ÏMOYER LINE ~AY AME EARLY- PROfSITION IIERE =vmluss o t -t y ai Ke esh, m I E- franc. tiers Soon -Mrest Accident Gives Informa- tien te Lfeot Tmat Rond Promters are Susy T'al Crowelslata be flic nîcanaofi wljing away i11w amlrch filai cuvera tii. naine oft Hlglwood. Thle ai mania okinapped Eddle Cud-i ahy. son ofthîe uîllionaare St. Loula pwa ler. and llayed a waiting gante au succeaafully ihaf lie saaely gof @ýway witli $25.iliO raîîaoazn zauey, or whlihlie received about $22.50>lIi- self,.la9 nflihe îcail ut a sanîfarluin for the cure of inebiaies and tile active manager utfi-lai wlll lnevltab- ly be a greaf lInstitution for tlie re. deniption outihe down and auts. Furliler ta carry out lhe anornaly af the alautian. lligliwaod. wilose groggerleà and -Joints- bave ln fîmes pav4t crealcd aa îaaay outhflicdown and oufsansenat f aamany mnuand iwomen reeliug la detruction la file place wliere file redempîlon la la le l,.,,,ehtabut. if lley are cilurcil members. or tavor anme one cilurcil, tiley may cail la wliam tiley lîke. Catilolle or Protent- mot, to rmînîster f0 thier spiritual nerda. ln ofiler worda tfeitInstitut@ la non aecfarlan and fthe nien are cured firsf *nd pruaciled tû aftcrwardm, wvicil la8 conslddred emluenfly proper by fihet fair mluded:- Physîcian l@ Wuacott. r Thie bouese phisclan la Dr. F. W. Wascot of Hlghwood, a local prsc- tilîoner wvia'ba laken speclal cours- ea lunfile mefboda of curlng lnebrlatee and wiose fraining niakes hlm fthe ides) for fthe posf. Aasoclafed ln the projecl ton la James Coursen Bartiloif, editor of Vlcka Magazine of Chicago,. viîci Publication lé runnînji sorlally paf i.-. .-e a è- m -yFa hi. If#. q.-ifl &y Uùhty Cub la CUT ý*ieS~ ON WAUKEGAN a c SUN Reporter Visita Coony. an fragle and toueblag wori .la Mhle lpearle feed lSceau Th"f Met Wth Wben aucil nen as James A. 1pat. Croise, fair exception ta a goi $lgpau. eepleeby VIr-tes, an.heat king, James CormeBar, rie, gvec Bs ze. for- kla unàers- '~A*I#hrtiaMay 1- WelCO0iid h01? .ditor lu ecilaiof VickatMan- venld period. ti by Piemt Onu. AtturneY rever Mine, Rai- E. 1- Enion of Emmanuel Whst Project Includs.. Undasocee te bu Retîcent Concern- hurch, Evansfua, and otilers look up- VThe properf y of fthe project. leaied %fflm People in RossiDiOrecorale. an Croses owtz redemptlon as gan- 10 theeScorortion recently organises] - tille and lita goodness of purpose as and for viîci papers are Ouf. la ?~e ilcgo.Wauega su Notilwartby of supporf, if la lime for otiler uite exfensive. 'Il@ Cicao, auega an Nothpeople Io fake a tumble, ao lest niglif Thlus thle saularluni company Oper- Il qk0i o uctric Rallvay Conmpaniy, a SUN reporter vlalfad fila Croise aies the old Park HatlI whih saa mà W Io etise Une reptesented by At- Banîfarlum, thse tiret ncisapaper man been renovafed,and rapalnfed oufaldeq etisi R. Grever if £,,aia.a to galer Informafion aif rai baud. and ln, file sanîtarlun itIseif, sud Fort d ~. ~ 5 ouai. 0 Wankeja. îlI audbla bjeI utWOII. Sileridan Park, viîcilbasDont beeu 1Setea propoaimaothie Cityii' C OjctofW roiernne, u ieaevr Ped Nir *ýM *rou mm o the areets The sfrlklug feafure, of file Coernmd n hr vr usa ih-ogi ore f ie1tret des, as il ffsyaptly le called, la lise sud Tiuraday veeli day meetings are »qu-Uky speakiluala geing bIdfiler. en eei vr ur o0f the isorli iat tis mroa, on eeIg vr c~ Vs' ctio ailit aggesave tridingly gruaf aud original as a Bandai' at lhree sud elght- ~ -mmua < aUp taI an gven ai sud no legs so as evauglat. Roi-. Dr. Bvartiqtuf poke lait nigh% ~e0<socden Modai ifla reformer and plhiantroplat. ha» <> a large crOv4 anOu 'Pile Footillî é*MM hies-e la Dow blaod in undurfakoi f ie-Hmamai îlaratilg bis Thie Ordînary drink cure resort taik vlth lanteru lildes nmne of wvicil wvea ht> iichs reireseuta takas Ita patients, treata tilen ail ouni-are sfarfllagli Original sud rare. S l h o a I b é 8 a l e v ,a s d fu m a e t i l m o u t c u r e d f R v . U E t n s e k e t p i a tugo'iieubucl0fsu utanc tfie drink or dragihabit or ishat not. afiepktae cle on "A Strol sud conalders Ifs vork ended forai-ar. lnfieMkyW. Hîlctr Wa~emetaIuseo-l dy.Hure la vilere Crowe sfeps lu. la llufttrated vitil siereoptlcn. Dr.c Det ahKunouha. Haeielleven fIait uot onli siloud Est on la su amateur astrononelst. c î!be aeà@lebuis-etIKenomb9a lest auci su Institution cura but if sbould 'Phe Sli im tseif. ý IPlitIlta8adasetOOd. sud latrYinglso bulld up file chai-acter, fe ilevlI. The Park Hatel lasfile place vier. v t0WbQ9ta âIlUPAuugps asi-ac. filer. file reslaflug power of, Ils patients,fiemslatu alotd.Taea se "4PI-.PUMR@ag a&Zi9 dom tlie rlgbt sud Rend thim ouf Mgain cured ofth Ulmalote.Tr a9 OÉýPrb*VOMW-befl d K- dink r dugBbutaigu wih anewrOu oo r fat iy patienta. One wyard la9 Sp $1reXti lucut t eter Cilty. ciaracter reared upon file crumbied tty rooma for luélbettead her n réét epcu bre aouÉgt Msu On ruina of file old. rklail sud fot bdiiath . re ov ern1 -4f. pkegai.DgiiilngOu Lteralli'. f0 describthe fleCiove lnmtalad botle roomaare nb ein«ce Xt %U b»uado- als Utc atamuida In plainer language, I la ta makesali.Teroasaebigfte , pe"wmê,t zbuN"rtiveueta ilefl dwu uf"nts dv p acellently Weil. the he dow andDot- nt go"don oPatienta are r.crulled ils actuet filwodbyte ciurchea vicil payE is «àW. dovit U"se. oBev.wh renwvisible, ta curea a n patienta nov under treatmeansd Je dW* *btaet. ova eis' m8 « O hsca n mnialli' of fila r"eati-at vl b. dlacbared ina a uionfi IjuAllelar -av. emi vWro bson oy lpebidaele av e t 4 h dCiy nits., . for hlm. sud Put a ancî lu inis baad Work Net Compiuted. 1 Vo. rou'. propoutonIa. vîda wt ilvilil ta rîfe a ncw story wIil The sinifarinm ni d It a4aatted1 bddieest aiScncessions. sailspper andlag. cnfa-prlaes are bai-aiy stariad Met s' May B@ Fovu-eNw. Ofllcers of Cura. ent batitelis. herver notes.the. grosn" Wltle the laitL administration av- Paf Croise ilîseif beads fthe Amer- vork of a gi-et asttrprlce tiat vlH Puart4 ta e h.OPPOd tafile rauda "0an aitartum Compsuy as praa- lý broie la a&graua b«euta tour eMt=sce sMd fured doula it pi-opa- dent sud active manager sud fthe1file peu"o iviresily .»" Sailah. * pl th'Ns ie te ov u'aardddite- I~Hbwo mpui aitank. the Ar of a belp li"as fi aitmre le-fmai. btWl foWl gai' i lo epeth e Obava hé- sell-,M tn e fie dl ter aa umwba,-,te ara cma tv lhe-fi dovanasd mm i-ocats. ofthé rosd's comaing c,11,d imply Higiivood Sauftaxiom,"out.u" ft-eu v.ha»ran",Pst'Ciove 804 th* prueut admlnlaatton la re- vîtil no suggestion ot drink or drugs arase., vi a Sove, parbapu ta hé l"r gai-fledas favomrbe. Lü o-er.<, patienta re4femir as fier s. one mancim. May' Take Up Parkt Roid. Tile Liapain ofthfil nafition les And tilla«Dillata md tise ,Jevab If thie -rosé la nl' s-ouasud Ré,. E 1 EaUa of Eva"na, bat pa- p-ddlas-h viavttcd file craie ai the Uheta p fiSi as nctdentaJly & I-en tient. are nual ilgaed ta be cilurc laIftant Ciove. -1fist boy vOl mark Mondas la rigiti, the rosué mai'le members. or aftendad miebueil, or -an epocàin la augin butor-"ho nid asked by tf idly f0 00nie p tram evrcu Itaîen t0 religions feachlge. or. maernaisadtvatahcd. fhil it On Devés- avenue aud titn____________________________________ rua lia lne tirouglithefietly.BE I-di. e vfL.A However, tiIs la rugarded asaun. trU te bndIDOlEMAVih A likely as wi-ba aspur o<filhe Frou TMhIg11 ovuaeod i l eiago 'PThe parfar- Uinaef fthe Park vas dtsena.ed a feu ai» vas formed ln" veail bel a nasse veek almgo tlie question vas Put teu fr I. th coa ha. b»ot beau seeted. lise road Promaferas 8ng b tislUne and C ALLEI) T O AUiii I Misa ruigstiguhm.beau Uacepted hi' lter, vas nansi-e' ti hý oard of trwteae 'Pie putting inuouthel.-ravine. ssewr re ili-Mviib. ma eervilca lthe sud of file seira ud wafcr main, onu us, ueigamweb tua aà@sMou c. a Os-k A McAister avenu.-. 1aleler st au l b& " of uge h esmm atewrka early scileefor ii i.radir er lp V kgue lsg~ r-es t epetlSabuhe ti natti-of thfe road titan inil r ia cariliîîg t-localesa o e- lu 1fr. Vos-hall If la underafood lIai duwn s G(,,tu u"isîeti o 15i he hoard. It ihm es-a ofce If. la rafliar a bard îuat'-r __b_________ eiuciosoy fthe alii ch clta tO geltIL stâtensent 0ffilhe ruaa i z If,îî dru.eac yw s-ouM .hestM Suncdas- ftou" but tittIf vîli bae a prîq<,,îPASTOR TO EllESBSiNESS%%laJase MMt he. Sc u iday la B0»- M lia eoÙ le noltdoubtfed. twbr -r Who lise nais people connertd ief, i.-Pee e ai e t" P-oJecfa are cannOf le leurred .Wat.g. Mla Km. uV 1 -0f.- m tc l" tlie hOur 0< i-U -Whtle ftha rosé ias Dot buhia t<,î li-asTîa..A»,e«a M~&apistewle i.t in " e dUes-estoardof music- -i v<la une, and bas not sa,dtarIi - P-t 9-n4 Mly le 1.0 iufc4wi6a0000Y kt ferosi'es aem a- 10 ,t ~fIl la uuderstood fu le if, lao .uypM- W -éeeei <co ~ae le 0<e*et.mai h.Parle M100@0117 volthy sud aille f0 bide-1,, ne Pled%"n bI-e fauve PreeThe Pe- - uiu*,vhi dihai w thi e is«c M saMlan. JuIy 12-Wiîl k- ;-r. l »uraamîmsa*Wumiiausi eeaiuà p y ffl theacommnencementuf uta --$ss-e s a 41-Immense neis abattoirs rýj-îr-.se.., - ,,. 1'Ie tPasoK K uTd Md - ,uh »Met of Armour & (o., îýiti:jl ý, ,«,ftw w ~hhu lie iels qis M W I$ànl, contruction u uof. ,- -'î .da 0hes uli sbu' ea afOS bla lu wY veta J".~" - 1-111101W U Vîli ta taken upclir, t, as /,--. -ts ,t ~ -e i ~ 'l'h. i.36w, rtejoqtulo0fcommerce tut L. ,ýse a"4 JO giy ~erl U NI 96* eNa Wventura sîmpli' aunai fi-h-o *'lt-o-.W îj~ r00 11@4~ti Vin a u bep4 9 thle American, Rai- IIauiuaa utO ,-v 'W "4wwq ite and tmhl. P.-ope% eburut,,soyàtlt J puesuh - -~. ~~'~piwlw-i 0ffihe i beaco. u îll.- b" . p~jl.~g -~ -- - s fo file toard 4 u t fea fi j -» a Care of Drink and Drug fiend I EkIW Speciii Effert ef>Mardn, Chicagoan, to Suit Me WU Cttn o atsà by Wau. k.gaIl~ cedtva 0"O. Lotes l1q~ n oad f rade With. Evori, Qne on Wrong aide. Thora ua a nîce social Uittle tira aith ti* X gsales today, sonietblngilke thoueévo u occaions on tile Chi- alto bQ&Mt of trade wilen wheat teache. t>iedoija mark and every ne là oatUjV-osý aide of file marktl.I In tte ilt plani W. Hi. LUcity an- noaed l ?Irhe waa etthfie saie ta buy 611 M<on City sud proet fthe Poar.popil, uhicil dd not meet the. app-Gi-Si as mne of ile bldders. one of wboli, C. W. Heydecker bld ln au rai bia tecniicai rlgbf. -But Ucity îndter. bld 14n, uen, Il: la sald, Mr. rley4eW i-and Mr. Ljclty h>d a live- [Y tilt l>. Wbteh peraonalltiea ar e - t~ i~'.hO titer snme ed bat 'iduo% 1i0jg4giiermakinafthe acousa- ioe l14% i m*ed. that Llchty wa, îuy" laàr>irnaelf. lt la thle Zion eustqui'to bnY the. laxes to proteet the people. TPhe second tari session came this attemha iriten Hardîn of Cicago, Who canae, Iere ta dlean up thea sales, startea in land some of thle delîn- queute. Tbe Wsukcganlfes at once declamei W l on blm and fthe sale s ;a relMWI > nloa'fusa ail]afternoon ifîtil- Harabifuddlug 26, some oné sise 24; Hartln 6. somte one -ease 6, elear down, ta one and Ivo, vitl the mveM& e t ove. Theil e,.oe sme games- plsyad aith sie ale perbapa, nafthe mstclug of Wis. orto. &gainat fthe other, but filer. uere no refresbmenta moi-yod beytod a buech of splcy roat. baud- ed aleialy about. " 0 00 0000 00 00 0 00 0 0 REAL ESTATE TRAN&FERS 0" Farnlahad by Làke Countyo " Titis, sn4 Trust Compauy, Ail- o e gecu of 0<Timi. Titi.. gimrac- 0 0 te«u , omaseoTenipleBuldina.o 0 waeet", ii1, lx"i, J. Garnee, o 0 set. o July 1, 1909. làary 9 Vose (widowl to Chs R Wîlfney. 82 acres.,ni or 1. lu Section 6. 7 and 9, Warren Twp. W D $1.00,, ac. Gua1) Pilan.Reclel-r fa WmJ Hai-kacua. Lot 10 block 24 Zion City udu. le Sa« 27. ieed $625.60. . Jbaoh Gtk end, vife fa Gardnar R«4d. Part lot el Original ieIat Lakes Forest W p $1.00. Neille ScavItIe snd buobaud tu Ernst and I»eta Holais. Lot 4. av uoidtvld- e1 MIate fla lota 1 44 4. sud 16 ta) 2&, Vuw km.. Iwo 1. Ant.tok Tvp. W B o:ê Wrin J Scilearsi (bacb) ta George 8. L>ehwalhcIL. Lot Il. block 6, Ex- moor Addn ta Hlalilaad Park. W D $1000.00. rOUR "FEASIS" IN PROGRESS Evary Slect ln Zion City Mua. est of Tabernacies. 'Phere areq four "tout&a of file taber- naclesa lanprogrf. ILa Zion Clfy til week. one for ecb act. and people have b-son voled lit front ai over lite country fu enjot the, rligions "fesat" and ta recélke Important spirituellau- Votvs coovocatlon àtarted vîith 5.000 sad 46 chfldren vere conaocrnf- cd aday.. *Tueudy ftheChoral Mu 'd QcA g~aavpie lbecaatata "Josepils BondsP;" tpday!la a day of faatinff and prayer Imm s lz-tbtrty to four; TbarAdaLy thore ln a concert by ZDon Bdend uéthatla.a fer uIbhépro- gi-arn bai bee au aauced. YORK HOIJSE NEWS. Preacint at the To-k Houa.eburcit Smuday il a. Min. ubeat, "Wbat la thes Value of a UÀfer luInthte evenlng Roi-. N. V. Andrews vili preacb. Mr. Auguat Gci- of Chicago »pent Sunday -*ltb Mi-- A.N. lein. W@ are gla f0tuaS- Mn. Mary Hawins.la u» .54 arouné again. Mfr. and Mis Gouldi wvi entertaîn Bév. W. L Huett neit Suuday. Ôur former pea(or Roy-. M. V. An. îdMwevand vItle vIi at Mis Mary Havklm S u atuuîuaa à"to Mr-. Aqs lifts. 1 =0 vls7y $and $1.50 Lion Brand SHIRTS, A chance, to put U n your year's than regular whôle"i 5~hIgppIy at Iess Ail Our STRAW J,-. ÜATS Placed on Sale at SACRItICit- ICFaS $3000O Straw Us~2O 2.,00 Straw Mts1.050 1.50 Straw Mats 1.-00 1.00 Straw Mats 050 Une 0f .... O f rd ho s Down. $4.OO Oxifords ln tan and. ox blood, patent and gun metal, marked to clôse at $3025 al oos $3.50,Oxfordsfor Bargains ln Hos.lery, Caps, Underweer, Ponts and Suits. Give Us Your, Tallorlng, and Prcssing to, Do ln Our New Tallorlng Deg>artment >atCrowe Perlects Plan s to Giv'e Aid to "Down and Outs;"9 Cudahy Kidnapper WiII Found Chain of Sanitariurns to Take Great Shirt Va>lues . ýt -,m* , iý. - '. ; ý - 1 --l r- 1 1