LAýKE COUNT'Y N' INDEPENDEN1T AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLYISUN VOL. XVII, NO. ý2- PART TWO. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRiDAY, JULY 30, 19W. FOUR PAGES P13)lEU YEAR IN ADVANCE. APPLE PRIZES OPEN TO WORLD FORCOMPETITION For Honor of OId Lake County Apple Growers Shouid Enter Lists One Special Contesi at Spo- kane National Apple Show for Ths District $un KlSaed Orocharde ef Lake Countyt Shouini Yld Appui Thot i WIILftr at Least On, Prir. lInMlddloee..à Contesl. List ot Awards that e d ta b, Given., Laite County Applor Gooni. 1 ProiWodn.aday's Bsn.) The apples of Lake cosnty are I ln need ef a dMander, The managemeant Ot the nation. f ai&PapiOSshow, te b. hid eagigopa- kane ln November, has lseuAd A challenge ta the word and unie« à whoie lot ef People mise.ihair gues hadiy the eun-kiaed or. chorde of Lake county thouhd yieid ed cheeked fruit that wlli At oait lit a th. conteet that la bclng heid esechaliy for f the middle west. Apples growers et this section are rged ha makre enriqg.. t Spokane., MWasb>, Joly 38-Une i titousanti dollars andi s goit modalici banner. vith $5(X) ln gold and a silver, modal banner ta tie second a" A 5 Massive Oliver loviug cup sd a dl- i plomia t h tii iird, are o«egrd as tic capital prize for a car o! 210 barrea or 630 boxes of tihe ot commercialis vinter appILea, an@ or more standarde varieties, exhibiteti by any ovncr. b lesta.e or agent of the. land wiere t thie fruit vasd growo. at the, second Na- tional AppînA Show In Spokane, No. vetmber 15 ta10,>wben premiluma o! a total value of $26.000 viii b. award- edta holif igin lîig ettries In th.e20 The preumier coupetlon la open tu the. vorîti Four pointasviilbe c cousideretiby the. lîdgesaIn making gel te avarda titis cas, as fOliova: 72 First, value of te varleties for tb. a& purPose tu vhicli hhey may b. adapt- 46 ed; second. colOr, fize aid unlforta- w ItY of fruit; tlrd freeiont from in.- sect marka and othier biemlahea;46 fourth, excellence lu pack. Every ex- hhbitor In Ibis ciasoilrecel.. a barrel Of spray. Tii. rulea of te Amierican Pomological society vilit, govera te conlt. S Is l'Our tracIs ef orchard land, rang- m Ing fcom 1.,000 ta $1,260 ln velue, . $19Ô0 lit gold, several bea4tful il- q ver trophies and arides! premluma and gri duplomas are offereti u inteti-box or r aix-barrel competitions, viii $60 tao ci secondsanad $25 ta0 hitrds. Oue tract, eh( lion-irrigalerInl for Rom. Beaullea, ta lie vinnier agu als 1reeve te Wil- te iaint' Twlî-e -Winner cup, nov heudfe by George ParwlI o! Wenatciiee, A î Wash. Othera are toc Spitzenberg, ram Yeiiow Newtown and Winler Bana- elc na. The cash prîtes, $150 tao rale and op $60 te seconds, are for Wagner, Ar- clic Itansas Black, DeIicloumý Black TwIg, ell Wlneaap, Altclntoah Red anti otiter standard varlelies Of commercial vin- b ter, applea3 Thece viliisea be a $60 " tropity for tehe et Packed dispiay Iu thuasa, an~d a prise of 6on.rr- J year oid trees for the, hesi 4 1-2 lier Co pack. N. Tire, aubslanlial prîtes viii h e Cl awardet In hliImited i dlplay con.-Et test, Open to Individuals, counities, hoa district. . aates and provinces. Tiie 8 space allotted Iol 6 h>' 12 fort ont an ls.n Incline. 'Phe puri>uae l a 10emcourage 6.16 artîstie acrangeoment andi decorative et. 04. teci. Th~e dispiay la ta b. composenI of two barrels, tvo boxes. ivo baah. eta. tvo jars aid tan Plates, noens C contalnlng more tlian on, vamtlelyt a 'Th, exhibil înay b. composed ef one oUtt -rte possible 10 varieties. The foasuie acorng pinta are 50 for ar- , danemet aid 50 for decoration. l MLe zOrs prîze 11 $250 and a goid ad1bangner, ii $100 anti a silver rdlbanner for second anti a sol- pfor hird. ç 01lii'i undred tiant iOtty dollar. so uir offero.4Ili tour »einms, on. forcigu Nul and one s CaIearritorial or provin- lai e*hIMtO ftw io baurrela or Six ......... v nd, 11 1LO7 TO BE SEEN IN TIS CITY FIRST Lewis toNet MNd Way- it /is le Stage tirSt pea"l DATE IS AUGUST 28TH Henry, Pamous ilumerous Story Wri- ter, and Frankiyn ^da ma' News- paper Man, Wrote Book for Wau- kegan Piece, A. Baldwin loa ne W rote Lyrice.. Novel Stage Effects 10 be Seen in Waukegan Firgt. OOINGS AT GAD'S NILI Program for W..k and Doings of Lest we.k. (?rom Wcdneadare Baon.) On Sunday afternoon Mr. ýarne< of Lake Forest Who b"a charge of aeveral vacation achocoainuCtiicagn, gave an lntcr.sng talâ t Wte hoya and girls ati(jadea 'Hill Encampment. Monday evenjug Mise Eva Maffl Lena4nz, a charmniag Young reailer trom Aurore, III., with Lthe assstance of' the Miases Carter and Whitmore, entartained lte chJidren. TuaedaY the North Shiore people furnahad an evenlog's entertainment.> Highiland Park wili en- tertaia thi.e idren, Thea" entertan- mente corne at a very deairable time, a Tuesday and Wedneaday are the day, When the, camp change, popu- lation Thi. Chriatopher House peo- pie leave tii daY« and Gad'@ Hill Center partY takes taLer place. 0Soething simple and Instructive à» planned for each evenin& ont se oaueh for the purpoue of ent@rtani he chidren aa to, taire cars of theni for fluâ.t restiesa period thal ccames alter the. supper hour unlititi .tinie o0 retire arrives, tRIBESMENtliÙéLE"IIALY Clash In Semalliand Reamat. ln Deati of Forty-Flvs Native. Rom*. Juiy 27.-Advices recetred (romi ti. governor of Benadir, lttpsa Somailland. lIste that lhe Moh"Il tribe.aeeking vengeance for tbiOs> tur* of hheir chief, on July 17. attaksd an htallan detachment of native An citrin. 1Tii.' enemnyiws repuosd, fortydve bitâtg kill.d anid twenty wouoded. Tii. Itali n a"véa Ove kulled. Littie Girl Lacerated by Leopard. ltockweli CitY. la.. July 27.-Myrtl. Strauber, tire, 70cr. nid. vas iscert ed aeverely by a leopard ai tihe fair fiers. Sh. vza.silowed lo get ton, CIO" to the.Lcage sud Uicheaat ciawed ber. THE MARKETS Cash Grain Market Chicago. Juiy 24. Winter rbeat .bY samPie: No. 2 red. New, $1.07 i 1.09; No. a rsd, nov. 81.10 01.17; No. 2 hard. new, $1.0701.09. Corn by samp)e: No, 2, 71%,c; No. 2 white, 75t1jc: No. 3 yeilow, 72%@ 72c; No. .. 71071%e: No. 3 yeliow. 2072'4c; Ne. 4, 67ý%@6gc. Oala by saipie: No. 2 white, 48%~@61c; No. 3, 46%c: No. 3 white, 46049c; No. 4 bhite. 46e546c; standard, 60c. Barley-Maiting, 68@72c; mlzlag. 66067c., screenings, 50065C. RYe-Septenuber, 77%ce; No. 2, 790 Oc, No. 3, 70079c. Chicago Live Stock. Hoga-Recelpits 27,04),1. Quotaiona 'aed aIKt 8.2008-30 fer choies h.ea>., 9801.es26 batche-, , $1.4607.86 lit lied. $7.9008.16 choies lugt, $7$0@ Mhi pi.vy irg 4.7607.86, Cala-Rceigaa17.0w0. Quotatice. rmg'd et $7.#007.46 fer good ho >rime stemr, 84.4006.96 goit ta ý14e toe, 8.4.2506.25 gond to !oislceiefe!COVI, 148 40600 8041 ýochoies bottera. $8.0008.50 gond, IDchoice alves, 84-7605.15 seiffeete1d eeder%. $4.0094.40 Bod to choi,» iockers. Sbeep-Roftipte 22,000 Quolatîn itged at $7.2507.76 for gond tu oi1e lamba, $6.6007.25 fair to god Pring lalÜbB, $5.36@6150 gond t10 nîoce wethera. $6.60C6.0() gond te hoic, yearlings. Patatoe. New POtatoas--Choice ta, fàncy. 620e c; fair tu gond, 68060c.a East Buffalo Live Stock. I Est Buffalo, N. Y., Juiy,26. c Duaning & Stevens, Liv, Stockr immIssion ?4erehantz, Ernat BnisJ* iY., Quote asn follove: Cattle-Ra. alpin 160 cars; market ateady. Hopa -Receipta 60 cars; market steady;C eavy, 18.60e,1.60; Yorkera, $8.200 40; piga. $8.16. Siieep and Lan*- ceipte 20 cars; mnarket slow; bagt. unbs, $7.00C7.26; yearlings, $5.76U f 6; wethers, $5.0005.50; ewea. 84.25 V P.60. Calveos-Beat, $4.0008.00. à Elgin Butter Market. a Elgin, July 26. f Creaui.ry, extrea, 26c; Bfst, 28e: l :ra finris, e5c; lirais. 23%c; dalris. tra. 23%c; firata, 21%~c» paeki«lit chk. m &ILED FbR 'M151SING MAILS ffclalset Amerfean Civil Servie* In- stitute Are Prisonsns. Washington, July . .-Charged vlth ing the mails tW defrsaud,. J A. Me! tg ilty, t;ç4uu aiad H. Van ViaOt » va thrz, .' tres«mur of the Ame*F Il 1li c*te lusihate, Incoros i ~rla6era. ~s .1tye a i NATURE AS A CHI ,r.adioWbhhe l. ighest ef soi""esCaninet i Tie b.Iiumtng icaveggof thlunsrae nature as a ci4 Perfurmu testsevitici lie1 sctilude et science caunot VUi tn s lent Lthe living an ehemiel, poti the mcclaici l By tisyigit Lhe lest ee sorbing tiecacrboaic mcld ls deeonnpoing Ibis gas la Poanelenenia--cartjou o Tis carbon t is retainlng lie Plants* food tb enter lnt tige vlla vaier, ami tia " t e frac ith le sIm igitt lisi.propseueases,t su ussential tenture lu the0 Oct oethliecanbon sud the leaf cieluisi wili elaborete alnd @torchce wiieb tic P affords, As eugar lie pro Paeas trom the Isartto b, sc lu lie Caeneof tigc potalo, fa ». as teafford a siorehoti viereconthe Plant msy tin sutsenance aud for the devel lt@ ave.sud overs vit, tome.g. Ail tie vagetabieaoa acde.,lb.heCnteansd gaina, wich Yield Inia unb.r, tIl itfrumita sud *on the col lovera are o[miarly the, pro onstructive nh.ualqtry v[ nan's hast efforts to imiulahi evie nature, but at à liais cio Tribune. BLACK IIAND INCOM Chicago Polile Hope ho Run to Earth Through it .Chicago, July 21-Chicil inu declarettalthb.BBise thc city la about t10 ba rut mie iacking for this elateni from te confession niTntou inotenn-year'oldIRollon, arm lhe ulurder of Guisappe F111i aseerta tiat he ls a mem[ .1t1g vbich ha been terror talian o! the. City. Pollowlug the Confessiona made on a bouse et Daupi Wicre Antonio Nudo, Brun, Bd Golseppe Cars, nanietias Of the. gang hy lie Younhg1 [r eLrresu, ere taken latoc Temmyle Careu. ~Tmu, ad thie il 0 be 'sqt t isr ?m q.lqqti> b. su arttie1 ~0n*tiw kigirl*m OPENINCODAMÀOCH PROGRAM Sunday Io cS« eetAttraction at jhis famlly lier. ait he. ime, The newE Ravînla Park. MA DV P [~f f l'tgiimarriage hla a srpriae ta ailhië (FrOm edD@MY's SN 14A RIES IN' iIAHO friendsasaiwell as ti' auily as no on. W alter Dam rosch a mi rh.. ew had the e list lu 1ajdg f i York Symphiony Orcheatra %il] begînFolw Chicago Girl on liai YORK( HOME NEWS. an engagement Of several a..ekaal sit-t. BrUhe's rom Wdnî'îda. v'sSUN Ravînia Park, on Su.nday atternoo. Servie iwll h.. heid lni the morn Thisoccaaion viii mark thi. 111h an- aid NarriageRecsUits lIng ati .,aîibj.e Tite. place oi fula appearance of Mr. Daniru..<h and t.ihe ihrchlinl Christian Religion.' l ithe evening ai Iî8 î, ubject, hua Orcheatra at Ravinla. IThe an. NEWS SURPRISE TO FAMILY ..WbY ios,a n SSîlîl erniain i Sn nouncement of bis comlng la always There will b, an iýe rream oaoli an event t0 the boat nf friends ihebaa1 at Mr. Wm. Polmèteers Thuraday ev- drw botbm nfrmrsasn. Sort Of Attorney Nomner Cooke, Head enînAgih i 'neadhv Theawn athm lfore Sriay aaoî of Corporation Deportment of N. W n go imeUý . Ai oeadhv ceT ii prgamfor --vl Snday l'o Harris Bond Co., Surprised Famniiy Ilir. and Nirs. Jerry Burris eiîîertai cecivii prsen "Evnlu Breze' IWhen He Sent Lether and Clppingsedanm r0fomgfikfcmow Jy Giet, -Glinklaa" suille by (;Jin- TeîiangumbeMarfis9, on folks22. Sunday ka, a 'Scotch Marcit' by IlWbursy, Tligo arae nJl 2 u>y and a new *Ruaalan" song by imnt a.(efla Nelson la vliing ber kt-Korsakow, alan a loew Ballade îP,îFontWedîesday sSUN t uiec, Mrs Edilb Rasamussen. by UAadaw. The other numbera are A large crowd attended the. party Goldnmark'a Overture "Bakuntala" Ai DelaliS of a romane which t arted given In Mr. David Adams new barn. dante and Final, froni Mendeiaaomn'a Mii Chicago aid extencied ta Sitoaionse, A band (,rom Kenoshit urniaited th. Violin Cocelta. "BIl Scetie' and dtiaowhere tiie Principale vere Mar, music, ftreeiments ver. aerved. *M c tth eio, B' I ,Ail itad à ie tinte. '~Maeb t lii Scs1d" y Sci 1elied aid ln which Andrew Conke, fnon 111" Sella illlimorre ao! Bristol, Wl,., Introduction ansim dWe Ch.nrtn. from t Attorney Homer Cooke, vas on. of'S,în friendai on te lowi lhie a 1ew 'Loheagrln " tbeeava'a overture the PrincIle ,reached hece estelrday day, titis week. Leonore" No. 3 and . "Hungarian 1; en a lelter front hlm announced to About seveiîy Oive tîelghhors of Mr. Fanlasy" FIt. Solo, played by Mo'ltu famliy hia marriage on July 22 10 Davli Adauma attended i barn rai.- sieur Barrere. Miss Aileah Werner of hiagat nadateIowsiibdbda -Shoahone. 'The leiter vas accompan- i* ee" pari heiped i humtilt bis ibarn CINDRS AGUSEBOVI SI e d byZrelivsapeclipIifgs tellng of viii ibay, vhlch hi wau very thankful hhY entîrely hy surprise as no n kling Tii. Greenvoori cemnetery Society Nuisace Lid t Siur ReflnetY, et lite existence of lie romance had tiela ith ira. Jaiue.i Nelson Wed- Long put uàp wiih Und.r Preges. ever riacheti themu nesday v'veniîg, Aug. 5 (Front Wednc.days SUN.) The two met In Chicago. vitere Mies South aidera compin vigoroualy Werner lives with a brother aid ois- Whsl MNe Wanted to Know. aganstshoersofclaerstha thy er. Eaeh aummer Misa Werner vouit I tbilk-.awOmaDwho la capable of cintr conte fromt te amoke tacks go l0 Iaho,, where sie voult apend supporitlng hereeIf la h folt to marry." of teBgrrinran hc o the season fa aranc'h belonglig 10 her *'Yte." lie rePlieci ater sah. lid er the. entîre aouth ideiivienever 'he am. y Wenherda Pail ranch, near gad deflsntly et hlm for s moment. winti Io front the eu,.T'hi.major- Weidail. Thisaîiîmmer tir. Cooke foi. "j aMr. vth yo 'u' But. if a voman lty of south aide io». vive, state inwed lier for a vieil when siah. left for Who Can supp.ort hersein' la s fool for that titey always mark the. direction the ranch aid tite marriage foliowed M inr~g, vitLhallvo s"y 0r a of te wlnd before .s e. vi's-whensaon after hia arrivai. 'Ph. two veut MOaWho takm s vite la $P,fteii. t.e wlnd ta from thce eortlie vasb to Sio@hone for lb. ceremony. tact tual he saable to earn his ovit a aivimys entlrely SPOIied. .Lâst nîgiir Mr- Cook la aItiie head the i cor- lilvlngf'".Cticago lte-Ord-Herald. he vInd vas fron tih, enthesa andtporation department of the N. W. Har- tii, wlka of lhe aoutii ehdq ver. con.-frsaCo. the largeat bond company i10n au en hwassonce tite.cultom for ered witii inders vhille JMds the country, wlth iteatiquarteca In hi-dOmfflic servants to have ivo of their triaIs ouk besee djginget cag. H tgverywei knwn , Wu.j uppcr front t.cth extrscted. Their ceh, tres ould em se dlglu a sgo .- aveywelknv bWu ce ludicated servitude. kega . Île expe te 10 reacit Chicago le TOULS AT LAST Thomas Courtney and Phillp Bulger, who Attemptcd ho Put One, Over on Wanksganhee, Plsad Gullhy te Ai- 1- eg0ed iltegal Collection of Fines te )fTribut, froro Automobiliseabeout Maywood. iPrûm WedieRday's SUN. kiThe folinwlng wiiilihe or interagi ta at leai on. Waukega, automohuhlet -ho recsntiy recelvei Word to coe 10 MaYvOW ndad psy a fine to the Iwo mentloned, witeu as a maLter ni tacàt h.he atineyer heen In lthe iurg aid doee,even know where itlel: r Thosas Courtuey, a former consa hIe anid Philip Bulger pleaded mli' y tefore Jnage, Brentano yestentaj' ito a charge ni onilectiau"n.,ii$a. Bly from automobile speeders inla BY- voai. Racit vas Oued 8400 M mailcoL Conrtne Y also Pleadeti gaMt.) o& carge of Pasting a wortilusa eiick tfor $35 On WUiiam S. Ocertmer, 824 Tily.flrpt place. O)n tii chargluls *as sentîeed 10 six monthe ln the. brideweli. The. Origin of John . l lilsret. 1712, there va. pubtiaffd Iu L-duu a satlrical brochure dusliag vitthe "«tu aorfthé previom rialr a" ui ieiuggPPOMlncntiyl m'NUt lta do « »efOwen, Louis XIV Bul'k land anti Englanti, theiislt nmu countr.vbeing represeotul by "h Bull." Thieoriginal oni lie rciiut vs John Boilînibroke, minuter o« Queca Ane. wvin t (ho On t ltlg vas spOo r ne!as"Lord BtuIliur snd "-iohn Bullongbroni JJIwruý9jg tbe titie ofthliebrochure ees *eatY lecOmiug ahbrevlated. ho pi".la tMa Bul" il tvag tie pgodaý«" « s Scotch writcr. Dr. Johnù Aretnnpt- and not Slfi. tasomae bave etat.4- Londoin Quse. - Rfov.D-RoveI dos.alt ,sgm as b -N. o livas. iti imsa.. reweMa conlinueri for amelime biun E- 4EMIST. Blate of""Binos, CountY Of Lak, sas.;u Inte Circuit courtt0( Lake t Eastihuis C'nany. Rival. Mary Horen andi Etiard Hm-en vs, fPflflgtime Miles Lancaster, Jula l mnater. temnisi vho iigiiet ei. Cathierine Lancaster. Margaret Me- tiops to ri- Gregor, John D. MeOregor, Wlabethi iauuta il Moore, Johnu J. Moore, J. B. O'Oonnell 8laboratoey. and Mles J. Devine.(jeu. No, 36. muIt ià ah- Bill for Partition. id g"a d Publc notice isaitereby givan hhat nt li on by virlue of au order sud deersa an- rau pa of tereti ln the above enthtîcti cama, la to coqii.- sais! Circuit Court atlttie McmiiTofl, aoxygetili A. 1). 1909, titereof, te uniersian, OPIneref. 'BJy îll on Tueatiay, the 7th day of tep- for 118it 19 tomber, A. D.1909, at the. unr of oia ff tau i& 'eioek l i the afiarnoon ot s I&M d dfe, the auene ai door of the, court bou»a lu nant wori te City Of Wsukegan, lu ald 10uaty ridocte yul anti state. ell to te blgeet anti bet tored op. as bititer for cash aI public auciion the. 'r example, folowing tiescribeti land and real as- le. ni foodtale, to-vil: aw for il. eîopmeni ni Tii. Northwesî quarter of the aouth. en occasion eat quarter ot section tourteau (14), cêmea. nd 'Alan the nortit-easî quapter of the 1the.Juice eSuth-eaat quarter o! sald section tour- be Ocavoring ten (14). nier nithie Alan lthi east haIt o! the. uortiihaIt ect baet»~ of lie soutiteat quarter oftheii souti- e. Manu foi- eaat quarter of section foun'ieen (14). tsnce-C- .Aiao the nortit-veal quarter of the souli-veat quarter of aection thirte«s IFESSION Alan tte north hiallf ot ha south. West quarter o! thi soatit-veat quar- Ith* Baud ter of aaiti section thitren (13). ýt-Alan Lii. veat bal! o! lb. nortit hait igo police.o !k Haudta s f the aoutit-east quarter of the out. an ta earhh. easa quarter of section touirteun (14>. nent comeq Alan a paccel of lantidea-,cruheti as ny Baffa, a cnmmencing 51 lit. soîîhh-east corner rrested for of th. uorth'eaat quarter of te nI-lit Ipell. in vO est quarter of section lwenty'fonr îbr efthle (24). township forty-four (44), nertit, naiin; ich range eleven (11) eaat of liethird a raid vas rineipsi meridian, lieue. runnmmg phin Park, aiorti siltean (16) coda; hhence veut st Ferra..tu Obleago, Milwaukee,& St. Paul rail- sa Memier. rocil rigil of way sasnov loctaqi; fellov nu- ttence..mauth ta the. publie ighvsy; ciletody. liance.sensit tlte place of heuiliaing, excepi iowevcz tie eat one-hait mcv [t,, "* ni ofa ipe. or parcel of land. au~ Ailnf saad real citais iieng site- aledlalu TownhIip Forty-four (44),f Nloer oKbI. Ru"angeUlven(à)Nat s61i 11*.4si Tl Plrtadil Meriqilantu, êgse henuy 69 X » andMaillaet 3ilWob -No; he ha.. autpmoblIs hiatus 550 B PS RU TAG SAMEJ 105*I107 Street [§Somne RO o Bing this Coupon end 25c For a Ladies' fine Nlght Gown o Bring this Coupon and 9c Fora Glngh»m Apron o Bring this Coupon and 78C For a fine Wash Sklrth wotth $1 .50 tea .. q Tag A Bg CeanUp On Pouitiveiy thd Sest Velues et Our Stoire 3 Fine Talored Wash Suita that i W are worth more than double.... ' Fera Girl'& Lace trinm.ed Waah Suteq sizes te 14 C»ùpone Some of the best Wash Suits, the values will amaze you ... <.7.9 Fine Assortment of Wash Sklrts and up ChâïmIng Variety of Sum'mer Dresses. An assortzWat of cool Jumper 14 Dresses iwduced froin 3.50 ... Fine Dresses in the latest .tl ............2.95 Se the elegant Dresses itt 9 Ailth Pamteiar ~ ~l k ~ M W Fe oMSl Lwofth .0 0 Brina hi coupon end 160 Fer a Fine 71- . 1- -- 1 1 (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) Waukegan la tue place anti Satur- day nîgit. Auguat 28.,t.e date for the. Bret performance ou suiy stage nf ".Lo. ithe musical éomedly which O. Henry, the. mont fainuons lite mag- aine wrlters of iuday, Franklin P. Adiama, the nevapaper itumorist, and A. Baldwin Bloan,, thte composer of -TPhe Mocklng Bird' anti"Tii. Gin- geritrecti Man," have viiten for lhe iiarry Aaklu Comupany, andi lu ich John E. Young, vho made such a suc- ees as Jobunie Hicks tu"Th'TiTme, thePlace andthetiGirl," viih. eaes- ured. Two notable men bave heen engag- ed ta stage "Le." On. of themn la Enivard P. Temple, vito pul on the. mammotii spectacles for the. New York Hippodrome for liree yeasa. Tii. other la; Lewis Moron, te greal- est experh.-on ensemble dance& bu the vorld. andi a man vho bas deigued Rome of lie Most novel stage effeeta ln the, musical comedies of tha Ica haif-dozen years. Morton la lhe su. perlor of Neti Wayiturn, R. H. Buru- side, George ýMarlon or any of lte men vito have (rom tîne tu lime heen calle In10Chicago to perfornu tiesort o! work for producing managers. With tva aucit men 10 devise novel- tien for lb. new plece, "Leo" canaot fai to b. one of te moat lnteristing s pectacles of tb. day. r Ta9ý