Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1909, p. 5

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LAKE CQtJNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1909 P EANUT BUTTER te ueed in many way-f o r sand- wiches, candy, flavor- ing, galade, etc. Beech - Nut Peanut - Butter le a blend of FRAthe finest aderd to u~~I Ls, varieties of Spanieh j i1J'ICII and Virginia peanuts wlth the addition of a FA r, is- M I -Dlittie mat, put In the Beech-Nnt (vacuum) jar le alwayo freeh and uweet. "BEECH-NLTT BRA.ND." Three eizes, 10c, 15e and 25c. Order a trial jar. J« ELI TRIGGS Headquarters for PTEAS and COFFEES f We Have 'E SMITH & DAVIS Liber"yi1le, fil No, these are Not Badges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - just samples of the up- 77 to - the - minute Neck- 4 w.- Wear that you '11 find in our splendid stock of- MEN'S FINE FURNISIIINOS Shirts that fit, CoUars and Cufs of real linon, Neoir- ligee for home and office, Underwear of seasonable weight, etc. A big etock for the natty dresser. the partienlar manx. Aloo ail the littie aide- ul! But- tons, Stick Pins, titc., and no higher than asked elsewhere for inferior goods. Note this fact. J. B. MORS[E & Cou E.rythI 1ng for tien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 131G 1. O. 0. r. PICNIC1 .ATrlAIR GROUNDS aathering SIated for Libertyville the Second Saturday in August. A Bi& Day for th. Fraternity. A On. Day Fair that Wail 0mw Thousands. For the purpoe. of naking finaa arrangement. for the. big picule a# the Pair grounds, S.turday, Auguit 14, the executive conimittee of the. Lake County 1. 0. O. F. Picale Asociation held a m tthgeI b hall of the loc" organuza- :li &Ia.onday evenlug. Tbe.e..refrom on. tu Ibm.. dlegatu Prom every lodge ln LakeOounty arua Mmd a rouai ag &Md enthua.Uc e Ontlin prmise. be b. .iggs.l one daY cnlc ver held in Uberyvgll. À Po air wi deecrube It botter and arragemet. ae beng mde to handie a very large crowd. Horne raclng wlll beoa tenture of the pvogram and bathtrotting and runnm. rewilll eh bob. Thon wil b. two hal Lme., one in the mornlng and anîeIn the aPternoon bewe.. ah. four bat teame innortbern 1111o: Highland Park, Paltine, Waukegan mid iii. Libertyvillo Rembler. for whieb a - flpure habeen provd.d. MOtOmcyclo racng whîch found ao mach favor at the rocet Waukegan celebration wiliI h an attraction. There willb h Ib..rires and the number of entrie. limitedto ton. The floral hall whlch in 40x80 feet i. to ho iioored and u.ed ae a dancing Pafflion. Music ail aiternoon Mu evening b Baphes orchetra. Mtchelle$ Mdilitary Baud will play for the entire The pieuic i. nat ta h. a Lake Connty ovent alane but many ladgee from Cook cauuîy aud Wisconsiu wîiU atdend. A special dispeneatian lias been oeéur.d from the grand ladge for a meeting lir that day aI wbub l ime degrea. will ba cou!erred toliewed by a banquet fer the liiatas. Thera wil be a parade in tbe maruing coumposed o! lodgee Pfromt th. diferent towne represented and speeches freni grand lodge officrs and other pramineut msen. The main çrogram will be illed in with PlantY of onîdoor @parte and cuntesti whicli wili make the day lu every way iutereeiagand eventful. The aflair i. managed by the Odd Feiiowe but elaborate arratfgements are being maade for the benefit o! th. general publiý Among the delegatee wba viitedj Lihartyvîlle Mauday eveniug were: Perry L. Persans@, J. M. Graves and S. A. Hawtbirne, e! Waukegan; J. M. Falier, Wm. Thornton and J. E. Gainer, Wau- couda. P. A. Peter., B. A. Root and F. A. l)eunman Highland Park; W. H. Bail,0. C. Johinson and C. E. Adams, 'Graye@laka; Norris E. Proccor,oaiAtiecb; othan Pfrom Milwankee and other snrroundinx towns. s k r Board Meeting. An adjourncd meeting a! tb. village board was leld in lb. hall au Moaday evening, July12. Pr.ideuî Ewerpreaid.1 log. Cloek cailed th. rail and the follewing auswered preseul: Eger, Carlett, Davis. Faulkner, Lynchi, Sclinae. bel. and Wells. Tax levy ordinauca, No. 200, fer Ithe passage Of which the meeting was calles! w.. read by th. clark. Meved by Wells and CariaIt tbat the ardinance ba pas- ed. Motion carried. TPh. bill of G. C. Decker for $665 for Pninlting the grand stand was read liv lb. clerk. Moved by Canetiand ahua.- hale thattdiabill h. allewed. Motion carried. Mayas! by Lynchi sud Davis that a croelngh. ut l onlb.wt aide of Dougas aenueacre. Dvision ulveet. Davis ad Lynchivoe yea. Corlett, Pau"n. " Sc nae.esd 'Wiells, nay. Miotion lest. Mores! by Wells and Faulknr that the street cammissioner h. lnslruct.d ta gel Orchard streel ln shape ta gravel. Motion carried. On motion 01 Wells and Corlett which caries! the meeting adjaurnes!. EARL H. CORLETT, VWlage Clark. Can Now Collect. Of tb. 151 new iaws whicli became, effective la Ililui8 a. a resuit of the recent Session of the legisatun, isa eu£ clearing tbe doubâtas ta the legality Of suit. brougtb y ciles for collections of deliuent lightanad waten laxes. Afler many yeare' effort ta et a bill tiongi lb, legisiature providiug lb. ity with the rigbt ta su, fer bis iéo ligli n watar unpaid, tb. law wa. finIt effective lait week. Whlle a ma iofa attorney@ lirouglieut the state labean candncting suit. far liglit sud waler bille, lier. bma aways existes! ameng lawyers a doutit as ta the con.i slitnîionality ai sncb proceedinge. lt is nnderstaod thal lieretofar, tie statut..a1I lilinois failes! ta provide the rigbt ta cilles ta fuuleli ligit aud watar service, except for tir. flgbllng ans! Street lighting purposes. Under law. Ihe demIes recognize lb, riglil of municipalities ta furulih iglt, water ans! commentcai power for prefit lie same as any ollier ceraporation. Te Water Consumnera. Ail water rente muet b. pais! ou or before Frday, July 16, or ne rebates wili tic1aliowed. EÂRL H. COeî.ETT, Village Clerk. 1 Methodjat Services. f Preaching by the pastar bath morning1 sud eveulag at the usual houri. In the eveniug tbe discoure. will h. upon the 1 400ti anulver.ary of John Calvin. As1 ther. la ube no eveulng service at tle Pebyterian churci we invite Our1 neiglibon te job neslu ibisse.rvI4 ntai 7:30. If th. eveniug in bot w, &hal fan1 you wilh the electrie fana.1 DAN0RSOAL Good morning, Mis Area. E;ant we came over lu your yard?ý Excavations are boing made for the neyr Jochhelmâ bakery building. The Md. E. Bunday echool wilIIplcnlc aI Lake Barsa is Frlday. July 16. Chas. Obnoru i. pendlng a vacation of two weoks' ai Turtie Lake, Wis. Warren Md. .ath lef t al week for a short ulay la St. J osepli, Michigan. Un*r. .Y. Moore, of St. Louis, willl .peud »verai monthe with relative. H. O. Iiddine, of Racine, Wjs., wue th. ~~ of Thon..sud Edw. Dreler lut Uir. Mmdlire. WilI Weil@loflt Wedue.- day or Siga, III., where they wil mak. a short vila. Uir. Mmd Mr@. Boy L. Hughie.s @eut Sunday ai lh. home of bis mother, Mr@. B.J ughm. Mns. iRolekh James, of Oak Park, ham the toute of ber .1.1er, Mr@. Daniel Lee, tb. p..î wek. MMS. Ge«o %IEon retnrued la.t Tbnmaday eveang fhum a trip o! several weeka .pial la the mot. F. B. Lovel la orne of the latent auto enthuimea"tmdreceutly purchaeda new Jackson tourigg car. M. B. Colby Wl Thursday on a trip tlirougb Kansas Md Colorado. He will be gone about tio week8. e Mr@. George #ller and Vera, oi Mlburu were Tuieda.y vieutraeat the home of inr. E. J. Hughes. E. A. Biuhop and iamily spent Tuesday and lu Milwaukee, whera hee was called on a business tii1,. Adance Wae given ou th. pavîlion et Lake Eara laut Saturday evening for the etudeuts o! 1he Sheldon eunimrer sachool. Mrs. E. W. Fuller. of Irving Park, epent a iew days thi. week vaitfi er mother, Nf. C. M. Fuller and otter relati vas. Harry Davis had &as hisgueste ast Thureday, his mothar, who reeides in Cato, Wis., and @inter, Mrm. Benton, o! Austin, Ili. The Shldon summar .cboûl at Lake Eara closed Thureday alter a muer eucceeeqful selon. There were about forty ,tudentiq ln attandauca. Mr@. Wood, of Haînesville. visited tbis week with Urn. C. M. Fuller. She ip 89 yaars aid and a heaitby aid lady. who bas spent moni o!flier lits in that vîcinity. Mr. aud Mns. M.O0. Johinson left lest Tbursday for an extended tip thrangb the west. They will Mop in Colorado and aiea rîsit the exposition in Seattle and ether coâst citle.. E. A. Ficke, th. supervisor rom Lake * Zurich, was hon on officiai busines Tuesday. A new bridge lias been ordared bulit by the euperviioro on Lake Street aver Buffalo creek. The aid famillar Rookefeller is ne mare. The aid prosaic title will ne mare r.mind you a! that loated corporation the Standard 011 *Co. 'Last Mouday evening the name was changed ta that A runaway match planes! bv Daniel Cupis! oeccnrd a lew weeka &go wheu Jas Jalley and Mary Kolinake wer. marries!. They are now living on West- ern avenue in Chicago. Parental wrath fafeus!ta Interfere wlth the ceremony. Friday morning at 10 o'clock the member. and friauda of th. Methodist Bunday echoal leave th.e hurch for Iheir annual basket picnic st beautilu Lake Fura. Fill your iamllfy basket aid came boa, fer alil lbefriands are lavites!. On accoueI of tbe bat wsstler tbe Elriucopal service.@ have beon discon- inues unMtIhaelOnt Buuday la Septem- ber. Union services weme h.ld lu lb. open air lait Sunday evenlng at the aid Union Churcli for lbe fir.l lime Ibis aummuer. The gras@ reeipto oi the. Epworth Lear e by the sale ai les creani cane. at the band concert me8t Thurida, v ning amaunlas! ta eomtniug over $20. The young ladies were diligent workar, and the crowd wera duty bound ta reireeli tiemseive. Rapresatatines et thelundusîrial News have beau canvassihg the tawn the past week Par a writeup edttion d.scribing tb. village and itd adrautagas. Tb. town is aise belng worked by repr.effnt- ativas ai a musical scliooi who wlll or- ganiza a string orchetra. L. B. Hauby entertaines! uveral freuds ta a dinnar party lait Mouday at higli naon. TbepatyincuddJ.B.iorse, W. E. Davis. W. C. Triggs and Fred Croer. Roaet cblckeu, dalilioualy brewued, occupied lb. tenter of th table sud Ilie culiuary artiet wa iighly complimentas! by his guests. Fred Jalley, lie nawedealer, will lu the futur. Laeudia ailmagazine. and periadi. cals ormerly bandled aet1he Flazg barber @hop. Substnipllons taken and magaznes c.nderad. Aiea n.wpaper order-stakenanddaliver.d. Phane 2768. Stand on Milwaukee avenue neit te Pester blacksmitb @bop. Henry Heidaman, brother o!flira. E. C. Young, was killad lu a on lb. Denver & Rie Grande et Cleco, Utahi, lest Baturday merningz. Bie train w.. a spaclal iearng Elkle ta the convention lu Las Augoe. H. had been a nsenger engineer Pan eigbteen yearusud this w.. the Oini and oniy wreck. 'Ph. village board itlel rumnons! pasees resolutioue Monday avenlng ihauking the ltambler. lôr tbe masterly style lu whloh liee'Çaukegan team w mdefested laet Snnday. 'Ph. Wet Ends aresat! tahbave gotten off 1h.ecar la the ont- ekîrteaifWaukegan lu order ta avoid meeting &My of Iheir f riands. I1!LPI!UL AN4D SAFIE We endeavor t.o render n helpful aervioe ta every patron We invite yon ta open an acooant with us. We wel- of-rno. e imali socounts an well an large ones, and your money deposited in our Bankin SAFE. HuE FIET NATIONAL BAN[ 0F LIBERTYVIILE NAME CIIANGED TO Dr LA SAILLE SPRINGS Copeland Farm las given a New Cogno. men by the Christian Brothers.. Agriculture 1th. Main Pursuit Thora at th. Present Time. Much Donsein the Lino of lmprovernents. A moit eurprielng transformation has takon place at the aid Copeland farrn durmgt1h.pat wlnleraudspring. This ferra whlcb comprieee about 227 acre. wa deeded to the. Christian Brother. Sociely by C. C. Copeland fast winter. TPh. origna l dea wa. to mcai Il ore.t- .Pmlug but a change wa. declded upon uom.Wim. Ngoand 1he placebhabeen cbrbeè8bMdDe La Salle Springs. 'Th. dini par" of the tille being 1he name of th. onder of the ChristIanBrothers soety who.e great work la kuown the world over and which ha. two large the city of Chicago. The diame ofP "prlgs"was aIsa Weillchossu on accoeaI of the famouesuenphur eprlag loctad on th. ground and whlcb pousue. medicialquallhles exceled by non.he. ebmpringe have heen knowu tu the reeldot. of Lake County for Year.mmd many travel mile. ta, drink the water and carry away a supply with thoni. This la but on@ of the attractive rseourcee of tbis farta. 1i A short lime aller the land had been deeded ta the .ociety it wan taken charge of by their repreeeutative, Brother Adînter and lie with the a8siet- aur.e!fBrother Loo, lias beau superin- teuding the work gaing on there the pait Winter. Any who May Imagine scientifle arming i. not being carried on there aïe eadly mistaken and the ground le being made to preduce erope that canuot hae urva8eed anywliere. Th,,v lied many difticulties ta contend witli. The wooide reeembled African jungle. se tangled and dense were the tbickets and undergrowth. Many of tb. field@ were of the agnicniturist. t Nothing daunted by these diflieullies these brave men begani their wark. NMonetary cansideration le uit a goal lu tlîeir lives Tbey have cbaeen their life wOrk. aeeepted the faith aud sicamu thenîseve. ta duty. The joy thay gel a utrOa!fle le doing emething well and 1 uceeding in any undertakiug they may 1attempt. Ta improve humanity and t" 1aid growing boys la becoming useful m',î being the main abject. c A gang of men was immediateiy put sta work and they bave been kept busy. 1The Ibisties were grubbed[rom theflids, the uudergrowtb eut Prom the waod and 250 tibeep quit. recently pnrcba"e have beeu pur in lb. woads to help keep doaw the growtb of vegetatian. The aid rcraak in the road whicb many autolsa wiIl remeuibar anite distiuctly was 1etraightened by the bighway commWs elanar. lait winler and several large and averbauging treea which bardered it remaOved. Drivers uaw have au un- Obeitructed view of the raadway where once tliey were unable ta ame mare than fifty feet ahead. The farta bulding@ have been repair.d and maiy imprvvemenis lu the large tarmboue whicli was originally bulît by Mr. Capeiaud. Mir. Copeiand bas three raams ber. whlch are reeerved exclusively for hlm and whicli h. la ai tb. preseut lime accupylng and wll a ccupy during lie. .ummer sojaurne lu iLibertyville. The fan wark and the growing crops iare et the preeut time tlie particular pride o! Brother Adjutar. Be lias oe very fine tracta!f cern laniland another- 1part o! exceptienally fiue aatis wbicb 1bu Pointe Ont as tbe fineet ln Nartlieru Illinoi8 and from the loaks ef the fields hi. assertion le correct. And with particular empliasislie adds tbat tber. le Dot a Canada thisîle in either. Itealizîng as ail up-ta-date fermer. do tûese day. tliýt no salif tanlie cultivated year after year witfionl becoming pour and barren. H1e le prepariug ta meet thie emargency and ta enrich ssal that bas beretofor. been lucliued ta lie uupreducîive. One large rick a! manur. aver 200 Peet long, piled lu layer. witb layer. of! day between, le beiug prepar.d as fartilizer and le au example o! Borne of tbe modemn methode being employed lucre. The whele fartalias been newly fenced witli specially made wir. fnciug and ie nol ouiy bog tiglil but dog tiglit sud the ebeep browe a&bout without fear of molestation. The DesPlainas river erosses this !armn, descrlbiug a bore @ho@ bond bardered by the meet beauti- fui piece o! woodland te h. found lu Lake Cauuty. Thle beauties of Ibis prepenty are mauy aud the Catholie picei hicli will h. held Ilier. the.latter part of lbe monîli will give maiy an opportunity 0 of.elung what Changes have beu mad. The first crop o!fliay was beiug harvested there lait we.k and it wMas pleaslng aud tbougbtful consideraîlon ebown ta the men enmployed, that man can aud ai ian dom. .bow buman*, ioward mai, that struck a esuuad observer. & beavy raminson w.. approacbing from the *uuiwe.î and ther. was atm lmach hay la cocks about the field ready ta steak. 'Ph. min would menloso! lime and mous!. This, liowevr, did ual .eem the çaue. o! any worry ta the Brother.. That tb. men shouid have refreebmènlî and a short rest w.. tbe Masl Important thlng on the pragram. Big drape were alrsady Palling wben Brother Adjutor ealled a hall and peronaliy eerved lhm« enwith tea and ham aandwtcb In tlu iiiils!. "lW. cau't hip 1h. main,"Il d h., "md bealde. ther. la eomnethlng ineut la siahi. Help youre.I." >00* Clearance Sale of, Summer Dress Goods Wc art niaking a big reduction ini the price of ail Light Weîght Dress Goods.' Cail anud sec them NOW IS THE TINME--- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF BANKING We are prepared ta serve the. people in an acceptable way. Tht Business of this Bank H. b.en under on, antI the same conoervative, progressive and respoaible managean"t for the pasî sixteen yeare. andi tus aperisuce insures ta depo.itorg every possible safeguard for moneya entrn.ted to ite cave. Capital and Surplus, $7.5,000.00 LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK H2ULPHU LUBING Tihis ia the acajou whcn thte condi- tion of your plumbing fixtures demandea your close attention. The overhauling oft.plumet.. ing ofyour home is as necessary as houae-clcaning, Ifyou intend making repaire or inatafing new h..ý turcs, we shali bce glad te figure for yau. providiug le guarsulea of prompt sud perfcct wonk et reamon- kable price. Wc sel snd itail the fanions 'ia.d Parcelain Euameled plumbing fixtures. *âbmu#e Ware bringi. s wcsltli of hcahk ta your home sud inereassn lu ailing value L ALBERT W. LITCHFIELD, LibertyvlIc Clearing Sale BAR GAINS Yard widIe 2%c Percales in light and dark colora 7 I 20c and 25c Sj oys' and Wauh Gonds...... I2c Mon'a 25c Caps j jiL 50e and BBc Hand Sg a*..........2 1 5c and20c Wash Gode and Voiles........ Boys' 25c Blouses a sizea 3.,4 aud 5only Smailisire women LS ... 5 T,, 25C Babies' Cap*a A l Clearing Sale Prie.. 1 5 50e sud 60c 5 Babies' Bonnets ....2 Sun Bonnet. ClearingS"a Prie. . - eeq il,' ýpi y r r t 1 -4maL -

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