pestai Cuti e. that it isquirsian expert to tell te lb.mih@hp difference. Andunetber h there a grain LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS of ruai cotise tu IL Msdefroin pure 1 toeated graina, muait sMd nulo. Ils faai rOlgars and Tobacco snd tante la excesdlugil rtlfrna. No aunr gny Rxr oo tediaus boitiug sIt&kez. "MAlunsMin-LuidyAnY RzrHod nte," maye Dr. 84up WrIte today for the buk u "oDrtleCoupou. CORLITT £FflEOERICCS Notice of Application for ProbalotTe NW BR @TATE OF ILLI 0f I l, Cyk - -7Lier LAKE OOUNTY jkY Q fetv r Tro Osbarina iJUDO@"ldJane C0066ue.Afn dVsd5al irnucs. 5 urT Oooru¶. C Crees. ~ e làsa eat'oàitiani.Sarahs Ilrbus Ian pptous.lelsf BEN F. CLYBOURNE, Prop. Et OI Ius lil1. iuseLibertyvilîî.. il. -&mm. WM. ae 1e r aI&lae sd Wtllmeut trainsKau l ln covineellun witt 15< aIrses.sotc s .ss 14,1Jokin conue., on.m i ýen nottflsd. Ubertyvlle Hotel. Tilt ais brbacfp 55.nau Bas gesand Meu 'ai Newvsh li ssp e 55 p 09. fqmtheFresyM U- prootsi fv~e seaaLZM r ocDUte mbfU o'ctÏi tlufLbe r 097 04 O. 10 _____________ Waulfkgal Se0s¶ 5su bc o en tulvesar. on u ' f ~ d u eau apteeurUlif t ou iA Lie Colr ldnuot qblcag. Daily Truibune 1850 p r u » asW* 4ahe Doo your lawn need mowIngl If so, eall and e our 'Genutne Philadeiphia L&wn mo*ers. ' Every one guaranteed to give perfectI satistaction. 16 Inch eut $5 18 Inch eut 57.00 FLîýieS ARE COMING Sereenui and Acreeni doors aie necesaary to your happinem this mummer. You know it wiU b. hot ths ummer and a GASQLINE STOVE would add greatly to yonr comfort dutlng the hot weather. Qe Burner $2.00 Two Burner $2.50 Three Burner $3.50 Ovens 52.00 Extra _ il.B. EGER, Liberty Ilk, ll. Poultry Lawu rass Supplies If You are Going to 1 Fertilizer Bidor RepafrYour Property PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED OF' ANY KINI) WHITEWASH V OUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES We waut to figure on your wants Libedyille Lilifiber Company_ CaI's relephone No. 47 Plu1 Up Cheap New Your Bis In making clothes we alm to please. A satis- f led customer means a steady customer. Others' seli clothes, the tailor makes them. Let us help voua select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Libertyville Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farin, one and one-haMf mile notli f Wucada, Illinois, ulas ntantly an Yhand and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of horses, sultable for the road and ail farm work, express sud draft, useful and serriceable, tram i ioa ta îo paunds. Pricea 58o.oo ta Ssoo.oo. No Pl,',£ Core ta Mountain Meadow and nee the bans owrkothie faim. AUl acclinated and avoid rlak of "àicknes. AU guaranteed on delivery " represented. COL f. J. BERY Lakeaide Butter is macle of pure cream, from B e- lected dairnes luthe Elgin district. Parlty and welght guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., EARt Troy, W. CORLMEiT & FREDERICK LIBERTY!IIfr,1 If we believe what we are told G;-o-u-1-d nust speli GOLD. EXPENSIVE? NOT IIERE I'rices low for good goods. You'1i bt- satisjjed at eve ry tbm (>ur lune of MADE TO MEASURE CLOTIING is a satisfaction g i ver. Try it. E. W. PARK1IURST Schanck Bl"c LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. -------- ------- IOWWW"@W~ S" 1 ÇQMO aner IL

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