Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1909, p. 3

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LAKE 0OU14TY [NDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909 Juet reoeived a oarload of the Celobrated Sae uge ALL THE LATEI. TYLES0 Prioes Hight W. aluays carry a full line of HARDWARE (IOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, IliBnois (Irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Froeh Brea.deer day, Homs Made .akes, Pe and Other Paatry. Lunches and M"al served st ail houri. il à D y CIOARS E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. QRAYSLÀKE, ILLINOIS We Have a Fn. In. I» 1itattonry and s.uviIPFocS Carda OUJR ICE CREAM' Deflges Competition, It la u"e by ail the leading soda planes along the fine- Grayslake Pharnrar,. Round j Lake Drug Store, Irree Lake andI al pointa eurrounding Fox Lake and I ngieide. We are putting oult a iruh bigger muppiy than iaot year. Once unedt alwaye oas-I GrayJsiakeCreamer!J Watdies. C"ock&MsdJewdry Reirai AUl WoeI (uaranteed SPECIAL OitDER FOR JEWELRY Promply Fifld W. H. MOORE (iraelak . - Ifinois The CozIg Corm BARBER SIIOP Law Fiagg, Proprlstar Juil arcnnd tire corner on Sprague Street, oeis thie Boehm buill- in« and appoeits tire Pester bîtcemitir ehop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigare and Tobacca Laundry Agency Razors Hoaed SE E RUSSELL Lumaber Yard For Figures an BUILDING MATERIAL liy pricsâ are rigiri andI grade@ gond. Wbetirer yoo boy or nat get my figurei. PREPARED WHITEWASH: Ifa S. tIEAD, Pr.op. SPIRO Spiro ra a powder that je guar- acteed 1,0 remove tire ador of Perspiration. It will misa sas sore, tired andi barning feit. Witir every 25o package we give you a handiome piture of the Niagara Falls 13x.leohes. (Jal in andi get a sample andi ses he picturs. Druce Drug Co. H. Watson, R. Ph., Rockefler C. Thompson, R. Ph., Grays"» H. Clevsland, R. A., Round Lake Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Oppoe uSt. Peut PeIghDepef Libertyville, 1Ilinois Machine Shop R8EPAIR WOR AUTOMOB ILE: WORK A SPECIALTY Engins. Overhauled. A Ful Lino of Sundrias. Tires Re- paired. Wbon le Trouble TELEPIIONE - ry* nhmte 661 or 1262 RUSSELL Tiare wilire preaching nsxt Sunday. Conne aid hear Air. Brown'e excellent eernon. Tihe lt. Reet cemetery cqeety met with lira. A. C. Cornes lait Wodnesday afternoon nith a goati atteedance. It wao the annuai meeting and thre tallaw- ing affera were siecteti Nra. J. 1). Miurray, vremident; lMra. P . .Murrie, vice preoident; Mre. W. J. Oliver, secre- tary; lire. E. A. Reevee, tretelurer. The neit meeting wili be wirb Idre. A. Morrne inKeuia lire. Sarahr Young vieite-d 1Medames Banner &ni Murrie last Wednesday and attended the socîety. Gordon Banner epent-one day aIrf wek wrth hie oncles, liurrie Broc. Leiter Murray iai gane ta MluwaukPe where he ha@ aceptet a position as tire- nan on the newN' orthweetern railroad. lire. - Laura Browe. of Minneapalis, Mine., c vlsiting Dr. Lewin and Mies Bron'e. Mir@. Geo. Siver laeneterraiung ber daugirter andi tamily troni Milwaukee. Mir. andi lire. E. J. Murrie epent Suri- day ie Kenosnha. lir@. C. Chane and daugirter relurned lait Tbursday troni their trip. Tey repart a delighttui trip. A large cnowd cangregared at Rusel Sunday attereoun ta es-e thre eient bridge liftret rira piai.e. It nas scclia slon' pruevet but very ten' uould stay ta aee it pentormed. lic. arndlire. H. W. Siver, oi Kenosha, @peut Sunday at tire 1. L. Sîcer home. A numben troni ber,, attuendtithe Wild West show in Kenosha, Muaday niglir. B. C. Meleiîle. bis mnother anrd May were Kenutsha viitori recetly. FORT HILL Bamney Amaunebai bought a 100 acre tarin near Lake Earm ant i wll take Poasession Marcir 1, 1910. John Sutherlandi andI tamily, ai Wanks- gan, @peut Sunday at C. L. Thomsnone@. Mise MaryStantant isle pendieg trie ,eoea at iRacine. F. 8. Spofford, af Chicago, n'as a guet ot A. B. Combe tram i<turday unti lMônday morning. Major Hauxhurit and eMater, lira. Cara Tham. af Wauksgan, visited at the C. B. Combea home Sund"a aternoon. Min Erma Huion la home tar a len' daya. She le aponding tire sommer n'ith ber @inter, lira. Ben liartin near Lake Zurich. On Toeaday atternoon lir. ted lie George Walton gavs a very peiant atternoan part'y iluhor ofut tieir grand- mother, lire. J ason Converses seventy. nietir birtirday. There wera tee elderly ladies presser n'haee combmned ages wera 618 (yeara, tire yauegsat ixty-live and the eldeet eigity-two; tour gonera- tiona n'ere prese. Seveeteen gos were prefent. Tire ciabonate supper aed soiol tiras will be irappiiy remembeced by ahl. LONG LAKE lira. Wilson tai returnedti t ber home at Zenda alter visiting ber daugirter bore ion severai dayî. liraoaiBook wai a Chirago visitor Mandasy. Giford White transactsd busines§e at McHeery ans day lait week. lira. Chas. Sacka irai been entr!rtaining campany from Chicago. Mr. Shubert and daugirter entertainied company tram Chilcago, Sueday. Mir. aed lira. Wili Snyder and ion, of Lake Villa, visiteti relatives here Sunday. Several more tente have beau pitched an tire new subdivision on the sait ehore the lait week. Ed ted Jay Grahama wece Chicago visitore the firît ai tire ws.k. LOW FARE TICKETS WEST AND NORTHWEST VIA THE CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Lan' tare tickete tram stations on Ibis railway ta Seattle. Tacoma, Spokane, Portland, Victoria, Vancouver, San Fran- cico, Los Angeles, Denver, Sait Lake City acd dozeuniot ather pointe West anti Nortirn'et, on mlie daily until Sep- temirer 80. Ticketa gond ta retorn Octa- ber 81. Stop-oversatnt choices oruntea. Comploe information rfgrding"ralner- vice, rallroad and leeping a tares, route«, anti teecrirtive, flgerree. FAÀ. MillerOe' Pas.Aget,Cile7a Tirs clevereet Imitation of real Caftes ever yet made la Dr. Shoap'î Heaith Caftée..It la fins Iu lavr--ant le matie lu just ons minute. Na tediona 20 or 80 miuutea boiling. Matis tram purs pareir- et &lains, niait, note, ste. Bample tree. CORLETT & FRE.DEfICKIL lira. Boutweii anti daugirter, Ruby, ot Sontir Haven, Micir., are guette at the Cera Allen home. Mises Serrure tnd Blanche Patter, of Okahoma City, are the gueire of tbiri cousin, Miss Gynetir Ricir. Gladie, Maaie anti Robent Edwarda, ai Waukegae, n'ere tire gueste oft tiir muent, lira. N. Smitti eneek. lira. Flovd Wlbur anti daughtsr, of Chicago, are tire gusats of lire F. C. Wilbur. Etitor Strait la entertainlng hle cousin, Mie Souder#, of Chicago. lire.Bllard returnet lait vek tramn ber trip ta Caitornia wbere ie@ ai calleti a tew n'eeka ago anaccannetouthtir iliiesesoai er irrather. lire. Orentor!, maiher aiflir@. George Haoftman andthtie latter'a taugirter, Mii Edthilt oftman, of Biomlngtan. anc bre for a six n'eek'a vlet at ths Hfotman ZO$O--4e a hme. Ralph Wilminton iett Wednesday for a trip to Seattle, Waih. Don Rislly, ut Libertyvilte, apent seveiti daya tus n'eek ai tire guest of Elmer Burge. Mi"e Zta Bendeirr, ot Chicago, le tire goset otiErgraidmnotr, lMra. MGratir. lire. D. T. Webb ted daugirrer, Lucie, oif Warrksgan, epent Ftidty at tire B. J. Loftus home. lire. Henry Kîrobken le aucir improveti. Jesse Longtbmulzh traniacted buineei at Racine, Tueedriy. Mien Florence Watson, o! Lake Vila, caileti on friendi liera Tueeday. Hanny GJetry (in tire rural delivery rouiteNo. 1isle rkrng a two n'seke, vacation. Cirai. Kapple iraibsen ap- Poînted ta f11 hiirplrce durieg the time. Nlrm. Sert Ploniemnd titogiten, of Waukegan, are tire gaera of lire. J. Plunien tuae week. Mise Seulie Wagner le home elci n'itb tire rîurpe. Donald Iteilly, of Libertyviile, le visit- iug friendi irere. lire. Tina Wbtraore aed daugirter Mirenie, lire. O. B. Whirtmare, Miafts An- ethel andI Ruthr Wbtmore ted Loveli Witmore leit Wedneeeray for Burdetre, Colo., n'bece they wil epenithtie reruale. der of tire summen. !rn. E. B. Doolittie n'ai at W aukegan Monday. tMr, andi Mre. Speh anti tamily are viriiting friende rit Madison,Wr. Mn tead lire. Warren Hook andI Iainily, i uf Loori Lake, wene rire gueste of Mr. and Mtis. Bunge. Mise Annabel Whirmone sperit %Mu-i day aud Tuesday at Lake Forest. -Nrs.(J.I. Wiitnrrîre, ut lltni-ock, Wr., i@ tire guet outlMre. E. S. Whit- m,îre.i NI. ted NI'ti. erred @peut Moaday rt Autiocir The Grayolaks Cemeteny Society n'iii meet wit Ir lre. i. A. Fenion, Thureday July 29. Vieitane alvem welcome. P. D,. Batterehaîl andI tarily accora- paniet by relatives andI tieuda helt a plenie la lir. Batrttaile grave at Gags. Lcakb, Soeday. D. Gi. White ted Itrîîîly apeet lait wcek camping at Third Lake. Cira. Rad and wiflc id Ciicag6;. are heme tara tva n'eeks roisit wltb trienda ant relatives. L, Y. Syke. transaûreti bus ei Chilcago, Tnaaay. i auy of the Odd F'ellows' ted tiri stamullesanadt riseds are planning ta Battend the big picerîtutLlibertyviils,1 Auguat 1&. e Iiss Wlnifred Woirllrd, of Oak Park, ile viaitlng trienda bore thîs week. 1 Mm. Wm..Springer vimited Mca. lKruS- mark ln Chicago, Tuesday and Wednei- day. 8h. wmaeeccamarred home iry her rmother, ira. Lewis, ,of North Whalsa, Penn. lidise Mînnie Nelaon, .1 Vntioch, le thes rgueita!flIdre. Jas (3anwuod. Lou Smitb, ai Silver Lake, n'ai the eguetn! hie cousine. Mesdames Lottua ant Garwaod last Tburcday. The dance at tire opera bouse n'ai n'eu attsnded lest 8aîurday eveering. over 70 num ber@ belng Pold. E-rybody reporte agoadti me. Tire n-r îlrarrý will be July 318t. Mise Ariette lirrrili, Iof Vx Lak, nas bers Monday. Mr. Aibright, whî, nas lorrîeriv rit tbe [lacheeter chothingrhlions,, noivof \lay- n'aod, is the gueit rîf . t. Re.ynrîid. H. Holmes iras hi-, sster and nie-,' viaiting hlm ant iey r r,,git ir ar, be'rn hie litte ion wbaur his ereter lia,,been caring tar. LeanartiBok baire,,unied iris nîrk in tire City altsr a week,, ilces,, Reunlon at Grayslake. The reunion yul le beld Arîguat 2 ted 25 at Wick'a gruve, Grayelake andI great preparqtione are beirrg ruade1 by the difierent committee,,, rure trie a bizger and greater su(ocem(4 tian ever betore. Weddlng With a Roroance. Lait Tneetay afterrion rit tihe Cur grëgational cirurch, George Gooding, whu le emplayei at riel'eter black- emuth bop was united in rirarriage to isEthel Finet, uofIlartford, Errgland. MiM8 Finch in a charrurng Young lady who n'ai lic. Goodiog's eweetheart in hie bovhooti days and when lie ldr Englanti to aek hie fortune in Amerrît sorne ilve or elx years aga ire promlsed ta reture or setd for her a,, soon aisire wae abîle. Tn'a weeka ago Mise Frecir arrived at tire Oooding horne ta greet ber lover n'ir hacisnt for ber a teve n'eeks betore. Tirey will makre their home at tirs Goodingfann aand he willcantinue hie work at tire blackemîti sirop. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN WAýDSWORTýH.ý Froru the field caraesetire @ceet ut eew mown e ay. lir. Wm. Waddeil i8s pendieg a ton' dayt§ in Kenoiba Mir. ted 'Mir. Geo. Herberger, ot Wau- kegan, are vimrring relatives trie n'eek. Tire eweet candy raan'ai a welcorue taller ie tire village Tuesday. lir. aird trs. E. Wimmier (nos Martira Nere) tnd îhldrerr, of Milwaukee, are @pouding tire week at Heery Luxes. Janeette Hayes le tayieg at the bonis o! W m. Fendick. Mir. aed Mmr. Park Von Wedestaledt, af St. Louis, are tire gueite of lire. M. Doerk. Mir. Ueo. Cashmora entertainsti her uet. Mies Mary Gallagirer, tram Ken- osira, ans day tble week. Fred Miler n'ai seen on Main avenus, recently. 1 Oliver Neleon spent Sunday at home. Mike, John aed Nick Lux atteeded tirs Wild Wesat Show at Kenaeha, lianday. WiirilpaYing bail lait Sueday, Fraek shea andi Gens lieCten had tire rieor- tune ta, rue inta sacir ather, Frank bav- ieg hic jan' broken lu twa places. He wili ire laid up for sains tue. Gene bat Vwo fiegeri put out of joint. j_ WARREN'rON lire. Dren' andi MiisiAlie Drain, ai Waukegae, @pont Suuday n'itir frieude bore. SMaiter iEdward Kelly in vietieg wlth Mn. and lim. J. Sireridan. Mn. Joirn Nesiy iai movedtotatire Klager place, which ire pureaet e set- ly. Mir. Michael Ryte le vlltieg witir relativea in Chicago. Lttie Boy-àfamma, 1 wlsh youd find out who It wai irypnotleed me amt punnhsh @m evsv.y. liammab-Wlrat? LIttle Bor-Whlle Yeu wu ont h wua pullsd right Ijeota hs pmntry an'fose bu éat a whole lot of tItoiscoomms. y« idImuutnt touci. GAGES LAKE lire. Date wea le Chieago Wedneeelay. C'. C, Âmnes recntly eolt hie six acre n'oad lot ru Fred Satterehaîl. lice. Dix andt t' dangirtere, aif au. kegan, vuited at Chai. Snyders melat Wedaeeday. tir. Cieerer Murphy anti chiltiren, andi lier nephe', Itaipb irlMtz. ut Waikon, Ion'a, visited rit Oea. Kappese lrist n'eek. Mise Grac-, Croker entertailiod fiende tram Llberryville aven Sunday. Dr. and Mtire Mlntok, of Chicaigo, stappediwitî r.canti lr». Keller over Studty nigirr n'ili antirirr n'ry ta Fox Lake. lise Cana Suydor le spending tirs week ln Wankegan. M. anti Mmr. Cirai. Hamlil ted son, ot Lake Villa. epeet Sunday at George Kapple's. lir. licCullougir entertaieiber brother andtIister tronnCicagoreceetly, Tirs Ladiesl' Aid Society will meer un Tirursday, July 29 vîtil lre. Johe Craker. Viitons velcome. 1WEST FREMONT. lic. aed tir. Charle Wen'itzer. (il Honsy Lake, n'ene visitors at Vire home of Henry Nondmeyer. Fred Norduiseyec, ai Sarriegtoe, sponît Sanday ert Wiii Lohman's. lira. Kapplo and lir@. Diets, af Grays- fakte, vera callers ai Henry Tekampes Suetiay titennoon. lir. ted tire. Mat Lange returnoti ta their home in Chiriago alttereapendieg a tsn' 'eseat Jacob Frederiek'e. li. n. dlire. John FMeeriek Lad thiri baby cirrietenet Suntay afternoan. lir. Henry Nordreyerad san, Ervin,1 ai Barrlegtae, are @pouding a te, dayî viti rerlatives le ti!.vielnlty.' lire. Frank Dietz le entertaielng ber mathen aed tatirer foc tifen' oesh. Mies Rase Fredenice anti li. anti trs. Mat Lange client Sunday at Fox Lake. lir. Wili Lohmmuan ad rathsr, Mme4. Nordmeyec, n'era Hainivîlis cahier, Weneeday. Tire Indepedent anti Chicago Daily Inter Ocean $3.50 per y«W.à GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT F. J. DRUCL Emor Phone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertiting Rates On Application A. K. Bain n'ill serve les creara eîery Sarurday evening ontil turtbr.r norie. Tire Ladies' Mslonary Soeciety n'ili huId thein 'tissioaary Teri. Wednesday, ,iuly 28<. Everyone n'elcome. C. E. Tapie. .Iuly 25: Heroeio.Nliiseions in China Matt. 5:13-16. VictorStrang, leader. VOLO. tir@. Buti Hoson, of Liberryville, le visrting lM@. Cirity itaugirt tris week. Rev. Jus. Remupe stiert Thursday le Chiclago. Miss Lydua Nîciralis wts in Wtuiondt, Monday alternoon. Freerute Snyder, rof Bristol, Wi cnlled rit tIre Itaugît ftair one day lait wetk. Mianueil atroger 'as tire goet if reatiîves un Ctiiago uver 8undty. Mise Launa Smrithr,rut Mendora, Ill-. le visiting ber sisten, Mis Elsie Smith. Henry Sutherland, ut Waukegan, lm spendueg atien' iys wrth tir. ted lins. Cira. Raught. Mr. knti trs. Wr. Hironimusiand sire. Chrester, wera at Fremont Center liant ut lait week. Mr. ted 'trs. MthrrBaur n'ere cailetI ta Chicago lait week by tire dearir ot Mir. Saure brother. Mrsc. Henry Effileger visited relativese rit Grayelake anti Libetyville tire latter part ot the n'eek. Mir. anti Mr. Orvîlle St. Peter andI ciiltiren, ai Highliandi Park ifere Sunday goets rit the Ratgirt home. lire. Chrie Dillon, ai Wmokegan. came out Saturday tort vielt n'ith relativesi hrs. Misa Kate Frost ise rsguesat airala- tivee lu Chicago tie n'eek. Mesdames Fred Dunilil anti Harcy Nîchoils n'era iu Litertyville, Manday. lir. tnd Mlr. Ratebtord, of Chicago, ara viiting at tirs John Raaieg home thie n'eek. Medames Raymond andI RaugirI calleti an tiende at Long Lake ted lianaville lait Wednesaday. TAYLOR GROVE. Haying le Vhs arden ai tirs day. tins. T. O. Hogan ratureiharas Fnl- day alter epending a n'eek n'iti her daugirter, Mr@. J. Sirea. Mimes laude Len'in le viiting relatives Walter Scott fell off a mn'er Satur- day, burtn'as nar inluced »e.loosly. Wili Kelly traiactemd business bsn@ Saturday. Stella Sirea visited triederit Ilîlsuatt Prairie lait n'esk. Mir. ted tics. C. Caobmore epent Sun. day witb A. Leable ted !amily. Cirai. Lew'in and Lauis Gelling n'sre in Waukega on Thureday. lins. F. Dietmyer ted lins. N. Lui wero lieaon lisinees Nfontty. Tire Irrende rof Miss Lortta Doyle n'lli1 ho gladtI rubornsire ie gettlng along niceey. Mr. anti tis. Gi. A. Oseborne vlîited1 J. Bennett Sunday atternoon. There n'as a lange attendante at tire Riser-rans ehurchirbath morning anti ovenirîg. Gorge Len'in le very paorly. tir. ted tirs. T. A. Hogan @pont Sune- day in Wadswontb. Katie Gelling vielteti relatives in Waukegrie lait week, Donnie hisadianr le brving iris barn paîitet. Robert Gelliag @pont Suary liens. Mtr. J. Hoffman n'ai calîsihobsn a businress Stturdty. Notice. Tire pantneraip ai Docker & Regal,1 paintene ted decorttora, iras been diesol ved @Ince May 20, 1909. 42-3 C. A. REGÂL. If people vitir eymptoame ai kidney or irladuion touslecaulti their dan- ger rirey n'ould n'ithoet lago ai time com- mence takieg Foley'e Kldney Rsmsdy. This Weat raetiy §top@ tirs pain ted the irregulanities, îtrengthene anti iuilda rip th-nie organe andti uere la no dane ut Brigrte' tilseas or Chler seniau: i. order. Do noV dleregard tirs eaciy aymptaraa. FRaàP B. LaVELL. I hive at my homne several stvles of the Baldwi.n Piano&. 1 invite yoo to call ani esee. 'Prices within the resoh of &H. GEORGE E. STRANG. lindertaker and Licemsed Emba&mmp GRAYSLAKE - - - -~ c lAO j,. Miss Clara Fouts bai azone to W heuton tua an'k'@ vacation itl ber eiec.e, lins. Ralpi W isaton. Victor Strang left Ion a vîcît wiib relatives. , lira. ea. Tillotterîn, or Bristol. anti lira.Brtzee and serr, ut Kemoaha, Wls., visited laitn'eek n'ith lire. Cira. Matlieva. iiBesile Bar. utfGarmes, pent several day. witb ldires lie Chope. lir. anti Mra.EtI Tavlorand lira. JoaepineTaylor, focmenlya! lilibure, vislted Mlr. ant W. B. Stewart Sue. day. John andi Jamnes Lon', ai Evanatan, spent8untiay n'ith tiritut, Mma. Rater. Antrew White, af Nebraika, viited J. W. Whtte and ther relatives in this lcinlty. Mir. andi lre. H. E. Jamiion and lire. JM. Strang wera Chicago visitore lait Fritimy. .Mrra. Carweesa anti daugirter, liatge, at Ciicago, are vietieg O. A. Nsison'e. %vy. A. W. Saftord attenedt a conven- tion tram Tîresday until Friday at Lake Geneva. Mir. and lire. Scoat Leva7 aed irildren trava ta Kenoos ioinday. Ean Coiler spent Saturday antiSun- diay vîti bis mîltirer at Zion Ctty. Mrm. Sssftîd and daugirter, Helen, ne- turneti lrom Chicago anti Wheatae Thora- day. Mie Estella Haines, ai Gurnees, vielteti tramn Satundoy util Tueday vitir Mises liarjorle Cannan. lin. Ciraffee, of Kenoeha, and hie dangirter, MliraWngt, fnra Loi AnzeWei, Cil., will vimit Min. Chai. liatirews trie Cbe Etic *Uac lume i rSocb pditMa&W Carpet, mad rugi neyer have ta ire taken up, carrisd out a"d beai The machine thorougtly cleaus upbolstery, mattresasa, dra"ry, clotbi book@ andi waiia, aaving wear and tsar on thsm, and time, labor aïd pense. Exery partiesof doit and dirt in enekedti irough noulis aMdb into the tank, whenoe it may ire removeti and burned. It aboiebeai annoyanceeand expenas o! apeclai ouascieaning timee. We rent vacuum cleaners. Cali for particulars. forth Shore Eletc C I230 N. aonesse St. WUEAI IS VOUR ROANOF O. MI *We can meet your requirements n *matter how large or arnali they rnay be. *The Prepared Rooflng we sel to *our custorneri; by the roll is the best *on the mnarket, and cornes complete Owith nails and cerneut ready to lay, at *the right prices. Powell RoofingComp--ariy> 117 S. Gene. St. WAUKEOAN GURNER Mr. and Mr@. Levi Wat and lire. Kate wait spent Toeiday et thre home ot Mrs. Dilsey. Ruby Hughes @pent several dayi witb Mimees Berthra and Margaret Wite, of Miihurn. 1 Mir. and lire. Roy Bracher entertainsti campany trom LibertyvUlle, Tueaday. W itt Albrigirt Lai been visitiîg hers tire past woek. Mn,, H. D. Hughes là apndlng a few daya ln Chicago. 1 X184e eteUa Haine@ spent a few day. with Mine liarjoii. annon, of Millhurn. Min Cynthia Vose le viilting triende ln tâtea vlcinity. lir. and lir@. Norman Brown and san, Chrarleseame vieitingsometimeinnarthern Wisconsin. Preaching aervice@ at thre Chritian church Sunday marnieg, July 25. Everyone ie luvitedt tacorne. MieDeme e arc @pent aometims wlth Mies label Chope, ot lihliburu, doring thre pait week. Mrc. aed Mns. Chria Winteroanad children, of RoaeranaapeerSunday wlth R. B. Dixon and taraily. Frank Young, af Liecoln, Nebraska, visited hie causin, LDr. Young the first Of the week . tire. W. Appleyard n'ai a Chicago viaitor Toseday. Nahuma Lamb busiraeturned home tram birp np eWiaconsin. Mie Ethiel Muera, at Waukegan, le1 vlsitlng lir@. Wakefield. Mire, S. J. Youeg left Tuseday tor Fremant, Nebraaka, ta viait her daugir. tec, lire. Murrle. lir@. Thoam and daughter aiea lira. Gray and niece speet lait Saturday at1 Liecoln Park..1 lir. Gager, of Irving Park, @pont Sun- day at O. J. Ormqby'8.1 Mir. and lire. John Bnett entertalned trisude tram Sioux City lait wesk. lire. Hanford and daughter, oieneeeo, Ill., laepending sometîme with her aliter, Mire. Bert Mille. Mines Zoo Chase and Mlay Mlille, at Iluesl, viiited Verna Yaung on Wednee. day. Foie 's fHoeey andI Tar not anly @top@ chraniecaugte that weakeii the con- atitution and deveiap mb o naump. tian, but bire atnd atreagthauathe longe. 1V affordi caufart »amIW ienli the n'ont cas., ai chronic brouchitis, tethnia, hey lever and Inag tmoble. Adjudication Notice. PublIecNotice ile baby alvin that the sui, Imrrier Admdotiector nf the astate of F'RantJ.-Hrklet. daceaid. ufliattend ttc Cjourty Court oft Lake oaety, ai a bens Ibertot JAMES L. BWAYEB. Âdminhteaor, Waukegau, Jul, 20. rlt. 4 Tel*phous 377ï State of Illinoii, Cou mtr 0f1 5àta cu tInVihe Circuit Court of Lais George IL Foater va. John a, nlng, Jauni PL Manning au trator of the estate of Jamm UD- ning, deeaied, Jamns. P. Dtluy Johnson &n4 WUllia anti John Âylng co-partuffl sa Brothers. Gei. Na. 3762. Publie notie. la hereb jiveýa by vtrtue of a order and te,-ed in thsaboya entitlef, said Crcut Col 14 tbqM 1909 thereof, th.eudeaie4 in Chancery 0orldourvu day the Srd dayof AugetAL3. e hs hour of one o'01ckla tb, no ofsaid deyatthe »M trance of hs Court noua la tý* of Waukegan, ienid flComty * and State af Illinols Il .11 a venduesfor cash je hand t b« e.t anti Lest bittier hsf04bWhg seribeti land andi reisalu«ts-- la tirs County of Lake and S0"B Illinol,, to-vit: A part of the sooli suit guartp section faurteen (14) of T Farty-Six (46> North, Range Eait o! ths Third Principal 19 anti described ai tollowi: at hs corner of a field vbek la ans hoosand and seeany.p test west andt tres hundred me (304) test nortil of hs aouth aoi nec of satitisectioni folr* tirence south iovsnty.four e , halt (74%) del rest t Ie-ý- anti Ilfty tva (552) test a~ thence north tvsmty.nju (3 eaat ons hundreti andt ostptbre test aiong fonce, theopal ie andi one hall (5»%) dqrs two hundratiand wayegt<I test more or les. ilong Iloé: e center of Avenueet orbOTrickBa vision; thence northerly iioq, S,~ esater lUns of salti Avenue 1to t* gÏ'ê betwesn LoMs torty-four (44) a"'f«t* lyse (45) ofenId Subdivisiont; timence nott s esventy-four andti breeCctba (74%) degres esut to tic vwator stige of Lake Marils; thenoe aortheW to hs endi of hs point; theace norti. erly anti westsrty aloin atk.e t &I centesr af hs ou tie;ence faotoly along he center of mnidcoltiet mmu19 nov runs 10 a point cns thoul ieventy-ulx (1076) test vaeat et the est linesofcaïdsctIan; thenceous ta the place of beginning. eotwa twenty andti tenty-11vs cm tiredtis (20.25) acres more or EIL&M LC4 1 Master In Dateti Juns 301h A. Da l" Job vork ofaU Ilkinde No6 iUbertyvillia n*. plaoing leur s«dS. MRIEURN il Disease anod firi go Iband luIW' Medical aclene bau long reccgnizsd the hrueh and broom as P cames of disease, filhing the air with dust-laden germa. But sectriefty furniahcd a duatieia and perfectly saeitary method ot Indoor clsa@ e 1 elt

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