LÂKE COU14TY INDEPENDEN't, FRIDÂY, AUG. 6, 1909 smemumu~oomoouo IS VOUR ROOF 0. K? I Wo can moot your requirementé no matter how large or small they may b.. I The Prepared Roofing we sei to i ont customers by the rolil the beet on the market, and cornes complote I wlth nails and cernent ready to iay, at the rlght priees. N Wéll RoofingComnpany 1 1i7 S. Gansa..St. WAUKEOAN Tehpbooe 377, . BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fresh Bread every day, Home Made Cakesa, Pies aud Other Paotry. Lunches sud Meals served at Il houre. t'ÂNIY CICARS E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. TaiseS...mg (IRAYSLAKe, ILLINOIS We Have a lmUstne of Satioueiy aud Souvenir Pou Carda OUR ICIE CRIEAM Defles Competition It in uned by ail the ladlng soda water place. along the hue- f (irayelake Pharinacy. Round Lake Drug Store, Druce Laie and al pointei surroundlug Fax Lake andtibnglealde. We are putting onut a rnucb biggler suppl, than 1 lest yeear. Once usmed always uned GrayjsIakeCreamergj Wa*chea.Clocanaad Jewlry lRpared AiU W"rk uwanteed SPECIAL OltDMR FOR JEWELRY ProMpty il W. H. MOORE RUJSSELL Luffber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Miy pices are right aud grades gaod. Whetber yaubuy or Dot gt My figures. PREPAItED WHITEWASH: F. S5.IHEAD, Prop. f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURgR 0F MarWle and Granite Monumeni s Ccmetery Work of Ever3 Description Correspondence ioliciter 126 Genesee St Waukegan The Cozy Cor BARBER SH1OP Lew Flagg, Proprietor à Juat arouud the corner an oprsu Street, next ta the Boshm build- Ing snd oppoite thé Pestr 9 blacksmith ahop. LIBERTYVR.LE, ILLINOIS Cigare and Tobacco Lah4I!,Ag"ec Rai"eaNo c Stayer Buiggies Juet received a carload of the Celebrated Staver Buggies ALL THE LATEST STYLES l'rices Right We alwaye carry a fulll une of HARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois VOLO. Mies Reba Hasan bas been visitinir irienda lu Chicago for the liat few weeks. lira. Cbarity Raught is sPpendiug a few days wlth Mir. and Mia. Ambrose Raught St Libertyville. Misa Maude Waltan, af Wankegan, was t te home ai ber parente tram Wedneedcay until liondsy. .Ir. and Mir@. Hanson entertaiued relatives tram near Brooklyn, Wis., over dunday. lir. snd lMr@. Scott Snell and family were lu Wankegan Sstnrday. Misses Annie aud Clama Rosing spent lest week with tbeiraunt, lire. Etten. at Salon Mlles. Permy Waiton. ai Waukegan, le the gul toa Loyd Russell this wsek. Mm@. August Miler and eau, Nick, at- tended the Stilling-Jusren wedding near Ringwood lest Weduesday. Mr. sud lire. Lncoln Lunt, ai Liberty. vlls.were gueeseofiMr. and Mrs. Rd. ward Luak Tueaday ot lest week. lir@. ih Bunett and daughter, Gert- rude, ai Oriawold Lake, were lu town ane day lest week. M. aud lire. John Sutherland and family came ont tram Wankegan lu their auto Sanday. Mir. and lira. Wm. Dilon entertalurd Mir. and lira. Chas. Oshorue and daugh- ter, oi Chicago, over Sunday. Miss Osuevieve Effluger was the gnet ai triends at Waueonda over Suuday. Misse Mande Walon and Hellen Ray- moud were lu Orayalake one day lest week. Miss Mande Eatiuger îei takîng a twa week' vacation tramt the mail routa. Fiantkliawell takes ber place during ths time. FREMONT Doothy Behm toot in the ciens at elgin Int Saturdny. Philip Wagner wa@ a Chicago caller Sunday. Rase Frederick qpeut a tew day laest week witu ber iter, lira. Joe Onernin. Ervin Wagner, ai Waukegau, spent a isw days lest week with frieud anad re- latives here. Martin Staffel and family and Henry Staifel, Ingleside. apent 8utnday witl Gea. Hertel and famiiy. Mri. and lire. John Amaun are open. ding a few days at Milwaukee. Little Barbara Batmner and brother are viiting with their aut, Auna Amaun. Raymond ilehm. ai Milwaukee, le taying bers. with bis grand parents, M. and ire. eO. Diebold. Dorothy Bebm atteuded the wedding1 lu Johnosburg lest wesk. ire. Oea. Piannsnsntill la entertaining company tram the clty. LOON LAKE lire. Warren Hook and daagbtere, Dora sud Beatrice atteuded the camp meeting et Des Plaines, Wedneed"an sd Thureday. J. L Hughes. ai LlbertvvlUe, le vti- bng witb bi@soea, Guy Hughes. Mise Bertha Wbits ia accoaiplyu Mir. andlMra. H. D Hughes, làabel and Ruby an a camping trip ln Illinoia and Wisconsin. Mr.aud lira. Oea Martin, ai Wauke- gan, are eujoyiug a tew weeke' vacation with relatives. lira. Harvey Dixon la etertallng bar doter.1 Por Indigoïtion aud &Il toniab troubls $ski Foley'a Oino LoIxathoe a lt etimo)ateg the atamaeh aiîd i, mm d regulaa t.bowela and mil pôoul1y qirs~~~ batiub ILU 0009 Lâk.à GRAYSLAKE Mmr. Emmona and family let Tuesday for their home lu Chicago. We are aorry ta lame tbem tram our village. lirs. Jesse Longabaugh in chaperoung obparty ni yowig peopie at Long Lake thiswaek. Mr. Lrgabaugh la taking a wreek's vacation and epending hfie time ai Long Lake wlth the camping party. Miae Louis. Kimbali, of Round Lake, called hers Wedunday. N. Jacobson left Monday for Pueblo, con., ta 'riit bis son,.lRe also goeseta ssek better health. He waë accompsnied ta Chicago hy hie daugbter, lir@. James âherman, and daughter Ruby, and bis son Baniey. Mils Edith Hook. of Loan Lake, le the guest ai the Misses Turner. Misa Richardson, of Kalamazoo, Mich., la viatlnig Mien Ragedale this week. Mrs. Johnson and childrsn, of St. Louis, Mo., je the gueet of ber parente, Mir. and Mra. R. Prentise, at their beau- tiful summer home on Third Lake. Mimme Nellis and Luelia Hayes, of Chi- cago, are gueota ai their aunt, Mri. (jar- wood. Misa Pearl Doolittie, of Waukegan, visited relatives here the first ai the week. Misses (iynetb and Editli Rieh and Hs4rry Rich ieit Monday evening for Seattle and other western points. They will spend a moutb or six weeka sight seeiug. Revr. Waltan and family are camping at Round Lake. L. Frank deivered a wagon load of ire craem at a pieute near Chicago, laat guaday, Mir. aud Mre. Oeo. McNamara, o! Rus- sel], *petit Saturday and Sunday here with Mrm. MeNamaras paren ts, lire. W. tiadirey. Mrs. Ed Wagner and children are visit- ing relatives at Waukegan. Mre. Springer and lier mother vioited relatives at Libertyvilie several daye lest week. Mmr. George Adam4 returned Sunday fr)10 several days' visit with f riend@ near1 Druces ;Lake. Henrv Kuebker transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Fiank Creminns ad a valuabiecow and cal! kilîrd by the test train lat ftriday ight. Mo8,es, Emma aud Stella Miller, ai Lake Bluff, are vliting relatives here. A young lad by the namne ai Green bad the iifurtune tc a l behînd a kktiing borse and w&» badly kicked and bruieed about the shaulder. The dangbter aiflMe. and Mmr. Apple, acroas the lake, la quite sick. 1 Miss Ngra Tburweli and lriend. ai Wankegau, visited bere Sunday. lire. Carfield and daughter Ev,.of Long Lake, ealled on frieude bere Tues- day. AI Thameon and iatuily, and aiea big mother, Mrs. Thomeon, took an auto- mobile trip to Wanconda Suuday. Bei'. Weloch, ai Cicago, former patar1 at this Place. @penit lesit Friday night witb L. A. Burge aud iamily. Mr. Welsch lutenda brlnging about thirty baye Out ta Third Lake for a two or the weekii onting in the near future. A uew window ba@ been put into the me8t ide Of the Behm block, accu pied by William Jahua. tliq tailor, which givra hlm muc bobtter lixht and ventilation. Misa Knott, aiftlurnee, waa a guet at the Cuiver home last Frlday. Wiliam Sebora, ai Lake Villa, trams- arted business W re asat Frlday. Mmr. Sidney Wallace, ai Lake Villa, @petit last Friday witb friends bere. Base Bail. Lait Sundai the Grayglake Athletie team came out lu their braud new suite ai dark mamaon with a band8otne managram lu white and defeated the Libertyville West Ends teamn in a score ai Il tu 0 in the lufth inning when tbe ran felita chisten the now sis aud the game was ended. There lasto heaa good game boesSunday by the home team and Atiach. PALATIi'E lire..J H. Schierding, lire, H. Sebier- ding, Mm- W. P. Seierdiug and family, lire. Bouse and family and other rela- tive aiPalatine were gueesaoa lir. Chas. Smith lunliesplaities, Thursday, July 22nd, in bonor af ber nieca's birth- day, Misa Henretta Catlow. Miss Clara Thieme, ai Plumb Grave, wag a verv piesseut caller on friede lu Palatins Sunday. Walter Stroker ie rieiting with rela- tives lu Des Moines, Ioa. Plinu Arp@ received a very bad eut uearbhie left eye. While using a kuife au a bols'@esboot, it canght ln the tail and the biade stiu hie eye. Barn ta lMr. and Mmr. Morris. Snnday,g Jul.y 25th, a daugbter. Seing the tiret she le cons@idered the angle ai the home. Mr. Clristophieron, whose wiie wam Mise Belle Babeock, formerly oi Pals. tine, was braugbt home for hurlaIlunthe cemetery au the bill. lire. F. J. Filbert and daugbters are spending a twa week's vacation lu the woode near Luddlugtani, lich. Mie. Van Horn @penit a short vaca- ti,in at Twin Lakeo, Miss Orace asocm- paninig ber home Tueeday. Stuart Paddock the editar ai the Enterprise ia spendîng bis vacation witb fiends. Mmr. H. F. Battermaunuand chldren are vliting friende in Northmup, Minu. When Bonaparte Bluehili anuounced1 bis engagement ta Lily Do@ sverybody lu the blackamith'asbhp coogratulatad hlm au winniug aach a bard worklng aud forehanded mate. Rat Eraetua Coka romarksd: " ?eared lair you wouIdiA't never apeak I up, Bonaparte. I'& golng an MIx mon the seuce you began ta fiddle rotn' yMILLBURN -- The Ladies' Aid society will serve ire crAugaduatk Mmehring ak e.no cru e .Su cakerTbriedaterno No, these a souha iliGa. lad epenRet-a ile j The MfWisssac@IsudHeent aoberrek ot B d witb thefircouin, Mr@. A. K. Bain.N t B d Miss Alice Jmison, ai Chicago, vlsited£ Satumday sud Sunday witb hem parents. jutgmlsof the Law.yer Fishermand iam ily, afKenosbs, js ape came lu their automabil' Sunday and te, -the -minuteNE viitei J. A. Thalu and lir@. Scott Le -Wa htyul tbem sud @pont the day with ber inorslnddi parents..in ur sl nd e Mssers. Vaaeand Maeon, ai Evaneton, of- frlnd at edusiesd a f onEN'S frsudefsat ed snessd calledon aIdFINE FU RI SHIING. lire. A. K. Bain and Darothy are 212ti« lu Evanut an sd sîsa the Mfisses1 Shirts that fit, Collars and Cuffà of real linon, N Robert.an" lir. sud Mme. Wheston sud sou, ai ligee for home and office, Underwear of seasona Wheatan, INI., reinrned home Mauday. egtet.Abgtokfrhentyd m. lir@. Whoaton bas been visiting ho egt t.Abgsokfrtentydesr parente the psst week.1 particular man. Also ail the littie aide--Cul! E Job Cutier, ai Zton Cty, vîeîtoed hie@ tons, Stick Pins, it.. and no higher than as] siater, Mise Mldred, at the hameai lir@. esweefo__eir.goa ot sf W. G. licOnîre. esweefrifro.gos oeti lin. aud Mme. Fred Deuman, of Hiab- _ land Park, vislted Satumdsv sud Sunday - whMr. sud lire. C. E. Deuman. -1 M n D r% p A. C RUSSELL The Mount Rest Society %ill meet with Mmr. A. Marris lu Kenashba,.'ug. 11. Ail luterestsd are iuvito.d. The Ladies' Aid Socety will meet witb lir. B. C. Melvlle, Thur8day. Aug. 12tb. Ail cordlally luvited. Prea.hlng service next Snnday, Aug. 7. C. I. Oorhaiu, wiie aud daugbter, af Wau.kegan, @pont Sunday witb David Murri. sud lir. L. M. Banner. Mr. and lire. John Lane, of Kenosha, spetatf.wdaya at the fil. G. Murrie home. lir. sud Mmr. Wmn. (able @pont Sun- day at Hate Edwards. lir. Melville sud May, Mr.sud Mre. Will Mlville sud iamily, Ilessie Gunder- sou, Viola Brown, Mir. and Mmr. WiII Scott and family epent Suuday St Lincoln Park. Mies Auni. Quayle, of Iak Park, in visislrg at the A. C. C,rrtî harne. Mme. E. A. Reves rý entertainins Company. Vsanne.Young was rien on aur etreeta lionday. lira ea. lirNamara 8et Suuiday at Grayalake. Mm. Appenzelier had a valuable cow killed by ligbtnng Suriday aiternoon, WiII Banner sud Et4h e M(ire @peut Suuday at the R. 0. Murri, houre. Leter Murray bas returned ta Mil- waukee. Mr. sud lim. Oea lt.Forrts enter- taiued a sintil party laet Friday night. ANTIOCH. Born ta Mn. sud lire Beenry Mesage, Auguet lat, son. Bain ta lir. aud Nîrs . rthur Van Patten, Augut 4tb, aon lira. Marie Spmagmn,of PlontineIliceh., le visitiug ber brother, tVrn Iticar, aud aIater, lir. Frank Van 'attîeu Mr. sud Mm. Alor.Itutit ard tire visitiug f ienda ln Datas On Monday the limerai ofi Fred \i,. Gbee, whu drowned tinLooti s Lake, wes beld st the home of hie uather at 9:30. Ris remamne w..r,,talâeiit t',Lt,,, bilI cemetery iu Chimago ou the eleven ncdock train. Mm. Tracy Davis is viiting lier si8tere hore. Mm. L. Saule la rapidlY latling lmes. Phebe Amnes lueraiwae held Manday altermoou. Intermen t tn Bieai7 eemetery. Mme. Ateswaepaât 91 yare. Pearl Fillweber, Pearl Horton sund Carice Van Patten viited Salon Mille and rystal Lake lest week. Abet Barnétable bas nioved bts family int rooma aver Swau 's drug store far the proeet. The Epworth League is ta guive a social on Wiliams lswu Friday eveninir. GAGES LAKE Mmr. sud lir. Will Snyder mspent Sun- day at lirue Lake mittu Mr. anti lre. Fred Wright. Mm. sud lire. MImer Cannon, af Zion City, visited irienda e eSunday. Mmr. Cmkerlsaetertaiuiug ber uepbew, M. Anderson, oi St Paul. Mmr. Eb Harria"nd thierebtîidren are visttiug relatives lu Chicago. D. sud Mme. McClintock, ai Chicago, itted witb M. and Mm.. Keller over Saturday igbt whlbe ou their way ta Fox Lake. Pblla aud Carlton Ames are viitiug relatives in Waukegan. 1 Mme. Date le entertalning hiermomtber, lira. Donahue. of Turner Junction. Wsastar Rolbeubeck, oi Chicago, le vliting with Evans Lawrence, Jr. lir. and Mmr. Davide are maviug irom the Seaire farmi. Mr. sud lMar. Lawrence eutertained an automobile party tram Chicago over Saturday ight. GURNEE R. RB.ixon hes gon ta Teae. Les Hook i@ quite lck wth messies. Hazsi Gregg returned Saturday tram a two weekem viit wltb bier parents lu Chicago. Mr. aud Mits. Fred licCrackeu sud Mr. Wbu,lan are et McClurea vlalting. Giadys Stewart is lu Waukegau. Four eanpanies ai sobdlera tram Fart Sheridan caruped in Chittenden's orcîtard tram Tnesday alternoon tub Wednesday maming. Miss Murrietta Weslhburn, ai Wauke- gan, le epending some ime wtth ber parents bore. Mme. Landy Wakefield entertained two cousine tramn Chcago lest week. Mmr. Appleyard la entertaiuiug lier coustn sud emalilsons. lir. Will Smith, ai Waakegau, @pont aflew day wtbbemhrotbem. A. Paddock. C. Di. Smitht, o! Oak Park, waa lu thie viinity the lest oi thla week. Misses Gergiana Wait sud Phyle Paddock enjoyed a viitaisa few daye at Fox Lake with the former'. aister, tire. Ray MommilI. M. B. Husonexpecta toviaithia daugb- ter in northern Wicousln, lu the n3ear future. The iret tltreehing ai the esson wae doue by Lenzen Bros, for lir. Shauke, ai Haluevillo. j ARNO Mrs. W. J. Oliver sud datugbler, have heen visltiug lu Richmond. Mm. and lira. Barnum, 0i chi spent Sunday with Mir@. Northrop. lire. M. Hogauspeutsuuday lu worth. lire. Williamean le entertaininirfi tram Minnesota sud Elkhamn, Wia, Miiss Blanche Oliver i8 visitiug in mond. John Williatnson bas gone La Elk Wi8. Mliss Odell Barnum viited Ruth' Han- lan Sunday. The tnucb ueeded alu came Suûday aitemnoon, dolng Iota ai gaad tu the Mre. S. Crawiomd sud eau @pont Bun- day with Mme. Northrop. are eUp-, atnd Iock: is at. &Y .ie qF Ix %wu,:,,~I~~J IEverythlng for lien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.', MVIDSUMMI3R' B A RUCA INS,.,. Young & Lynch.Bros. FURNITURE STORE 0F QUALITY » Rustie Hickory Chairs Rustic Hickory Tables $1.75 UP $3.50 up Porch Chairs $2.75 up Hammocks $1.00 up The Celebrated McKinley Sheot Music for Sale Only1 Oc A CAREFUL INSPECTION OF OUR GOODS INVITED) Mr. sud Mm. G.,o.. Gerrity returued ta Union Qrave. George i@ able ta resame wark agalu. lira.liavor, ai Chcago, visited tram Satnrday until liauday with ber parent.. Miss Bertha White le epeuding a iew weeke with H. D. Hughes on their camping tour lu Hartiand, Wle. The miny triends ai Eneet White will be glad ta kuow that he je able ta be arauud again. The Ladies' lilssionary societyraI. izmd about $6o. A large num ber of vteî- tare tram Lake Villa, Antioch and Gr8Yelake were tn atteudance Wm. Banner sud Miss Ethel MeG,ire were Rît18elol viitare Sunda.. Rosa Stewart sud lutIle datughter sud Mire. Galbnth, baby, sud graudmas, tram Chicago. are visitiug with A. H. Stew. art for a iew wseke. Mies Winiired leicity, of Chicago, la speuding ber vacationi with ber sieiter, lire. Faster. tMr. Ray Bisbap, ai Kenosqha, Wig., sud Miss Gertie Tillotson wmre calIons at Mmre. C. A. Mathews, Thumsday. Mtss3 Laura Brighton, ai Wllmette, la vtiting ber aunt, lMe.a Pantali. Mies Ada Tillotsan vieltad hem saut, tilre. C. A. Matbews, the lest ai the w eek. Mme. J. M. Stmang beaves Tuesdsy for an apeation on ber face. We hope ibm @be will be very much btter alter thie. lire. C. A. liathews eutatained the tollawing Milîhuru girls lest Friday aiternoan: Vida Jamioon, Ida sud Madge Stmang, Ses Adamesud Grace Wilson oftChicago, Josephine sud Wini. lred Fostkr and Ada Tilloteon of Briatal, Wis. ThoC. E. tapleAuguatu8hh: "Wby Wam sbould be abolisbed. lIsa. 2.2-4. MaLt. 5 :8-48. Uns Minto. leader. Donipha&n, Ma. The mauy finonde ai RImer Faulkner will bo glad ta kno w thst ho la ont ai danger. HIe ba$ been vemy low with Lypbaid lever, but now the lever bas leit bim sud il uatbiug new set. lu he wlll be, up lu a short timas. This la a flue country here, thougb very bot, but they raiese great crope ai raches, corn and cotton. sud everythlng .0 a flue, but il le tuafamfrom Rosecraus ta ever amaunt ta mncb. C. G. NORTROPat Tephon No. 48 end~ COM!CTIONER Libertogvilç leu HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPUI WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOM wade.II PIANOS 1 have at my home several styles of the Baldwin Piano@..1 invite you to, all audse. Pnieus within the reach of a&l. GEOR~GE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licens.d Embuimno GRAMMLAE - - - - - e - ILN COME IN AND SEIT The manufacturers have arranged with us to give a Free Demonstration to every farier ini this section of what i8 claimed to be one of the greatest labor savers ever invented- Poil Wor It mnak a Powe Purnping Plant out of a wbâdmM1 R [Ppla a few minutes. It reqiire. Do foundation or spedul upgpwtt It will be set going right on the thow room floor. DeuIdcSiuuult ni separator, churn,grindstmi and any implement ordnhlrnb7Ihn& It c08t.8 Par lessethe* v«Ma Poo r wùndll-wIll "m*m blow over. A few vcents a dênu. h. DonWt fùRlto SU ia= -nisyou are ln town. Youl MMsUlu dU w oo fyu d.Wel1 give you a catalog rem SCITANCK BIROS. Libertyvili., III. FRED JOCIIfM SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui of Town Ordena And Shipping Trade -----------psp.pp E. Welclh and Miss Ratie Swesuy, ai Waukegau, spent Suudaa' wlth Ur. sud lire. John Neely. lilcbael Ryanuban re*urned tram a visit ta Chicago. Mn.sund lire M. Klager '15sd ilwlth trinds bere Sunday. Mm. sud Mmr. Roi , oh Waukegan, = at Mnday wltb lin, sud Mrm. Slu. Elale Carroll la vlatiug lu Chicago, he Kelly cildren are reoavsrlmg irom aM attack of emaîl pax. Whibs ou hfie way ta Waukegan wlth a boa af bay, lest Frlday, James Gib- bons tellItram the top of the b.d and bruika bis lsg. ofPausa womeu.h d~ ne, or auy pi> etpped . 2 = C re wltb Dr. soop Pin PainZblté&ia fi formula on 250. Box. soId b3y r AL.L 05ARS