Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 3

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LAKE OOUS~TY [:NDFIPENDEMT, FRI1)AY, JULY 80, 1909 t. "i' di .1~5. (Irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Frei l ieWdi «y 4aes UQibý MaeCake@,' Pies -W' iothéé Pastry. Lunches and Mealsi .es-ved aI. albous-s. E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS We lHave a FIn ut.e cd 1Sttinery and -îUveni m stCarde OUR ICE CREAM Delies Competition it i. 11-ud l'y aIl tise leadînugsoda water pa salng tetint.- (iraysiake Pbaruiacy, Round Laeke l)riigltore, limesý Lake and all points surrnunding Fox Lake anid ingleside Me are putting out a 111114h iger upply than leisi 3rar <hj.ýu ud alwaaus ied GrayjslakeCreameryj Watdws, ClocILs and JeweIy Repsred AUl WouIOamte SPECIAL ORDERS FOR IEWELRY Promptly FiDled W. fi. MOORE (waysik~ . lin"~ SEE RUSSELL Lumiber Yard For Figures on 1 BUILDING MATERIAL My prices. are rlgt and grade* good. Wbetsr you buy or nit get Mnytigures. PýREPAIEP WHITEWASH: f.S.IEADP rop. R -'I FromFactrytoYou SoU hybugMal Ony 30 DOW 'FEREE UIA EASY PANýMmTS Sad f« - àb4eé ( Wm.-LAYCOCK Co. OppooM L e1.Paul frelght Depoti Machine $hop~ REPIR WORK' AU~UMOIJILt WQR!K A.SPeCIALTVý Engin.. Ovtal.d. A FU Lins of BSnudrim Tires 1t- pa:LWh.rn iTrouble 661 or 1262 MILLBURN. MisMicaWbeeler sntertainedbr , Mr*q iM. J.' ê. String 1VOUt tD ister ,irom Cicago several days lust Çlsg" l.:monda>' ha have an opera- week. tion an irs. St-ange face. filrs-Sfranx'Aku bu toepnat.W spent part oi the week witb tirs. avar. bavke a boift tbeesn anes, aIl is ildred Outler, of Zian City, le the colore, et the Grayslake pharmacY. guest ai Nirs. W. (1 Mi (luire. Brings Honni-s tu Grayslake School. Dr. Jaînigon andd 'anglter, Vida, accomîiauisd the doctor'à mother and Mis Louise Emmons, thîs rears grad- sister. tirs. Stavey and daugbter to uSte ai tht. (rayKlake gramîian seboal, Cicige) lamt Tursday on their way tii reeeiv.-d notice that sbe ba-l the igbest viit birs. Jaminone s on, (3eorge ai stianding during tbe year and aIea higb- Cherry Valley, fil. est rmarks in gaduaingofanygrqmmar sechool grainate la Lake Caunty. This Mir4. Aliec Stewart and Aniirew White entîte lier to, a four yeam s cbnlamhip vlited W. J. White tise pabt wuek. ire.. roîn tuitonu and also without Tfhe Warren Suociety scilIi mer a th 1 eaminati,'ns. to aay Normal o'h'.ol in Mra. C. E. Demnan, Aug. 4. the state o!Ilîlinois. This notice. wbieh cerne, tii ber frosu Prof. Simpson, scas an Miss@ilabel Hughes. of Ournes, ritjited 1rature surprise bath ta itersei and lamil>' at te David White and J. H. Bontner as well as tise teachere, for site bai madle homes this week. vi effort to abtain thie prize, and bai Ni-s. J. Mi Stranwr rcirned tris I arned ber marks bv earuest and atten- Chiagi daurua~ Sbiiiiuiproviiig ai rive wOrk and vras cnnsldered by tht. preuent wciînig. teabhers s be bigbsst popil lu tht. Sth M re. IapsWst, n on grade. Miss Louisesl. a bright and RalphWhýaon ad 01attrctive vouing scitoal kil] oi fourteen Wbeatîiu. Il]., silI nusit sesmetime sitit years. and"i. papular sitis ber teacitors tht. home folks, also Mies Fonte returued andl scboolruates, and bas brouxht the uith lier. t iret bonor aiftiteshaiarsbip oati tlekind C. E. tapic, Aug. i lisl.eeolr liii our scbool, wbichh oor is mucb cmid- M-l, i-un tise Bi of Ac>t." Acte 27. itnîît onl>' ta bemeeli, but ta the 18-44. P'earl Cleveland. leader. teachere. This ie the second echolîireip Mrs.Erm Stangimitd i Wakeg I 1that iîaslbmen awarded ta Giraysiake tn ie rtyilS vra letdayn aukgaii students; tite tiret scas ohtained hy aid~~~~~~~~~ 1i tvis eeaidy atwe.ArttinrRaokeIiff, whcî won a twui 'eeks' A. H. Stewart vsited hie clildren in cliolam@hip ai Champlainî -gicuture Chiceigo tthe pust week. ('oliege flu a content on essaye writtea Mdinse me Pafllock, of Chicago, le homefute amr'Isit. for a weke4 vacation. DoI't iarget the. dance at tise opera hsuwe, Saiurday eveniug, Juiy 3Ist, .%rp.Cban. Matbewm'eonilîany returued guiven b>' Wm. Brandatetter. Came and ta Kenosha iapt Saturday. enjay a gond tîme. Dont let your Wn.. Tison. Sr., oif Lilertyvilie, suent ueîghiors tel you wiat a gouid turne several daym i.wth bis son, W. G. Thomr. ttîey had. came and ses for yçurseff. luMuic hy Brandstetter.. eux piece Earl Cutier returneul to bis borne 11or hetra. Tickets 50 cente. Zicîn 1Cty l1"t Saturday, bavlng speut a snontb wibb C. E. llenman and fausily. Mise Cara Palmer, ai 'Waukegan, s tire. Bowden and eildren, of Wash- vîiting relatives boe. ingtan. tD. C., are risiting ber sîster, -%fe" Zeta Masesy, ai Chicago. il§ the IMm@ C. E. Deuîman. guefit ai irienis bers ibis wesk. Normnan Adamse vistted hie daugliter. Mme B. J. Laitue and tiaugitter, lvab, Bas. Sssrrday and Cunday. Nits. vsibed ai Waukegan Thursa>'y. t'antail returasdborne with hlmn. Iick Evans, a! Cicagoý formeri>' vitb Bert Trotter visited bis§ siti-, Mis. the Tinies office ai tii place, cafils on 4. K. Bain this sceet. friends bei-e Suada>'. Mr. and Mm. Carence Banner vieited tirs. John Bonner and A. K. Bain. VOLO Miss Jeouie Gais, o! Elgin, eailed an hred eem at Wedaesday aiternoon. .'L O U 11É Miss Lue>' Dunnili ha. given up b"t1 position at Long Lake and îe et home DOW. àire. W. M. Hueonu pent part ni last wesk with fieade et Grayslake. Medanies St&aitilrld andl Sebel scere la Wankegan. Tbureday. tir. sud, tirs. Jas Hironfîuus and cilîdren, o! Freîuoat, uere Sunda>' gueu3ts ai the lienkie hanse John Selireiner, of Meury. scas a receni Volo taller. Medajue Ed Luel. aud Wm. Dunil npeat Wednesday ofliaet week lu Chiieago. ML. and Mtrs. Snell eutertaiaed Mre. iLyanà and son, of Waukegaa, a few days recenti>'. Miss Rosis Zuelsdori of Berringtan, ie the. guet of Lovina Nýcholls this wesk. tir. and Mrs. Bsni Roslang and sous viiei relative@ near Solo~n Mille. Sum- day. Miss Alice Bmsehmn, of Round Lake, s'su nascu Thnurmday lternoon. tir. Avens, of!1e l, i@ îiting hie daugbte-r, tIr.. Nlck Bowsrs, for a isa des. Mr@. Pets Staitdieli ald Miss Genevieve Effinger score ln Waucouda Friday aftscjsan. Miss Vinie Bacoùn, of Bosevilîs, was lu twasc mt Weduisay. Miss Bosste DOUnIttL, cfChicago, visited ber parente bore Wsdn.soia and Thur- day. Suada>' gueotq et the John Roning home scere tir. and Mtin. Motchford Mise Eatis F.asilug 04d pwi4 S* Terrat and Jas Rosing, ofai ca Mise Anna Compton la vlsiting friande .le Chicago this wesk. SFoie s osis>'and Tas- nai auiv shopn chronie cougbs that sceaen u cn elitution mand doveiop int o:ne Mion, but iteals andl atrengibéun the lugi. il affords conifonlu and koHolil tise voret cases oi chraid bra#dhtî îai"ma hba>' féeor ad hul iole Beoeyou have an>' Pinth doue --nmke Inquirles of PeOPle bsr"0 7 e affle4 -lfi2"~ii THE 0F tirs. D, T. Webb ami dauglîter. Lncile, of Waukegan. and Miss. Laura Nfiltnre. et M6Mepisisi Teo, spent lait Thurtday at the L.9tusjmoms. BésC ladiassa Block coal at $4 (00 pop ton et the F. C. Wii.ii i Li iiii Co.. Grayelaka. iU.4 1-2 Grayolake Pharmnsv reeaniuîeud. Spira for »som isot, but Lditor Strat, <ol the Tldwo, *â'ktstbat itîwca finethiig for sore ibçoat. We thiîik the gond cditng miÏ b.kSepiag laie lours, fr bis Sigbt seoOb. faiiiag Iisiîuî wlin it camesh rIaig Au4eoe.l.Burns up. On la.i r uight near ithe Roue fapim O= -~ile weot ai Round Lakhe tas ui batikwealo wned by <Carlyle Drue., va. buruei u. The machine scas lotib Os e iofaithe rond las t Fni day, wlsee 6vheel bai besen brokea hy an inezperlsuesd driver, who had taken the car wititont the permission of NI r. Drame, viilo tMr. Druce and a part], O! friends bai nopped at Round Lake on their returu trom Foi Fake. Bow the car gaiaijt *ila myster>', and iiauy opinions afe lisen forrned and giren ont, but tht actuai truth of the diPasto-r bas nat yt: nometa light. Mr. Drues scas natille8a wy Sîînday marniag ni acident aai' vitb Ed Wayîîe, the macbinist at the Tbomson Bros. firin, went ta the place and hraught home what scas 1sf: pi the machine. The run- ning gea i a' engins are apparently in good shape mai tir. Bruce will probabl>' have the car rebul. Coming, 4uveys Comnedy Co. On neit Monday, Angnst 2nd, the Mlulvey Comeèd*ta. viii bald for one. week, and will entestaIn the publie sitis high elae vaudeville and movîng pictures under a k&W ge tt. The coQi. pany iii a goad oanad le noted for giving gond cleançol4ed.yokotebçee. Next week-all the week-ts*sre and ses them. Milcheli'a Mintarv Band. Mitchelie Milit&Îi>'9"ad, ai Liberty- ville bas been empipynd to pLay heme for te 8alies ad-Sawuè 8amian, Thurs- day, Auguët 26. Ti i.,vii be a big drswbhig esrd,,* 4 beWe baud is canuidered ans ai 1hM eeIluthe count>'. Dont laà utabeas- ibsin ugust 21 at Wicks grave. -- YEOMAN~ :ITîCIANi WARME 'W'ARRHN'ONMis Cvtlia Harris le on the seL list. Wm. Kelly spent Sunday with Nf r. and Mr. and Mrs. ChanlflsRoad, of Chicaigo. MrI. John Sheridan. are v iit'iq at the A. E. Read home. Mrs. Bridzet Wlodeskl and Mrs. Anune trMelin'da Barman. of Aurora, âs Doyle, of Waukegan, were seen in thie vîstîîg old tiauc friende hors. viinity Monday. Mr. and _ire. James Wiibur, oi Wauke- Mise Marne Cannolly, of Kenosha, isgan are vîeiting friende in tbisneigbbor- visiting wltb Mr. and Mme. John Neely. hood. Mr. Daleugge and family have mnoved MI A. M. 0 çcen ha. returned tu ber ta Cbi»g. home in N\orwalk, Ohio. The Libal reeldence bas and rntd y MrElvira Backue, af (ieiweln, Iowa, a Ciago party, Who scili spend the an re. Mabel Lawson and daugit.l summerber@. enevieve, of San Francisco, are visitîng Mr. and Mms James Ryan are enter- hetvmie. taining relatives from Fort Wayne and The u rnce W. C. T. U. held a picnîc at Chicago. tbe Lake Bluff orpbanago on Friday and The aleggefara h ben prchgeda very enjoyable day was speut. by a Chicago party Who will move bers The Warren CemtêrY Association will next wsek. meet with Mrs, C. E. Donman, Wednes- day, Auguet 4. An invitation is 'exten- The Ruesel rbildrsn are recovering dsd t alal. from an attick of the meales.e... 1 14 ..-i - - GÂG~J~Z1 Nir. Chambers, of Ch1cgd, vsted at- tise Jobn Croker haone the laitat th week. Farmers tels p bancline No. 5 eîpla>'ed tir. ithebein. aofGitysiake, ta reWalrt te lins this wesk murs ta lte satiefaction o! thte pbtcon.. John Palmertoi and lire. Ajs-eg, of RumelI, vilteul t C. C. AlbolesIat Mm. ProtÇno anàd faiâtl>, ,a Waukegan, viiei.atsteA. (}onyo bîn o a ues Mm. Citas. roker mid daugitter, 'a! Anet%, h i4lt$~L~e ore. Mm. L. B. Habit, utofhiena, te staylg Mes k~~;'of elwlaIowa, Mai .4y Rv1 44 tqledvxai1sWI taining relatives@i-rn Maseechasette. Chartes Cham. and anfmt wish to extend their heartfelthtanks toalal those titat dld aIl they col 1cr them lu their sad afictian iu the Ioo of titeir heloved wile and motiser. Theiuarantins bas been rmmavedfirn tise Chao@ home andl the cbildren are now fuli>' reco voici. The Misses Paotoun Misonri are ,Vlnttng ahthe t). £5 ýsêbrâes The cleverest Imtlthon of rositCoSe ever yst ma-ie la Dr. Oboqp's Heaitit CoSsee. It in fine lnU ivçi-.*a1maie lu jnst ane minute. NÔ tod&o1W 20 or 30 minutes boiling. Made tram pure pereis- adl grains, maltLouf., Se. Hampto fres. CORLIE-TT & tADERlqeKS. Bo it weddlng Invitation» or auction ýmlls We aiscai' have the. stock on band. Tour osdec p 'romotiflleul. Pmr turther ltuzlam inqufre ah the Jumt roeéved a oarload of the Clebrated biat*oW:Buggies ALL THE LÀTESt STYLES3 WO full lins of HAmtIW4V 40DSý A.-PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois Miss Mahel Hughes rsturaed Sunday evenn ia rnm a cees visii with fiend8 in Milîhuru. Mesdames French and Leach visited in Zona City' last wesk Wednssday. tir. and Mr@. Gray accompanied by Mr@. Thora and dangitter spent Sunda>' at Fox Laike. Mm. Laura Wakefield vislted lu Chicago twa days lest wesk. tir. and Mr@. Rd àaynard, of Wauke- gan, visited at the John Bennett homne Sunda>'. Sirs. Jane Ormsby went ta, Grayslake Friday eveaing ta attend a birthday surprise party on Mvii. Burge. tire O. G. Hawkins and dauwitters sculientertala the Ladies' Aid Society', Thursday aiternoon, Aîîg 5. tire. Lake assimted b>' ber Sunda>' echool dce s erved ieeream a-Id cake on tise parsonage lauvu last Saturda>' uftrnoon andl sveuîng. There uili be preaeliiug services et the Christian iburcis usit Sînday. Joe Vincent bas purehaoed the north half ouf Lora Weich's farm and scilI move there in the epriag. P. G. Smitis vislted bis fatlser et Muskegon Mlich, sqncral days of the pas: week. tirs. B. K. Mille and sister, tirs. Han- Lqýwere Chicago visitons ansi- Suaday. ~ro. Jackman, oi Nunda. epent tii la4week artishe Dilfey borne. Mies Floy Dixon and neice, Miss Ella Winters, vb3ited a iew dey@ witis R. B. Dizon and lamil>' recenti>'. Lee Baook l is e happy possessor of an automobile. Bl.1). Hughes and family started Tues. day on a twu woescampingexpedition. tirs. Leachi@leentertaiuiag gueose ram tise cUty Mrà. Chas. Wilhur viited scit tirs. Wm. [lunham, Wednesday. Resolutions. Lesolutians ai oympatby adapted b>' Arbutue Camp 2042, Gurnes I111,as a tributs tatse Memar>' af Alice (ëhase, Who pasisi âay Jul>' 10, 1909. Wbereas, aur Heaveni>' FaIts bas smen fit ta draw again froni aursul<lît, a belossi Nelgihoer, Alice Chtame, momite of Arbutus Camp 2042, Royal Nsoibons oi America. Ble 1t meoived tisa: se mout deeply myiapathize witb the beréaeed ternit> from whom the life and ligiti ai home have gone, and sce pray tii. tise>'me>' ho comfOrted by Hlm who daetb ail thingo veil. Ilesititxur chatted be drapei lu monrnlug lai- 60 days, and tisat dusse ress'lutions ho spread on lte records a! our societ>', and copie bs sent ta the bereaved famîf>', and t fte local papers. NIM71E ft5EMasY, BaLais cVau, MÂSoÂuri- TuotNex. PIANO I have et my borne several styles of the Bàldwln Piano@. 1 invite you ta cali and see. Prices within the reach of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmwr GRAYSLAKE - - - - - - IL~ -GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI F. J. DRI'CE, Editor PoNem No. ili Orders Taken for Job Work Advstilsing Raes On Application Mrs. Frank Hardeir, of Antiocb s@petit Mr. Jas uniles, of Cliiîago, visited hoem saurdoy bitem.' the firet oi the veek. Mvr. aM Ulre. AI Rendes, ai Waukegan, Louis (iarwaod le ependiug bis vaca- @peut Suniday witb relatives hoe. T bey tion at bis home here. loft titis week Wedneeday for a trip ta Lavrence Doolittîs and famlly, who Clorada and otber Western points. bave bissa vliiticog relat iebers the tas Ur. Wlmat, o! Waukegan, cafied an week, i-turned ta th.eîr home at Wau- bis dangbter, Mrs, Henry Luehker, kegan, Banday. 8aturday. e. B. Shierman aud wife, o! Chicago, Mr@. Wm. Emmons and faoily return- called on Iriends here, ;iturîfay. e9 borne Ht'rday, affér a week's visît lis-s. F. A. Lord, a lii le ený.ppinog at tac t3bk ago &bours.hEmm ons til oveAu-the Allen cottage, Gages Lake, te eater- guet Ciaa bu eH-ta n.taining ber asic.. Mies Helen Lappen. Misses Ze» 9and Edîth Beudubu returu- Thse Episcopal Sunday sebool too0k a s ta Chiîcago Sunday, alte.r spendicg a day's outing, Tbursday, at Oages Lake week with their giaadnother, Mr@. Me- and ail wbo ' went enjoysd a good tîne. Watb. Mr@. Garwood accornpanied by ber MIs% Dais> Doolîtti,' sprat Sunda>' neice, Mi@@ Nelie fBayes, visited at Lub is.wtb f s-îe4p lç.bicago. ertyvlle anda-. Ur. 9»4 Mr.4JoPÀepli Sehlasser enter- miss Gyvtaetb istacompaisi hbe C ti1ed aýolspa*y fi-oui Chi'ago Sund">. cousin, Miss Édith Ricb. 'sii! leave a»xt . week for Seattle and other Western Lotit. Oarwood lt Tbursdav ta poina whleh tbey wîf i viit. enceli: a position at Milwaukéee Joe Turner retnrned home fast Frida>' Editar Cari, ai Wauî onîla, visitsd bhe aller a tiscee weeke visit il)tise West. Wednesday. mméý RUSSELL 1ev. Brown was eutortairied river Sunday at Mr». L. M. Boriuer s. Dont forget that the Ladies4' Aid w1lli meet the second Thureiday in Augu8t with Mr&. B. C. Melville. Mr. and Mms. John rawford, of Kenosha, @pont Hunday at Hotel Edwarde. Anna Carslon »pont Suîîday et home. Ada William.speut Sunday, witb ber father, L T. Nesceil. Mrs. Deffry, Mdiss Pennleather and Miss Witt accompanied Myrtis Cornet borne on Sunday. G. A. Ooborn and fainily mpent Sunday a: à.JL.Cornes. The Siver farnily held their annuel reunlion a: the E. P, iver borne. There vote abQat if ty present. lir. Chili Siver and Warren, ot Wauke- dan, are @peuding a fsw daye with relative@. Midred Murray ha@ retîîrned from be3r viait wstb ber aunt. &. G. Morris scas a Konosha viitor gaturday. Last Wednesday altprnoan Mrs. G. A. Siver entertained ber Sunday sebool ci and s their frlends. Alil report a fine time. Will Melvilie bas sald bis faria tu an Evanson man. TAYLOR GROVE. Mande Lewin returned ta Waukegan, Friday, alter spending a week with relatives bems Earl Welch visited with "eble Bros. Sunda.. Tbe King@ Daughters scili give an les ',ream social at John Ducans, evening, Augu@t 3. Ladies' bring take. 1ev. RLsd was entertalned atM the horné,î>f W- H. Brewer over Sunday. Chas. Lewin and %finnie Shea Ruent Sunday alternoon with relatives at Wadsworth. Miss Edua ity and Ward Starr are riaiting relatives liere. Several from bere attended tbe dance at Autioch, Wsdneeday evening. Ethel Crawford is entertaining ber cousin, Miss Heydecker, of Wauksgan. The Ladies' Aid Society meeting hold et Mrs. Wîll Oliver@ last week was sceli att.ended. Eeeryoîue reports a ins meeting. Tney are planning on a bar. vest plenie, Auguet 26. '£lis friende of Elmner Faulkner are very sorry to hear that hie and Wesley are very sick with typhaid lever. Mr. Northropî and Miss Berthe Faulkner lof t t4ednesday for Missoura to cars for them. Mrs. K. Brescer and Mrs. H. C. Amaes spent Sunday wîth Geo. Lewin and faimily. Robert Geing lu at the Geing home. Heury Doolittis made hie trip tbrougb bers last wsek. Miss Mary Duincan is home on a vaca- tion. [ZZURZZZ_ Sixteen of the Oni-nee W. C. T. U. ladies wsnt to Lake Bluff lest Friday and visited the orphan'a borne. HOTELS AND RETAILEAS SUPPLUtD WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOW#* IS VOUR RO3OF 0 We can meet your requireni * matter how large or srnall theyi * The Prepared Rooflng we * our custorners by the roll is t] * on the market, and cornes c * with nails and cernent ready to * the right prices. 0Powell 0R.ofingCoi 0 117S, GOUa....St. WAUKEOAN OK?-ý mentR no rnay bue. seil to the best complete bolay, at ompaiy, Telephosse377' Are You GOING TO PAINT?ý This Year Yes, we want to paint the Hone, Bra m a Outbuildings with a No. 1 absolutely pure"Pain that will stand the test of years. Reinember that thefle pamnta ean be bought et Young, & LynchëBroe FURNITURE STORE 0F QIAUT WALL PA4>fR Cheaper Than Chicago Mail Order Houmo FLY-SltY A preparation to protect " live stock fron Flies and other Pest IflHects. Sa.fe, economical and ealy to appl y. One gallon with Standard Atomizer t 1. 75. Druce Drug Co. H. Wat son, R. Ph., Rockefeller C. Thompson. R. Ph., Grayslake H. Clevsland, R. A., Round Lak* EAST FOX LUICE Engene Galiger and WUi Hall, of Haidemville, were workiDg at W.,ukesha last week. Will Hueker, aifl1ake VIlla, rected a windmlll for John Las., Semday. K Mir. and tirs. Fred GelIpi bas been vfiting relatives bore the peut wesk. Mr. and Mrîl. Cbefills'Huker, of Rollins, visited at the John Tweed homo HSunday. Mv. ~ Èrn ndMs.1w Fulton and childi-en. Mai kuieganvlaited at the Mr. »id Mrs. Jîm Atweil vieited al, tbe OscarHavage hoe Snnda.y. Hl. Gilbie and Fred Atweil are reshnglamlth Gilhert's bairn. Mr. &M Mr& .Chat. Eamies are entes-- 414moqppy tiswesk. LOW FARE TiCKETS WW NORTHWEST VIA TN MILWAUKEE & 9T, PAUIJu Law lare ticketa htu. 0migU radlway ha "Sei Portlanid, %iehs, ica, Log Anc*l.., City' sud dannai o!otiser sud Nas-hwet, ne"m ala ber 31. Shop.over, Mgblo Complebotei taila vice, *s -J, 1 1 Ib routes, audtcrptiv. r i s.. P. A. MU ,Ge'lPai. st,C! LvyI" e vould te bemefted by te log Fclýe O rine Laxativ, for gnoms &adu lver trouble asud habituW m etipation. 1: eseetens lte slomNab itreash, gentlyotimuiatsthse ilver &A rUgulates the boscels and la mih es;* toc ta pille andl ordlnay lagati, Why nott r>' oleyle Onino LaxatIvet< Adjudication Notice. W.=keaaa UIF Misr lm&US Tb it. pahnssp q1ý patntsrt. dh".lvd t. F RID JOCtIIlIM m ma -Le 0iw >»»»»»»À ~ SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Gi-dors And Shipping Trade Teispitano Ne. 46 Litervuvcle Huebm BAKER amd CO)NrrCTIONrl LibertyYâlIe - hIaI WAAP»»A*»»M fiwliwvwwiu mWé 1 2n= , 1 ý ýl

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