le a a w. 7 HALF DAY 'N (COntributed.) The buing o! Hertel's dancing pavil- lo ai Hal! Day, June 218V.teews one Of tàp utost detardly acte ever commiteil MW~ littls hurg. The inceudiaries est- *d thé pavillon with Oilandsudaat- sjb*9 blae about three O'clOck lu the ,*éWàq. Ail o! hs realdente are thank- #4 bai& thora tees scarcly auy wtluor M *Wbols own wtonlil bave besu swepti BwjaX nd maay familles hâve bheen61iet dattitansd bomeoIes.,88as everal masi- "e ilinoV carry any Insurance. As it vas, hs burning rande teere erried for hall a mils and it keOpt the owmss of their homes busy putting out thea$neathat vere tarteil. ?eo niuch prise aenthogiveuChes. bYesu la hie heroin action lu etopplug ý4b progreuo! tisa lire tea the barn On O4 Mb 01maiao lie.Dora Hertel tartoil gre . fiesaly teoubil have beeu more ýisoaIro than It vas. Mir. Foote qwkmd"on topo!1 hs barn for tm'o hours Wtàeti. laing building scerce tiirty jot sw*y, the intense eat ail arounil 'blocket brigade tees ormed by the uslghbov sud mou al hstoepboue Co M- r leudlug viliîg bande sud hearts *si r lendeavor ta sae the reet o! the ~adoLung buildings. , fTepavilon teesbnrned Vo the grouund1 SA oveso'rbock in the morniug. tamaley Foute notiflil M. Hertel hy talpbeqie of bis ]omss shoewes away 1 feoinhMebing lu Chicago on e buel. M"s ip.Au articie ecntly printed màId teatHallDYansd Prairie Vie, .uîAlo wih tteo saloons, and close ta-1 gWt»r bad bail feeingtoteards the hall. »»w iis oulil h o le imply ridiculous, 4» Sipust Hertel basnover aliowed an1 Ioliîlctiffl drink nobd on hie promies mda no boistenoueneas or rowilem1 ÏobM.td uhatever. The ilsuces that1 we.miven et tihe pavillon by ehurches. 1 'aZa veuztone snd ths voskly ~wa bve alaye een couqtediI ' a#*& anBer tht suy man tees sot àïbbmM a e obrng ~for au eveing's &Wut, is vie, iaugh er or sel- anï d bas heen patrouissil by the 01ilseaitiia ountj sud adjolu- îcctieot1.Thenafore, uhatear eal- Alémvarrebaetie feeing existeil ta- ibai meoIHal!Dal, it hssaus- îr, RB. tutloua tour ihousmmd am o d d t carry M an uur on *a aimmcture or coteu. But b. bu abuwte ruesAmeni- mid voulil not dlsapilt bis ion iùw Fourth o! Juiy, and Iu- i .da o recteil a mammoVii th t aent covmnng and bail r aadane vbicb teesbel wtId~Uagtihe l adnse. Sthie nw ibm crteil tho ir eh taesau andto e s d h e m If nuodiasirbahm tan es lil hagivon ov7 Mirda veug mas naal. I& " natende la finish the pvil- tpi luala ateil mmdwbm competed, amu amIt iRille one of thelfinestinl suaetire mynpatbyT for bis XKIM# Hiiel ln a Lake Couuiy bol,t lors bars la Bel! Day. sud la hloyed by1 àm *04ibbona, frioand dassocats.. B. Hllibiven bis grondeansd pavillon &él fmaor cherche. sied undayehool bene.- t**]Wver cajiail upon sud altesys 49ý«Mthhglinhua power as fan ai ho lm "ale t0 assist lu any capacty ho SUd to make Say uudrtsklng o! àeibbôm madctnleude a success. Thora l a osly a residentinluBal! Day but rameihmb one kinil ai o! hi@ since he WO Butnal he o givo is services t ths Amb lunc as orgbnist. Ho bas pisysil Onttetlously for Vhsm. liauy may veluemnber wteesthoir barte vere Ù feuo!sorrot o e s alteeye ready wtb teOidaofcheer anil eympathy. That le IWby no one in our commuaity vonlildo M1e enOUTbarnmor Injnry. We tish Wlnivsry succeslu is Dow ventureansd ba bas heenassureil hy every oneofo!their lira. Bessett, of Chcago, id ependiug the week with ber parente. insdlir@. H. J. Dixon. Robert Judeon, o! Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday wlVb hie vile snd sou lu Our Village. Ums Murphy, of Clevelandl, Ohio, te spendlng a fete veeke lu unr vil lage tlh ber parente, Mr. sud Mrs. D. . Murphy. ** John Beardon, tebo underweut su operatlon for cancer et St. Jomep'a hospital 5k Chicago lest week la repotredi hgvlug pased throngh hs operation successfuly but IVtelîl ho several weeks before be le entirely recovered. lira. Derking, o! Cicago, was the gneot o!flir. sud lire. E. J. Meyer, Sun- day and Monday o! this week. Mies Myrtie Moyer wes s Cfity visiior Wednesdey. Mr. andl Mii. John Boney and famiy came out from the City lu their auto Suuday to spend the day vi th Ir. rnd lins. J . F. Roney. C. A. Goldiniz retorned Vo the city htonday alter spnding Satnrday and Sunday wlth bis teife and femily lu our village. lire. Oso. Meyer and eon, Philip. tere guesteofo Mr. and lire. H. B. Maiman, Tuesday. D. Il. Murphy transacted business atIgwo ndy lire. Fred Reynoldesud Miss Brett, o! Chîcao, teere guousao! Miss Nettie Murray, Seturday and Sunday. Albert Burnett, o! Rock lsland, le gpending the week wlth bis teife and farnily in our village.9 The dancoest the Lekeside pavillon1 lest Beturdey eveuinig ees ettsnded byi about 50 roupies. Bob Wynn tho olectrie ribilroad pro. moter, o! Wenkegan. was a caller lu oor village Tuesdey. Miss gay liaiman le@eoudaing the week witb relatives et Lihorty ville, Highwood and ltauks'gan. Alvin Kimbail entered the ouiploy of H. E. Maman lest Thuredey Vo cieîk and assiet et the store. Alvin leae brigbt youug man and trust he tell like the work aud prove an efficient assistant. LOUIS J. THESI MACHIP ROCICUI912R e Mr. G0f. . anhortila recoverng from a ? oVer atatacli o! lumbago. Mi.e Alvine Sebmidt, o! Palatine, le 1maklug a probongeil stay et the boome of ber aunt, Mir@. John Knigge. Mdaster Irwin Knigge, o! Irving Park,4 la at. presot vistlug bis granilparenta,1 lir. and lira. Fred Kniggs.1 lin. andl lra.Henry Kubiank bail for1 thir fnest lest teeek the latter'. brother, lin. Julins Hartung, o! Chicago. lir. H. B. Koch sud dengbters, Gussie sud Alice, of Chicago, teore visiting bore sud iamouil Lake, Satnrday asud Sunday. Mii. E. 0. Payne visiteil relatives t Grayelake the latter part o! the week. M. Edgar Godwin boanded he train bore for Chicago ou Saturday lest, tere ho met hie vifs rnd little son on their rtura trip fror n Bglani l mter e very enjoyable v4slt o! firs teecks. Tb@ Mismse elle aud Wanda Knlgge returnoil o their borne et Palatine lest Saturday fter e wsek'e viit tith relative@ bore sud Diarnonil Lake. lira. L. Speht is quita serioosly il] wltb au attack cd apreudicitis. Dr. Taylor, o! Lihertyvil le, a thoe ttendiug physicien. This laagae ek for thle young "o'es rudbas butlu tO*u aIl Vhswe-.'.y lira. Lyoua andlfml am n rr he City Vo twor cote on= olaels weeli o epeuil hior summer outlug. lira. Water Eveneon sud Miss Lonlea1 Evanson visîteil with relatives lu our viliage lst faturday. Board Meeting. Boaord o!fi ilage truetees met witis Presldet Kent lu hs chair sud trustes rasent were: H. E. liaiman, H. T. Zok Jas. Mrray, H. L, Grantbam sud H. Golding. MI.Minueo!reio)us meeting vere roand ýsud approvei. Th e folowiug bille vere prosenteil for payn 1InV: Plagge Bro. & Co., lme . ....... 08 rValvolins 011 Co., gasolue .......8 62 WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Ki. . MAIMAN. C«otreodtabd Agent cpenîrîg ôf tdir, N ation I~.gstra id iy 15 te Augast 5, 1W9. Dàig Augest 9, 19W REGISTRATION fer 160-Acre !aorms in the Piathead Reservation (450,000 *Cree) .et. . miseouls, mont. Coeur dyAime eervation (200,000 *are) et a Coeur sOIe'Â le& ~. Spokane Reaervàtion (50,000) - - - ai spnkamO, Waah. Any qualiieil applicant enu registcr for a,6o>-ecre fari n n ail tbrec of tbesareservatious. But if he i. succesaful in the drawing of s firux on one reservation, he cannot file an application for laud ou the other resenvations. IIOM!-SaKrRS' ROUND-TlRa I ARrO Ju g20. 19S9 vit ihe Milw aukee& St. Paul A." G.j Swrm j;ume . 09 et Naporville, Tii E\C 1iail v uy G. E. Green, certago ............... 40 Mr. and Mim. J. P. Ritzenthaler, Mir. P. A. Hongbton, salary .... ....50 00 aud liro. M. W. Kuedier, lim. S. E. TO To Lbertyvilie Lumber Co., suppies 36 26 Knedier fttended the funeral of their FROI4 Missoula - Kallepui Motion made aud carried that bille bc cousin, F. D. Fritch, o! Highland Park, Rtm &Aseu sliowed aud orders drawn ou Vreesurer Tuesday Ra res&MRau1 fo paymen t of srne. Chicsgo ......................................... 111. $3900 $8900 The apprpriatio ordinece wae rend Mesdames 8. E. and M. W. Knedler - 77 77 as follows: vtsited witb Ms. Will Bay, of Diamnond MeeS~r *« ...... ....................:::: oo8t0 Micro. Levied Lake. Frsday afternoon. Rockford ............................. .......... 39.00 89.00 Patorent mtrtabna 4w00 10 Bo. Welner, the evangelist, wbo Rock Island ...................................... 36.50 8(150 Stoklin4fo o$58nQb.. 0 060 conducted the gospel ieti& for the Police deps.tment........... 600 0 0 peast wuweek's retnrned to etaperville Tickets good for twenty-five (25) days. Street, bridge and sdowejk ...700 00 Monday. The meetings were weill Low-fare excursions to North Pacific Coast Points, with stop-over privilq 0omeers tees àad salaries .... 2m060 attended and al were greatly benfitsd registration pon. IAhand i lie amO t..........0 0 wbo did attend a& Bey. Weiner wae a For additioual information about farce on other dates, train service, routes Pire and webter .........400 00 ferrlessanad forceful speaker rnaking of thc Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Raiiway, or write o Publie lmprovemitO......4o0 0 Morne laatiug inipreesioue. Totaleci .............. . b 0 Miss Kstie Seegmiller, who hue been IF. A.. MILLER, cieneral P..ngs-re Agent, Chîcagto, or To oved...ia...d...e......ded$ tOùhe t ng iMr. and lire. H. A. Knoph De#criptivefoiderfre It was su adscoddthtad othor friends rcturned to ber borne second reedîng of ordinance ho sus- in Canada lest week Thursda.. pended with. Ater the following read-________________ ing It ws moved aud carried that ibis LA N DEERFIELD. ordinance ho adopted as drawn Up aj FR read. [ZZ3IIZ Moved and carried that tex lûvy bho Mr. and Mim. Shaddle entertained leerfield lied the'nemne. util recenty placed et $1000. their son, Glbert, over the 4tb o! July of belng a nies quiet littie town. but Miss. Mary Stanford in @pouding the Moved and carrled that the village bolldaye. now she bas îoined ber ueighbors iu sommer ut CUoverdale Farrn board llow commtas $25 to aeist in Mi.VnVekn 1eMri mtbraking the ights hideouý wltb drunk- mattrofprlkligsMm.t. aueetttbeomne o! hrrnSmtheruebrswls on week nîghte, andon Buuday Mrs. Bort Paddock vi8ited ber çîsreuta mathe f Pr ln treeaplt ots.lii.aJuesmitthoeof p E r mothereveniiig a free-!or-af f figbt. Are we to a t Gornee la Friday. BThe Pras pondmtor fpo teenor rs uhîugib i Pllo.jt thiscontinue eand getseteadily wor5O li.Msd Mire,1). V. Wat are entra- yar. ei sponmtwasfornirruned Mmr. P. H. liatthei ia entertainiug ber or is it to ho etopped? let un hope that r.iug a 7eic fvo Kasas byea full vote of the board. sister from Wilson, lirnu. erfield people will wakA np and ueo VOo No frtbr bsinss pporln hooro TheLutera seoolpieieMonaiit that our viilege ordinance, or at toast Msr@. Annie Harmon, o! Chicago, le ,a th Noard tee sined auarri ed oreJnL twegrand o cee.ioeptondsthe rmieo! commun decency are lived up guet et tbe Cloverdale Farrn )tdonru. rand ucces. $ec(p7sto, Arcble Moore, of Graysleke, is @pend- ý Lyu msr le repidly reoverlng James Woodman, o! Weokegau, spnt M.ing bis , v acat avebs.gadaru rornnebise etc !tpodlr, Suday wltb tbe Todd famlly. M.sdlr.J-s rvs pmbsleadt k oftyp. MifoerMmi. O. A.Howeard, o! Grant.,tees a tee are plse.t nw iIda Brebmg, ofOlencoe, le viliting recont visitor et C. L. Thonson. T ho Migses Eloda Baldwin aud G race witb the Horonhorger cblidren.lieEiabhBeteo!Mro Y E OA N h bIhthe Wedn e ofoeastour. Arthur Ender leit lest week for Colum- Park. sud daughtor, lira Alice Yord, of pîng a ahntn New York and b u@,Oi, ehere he bas taken a posi- Chicego, $peut a fete dayo witb relatives otbors. tion as manager of e botel. bore th fi rot o! the wesk. l IThe Ablemans landed iu lVly, Jue Wmn. J. Krsh isonijoyiug. a two mouthe lir@. Brt Paddock and daughter, lSN C 1th, and are having a fino time. vacation eit bis home lu Coucord, Mieh. Phyllio, @pont Tuesdav with lir. Abhle -~~~ Wm. Bonnet sorprieed bis finod by Mmi. Frank Paterson and hilîdren, of Miege. auna Wi iie e Voen (Clara Alleuebury t W aukega , son clilld re. visiting w ith the H uthi- int err, Z e . 1ver Nelsh t R aine. th >41E. IV P A UN Jn 0 ,10. The ile a oe o hidtiret ofth ek to bs may fren luInhstBenntt Ladies' Dorcas societv met Thnrodey lire. C. B. Combs @pent a day with resideuce lu the future. Congratulation@ afternoon witb lir,. S.P. Hdtcbisou. Uri. Bay Morrili et Fox Lake recsntly. i exende. Mr. and lin. Zoqhler, o! Wenkegan, Stanford Brothers are building a0lar0e were tho gueéte o! Mt. d BlelmebI and bnarn and wlll engage quit. extensively FOLW D'MRLAD ý_.M N A Sml unday. lu delryiug. Rendes Brothers, of Round The. Chines. Cook Ket.w Whioh Eggé lir. William Wheeler and eblîdren Mie@ Margaret Caro"la lespnding ________________ Shoufd Bs Dlcardd. "pnt Wécduesday wlth ber parents, lMr. vacation lu Deuver, Colorado. . OTJ 'Cilea nedVoOs ug anto d Mmiss Bide Horenh..rg-r-basfaccepte<i mors self relient." snid the teomen teho emiploya a Chines. cook. "Tester- day I onderoil my cook o make e pud- ding for dînuer, etoppiug a minute o m0e If ho folloteoi my instructions, for 1 had tanght hlm o make this partics- lar -pudding. H. had accu me amel hs ogg efore putting them Into s botel, aud ho began by putting the flrst egg o bie noso. Ho seomeil un hs nlgbt road. so 1I boiths kitcbhrsfor a minute. "BetunnIng, I discoveroil that ho had nsod five eggs instead of Vree, as i had taught hlm. Teking hlm o tak for noV following my Instructions, ho ansvored: 'Tes; tbnes bore (pottIug o the bovi), tteo bore <ldictiug tere ho had hrown hs othore>. arne as yôn.' "«lt dateo on me that teben 1 had aght hlm o make the pudding 1I bai fonfsS the second andl thîrd oggu thet 1 bail broken o ho bail sud hsd throwu bothi away. Ho bud ismply doue what ho bad seen me do-aftor smelIing the secoud andl thîrd ogg ho bai <rou tle asy- V-k ur Sun. i1.. - .. : 2:--.-...-J The BRockefeller public vere ofiereil the A Nahob. Ilaeea Daisy VPle and Rosa unusuel pleesure o! bearng the Sichubert "Rlch as a nabob' lsaua expression bluon attenilol camp meeting rt West Concert Go., of Eveuston, et a musicale noV lnfrequcotiy board, but vby a 1'ne- Puilmnover Suuday. et h chropel, Fiiay eveing, July 19. bob" shoulil thus e ho octaete itltj ThefrindsofM r. FnkDolh wliThe progrern vas o! a igb order and et adwob wsprlmyli he fnienso lno F irauf onp yblfully demoutrateil munkeil musical teet su teho hl ow tees pr the~ l ha lal o kot <at emfotlas slotalent We hertily recommenil thie fo 0gnrlykou no h to ho taken rom <tho cet let Suudey cmpn oayib aelvn !gu great mogube <ho provinces out mua OiUte vle altte ib'theaid 0' music sud hope for ans opportuuity o! verse dmlnleteroil by doputies kuovu oestess. gein listauing o tbem. by he desîguation of "nevab," teho )isa Avis Payne wo.s hume over Sun- cornmoiily amassedi mucli rney sud day from hem vork as steniographer in The Namoe Changed. ilveil in great eplenion. The office andl the cîty. At the village board meeting Mouday hs VlVb contînueil undon British ruie Jeffe Portoons le iigging a weil in tho vniof the great question o!ftehether on lu the orient, but graduslly the vord lymmbos cemtery. The vel i. t9o ho et uot the naine o1 h townau oli hobecame corrupteil Into "usbob" sud U» 1.1 o! the main entrence. chaugeil teesdecideil po À A hort vwas applieil geuerally Vo ail natives MaIse Lle Smith bas had a eliglt it re pion o ibilmeing e emon- teho bail grovu Jilh. Mr atnyI jamack of sicknees. traee bail been circulateil wicb teas hstoveil - otten iu e derlalve oeenroil a nunhon o! signera but <o no g, po Erpen wh alg Bayiag ba& commenceil. aveul. The naine Ares smorns amal but sueuo nooosthhvu l'h shjet ! Vs hnition tîeanorit wyul mee More o us than vo note made large fortunes lunOuilla. returued tI u net ofunhey oviei n rot.0perbaps realize. We note baro before us borne sud spet thels'rnouey in e lux- uwc et ll o Plnm roges enice a 7:0eaprorniing Change toteard prOgrfso. urina sud ostentations vay.-Loniloi -~fwPslace Beautifu." Ephesiane 4: Wearoeverready togresp upportunitiot Sensos. 6, 6.: 10-17. The Junior . E. lu the ion self, vby ot show s disposition D m(eao iii hbo "My bhois for God, toovard belping teben aIl may ho ~ 10:Bt. enetitel? IHannilbal In ltsly. i(.M. Sheldon bas eskod nothlng eo fer Haennibal entereil notheru Itaby I. »MJ~ Barry Payne la expectoil home but a tilliigneso! <ho peopie o chanuge hs year 218 B. C. and glned durng ~-~akthe naino and tome baepublicly refuoeil ihat year h Vvo victores of rIi'uu M~~es BMdk o! Chicago, la visitîn that Where In the histonY O! the o Vovasd Trebla, botl tu Cisalpine Oxul. de guela usnt, Levis au bhee vo rniveil auy real beoeit from The next yoa.r be advanceil firther £4110game.renwuiv eltockeflle Toraela nuf Southi and iefeated the Romans, eit '*--" ' i.L.Bryantand friends, the aivautages vo noV eosivdeuf asmeus asu the yeai r lowîng, ,~tbbrq vOra cahers lu Vowvuiisrowing chance o! meny more o foflote. havlng proceedoil stili fart.her South, Long lue Areal h. inflilteil upon them hs terribe de- 'emilTan uot oniv @top@ Ihiweaken lb. cou- Lktocnunp. &Buiomd reliflu .4*a rl h-nchitia, THESE MAY WED. C. 9. Moeick, Chiscago, 23; Aîeln Wgenknecht, 24. F. 0. Frantes, Chicago, 26, Auna MaIa Cain, 23. cendoncy attaine I ts marimum. Ho nemal ed for thirtoon yeana longer, but gainoil no more docisive vtctories. Hie vas inaliy recaiebslhe Iaauthoni- tIes at Carti--igo, ubo bail navrn ir en hlm nnything lk. a deantomppot --New T-rh Aurican.- MirJack Miller spnt Sunday witb lir. Win. Elusmeun. lir. and lire. Geo. Mitchell returned borne Frday, alter a couple o! weeks visit et Lode. Mr. and lire. Grant and son, Arthur. speut a few day. with ire. ]Bouese. The Ladies' Aid tili meet with Mies ClaraSmtrithi Thursday elternoon, July 22ud. Ail membere are requested Vo ho present, sud viitors are teelcorne. Mir. sud lire. KuhI rand eblidren are spending e two wee vacation witb latter's sieter, lire. feorge Miltcbell. lira. Wm. Ensmaun returned home Sunday siter spending a !ew days wlth relatives in Chicago. Mir. andl Mre. Wrn. Lemplier. from Libortyville, epent Sunday witb lir. and lire. Wm. Lempken. Mise Margaret Lorbmunu le etaying witb ber aunt. lire. Wr. Eluemanu. Suuday school 1:80, proacbiug follote. iug. Everyone 10 învitedVo attend thesej services. Dont mies the dauce et Biekuaes pavililn Satu rday night. Geo. 0. Prusia made a trip Vo Wauke- gan. liouday. F. P. Clark vent Vo Waîakegsu. Tues- day. The carpenteme have commeucoil vork ou H. Helfere noew building on Park avenu. John Ellion roui farniiy bave moveil luto John Finkes bouse ou Park avenue lest week. MissHattie Voikbart, tebo bas been vorking for lire. Wm. Tonne ettVhs club bouse veuttVo, Chicago lest wosk, John Kohlisledriviug the boor wagon for Wrn. Bieknese. The Knickerbocker Ice Go. bas ondemed their superlotendeut, lin Sehafer <o bire, e uigbt vatebtuan fon the ice bouse bere. The village boarnd et their meeting liuuday uight inetmucteil ths ciork Vo post a notice for the lettiug o! the noew cornent valk et Vhs church. Seleil bide are Vo ho hrought hefone Vhs Doit meet- ing. The Cary Rëde vere dofestedîln s gae o! brol by <ho Lafke Zunlch'O lest Sundey. The feaVures o! <ho game vers Vhs vorfi hi Seller andl Bo,ýes. Seller makiug 24 put out@ and Boise gttlng 22 etrike out@. The fiuai score wtes 1'Vu5. l'hey viii play Rockefeller for s purse o! $25 neat Sondai. Emil Frank vili take usew subeniptiona for VOis paper aud collecte old unes. He»-Coubld yon marry a maon tbo tee 'Four infenlori She-1imsppo.. I aalbav. to-ait- tbe position as telephone operaton et the Deerield oxehange. C. Autos Sons Go. are excevating for their ne departrnent store. 1 OG RV The Evangelirel Lutheran cburcb will give the annuel Sondey sehool picole et the nuue place lu Moeyers1 Grove on Sun- day, Jly 25tb, '09, Bverybody cordi- elly invited to attend. and memrorso the congregation erently requeited to corne eerllor in the day than former years. Brin r your dinneroi with you. le cream, muite, etc. served ou the f, rundg. Plenty o! good mugie by the rairis Viete m-est band. The hum of the reaper is heard lu theo distance. Mrs. BlilI, o! Weukegen, visited with frionda lu thie vieinlty lest week. Florence Phillîpe, o! Milwaukee, in spe4ding soxuetîruie witb relatives bore. Frank Shea made a flying tril, te Libertyvillo In hic auto Tueedey. Mrs. H. Young andl daogbter are bore on a vicîit from the tecet. John Eicbiu3ger and Mise Mary @pet Suudey wîtb finonds. Mire. Emma Frekinie le esieding ber vacation witb ber parente, lir. and is. Graves. George Iole spentSunday et home. Mr&. Elie Devine lhes returued fom Bristol whlere she spent a fete daye. To To Ceeu dMse 'Spolias $5510 857.50 585 56.26 05.10 57.50 55 10 57.50 lges. are available for trips to, above es, etc. see the ucarest ticket agent W. W. WINTON Div ision Pau.inger Agent xacaon, Wi. The Cozg Corner BARBER SIIOPl Lew Flagg, Proprittor Just arond the corer on fipragu Street, next to the Boehm build- ing and opposite the Pester blackemitl #hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigars and Tobacco Lsundry Agency Razors Honed Automobiles We carry a full lice of "1firât, &id" remedies to autoinsain trouble. Engines overhauled. Tire troubles repaired. Au- tomobile sundries on haud. Cmli or telephone-a machinist alwaya ready. Repairs Time and money saved by promptly repaîring faim Ina- ohinery. We are prepared to do machine work of aIl kindo and have a §hop fully equip- ped for that purposo. WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Ph1eLbertyvllle Exehonge 61 or,1lm Libertyville. Ill. Opposât St. Paul Frelhght Depot F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF POSED THE DEAD MAN. the village witb hie automohi t lstM abi week. M r l Sehemef.of hséOseiblers fln Croek- Base bal neit Suuday, WbbtewSoivae fd, ous. In London. Antioeh, et Wadswontb. M oi Cnoek-fod,' tlîe propretor of a irel r.lhlipiien-.ilLbnlvle konLndon gambllug bouse. vas visited a day tins week bore.(m tr made Vo play a queenroloe fler ho vas C m tr deail. Wheu one of Crockford's homeos Leo Lui e bey theffe day. settiug up D tees pofsoneil Juat before the Derby ba loaders. e the mlofotune brongbt ou an attacbr Mmn. H. Sponeuburg, o! (lurnee. called of apoplexy, whlch proveil fatal wlth- 1on fnends bore Wedueeday. Correspong in forty-elgbt boums. Note, rany of J. McCornmick was a ealier in Wads- Crockford's fienils bail taked large woth oue dey this week. somas ou another of the gambie'. homeos, vhich vas a favorite for th WARREN Oake and whe as ilisqualifieil by ThotW. C. T. iU. picule that a teVo 126 E( the deatb of the ownom. Only thepeoU- have ben field ut Lake Bluff on Wednee- pie lunVihe gambling house ew eof day, tees postponed util Fnîdsy, July W; Crockford'e deth, ani IVteeas nesolvoil 28rd. Vo keep It a secret utl eter the race. The commuuity vas grestfy shocked The servants voro brIbed andilevoMu aud seddeneil by the destb o!flireq.Alice te secrocy, aud the consplratora on hs Chase, whbch occurred art the hospital lu day after the nfght upon vhicb Crock- IWatukegau on Setunday. Atbough eA fond dîilbhail the body placodIn l a bai been ick for 9evenel veeke, bope chair at a vindote, go teit people ne- I ers entertaineil for ber necovery nunti 'Hfome turang romthetak c iud oethe Friday, tehen t teesdesmed boat Vo ne- Vnrnlng rom Vin: hrac Heon s fie movo bon toWaukegan. Greatsympatby gamf e sttin thro Hotel fietalemeuifeeteil for the sornowiug ones. 'Jua dbt up Vo look as Ilfelîko as possible andl She beaves e bnsbaud, tiares emali chul- tbrongb the vindote sud partially con- dren rnd shostoffrbeude ehomoun ber coaled frorn vlet by the curtains look- uutimefy death. The funeral vas beld ed so natural <at no on of the great on u eedey norn the Gomnes church. croted vhieh came cbeering by the 'The Warren cemetery eeeoclatlou telIl bouse ten on thelr returu fnol se meet witb lins. Emma Anues, Wednea- lng Croclford'a horse vin 91-Oke day, Juiy 218V. V, suspectod the trick. baCM.iAiMrOwnof oralotOio Thenex dy l ws annoncd t ivisiting et ho homo G P. Race. Wa uE Cr ckford vas doad. but ît vas y emarlE bofre ho rnestoy lakei ot- Mmes. Becta Peine lasepending tise veek FI RH Westminster Gazette. vbth Aima Roae. RU1O I l ar Mn. rond lins. B. R. Meunzen are enter. Sosni y.I A Jatbe oe'.ofaLire Vn t aiiug friende frorn Chicago. THIE STAN gets to olilfor Vh novappoiel"Adjudication Notice.s.s.-su "It goes on the stage." Publie Notice te aereby iron test thesuBb- e "Andl atten <bat?" scrber E.ecutilx ot the isat tein sud TesiaMent "To the theatrîcal ,b 0f.1 n Robert E. Colville, deceafedWviii attend the F0I progam. Ocunt, Cort of tale Ooututy, aisa tert tereol' «WeeIV euds litsexistence. 1 tu 0e holden aethUe Court fBouse lunteauhegan. U lun wd jouty on thefint monday of lNovember Eft1 sext. ises. wben sud ae a e alcrsons bavteHoeg "Oh. n; 1 lino hoanabbyfor i,s..galuststd esaate are notified sud li Ive hnoaby orma yreuste cesent the a"M50 Io"d court for Libei -yearn e ongresional loakmoms.'- aOJdlcstion. O OVLE xcti. Tlpmm5 oIm.vle Oounlep-JonnS.ssgutmkà, J0l i 2 îe. go- and Granite numeni s Work of Every -scrlptlon idence Sollclted Genesee St Vaukegan Lumber Co. ertyville, 111. Caua1I sMauasnmd Mla Buste MasoS vîsited wth itaéir ud.l, Cassius Baston sud famlly, o! Daerfield, Sundzy. Mir. sud lir%. J. A. Muaon vlsited lu Chicago ovel' Suuday. lira. Wm.. tanclil entrtalned ber eleter, lir@. Sami Wakefield aud littie son from Chcsago lest week. Mr@. D. F. Ritisaihaier sud Mies Olive and Irmua Rsthaler loft Tueedav Vo attend the weddlng o! their cousin, lils(Jnlbb es PlIMnfeId, 111. lire. irmingh am, of Lake Foresti, apet let Sunday with lire. G. F. Mitchell. Mir. and lira. G. H.Srith entertalusil iheir brother, Prof. Ed Nikoley andi famiiy miso ibeir sster, lira. Augusa Chivili, o! Portland, Oregon, lest wesk. Miss Berthe Holije le attending Normai echool et DeKalb for six teseke. MieseMary Bituthaler, teho boasbeer visiting ber brothoe.asd familles for the patw weke' returned to ber bome -New York