LAKE au kegan News MnnînAcame to Wauktgah *five years Ago. Loved by 0. 11 mannlng, of!the 'Wildor 4wug Tsaning Company laMs »àwettmon Oi tated over the dep0ue froin bic eideoe ai liv- rqoe 011, bat b. boasvithLdravu from bu tompozy, havlug sold MaiiInteret o tb. Wilders.aid vilIitake a long Uli bealtli. Mr. Manning gave aitho ome ter bis vithdravil and stated làt ha dld » no 10vhen he vould AU0 qp'buiness afira again bic miiremu, ho declared, Weng ludefi- 'r,»e b hibch he transierred ý-ý intorest bia(b. tanueri vau maSe .Iidjbut provloiie intimations 1l'buOM o (bis erect and tho Mai- ti1e bave ,iot been'at voTk at he 801557 for nmre days, th. son leav- bgWedneedai. Wil!I Enlarge Tannery. U r. MaInning *taed (bat t had been the intention of tho Company,. ville be vwu asociated ih it, toeûelarge th. 'pflnt iii the addition of a four. slory modem brick building (o the àêget 9fthe present plant aid nearor lb. Isba front 1 o bellovoS. be sald, (bat (is plan *euld ww o .carried ot Just ai thoue hohever. stI1 lthiithe campaiy aM'1that th. ooncern vould go rlght 'ubee d u double lis capaciti ai orig- 4maluItenSeS. '710 aurror vas mae a îear age. *be Igteutlon.le 80 continue opera- slp igb.t siông lu the prebeut.frame tm5Uy buldi nad te put tue nev belillng ln operation Jut as soon ai "ok on the new building mai tart ue.and tho 1005, o the tan- )sJare fkank u aying (bat (lIay ý«âMMtabbave smem.prett buty limes tùwmnov and the cio.lng lu o! tb ac t bat PreMeldnt Taft viii la Pleneer Manufacturer. id& o *koesrert te "e. un eoat massuurer. 1q*. )gmmomme (o Wankegan be bba a taanner tb I«':= es.about 1854or th 1.e rsnt Had AlI.g.d cruel Teameler Als -The voman vho hed W. &tkiuM0, slli.god cruel North ChicagO té-niter, arreated gor silege abuse o! bie b«ra by beatlug the animala80(t 18 it10«8 an oye, lu Mrs. Pnentice Cooney o! Laeo Forest, tho dangbter O! TomI Laveson o! Boston aid a mIlllbonaries lu ber ovu rigit. 1 Sho isa àmembor of the Humais Soclety. The man vas fiueS $26 and Mon are Travol Stalned and Brown but ln Oood Form. Brown aid travol statuei but tn good form and ln perfect formation, pattoni C, the leaSing batterY O! the militia of the country, reacbed. homo lit Waukegan Sat on. MnndaY aiter- noon and vere, applauded from oee end ef tb. street (o the other. Doomed Dog Escapes. The Man vb" says (bat doge bave .. braia-iii vhlch (o eason la et a discount io Zion Cty todai, and ail becase. a amali fez terrier saved bis ovn lif. from Chie! o! Police Jsap, vbe lIo theofficiai dog catcher. It paye 80 be dog catcher lunZMon City, ai the f ee fer eacb dog licence la $3 and therefone the police are maklng a roundup of il the. cinines ln the. City. Cblep Jsap Thunda gatbered In a amal canine, a fex terrier, aid tyng a rough rope about Its neck b. tlod the. rope 80 tho rear ot bis buggy and draggied tho dog away. Th Sug trottai for aboi# a blokJ and thon tool a tumblo. Gathrlngi hllnsel! lto a bal ho Jumped aid lsnded ln tho chie! oV *polices buggy. fie eet vas eeay. That do-talai it from the ZMon chie! imel-l gnayfod night tbrougb th. nope (bat~ held hlm aid vhen the (let reached th oMfcWai Pace useS as an entranc (o the. dog heaven b. feund hic Pri: ,mer gono and ony the nope remained. j atated (beY StArted the ftgt and ver. ontîrely (o blamfl. Tii. Chlcagoffla deciared the troub- le istartod viien one dld net have a napkin. Riebert wu stated te have put tvo in Lsrbin'a pocet ai a joke sud thie tbnee dlaim Audresikie ra op and grabbed them taklug a hand- kerchle! vîti (hem, tboy saiS. When (boy ver. settlig (bir bill, Larin dlaims he &saed for th.ebaidkorcblet and vwu bit by Andreiakis in returit. Ho also cdaims tbat t.vo ,mployeee caime te help Andresakis aid (bs.t (bey Uteraly mopped tii. floor wltii hlm., At this point. evonybody at the.. tables in the. restaurant nusbed te tho tteet. Brovn and iebert daim (bat (bey ruisbed for aid and the police t Iis point. When outslde Rubent kit Andresakis viii. Tryon b.d hlm under arrest. lie stated be dld not remember this athie trial. It vas Rlebert whovwe. bit aid not Lerltin. iebert aid Brown paiS Larkln's fine sud, be vent toi Chica- go ta, get mnoney te pay tho fines of the otiiers. CIRCUS WAR ON IN WAIJK!GAIN Armaurs Sig Team e Feature Witl the Show This Yser. That there la a very rouI cîrcus war between the Gollmar and SMe-Floto shows was Tgeedy ad- mtted by rspresentatlves o! (ho former shows in this oty, notably Fred Golîmar and Herbert Morgan. Fred Golmar la one o the @wn- or@ of th Gokuar rother' cir- cua. Whlch la on@ cf th. largeat makng thlisterrltory, and te a *UN reporter ln à brie! lntervWe5 ho outllned thue ltuation. "lW. agreed t0e plit territoni aong the Nortbvestern vii hoheSelleaFia- toe aovis." ho saiS. "'a (bey. baing a far western slow, vanteS ta break Into nov territory. et théHe egens. vho ba _WSINS S teM7 desuagreement (bat pur' IRIS t for iqmara.aielun- ST RA AD m irovu shov should aime te Waukegmau AW Coe UiatagemiOit gomle pretty aid (bat Belle Floto abould ahow only mm worod ln ours P sterles of 8S1taInt o Trouble Dilfer butliCetn o swhhwe dsg *Ok tCiet o! Police T hyr-oa n Jhnsor.a l 1natai. 1 belleve. Chientaf.andcohnynd oki "Âmeagreement vas made viii (bth 10. .ailng vas the beut bayer Ki<mdlu Retaurant etet" gh Nonilivestoru road. S'Iatbo nalm m lsn thuel .Unitd which Drsw Croo.f M00andAI- "Tc get around looping the a"Mo. ,tau Msd tliroie meinav*lteineas :eet Sarted Aot-Chîcagoans Are ment vbich wvo daim bowver I ese au &0s hidSe. 1h00 sethor usalaie (Fn"btat the Sella Floto show Sddflot tle buiness bout up apaginli in came in 80 tho Nortbveuteru but tvwt"e venee ho strted. Assistant Cie! o! Police Tiiomu ivlU corme luon theBo 801Lino and lem* util ut; the time o! bis retire. Tyrrell and (15cm Frak Tryon ver. play oppostion (o ne four dais aiioad meuýt Iis veel he healeS a lrnt lu- irnc111ipes l aear iot lm Waeb- of us. The selle Flto aboysaran.hons ingion minot Sunday aftemnoon at the 6th of August and vo come brs Wu Lvedby on. about 2:30 vbon (hey vent teo th t 1e .' Wms ovaiby M.. Eonike restaurant, 122 ast Wasb- Tis la the expIsaileýn he madie o!f fies-o lu no botter ting (o sa o! ington street lu response to a toie- (ho situation anS It shows (bat (bere imy mmu (han (at tb. mon vho vorl- phono message tellibne! a figit (ere. le a circus var bore ai the GolImar, 1-t M fie-hm aud ih hlm lovai hlm, Titree Chicago mon vho came to Wou- he announeed vilI make Waukegai "da W aà en ho muivthout tue leset legan on (ho Pere Marquette sud Joh n anyvay wlth (hein shoy, "aiSd"1b.ho oxaqveîatàcof e Mn. M»nlng. Andresakia, propietor of the restaur- aays, 'Ive expeet teo get ot 0f'tovu lb.w Wldera, vbo nov control tho sot vltb bis employes vorç the. fight- al rlght tee." tsnnonad vhe vîl carry eut tbe rs,wvblbe a crovd o! about three. mn- The Golmar ashovwa is lu kovh Progressive poUcey outliled about & dred People ver. on tue etaiS, and boe. One of the ovons, Geoorge, yr ago sud publishied lu full lu the t firt (breatened te talre a hand lu formerli evned and operated the $UN, came inte the corporation about the. affair. West Coat Compa.ny. Fred la vel elght or nine lemr, go sud are ex- The Ibree Chicagoana ai the Police kueonai a social visiter. Raniy pet tu the trade. station'afier bebng arnested gave their Moga (vo îears ugo came bere vl(h Flrn. I-as Hîgli Standing. namesasa Max Brown, Wilb Larkin aid bis ovn stock compail aid lait year The Wilder Maning Tsunng Com-, John Riebent Their tory sud (bat of came bore abead o! the WaIice .dOla ysnv, nov pnebahly te ho caleS tho Androsakls diffened. At (hein trial next geuback shov. Wilder Tanning Company, bas a lgh moruing Brown and Riebert vere fineS The Gobîmars diS net, show bore standIng among leauben compailes $60 sud costi anS Lanlîn vas fineS $5 lait year because of a gale (bat blev mgie litproducta go Into some oethte and Cosa. Noue o! tho tiiree paiSdovn (hein tonta (bree (ino. anS -le best eaber products bin thevornd, but siated (boy ventS have Judgé Cause of heavi reina (bat maS per- The msagomen( ia always expert. Newcomer o! Chicago bore te eettle f ormance Impos4ble. »moning for improvemnents sud from the. matter. 1 The Sella F108 ovw l a Pacifie lime80 lin basInsalli (b laeat The. trouble occurred siiorily before sip1 so vlhfetre1.i i useclanical bide tte .tannlng (rade. 2:30 cloc Sundai arierneon vhen .mis nnur Greys, the bigb prie. Itav maierlal comos te Wankegan the tire. became engaged i terrific le, ex h o orses fonmerly ovuiet by tro Poin lta ai fan avay a. Â!nlca fight ln tb. restaurant and the. oeil for J. =gden rmoun and reporteS to bb ,a J n ava., Tue main produet o e teo police vas sent in.'T'he crowd o!fbet on eartb ln (hein dlai. Thi.s 1 fatery in fin. upper letuers fer the 3H54)gathered lu but a fev moments., i. fet enursofo!the Sella 110(0 Wbo (radte. Officen Tnionarrived on tii. scene shob. ntasterrtery sud avai frOfli * Wld.ra are Chicagoans. firet and enterai the restaurant vith the s1epe. fieWiSonbrthe,,IL E. and j. dravn club. Cii.! TynOl vas-on tho The van la being vatched vitu lu. Ir, WilSo, are Chlcsgnasand are acene right atten Tryon, driving P np ntra ylclpol.S a .1 wp~5.on bre ahionli etas the 'police buggy. ît vas several in. F1080 has tb. opening oh« t red, as well, tiie ber, aleuoStpneo the show men ropeeiting 18 bav-e IUflu seS Uv1d Mannlng. th. latter (irough tho crevd viii (hein prison- (enhrlaaSayue.iln p of t w ambers f ieud by tho hon- ens. Androsasieas taken to (hoeta-______-_ 4ra0" r70oma men o!fteCty. (bon but vas lter reieased.BEIlMLER t«Y __________________At the triai nexi mornlng b, laimed iNI.MLU,510. (bat tho (ire. baS orderod a dinner Adjudication Notice. te8mc or stimubate and 'wble valting badStarted (e filp ube oteeI heobv vtal"tas * =6 deorà~&ý b*t @ý w4n«'waten about ih (hein flugens. Tmon 1wriber of ai» *U55Of' t150 b. be stated (bey fil105 (beir menthesud 00-4 ~__ Vlt.Iis. tbeo be < oldea-t 'f te a bit, zr wtà Dr. bew It tthemoelves sud otiiors ol in "w suty1o.m of.~* ho leoSlared (bey 8001 catsup 80(1. tU0 U Im 0 'dtrýwth. H Dîsappears in December 1908. 00." Not Explan Mer Queer Act. Mrs. Anna Jenstrum. the North Park1 avenue voman vbo myterlOUSIY dia- appeared from her home way bak on December 16. 1908, is now back et the reeldefice Wth no expianalion ta gie In regard to ber queer act. In f&ct ber reappearance la just ai mysterlous sa the original Stel) that sihe tok in dlaappearlag and neitiier buiband nor vite are maldng -nY ex- Planations of It. The. report le that abe coule bock prid&y or eaturday andi (bat @ho bsbeen vlsltlng friendsetaiSpring Hill, Maa,., and in the.ate of Ohit>. St017 of Vsnlahment I The ,tnry oi the vaasbmffit l aa pecýllar one thàt bas nover been fullY explained. on ijecember 16 Mn.- Jena- strum le! t an apparenti, happi home L..W o the ..b.prwrr Ing Amd oppoostb8h. PesTr blaekaiith mbop. uISEMrYVlLL . LONOIS ogaV mnd Tgibqco Laundry Agecy rs Monod disbes, fé the canaa'y and d. h. SIIAI-ý wS u fi,*monSd Î1 oIeS suai mornlng horeB, Jai lbaby vai huiried tethelbc*o. lors WIlia, sê ~ae uuieo, gone vben ho c=et.hume frosn vork jcan be#aYed. Go btat ullgbt but kept .81l for several Mn,. Meyel w wasahlng clothue on orh «W" t-ft,8 bliu days betore reporlhig the incident. He and the. baby boy Wul pl&Ying inath* WI8h. Plh*Fd. hNeffl siar l n then begln the aearcb. The. voman litcen. ,Vieraealla could vatch hlm. Reem, thon imasea fer Revver had bee. apparentiy happy ln ber Sh. baS barelY turned ber bac% vbl and tAem Chame. home and bâd hadno apparent causse the, lîttle feilow rau up to th. tub. M . Y. D. W iim.u e Mise Rie for complaint. lippel or stumbled nd fbou illadon , Muncut vh vi em tioed It l She)ad slmply lft ithout a trace. into the Vater. The father a oniploi'0 4 00 utoe a a sleadY 'plds Glue I. mer. at the. Globe depatment store.. 80( for over -a yea-ase le weli îIIOWD The woman bavlng beau, a Dovielte, ho and the m"r eri "alOnt Prou bore tromall eu « reece in the Mion City cure bavons ver. ,couried trated. The accident bppen e t City, Proved heMsit a brave woman for her es vau every Dcvi, snd mon- about 2 'locl Monday afternoon. and evS a >IeMne et ber rooelee ta, bellor reeort in the coumtry, but_______ Kt 636 (Garfield, boulevard, Chicago, no trace o! ber vas gained until ehe ifrlday. vas finally located at apring 1111, Hat Narrow, Escaot. À burgiar beileved te have beau, a Maie., vith ber fok, lier huaband ieMis Minnie Rugbey, dauter of nego eileedtkcWlliaie'reedeuesent for ber to come-back lait Marcb. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. H1gbY O! 206 Willilamn' mother, o! a suai of mofleY ber again andmdie.neyer appeared un-, figure in a russaway on north Gen. whilch she 5.1,the voman thlnking tîl fia±urday. atoest Thuraday nlght whon ber 1ouee tii th roier vs. Mr. and l M rs nt Double Consclouenoma.came frg tened and bolto S ov e Int (h rom vier Mr su Mn. om. o! ber friends bellevo (bat cunbng onto the Wadeck lavo, Miss Wlliam, vore sleeping and etarted to eble lis gtted vltb double consciouli- jiîgîey belng thrown out Onto [thie reach %undor the pllow of tbe bail. nese and occazlonàlly forgets ber ovu lawn sud drectli benoath the. front Mr.. Williams awoke and the two ldentlty. viieeîe of the buggy.1 looked at ech otiier. Then "Mm. ________ nîdo or William, scresaed sud tbe blirglar Tvo observera, nldgabo rau. Willias, the. iusband. vas Johoble Myers, the year and a bail of review member, came tW the reace sroused, and vlth bis vife, wbo car- oId son of Mr. and Mre. 30e Moyens, sud Mi"s Higley vau removed to ber rled a revolver, vont after tbe noter. O! Waukgan, vas fatally "elào home viere Ibis morningi t vasmtt Hie vau bidng ln the dlnlng room and On Monday aftrnoon when h. f011 ai tbat ashe la flot ba6dly burt but S re!snlg 8 lt lier buebaiid bave the loto a tub fuli o! bollng vater whtch consldonbly brulsed anddbsa oufp. weapon Mr,. William, blazed aýway- bis mother vas usiug In watbing The Incident tool place at about But the negro made is escape ciothes. Ris mother vas but a foairfAve on Gnese. street mest north of and the. tact (bat ne bullet bols bai feet avay and ball juet turned ber Grand avenue. been fouud i tie Williams flat le"$o te the belle! bat the plucky littie 'h eoutb-slde vomin it the. mark. Atbougbh police of Chicago eearcbed aIl day tbey vere unable te oate C QEWN A tbe negro and traced hlm only as far as the okIlaand (racks. The ne W tujLebs-ave-aiged with us to 911 ________ Dipmornstration to every £armer ini this sectioin MISSING WOMAN claimed to be one of tbe greatest labor savers ever RfTURNs T o 0mE ,v a Free SL of what is invented- I ou e b peuhfor. Tt makS a Pbwe oePmjing plant out of a wIndm l ial lew minutes. It requiru no foundtiOnr 8spCWOcI spprt It will be me ghng rio1t on thse show rwm ifloS r. D âUMPdIEUlt ru uepooeedaun.g ndate nyimoelmnt ordlnr ubY bm& It cost a tr les thon oven a poor wùlml-Wwil eb@w gm. e utia day run k)e it at Wto call next dm aYOU an in tow .ygu ulsWUaouetUu $»d If you do. Well give yen a u boetaJgf il1 SeH.NCK 9BROS. Libertyvllle, 111- ewam-fflb o o o o o o 'o o o o o i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O o o o I i o O e LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE- PIANO MAN, EL EGCTR4 IH In your home means not only a great convenience but a positive saving in Wall paper, painting and ail other decorations by its abgolute cleanlineai. Then there le the economy. It la just as easy to turu a light out when you leave a room as it is to leave it burning. There are no m4tches to scratch to relight ItL Simply turn the button and you bave liglit in abundance. -Since Fèib. 1bth, we have been offering to wire the firât floor and basement of your house, if located on our lines, for any six of the following electril light outiets: One outiet for library table lamp, one drop light in furnace room, with controlling swltch at the head of the Btairs; a aide outiet in kitchen for fiat ion or light; porch light, with eontrolling awitch in vestibule; one outiet In parlor or auy otherfiret floor room for only $ 10.0)0. Don't th ink of living another 'wbole year in your bouse without electrie light 'when $10. 00 wIil place at your disposai the best llgbt on earth. Landlords wili find that electrie lighted houses rent easier and that paper and decorationa are kept dlean.. Witb electrie light there lu no necessity of scratchlng matches on the 'qails. No housbas all modern conveniencea without ItL The Company. reserves tbe right to wlthdraw thia offer at any tîme wlthout notice. 'Phone for our man AT ONCE. NORT SI'RE ELECTRICCO. 230 N. GENESEE ST. Phone No. 258 WAUKEGAN, ILL. P. BAI, Tw MarN!e md Grinite monumenis crnet.ry Work of Every Description Corr.spondecoe 5ollcited 126 Geneâee St *Waukepan ýR m 16 1 mm@mmRmpý