Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1909, p. 5

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______LAKE COUNTY INI>EPENDENT, FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1909 - - - - - P BANUT BUTTER j is ueed in maLny ways-f o r @and- \ wiches, candy, flavor- ing, salada, etc. Beech - Nut Peanut OVJI~ Butter ina-a blond of FOR A the finest hand-aorted DEICIOUJS .varlettes of Spsnls I SANDWi a.nd Virgiuia peanute BEilCH- -1- witlc the addition of a IEL' lttie sat, put lunlte Beeh-Nut (vacuu1i) Ja.r la always fresh and âweet. j 6EECH-NUT BRAND." 3 THtrOeesime, 10c, 15c and 125c. Order a trial Jar. JELI TRIGGS m 1: lui Ail Kinda of Hats. Ail Priceds from Fifty Cents Up. SOY.T FELT HATS STIFF IHATS Iu Any Style For Both Boys and Men. We Can Fit any Head SMITH 8& DAVIS Liberyille, Ill, 'I ~-~BB4' No, these are: Not Badges just samples of the up. to -the -minute Nck Wear that you'l find in our splendid stock MEN'S FINE FURNISIIINOS Shirts that lit, Gollar and Cuita of real linon, Neg- ligee for home and office, Underwear of seaanable weight, etc. A bg stock for te natty dresser, lte particular man. Almo AU the 11111. aidi-CuiffBut. - Ston@, Stick Pis, etc.. and no ilgher than aaked eunewhiere for inferior gooda.1 Note titis fact. Q.j /WRi/m m CA. . SfTBACK IN CONTEST )Postoffice.Depantment Doclne. la Change Namt of Rockefeller and dolllflcatloec la Held. Gat excitement reigned Manday a in 5 OrSils,, vere A. P. ieldas promlssdta fgoumd a rmat eDommrela uatrersie ftheuamue ai the. village ë- to Area. Tbse trustee« ccmplied «Î. Sbeldo's viahea ln ehanging Anse a1 the tav, but vIsesthe ~tmp vas ae o chanige tIse poot. ofie iPatro th1e rural routes hdeby bmpernlean, fut busy aââ se saapetitionvwith 500 àgnrs ta lihe postaldipartinent. Rance the jolec. tTb@e Rockelellee- faction paraded the iStreet wvt torches aid red lire vhIle thse Armais . tood lu a dlmeosits row o11 thse "W&&u their laver java resting, on tb.i l vshionsi aid an expression of complets dejiction au their facs. Tii. ladicaton e a sc h.fight, visich isaredy bai becane. bitter, la only litl@ Ifancy. De La Salie Springs Piçnic. gaturday la the day ast for che pleute to a ge n by aUn Christan Brothsers ai De La 0a"l Sprinag. The pnoceds vii hi for the benifit otSt. Joispi'à cisueb, aidsihoaî peparatio»an m re bout complèesfor a mîemorabie tinte. It vii combine an autlng fur thoso visa attend 1vltb ai opporcunipy fon ch. public la muae tthe voe-k aireeiy perfammeel hy th ; hrltian gentlemten, as Wellsas ssnch that la lu contemplation. Is vîlI show Low weil they are carrylng ont thes trust reposaid lu theen by the danor af this ntagnficent body of land. Tise drivevays af the park vili ha open ta tbe publiceail day. 1Field @ports con- slating ai tug of var, tva legged race, long lump, blgh innmp and other athletir amusement. vilIl hacarrled ,out ta, amuse those vhomselinatio)ns un tu thone thinge. A large open air dance placforin bas bean providd for tise lover.aof the mazy vaîtz and Hapke'a Orchetra vîlI guarantee tise beet aofnmunie. For thoas wbo do not care ta bring lunches, tise ladiesaof the pariais vilI provide dinuse- and supper ai good honte cooking served most bountlfully. The prices viii bevery reasouable. Tise vay ta get ta the groundo le@ ta take thse Chicaao & Miwaukee electre raiiway ta St. Mary'.s tation .where a bus will carry you ta thse <rounds. For Park Impravemnenta. The lavu tete ta he given the tiret and second Tisseaday oveni g.inAu s proisde oinetiig unique in Liberty- ville social attractions. For the fir-t Thuraday evening. Ang. r, tbe paek le tu be illumiuated and beauti, lied. One attracýtion le térmed 'The flacky Rond ta 17>bliD,- another "Tattering Mdurphy. The only sud original The Simd Lice- ndud a reeently mported "Philippine Chickený' wilI be exhihited. A llsh pond thatiâeta, be "eamethiug ditienent- will aBford aiother opporîunity ta get eometising great for yonr money. A renovned piirenologit trotu New York City is ta bea ebad ta sound yaur cranuun for braime or wioatever else rnay com-. pose it. The littie ntoney you are goiug ta @pend la tta go for park improeventu alter tise choral union, svhich stands aponaor for tise eveut, gets avay vitb a littis of it. If yon are even a little bit patriotlc aud large earted you w ha h.ou band Aug. 5. le's going ta Le vorth vhile. Spîciai Village Board Meeting. Libetyvilie, July 26. Pre@ident Eger lu .the chair. On ral cala Coe-ett, Faulkner aid Wells anaver- id prenant. Lynch and Schusese ab- sent. The meeting vas called by the sever committee lu regard ta pnttlng lu the tule an Milwalmkee avenue and Lake Street. Aiter a lengtby diascsilon It vas maved by Faulkner and Secondedt by CarIait that a 15-inch tile Le put mu beglnulug at the gouth aide ai Lake etrmee and ruuuiug alang tise veet aide Of Milwaukee avenne ta the noçth elde ai Newberry avenus ta connect *iîi tise file there. Motion parried, ail votistg aje. Moveci by Corlett and Welbî that the job af putting in the tile be iett ta the lever comînittee with paver toacat. Motion carried. Moved by Welle and Corett ta adjouru. Motion carrisd. EARL H. CORLETT, Village Clerk. lmprovemnentsaon thse Fair Grounds. TLe officiais ofthtie tair eoclety hav decided tisai a new pouitny building 80z70 feet wilIL e neeesary tua acoin modate tLs chickenle, ducks, gefs, etc. thatviliLe e 1ihted thlg year. Work an the construction of it vili start at One. Tweuty-flve or thirt-v new tails viii h. cantructedl alsa ta replace the ones blavu davu in the apring. While the te-ack veut thraugb tise vinter lu exceptional good shape, tmansad min ame nov at vork putting it lu shape ea it la sale ta predicc the tract ir iiLeifset f aud lu excellent condition. gaverai horsemen are there training their borffl and thiz Lelpe ta kesp it lu the beit of shape. Seretary Morse says evemjy indication points ta a faer thes year that neonue yUll h. ashantsd ai. Applications sud lnquirles are comng in fast. Dissolution of Parnenrshlp. 0 eADMtaTYVlILLE JULT 28, 1909.' The co.pae-tneehip bereVoteexletlgE bilveen C. H. Smilthsaid W.E. Davis l lta day dlssoived by mutuel consent.c W. E. Davis yull continu. the business ail amoannie of th. aid OSm viii b. payable sud rmcelpted for. Ssune A DAVIS. ~Flve monthie lst, 1910o on mÉl ~~fANDPRSOAL7Z Attorstey B. H. IUler le epending the veSk lu Detroit. Dr. F. H. Marià anad wjle are nov reeldng lu Deuver, Colo. "A Y&a dof DalsIs.' ili be a feture o tbe Odd Fslovs'picuic. Are yois gons t attend thse pien ic at Blp, Batnrday? Warren M. B"st retunud laet vsek tram a trip to st. JoS, Michigan. Odd Fellove plicae nt thefairgroanda a veek trouns aturday, Anguat 14,. Master usas. r e dited oyer Sun- day vihh hie grandiather at Deerfleld. UmissGrace Sambora neturned Sunday from avesok's iaiat Thlrd Lake, Wls. Mlehel'a Mllllay Band viii play for tise BoldieWRs'usnion at G rayslaks, Au- Tb@ewviéeof IUn *5v Jochhelm bnlld. Inn are getting np covard the second etan'., Mr@. Jamee Lsaon, of Lake (Jeneva, wa m s b log Morris honme CilNord Metcalf, wvin e epluyed wvus Dr-. Taylor, retque»d Tueeday front a vsek' iait lu a"cn. George Redh«gr ad miss Muikey, af Chicigo, vS, 'rWtorea ver Suaday at tise C. &. Loveland honte. The nsxt damosgiron hy NMitcell. Miltary Band vQi ib. at thse tovu hall Frlday eyeuing, Angust 6. C. El. Bayes 10.1 a vee-y valuable ycar- ling colt lait vesk. It broke ils ieg vhilo nunning lu tihe pasture. [t vill depend upon the patronage givon tbete h.Satnrday midnighc tistre train viii Le continusd or nul. A large party trou hers are planning to take lu tise excursion tc Niagara Falla nexl Tueiday. $975, round trip. The Ladies' 4ld Socety of the Presby- terian chueh vil moet St the haineof lire. Frank Dymoud, Thureday alter- noon. E. L. Duilais Wl Frldikv for Galesburg, Ill., visere Ife joined bis vile and daugis- ter, vba have been viiting relatives tise-e. Mrs. M. C. Martin sud son returned Tueoday tromainetva monthe visit lu Amelia, Ohio. Tise lady'@ parents reelde The nsuai lange dlegation froun er@e atteuded the DisPlaines cainpnteting lest Sunday. Ssneral are epending the week there. Mir. and Mire. Carence Flagg and dauh ter pet Saturday aud Sunday ai tise.. bai»n aiiserparent@, tMr. and Me-. J. B. Gray. lire. Wnt. Wigam, vicis ber childe-en @peut lest week nt tise haine of the latter in this village. ilev. J. B. tiaciuffin vil] preacb lu the Preshyterian chureis Bnnday inaruiug et 10:30. Subject af th. di@týae-, "The Cisltai's Endowvmet." Vacation tintes ar e hrtand thoss vho can are going ta tise lakis, munutaius and reosons of aIl kinds. Business actIvity sa eaiut la aIàslow ebb. Thse bay on the fair <round. bhm heen cul aid ch. place le Leing prepared for the seasons activitie.. À numtber ai barvemen are rraining tiers et tise proest tinte. Until luethon notice a theatre train vilili"esChicago every Saturday ulght et 11:30. arrlving lu Llbertynllle et 12:44t, Theatre goere and nlgbt havis, hors a id a pportuuity. Th. msdlcine show prad more attractive than the bau concert lest Friday eveUing. Mfusic bath charnat t soothe the savage besât but patent dope le thte panacea for ail ace. said peins. Tise street caumlsloisen la pntting lu uewee-oeslgs "fiflire brick an soutis Mlwaukee avene e Park avrenus sud Division steest. The"e croeelngs replace tise aId plank one@, vhlcb vers lu a utucis dilapidated condition. Mr@. J. Enderlin, iter.lnlav ta Mies. Mr@. C. Houx, and cildreu, Hermusu aid Mildred aid Mis I. Guntber, ai Chicago vers the guelteai Mrs. Houx for a fev dais. Master Herman' viii stsjy wyu hie aut sud uncie during bis vacation. Tise floral hall et the fair <rounds is ta Le liormd sud made Itut a dance =~io for the Odd Feliowe' plculc, utra, Auguet 14. Tb@e joan b 4OxliO lest sud as the sldess aitihe build- ing may Le open, it vilI b. ai Id"o place ta dance. The INDEPENDENT le in recelpt af a pont card train Lester B. Clby vrltten at Galveston, Texas, Juiy 25. It show, a portion af tise ses vail built alter tLe flood there. Mn. Calhy sasy, «'Ool lu ber* ulght &sier tise stormu. This val sure »Yoed tise tity.' "Weddiug af tise Wluds" vas ai appropneetis number on lhe bond r- I m t tise park lest Tisnndayev. g incl as plsnty af vlud, la fab toa Another concert vas givon ou Ie follaving eveuing Lut tise svealng belug amuse-a to tise nigbt previan. vas not very sucemelnl. Ice croate solti aibath concert. veut to tise eneit ai th. Laid luud. Annuncemet. ai tise openlng 01 tise genal store 01W. W. Carrol &Son et Millwaukee aid McKinley arenhse are uav out.us4 Meesere. Carr.oll have had 0 nest aud modern brick structur.e ec. ted, and vhile it la fie souti of the malabusinessdistrict, tbey dmai ay. of lth* =yIshave lmplct fallh là,a ont galug ta ISei. Otil th~mensare pleasant POrM34104Misa Withlu a business vay'ead are isuoUirs, no tlsey vii make the venture payifapy SAVINQS bi$~tviIbc allowed on January dêotM&&e in our Savingu - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - W. C. Tniggsopened up hie store lu tLe Protine building, Wedneeday. Bora ta te. and Me-s. Albert Lyon, Saturday, July 26, a daughter. Maxno Khuer left hersliunday for a trip to Colorado Sprinugs and Denver. Ray Andrews leftilaet Fnlday for Springfield, where ise has eecured et. pîcynent. The Flagg barber shap ou Sprague Street la being enlargod hby a twelvs foot addition. PLi! Protine left Wednosday for Leona, lit., wlcere ho will spend a ntontisvisitlug M. Alle Davis. MIr@. J. B, MacOuffla weut ta Jooiet tionday, where she @pont a tew days visiting relatives. E. Ml. Kelly and Artur Miller are speuding a eek ai letroit, Micis., at- tend ing the races. Missé(Irace Bond returneci honte Sun. day, alter a tew week&' viset with relatives lu Iowa. Mr. White, ai Nebrýaaka, and tir. Mînto, of Autioch, weie callers at tise honte oftir$. E. J. Hughes. Robent Fulton, af Waukc'gan, vas bere on business Saturday. Ho is nov handling a buuch of poules. ilattery C ailLhe National Guard paesed the-ongliLiberty ville il nday ntarning on thier hLe back front camp, Mn. and tir.. Robent Strnansd cblld, of Milhurnu, @pent part of lest week a# thse honte o! hies @ister, lIns. J. E. Hughes. It bas been euggeeted that the usinea Libentyville ho changed ta " Windy Hill.,, The paet veek bas given juoe am ta the titIs. Mises Syhilla Stitzer, employed lu tise ChcgMilwaukee & St. Pauli frelgist o pc ereput Satne-day a.ud Sunda at thi. hanme of berparente lu BoacoL&, The Youmng American Clnb def.ted the Rockefeller Mune a, base hall Frldsy ab tiseoae-graunde. Whilletisescoresood at tLe end ai the gaine 8 ta 6 the ddted nine là nat satlalled aid yull play a- atiser gamne bers Fnlday ai this v.ek. Roudaut det.ated Lake Zurich Suuday lu a base hall gamne at the former plae k a scoreof 18to 0. Itvwaellsasond fae chat vas played Letveen thèe twa tests, Lake Zurich vislAIng be Ae-et. Ths coin vas toesed for a thie-c g li e w bviihiplayed .&Igffl29 at ~ondau.Tiss ondolitaL&e billeldta la h Hlsbau P.*rk Ommi a & PASSING Or AN OLD LANDMARK The Hurlbutt BuildinglErected in 1875 to bu Moved and Converted lntoaa Dwllilng. For 35 Years a Millinery Store. Tbe Hurlbutt bailingon the corner ai Milwaukee avenue and Orehard stree lal belng moyed tram h. ejoundat.lon to a ».w site b&U a block esât on Orchard, wbeso It vill Le remodeled jutoaa Tblebildn la on. af the oldeet nov stmidll lntbertyvllehavinq been built la 1875 by X. Ü. Smet» ad = upeby Nebis vfau a millhuery giore ustXM. Hauubtt bought I somes lvsslyA- jn &go.5 r. M &"*-dUn HurIbstts&acs conductsd a ailinsry and lI~s gonds store practcaly thes entUa mus. Tb@ brick for thé toundation oifhi structure camse frant lhe old Bocklaid = érd ovt ner Lake Buff aid every tM« nt lsa fp&snti7assaod as visait va. laid. T s am*e au bssald af thse Iamber in thlbouns; it la sound, ofiota and eplits aid shows no rot eiospt a littie on the joiatuneder the front door. Ur. Huributl sys that tbe building la too antàqnalsd for a modem buries. bouse aid tliaItI la too gaod for wrocklng, so ho bae lakenti.course af convertlng l into a dwein7 aid léan. lng the site, au exeient on»,for thse e- tdon of a building of sultabie proportions which h. May undartakeoon. Tht vwidow af Mr. Seavey ina till living wlth ber daughter lu thi. village, Mrs. D. D. Herrick. Ramblers Most Defsat. After a long sens. of victorieà chalked up to their credit and aflier defeeting tbe nine twice before that won Sttuday Lîbertyville Ran4-lero luet the gante by a ecore of 8 ta 4. The officiai score leoflot avallabie, but the local fane report that over confidence playere ln poor tarin and a series af errors lost the gaine. The gaine seaa declded lu the firet few lunnug, clxescres being credited ta the Wetern Sportingi Goods ine, ot Chicago, their apponeuts, and the Ramblers made mo8t of thelr rime lu the eaely part. The pitcher, Rugan, vas lu poor tari n ad traded with Captain Meloy, who held thlrd base. The latter held the score dovn to two m-ue, made alter Le entered the box. Ths visitais vers in good torm and played hetter bail than the West End@ of Waukegan. Ba Rambler Rooter. 0, rellow le the color witen te Yelow sunet And i'elloe ithter olor Othat e fltd on ieay a Anid yello le ite color of te dusty couentry rond. Atd yellow le lte color tint te rrllow West Lotds stoed And yellele iste roler of mashed tulpe in a disit So thte West Ends aul turned yellow &ud oiteyed titeir leader', rli. A New Train Batween Chicago St. Paul and Minneapolis Via Chicago, Milwaukee & Si. Paul Ry. The ST. PÂI'n-MINyAÂpoL18 SP]kCIAL la the naine 01 a new electrie lighted train tram Chicago to Milwaukee, La Crasse, st. Panl aud MinneaollsVia the Çajcà. ga, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Four other daily trains tathie Twist Citie. Leaves Chcago 8 P. iM. daill; Milwau. kee 10:10 P. t. Arrives l8t Peuh, 7:25 a. M4 Mnneapolis, 8 a. im. Tihe 8r. PàuL-MINNEÀPOU5S SPECIÂL carnies couspartmnut and standard aleepere, buffet, iibrary, smoking car and coaces. . F. A. MiLLEz, (Jouerai Poison. ger Agent, Chicago. 44-2 NOW IS THE TIME IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF BANKING W. are prepared to serve the people in an acoeptable way. The Business of this Bank Hag beeti under ai.eaam the sanie aauaervative, progressive and reeponuible ma.emeed for the puit sixteen years, and this experience imeures to depoaiton every possible safeguard for moneys entrnsted to ite car.. Capital amd Surplus, $75.000 LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK If you attend making repairs or installing new fix- - turcs, wc shaff be glad ta fi"ur for you, providing a guarantee of prompt and perfect work at reuou- able prices. We sel aud luttai! the famous *'bmge Porcelaiu Enanicird plumbing fixtures. *Sbmded Ware bring. a wealth of health ta your home and increase3 its selling value as wçU.ld.uIwtatcd bookietfhmt ALBERT W. LITCIIFELD, Libertyvii. %Meflegi (JasemnsEnzio" Clearing Salt BARGAINS I Yard vide l2iYc Percales 1. light Imd dark c olos eheaper than ea., i72c 1* soc and 65C Moudi Saga .........25C 20c nd 25.c Boys 2 andL WfSsh Oo .- 122SI Cas~ 1 5c and 20CWaah * (ods and Voiles,..... Boys' 25C omées O sea 3.,4 and a .1,t 1 O Small six. Womee1sa SI0OWeapper ... 5 25e BaLies' Caps Clearing Salt Price.. IL 50C and 60C Babies B0onnets. Sun Bonnet* 1 1. -lag1ais 25e1 lUe Clearance Sale of -Summe'r Dress Goods RATS RATS C01 ý Aff r75 , nlçqkwlqi--ýý Wc arc inaking a big reduction in the price of ail Light Welght Dress Goods. Cail and sec tbem

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