Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1909, p. 1

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LAKE' 1-cQUNTY INDEPENDENr7 WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVII1. NO. 45 îwo Parts LII3ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1909-12 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. MRS. KERR KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDIENT Accideht Took Place Near Seven Friday NigisI ln Sight of Clements Pîace-Throc, Farm Hansis Sumn- Mond Coroner Taylor andi Physi. clans -WO njuresi Are in a Berl- Que Condtion. Flying aver a tret<'iso! a mile o! Lake county raid Just soutis o! Lib- etyville, lise sutomobile o! W. S.1 Mille turned turtle at 6 45 oclocis lasi eveuing. On1e wonoan le dead atnd tira Men are Inlured, Thse Deasi. KERR. MRS. PARKER WlNtiIELD, 149 Saouto Forty-iret avenue, Chicago. The lnured. IIAFER, HARRY. 5121 Michigan avenue, Chicago. MILLS, W. S, 5023 Michisgan ave- nue. Parker W. Kerr wosn ntlfled Imme- diatelyofo!tise fatal ccident ta is I. f mi' n arrived in Lîbertyville t1 1i0:10>Fri lay nigisi Tise condllion o!flise injuired men sas go serlouo tisat It ias scarcaly possible ta abtlu a eaneceted narra- ti've framt tien. From iriat tbey said to Coroner Taylor, Ibrougis moaning lips, lt alpeare ibat tise party iad de- parled ram Ciicago lntise midst of! tise sfternoou. iounsi for tise summerc bornes of Mr. Mille and Mr. Mater tr Leke Maria, net fer tram Antiocis. t Mlls Head of Auto Company. 0 Mr. 'ini preoldent of tise Com-f mercial Slotor Car campauy and aioEa beed of tise W. S. Mille compauy. at tolorlng irm mitis offices In tise Mar-( quette building. Mr Mater le a sou of Henry liter, presideul of tise len-1 ry Hater & Son ('oai eaompsuy. mm.e. KcPF r as tise wi o! tise managlng toreman o! tise Mille tallorng esteb- Ilsisment. Milleset at tis eeal of thse auto- mobile, lu tise front satut: iim wasaMme, Kerr, Hafar aceuples tisei tonneau alone. Tise Machine heu wnizzed out of Chicago shotly atter1 o'clock, "Speed up" wae tise unanîmous erye Of thse occupants of tise whizzing car,à and thse speed lever clcked loto tise iigis noteis &fter tihe car left Hait Day. Three Under Wreck.d Machine. About 200 yards fromntishe Clernents' Place sautS of Insule tise machine. fairly darting touards Libertyville. suerved ltiste lef t ideo! tise road. Mille lait contraI of tise steerng gear.i Tise machine raared lto tise air. ut-1 tered a near buman groan, and turned1 turtle.1 Under tise machine were tise irmani sud tise tua men. Mm., Kerr bad been1 caught under tise engine and woes ter-1 ihly mengled. Mille uaE, jammed b-1 neati tise wreckage. Hie pelvis le broken sud bshie sad la badly wound-1 cd. lIster. ln tise bock seat. eseaped ilS feirer Injuries, altisougli b e lu a serious condition. litIs rigist unît le broken and ho la lnJured lnternally. Many' moton cars were ou tise ord. Tbey bal al made way for thse Mille car. Tiree farta bande were wutnesese and summaned Dr. Taylor and Dr Gai- louay. Il iras apparent bhat Sîrs. Kerr isad iseen klled instsntly. MNille iwas un- consciotie Heter biladJiimped. but mes eaugist as be leavad. Mr, lIerres bsody mes pleced ln an automobile and iras taken ta tise Libertyville botel. Tise tira injured men irere 1k takan ln otiser machines to ties ame botel, miere tisey were attended by Dr. J. L Taylor, coroner of Lake caunty, and by Dr. C. R. Galloway. At mldnigbt tise piysiclans axpressed tise opinion tist Mille migisi recaver. Hatere Injuries are net necessaily ta- tal, aecordlng taotise attending sur- o geons. Tise car was wreckad beyond recog- nition and its Parts etremed tise road for many feet ln evary direction. LUBERTY VILLE 111E SCENE OIF ACCIDENTS Augut Wolfe Drew Gaslîne et Lis- ertyvîlle Htel hy Lantern Llght-. Spîllesi 011 whlch Explodsd and Burned i Hm Sevrely-Both AccI- dents Lasi Ngis-Horse Was Sht When Founid Hung an Post. Plancesi by a six-ncS post tisai isas dug tar Inta lis body, a Lîbatyville bosoma as founsi, stilI ulbiling gram, by lis driver Wadnesday misen ha e- turnesi ta Is magan afien stopplmg lu ai a bouge. twus e nceeary ta shsoot tire animal. uhicis masbimai by tisa Libertyilîle Lauusiny eomPany tram Wm[ Gainge. Ernst Johnuson, s boy, mas drlvlng It, sud lat Ilbta carry s bondIe ta thei rear door a! s bouse. Tiseisorse for sote resson reesred bigis an it8 binsi legs and came down an tise p"t, s six-inchs voaden post, mnicis plercesi its body and sanis deep m tiste vital organe. lnsted of wrrylng aver tise matter tise hrse startesi 10 eat tise gra8ss ithin its reacis and was faund iu tiis nanner when tise driver re- turnad. Bercel Wolfe. a Lîbertyvîlie bar- tender, Is seriously injured as tise ne suit of drsuiug gasalina by lanteru ligbt. Wedneeday night at about ton o'chack ha ment ta tise tanks of tise Libertyville botal ta dram a eupply of gazoline and took a lanteru ts thbim. Tisa il spillesi on tise isuteru s»d exilodesi, covering Wolfe sud run- nlng daim tise roasinluaeblazlng treamu. Wolfe mas badly burned, anc arm epeially. WIIY ROCKIEIELLIER AND AREA DON'T JIBE Rural Delivery Routes Are the Bane et Contention as Patrons Say the Change et Name Means Mlx UP- Commercial Unversity Lure far the Preposed Change et Name te Area, whtch la Nt Likesi, Troults o! thet bn or Rockefeller, a ics iy legal vote of Its citizenes cbeuged Is nrinte to Areà for business ressorts and olisrs but dscovercd tsarIl'ode Ssm beadnut ieard o! ht sud hasi kept tise nante o! Rockefellar for is pastaiica tisera. 1promise to as- sute a national Impîortance tisat aili tbrair ligisiau tise difficulties of cisauging postoffice narres. Rival peti- hioue for snd agsinet tise name Rocke- teler bave beau saut ta Washington, and nienibre of cangrase bava an- listîd lu tise rival causes. Tise papu- m_ alois ofthtie townepeople ta, cese aller tweuty years ta hbekoom as "'Roctefelers" iras offset hy farmare on rural delivery routes wiso feared isai confusion mauld result ram a cbauge sud misa gave s nepistia tordis- ligisi demonstratlon In tise village streai eginst It Tisa toundationa ve lu for a great commercial univer- slty at Ares mnicis la beiug huilt by A. F. Sisaîdon, aud h mas hie dasîre Ihat tise usma ha ciangesi ta Ae. This eartcd tise ram sud tisas put upon hlm tise burden of expiaining uisy Racbefcllerlu tiis day sud age, le tnt s name ta conjure mît Is n deal- lng miti tise Anterican publie, is raply, cons1dering tisatInl business psychology be bas coma to ha an au- tisorlty, catributes toma ltaeetine, flashe ipuntise popilor statuseta!tise ail mouopaly sud a! John D. Rocbe- taller, siso pann hie libations of mil- lions ripou univesities ta tise restric- tion, soi.e caitiots muleis say, o! thse vlae targisi tharein cartcernirtg capi- tsi snd tise rigisaoa a republican na- tion. "Persoually," lie repliesi, 'I be- lIseeMn. Rockefeler les aoery utucis malignesi man ase au individuel, tisat lia le not responsibla forn murS tit Is cbargnd againsitihe Standard 011 Comt- pany, but for examnple, if my atidrese read 'Siedon, Rockfcltcr.' tise Oto- raI lfeeica moulsi te alttier tisatieh hasi acqulrasi a large interestinlun'y enterprîses on oa-ned tiem a'ould proisbhy kbeau tbree secretarles hus denylrog ibis and than lise morîsi ai large mould not beliese t, particu- Ianhy as t bave ta do uits business ad- rcation, With aIl due respect ta Mr. Rockeafeller, tise word 'Ares' aisicis name I bave requasted be given ta the toan, stands for vary mueS more sud meass more fon tise gous sund pros- hirt9'o! tise unlvenelty sud o! tise towntihtiiMn Rockefllrs name pas- siily coulil To every ana of oun 40,- 000 stirdents seatteresi ibrougisout tise osorl. It stands for tise tour succes essentials: 'A,' stands for Abity; 'R,' for Rllability; 'E,' for Endurance, and 'A' fan Action sud tor nfnitely more tisan tiai: ares you mgits ay, is a kcy-word ta tise ma-buldlng pi- tosoph h ih iwie teacis.' Back ta "TiseIse of Man" Thomas Quayle. "sacnetary" of tise 'Labo County Lau ansi Orden Leaguai and tlaliesiby some to ha tise mosi easy going ans Iinactive re- former lu tise pages o! history, lefi Lake Farest for Europe Monday ansi ilîl tour tisa Britlis lles sud tise Continent mis hie daugiter. Miss Mous Quayle. iris a sdistînguisises scislar ansi Sas a long string a! hom- ors sud dignitleA mon isy ressom o! hem proirees as a student. Tise, io go ta Motreal 'Via tise Grand Trunk sud titan taka an Allen liuer acroe tise Pond. Tire Laka Couniy Independnt and thea Weably Inter Ocean sud Fermer 11.% Per ye-r CHANGE TO BE MADE AT fORT SHIERIDAN Sirong Indcations miati t WiI be Made a Brigade Post Insteasi of e Regi- mental Garrison. This YVIII Mean Many Mare Men. Tise source tisai creates i tigbaood ix dastiaed ta wipa il oui. Ties eld- lare, miso iret made Higbmaad a piague spot, lien carîsed h tateha cieaned oui and reformesi, se tisat ht le noir a piaaeable, quiet littIa city, are destiucd, It would aeeantet cause tise eseutual bîottIng ouI o! tise ciiy -hIrcis. a village a-n hetsy cama four- teen yeare ago te Fart Sheridan, tisey hulIt up loto a orie tinte metmopois o! vice, nom bapliihy ise no longer. Plans made by tise goveroment, unicis bacante public lu tise tato! rumorsi a monts ago ansi ara ou Jrtiy ganenaliy acceptesi, are tea change Fort Sheridan ino a brigade post lueteasi of a regimeniai garnIson, Tise trutis o! thexe plans ls edntltted Vu1 Major Chaîlleli, alto le preity goosi auisanit> -and Iligbwoaut secte tto accap tisent. If te post is cisatgesi toa abrigade headqîrartersin rsteaul o! ana regimnt fron t tiea ta ive mIl bc quantenant ai the tort. h ahi beconte an annty heaiqîartere lostead ofa a mre Isas garrison for ona egîmaut, ans. al ibis celle for extension of tamntory tisai irlîl ips Higbirood off tisa nap sud cause It la exIet no longer, Tise govrnmeut ia evitu noir tear- Cng doa'n onrantmoving buildings au tise rectangle o! landsI hbougisitoestraîgh- tan ouitishe kinke lu tise fort bouudany aud make ht a regularly sisapesi place af landi raservesi for mlitary pumpa- sas. If tise pat iecames a brigade quar- ters a genenal wll ha luntntamand in- steai o! a major or colonel ansitise nunther o oslsilans wmli ha Inceasesi tramn 1000 ta 6000. This meanesu menasse lu psy ral tnom about $2000) a month ta ab)out $100.000 a monts, tise remuant o! Higismndafaten fot extensions are doue ulîl prabably be merges i ts Highlmansi Park, and panade grounds. buildings sud gravas mIll caver msai iras once a litile bit of Ciicago afier dark, Homaver Hlgisuocd la god nom. and bas beau so tam uaarly mix menihe, se tisaitisera le no diegraca ta ha blattesi out, Higisunod attendesi te tisai, ansitisa praseni mayon ans i cty couneil bava atonesi for anytiIng lu lis" pasi tisai migisi S eislsi againsi Ilgi aoad, It ntay aba years fan tisa Unitedi Elaire army beade ta affect tise change but military men coucede tisai it la Imminent. Tisera le noir ana regiment ai Font Sheridan ansi tisatort le usesi as a stopplug place ton iroape beimeen more Important poste. MARRIED IN SPIT! Of OPPOSITION Story af a Waukegan Romance andi How it Endcd Happily in Chicago When License Was Forbid aI tise County Seat. Up lu tise eounly clark's office, bang- Iug ta a door jamb, le au irdar tram tisa faiber a! SianIeka Zdsrooulez tisai a marriaga lcensa sisaîl nat ba iseued for tisa marriage o! tise girl ta Pater Scisaneki. as Stauleka la claimeul ta ba urîdar age, auly 17 9ears aId, The girlsa fatisen neyer reckonesi mush Dan Cupisi ansitise sceemes o! a iici tise littia gosi le capable, or Sa isouhsi haie posiesi a lika onder in tise C'hicago mariage lceuse bureau. Troth le, pretiy Stanleka sud ban boven are marriesi. sud bave beau sînce ast Mouday, wssu tisey mare unites inl Chicago, snd nom tise fats- er la s0 enragesi tisai' ha tiseatens la begin proceedinge ta anui tise car- emnony. Stery Back et Il Ail. Naturalty tisera le a eiory baek a! t up Ilke a man. "I las-e >01 131!MY wife,* ha pleadad wuthS tar>i..ia, "I em nat afraid of yoîîr latîiîî-î1 I li go and ask him for is ii-l But tise fatiser mas ob,ilit*at- otnd re- fused ta permit is dagtielr . abou bie daims ilea nly ssn ti. l 1 tîarry young Peter. Tisen Seisaneki again r iieo tise readue; tise yauoog couple. iliiiere, went ta Chicago, got thicr licîýnar and mare married tisere Sltîi>inîl ra turning bere tallithelîcitlhuran priesi o! tiseir troubles lix> Wr-un- day. Perforce tisaether gritl lii-> eetlo and swears tisai he aili eiitîsuit ta bave tise marriagea eîiiiled'i 'Studles for Priestisoosi, Tise bride le a pretty littli. girl, thse belle aftie district ln ssiirissite for- merly resided. Tise groom la s stalwart. iiandsome youtb mis a isambitions te study for the priestbod !and wmisa as lriends by tise score. He le mork.iig 00W et is trade o! machinist and restules wils bis bonuy bride on Noîrth Stieri- dati rosd. VALUABL-PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY VOLIVAI Oxerseer Vlîva sud is people oill not go ta (Canada. Reports tisat ise mlanned to establislo enotiser Zion City ai Aberta andt ta niegotiatione weme in progrcss toc meany acres are deelared 10 Se a iti- out foundatian andi8. B. Brown, Vo- lira falloirer, la laid ta bie et tise bead a! tise Alberta maovement. It la tatesi, mareover, tisat Volva bas warnîsi bis people ta keeoasay fronthtie seiseme sud tisat ha iisises ta kcep hie people ins Zian City wbere lote reporte show that ise ia materiel- ly an tise gain, ait leuât as regard3 fi- nances. Brown la seektng Zion people tn go la Alberta bot le nat meeting mucis succese. Gives Property to Volva. Tise Zon News edasln tisis uceke Issue tiset Clitton R. Fomaman, an agîsi pooperty Solder ot Von City, Las decded ta VoUYse bisrealdence andi faur lots valuei t 110,000 ail tolsi, sud anotiser report ln that ise aloisandesi ovûr about *60.0U0 ln Zion stocks ta Overecer Votya. Tise News dlaimis that thse day atter tise transter tise ossîseer filesi a mort gage for $i.50i on tise misai proper.yy. Conflîct of Overveerships. Tisera are 500w tree *'overseea" iu Zion Cty, as toliaus: Overseer Bryant, wmisadasta bave rearganizes tise old Dam.e cisurcis mtiout tise "apotoiic succes- sion." Overseer Voliva, wiso daims la be Dowles legal succesear. Hia cisurcis bas tise apostoir sucOesSoon. Overseer Lewis wiosa ys ho la tise general nverseer snd only legal suc- cesar ta Dowie. Hie cisurcis bas tise apostolic succession.' By apotolle succession le meant tisat tise leader ta batievesi ta ha an apostla and eventually I leaBaid bath Vliva sud Lewr; wll chaose tan aIs- ers, Doie liaýilîg been tise 'tirai apostlc' WAS SIMPLY CRAZY TO GO ON THIE STAGE Deiring Stage Career, Ater Quarrel witis Vaung Man, Oomestîc At- tempted Thritling Death Leap-Res- cuedi ater Struggle-Cialma She la Daugiter of Natesi Australlan Ac- trest and Has Been on Stage. Because se manetastago on tise stage ansi couisi not oee hem uay dlean and becausa se isasihasi a quar- ml uits sa boycisunt and for otiser "neasane." Miss Ruby Jacobsa oftise Norths Shorenean, ZMon City, le saisi ta bave attemîîted ta tisrom hersai! ahl. cnom a .mtiroboum ubauuade 5lest Eriennis of tisa tira oninsctlng par- Tisureday. îles say h is tis a tieri tauli tisai Tua youg tan wmisa laiber acting tise girl ansi ber laver defies i hm. queerly, winngiug hem bassan d Woning lu a local factary ail day meeping, follom es hem up tiese tato'e long. escis Saiurdsy nlgit tise girl sud arrivesi juet ln Urne ta catcir ber gave ber psy anvehape to hem tatiser, lrte andi pull hem back. Tisay aked ht le clalmesi; but uben se gai ick her for reasosaefor hem attempi ai tise It le saisi Sa tals her ta leave is ras set but se mauld neot paà,k bouse as he a as no uee for slck girls mus coherenca altisaug s aie promisesi miso coulsi not birlg home ic a tita he goosi ansi not to tm fi gNp". psy envlapai. Resuit, tire erlls lni Hadise succeedas iIn iw>lt uoVer micistise girl lefi. tira balustrade ehe maizisi ba4e falan Then, nay friande, young Pter tiro misolae torles andA beau crosiras Seirski ughad ta tiraratm*..Ha *0 <oati- hasi beau keseslng compe~y *11th bmXsJacobas daims thAt @4eln tise girl sud iran mira loft hain e t brisMer gIofoaeoted Aitnh4 **us father's' allagaul blddlug h. e te 4t a&t srheu beau ACCIDENTS OCCUR AT tIIGIIWOOD Two Soldiers Drown in Lake Michi- gan. Automnobile Witb Eight Occu- pans is Struck by Etectrie Car sud Badly Damnagesi. Exciting eseits lx utiitluiN (,eni temed inlu >igisa'ii nd ii oi r-iy and Ou tise taliras tari ialiii îrowI ii g off Fort Siseridan ae igit iiuresinb an automobile crash oiIti i stroe-t <an near Hlgisaooîi Tise uster tr*ageil> osas tîtat iii whicis fminor S. Staritoti and iJames B. Mtathirson. hoth incîtiiers of ('otît pauy E, Ta'ent i-o ýýenthIn tfantry. lest thiar lves. omathewean andi Stantan os re bath- IngI trise lake, Tisay iad a log uits uneS tisy plsyed. Stautan ir55 Coi a gond semmmr andi Matiesemon ires an expert. Ties ammmrs wautd ptsis tise log aiseasi o!flisauand swimtto IL. iuddenly Stauton urlcd tisai ham'as "aIl In" and coulsi stay alp no longer. lie iras swiminlg ton tise log, oshici osas about ioo'aty tact away. Rescuer Peishes AIea, 'iatheason ai once ment ta tisa re-s rue but despite a isard hattIssve is comradet'q lta acot dom tadets alse, srobabl a o imtlm o! crauîps. Tise bodies bad ntayet tiecu recov- ercul ai 0000. Crash at Highwoed, Tisa automobile o! William Bonslett, a tarut implemeni dealer o!fSicHenry. I r- as siruck by a uorihbound car on the Ciicago-,ilwaukae electrie linsaut ililgisood. AIt of tise elgisi occupants excepi ouaea-banc tisono 10 tise eround but noue iras sarlotrsly InJmrd. Tisa machine iras damaged teycnd repair. Tisa suburissu car m'as slowing up ai tise liigiwood avenue crossiug ut as Mtr. itonslett, irisa as drlving, ai- tempted to cross tise tnacke. Besides M. Banlaîl sud bis tour cilhdran, M. sud NMme. Peter Dogherty sud Mn, Canna ltlnney, ai o! McHfenry, wcre ln tisa automobile.nI. Dagbarty iras tisom ta tise bottom o! tise auto- mobile sud tise isavy top use broben damn upon hlm. Haeiras taken afai badhy bruiesi Dr. F. G. Weecott, miso lives mo lockB tram tise ecne af tise accident, ias callid dattendes tise cuis andi bruinese iricis alsuetaînesi. Thse Injuresi. Bonsiati, Willmiam, 42 yeare aid; thîgisily Iruisesi on tie body snd arme. Bonsleti, Paul. 10 years aId; ut on rgit Ieg and brulsed. Bausiait, I,uala, 25 years aid; brulsed on tise body. Bonleti, Francis, 14 years aId; back aceated and hruised. B3onlti, Benice, 9 years aid; igisi hlp lacerated ansi body bnulseui. Dogiserty, Peter, 60 years aid, clark o! William Ionsieti; bady bruisasi and eut. Daghierty, lIre. Peter, 45 years ald: eut avenrîgisi eye andi srms brulsesi, Krnuay, Mns. Carnie, 45 yeàrs oId, tiousataepar on William iianleit; bruieed ounibody. Tise details o! tise îapslzing o! Ibrea salisoats In a iromens race ln Pista- bac bey, Fox lake, ast Tiusumday afian- acon. when six yauug wmmn isad a nari 0w esmapue tram îrownlug. reariiesi Chicago Sunday. Mise Ruts \VIII, daîtgiter o! Fred hL. Wilk, vice- lresident o! tise Union Trust cam- îiany. mciiidom and became antan- gles ilutise rolîe sud sase a acap- slzad boat. Sse iras freesi sud brougisiltisah surface m'llh great dit- icuiiy. Miss Naitie Shilto, aiso ai iret waa beltevad ta bave beau drain- cd, osas reecueid ta'ertY minutes atter tise accident., ishi se iras discov- aresi riinging la tise masi o! au over- uurued boat. ASKED FOR CHANGE IN ASSESSMENT Afier Paying LargestIlnharitance Tax on Record Lake Forester Aska tisat Personai Valuation ha Changesi from $1 0,300 5e 1135,425-Pays Over Thîrteen Tisousensi Dollars on In- ieritance Tax Settiement. Afian payirîg tise largeet iniseritanca tax aven colleetesi lu Lake ceany, John V. Fariral., Jr.. of Lake Forest, today .voluntsnlly appeanesi bafore tise bsoard o! reviai ansi asked tisai hie personat propaniy asesementi faxéd by tisa asseeson ai $10,320, be ralsesi ta $135,425, a rare ting tisai caumesi tise board ta !e*r Sean t allure aiang1 its membans. Tise cisange measaSgrauIa ncrease ot incarne ta Laite county te tira tune o! caverai thoussudi. FarwellP palsi inirartane a tax an an eitate o! $1,421,778, or $18017.78, ibiS lîîterî-st a gross inheritance tax or $I:15 l.7i the Interest beI-ng $743, 'et IU, ronde Ile pa y-ent asexîuor ottiers with the ('.stiute beiog F. C, ani A. L. Farw ill The ticot larg( -4 inherîtance tax e-ier laid %vs, that for tise late Henry C. t)îratiîi, n \oi i uber, 190:3, $12,- Thse Firo eil -Iste lx one of the~ largest luth,. ,otinty. WILL RUN S00 ROAD TO GARY, INDIANA Long Talked of Extension of BeIt Line ta Bay View May Be Taken In Con- nection with Soo Roasi whlch Plans Road fram Indijana teel Plant ta Superior, Where Connections Wili Be Made. 19 thse Soo hune çw7Ici recently pur- chased the Wisconsin Central, te be the mneans of extendlng the Beit Une, wIth its Waukegan terminus. into e real groîvu op road? Tho tatest gossip s o! a road to cotinect Gary, 10(1 , witis nortisern \Vis- consin ihroigh Miliwaukee, nîaking lte htch vwith lhe Son lre ut Super- for. Two routes spohen of nias be taken. tise iret being the extension of the [et i e, tiow beitig but to Gary, as noted ln the S UN recently, nortis front Waukegan te Bay ylew mîlls at Milwaukee, tis second belng the con- nection of tise BeIt Line witb the Wis- consin Central and the possible build- ing o! a spur track system between Rondout, Ill., and Rockefeller, Ill., te tie Wisconsin Central there. Ssys the Milwaukee Sentinel: "Thse lateet rumar ln regard to tise entrance o! the Soo rosd te NMII- waukee is tisat a direct line will ba run trair Gary. Ind., te a point la nortisero Wisconsin. connecting witb tise Soo lUne 10 Superior. ihrieafise steel corporation will erect a large plant. Accordlng toas soutis side real es- tate dealer tram whom options an property bave been sought, lise Une wil conneect its tise Illinois Steel company'e plant ln Bay View. ging northwset ta Wet Allie ta cannect ulististe Alle-Chalmnere plant, tisen througis Wauwataea ta Ruby Junction and nortisuard. Big Plants an Dircet Line. This route would give tise steel cor- poration, Interested, hIe Iosald,In thse Gary pant, thse Illinos Steel Company, Allis-Chalmere, and hjie noir plant ln Superior, a direct Uine witis ail. From Bey Vlew it le eaid tise lu- tention le te go irestward ta West AI- lis. cutting nortisuard mest West ofte Soldiers' home, witis a siasstation at thse Alie-Cisalmers plant. A creir of surveyors bas been busy irest of West Allie. s80Il le thought tisat tise neir line le te non parallel ta tise Ciicago, Mlwaukee and St. Paul road for same distance. KILLED 8V FA'ST TRAIN NEAR EVERET Hiresi Man Working for James Yor3 Triesi ta Get Cattîs tram Path of Train and Sacrificesi Self ta Duty- H-aî Son Employesi by Ex-Repre- sentative Dennis Gibbons-Came fromn West Vîrginla. Alfred Dinis, 54, wbo came tram West Vîrginia, Thnreday of last week paid for hisedevotion te duty ultis bis lir e. Cattle belonging ta James Yore of Everett, Lake county, for wbom Bircis workad as a iired man, ran onto tise St. Paul trucks after bresking oui of a field and Bircis sougist ta choase them etf. lie wae ln tise midst of bis work misen a fast train came along and kIllld ireh and two o! tise cattle. Coroner Taylor iseld tise Inquest Wad- nesday mih a verdict returnad ln ac- cordknce mith tise facts. Bircis la a soutiserner sand leaves no ralative$ excepting a son wiso Ln employed asnthtie tarm of Ex-Repre- seutative Dennis Gibbons, near Deer- field. Ncwsisoy Drownîd, Alfred Kellar. a tiirtean Yser olsi nieusboy ai Highlands Park, mas dramne in utise laite Oftise Highland Park Beach Frlday mamubng ai il1:80. iran ho tel lunsa Itteenfotctohal, unIle luniatbing. A large numnber o! bis pîsymatas, irisa ere ie swinrming mus bhit, sirtise accident. IHa mas tisa son of M. and Mrs. Charles Kal- Ian, lu eampany iitirah othar baye ise basibeaen Jayng irUmeit lu tise mater uhen suiddnly ha gatInbutisa bale la mater beyonsi bis depuis. PART Or TII! GVPSY BAND WAS LOSTr Resuit le Swartisy Gentleman Ruahes nta Libertyville Office and Csar.i Up Waukegan fo r Trace of «LOWt Wagon ansi Man, Woan and Chli -No Trace te Be Faund Thomre Braie yoursel! for a ebocb, Evar hear o! s gypsy belng let? Ever heur of a lantIIy ot gypies tding losi? WeIi tisera la a gypsy tamiîy tiret lý ,'ither beisirayasi an siolen, sud If sui e notas tisein presence ln iis olicinity ha wouls I îo s great favor 1>y getiîg bta taudis uts tise reet of tise carasan uhicis le sontmisere il.- uireen UJbentyvilieansd Chicago, dead anxious about tise hst onea, Il seent tisaitishe caravan separatai at Saturdey unIle coming tram thea nortis toirards Chicago, On0e magoni vcering off tairardse isaIsassore and othaesconiinuing dam tamards Luis- erlyvi le. It is haliex cd tisat tise labe shore g> usies have bei tisaîn may sud arm o andering antls-they keoir Dt whare, bande Inquiremade fflday- ai Liturtyrilîe iîy s swartisy faeed gentlemen misa rubsocu!.tu a a ee phsone alficesand caliasi up thse SUN for a trace of tise missing oce,. Tisey coulsi not be locates tisereansd not a trace of any gyples could be tounus exeepi tisai Moudiay imo gypsy mamnmena reonderasi oui ot the lewi tan beggiug ansi lefi toirards tise nantis, Tise «'ais' gypsies mare a Man, moraian sd cisilsi ansitise maie drove. a wragon witistira gray homes. Cases misera gypsiee are laet ont 0f tisair bearinge are as rare as lcecreai loa sporeupine, as tise ceai Rom&"y bloosi, tise bloos of tise maudemrr sd Isismaal, goas miither lb mille and gem- erally uis sa papose. Tise balle! le tisai go fer from balug lIct tise mlsslng wagon af tise soatis ward bounsi car-sTan wlfuly 5eUr. asied ansi le fleeing tise rest of tir, Ot- fi-. ANTIOCII MAN 13S )ROWNMD Whiie Mother le Away at Picaule a Croisa Lake, Trouble Man fr C* cage Telephone Company et Antmb Goes for swim sand Wamlne Cases penlon of Danger Spot Moets Irats in Barnse Place. Warnlug hie companion of a daip isole lu Loon lake, tisesaine danere Spot casi William MeGee, .hntLoch5. 'troubla mou' for tise Chicago Tale. tphone compauy, ta loge iis lite.. 1Tisa tira mmnhasileftiAntiocir for tisa Isa ta enJay a swim and eta soqt 4 o'cmaek ln tise atiruçon; McGeae z-> tenesi tisamater, lits compassion lj" yet isaviug finlisesi preparsiase. He, callesi ouit tiste man on shore ta b.. mare o! a certain deep spot as hae n teresi tisemater. Bamcîy ibai ha baâ lu tise Isatira ominutes misa. ha sisoutadsi omauhbng anlutelligible Mdt loakiug arouns tise man on shore soi tisai MeGe a issidisappea-esi. Ha neyer came up atter slmking tu tise vany spot of uhicis Se isesi lva maruimrg. Tise bodiyiras reuoaered au isour afiarmards. .)eGea irasunmammiesi. but mas ent- gagesi toa aMies Palier oa! barasaq Lake,uer Antiacs, i le said $ad moulsi bava beau marries it UL3 le leaves a uldomesi moirer mhoe only stjpport ise wusa À md feoture la tisai tisa maher mae ams"et Ocm" Labe altending s piec Wlo m t1lb destis iook place. Tise motiser la paos. tratasi, Tise verdict. oftisa corassar's jury iras ln accardance mut acts aullInai At tise Inquesi Frlday mornng lit de. vabapes tisaitishe deasi man's naine le,/ F'red MeGea. He drowned hecauve, saîzesi mus erapa, isavlng enteraut coîsi mater'wiila ovariseatesi. Haelts ana brother i Chicago, marriesi, ad an agei matier ti Antiocle. HI. marriage ta Mies Gertrude Filter mw« te bave lakese place SePtemiier «IL Tise girl resides ai Gruea Lake. A uemnocratic Partait. Renting of peu bY CirurciresmW." danaunesiSunday mornlng by th& Rev, Dr. W. EL Biedet-molinl is ei' mon aitishe Dei Pîgines camp MOetlflg. [bts subjeci mme "Tise Riait Sort ot a Chumeis," He saisi peu ratng ire truscriptural andi undimoorali. IPt Biedermaît spoke be-e M SM blage tisiUa IMe thea taberaiuJ i etoods Sverai rois loup- awoM cirele ofo pen OuastAMiw >

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