Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1909, p. 3

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LAKE COUNYTY ENDEPENDENT, KRIDÂY, JULY 16, 1~909 Staver Bllgies Just reoeived a carlosd of the Celebrated Stavrer Buggies ALL THE ,LATXST STYLES Prio sRight W. alwayaS crry a full lige of *1ARDyVARE (IOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois - - - - - - - - (Irayslake, BAKERY AND RESTALVRANT Frech Bread every day, Home Made Cakes, Pies sud Other Psstry. Lunches and Meala served st ail bouts. CA N DY (« 0A RS E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. Treuhome dg (IRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS We Have a Fine Une ft Stionery anid 8oUvenir Poli Carda OIJIICIE CREAM Derses Competition ItIi ed by ailtihe ladingz soda water plarce slong th.ë le- Gray@lake Pharmaîcy, Round Lake l)cugfiiore, lruce Lake aud ail pointes urrouuding Fox Lake and Ingrleside. We are putting out a luch bigger supply than at year. Once used alwaym used GrayjsiakeCreamerg Watdses.doa"snid JelY Repaird AU work Guanatae SPECIAI. OIDERS FO)R JEWflRY PrompUjy Fld W. H. MOORE - . - um THE FIRST PAIR OF GLASSES Should ba Caretully Fitted Bierg the Fltting la Sclantific DR.L L ILJOLLEY Pbo»e.-Otflce 122 esidence 121 OFFICE ROUEtS 9:30toIl M.5M. 210o4Dp. t 8P. M. OFFICE 5511, and s tate Btrest. Opposte thse Bank North Chicago. Mlinois RIJSSIELL Luiniher Yard For Fij BUILDING My prices are good. Wheti Dot geti :PREPARED Cough Stops Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor, aew im- proved formule, viii ccntaîniy stop fsiling of the hair. Indced, vo believe If viii always do tbisj union there ià tome .disîurb- îISgeeca eih Thl, 1 tui&amcdictne mey be ncceury. Consuit your physicimn aboust iis. A I vs '!eil -h bai. M s.. .1 The. resson vhy Aywr's Hair Vîgor stoc falling hoir la because Il Brai destroya tCSe g rma which cause ibis trouble. Aftet l. l: dou, nature soon brlngs bout a full rccovery, reatorlng the hait and scalp to a perfectly heslthy condition. -Lsda byth. J. . À7.Go... Lasii.1,.X- ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI F. 1. DRII'CE Editor Phone No. il Orders Taken for Job Work Advertlslng Rates On Application P. C. Wiibuc visai ai Wsukeshs Sanda>'. Geo. Huson sud wifs, of Round Lake, were guesteutflice. Sadis Meade, Bunday. ,Mra. James May entertained ber aunt, Mis. Payne, of Rockefeller, over Sunda>'. Urt. Davig bas reoignetl bisposition at thie P. D, Batershalil store. Mr@. Mary Wilson, ot Zanda, Win., viaiiad ber @inter sud ollier relatives ber. tuse week. MMs usie Whitahead returned borne Prida>' alter saversi day. visit wluh Josephi Paumer sud other friands &long the laite shoce. Mr.. J. J. Longabaugh sud Mr@. Fred Knebker vlisitd ai Lakte Bluffi lest Priday. Mr8. J. P. Sherman sud Rnby speni several day. with friands lu Chicago receuily. 1ev. E. Y. Shayier sud famiiy, of 0ak Pas k, aytled ai Gagas Lakte, Mouday whsrs tisa>'will @pend savaral weeks. Bert Tomkine sud fauîily, of Wauke- r, obre guens eof F. 1). Baiterobailisud F'. A. J.ord sud famil>', of Evansion, hav.onsoft @eAlisu cottages for July at GagmsLake. Ueo. Blrang oald hi. large sale this wesi to 0parties siT wîinLake. lits. Wlmlngton fa etertsliug ber .1.1er froin Siraser. 111. Eugene Wlimlgiou, nbo bas beau spndiug tise wiuter sud paes few suontha St lthe sprIugs lu Arkass returnad bonis lest Saturda>'. Everybody "goastethe Saturda>' night dsncea s aiAinun ï3ntbere hall in Round Lakte. The>' go becae tbe accommodations are gosd sud tise>' bave fins rimes. 89-tf JesseLongabsugli transacted business 0 1 , tu,SMr.. andl M r. Hnry 1Kiimbkr, ______inChicago,___________ baby boy, lest Tueda>' moruiug" lu Chiago, Muday.Heur>' neas tmile that ivontcoma off. WEST FREMONT. lins. Wm. Emmous and chulrnae AyugW ro nln rie i Mr. sud lire. John Fredericke are L Btiak re, winbohbasgeuott ry. the OoodwIn home aset weak. rejoieing oera ltl a trborn .Bkr wobsW t h ry- Miss Lucy Boneles vinfîed i Chicago, Jl o a hi duhtr laite phsrmary the pasi bas Mu Jul' bh. ccpted a position lu Chicago. Chis. S>'da. Born ta Mmf. and Mra. Frank IJortian, Thomsou will taka h@ place st Grays- lMr. and Mrî. Mon>'y, f Chicago, warej Ju!>' (f, a eleven poiuall boy. laka. Mm. Baker negas spapulsr young gueoseof Mn. sud Mrm. Edl Hool. severai FrankErbarti i., as ili I lies bonue manansd nec are soncy ta buose lssm tram days receuti>'. painteul. Henry Tckariiin , ,,ig ibe Jur misîsi ws Mr»S. A. Crans. andi fi res. ofier lady painting.1 Misa Barbara Eberct, s,! Autiocli, friands were bera fri iii iiertyvilie,i Mc. and Mca. Jsep1h 'skofer aisd a guet aitishe Lottus home Sunda>'. Wednesday. dsuglster, Martini, visiti l iil rieuds L.csoarsi Hsuk bas beau datas urd trois Tetn nin suein Te sud relatives n suChsiago,. Snduy sand un s wirit i n Cicago thie week on Teto EgitBiidc,-w Nfondav. ausount o! miv k neas. !onu>'Cao assl oiligleno wbilh met wîth vii. i ess wban Mr» car. of.itChicagoin seadîîtg a Issuet srget the dans ai tise spers gîven ai Uraysiake a lene Ci-aiagis. fae% ,.,ka wlthbac Mcc ýjeslitiýi e,-Saturda>' sveîingJuiy l7tli i nelli har.peated ai Wawiîsda Frida>' Fns-deri,' Mies Alita Clark sttpnded the dance ea is u> 1,b'ti, d*seat a Mrs. Frank Martinsîs ft Fidav nj'et Antiocli Wednesay avening. i neuf aio ha #iven uuicr tise aspices o! Chicago. Ms atsMleo aeVla i-the Mlien orkers. WiII Nsrdiueyë ar l i blaes.tie!edMun frind brsTuemaIL 'Ia Il Th eiug part% tisait em ies at Muallen tsrm of E. H. Mi-ýr. MmJe clsmri ntra ig ;Wek sent a ins hunclis <f iefshome l1s. Mrp. oc Sbissser î eutrtaiigre ictof the wesk. The pat sîr'eexdlected hauit iurget thei- iais, v t Amassas s-iater Misa Stcsuisner, uo! Chicago. home Frida>' sud tissu her- wiill tu hall, itoun aulike, ict rSaturday err M. ese onabu is laviitîug sîbuegreat alories î.id abutati- sa lh lug. f, t! indas nChicago. thbat gai awsy. Frank Eriîart andîfJ-,vDbuar afiaut S. L. Cscfieid trausacted bueincisa ai Tise hail gama playad fiera Sunda>' lie 01anda>' ails cau ic.J.cG Wein Iau kagan Tuasday. tinu ra>'slake sîfîcietîn ream sud o!m Libertys ater f hcao irO . 1i.Baitecahal iransanted b usuva saheRound Lake Maroîsu seulted iu Mpnig.ih eh e M atisr.ofmeng. ata tise couni>' essi Tedaa victor>' for Uraysil s inanacrs. of ependnga ace cakeai brna.14 te 4. Nazi Sunda>' tise lrayplake Tue Lakte Cîsuni>' Tlaone Co. la 1Mrc Heur>' Kuebisar wv.lia lse înt-ans coeffl bais@nitb tIs, Long Lake puttiug telepisuses iu for E. Il. Meyecvr> ' s ick s considered momae better. teýam on tiseir home diaîsond. aud J. Peterssu ln the Moataîn ___________________ Mieadow fermi Rats.eownRuf se as@iiting Mr@. John Frrderickc with ber nnîrk for a fi-w wecekme J. F. Rouavy trausacieui buasueëseln Chicago onc day lasi week. LOUIS J. YEO-MAN Jack Bouse le havsug an addition buili ou bis boude. c' Berule Freoarinks us th-' awnen of a fins nene topbuggy. T EO T CA Frank Dietz vent tsi Chicago ona day WiIi Stieumiller, ioi Chisaga. se speud. HOT C A lug a couple of veeke ai Jacob _________________ _________________ Frederickes. ..~ . . VOLO MissAile McCliacbe, of Chcago, ia staying aithe Fred Dunuili home ibis week. Mrs. Harry Nicholla was in Liberty- viUse, Frida>' aliannoon. Mise Elida Rumsil e"nt lest week lu Waukegan. Mr@. John Wallon W"s the gusat o! relatives lu Wsuitegan psrt of lest wesk. Mie. Auna Compton sud MurI Cossinu.of Round Laite, nere lin n oueds>' lest wsek. Mr. sud Mrs. Edwsrd Luait atiended the fanerai of Wm. Thompeon ai UIrays- laite lest Tueeday. Mcr. sud Mre Ed Frost sud cblîdran, of Kenoeba, epent lasi neek w itb relatives bers.. Mmr. W. M. Hussîn le visiting relatives sud friands lu LIbeniyville tiis eeki. Mra. Chrias abel ents.risined a niene sud nephene tram Milweaukee lest usai. Mr@. Edward Luek and Miss Hellen Raymond ware lu Chicago, Frida>'. Miss Elaie Waiiau was sn Wsukegsu, Frida>' of lest week. 1 L %&AAL Wm. Leonard, of Chicagos, oeat part ýgur onot laest neek at the Siadtiled hbouse. MATERIAL Mm. Gussie Townsend, ai Graylake, MATERIAL called on triensudersmFriday. "Wbere are yau going, young manC' ight sud grades said teha. ,,Im going ta Amanne ni-st ber you bu>' or Satunda>' nlght,' ssid lie. "Then take my figures. me"," aid Osha. f Mr sud lmrâ. John Richardson aud WHITEWASH: : Mme Shuliz sitended the wedding ai a relative ai Palatine, Saturda>'. Mise Lue>' Dannili, of Long Lake, AD, Prop. visited bar parents ler. oua day lasi Mn. sud Mm. Paul Aver>', o! Lakte Villa, were Volo caltais Sunda>'. lire Beneeli sud daugbter, Mc,. Allie Ford, o! Chicago, were aven Sunda>' C aufon guesie of relatives liera. irve:S 1Mies Beesie Dunnili, ai Chicago. viited ~~ hem parant& ebe.lest Wsdneeda>'. L~ur finest iliten ihread-takes frein the iseart te imipulse, Ite - power, Its regniat- il>'. The Stomacb als bas le idden, or lualde nrve. t neasDr. BhopWho fIrai toldnsitneaO wrong 10 dig a weak or tsiling Stemacli. Bert or Kld- neys. Elas rass-iption-Dr. Sboop's Bs- e1raive-i directed strslgbt for the cause o! tbese silmeite-thee wealk and taltlsrlng Inoides nerves. This. un doubi eleami>' expiains why tbe itetotative bas. ot late gowu en rapidl>' lu populari>' Drugglstis aS> that those Who tant the lie.utorative even for a faw dayos sosuha. came tuli>' conviuced ot lis wond,.rfui iiurii. Anynes>, don'i d'ngr the organ. Trsating tise cause otf ici usasle tise oui>' sensible sud succesatul way. 8old b ALL DEALERS.. RUiSSELL Bey. Bro wu wes eutertaiuad avec 5Sanday ai A. C. Cornea'. The societ>' at Mm. Meryilae'à was wail aiteuded. The next meeting will lie at Mmr. B.A. Melville'@ the second Thurada>' lu Auguat. kThe Mt. Rsst cemeter>' sociaiy met with Mrm. A. C. Corrla on Weduesday 1atternoon, Jul>' l8th. Mrs. L. M. Bonnet bas beau entertain- .îng ber nisce, Mas Dodge, of Naoia. Mrs. Cliags ud daugliter are expected home trou tlieir tripTehuraday. Mrm. Corrna, Wlllie aud Laura iook lu the Gentry Pony Show iu Waukegan Tuady. Little Giadys Melvilla tel! froni a cherry tras Mouday and was quite badiy burt. Joe Mervilie bas been autertsining hie brother and family trom West Allie. Hauuah and Sadie Paintaet Sunda>' miorîliag for Kausas to visit relatives. Eva Carisnrim at home for a faw days. DIr. and Mine Browe sent Sunday lu Soînera with friands. R1. G.. Murrie was a Waukegan visitor Tuesday. Mre. J. R. Corne., daughier aud Miss Browe were 'Lion City visitera Saturday. GAGESiIZ t Misses Duiffy, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are ahere, to apeud the sommer witli ibeir sîster, Mrm. Lawrence. 1 Chaunce>' Date is spending pari, o!flie 1week in Chicago. Mr. Croker eajoyad s visit from hi@ brother, Charles, of Austin, the lest of tthe wLek. Mre. Taylor, o! Waukean, i5stsaying awith ber daugliter, Mre. Âmets. M r. Hagan and Mises Mai cli Mofftit, ot BChicago, visîted over Sunda>' wltb Mr. and Mrs. Date. Misa Molflit remaiuing to @pend tbe week. Mise Cleland, o! Chicago, is a vinitor st Fred VanZandt's. Chester Croker sud Harold Ama went te Zion City', Sunda>' ou bicycles. e Miss Mattis James returned from a 0trip te Dakota thea Irei of the wssk. Wiii O'Neil neturned Tusda>' wiih cattie troin Wisconsin. a Mre. Wm. Caine aud daughter, Ada, of Long Lake, were guests ot Mm. Cliard lest Thureda>'. LONG LAM__ Tom McGown, o! Chicago, la ependlng h ie vacation ai John Cleveland's. il Guy Book aud wife entsrtained a ocrowd ot Chicago boardere over Sanda>'. s Thos. Graham we a Waukegan dvisiter recauDti>. Mis adie (3eldeu, of DSSi Saud Lake, us e uen viung set atut, lir. Kats Stoffer. Frank Stanton trsnsacied business at McHlenry re.ýently. Miae Mande Tuner aud lister, of Grsysiake, visited finonds bheaone day lest wealc. Guy Hook was a Waukeasn visiter Mouday. Mms. Pat Grahiam, of Chicago, vislted relatives liesr ecentiy. Wm. Wallis wao a Lakte Villa calier Monday. Mr. sud Mrs. Offler,ot Chicago, viit- ed Mms. Chas. Sacks and family on the eaaî ambore lamt wsek. Mrs. Wilson, of Zeuda, le visiting har daugliter ou the south aida of the lake this week. TAYLOR GROVE. Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Key vlsited Katie and Will GelUing, July 4. Misa Nioniand Miss Coonay returned to thrir hoine in Chicago, Saturday alter spendiug a week lu the country. C. Leaci and daughtarcallad on fiends here at week. Choster W lby le very slck at pre.ent writiug. 'ion City callereduriug lest wek were: Minais Shepa, Ethel Lewin, Katia Gelliig, Mc. and %Ira. Fred Wilby and Mr. and Mms. Northrop. 'ion Cty mail route lies a new mail man on this waek. Bertha and Caence Crawford called on relatives liera e4eeay Miss Miaule Lesle visited ber oister, Mms , . Uselmora at Wadoworth ait week. Chas. 1awin apent Sunday afttrnoon wlth hia brother, George, wlio l sict. AnniA Joliason spent Suuday with Olive Wells. The Ladien' Aid Society wil uiaat with Mre. Will Oliver, July 21. Ruie Eddy bas the Blanchard school for the comlug yaar. Curnes dafeated Zion City' Maronealn a savan iuniug gains on July 11, by the score of 3 to 0. The gara was a pichrs baitliiom thb. hart. Guler, of (iurnee, holding tihe Maroone to 2 singleîsud aîriking out six in. On!>' 22 men faced hlm In the savon inninge played. [). Bennet pltced good bal, allowiug fiee bits aud strfking ont leu, but ha did not get good support, two of Gurnea's bures rune being scotai on errors. Batteries, Gurnes, Guler aud Calishan, Maroons, D. Bnnett, Pitt- away sud E. Bennett. r Score by inninga: 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 Total Zion City .........0000000 O Garcesa............O 12 00 00 3 The. ludependent snd Chicago Dally Inter Ocean $3.60 par year. MILLBURN, Mr@. Howard, of Kenosha. speut Weduesday witl Mcs. Chas. Matiiens. Mr@. R. L Hughesl, of Chilcago, le visit- Iug ber mother, Mrs. M. Spafford. Oeo. Anderson sud sons, of Lake Forest, epent Thursda>' wiîli relatives. Mr. and Mr@. Ueo. Wedga, of Antiocli, visitei Mr. sud Mrs. J. M. Stcang laet Thuraday. Miss Minois Corrde spentSatucday sud Sçuday wlth the home toike. Misses Edlth VanAlatine sud Ethel McGulre @pont Saturda>' st Urayslaka. Mise Helen Saford Icit Prida>' for s weske' viit wlth ber brother, Geo. MaDo'td, lu Chien"o. WIU IStraug lfeu Thuroda>' of lest week for Marshfield. Wis., accompanied by bie doster, Mis. Anderson sud chidren, wbo wlll vlalt Ueo. Andereon for a wesk. Mr. aud Mr@. Carence Bonner, of Evauuton, islted Saturday #sud Suuday wiuli the home foike, aiso Robi. Bouner. Jîarrie Thom weon the bine ribbon for the heet pou>' rider ai Liberiyviile, Jul>' 5di,unuder fourteon years of age. 1ev. A. W. Safford traauted business lu Chicago lasi week. Kra. Howard returned to Kanosa lst Frida>'. having epeut two weesit with lier daughter, Mrse. J. A. Thain. Tfis anu>'rieuds of Ueo. Osrrlty, of Union Orove, Wi., wili be glad to know that George is on the lqaiu sud la abus to visit lis uncle, John E changer. Mr. W. J. White, who weut to Utahi lent week returned Sunday with hi@ son Ernest, who leaflot able to gai &round. We hope for bis spsedy recovery. M re. Oeo. Gerrlt>'. of Union Grove, Is speading a few days with ber sister, Mrs. G. Odeit, otf(iurnee. The C- E. aociet>' an I- e rena social St the homne of David White, Tbursday evening o! thie week. Mmý. Jsisepblne Mathenes epant a few daya with Mr@ .Johu Rose. The Misionary soviet>' neuf hild their aanai miasisunar>' tes, Jul> 2tli. FREMONT Mr. and Mca. Frank Dorfier are the proud piacents of a baby boy. Mrs. Fred Moues le visitiug witli frienuis aud relatives lib is vlinity. Mr. anîl Mca. George Wagner were Libertyville cailars Sanda>'. Frank Ahari e@ient Soucia>'ai Liban>' ville. Martin Wagne.r sud dsughter, Tila, called on relat ives lu Waukegssstiunday. Mr. aud Mrs. George Wagner, o! Wau- kegan, @peut Ssiurday sud Sunda>' with their sou. Phllip, aud tamiiy. Ma@osra Arthur Bebm sud Lena Paiges, Ed Wagner sud lBertba Behus teuk a drive to Waukegan Sanday alter- noonl. Mire. P!aetz sud chidren, of Chicago, are visiîing with ber parents, Mc. sud Mre. John Deinlelu. Adam Bebm ia giviug hie bouses a nene rosi o! paint. Mir@. Joe Guarin, of Libartyville, rail. cd on frieudgansd relatives ber.s Frlday. Mis Lucy Stabi, of lBuffalo Grove, ln spending a few days wili lier sister, Mrs. M. Wagner sud fsmiiy. LOW FARE TICKETS WEST AND NORTHWEST VIA THE CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Low tare tickets frons stations on tbis railway to Seattle, Tacoma, Spokaue, Portland, Victoria, Vancouver, San Fran- cisco, Le@ Angeles, Denver, Sait Lake City' sud deoens ot othar pointe Westi aud Northwest. on "a .daly o util Hep- tember 80. Tlteti good to returuOcto- ber 31. Siop-orere andniioise cf routes. Completselitformation regardlng train ser- vice. rsllroad sud sleeping car fares, routes, sud descriptive fuonsre e.. F. A. Miler, Ua'l Pesa. Agent, Chcago. 42-3 Thîsile Notice. Ail Canada thistias lu the tonen of Warren muet be eut by July iSili, under penalty. OEo. EiCuENoER, 40-3 Tîiile Comma.sioner. PAUJL MAC OLJFFIN. Adjudication Notice. Public Notice la herebrv leii tisattise Suis. î isse Astinltraion of tis eRStlte utAnu& Iiavbara Fritaci. deceasad. wili attend tise Counisy Court ot Lake Cousity. at a terrm tiereet îo lis. olde.a t tise court House in waakegan, lis 9ald Cessniy. on tise ltsiosday ot Septembec ni. s9e9 wtien and viereauailpersoas bavnne c1i.amuainat saiSasiate are uotfied andS cesiuested t0 present tiselamne tusisad Couuctior adl.dcati. FRA NK D. FRIT80H Adi-srtý WINFRIiFD J. FRITSCH J dihavtc Waîsisga. 550e 11,. 39 State of Illinois, County of Lake, as: In the Circuit Court ot Lakte Couat>'. George H. Poster vs. John D. Man- ning, Johin H. Manning as Admînla- trator of the asiate of James B. Man- uing, deceasad, James P. Johinson, Daisy Johinson sud William Ayliig sud John Ayllng co-parinars as AyUlng Brothers. Gen. No. 3762. Public notice la hereby gîven that b>' virtue ut au order and decrea su- tered lunithe aboya entiied cayse iu sald Circuit Court ai the Match A. D. 1909 thereof, tise undesegned Master lu Chancar>' ut saidcourt w1lil, on Tue. day the 3rd day of August A. D. 1909, ai tihe bouc utouf oneclock ln tise afier- noon of eaad day. at tise Fut Main En- irauce of thie Court House ln thisOty of Waukegsu. lu .aid Count>' of Laite sud State ut Illinois oeil at public vendue for cashlInluband tu tise igh- est sud hast blddarthtie toliowlug de. 1 have at my home several styles of thse Baldwin Piano&. 1. invite yon to cail and ses. Prie., within tif. rsah Of aSU. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker ami Licensed Embuim GRAMMLAE - - - - -- - - - ----M o EH o- o o o o o o O FOR o o o o o o o o o o o o o * o laying Machiner, DEERING MOWERS DEERING RAKES DEERING TEDDERS KEYSTONE AND THOMAS SIDE RAKES ROCK ISLAND AND DAIN LOADERS KS ROPES PULLEYS CARRIERS SECTIONS OIL GUARDS KNIVES REPAIRS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU IF IF's CHNC"SSchanck, IT'S r s OOOD LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL. @@oooooo..oo.o.eaa IS VOUR ROOF 0. K? We can meet yonr requirements no matter how large or sna.ll they rnay be. The Prepared Rooflng we seli to our custorners by the roll ie the best oR the rnarkeut, and cornes complete with nailfi and cernent ready to lay, at the riglit priceo. Powell Roofiig Comipaii 117 S. 00«8«e St- WAUKEGAN rebpâo» KEEP COOL lIn the Hotteat Weather with. the Ail of an ELEUTRIC FAN In the home or 00e64 corniort l8a aswued one and ail, at an eX pense of leu than oxu cent an hour. Cornplete lineoffa rnay be &een at 28U Genesee St., Wanke flortIb More Eltttrk compar IFRED iWCltUIM SPEC IAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shlpping Trade le oua thoussnd sud sevestty-slx (1074) feet wsst snd tistea iundred aud tour (304)ftest nons of theSa outteat cor- net o! sald seclosn tourteau (14); tiseuce Southisaeventy-tossr sud one hlai (74%) degrees eolt ive humdred sud filty> two (652) teet along fonce; uhenca norts twenty-nine (29) dogreas east ouneisundrad sund forty-three (143) feai aiong tance; theisce nons fifi>'- nine sud ane half (59%) dogre«ee ssi two husidted sud twenty-elgist (228) teet more or losi aoeg fence ti tise center of Aveinue o!fY'orbricis Subdl. vison;, thenoe notieni> aloisi the conter in. of .514 Avenue t thse U. botwoess Lots foity-four (44) sudfort>'. TelepboaeNo.4 Lhbity ville I BAKER en .iCoNrEcTIoNa 1 Llbertgvile - Il HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPURgO WEDELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWN& ---------------------spe Oive (45) of sald BSubdlvlSl; tisNi sorti sesvent>a.toesr Md tissefcei5 (74%) dogegs osat 10 thse W5t edge ci tAise Marie; tisence northSt ta tise end cftishe point; tisne..duo an>' sud vosteti>' aionsglaise te, centerof thse osslet; tiseae so alang thse conter of saisi oltt now runs. 10àspoint onq, sevuat-slx (1074) test Wout* eau lin ot au aiseis;ts. to thse place of begIPiShS twenty sad tiPgtre» dredla (20M)5>*mie »*ý ~M I-u . amoi, Jm rwwwvlwvl Umm ----------------- Ok,

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