LAXJ(>ONTYNDEPENDEýNT. M'RIDAY. JULY 9, 19 A3SfSSjROL )t ittaebOs ltself to the barl< of trees, Lake Cotinty, Minispreferrlog elmlu ibis loality, by iContlaie o page 6 mensOf numierous aerfal roota. hence Owners a ý. ýn.v#1Ue Its naine Rhum Radicans, or the roof- Smith & sona.. ...«,... le' leng . sumac. lu transterrng herbis, Smith & Daî......... ........... 37 ablrutis, trees and woods earth front Y. i ip>i.................... 167 opr local forest, It lm not Btrange that J l~,V..................... 5the polis lJy s benthaslat AiuîStolzma n ...............40 Ibe r-soe Ch.m F Stozmaunn.............. 214 loto our gardons aond publie lplaces, W J SI.lzmann .....':........ ......118 E F sw.n...................77 That Il should be permltted to re. J W Owonabrough..........115 main Is contrars' to lawlits poison- Henryswapson...........496 i B Wtft................. ... 747 Ous effects are far reachlng and very WohT Suydam ................12 harnl to mans' leople. On the oth- F T sa dam.............i rh JLayr................ ....,92>, oad soins people aeem ta be en-1 StiplenTayor.................. 472 tîrels' Immune from Il I fects. C W Tal. .....o............ ...... 7 Ther p 14 a dîffere ce o f opinion n es O lto T e gtm - ... ..... «............ 5 h ow be t ti n dte ti-.j Il. T o p u ll It u p J Th elo. ....................671 W Th . a .... . . . . . . . . .6 o t and ail and l'ay it aut t0 di e lu Wtt> Thom sun lo effectuai. If the party F B Towner__....... .......107 ddng tefr aImue1 h Chas Treptow ............ 2 h ok l m u e t h Oea H Trlgxs .. ...... 71poison. WEC Tr M9 .......VlWth a long handled, 8harp bée Ita 8 L rip ........... .. 1331 Cao ho dug out and then drled or Mdary .ýripp ...Y .. . .I. ,0n F R Trtpp 76, I- , . ... burned. but the burnlng should flott Mm t-s O0lhi>e Voyi', 17take Mrts E A Walffl,.- ». -1 place near occupied hunhant A wW Waldn t > .. ... i4>0 dwelllngs. Several cases or thus los A W Waldo .......132 o Wma Wairond 619 oong have oecurred lately lu ,,îr Geo C ail 51 clty and porsons sensitive t0 the pot-h O E Warne.....71 Ediîh 8 Warren 61 son ahauld be ou guard agaînal il. Waîsn& .l...a...- onOTo dislug h h lant, one shoffld 3 F ........ ...>.... 163 st gu b te John Wel(Iî->,'225 bear lu mlnd that It otten reosenîhles 1) . ....-_o. M4khecammon woodbin.-or rgnah hn H el . .........ereper Caren-e F W ...-Ils .. 403 on> each stalk, whle the woodblne T A P Wheele>r .... . , _ _ 19has lve. A P ,Whcllr y.....................30 Wtt> Whinay..................0 R p W le.x .. ..... ..... 448 C M wl'-ox 3..z24 WILL ENDEAVOR TO e il l W»t>am. ',' «, *.. ' Z F E ..t . ...69 A ndrew I 1r ý.. . ...o. . .. .a J,»>,, 011>15.. > State Health Board Witt Back Local b B rF r e> Wlgîî ommisuîioner in any Measure tb C F W iglitStamp Out Plague in 1his City and CM r igh, t 1 rGdn ..... til lionl, Order Which People Wril Sup- 0 y'ag &Lynr itra .-> port lale Isucl. Stocknoldem In the LaeoCounty Natioal I Dr. <iayorîl, 111510 -ard health Bank af Llbertyville. (iwner a fOnn,- . i'rd,-liioîrctur, catue 10 Waukegan Salur - À OSr-,wrma . 5>day fer a small poa lnv-stlgat'on, tol- W<-ýt akrrlow 46 thle .Ilcot rs'of ri case of the C J Wél ,->... ...î4 C A Wrght 3-,7, dlaease in North Cbtcago, anti aller (J A Gaiht aconteencewlîh Heaith Commis- J 8 Gridi.-> 7. lonor Knlght and clly officIaIs dec- l'eut M- c <lt»,172f T.aylor 1Il larî-îl] that the state board of health FClark l 43eo W %Iflt»If 1 back up the local health coinm John jp lre sslioner In anys lp h- may 0e fIti R, H Smth lî»Ir, Frank Iu11,i to tb ake 10 tamp out the mai] lox. A uk1 h9.1 I obln substance: PB Love-l. 46 That every child in the follow- Edlth 8 W'arren. 233 W EMin . .......r .13 lng terrltory b. vacclnated or the F p 1 ese ~ 0 home ln whlch the child lîves and cou B H MIllet . ..... l? the vlclnlty will b. placed under fro Mattle Il 8rSan . ... . 115 John McCorml,-k . ... ..... 3 quartîne: val Roy PFVrlght ...i i Wes ondr ackson etreet, ln1 Clark C'21 t'ondr FmrkJ 1 Tgî115 forth len Rock avenue, Vctory of Emma J Wright................ 46 Helen AÀWrthî................. -3 ta Clarke, Clarke ta Lincoln M"e W PreWrght............ Lincoln iouth to Belvîdere, Bel- gue 4toekhodrs In thte Fret National Bank videra tb Jackson, Powell and ret of Li.betyvlle. J L Tallor ...................... 400 Home avenues betng ncluded. vie Chas Puer .......l......10" Thsmoins business, olralgbî and bas Ko~e........... . 40 simple," declared Health Commission- apn , J Jone.................. 3A0 or Knlght late Mondas' nlgbî I have Th( B aMille .... ... h11 41 ad a cooference itb the alate ord cha Zîenfer - . 320 of heaith and hev have agreed luo se Gerbard Scareck ..... îoo bock me to the lîmit, mit unless Over% gov ItJiMevet.r l1oitunvaccîn ated cflld le vocCinated bs' oft B F & E P Orldley 100.... 0 msix tiIs evoalng the terrîfors' I have dl, Helen WCI whi. ..0 ..ý onamed, the district wlll ho ouatai- J 8 l3rhdlev .... . . . e00 tlned.ln T ille F Grrllry .....4>0l O Carroll Grldiey 1 40 "I arngolng 10 staflp ou, the' maîl ney Wtt>Wal.-ond i o. reo ko teresrt100n t qC M & si P Ry Co ...... _ 1 5 boeo ko heraonw adt Wiseoûnair Central lty Co ... am no0w aatlafied that wth the slate ail M J& ERy C- & ... g... d Amerîcan Tr-eph,ne h oard of health hack of me I can do s'e. Co _ . . . .. . . . . . . . 20 Clileagri eicphne Cri ...240 gen - o.alI Telegraph Cabîn'é.Ci . 16 30 People are with the healîh commis- la Wester n lnt>ri-rph ..n...730 Lake County Týephorne <'n43rt aoner -and willI agree withhim,anm, Arr. SAN )OSE !SCAL! TIIREATENS TREES COttîOnYScae le sAI.. t. b. Observed end This Too Can b. Sprayed Wth Kemesene. poison lvy le Specie Of the Sujmac, Hence île Naine. Dhg Out the lvy 'Wlth a Ho. and be Sures Itlas Klilet. Recent examînatîons o! the troos ilu etreetsanad Parka show- that the oîd enonis'O! the malles, the cotIons' #cale, Js on baud ogin, especills' up- on the s'ounger branches and youog trees, preparing for a rononol o! lit CaMIpalgu o! detruction, TIne s'uug- er Omins are also loade,] -Ils a scale Inseet, called hysosaie nhe Son Jose $Cale, n-hlcbhjumes the 'ouoger branches. At thebrsîrsent timte thei nialo seaIe la întiltlp)lyltîg rapîdîs' ait, It ta lu just the rigbt connîlîlon Di ho klille,] aI bys pras'ig.Experionce bas lso alîown tisaI spras'lng wlInh bard somît kroseîie emulahon la the Mostsaitisfaciors' metbod a! oltack. This con onîs' ho ttempte,] on large trees bs' nion equlppod witis tbe propý er appliauces. In mous' cases n-bers the Iees are smoîl a mon wîtb a ahiff, bonds' bouse brusb eau acrub off both forma o! scelle, using a poIl ful af aroug toaîîaîda 10 s-icb bas been added o init et koosene ou,] the wbale tbororîghls' beaten Up 10ou emulslon wbllo bot. The cottons' scale Pet also moIlti- Plies toa ocosiderable extent ou the 'W0obne, grapevîne, box lder end 'bawaod. It shoul,] e hotoroughle 'ý,tXed out s-berevsr an,] whauever lepossible, Tîte cottonis bunch aria- trorn beneatia thesecale contaIt>. la o! the youug Insecte. If al- ta deveop tbey s-lu scout at> iileeaand destros tisa vital POle9n ys, a noxfoos vine or ',10ei09cithe sumac famlly. Olen stato,] ln tie SUN, thal the small pex in Woukegan muatI eeae, Smnail Pox in North Chicago. The vîsil o! bbc state board] of bealth inspîcior oas occassiono,] bs the fadct hat Lairetîa Neal e! Norths Chicago, a youiig lady, lias beon dis- covere,] 10 be the ictini o! a light, aid ber home bis ider nîaran. UIne. The Neals are lromînont ln North Chicago. Thev are juoýt ontsbe the cIls' limIta. City Quarantine Unlikeis', llealtb Commîssionoer l<oght re- garda Ihe quarantinlng o! Waikegan as a Cily exîmomels' unlikels' ail,] oh Pros the ides o! île iuleosiîs'. No Mail at Hospital. Oie o! the featumes ln ccrnîion s-bIb the small pox qiîaranflne at tho isosptal la9 thot the poat office don s not and Cannlet neiner ans' Mail theî o and 0111 flot dilver lîntil atler rliè quarantinu . ilflod ibis n-ok som.- t Ime. Found Ohd Relics. Treslav noruiîîg WiVliLs'onan,] .Milton Rrause of the Ls'on Store louord to-o oid posters attache,] ta a bibI board fastene o th011e conter -al a! the part of tb(, store being tom dos-n ta uiake oouîî for ltie nos- anbiton. oe poste-r aduerlir-e, lu large type the eologs' on tise martyre,] Prosîdent LIn- coin PrOnouncPîl hs' a famous preacis- or, Dr. Mt. T. Eddys'o! Chcago, et tbe First Pregbs'temlau cisurcis April 19, 1865, on,]tise other advertlaod on old rals' ot Phsoenix hall lu 1865 or before, Tbe posters bon-e beou given ta lise Lake Counts' Hîstorîcal Society., Tbey are tattere,] au,] bru but .1111 pre- cloue as relies, DR. KIRBY MADf rAST TRIP TO IIOSPITAI Chicago Physîclan, Son-in-Law tc Mrs. M. J. Ourkin, of Waukega n' Makes Record Breaker Trip tb Hos- pitaI and Patient in Criticai Shape et On-thtrty in Morning When Traîns and Cars Were Stopped. Recelvlng a message front St. De>- nordsa Hospital, 63riî and Hlarvard, In Chicago, that a a ptlint cao til o cr- tIcol Condition andl must b>. operat- od on wl>hln an holir and a haîf, Dr. W. T. Kirbs' o!flCicago, 'risittng M .Mars' J. l)urkln, ita mother lu lan d famîlYs', t315 West bnreet. Xaukegan, over the Park Oîienlîg celebratlon. arose atlt 1)iS'> b> forîîtng ad wtth Thomas l>iiklii, a brotherin lot>, mide the hu',îilal i ai> heur and thir- t3 lt>e mnultes, bs'au>tomîobille. Thý- tine- n rcnîarkalnle when ilt b COnid>ered ttî o> tiieo >10 Thomas llser had couîntry' ronds ail the-Oas' lMr. lJin, w ho retîîrn,.d this afternoon, nlesles i- the ride as the wîldest in htS explie cc. The phsoca> ,-ectived a rail that he must ollerate wlîhîii m hour and a hait ou a patient at St. l3ernard's. l'here were no traina 10 be caught to Chicago as oalys as oie thîlrts' Ibie morting. The streot crr had also stolîped for the night. Acting as bis own chauffeur the plh> alcian mode the lP Wlthbhis brotherlt> Iaw. arrivlng ti the hosînîral, lilty-fl o mlles anas'. before three tis î»orolng, perforoîlog tho' oîîeratioîî and> savin g a litf. The garage owners lu Chicagoex- P'-scil great listouishment whi-n tld of tile sîîoed hum-t oe, orun>try rado TROUBLE CAUSED BY THIÉ NEW TAX RATE eopie Who Fayot New Law Say It Went Into Effect July lit, Hence Needed Change of Rate Bas, Oth- ers Say Thal as Valuation Wae Made in April >0 Must Stand Until Next Aseessor', Trip. iFroni Wedt>ad(av'aSon. Taxlng officieIs are dlslurbed uver umplicaîlons wblcb Ibrealon te arise rei lbhe oct ebanglng the assette,] alualln.ns on wbîeb taxes are aîîread Ibtis stîto from ono ll!îb to one-tIrd ,tbe actuel valuations, This 10w i"ut lOto elfecI .fuls' 1. Those osho or- me that the ot>e-Ilftb biaigshaould be itaiiled thîs s'ear bol,] that tbe re- oocers bave no rlgbît t change the sais oun whîcb8saessmetits woro road bs tlie assessoasAlîrîl 1. ho2e s-o urge the revles-erd te ange the bassaaeart that the now t beîîîg ln offeet, the board muet vern lîseif accardîngls', regardoass fthe las-In force when the assessors Id theîr s-ork. The renIes-ors, it oas satd toda', Io- àd to as-ait an OllilîhOn from Attor- s' Goueral Stead, wblcb Is exlsoctod t on oro the ss'stenî of taxation ln Il f the 101 countios in Illinola IbIs or. Whichen et w-as'the attorney'- lieraI decidos aid oshatover action tiken by theboard o! renies- Il bs Plared. the conîîllcatlon nias' offer uinla for litjunctlon proceedings by ldjil IaxaI>e rs agobuat assoss- ronts Ibat nias' ho lle,] dthlas ear. groi Ini - Roi Prioaess. Tek.e a plut o! rail beanas wblechbaye been soaked ovarnigbl and drained Clver o-ith plenîs' o! fresb waîer, bring tbem siowvîs to bolllog point, tben let tbam cook gens' until tender, Put Iwo tablespoonfuls of mlueed white on. ion lu a sautcpati witb one tabiespoon- fl off butter ai,] .-nok until a paie aIras- color. Thon put Iluibe draioed beanus, add o level labiespoonful of fluor, one tableapoonfiil off choppeil parsles' ound ti! I aplut off water lu wblcb theo beans oere cooliei. Sîmmer for bialf an hour, thon a,],] a table- spoonful off leonoJuin-e beaten up wltlî the ' oikî nuftwo aggs, Stir gen- tlis au,]el gel steamlng bot and serve w-ib aftuffe,] green peppera, Brookls'u Eagle. Adjudicaion Notice. lun>,inc 'lonta >r'OreebY tison ISal tireSuiS sCenner , aiflire cste ts fCaroline OrSînîr. dr-ccasei r, j» ntond toc Coasîr Ca.. tni LaIre Couru» eat ateni hereof io Se Ioite. et tire Court H one r> W.nkeess. lunsaliCnuntr.ons thre irtMonlay .f iepleniier sexI.>l"5 iviren and o-hse>' il yeunI, itg caIms oagaisst s.15 Strate ar-cntlficnl and reiueteni to seseuît the sone rtu ardcmart 10r anjuicdaton. JAMES nL. OWAYER. Admninbvleste W'eVUoau, Jnnrnn-1.t199 39 Atjrdcation Notice. PublIc Not ls e reeirr gent t thel>cSa- seriber Etiecatit of lIre lst Wli and Toatasert ol Michela F.gsu. ece&sed. s-tii attendu lhe OCuiniy Coart o> Lakne COUair. at a terni tirco tc0b ir e nsaithe ouanin ouse I Waukerat> ln sai4 Csanty, en thre Ol Mondai of Au;;7al xexi, lias. Iviet, and wire auan ersons ben-iug eleI&IM agalast sanS estate ara tiatleid and] rteqnest.ted0secltirhe aâme to sali Coutaco AitNIE FAGAN. ExeMil. Waukegan Ill.. brae 21. 1005 89-4 Monday Loton Bs er, sf01 DeaY ln taking Foio's Kldnes' Ram. sbc - OdY If you bave isaelacha, kidiies' or hhwl bWader trouble, faslens the diuesa. â ers hava youand mIaké. a *cure more diffionit. Its' and tl Commence t*klng(Poley<a Kidney .. 1>0 edytaayand'you 'sll I goonbe well. Wby rs eions inajady? be o ay lu HeuNais Park aI ZMon Cils' kor, tise son o! Deocon Bak- o n,] kille,] a flue large fox as aftar eblekana, ZMon isunt- 3seen ts-o foxes ln tise vidan- bils la belleve,] ta bave been caes bave been sean n In om« laIe on lise Dead river MISSING 'wirFE is borde hon-b5 actusl L OUM I UN CELLAR ,atîIeryws' aaî,,o i jVV AN I AXI , BaHr hoînwlîtg, alle r hlch the j ingIý.1 arîiere orre buay in rhîs vtciniîy PIk.- C ) W f e ' s P e o p l e C l a i n , T h a l H u a b a n d d n I t > r l i - a t p a r a d e 1 l, is l n i F v e c l l P r r e e c t rl - - - -n l x M i es m n o K l e . r n i b r 1, ýetHrandI Drove Hem ouI t ît inets of lnlaotrs'lilcj.t Non. rsceived for les han 25 cts, aid Mr. Roy Andrews lcfron Lake Ful,' i- Tso Sunday Morn,îg, Wtîîn She>t the Fonrth aitb tilcîr saunt Md e Sought Refuge, Husband Claims NE WTOY FACTORY uncie, M,. ad lira. Henry- KanaUad 1 Dîsobedl.nce. Police Nil Cet n Lt IT aml lhog lhIvsian f RZO ITY 1 --1!il. adlr.George Kuigge Jsud (FrinWeu"aýý 11:. $000 ayBeFOR SALE OR RENT-51v b>uî-wr und tla ltee8paes lrud lire. EieIçh IFrtuWet>sdx $000 ayBeRaised fr-îm Sale Of lo,îon the corner o! Mlwa>îket- 're r, tan ateLake Zrich.rmjdg Bet t.rawlongtweflts' orIlilt,>yfee Powder Planit. Overwhelrti iVc- Cati 7-.treet. A.. rt(ber. 41 wlnnan i a benurich.ebUi tatrteBtu ie t tory' Won by lndependenls Has ........, 1w e uarr- ad tu hear that MUts. F. aorco! al!basmen. ) --r ac Se cved 10 Bring City' to Attention FOR SALE-e8300 new aeveîî rinlîl Jhn ,sn'wert, ibs ahea 10 h01e k* 11 sort ot huit basemeno! Orld ad-Ils ntecesa lrilit>e. cormsity 'convel>tet>cp, rends' t> iep8 ek nal ob n gii-" aflernoon, ln the rearîrno,, rutîiro fOtieWrdun isItrsaMveis! r n r. dadBoka m the dock and n hsn , , 1 til, which Now Seek Entrance. tlV i>.SsM tn LiLbertyu-ilie. lr. nlImen Sa. E wid BtheknattaloWr Lson dsovnu iant O Mi D40-2 5101er, MIr. Iieo. l;i-rt aid amily. . kua. (From Woer.nltî7' o cs>iîn j FOR SALE-Eîglit oo.n bouse on Mr- Fred T»wîcm traupac-Ied busoe# The noornait, scantili, Lkd i aJ1Another slroîîg fact0i spitl.a>lîîs- rninerd Cortm, ail î,,ru ornveiecen Waikegaiast Saturdas'. m wrapper and witbourt,, . -> as as for Zion Cîry s' a p,> ît.î,,n I ipo3 e~Intqui re 10 us. K >' ,Liberty'ville, . 1 rE ngti oefrafwd ber bu ba d a d l ic] i ~>" d .bvol ut ft s' ypeulî , ., s f i> > L h ile' 114 1. 34-f Mc at Ki gh >h>nefo ew d.s ou he uadas theü >o1 raled t eglotilîg, Ul>a l ipopsd---- Mr and] Nrm. Wîî Hokewyer and ber ouIrmd the tir hlic dti, i i l0i>)bl FOR SALE-Lnta inthe ,I Dsmnmnd at>d daugbîer, railed,]ut Mc. Fred Townsur' .-Iewaids ber abe siîvercil , nit» 0Itaaîau b o Iii Au7.>>stini sitrrl;iiolr,, StXI4ii; %l()cawh; Mondas'. argue, seeoîlog ta plead 1>1.1 , Iiiiinul boick of the Geileral >tl)ie ,-o'rirean $5 liei n~ rr ,îrth. lO:iî 10 beat lber and 5000iiig r in , ~ticles 10 hoil niai far-.nicrrd or,, les' AUSTIN. 40-tf Ihat lie lInended tb bu>it br locomnotîvsecoachers ia] nd ilînnoîile- ------HAULDAY The womao waa f>îlls > n ,dous, ii0bt mol ly- roin s1i>-t rîtin. î a> LOTS FOR SALE-In ii,. 13. J. Grimes )1 However abe seonîod drrrl , h ln Cits' News, subîi-riv>iiinilî:: rrf'>il" orutlofiiCard of Thanks. thlg ffcte b br ",gTh pteneeofthee o,8, eletrir' rrondn i nAîwaul,.'c aveliine B. I oielh 10exten,] My beartheit thanks fbnast ce b.e Mrc'I, c, Teptoteo heo > , îtil. J. ilaîtIEe. 000cr. 1,,tf « tu Mynions' friendsand0>1 nigbbors. alec ,5t and waa unable 10 ->.. , d. C. '~Ferguson, ofCatînonOio>. Iras- the euts'losees oI the toiephonecoin.. The officer wltb diffIeulîx nîiangedlt beeoItr e uthecis'a few dos5tht0 weck, FOR SALE-Acre lots o DPin arstfre is t avin, which wgase buory gn't ber out off the sîtacei- îinr the and Tuesas' appeared before the Mira- subdivision, close 1 to to-na and eleccric June 21st. Word@ cananot convey whati bouse and carrled ber to i, hborne Icipal Longue wltb samPlea o! is Car". Price$l00 00. DXItND&ACS-rTI 1W-ouI,] like to express publicîs' of how 1 o! ber parents where ah> i lowdg nanuffactured good, whicbho o xhit>- 40 t! oppreclote Fvery ac that bas been d0n. ed. he a I lid ad 1 iejýrg ted o te mnibrs resrit Th --for me. 1 alo hank ail of the boys, f&I e,]ttento lo alunedson,ti. icising le 0te eibaper per belt TheFOR SALE-Properîs' ktown as F tber agititg min tbercingof the Ilinsm attntIn 0 noe srttoss gve vor' tperaue o hengSi'tansrcsdremr eri&areogrudPavillon ftnal ison the grounds ut letan erhepolice arei, jjo,l- ofthe lbo lst modemn kid anîd adaîîled on corner witb ruit and saetreee and peotEîa.' ETL zid ha eerbs'te ibor- .,,is 10 lhe neeîs o! tho Anerîcan bouse-îno taors' building with lacest i niprove- Hail Day, Lake County, 11). banni and o-île. The wonî i ,, ,,hîld. Thes'aire kes' Wliitttng anîd 1 ire ents, Threel addilional rosîdences can a'l y uîlt on thjiscorner; nightcnie s that Butku beats bb nd'.î.î.> o inng back-ards arre the iicollin s]v,]ig e> l(. o - itcook ve.,Tihe oie ber shantefulîs' and îlit wa n th b»ho f th irnrlgs ntieneonts store,] or P. 0. Box 79, Libert'r'ille,.' 18-tf Al Canada chisîles la the îowu o! roînorte,] ta the police i. n lb.-> Whlch causes the lus' luinuedialel5- to .... . Warren nu8us hoeut t'y juIy lStb, ondes- thought she badl gone to ili,. 0 t wan a)î FOR SALE-Oboles lots i ,Fakpnly conmit suicide. Th. ont'î-wheliniltg tictor trwon> bs' Wrght's additiou, 50x150, for $20o.00, GE,. EîerFNoeugo. lIvpeBtu ll-iii ICi nefncitsaihe nucpa $230.011 nd$ 300.00. Iinahoat>&AI-STIN 40-3 Tiie Commiseiuner.« nulle mIn aveInslasaIlugin -tic' aiei n n c>îuînilZlinn'ln~tý n Apiliand,]- lowance for tbe bouse lu al i .n, lîeîn rs>îbseq>îenînt %ci»iywonîtri the FOR SALE-,]lki acre iniprovéri ffai lu Folf.y"a Hottes'and Tar notanlr $top@ clalnîo finit thon ashe olv.axo ,w>filte .->ireilo, court of the ulale have mpen Red Lake Cout>ty. Minfi>., ood buildings; ebroticcougbe that irpakeu the cou-. greaier îpart o! It ta ber o>n , în-îîeAr rachng ltir helireffects ai>ndl. niih iii.nO oz'oCa ttto nddvîpit oeap Thepolce irefnvstiatiigthesto-y , dubt cntiue o rdouid o treAve., r t P il. Box 79. ibelhrty7- Ille. îlot, but heals and streogtbmns *a Tho nolce ae lveatgaîiiglb> tus s> dnîb. collîue 0 reoîîîd t th 17tf longs. Lt offirdécomfort and rleMl The Dutiuses resîde ouitsi r e>a ' >od1oft he clîy coolmoeretalî'. ..... the woret cases o! chroole brancbitî@ streir> an,] 'rr. Butkus is t».» ,>î>î> It I ha., boom the poicy o!fItecelrer FARMS-We bave a large last of Lake astbma, hay fever and long trouble ber parents ou Lincoln as,i,,, - lho 1tmar fnor sonnefilime pas 1Io ascOunIs' formna luoeili, alobouses and lota FRÂNE .irOLvmzz. in village. DymsiD mot. 40-tf lween Sth and 9tb street>, Il 1,s nrot ralidt5 as possible close on>t the va-___________________ , she la utiablo ta speak a w'>mb m,] rrolridustries n-blch the Patate baFOR SALE-Four bouses, rentrally ----- sils'trembhesaond Man., îtîntî'tif or i uîîi erallog anîd use the imonos' lorated;tlu lose asIate. I n'ui reo The police say tbey are tiot thog frofli lbis source to pas' off iîdebled- M. RAY, Rockefeller, or L ProyLlb. .eilh tileir investigation and mlicn iss gaînot theo stale. an Ibai. a set- - 311f - - . W. il. STUDER SUILVEYOR Snb,]lviding and Farin Work LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. DR. 0. P. BtJTrEWMILD v EI NÀRY U RGO . . ý Llbetrtte. luos IL À.IL CIURCIL PHYICtAN AND SUflKON O f f i e l a B a l e r B l o c k , o v e : S x s l t à D s ,vw 5 4 . * Office Phone ab EepPIiosea S p e claiA tten ti o . i s-e u to D i s s MOu s t n tbe Eye, He, Ne..aMdI7lyea LIBERTVVLLE -- ULN A KSTEARNS LAWYEB 218 Washington street Waokegaui Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOVAY, . o s-VIC e aOveR LOVELLI S gi cla lR a-frIMM 1 tO 8 a AU& 6 l 8 P. . Lhabrtyville. Ilitnos. DR. !DW. V. S II lnuîntllIbes' gelta Ibte botînnio! temont wlth he Investors might ho It The But]ÎUa and i.r>'anden>iki noe,] datth aI, rlieat possible date. famililes, the latter that o! the girls One o! the large assoIs la the pow- pîarents, are botb promînent aîd o-cil er and lightlng plant, together nv-tb coinecte,] aid the affaîr la a uzile. the largo brick btuilding near fhe rail- Chie! Conolîs' staled hast nigbt that was' tracks, whlcb furulabea ower the grls niother lnfarnned the poice aind llght for tbhecls'. Witb a vlew 10 a hon abe mode comploînt that she diasoiig o! Ibis plant, Mr. Thomas bad soarche,] tbe bouse over aid aid Mr. Lîchîs' bave been bos' for eould find no traceofo! br dougbter, nians' monthB, bavlîg intervlewed1 Laat nlght the report about Tenlb practicalîs' ail the copîtlllta Interest- aîreot wos that Butkus bad beoten e,]in power on,] igbt plants Iu thla bis wlfe lerribîs' section o! the country', and the only' UNCLE SAWMCRCUS AT TOILIEDOl, 0111 Great Event for Which Soldiere of Fort Shenridan Have Seen Training for Six MOnthi Opena at Toledo and Ail Troops Take Part ln the Dl!- ficuit Drille andI Feals o! Noreeman- (From Wodnesdas's Sun) - Toledo, O0, Jus' 5.-Two erownds, oumbeîlng m>ore than 5,000 persona eacb, oltoese, te aflernoon an,] eveiiinglpertormnceîs-cOfothe Unied States ariisy circuls at Camp Taft, ait- uotol In Bay rien> p)ark, tadas'. The sInon b bilie,] as o tuurnamenî, on,] aucb Ili-ri, thonîgb It Io 001 a totîrîamen n b» >ohdithe contestants conipelo for the masters'. Ifstead, Il ls more o! an exhiîbition, sbos-bng tise dalîs' drilla of soldi(, not en- gage,] in act% e 0r> bn-. As sucb, it la an educoîlon le tose îat ocquaint- e,] s-ltbarlus lite, atieducatlon tisaI sesct 10 ho uue in îdomonli, Ju,]gng from the out.sid,, ji,] local ittreat Tise toumnaielit w s fermolîs' Open- o,] tbis afterioeun,,]durlng tise maîlnee atid oneiiiig performances evems' bmînch O>fîthe anus' eacePt tise icoost arîillors'antitihe balloonist, part,>elîtted. It ilionil to ho the big geot milltar7- stîuw n se attompted by tise Unlte,] States ai n>.au,] the ma- neuvora o! tue irnou>.- in tise orona brougbî foi a coltnîtuouu round, of apîtîause. The e»,indrill, Indu,]- fiug bareback 1t (iîbintmas an esîîecioî- ly Interesîlng tîîinntso The covaîrs' drillsarme tipto 1rTînî uoans, wisa are more or less !ansilî,sr obitexhiiltions bs' lise Iufaîlîrs'atnd amîilors' branches o! tise National (Inanil Tise regulars lu tise inantmr- bu anî,I> 1pu on me stunta, bos-en or. týjiNbusure nos- ta noarîs' ail Ifi tie u,.odnee. Tiel abelter tout driii andb nail scallng aI nîgist s-ro souîeîbng out Of tise ordl nars' au,] 100knel The first ovoînt en ihe orogram s-as a cavalrs' dilI, the lhInrd aquadron, Fîfleoutiscavaîrsh uin îg off lu elO5,e exteude,] or,]om Laes- tise same squa,]- non put on te Scisoc o! tise Troap- or," tiIss-os a baioback rldlug foot sîmilar tua ta seen witb some o! Ile big cireuses, but tar anperlor In exec _- tien and 1u nubmers, The Second baltallon of the Second lîfantry s-eut througis the Intricaclas o! Buts man ual, s-hile the Ts-entyseveestb infan- trY worked .lI close an,] extepded or. "nihble' nero able 10 gel up wltb- ln a vers' receil date s-us bs' the North Shore Pos-er aid Lglbt coin- pans'. lonratr-d at Waukegsaui. .Atter the elecîlon, bos-evor, ts-o nos- conîponles have appeomo,] on the oceîîo. botb o! wblch seem la s-ont otîr plaît se, badîs' Ihat Ibes' con taste It. and thse chances are that ot an earl), dole It uilI ho unloade,] for cash at a hattdsonii figure, and the pro- ceedr, o hich are likels' to omolîint ta the nelghborhood o! $50000, wIll be applitil on mortgago indebtednes agatneuî the estate. DROWNED MAN A PAROLED PRISONER Matn Who Tmled to Gel Fteh Onîs' 10 be Polled Inîo Water and Drowned, Three Companions Escaplng, Was One of Cleland's Paroied Jaih Pris- oners fat Whom Reformalion Was Cli>med. Tii'NliaN\>\,-Ill hreet lpolice lni Chica- go nseinterenrîe,] ysteiday t10 bain tiatin, as MIutniipal Jnîdge 3lcKeîîzie Cls la ni sc, i nbroie,] uo. el ot refur .. ljiin, Jii ithe Eigiiieer' la 10 ta'-) Ilace thii iiornitnîîg fri>>ait underalç bîîg eralbiîobinit mI 2138 'Sladi ,ci ItrerI The 'î>iiemal b that of Jaîiies A. SI.i nail ord svi tcbmaî, drownme-i lait Suntsix n iitc lsbing ai Lake %'Ii- la,.111. Tiit, .lu>inn,',Sil k o!f(ieian,] foaiesmt'a foui,] by MSi îcipaml tonurtJudge li Mill (on tîn-a ialllinua,] onichnîan on r a resusu i whti>bi nnoine,] tusonv ýe'ni gottilut o isu- inice the boastoî 'me- formnatioîn*anid lnudge G(iimil i tel thb eul'ilc abouît l. pbn> iig luthe objen i lersostioeJuilg, (Iclai> nI s tee tuii, onu liii, parolcI, e]as as a onain of straxe Tho, dorir son geatît ai the SMan w el on et plsice stationî toi,]la t nîglit ilînn tu> 5>11> ko!fieitnl otii. 3 Ina,]boe rinnIi ,neivet 111>>tihe 1aI fent diys sanîd titî bs last place o!rosI- detîce in, ililu ligeo-as 610 Blue Islan b avenuie. At the'nn,]r-i>tgestablisment a mai, nlne assontd lie oas na bmoth er of lt lu oncne]mai, sol,] 10 a re- porter ' The Silk y'ou aie talklng about nvss an engiîîeer, nvble nis brother noa s Ntchm[mii." Befuce o suuhave any urluîlng daoe -make tîquirles O! People s-ho are lu the bualneaa-perisaps you wlil get Information Ithatvll beofo benafit ta s'ou. Telephone No. 1 Lbertyvllle, la a good place 10 try, FOR RENT FOR RENT-Flat of seven rooms over Young & Lynch Brothera' furniture @tore, al] modern conveuieneee. Inquire C. H. E&îst, Libertyville, 111. 40-2 FOR RENT-Pao, Players, Organes, $2.00 up, rent allowed if parchaeed. Kimbaîl Agency, Lue Furaiture Store. Tel. 27. 37-tf FOR RENT-We have a fewt Vod mod- ern housme andd laItatureot. nhoz;n & Acsi-îs.40-tf FOR RENT-Nine roombhns"on Orehard street. Inqufre Mas. id. A. FOR SAME FOR SALE-Bicycle; light pair wagon aprng; mll gardon cultirator. ne. Inquire .H. Pegeîow, Libertyville. IwII. FOR SALE-2G-Pasener bus used but vers' uttle, at a bargain. Addreea 1fr. M. Poisen, 1128 Sbeffield Ave, Chieaga, 41.2 FOR SALE-Trap bug , nearly new, vers' cheap. 1Inquire of glus. F. J, ALLE- NiA-N, Libertyviîle, III., or phone 664. 89-4 FOR SALE-48 acres tomae bas', on atumio. Addreso .J. F. BRADLEY, 50 O)regon Ave ,Chicogo or tbARRv BRAÂLCY, Rondout. 40-2 L HELP WANTED WANTED-C(ctntpeteit girl or woman lu lîrivato famils'. MuaI cook. hake, nrasli and irsîn; woges *6. Ma@. F. MEINiri, Inglebid,, IlI. Telophone 282. 41-2 WANTEID-Dluîing rooto girl with saine experiene AIpiltONEWCLA5TLEHOTEL. 40tIl WANTED-tJood girl for genaral bolise. s-omk. Appîs' MITCHELL BLACK, Rocke. teller, fIl,. 40-2 MONEY TO LOAN-lîn imîproved famnis Ot 3 per centltnet &X T 40-tf LOST aend FOUND LOST-Llghî cobtred Ilurse coutololtsg $110, on Miwauk.-,-avenue neor electrie depot ot t Lake Eara. Finder will ha lîberally rpivrded loc relurn la Inde. pendent office. WANTEDI WORK WANTEIJ-By experleneed woman l ucturig Can tak.e car of infants, chîlîlcen or invalida. Moderste wage@. Coîîld bell> in bouse ar ,mail famîly. AdlilesE. l20Ep1'ENT rroffice. 41-2 BOARDERS WANTED-On a farni. For partî>'ul1art address Independent. 40-13 Job work of &.11 kinds bandled wltb prompînesasand dluPatch. Telephone No. 1 LîbertyvIlle and savo delay lu placlng your aMder. Office Over Luce & Copany's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASfS 0op q> THE YZ LIBERTYVILLE, ILUNOIS -DL .GOLDI±G DENTIST H u e S t a 12 a.m .- 1 b 5 p is J. Eli Trimea Building sIls, Dr. J. L, TajorPhone 119 Res. Phone 1092 DIL EL FLSMITH. DENTIST. OVER LAIS COUSTy NATIONAL ODAI. RGUse-8 ta 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY. LlhartyvIlie. IIloIs DR. 1. L TAYLOR, O M Of E R J . E L. E U El IS ILD G . gouuE:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Redece on Broadway, opposte Park. MARTIN C. DECR ATTOI47EY-AT-LAW Office Opp. 181 t.4 8Elti. Office Phono 5884 u NORTH CBHIOlO