Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CO!UNT I NDE PEËNDN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO. 42 . Two Parts LIBERTVViLLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILJINOIS, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1909-12 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANO]Lý MICIIA!S CONTRACT !iRm US BANKRIJPT Hîd Large Contracta ai the Lake Bluff Naval Station and Bankruptcy Court Again Tumbles the Whoie Thing int Legal Liigîtlon. Many Have Fiied Clai nia. Aller an Injuttuntion ru tluuen grant- cd against te Not-It Constr-uction Company, tbrougt Attornueys Or-is and Beaubten. reaîr-alning ttecrom- pany froint iuteufter-ng wt h licbaels Brgtberv turiarryiug out te contract for ttceîuasîerung at tce naval train- Ing ectool, and aller- tce lilinois Sur-e- ty Comntybrui footed thc pay r-oll of Miebseis Brother-s for ttr-ee montha pending ttc comîltclon of the wor-l< just as ttc work was complcted Or-- vis and Beaulen and otter- credîtors r-ceived word tirat ictacls Brother-a arc 1n bankruîutcy court In Dayton, Ohio. auic iplaceste wboie matter- In ttc air- agaîn. Aiteged poor- Judgmenl In takiog and maktrigcontr-acls a aeld t te aIt te tottom of ttc aleged falure. Labor- cliis bave ail been met anud toe ar-e nonre outtanding. NitchaesBroters tad tte conir-sct, sublet ty ttc Nocti (onstruuctlon lomo- pany, for $471.011O wortt of piaster at the naval station, il la ciaimeul. anud te Ifi-m esîdes tas conir-scis finish- cd and unfinsted ail over ttecroutntr-y Iltglastîteti After- te irnu tarti eetu on ttc job bere for bnte lIme the Nocli rom- pany decide thettcwont wav 001 vwifl enougbli i aclainuetiand aisteul to do tte wort ituelf. To stolu tht,, ttrougt Orvis andi Ieautien tthe ro aels Brother-s obtaineul an itjunctuon tuy te tes-ms of atir thttccontrant vas behi b temr for Ilire monts whitteyc> otîptedte worlt. Meantime ttc Noeil Company dîti not foot Uic psy rol. f i; te ged, so tte Micliacia securities. or- bontismen, te Illinois Sur-ety Company, attcnded ta Ibis, go ttc contractors coutti coli led Iticir- moncy. Titen. tiis week, juat on ttceu-c of te complellon of ttc contracî for $47,000. came te news Ibat the Day- ion fit-m vas In allegeti bankr-uptcy. Accor-ding to attorneys dlaims ber-c wiiilic llinois Sur-ey Company, Or-- vis and Beaublen, attorneys, Gus Ste- fin of Milwaukee, a plasterer- hurt wite wufrrking for- tte fir-m, and many other- Aut bave fIlldtheir cdaims or wiii filic Uem. Ncxt to thc Boot crash ttc failutre moat cxtenslvcty effecla local vont of any In vome lime. AGED WOMAN or NOTED LINEAGE Lving a quiet, tovety old age, wilh heu- mid fixed enttr-ety on the pat, Mn,. A. D. Roberts, the grand daughter of John Qulncy Adams, finit vice preident and second president of the United States, se pasng heu- days ai the North Store Inn, Zion City, 111. The aged gertte woman, who sa ovCu- ighty yearm, puesenis the spectacle of a mauvelouaty pr-e- senveci, keenty Intelligent lady with an exhaustive memor-y of the paît and wth a truc Ameuicaan arislocrat's puide Cru the blue bliooti tirat fiows ln her- veune. lura. A. D. Roberts of Nort Shore Inn, Zion Cty Ili , tas but one boat 10 malr. tel tethat vite iv ttc grand daugbter- ln a strstghttine of ttc sec- ond prealdent of tte Unitedi States, John Quincy Adants. torm in Bain- Irce, 00w Qttbncy, Mass., October- 19, 1835, detegate from 'Massachusetts 10 the irst contninentai congres, moyen of a resobutton for self government among ttc Biitiat colonics ln May, 1776, rmemben of ttc committce of five tat draftcd ttc declanation of intiependence, baIller- on Its bebaif ttree days In debate before the con- tinental congresa, fit-t vice president unuier Washington andi second presi- dent succcedbng Washington. in a ittle noom ata NorthItStore Inn. wttlils main object of adortîment a portrait of ber- noteti grand father-, and withthtt watts andi cheste of drav- ers fitteti witt tuementoes of ttce Mus- trioua past, Mfrs. Roberts maltes ber- home. There le tnot a vhadow in Uic even, sleady course of lura. Roter-t'a lite. Having ivcd a cancer of asefuineas 10 ber- kinti, ste recelvea a tipend from the folowera of Overseer Br-y- .snt, wbo pay lier- vay at te hospice ad accord ber- the vener-ahou n d respect due thc grand cild of the .gre- ans vio sad, aller- lhe debstes on the declaration of Independence anud Ita adoption, that one of the Most monentoua decisiona ln ail iatorY Il as belmae.e htte otato hatla bemle. htte otato Adams that Mra. Roberts ab ta Pos- sessevi of a priceicas value. Other Noted Peoji. There. William D. Rockefeller of Zion (itty claima to lie reiated dIstantly 10 John D. Rockefeller. Overseer Daniel Bryant of Zion City leader of the moat powerful anti promi- lnent faction in that commttnit v. la a direct descendant of Wiliam tCuln Bryant, onlP of the greatpst iou-îv of America, by some üonsIdeu cu the greatest because of the dorflnautit note of slncerity anud worshitp n his poe- t ry. MIORSE StIOW'PLANS FOR LAKIE CO. fAIR North Shore People, Particuilu-Iy Lake Pouester-s. Take Interest in Annuai County Show and Are Atding in Maktng t Certer- of NortherrIlli-j nois House Show, Like Wheaton, South of Chicago. Intu' Fort .'u'-t andthe b- resldeî,t- aioutg Niltonares Rn,, betacon Lalte Fore-r anutl Libti>s le, tacýt-aken sutuh a tu'nithy ittercal in ttc Lake couruty fait- t. d anotuatiy ant.bert- villietat ttc horste shwboa titt-nt of ttc fautivr stht-t t-ar ut e 'bu. heu-b YOIJNG WOMAN IIOT BY UNKNOWN MAN Posae of Par-mer-s Beat Up Hazel Bush But Faut ta Pnd Trace of Biood- Thursty Ruffian. Au Girli Went Home n Company with Wadswou-th Young Man Assassin Stepped from Bruit and Pured. .cal<cu,slu lucli(-vci1trhavey- iipur- tut(- xtuuus front a revolver ahich lie mightb iccruatyd hy 1h.' aceckage before aid could reaih lu,,, The balloon fel lu,,, un t(h,,west, strikng thc ground avI I, (orner of Lncoln and Forest -... ne, a tere Yobns pendant body,' ,u off a sec- tion of roofing and 1juu'î,)f h.' Paves trouglis of a ho -,, Tt'rp Yotn a grl p was 1,-, nd ani he fell from ltbh, ui o fthe hou,,. to the ground. Th, .o k brokp bis hold on the balloon iii, and i e tolled Into a ditcb, 's n. I, lay untut te vaq puledeUPlunun rnu, sThe ESCAPrD SIBERIAN TELLS MItS RY Man Whose Conversionfr t he Gre k Cathoic C .u.-eCîuicdHu Exile Tells Hua Story aftier Suat een Yeau-s. Now a Resident of Zionu City Known to uman,;, t uéulinaZiotuCity sa the asslaîsaiif -nu,,, .r at tuýni tower lplanut and lt, xhutou, va to hletorv lu> a u-, Ma x Ku l(fzoff, for the tast En -vii,., a resldet ful it-tut t P o ecuk t-'tuay nuot-- tululo fronu a t lunup of lazel Ilraush on asnadCnaruieaoIletw oie !1 1h.' t.,cautroad lctaeut Ruitsel yand recor u4nutto tteiuuuu- .'L îtii tjic of lte colr-,atsrI. u-, nu'uuluo 'ut(sit-aunlu ncri f tthe uiiiit,fituutung ut,,,nsciots manu. ex erescattu ut rouurilu'-'luSitu-la. uts nMarkt uuIntht-lituilu(4l Misicrcta Tous artimidniglit 'i u' u. cuuudhi, Hf- ta one of t- tl,.il lu us er tritotuers Docyle of %"'dswou h, h. b.duaugluler cf acuusc antid tthehsuwo-j uuia eser c-.. ajed attr teing -tn- Michael Do>le, a c, t u'us state te wyul recover, tenced to ttc nothtasu a religions That aîîro'na atyo \a - Yotn ta 24 years c<t H-ii i.. îîcxat exile. -lis "tory t-efle ike ttc fiction wortt peopîn- teadlei lute vllage tSI u Wasah avennto il.,u,lc îa to of aitu especattv Inmaginative marilcu- constable is ot lon as iunt for Itt cu'euuîa bruthe samle l;uluuuu ondtav tutt te tas letteus to tut-ou lits trullt. sud Miss Doylte istiunder t-ianad Tuesday wîîbouuî au s r an Kiezoff Ilva an o5t f ifty-tube caýofDýJaiono ilbrr. i t'racion aIttcuthe - .,u r î"jra, yparv. sîronglu- bit. anul ut gond rau-e oyrl ttn o! Malltrnai1Tom t o oraive fonds S' f- . uj tWih e-uuth tbut lu,- lac,' shoawsmarks of uuucuuu o!vinlonwI)et.e'n ttuu- priu andotuthelue stifffereti, suhen ex- Ibogan'v tuuili onlutta eu-n Husar, Il at Vadswoth tî,v,,î - anti t n it tc hfalton Ias l-ti"' uuu uu i,1 uoacl nue..t at-n b -llontadel Or ."i- ul t Itare ncass rrunthe tcteru ubj Ruts- came tome giuug lune a t-ut a'l'h fatter andti de n iodt Georre t> uiun bis tg. Trhcl t 1-i tuturtvu I. Yohn lu ' ' . 't ure u-uqtu i Ot bIv thich te n'as tutin look ahat lis utoan as tctuuctheLwnraul uttuile svuy 00w, atlu i- " iuuuluu i1 t'-1t-hiuilSitela. tome andt as ttc> near-ed a u faccturutuffttc1 nrisl , ;lri tui, Ii uu tut iltancc that lte uu li th-ni uta Iiaîtuu u-uu tutuS aholit'andi-ocbtht-ru-a- tuazu t trutvb a ian stetutucu(ptiuu ro ofthe -tlu r 1 01,1aat1,-r nIy, et, tc ;- ttc tu-tut-t. les t-teda resuuluur and u Even Caugt t aiTrees. utt' i ituusatn to sellthetut coiuu emîutieu il abt te coutute. IYoluîulitu bis despeustiru u uul îutujuu'cunss. \utluithtanuiinglis sulentce A1t te ainmetitiethe frighlcscu5, u,- ...-t f11-b torse toitetiand carrie te ttwo pasl te apyt Ttcegir-t gol a bltlIn ttc tu-g at ict Jitflicitd a scyre and p1ain- fut wouuout Lybai escaped untarmeti tu th ttbitstou-y ofl t, 01out ao vnt i s .dduose ttcgir-t lite madtI bMitll capet ted 10 set a niant fou- liasoIy Ihum aber-e ste receuveti atentuoriu r-tl ni te bot-esu- hioaantI faut- a1 %\*tuaton. 111. Ttc liaI of classes antid atuardsiv as Icîtoas. tho anu st-utamuontlng te neariy $804>. generail>lu $26. $10 anti $5 lotas final. ,secrond anti thtrd' ('lava 1-Troilera. $10u anti $5. (lava 2-Pairs. $10 anti $;, lassa:,-Runabout, $20 autdi$10. tiasa 4-Heavy tatocs house, atn- gle, $20 andi $10. Class 5-1iat-nestorses, pains. $20 and $10. lass -Hat-nes lierses, stngle bigt teppens, $20 anti $10. tiLsa 7-Oig bar-se, $20 anti $10. Clasa 8-Har-nesterses,. isues' clasa vltt appounîmenîs, $20 anti $10. Glass 9-,-Har-ness bonae, four lu baud. roati team. $2.5. $15 anti $10. G laass l-Harnesa bonnes. tandiem, $20 anti $10. GlssIl 1-lanes torse.untcorn, 1 abeati of 2. $20 anti $10ci tiasa 12 -Satitie bot-ses, $2(l, $10 anti$5. ('Isas 15 Gaileti satitie bot-ses. $20 anti $I0. Clans 14 (ombination torsea anti gabîti satdIe hou-ses-$20, $10 anti$5. Ciatus 15 B3est lady t-dt-r. $20, $10,, $5. tiastIf J.lghtt aulghît uuuît- f30 and $20. G'lass i7Heauy at-letI junuipt-nv $50 anti $2o. Class 10 Junujuecu. oueu te10ail, $30î anti $219. <tans 1t- tigtjumps, tutte 0aIl, $25. $15_, 810ý ('axaI.-Bt-st boy rider, $4.$P, $2ý (Ias 21 Ht-st girl trider, $4, $3. $2 ('isas 22-litst liver> outlit. $It)anti $5. Clava 23 Staluotuwangon, $l-, anti $10. Thene at-e four broati classes, ua-ot ters. butuness house.'. suvulîit- herses anditunier-s anti jutoprs Douglas Nur-ser-y Solti. teýasing the fnuoîuv Doîuglas nur- set-y on Grand avenue for ian u-at-s ltowing tticdat0f heu hushanti NI rs. Thomats1IL Douglas fhas. 0w comî,teti ttc puichase of ttheuir- sery by a four cotnered dea wiatct a t-tt ttrough Tucstiay, ttc ltast- tas exîtiredtri itJurue. Chat-les W. Dougla transfeurcu ls- tuttI of the nurser-y t0 Johno Griffith of Latke Fou-cnt, Mu-. Griffith îo Enutl Bolîtogen. manager of ttc nursery ln Wnutegan ant ir. t-Bollioger te Mcv. Douglas. Tte fitst consitieration te tweem ('taries Douglas anti Griffith was $9179.68. Tte otter consideu-a- lions wet-e nominal. ThIt-yfour acres of landi are Irans- ferreul 10 Bollitger. lura. Dotuglata otut of ttc city today. Zion Cily Recoyering. Evangetiet Rupert D. Grifft, fo- eriy o! Boston, lte a foiover of ttc lte John Aexander Dowle and tilh one suho atiterea 10 thal leader-m tra- dtlions, tunfer Eider Taylor- of Siilot Bouse ln Zion, Tbur-sday nigtt eganl a week of tt-cet meetings ln Wauke- gan at ttc corner of Geneace anti Madison streels, anti vblle te tadt t r-un oppositioo t0 a Punch and Judy show managedtal attract a cravd. Hie aya that ttc affara of "tbe Failliful" InZion City ar-e iookng up and titat liey arc gaiuung ln strengtli o! numberg. Theuy are 80o11 ta itold tte annual Feast o! thea Tabernacles in Z"onCty, un evenltishat ls mci ava.ited. Tho thase for Jack Galseter. al- leeul anstlant of i.oretta HrJýe cf \"adsaor'tt bas now tumneulinîa'oý directiotnssItchances of suecccvvin either ont-. Quie cîue Is t-taIttce farmeýr vot at once matie for ttc whtts fieldts cf Mantîots ant i Ineecting sot-k acnnss ttc Canadian fine. Anotter stary ta 10Inte effect that te te worktng In ttc Dakotas. iu ttc wtt-at fietlds. Ttc facl remaina. Itit letated. that a& puinîtdInbttc SUN te drew $280 f nom ttc tant tere Fritiay. tougtt ttc revolver wtict sufIncedto bdo bis btoody work, andI even stowed t to1 ttc brother of ttc girL te attempteti to kiti. fling uttwbsire on ttc way tome 10 'est iP. AERONAUT INJURED AT CIELEBRATION Thousantis, Hornifted, Sec Balloon De- fiateti and Sink. Vernue Yotn, Mak- ung Ascensions fou- Par-k Cetelir- lion, is Dislodged Prom HoId Wten Balloon Strikes Eaves of House. Body Ripa Off Stungles and Eavem V-tne Yobîu an acronaut of Chics- go, lu-il onu-lu' atousanti leedundet- tus, deht-Saleul iloon ast wcct. A bolu- ans torn un te tattoon as il a cnt îup îuy a gus rope wttrt some lit-cul tuvder 1 tue uta pont ahen he gct-a aic.u xfutbi.'ta-k Yobn wav set-utsl> nlunr(i nduuius 00W Ibttc N11 Al-t-r tt-u-titall -ot wrIt-santi oînu atuttu au. troiretuandtihttc 1d niutIu- aa-r sîuîauuunrl Sýe e iIthoÉt.sanul tutoptee sa' ttc anc. n-iouu ttnd sauitedlunlt-au- lort-htt faltîb. s jnu-a mus t follow. As the hallourtuletIl t iuuuorngs aIt te au- rauteeti -iLJnl .1 IMNoor-e uolEvans- sjle u f I 0.ItI tcultctru of te secension, sac th(- aturtoreti guy rope andti he bolettout-t-in ttc toi, of th ailoon. "it- Ibu' haiioon dos ti. 1v ot-ut;' he s1totlcul10Yobn. anti Yotosut- ura reut thalt e undct-vtood. As il Icît thc crounti thtg tagtati bten turneu lnîuost upsIde town by the of- lentirg uv ropc anti osriuiaîdd taog- erous1ix'alten Iltt-re loose. Clings Past tb Balloon. Yohtu hung fastI 10thebaltoon. H-e titi not dat-e b cnt loose with bis parachuutc, for lenrt- Iat thcrc wouid nolt e time lot- it t0 open. Wten te ueachthe tc eigbl ot a Ibousanti feet le leaest-cl ty ttc parachute, te- cause te battoon tati bccomc fibty ant inrght fall i wlthtie parachute, prevetuine ils apreati. Piainty In sigitt of ttc honrifieti cr-owd Yotn wateti for ttceticcent of bts tailooo. Ttc bot air vas rapIdly ;0iiu utusu of-tur uru-as tue in theireuujecf, htebas a te hr lilouoru i raggd roihKi, j. ta, - hIstors of his Ieaaul s1 een oua The ~ alloon passed uuu%,ion oth G, uctu'utrn1u ttlcto E-s-c it-et ualasth.' utu.ud tt O " Fuiend of Admir-ai Melville. Iturruuu ng andtipeople deart cul u ,,lu. 1 lad ftort-u-a5few sec ondus .11, tuh- Kriefzouf i v a prsotal ltteui 0d f O*aa lue vaying mOta btugiuug 10 thu-Ra dia ergý-evle ýS gnauîuaîîy iowering tuatînunN_. relt-reut,anti ont,, of bt-tgreaicat Fu-ctung that tlu'ut te tretasuure s it-. utnuograuîutd portrait wrong. they coud n001 Iît anit l0ou tte nasal offluer. lie became ac- aas anud did 001t est- ni truc aucîtent qîtainteiltmcflah'.lulu itte in Siteria, uuutul muct later-. tien hue Aunrican suas urected neau- Second Bailoon Accident. luuîuu. anti rencuseuthtt acquaintance Tao y cana ago xl Lbttc, uIle allfer reacuiutg Amneulca.Ttc pictutre a'ouuaîu. mitbaking a signal, ru, loove anud tettens fromnt'uit-aIIe prose ttc the tarachute on a fair ascension tmrp Inutcf ttc nuor', Kriefzoff tells. an.d the parachute, faling to open, Yelterday te totl il 10 a SU N r-e- fllt to ttc gro*ad and tr-ole an sotie, porter, ahowing ttc hitony te tati slrlttng a ut-nde on ber- vay. anitten and teiiing more himacîf. A mtore complote bieton>. two mone pot-- traita of Atimirai ?uetvitle sud ta-O Witl Not Enforce Ordinance. icîters from Melville werc eI stwben Nort ('hicago aldermen fit ttc Krlefzoif loanedti Iem 10 a fr-tend to couinril meecting Monday lurneti cotu>. Ttc fart was matie known to down an ordinance lu bccuse teer ttc Admitrai and ttc picture 00W In wagons hy uarying a motion 10 tay ttcelpossession of Kuicîzoif, aith cop- tt on t' tale.Ttc ordnance aa tes of ttc lutIers, acre sent 10 bim. proîuoaeuisoune tiuuuc ago by ttc Rûtlu The Escaped Exiles Story. Liquor Deaters* Association of North Kclefzofl's story, as toiti yeatcrtiay, Chicago as au, atlt-mpt ta keep Watu- asas au, loins: teganbher wangons ouI o! Nort(hi- Hesmashou-n filthettcviltage o! Kr-tf- cago. itlivs aiu. NorthItChicago nosi aoff. lu-onu alulut te tat.ev his surname, hasan aru urtnaur- iccnsing ati ag n ttc gorernnifcnt of Antov. Rusela, In crns ai but uîtut i' s not enfored ant i 1050 Ils lacents. acre exceedingly ttc ou-ulnaîu tetpiosed hast waa 10 poor anti ttc îao acr-ev oI gnouund bey ireuse lhenuu rt $100 and enforce It oa uuul aouutu ont supuuport thenu a hue Reanonq t oIt. I lot- n01passtng tttu ou ok astottainatte. So thc fat- ordînance accu- that il vouid teadti 10er Iueggcui Kruelzoff renuaineti baide mi..unutor.tuiiuigs and woutit cause 'te hou uturitil t.' cas bon ycars of troibWu age anudi bu' as tht-nlot-ced 10 beg Tue anluul tus les'y and appropria- miatt bis latter. Ttc begging hurt lion waus ai o i t-. d by thc coutrit hob'lubîut il ans a n2eresstty. The Tte aplptrt ru, ru,, aas $8,51 0, inctutulboytutu-.rlo)thiuug u otuni steuloflan marse ing Inxss.i u cOol' moncys and aitl.utuctu .lulrt, a pair cifuact dlottroua- j'ouucu-uut.ouu a cre given 0ttth('Y- crs uaunut as-aoout hart shocut lied to clone Feutr, u(niny by thc couurtl, hbis let, fou-tc tn- a(latons ttc company Is 10 Shepherd in Surmmer-. eecrI Tjut rrît ontons are ttc lay- binlu. xuutuuturs bu' ans reiîtet outt Ing ouf a sum-nain 10 te fartory and he f alu; t.bu luttun ihr a lu-etu terder and fat lucuru> a tire curoîuattouutax. Fin- a],lut- sjut'ltaawiuter in tce stop cf a Arestcd for- Slander-. uaiuuuanud tmaute bettut amages. This Stella an' ru. d Camille Kootunu, cl,'ulut' cý a~usu ccîuetci euu s uoti. oway nts r oluChicaýgo Potusb lis y oikmu aduuuehiltuusecbettet- clotes girls, a t- ut- aIfleur-e wiîh Pele andurhbuauj., ftbeu If te nught Pru'teaok . lsut a. Poie. ln ttc Nortu,.ut tnt.' -sonuueof iswanges anti tnp Chirago Ijulul ouluit tSaturds'ay hcuu atl b ru i aru ouun nsvocs for himseif. at 7 Preluastu utmas tnlcd lilone P- Refuseti New Shoes. tire ?ulagu-.r u,'Nelsotu.on a warrant Ilu-. -uquuct wastrefutacul Ttc fxm- swouil out l. ulur. girls, tibxrging hlm ily-. ttc-tto'u ttuse tte mooci- 10 buy withmalcims slridruuuii'unmage, ' To the Gu-etk Cathotie Tte îao gorlu lmmm that Nelson Rutuian the aordis "Image" anti 'Goti' apreati a rcjxt. t-ttt bey wer-c at-- r-calcu at a Plisuuh (lance a couple o! nigbîs pt-eju ulu ahile engagetiln a vi- clous fightî Thp ' t-loncirculateti oser NortCticago hut îuitbcr- o! Uic two gir-la tati bccuuacresiti andt Uey nam- cd Pt-lewski as ttc one vbo tati star-t- ed lte false t-Ctort. Kijjsd ty Car-. C. Otlertsu ht-, a car- cleancu- for te Chicago and l ltwaukee E]ectrbc Railroati Company a1 Hbgbvwood, anti vto resities aI Zioua CtY, vber-c te eanaplng frona Uic big bole luate top bas relaivesycaas Wetnety near 10 anti whcn at lastIilt egan tluunkIt ilcaugbt lietwccn a car ou th ottom travecti raply. People on nor-t Gen- step o! the ptatlorm of wvii e taooti. esce street couiti piaIly sec the bai- anti o0e o! ttcetinor posta at lte an- boon as It sunit. Irance 10tce car bouse, vilh lie r-e- Picked Up Unconaclous. suit tat tc a s a ftally InJureti anti Yobn taag fr-arnttc ring vilh bot ater- tied ti Ithe poslt ospital, luort bundis. He svung fur-iouaiy bacit anti Sheridan. forth, boping ta te ut te extreme Ha liveti for somne lime aller- Uic endi o! bbc penduluma aro vbex i te accident. Ttc Inquest vas belti biloon strock tie emti. lHe feareti Thur-sday asl veek. aie s> tnil uuuous atutibs ooiy ides of Gout iv an Imauge. Eis çhuîuct iv filed altthet-naant i bt- onsvecontains one or nuno'e.Ttc image lntc ýKtiefzoff botuse wans otlanti cou-utvo ttc new one watt ueuireti. '(te toy'v requcat for shoes nt suct a time was con- siduredul amosî sacrilege. Turned Boy Prom Ctuuch. 'TMueua bute famity witb finti enjoy- mnntuth iminage btloniy pont-self n ttc. chocs:' saiti hia motter anti the image was purchaseti. Ttc boy neyer uaid anotter prayer- 10 te imnage. PIe grcw tbalmosatse i. Ha never again altendeti te Gt-eek Catit- otîr u-huurcb, the oniy une tien ln Rus- sa, terause te wouid sec images there. ln the tintons stop te bcd icarneti nf Jeauts. Henov soughtlmore tcarning o! the Savior- anti be vas soon ronvetet. Left Home for Tounlen. At atout this lime mnotter Cir le- hlan talior- vio tati beeauUvlng 1. Taurlen or Krtmm Island returnedtt the village of Kriefzoff for lits famnily TUBERCULAR4 The ofeedfatber conse 1dlein AIDIED BY DO tho son go for a yesr. In Taurien, 5MNax learned te read and bis main etune uOuside of workIng houri waa visent In vtudy of the Bible. Thr-eatened Wtth Aur-est. When tte lear passed the fatter auot8 for hum 10 corne home. Max ru fuu'd. w uiting iliat te could 0n1tr-e- min te1 a place c liure be must attend th.- (;rcel, tatholic churcct. The next ltuifu oîn tire luther vtaled thal if Alax uiltuntot returu uu e wouid vend tbe olccus aiîcu- hlm 10 arresîtbina as a ui-u ulttson uaud to malia btm vu ure a uerm f 15 years In the miii- lia as puntutamcn. The son knew thc latter taul autority te do sO and liuew lie wouuid uve it unicas bis or- uiers acre complied watt. Au-rested as Religlous Tr-aitor. To (---cape te lied 10 Roumanta a he*e lte jotned a rolouy of Russian Mualoliaimen and Skopzen, religions fuugltiVea. Fie apent Borne lime wat bluuu ut Ruavia ordercd Roumanta 10 dru, e onut ail refugeca and tte colony hateu 10ruose. Kricfzoff returneul te 11..u,lia with an Euunuu,. pasaing aa bis inctutuuuv unuler ttc name of Andrew Mou sucre art calet as mivatonaries and f1n'asuln. On Septembet 1, 1872, the luuilocv 1ttce Greek Catoliec hurct anud wcre Jailed. For ttrec years tbey ae, eu nosmd front one priaon to an- oth'r, aond for the entire ttme ttey Nore rtains on teir feet. Tbey uuevsetaaw echr other sftcr being im- tîrisoneul. The chaîna vers put on their legs by liaving their feet thrsrst ubuouugt iron rings and then plaoed on an sou il whtethe rings were riveted. Ttc torture vaa terrible. Exiled to Sîberla. At tte end 0f the three yeare, years of unapeakabie bor-or, Rrlefzoff vas tried and condemned as a religions privoner to Siberia for lire. The cen- lteewas lmposed on hlm aroid great ceremonies. Several weeks aller be- in0z aentenced lie was started on hie long Journey10etce home of Ruisian exilea with many other urisoners. Ail werechcained together and many died on the trip. Two Veau-a on Trip. Ifle lefI Russie. for Suberta on Aug- Ual 20, 1873. He ar-rIved. i Siheria, at tia destination, on February 28, 1875, two yeara later. The drat stage of thtrtp vas made by boat. Wag- ons to th0de iplace of the boats on the second stage. Tlien came more boat trasel and tast waa a march of 1.600 mites. Deixys vers made at Ilithy prtisonsalaong the route. "Insuited" Monk. On rcacbing a Silicrian town cailcd trttutk, Kricfzoff vas freed of bis clits. H-e had atill 2,000 miles te go to r-eact Yakutak, the place t0 which te svas exIied. Hxe fInallu reached the vtiage and started worktng at amali jobs te managed te pick up. Ftnaiiy te wa given a contract for pagterlng a cloister. He atarted in but before te tad finisted ttc work a monk ap- proactel him and tld fim t0 cease work for uliat day as the architeet tad cone te Inqpect the building. Kricf- zoif retulled thart e tad Just mixed a batvb noflulater atlrt would spoil if tuot ut-cu andl aaled permisaion te wouk utttil Itaa gone. Hia request was uonatutered an ittouit 1tthe monk. lie aas arresîed, exited te a place ralîcciUeultojanak, 1,000 miles fart- et- toto ttc cold nort, andi waa latut- cd. He tefî; Yaltutvk and for tbrec cears neyer saw or tsated bread, liv- ing on nailk, fiat anti meat. At bis destination te was aliowed 10 aeek work that ttc exites,%re atlowed to do and by savtng carefuiiy te was lin- aiiy able t0 build limaelf a but and te buy two cowa. He began te help bis feliow exiles. Wbeat ileur- had teen inlroduced by Ibis limes butt soid for 50 cents a pounti. AdvIsed te Escape by Melville. About the doue to as al te buy ttc cowa, ttc attp Jeanette" front San Francisro, ntter command ef Rear Admirai MIelville of ttc United States navy, si-ile In sea-ch for the British atip, Nort-tsrn" which had dIsappeareul on an Archec expedilion, vas wrckled on Uhc coaatt f ar- from wtere Kricfzoff iived and afler wandering on ttc toc for morne Urne ttecCrew of ttc stip round te buis of ttc exiles. Kriefzof! received themn witt a cteery wclcome and gave them, ail ttc provisions he had. Hm new frienda tcarned of bis Conditions and adviacd hlm, t escape at aily cost. Tbcy toid hlm, te buld a boit, 10 fluât down ttc river Jana, wtich was near, 10 the nortiiero mea, 10 foibow lthe coast to Cape Tochuktlcitand froni there te mtrike for Alaska, 701 miles distant and visibl, oas a clear day (Continued on page 7) 1 1 - - -- - --- - - 1 , Namne of Teut Cotony Remain us bý-e County Tuberculosia Insituto eS- u WIII Be Painied on Arch i.t O. trance t Gu-ounds. Nominateesfi. Twenty-Five Dis-ectons te b. Eletwd un Septemnber Au-e Appolntea. i Z. G. Simmons of Kenosta Monday nigt again stowed bis generomlty. andl lindly spirit towardm the Labe. outY>Tîtterculosis Instilute whme tuie atuuouncernent waa made throue~ îr.Ailuen of Wlnthrop Harbtor, that th' Ketuosta pbilanttropist wouid dos tuate $200 additionsily 10tete Colony pros tded tat Winttrop Harbor r-aiseS a likc amount. Ptucky Ntrs. Ailten la now workiflg 011 the Winttrop Harolr end of te proposition and tas scored up a loirtii cf thealuni airady. Mr. Simmona tsd previousiy givert $100 outrigtto10the colony thr-ough Mtrs. Aiken. Campaigu for New Membhers. An extensive campaigo for new nuemnbeca of ttc Lake CountyTube-. cllois Institutte was tte main deci- sfto of ttc meeting last nlgitt and a commlitîce wtll socr makte Ils appear ance among citizena ol!ering a mer[n- tuenatit 1 suit ail pur-ses, frarnIl1to Ttc Inatitute las thc or-g4Mozatioa tack of ttc lent coiony which latter by removlng ttc consumptives frosM ttc mass of lte people pr-avents con. tagion and spread, whie eah eam lime gis lng ttc conaumptive bis chiance at life, curlng Mm, if possible. Appoint Nomlinatom A nomlnating committee 10 nomi- nale twenty-flvc direclorm be lu sm. cd in Septemben wam Appointed au tb& lOWS: Dr. F. C. KnIgitt, John W. Baji- weill Attorney Clarence Diver. Decide on Naine. A fIernoms taik il via decided e»t: te bave a name commiîttee to ehoqeê.: a nome forlthe lent oolony, eMOe- tiuing that wouid flot mnggeat tubeion- lents and Ita dr-cadi, and lte »a» ie. mains "Laike Connty Tubercduonla Ij: atitute." Ttc usualfinoacil an d couxditions reporta wcre r-coderdad dwe1vi Ttc name of lte colosy yUl he palnted on a big arCh at tfie uitraaO" o lthe grounda. %tank t Appoltt The. Dr. Folcy vas given a week la,. WblCb te appoint members of a rass. bersbip and donation conmlttee. WINTIIROP tAR8OR LA14D ORDlfSg> SR» Attemnpt to Conipel Tax Bua.yer. t« Buy Up Chicago SPring NUffh ^& dition at Winthrop Harbors WbIe They Constdored Worthloaq Endlg il Decision of Auditor te Porfait Uand« ta StatO and 8ell PlnàIly. Ttc delînquent lxx sales were r. sumed Wedncaday morning and freM tat lme move on as r-apidly as pos- sible tbat ttc sIxte may gel ils abers of ttc rax mooey. Ccntty Treasurer Amen, vito bai teen atîempîlng te Induce tax bssyqr 10 boy thc Chicago SPring Bluffsai ditton lu Wintbrop Ha-rbor-, r-ea&h tlia decivion aflter the recelDt 0of letter from the State AtidItor J. x NtcCullougb b Ithe effeol liaIt tb *dg tinquent lands mustt e offer0< M to no buyer bitte, must te forff.te Mg llnally, wten the taxe» exoe4ffl v tand value, a apeciai saie Mwa heid, proceeda te go to lbe atate-4 Thus coda the r-alter bitter CO&- troversy wttht as vaged, off mice for a matter ofthree yeara. 1Wib*,e aDeportid. 'Baby 1)o>1," lthe pr-etty Fre>ok. Casaubian white slave wltnesa broqgft bere liaI Saturday, bias nov been de ported 10 Montrean, Canada, esau undesiratie, alter bavlng staye th tbre daya In Lake, county J.i l and tir. monthabInthe JaJI at Ottaw. Ttc girl could epeak no Englisb > and viten askcd ber onmecould o081 anaile, dimpied and cM-yBaby Dolf. Site was taken away Monday. County Cicrk Hendes' spent a' morning iooking up the proviolons 0f lthe new lxv ilu regard 10 Probate fff witttattornecys and innouflOfl, aU ho announoed tethem, liaI itere4*terar fec of $10 lm a i&d t1 lie 000111 aI lthe smnelime petios af« lotrationo, etc., ire fiiei, .wbeJ ing a viii coSta 5 et p words and 10 cents foif *V«' words la IIcUS.

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