Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1909, p. 11

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~ LI .~'ica Y , '1 0 'a PROSP'ECT 0F STIUI EXISIS Proposition Put Up 10 MotOrMen ii Cornductors ln Conference wttrRal. 'Say Heada Gvsi tire Employes Baie Upon Wich b Cenduet Further Nsgotiatlor>s but Dota ml Settis Maters-"Ghost Not Laid," Say% Ipader. Cliîcago, Aug. Il.-A deflnle plan ot waeincreuse basel on 1the ienglh t seMie ofthie mer>anud wtifh stîl gisa wagit advanes to 65 per crutii or aborut 2,W ~ lemployerof t'th inhago Rai! s'ays conpsu. t sfccç(elicd, wssof fered lu the rmer> hy Preorideot Job: M. Roa' h. M. Ç' iiiu'k iy, prn'idednt fdiisiri No. 260, snd a rmmIttee tmert re'I dent Milenuoftb th 'hcEgo l'ity Rail s'ay ln the latters office aud îratlcally, the sanie proposItion as that ofereul ths nortti aide mon hy Ro&ch s'as taken under considerattur>. jresident William Quinlan ut di- beon No. 241, north anid sest aide eum ploya'>, niade Iis tatement: "ieace la 0<11 ln sEght. The ghorr< bas nul I-been laid. We bave nt ircen marie an offerr e wsut accept, nor er>n aL suggestion ot one," The sage olter of Preaiderut Bosch tu Iis inien. and shicti cunatirut eir11 litieAlsong ws'hiPrestiltint Nltica and is cu'nare negotlatlng. ln eu. stance lInas folov.: Emnployes ln1the service itteen ypsre; or river. 10 cents: ten yearr.2 nente, five yr'sra, 2$ cents, four cr, 2714 cours. lbree yaara. 27 cents.' txo yesrs. 2, r <'ia; une ypsr. 22 ents. No s'ogea lu be reduceit Th- tunleos ln <eir original rd-' manda, Itir shtch they rtill adhere. ak for en Incrr'sse tu 30 cents ail he utm- medIartly for men sho have lbeen l the serviceofit he traction rompanies for mrore thon a yaar. White mn nn 1te emptuy outh1e compantes for three muntha are nos' receleving 21 renia an horrr. and the plan pruitored b11vYPreeldent Rosi h mir5es th- sage for tire Iiru' year '"2 tenia an rour. thia r tacs uf emnptuse willi nul 1e redirco WIFE IS KILLEO IN A DUEL Jesinus Muebanri Ends Woma'a Liteý wIth Revolver andi Siletto. Chicago, Aria tIl Anronio Spizzirri probably aitt raciner ti u e ilacaiton trial ou a charge ot murdering bis Huahand and wite wcre principals and revolvers sand a stiltto rhe m'pal) esln a duel lu the death forrght rn the front parlor ut an sparimenttM 2818 Lwe asenue. lu a hcdru,.rnsdoIlntng 1the fwn chit. dren uft he conîbalante cowred sud screamed whie their parents soiiglii eacb oih'rs lii ns Aftrrth1e dutel. as the site la.vidrd fronitshtP oltl oirdm andl 1ev Ilirusta frntr tire siit'io. sud 1the hi'> bandl sriihed aptirentl! dylua s'th i Iullet rcar the beart and anothen in the heani Anna Sîttzirri. ihe clair> wnman. s'as ta enty îhree 9ars utld Ha: spouse, Ihirty. ws'ris ialous of ber. CARELESS PERS.JNS SCORED Healti'>OffIcer Baya Dphherla Oeathi Couîd Have Been Preventeri. Ch icago. An. il.-H salli Comms luner Evsors brands carelesa persons Wsho disobes11e lawst niquarantine - maurdperî and daugerous ctizen,.. The mproocation> for Iis strun. statemerti ln the dtphthelna clatlï tic's,'ahich show ibat out ut 5.40n rases in> the drty Isat ycar there wrer 66l9 deatîta. Titere. says Dr. Evoriý. coullie preented Ifthie tawa of tm departoierît iti regard lu hrst aid irest ment arnd righi quarantins s'ero mois caref1iIî>ohe> cd. a <I a r. rr i. e ,,KIDNAPED" CHILD ARRESTED Thought Btlues hy Tramps but Hetri as Shoptiter. Chiregu. Aug. IL1-MlinaIe Nehnkorn. thirleen >earc. old, who lefI ironie Seluîîiav su 111ber brother, John. s!-Ix Issu <"aic otl .and wsas ieleveit te have her kidlrîsîeri y tramps. s'as fotînul iu the lîueile Home. She s'as sent ihere ater belag arreated torn rshopltifing. his'ir4ter ai the store sud s'hen te camne bock to ict tenber selu inte anMIlS O! the Police. TWO ARE KILLED BY TRAIN Workmen Rsn Down as Tbcy Wert passlnq Rock Islandi Tracks. Chirago. Atg. li.-Two men sere In$tantit, t.itted by a Baltimoru andl Ohio cailruail engîne un 1the tracins ut the Rock Islandl raitrosul at Burnalde. The moun'acre Jales OConnor sud Dennis Crosbey. Tirey were enipioyed at Burnruade as botlertenker. If IRt>iutlîilî'1y accu' retiurnirig le hnhr iberi rom wouk when t1iPy Weiý strhsok WbliricrofOloS 1the tracira. Omise. as t of taed IY ntefrmIlar.u ime of ag' iiteanlnli eria wbeii a %hliis floiiofpthe i ll i ip..doutho6 bi r(i k ln th ieit s'aWhowrderted t tk t,'n lrhd hs orlgtnhei' eommrîriugolfcer meîrmled o reit * AD O W@ILD SSOS LNEfo r 111eorewsreea 0 iostrugi-iu shows.i oewtot.lis e esfect rtyTerc a11 aga r"île telegrasmulîe u aoafte fIrro: her iner. u i slrea 1eSitws ttlfiid w.sioO dîreofte ts foprl-Schldr et aVt Fo er'<fThol helIcb Cng ot f .2flic lr-lk ric ese tnnxl iraint." b h iiae hs omn ndt, a eniiy raa'd r te no botu rit d gNîzatlWOnu PAiSOHaISgIlE.1orheewor> taenorw e5obtrwf Tue nluiel ig it urse ory inDolrCar uet e ThecrockuI the ok brge coold iitie tI ele larI manager à C alcctusettanWold atUcPt hruheran __alrgeast__ No___ os dl er b ex racin," ut ntcomre baite fobtrtsies '. FO ihreo teNotwtRnJfi mayqie ses. nde lbotwevedot clieror thrThe'rocknbotre coalalfini so Thoo. lease axet n easclef ul." DalironDollaslîl hRefusentu Aetante sea ditc n ajt ebaie Jut w enh acermes m stf& ý t arI no h o e as ifr opoe îsi- tan ad o sbuitns.'ary Faî fi-tehbt Plngr In aluta en gioenIar arisnt tBne Plan or rou FrtTme1 ah rd Cul tis e anmwt: a seado!gesiion."fors IMoentmde. Ami krd s'itt r> e- (Iclnatli.A j. Wla.or 1h (ruloed>eda'5Su suern. pînina senaioi ha <"b avorcnat.IF;amîllon atnd amtsand D~o.> h nard Con atrudiiîî ii cftr os 1etcl oe oa ting of have iiudle ie nm o11214 rde ..aîl lear ers ettad windtlla > Cincinneat iitoCncnd at y atn lt »hada Cto nsard ucktion il WiORae1;,liThgSantr Ais ' f it. po rno hiof traco to îast iri heand ose ofon com pane xlu fth lsecat(. : r h a a t ofrlea od been il, uru ai fh flst.cah en fl The meeing boit been clled! for the th1e four corners and Ildî'ef the Ail beigit would vanquish. There ln express purporre Of Vtlng on 1the re three yeara sunlten MBwzds r.cowne W. e r <of et' ueirte ir e organisation plan proposed by J. P. aitemîit was rmade ti r4*ie 1the' aow Distinctins lttîs zonhalos' r ule Morgan, and Includlng the terme of the sinli nie result that tilÇaîiri lroke oh. happy dreams of eoch a fsol averaa1, propoed merger wt th 1e Baltimore and the Com>pany WiU h ave tii begiti Ami softiy te my heurt or hlm !ing. and Ohio rond. iswr I vraan Whose eraph pride ail pride doh, mer' Tlisreadjuaiment plan s'as alprov i oraloe gn ,flers unie0 eeea. reache. bs' w>' ed by the affirmative vote of 14697>' mti " hâres of stock out of a total of 160, An>d. au ln grand equaslies rof the sky. 000. No adverse voiés were eaat. stands le'.el iti tishe ggar and the Tie aoiri ers aise ralifed 111e -lisTid A Waason. motion nf the Cincinnati. Hamilton _______and Day ton dlrfritors for absorption of Had Tried Ail Kirrds. the rond b h1e IBaltmore sud Ohto. A uterI heaîyureighi uglqt, whrr0 SunckholIdcrg of the Baltimore and for a finie lr i ie edây ot hi@ fante Obtu. >Ofeiitg lnItaltilmore,fratifleed Iocriipolte i,hr ouf sjixrtlng eilor *ainlar action of île direcitors. ut a etriAin joiriiol.giriemily remarkerilBol Ihe ratification of the reorgan.t te s irlitd one na> îlion pan by1the <Cincinnati. Hamîl- 4csv. .ltm. i dont nind olardtn' up 1 ion and Dayton tock*ildera dues net ln the ring an' giin' an' akin' e teur necessarilu tnsîîre til, execution, &&as tre bot pui'eclu th 1e ias or whereser assent or certain hoiders uf $.00.00'i lhey happeiluo ln. but iIbis bore of Cincinnati. HamilItonisnd Daytonr plicki t ilj'nonpu5' saîiîgl.î' off acol- 'iston baie refumpd te asacot. 1oeor e"f iterrtor revery daiy rMI UE 1 fur-l1%swit maliea me ttred. iî1ilmeTAFT TO VISITMIW UE l'il flatter resign," _____ "'Nounue reignîng. John.,l by"Wi Arrive There Sept. 17 ad Remaim adriseri the friend. *"A job ilke yours Six Houre. lent pirkel up every dey. To makie il fleveri>'. %iss. Aug. il. Preslodeol esaler for you 1 would sueggent lieur Tafthuas added illiwa.ukee 1t0 the Iiný geiting an amanuentqs" esr f hlia western trip. I> oriter l "Oh, ihunder! Wht'a the use?" exInclude MNils'aiikee Itfs'as neceRsary 10 cliftméd the greet edior s'earily "1%e rift ouit1the brlef stops that l h ef-îii tried R r'ummon steel pen, a styler- 1achedulednt a Nladisen and Portage grsi!. a netsngied touialo peu, n The prealdenjial part! stlarriv e F i ipatent lI pvnil art' hait adezen %Tlwauk" ne t ., 05 a. m., Sept. 17. and i iriber wrtin' contropiions. an' il alin' remain 'litil 1110 a. m. leasing for et ahiikpiv flint an amanuenus n'l ' "rseAller stoppir>g at'rosse 4< tn wuri., an! betteru flasrat et 'cmn. rom ,,t 95 to Mpm-. the presider. No; 1 reckon l'Il hatler qtit." wtt! pro<ceed lu Wiraora. the< home nt tm tbairmîan Ilrnes Tawny utft' hooîr' He Knsw He Wou Aive, appropriatuirmi î,nimtîce wi:ere h1'er'àks A certinluyouognia molsafrIendas wt11 end 1hboevcîiiop of the 1711. s2 r ihogit 11e sas dead. but ie ws 'nily- la a atalte oft coma. When IF ample LUCKY ONES TO GET LAND time te avoid tieir>g buried 1e ebowed A c1egm ace igis outIlIte e wsas aked bus'Il neemeni lu lie dead. Many Minera from lIinoI@. Wisconsinr, "Djeaui." hieexcîsîmed. "i uasi't Michigan and Iiowa. 1 9I den. 1kiiw al tat as oin ow Coeur dAtene. Ida.. Aog. 1l.' eAd. 1 kies'1 a tates'ls ton, or> Amon& the a loers 1u the Coeur Il aleâ %" ie And Ikues i wsn'tdead too 1edAlene Ii nd ltîery are: g8e cause imv fet were cold and 1I s'Menfle Igarpe, NartinavllieI., 7; l itide of linen fini' bugy"Rav Tlc('arty. Emmetgburg, la., 47, mdiîîei stripet.. "Out hîîw liiililit fat make ion "oec .luktf.Obks 'e itii il t tthIrîk von sere stîti anite?" ssked une FtIti. W'. BIl Haff sss orth to'Ariv. i. $314111 ai Of file Coriolis.41;%.H aeswrhStdrd "We.Ibswy iLe' I1. r î 1:. , S-Jctor Larson. 9MerriltlWs. n ere l i heaven I 1roulint ire hingry 4.-6; li, id.Juif, 1), Nohlesu llIte., f -..--- I,- 4h. '. 0: eorge Balci'. Wanatah. lîîd.. feet wouidrit 1e comni" 500; IYi. M. Rigney. Arthur, it.,I.r'69: James R. Snîib. ('olumbus Junc(Ione la.. 189: John T. V'an Zaut. IndIai. Thsy Wsrs Chsrsged. spolla. 383; John Dennîsmoee.Ciarlon. Whitle rer> îrg as commandent et à l. 2091; William Ruler. Penn, mnd.. district 'lu Todila GePnensi (reagh hbid g65; Alvin Bpnrnowa. Kenosha. Wîs, on ene occasin npresented the;H. E. (Cook, lurray. la. 309; F. (L et 11e garnison sports and wsas rather ltradd. ttanitowoc.a. 244; R. W. siîrprl'uerl wheri une ut the prise Win- Pedick. Penia. 111., 242; Abraharn ocrs a pivate lu an iufartry regl Sclatter, Donnelison. la., 64: RB. j met-upiroacheni hlm a tes' dans banner. North Bufflon. 511. 2'X<; ialer snd begged te inus' if tic seuld Jesse PB Mautnil, f'eueva. la., 125. ha gliowed ton qar>ge hi'> prize for William A. lMartin. Browr> Cite.,!iIch,. goiettiing more usefri.167; Erneat C. OGaser, Solinc.IlIt., "Mliat iFi<ri our prt7e'l" sîked th1e -"0; Theodore J. Silîer. Jr., Dixon, Ill.. gericrnl. Inreply teiinuprodnced a 219; I. B. Gotieninaî. Nount Pleasrrt lor>g r-sac tromiirrdrrbis arre and blutcb .20C J. B, Campbell, West SU-: shoueëdn a Iirî-onecaîrrlog set. lerlur. Wlv. 171. [trt Fis. Stalker. *'t'cry tile. 1 are anre." satul Geserni lmle, Nilcb.. 1t"- ?: Shernian Bush' (creagi>. "What do yen a'ant tu change Abrares. Vsus., 2'>'; Rengui ria a. R,1. tîlîruuftr?*' dutph. Wis.. t il: i lernon F. Bela. "Wr'tl n on pe. air." repieul the iru. Brillion. V s 57. Johnu'W ýItît'n, "t Mnd tluer: rallier diffienît 10 use ai Jackssunr'ite. Ill., 529; J. F. Clouse. treastitne.n i f Il la9aUl he came tei lnela_ 540.' the -oToilîîtpee.sir, I Woulil rather- have a krîfe sud ter ufth11e ize te j EE'S STATUE lN CAPITOL est meut uith." -r Image of Contedecate Leader ia Placeri Nature. In Hait ut Fame. He n't'o knoiws the mot. 1e sWho Wa'shngton. Aug. Il. - Bronze 111ew griîrai s11ewts.d te plats.n thastnes rot George Washington snd theaveoindrthe lu cmte plts.ethe.jRobert E. toc. Vrginias contributlionr heàvns nd hw t cole U tbse u oihe nOions "hall ut fame." s'ere chantrîlents. ta the rlch andi royal marn.plctlnSaurhlltheaio. Only as foLr as 11e nasterB of the rtrscnilu Stamtar> attll 51 the mmtol. word 19% clid i nt e thetis oraiceeon le atnomg e ns- s'unri lissey c ted ine t fmag ]veîîrng relI tlanpaeatoetie su~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ carte ecitebih 'îto be deternineul. tilicer. Eniersoas. Botb statures are beatîtiful wivris of 1 art. Iee lo piclurecIth 1e uniforre uf Hsw 10 Make a Noise, tire south. Harry. 11e higlander. sas beaéor> Wauhlugton's stature wReosptacedIla beinga successftli Scor. Hoes'as tient the solitheast end ufth11e hall. or> maklîg a spIash. Ocb. eye! Btlire *as guung to maire ibçse daftgos'ke Civil Servise.. stotîlati for "ily Idiots") In England n r. li. .Iat's civil servie" sît nîr . 1 *Î,' "t Klis neot governina 1the sers'- But how wsas Harry te achleve bis lel h eatnnteesos h atmi? iel uedpruclt h1usus h ne susght nul Ie ut a great friand- Postal. the gos ernment prlting"- a Scotsralir uho liait already marie bis "But.niant, abat ioes Il mî'ar " mark lu stipbuiltriig inles. "MNenu; .,it mens wbee a bosy "Tei!lme." pressed i Hghland Hanry. Irin îîhes mIi oa pesîiffce 10 boy "1hou cati1 mak n anoise ln tirs s'arld?" enome alamPS-fais10nhUe. wRite aaIL The tamens Srotsmsri gasefdi Rt hlmhour andni lsenty mnutes bera reacti- steadiy for a tes' momrents andt theling 1the w ntous hen. atter tendeninla latylnîg .a luirri oi lhe initrmers shovu).8n suai loil.ii. rs I-the talles' taced der', lelu1e îcI r1ýrîriîior r aatly: "11inOtr l4100>" ' .îsruh. itunrîpo at the naît Win. des', îleae' ' Hohemiau Magazinu. INI111,de~ ' the case sbenld nOt irýe , "' .~'> ferret] te the Uited Statua court for > ih e aistern district of Wisconsin for s triai. It lu. uxpected that sillo.n on Claims Ejectment From Electric' thja, prtifion wvilî be takr'rîai the Car, Had Returu Coupon fln1eing îîr the SPItf-nilber tcmtnihe for Tlçket t h11e attorneyr for the i';antiff a illYunIaq a 5 ~ ~ nake nou oction tii rucih a tran4fer. Lawyer 3eI ASKS $5,000 DAMAGES demlandeul listhe rcivcrs of theraitlkurëM y rosit compaoy on the grounni tuaItbey Mn. ary cCaron Caire Heretf non-remidents uf WisconinandI x1îuoa Mary MCarronClairs Her Ibait forIbs uson the surit sihoulîl xLeteadý andi Bon Wer Ejectcd frore Street bfî board ln thre hlgher court. Yale Maq. 8 i nt Car Near Wlnihrop Harbor in Spite lu ber ciîmlaiiit SriMiai'iH I of lapI Ti*rThey HariTikes- tees hal or> theeighlhr ut Octohcî> Federai Courtsi May Have to Take 1>068, rhe 1îiri'haai ni a round trip tinin Gare f Cee il a Clamed. et fruonRenoiha lu Winttirop Harvuir il"<rtWrray'SU andl that on th1e retmnîr tripi ahe wae eltd .'af ri t ,1w i. ca r te rzffieitoi ,<îs.îrC. ltuton. ,Atue 5on utofAttor- t F'rm Wednegdaysi sStUN l rlit charge. She'îîandilier son were Mrs. Mary NMctarrîit Iliuglie11r fnrccd te a s'il'.firoiia ptit tthrel a ttorney, Calvin Stewart,. as ithe Ke- tulles suilii rîofKciiiha and srhe nostia News.,tisa illd a soit ti >the nos' daims a t iî.i ffee iît'rud tronui circuit court of Kenuiata cn irt uin thbi etierit tbthi,'amiiiiit et the whlch W. IrvingOsbiorrne, Il)i-t Han- $.000 ctainiî'd a.'. tmmag"sý* na snd G. W. Mfoore. receivera for There wilît tc anr iîiýtr"ting point the Chîlcago andl Milwauke'e ElectrIc r iMei suit as til I',aidl ihat tire de- Railway compar>! are namîni as trip fergý rai thliiciuîîirîi' ' Ilie that iire defendants. In r c tior>nIrm Mc-Il(tricl rrîi t 1friahi ch thlii.' r ni cor- t'arron demande $5.001)t damagesi frorntmrionbai l ioni-sin'ii haul expireni. the company on account iof havlng ____ been eected from a car of the coul- SeîiSil îî rsriali pauy soutir of Kenosha' ln Oct. 1909. chu l ýtyile andake1 . a114. '.rtin Smultaneoualy s'it.l the flhing or the Ing te malle nitç." Whv. sheWte an e' suIt. Peter Fleher se attorney for tire pert at malng îti! Npw YrkffHtrild. Gene satreet. lna britital l n~ ttire home sud grave f+8 £i'Ct"141,ati for hlm. le lIs a ('bicaeu attornoeY, a oi'iiét fOrst 1ieîitensotýfet Bi,1ttdiy C., Iliois National Gi>arl. and a Yale man-. He pratccul for e1tlme bltCbo. The hpizrt0e tooi plate YeetO'd.Y mocnlng an uricodIlOsi'.Uhi riuet lmi' priiied tod1ayý I6 iai .thcr lm a practicing Chicag(y atltorneiy s'ho nesidea b In aunkf ansd Mrs. Upter le the predideut et yb" fbc eoWrm~(3§uti*nd a so- cIalleader. ' Vacation time 13 4 at its .height îîî <f't i 1> ie toui. vacation comilg. fil i fîw !1%4 iu l ni lîl w steatnioff t.) sii< lti '~tt k if s i dt 011plar t"of reeea- tion. TIp. slhi'thîîîiîr sI >4 ,.e La u e ~~pleti'wîii n' îsî"st for travel iand .r- ticieg 1t ( s' 'i n l'aIt ute vtinfi>rt. (Our VA(JKEOAN. iClNOl51 ________________________________________ Lal $ Ae7=7P c~ rkci is what bas beeru going i'n here for some weeks. It's fci the last and final.slagh . We havýe now sL% glýtiÏc4 idiculously low that an irimediate clearance, will be thé resu!t.' A heaivy cut 0'n dresses ¶'« oiiien's 8'uniînier w'aslî Diu-eses mîale fî'omîîtint- liii- aei l îîi i lion, <liiintiiv t 'îîîî'itjtiî Vp'iini' iact and tu'km, !F5.001 antd $6.0 IIvallîm<' i'td4edtg) .. .... 2.49 VNîîîCileus two)-piecf e siSiSt nezativ' ail tte seamons" îtjàu l................ p~terestinj News of a Special Waist. Sale Tuer>'ie dut î ittis' rionf viip'~eo îaîkdj tt"rttr ireeui4ltf aIs s tylestiiîr îia i it.vandii <f jr d'elîî lsi gil, mîalleof fuIi e l " <ig r i ii>' l tri lii îed wlh 9~ ~~~Iý kcwiliile b<ett" lstwecs' th<tlers s'ili' .oids'i 'yV tîimîed. iigli <, o'<w ue',sni ..t.t.. i.. Lm t irli'ss riîl't. lin",'art. ceai 91.50 chlî o '<ict............r WVI IST9 A'4'39c. .Albigc!i't<ioni orîf sîa tt'm ade K IMO NAS. \rîieslong aDd ishort ýim91t oif ehaînbl'y, fat tià% marali îis, hliii a d <iii f ;pl(IitIIi <rlilit ies'of<if 'guIt'd latta.ini ail coul mt bite i- attioi, ; 01,sty lis'. ligit of.t' 39c ý,Thi'y toldIi p lii $1.7M,t'on nîiay btiy tliteni gulie ihave Dotcheffl iiia'. u -f . ...rils' IýLu i st s for' ' ..i ... ________________________________________________ 1~ ditteil iaivIa Rnd plainlili iîli is'lî suititig, aoîne si- ant i mitiitadvalt " t $151, ed~ed 0 49c JiMAIY BO< NNEI's. 'A 'lr.îî iipl id if b% lia i blivi's', mîade of (i tii filul loî av'e aîîl sîîlîîiîî tii Iiiiu'îl. il s<ilt'r i 1I 2 vie ~tlî<i<l$1.501a' i i.v 5 Prîce saytui on carnbric petticoats ds'prindabit' grade of t'anibîi'riitur<î'<iif s re iiluis tw'o aow s <f tt'id lae and itttîeitiîîg titlt in unI ks' ii<'tees'nd tiilire AM t'eiamklalle va 11.ueffç aI.$1.50, . ssii' luetast ...........6 - BoysBai v ,_ -. WVASTI 4K1B'I'S98r. lSlightê! IV soiliil, muade -full, frt>oj-4> gond iquality linon suiting, oP fine lawîî. VatItiti to $30,omw .............. 'Fîbt)'Il 11 <1 îV)E1t. Dr. Gri '1' tih f>itîtderî, ret'ognized oz sali' p!'ii'4............ eýl2 SU'N BîîNsNETs. Mdif 1 ge. î'c' Afinal slash in the price of footw4l; refoot Woen s and Childrents C .nv , and L-1- % r 1Oxfords MadI t of < ifold lentiîs'î1 liie cqruf(iim't slicie foi' hoîtt 'rî" SIe' 12 b 2, reduceti79 'Mens anto 'nil Wtsei, îoem itdOxfords, iiîîdp of -Ood stro 1g< vî t $O, prit'>' ler péi . .. ... .. .. .. r~ j ' "' '- of wash .1.90igL Oxtorcis. siibIsîîtiaii y niadd oj patoît"C i- kira i a i t a .. . . . . . . cta n' i nî 98C 1

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