LAKE OOUNTY INDEPENDEN'r, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1909 P EANUT BUTTER is used in many way--f o r éand- wiches, candy, fiavor- tng, salade, etc. Beech- Nut Peanut Jf Butter is a blond of FOR ÀA the inest adstd Il »x JCou3 varlettes of Spanfi SANDWICHand Vîrgmnia peanuts ffll]EcvtruiuTBTRÉ". Dlittie salt, put in the jBeeCh-Nut (vacunm) jar la always fresh and sweet. "IBEECH-NUT BRAND)." Three aizes, 10c, 15c and 26c. Order a trial jar. J. ELI TRIGGS -I. ~ UWU UW-------------W 1RATS RATÀ&S Ail Kinds of M-ats. Ail Prices from Fifty Cents Up. SOF.T FILT MATS STIFF RATS FEDORAS In Any Styla For Both Boys and Men. We Can Fit any Head SMITH &DAVIS Libertyvle, Ill, IP L A R y ot 0. di si et- gr el b Io ha ai i au 1 tee TI a lar doi wi an( ed air pei wi la deý pigi fiel Oec net tir Chi E.J tirl of T and lal ha@ eut gevi Mar Ove Ani Mar Tho Ma, tre& expe nligi nie. rnad favo -- and *ingr mbi of @fi Wh matre ing congs *O@O**@@o**o@o***eo* *o*o*.o.*. No, these are Not Badges just tamples of the up- to. the- minute Neck- Wear that you'1,find ln our splendid stock MEN'S FINE FURNISMINOS Shirtè that fit, Collart; and (uiffs of real linen, Neg. ligee for home and office, Underwear idf seasonabie weight, etc. A big stock for the natty dresser the partiçnlar man. À&180 ail the littie aids-Cuif But- tons, Stic~k Pins, ttc.. and no higher thau asked elsewhere for inforior gouda. Ntte this fact. £ .MORSE~ Co. gi o Ita, LISI*RTYVILLE, ILL. quie a surp witir tie roi grounds anc SALLE SPRINGS FïISHORT AND PERSONAL RAMBLERS LOSE THE! NEW ROADWAYS ------- -~ GAME IN WAUKEGAN lir. alph Mnlirolland and little son Fld for Sports. Two 5cm- are vieitl0 relatives in 'A'onrwoc, Wia. A Comedy of Errors thaf Won the nps Wîili b Opened Thers W. C., Sanhora lfor Saturday for a Gama for the Home Team and After-e sor osfo hcg n short visit to Turtle Lake and Delevan, wr oiI.Wuea eua ar.. Boys from IC. cskeg anRefuse achers WiIi Spend the 5cm- Wrin Fick, of Waukegan, s si pouding lin Play the Third Galme of the Dnths near Libertyvilla. îwo weeï'svacaîrOn at iris home pear Serlas Ho,>. Next Sunday. Libertylllle. provemants as at the pissent Ma NyeStuliberi io Onarga That many a slip betwixt cup bd trythe Christian Brothars lInKL, bas halatireguva t of deo. Koon anri and lhp Wa@ stronGlIY mpressed on that ais fipringe jiln makle it one wifa Ibis weak. ig crowd of admirera cfur local ball *t beautiful parka and recrea- nda near Chicago. Mms. B. L. DaBois arnd daugirter. teain who went to Waukegan lait cf 0 tirae improvemants have fRhode, ara vlaltiag friends anrd relatives uaday te chiser our boy@ on to victory oeil begun but are not yet Inu imabarg, Ini.d ioraemdtcoeesyeon ru plate. The ground on ttbeaTdrla chaptOffo! Weetmrniater Oaild 0f the road and faclag the *Ijl miel et the home of! Mis.. 11,»I siotresor tndn 7t ho the pari: proper WuI t la $male, Tnasday, July 27. in favori of Libertynvilla in thre i rit hall the picnie o!1St. Joseph'@ o! tire slxth inniirg. Tire Waukegane aur wjli lie beid a weak fron, Misa Blanuche Whitney retrrrnad lisat hdpae naflgm pU hn Iié weil wooded and anougir F-riday frOm Weshingtou, D- C.. wirere hdpaa naflgm ptl rn Ovid aple sirade but net &so ll ho bauliving for tire paut yaar. tr b.d exemple finally proved con- ira napassable. h irae basa Mi"a Natdia Biitir lvii Monday for tagioua. and in tire latter iralf of the i up anrd convenierree InstaIl- Chicago, wirra sewrll spend aaverail airthIsnniug tira Ramblera eommencad I It a perfect place ta picole. days as thea gué«t cf Mies Mary Price@. ta Imitate their epponenta. But tire ier part cf thre woode on tire de of tire road wilI ira uaed as Cut your Canada thiieé andi mule woret came in tira nintir wben after çgroursd. Wide road-waya lire dog. B. public spirited andi con. two Wauk.gan men a a been retired on rit kbrougir bars and when tribut. Chat mach ta the genrerai welfare. etrikes our boys jet trameu maire timra hii e mont perfect anrd -M Maude Chamb2rlain, cf Laka ruas andIl tirath score. Thoen tirose of drives. Thea main entrance Forest, ham "W a pocitron as steno- ourtwneman who had dieragarded the thre easc aida of tire grou nds grapier atthe S odon Unrreraity Proe..Ourtrsamnto gia .tn ire St. Maryes station on tire rtreamnio gntbtig bis rpait rune acroatire Mm. Jean W. Taylor, of Ciricago, l a an who had already figured on buyieg i connecta witb a readway opendirrg tha week witiî ber parents, twiricir wiil give, another Mr. and "ir. Win. WiigiramonCirristian automobiles and trips te Europe witir unm tire nortr. Hill. thaîr winnings saw Chair gain dissolve iest driva iu tira park rouis Mr. Jas. IÀyeck and ber mioirer, la tuan air and nervouaiy searched tireir ugir tira center tira long way Mra Ridiey, left thia wr-r-k for Iowa, pockets for tray nickeasfor carrare. aupon tira aigirî-aeer with w here tirey wlli vlsit slèverai weeire wiîi Tireir finish anrd tira gams came in tire rise,. It je at a direct angle relatfves.evet nik Tyaldn tt )ad by wlrîeh you enter tire eeetrinn.Tryaldn ia i runea tirîugir a foreat tirai . On tire Otir cf June four ladreàorithtie tirey birldte, walk home-tre stars and wde ru on botir aides- Ai fat W. C. T. U. anrd four Iitore içnt tireth @etmoante iladio nu ve u ay dreciontirreday at Lake Bluff and l ewr-d foir tiretIe crearn onadtr alodte rut trees, many large unes orpiranage.raial. taon out in order to malle Fred Croker laft lasi nek frFraillinu WS N2R l .0 .E ,. Tire view ie a moice pa , rere ie jornvd lii-.wvile wl ie-WlknoiR F. >1r Pand visitors frorin tue erty ireen vieiting relativem tirere ru ber Statz, 2 B.............r« ) 1) 2 3 0 uthing tirai t tiy will remein- meturu home. Williams, S .......22 ow p)nt naarly lu tire renter.................................. 1 lagoon willbeabut and 'Mise BSeosePilirrooli, who ira. ta-en H. M iryte, C. F ... o ior,0 rranrged tirat it eau ha drain- vieiting at tire home oft Arthfur Kurîri. W- WVyte, 3 B.t.... i 2 8 1 at pleasure. retu rneri to lier home in K aîrsas City, tire R. Wbyte, L. F.... 2 1 2 O O to ire drille] on tireirigli tiret of tire waek. ue S.......21411 ire ea8t end of tire property Ward Davis a.nd tirree Irivads arrîvediLky ........ tr will ira piîied tô ail burIn. in Libertyvilfa Wedneday affernoon, Ilion, I B .............1 4 14 0 3 rand eampa. Tire intention iravrng nmode tiratrip from Bercent tirai Taft, P .................1 0 o 2 o Christian Brotirers, wiro are the varions acirools about tire Mr- and Mrm. HartWre lieli, of Total. ................ 9 il 33 15 8 ]will crime irete for a vara. Crawfordsville, lad., wvregavais <of Mr. Two out wheu wlnlng run wus otirer for boysafrom Chicago and Mre. Or A. Newaurrn Friday and scored w.ill ire cona3tructed cf lighit Saturday of lust week. iem arîd wili bu. entirely Mra. P. il, Gleistein returned Inlet Home r-un, Williams. 2 base bits, logefor he bys W,, b Fridav.afier aun absence of four wvek8 Williams, Jelley 2. Sacrlflced uits., irge~~~ frlrbosrl eepent in Appeton, Fou du La, and Taft, Rugen, King. Double play, W. eo many apporîioned tri a cirer Wisconsin iewna. Wiryte to IBion. Suruck ont by Taft, itir a mainl charge. Tiiere Sdining balle and kiitefiens Mir. and Mre. Walter Lyile*urpent Sun- 10. By Rugen il. Baise on balle, off -unt, enrptiu.yed rerlibiehions- day finliavenewood. Mcc. Lytie and Taft, 3. Off Brrgeun 3. Bit by piteir- faruilirrureireiîelr erng ririliren rvnnaining for a short stay rerti ed hall, iry Rugen 2. Pased halla, )iîold a large nuirber of lier brother whe residea tirere. Williamsu, 2. Johrneon 2. Earned moire arrs o grundin he out HTire Rondout Whrite Sockâdefoaied tireWetEd. iryvl 2 ere cfgrundru ir sotirfzigiîiaerlPai'k Crescents, Jre ., rua iraîllWs rdr.Lbry-le of tire larrn iras bees ferîceri iairne. Tire score wu» 10 to 1inrufrivrr of LIBERTYVILLE R. Ifi. P.O. A. E. as arr atiletir. fieldi. Thfis§Itoidout. Hurrahr for Rondont. Davis, 2 B ............. 1 13ai1O ,i op and used for base irai, and rrtdrror sports of verv Wrn. J. Srlrley iras purciiaed the Doemfier, S .............. r)0 5 2 A crmder pruti r onrack an ui. and lot fr.rmerly owned by fRoy L. Mailoy, 3 B.......... -2 1 1 O 2 le ru lengtir wilicirele ibis Webb. on Newberry avenue. Dymond lug 1 B ..............1 4 9 O 1 Lýa pcn*s nd mal prtesAustin eugrneered tire transaction. Delarlove' C. F . O....0 1op ô aipce ai mîlpris Mise liv.- TrBany, tire eiarmîng Jelley, R. F ............0 2 O 0 O Irorin tirecity tire-wýil [s daugirter ocf ex-aaonRtor Tiffany, of bc doing ai De La Salle Antrocir las treen tira guest of Mise@IJohnson, C .............1 0 12 2 0 @ummer. Neat sentamer if Mabel Ïliggine, several daya tire ast Bock, L. F............. 2 1 4 1 O leuts and preparatione are week RgnP. .....01230 ,ee it avery buey pince. It Rgn ........ y locarer] to tirree roads, W. W. ('arroli] A Son wlll open tireir irlwaukee & St. Paul. thev new store cri Southi Milwaukee avenue Total. ................ 8 Il 32 12 5 ia-aulcee[llectric and thire a ashort tue. A lina of grocaries, dry Lihertyvîlle, O O O 2 3 2 L OI O 1O 08. %id ezeurerone on ertirer of goodqanaid general marchlandise reili ire ithia easy walking distance carried.West Ends, O O 0 1 O 3 1 O 3 O 11 9. lda. Max Korner leaves next Sunday ou a THE TORY Y INvruINGur. thie agene rienti E. nai round iri)ose. ... ei Vctintmlp nColorado 1lt. ,lromiratrrrn-oile, iwo, tumee The Band Concerts. Sprieganard Denvar. Mre Laurta 2nd. A Utici Patio B-King starîs rw Grumitit wîll aseret fa tire store during a sale bit. wd concerte in tire park evvry bia absence. 3rd. Commendatlon-Rugen atril 'a vening continue in popnlamity Dri erdagre0f[oyWboito >week are aure a o greetei by D4tii. Eîbilaratlon-RamhiWeblete ac -owda both from tire village and rebo ras quite illaitlier honsain Canada, to. Ehlrto-allr Jing iarmitory. Tire band stand je reoted muchimrrproved. Sire ras 5tur Jubilation-And tirrea more. ineatly paiacad, tire park ls.r-n om"Peled ta undergo a second opera. Sur. Condemnation-Waukeg, nunrierof nereettees inatalledi tion for appendîritis. uaies tirrea ris wild throw. eh bau added greatly ta tire Tire Young Arrerican Club met at tire cî Exaspiration-,îud anotrer. sîrpearaîrre of tire place.Tire M. E. cfiorciiast Tueâday nigirt for tire bih. Trepidation-Wirat next? frrr Tbureday evening, July 22, purpose rîofrnakring arrangament@ for a 9th. 0-ation-W aukegan tI w8: teri wr-e . unig ait Gagea Lake. mecure, .. ......_.......8............ ......Tre Inveutor Tbey expeertoru,acve Auguaî 9. luthr Expectatinru Ramera get .Siil ............!centy Tir eutic r, liriritte 0ftira Oddai" otrd Par rueri rr......r.. I to ti rdBaktote u rrVerriirg nitir..Wrud Feloîrpruî '. fîrucir bwiil ire held ai tire Itir lir-ergaton ito ire faie M.fuiutain City........ ....fir grounîle. S rtiir(lrsy, Augusi 14, mit pa h hr an fhl ii Chrus e..................Wauegcairttluesday eeig aalr ttefi zoid etS un8 ruiei bg roranisliinurepared. uea aterirîon. Wiîeîler it s a case .,tuitied'..............teY Iluirirrd, if Antiocir, travelling n dfeu-t' uica Yello w tru-air an i" firut i) j .......>... ..w.itiraa hue ci 1 i lu ivdara reas lu tire b.- Ir-rneriTir hRii lera woniithe toi nildîe irwetie artand.....village last Ir'ie Being au old ni. fuit rie SVesi -trEdsay tiry uio r iririents ili ire serveri and tire' resident arrîlntiomt-time ccnnected wivir want tur play bevre. Tly warî ted bu. Jr-river] arîl go to tira baud tire(rc- ur iflesire met many old teaiurtir g.Y tri Fi Sheridlan but iret tur !ir-tii refray tire rrining friends. Ilaurilere refue uirdur. Tire f rrfe o On tire frîlrinrg Tirnrsday Ou ar-coutfthi ie regular iband dance iriiriey %virili reas[rut furr tire piayisg y 29, r-efrembiirenisa liiril hotir trer.gaines W iiigui ta tire Iamrlet rtire brun-lit of a park improve-ouflieting reitir tireurne toaira given Lry. h Vsei potn od ei TIr inproeinntaalmadytire Odid Felluiws' tire baud iras decided Chiregoweehir rOîrurr thirdteauri tire prlbave maie sncb a to gir- e ivrdanue .Anugust 6îir ait tire gainegnwiciheRa blaocs aborreri irrulo aujge fortire butier tirait many loren hall. Coure to baoth and hava a agooii a i tlr h Rrirls ere ot Sexpenditure of more mney good time. gui pu)r iensed id es to ire raiffed for tbie Mis Eva Stîîrrlev, preaident cf tire Or-arel ivalire, flowerbede andi Cookr Count rnnreeAs».., and father Juil Quietiy Marmied. rerwli evestually lollOe. and DmrWarrerr, of Chicaço, and Jesse Njr îanî-Syadarîgirer Rieardonair rifecf ring Grove, M r. arîdilre. FI M. Suydauî, ai reere visi tors ai the boune of W. C. Morse Erlward Perre, cf Waohregan, reere r3uie Dfficiai Proclamation, tire past week. 1ly urarried i G(eneva,fIll., lami Saturds last meeting cf tira village C. F. Wright, raeiier cf tire Lake a aterriirn. Tire mrtirer cf tire mid erlution was pamsed instruct- Cni atuuia lauk. attended a [meet- beinne thre ruyrltv iei.T veidenut to enf ircrdnceig cf tire uir-e1rtu8 Tueeday sveaing, nervururiY easperfrrmed fR levJoh Iu regzard ta azzlingo doge retrninir Wedriesiiay momnjng ta Wie- Letujer, a lauitist mirrisier cf tirai ciiy. . as frilow.r: cousin whiere ire andi familY are @peuding Thbe w-dring thougr rafirer anuddi Nor dog ebaîl ho euffered to 'sevemai reeuir. I rae ouîr expec-ted Tire young frolk ze reitin tire corporate limieLad Iiforriier tirrparvents ar-amu a&re urrîesm senrely mzle, Mm and Mra. IU. L. Boresand C. W. time tirai teirer rtrsdrd tu Ire marrie narrer or keea f eaid dog StOlrt atiended tire Odd Pellaow' rlcnic but failvd tourruprepe thera as beisg i a'iluly vicia tr provisosa a akea -atStra.Tr arîreet urfil tire Friday evvrîing befor irr i ho re ubject te a fins crowd -as a large one but tire Lake tire weddingcati eiriitinrietîieyannomn lare. I iroby iirruct tire Ciranty picale ai Libertyvjlie, gaturday, eri they werv gciug to Auurra tIra ver i enfore said cirdinance ouilh Auguet 14, rili ire a mach larger oae. day andi get marrriedl. Tirer- went f( B E15 ilgePeiet Tire W. C. Trigge aire. Stare wiil Aurora, bat fouid riraitirhe county set y cB y ira tiellagemia lb. rotinewaa auti lenvra eier tirelir-ense muet i oSuy te soretain n te Ptutneprocureri No rere inarrier tirere. Theý lethodist Services. b krfeently iaae y thea returneri tir Waukegan wairre tiey wl barberaeiop and un wiicir a Oive yéar ire ait hone ftireir rnany frisnuatafi aCirristian Salvation?" will ire heaxe iras been taken. Tire la snima septemicar 1Li e uhW.t-înext Sunday mmr- painting and repairing tW ho dou. and Tr ro l nepoyeaPi on wirtirte Preebyfrerian tiresire stock reili not b. lnsfialad atif Cyclone Fence Comrpany of Waukegai ,on for tira avaulng service. 1 the cemlng waek. and irnown to manv in Lihertyvil having vîeited hrs manY timesl durinl tI!LPUL AN SAF!irisceurtohiip. Tire bride leq avary poqtti KEL IFU AN SA Eand popular young lady whio I. a natîr of Liharty-ille Sire iras attand,-d thr We endeavor ta tender a helpfmil service to evry patron seiroolsanaid taken part la tire cul oum Bankr, and we can be of belp te fOU. evante and numbeme iber frienda by thr score. We invite yen ta open sn aceount with us. We wel- me erBall aocounts es well as large unes, and your m oaey Will Rent Rooms. poite-d in ont Bank. in SAFE Tire management qf tire Neawcaafli Flote] deoirs ta annotaotiotutirspublric TUE IRSTNATONALBAN 0F IBETY VLLEtirai owing tthCire aritv cf holp. etc THE IRSTNATONU ÀNX F LBEKM LLEtiay hbave cloood tbeir diDnng rourm an %M fbwqu 0 in WUi l i'êftureeau , bae pel o o o o o o o o*1 o o o o o o o oo o eo* 0f o o Di s o o * o int o Dri o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~e~g~ggooe@ooau ýearance Sad14~ Sumnmer ress Goods eare niaking a big reduction the price of ail Light Welght ess Goods. Cail and sec them NOW IS THE IME IN EVERY DEPARIMENT 0F BANKING We are prepared to serve the people in an acceptable way. The Business of this Bank Ribeenunder one 44 the same contervative, progressive and reepouaible managenWt for the past sixteen year, and this experience infuves to depouitmi every possible safoguard for moneys entrusted to its care. 7 Capital ond Surplus, $75,OOO.Où FLAKE COUNTY NATIONAL.BANK 1HEALTHFUL PLUMBING Thi a 1thei seson wlren thre condî- tion of ynur plumbing fixtucn demnands your choie atten tion. Tire overharrlnng ofilme plural>. ing cf your home is as neccsury aisireuse-cleaning. Ifyou intcnri maling rr-pair or instaliing ncw fix-1 trms, uve uirdiibe glaci te figure for you, providing1 a guarante of prompt anîd perfect %vomr et rcrsan- rible prices. We sell andi install tire famonsurs ,%a,«. Perrîeiru Enauni cd plnrnl'tn' firre. »,d» M'a.rc bEirn1î - aeiuirof hticir te yenour me uarc! iircsitre s rsclhn. valaias ALBERT W. LITCIIFELD, Llbertyvilie il Clearing Sale B AR GAI,,NS Yard wide 124~C P1rca-esii light anid dark -1rh e hncolors 71 20e apd2er1 thanWandcaNco. Wash Goode .... 2 Mn'2cap ) - a 00.Oc s.I HAnd BSgg.----......... 25 15c and 20c Wash Goods and Voiles- Boy$' 25C Blouse" A. aies 3, 4 snd a .lyIY 1 o Smsfl sire W:men"5 25C Babies, cap$ Clearing Sale Prîca.. 1 ocL 50c and 60c Sabres Bonnet$,a Sun Bonnet$ Clssrlng sale PrIce.. IUOC TH E ___à jq çi