LAIE r. ID W w FIDA ,-SI WO 90 tCOUNTY INOtPENDENT OFFCII. APROF LAKE COIJNTY ~t t'ulat No iwghrs luOoOO 'e Ielroie NO. 141. Unertyville Exotefl< sI. c iehopGmcetUr 1Lb yvMe. l., seco*00"C"aaMutter 0 Ky. ADvamItUiicu mea1 s, mm KKoVU iosAPPLICATION. OWRIPTION PRICE 01.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN4 ADVANCE ý,1tNK M. JUST ......................................................Editor fa . £L E ....... ..... ..... . ... ...... ........................C ty Editor FRIDAT, AUG. 1.4,1909. DROWNS NO TIML in uIdrmoning tfw , d1 1 1 egltcarry the $torie o VOY 1- -- M" nd wmenaWin.b4yond " tet a elys t gVbS up Ilb dead. ilit BVwaU so.t l in "= .Or ~qpltefJuneo sqye tht theai.%vers I r,t tèilt i 1tpielUaaUllinst thlrïy .days. B*otlngané! wuwl~mm witethtci e a«»ý ,t>', nc4adte h means of death aurn 4q~OIiU~o uasjlaU pd'Ïgail *14 #w~u,l lg.lftWoae .bathimi la thte f, atn itthe lond lek«. ~p.aatl>river..scarcely one of theU ti*w#Oala l net drectly due te careuïtloesae or fo.ihardines on the part 01 tsé Vistinior asanee. fige Pet. ecaveey eW thte difsoili*umwelii indr way. July posibly 0the tot. le Io e e, ltê batbmg ecl'9eha net rozched the 6égn- ~e theïr poule5ltyý thea tyt bowbàasem a net yet conimenced their MytPl crte oflroMIAtU7uflo*00iihooebolde. Hla t"teb reâh ieaînetheet dager..When the daysa re hot thte col'ai Utee, ouudty e»M tq_. be pb*yqd. And no one teho be à *119 brlag hliWef to pofit b>' the expérence f thote who have. TIIAW'S MOTHER. Atttion te the Thaw cen, once me, for a moment. "What, that dat-I ofluttlefut hunian dreainai you ntay exciaim. Ye, for there la ont gray, II#let reesthl pcture In the hideonu panorama, on.econs 0f beauty in the lu-id e*iq esMog tndlng out eharp and clar in the ugly etaging, a eoft and normal light nveloping It, where ait lse la agiow wth thtr artificil brllllancy of the **dm On p~nten Iteglobe or the duli rad of Ion proteting in te passion et tht forge. lit le that Thaw's mother on the stand, pitadlng for her son. 1 Hr'le not atogether tht story that Wtt toid wtten the. wretched mar w.. et te ber of justice with the chadow f tht gibbet on him. 8h. was Ultteg then fer her boy'. lif.; nowth ie la pleadlng for hi& freedom. 8he ehbâib picturése0f hlm taken wiien à baby to dieprove that ho was tht weak- IkM lt as uedecrlbed by hi* attorneys nt the former trial. er mother ,pide rlete. "Hoevos a beautiful baby." aht ays. In hîr aother's heart, ho le a baby once mor. er coul teems wth excuses for hlm. The district *ettetmy halte her la her rocitai. The judg., compasslonately, telle her to aidtm an ad 1. uay wat se ha.ho te say In her own way. !Sie thanks hi, euth the gratefuinete f e chlld recelving a fayot. 1 eventy yeare of aga, her haîr enowy white, but borne bravely et-oct while pleedînu fW her errlng eon elth aIl a mothtr'u love, battllng with her titi and strugglleg wth her emotions, *he taîka to the judge and the crowdtd * issro.m a only a moter cen taik wen her cen chlld ta the object of hir -dotteOs. av"ry isener regarding her with respect and eympathy, and *or teth mioltur. In thal r .yee--a part of the universel tribute humankind paye goot wornan manlfeeted ln the crowded and stlfllng court room. te peut., and contemplate il thoughtfuily in &ail ils astues. Look wel iilte oneaflood petur and linger no on the many bat In the dismal play Ihet, If >'eu muet, contret themn, and havng drawn the moral, let the memorî of the former lInger and-forget the reet. Qulncy Whig. stan lirel u wbi bar exce the, Ton Wh, Aug hoe Nol dl'i fuI a Abr il r li y 1 g va la blI wil ids gn ra Ran, e& Ily lf I. W t!L!RWRT! lrp.r.Neton binga or U'ROM ALBfR AIC/ N .-.*tro i-" " suad Miaaouri for t thirty yers, we were tharaugbly coun - vioceti that it wes a good proposition e 1.4sartyvilt Man Who Hae Been Somne andt tok up a large tract of land, where tisé n nCanada Write. of lts Virtuesuber o ons aut my oldet daugiter sdhe uabanti are et pretent anceee- and Prounsing Future. fuUy ensusl& amiget tc raiug but of courut tere Wc amen oppostion et tiret as there e.lwaiý le lL&xnuO<', ALrA, Ca. Wiluon pereon tot eomethlug outiof %Wroa t euiuy the rdnwr, but no one sbauld ha ba*&1. urpried et uhat a oeculator dose or #"ed la Lake couuty an i m chre hoeaa, uhy ade of my nelghbora la LlhrVtUe lafor th laest t in eau lfooishuuefor yo t'Oago r puai. I l 1bave lhally joinet htpthe itre" set a erbape theru thought àmuWmiea vaaouof Canada, perbapel so but wetam ls juttiflei ther chiltren cfp*r lom me would net be wlth- 1 nad I am sat"edat. 40. 1110t ta 'ou. cof Joar flty Whsu a young lad from the trente of i»&M lsi.LIelyvilla, uhtre 1 have &e Uhrtivllt1 bo nover turnad a frrow ibgwilec, tua depghter., n lSa luhe hcan taelm&tea i of ohi hcago .1 ÙI7b andMOY1f1 f9imale. rtbhorsisudtara bisl tu acres of mal! par *5Vu »da qualantantiMdbaviug dzy sud theraby eaarafrom 08 te f4 bra &" nsud rltinl Lkecoanàt hprdal'It ta not led, nut of coure t ~mw"u e haborne te uteutndthe t 11e r, n run nm isoraeens ho ~eonhth hIlisidt Dtamond takea hi- teusasigae@te touna eter a Lbicecoaiane ie grave f MY 7bg foat ofposte, Sets tuck lu therenut is m y grent giataiotkiir,nibrusak. a doubletrr', ha comee homo =s.borula Menvmutamth c$BtrY urd mtbhites utathe braaker suduap lae-arou mi chllirgusud ebere gon a doabltret ancebard Wcod tàt ""Mt. telceuMsd bord to Sotinla ile country je . bg iteUoa fr th Preanutthe alhatoa no aworked' on the YOuM busiessla uanyfllow'a utrvestbat hu ho b eut tae ~ladg0IbM th" - BNgriter b. tremeda adreaux ant inluthe vision om9*aeltbasbes for a yotiig Dmain lika af his tromn, hthad a great tres grow m1*1al wplace thast 1I bOW ef. up et lthe corner of the tback, the, fruit1 t*famlag coutry Aberta but th chertaf wes-"toubletreet" but th boy, Mildeas shc eowttoven DIf vox are oh, uhare tl ele.down lu Montana laexc. -sor.a4tskn fgeor wrangiing bore. But there le tili a mtdd e 0 c harIt Wbleu Md big warm spot lu bis beart for eunny 11* ua ho came froux tii. big mule Abeta sud the lt-ente acroats the 1u tee s h prln o 1907 sued Pitchat border. liai toust -là thtdltcb. la conversahioni lu odrta orradrmygte vfth Mmre.Wh.a ahi@sald, that ber n derinforatiyonr&bt-ioer ma gtbar decIlup "athat ci hoantrldImbate country lae tiStandut uera the people &Wàb» inth" d contrybut ban couung tram 1iulliamtion s au aI0 repl ut Chrle trtt ui..~ournefibors sud the placet they un toc"butne us a. i~ ~ ram: McKnnuon, Ontario; 'Gîheon, ef t" hu resng, but ue have board of lib" Ford, Clorado; Wlttre, taim threshiug 15,000 bumbela of -P- tt b7.a; Fulton, Penayvanla;Thomp- la the. fan of 1909 nul! we bave bardd o _ »OOBA et,Mnitl; Leonarti, tseux huylng anather quarter of landi 11.11 edrtsMeleI iles cand teutiug Ibeir lartatethair hire ti alola- Mdare, Csllfosia;DMe. mai, îolly srry Tbomhieo, uho b loa, L Mar,Iaualguake, SoDam.i beau ailover thte ttes anli n»ver f on QtIowa Ioa; PIllipet, Michgan; a place ta suithlm ntal bha t Itut irt., I;llinlp, tk iol; Ennui Aberta e Waiase knou thatNewonbros- Ilinos iu. Wsosn Mrt. andi Mre.Whiten bave parcîhasst (luer s con~ sin.,r bo~b bset eu B ylvlg l in nst modem wit&hlm a U mma leaplow follautti -honi. n eand et flouriahiug ity 'dltela o g 0egrte mt»doleofAitie la slow merhllasnsdintr*M 01g cm-fa.. taatCrps l berWhtua.over tilt vrs Basif sud pren tateoltcose for ulat rwhet .,hi rmlnot a at p i anes IMMn la be nkl« agsn o f Ultor. 75 buaela per acre on 200 Mlesanti a caticrop ou 5.00 lent cow'» obstga a d< al the little IAdfaayofyonr readerel' aubt ton towuuof I.dices tas eu tuo suope ~cfSlshetaycan attires. Cbarley IIP ds h.mteUU eut 'Whhua.sq,938, îtth Ave., Wt w sresa hy' mlt s mk tllsV iet, Who Winl chterfiillyihsud ;Zà""'im b Us t~n om t lleul. i nreemptoyag sabot six MMt ma U kmokiag ovor aur faim machinery a t "Y ankeât t 'yb"I bopta "lui look tea cLake; ou have he d dab i bkMdiiai me aa.W. etur gramse la -wlt cEs ut ht ilsmid&aau lart ftou, antinsu aouer sutduel L010111110 la MItsmse a*thuee09 c Mwt. ecrmlck rate Mdih Ot a oe 0 ummdo raic lhlsudothtlot De.uas .Lea i <i. îom0 * nsst' . orlsau rial "u t 1ceIbave not. keùun of a rad l"t ~etaammnaacardst Fort tore hem Usdgued-KIeieg ~'W'2Stîarson c ~ vIste aNdw B"uMMp ge f do fy u a MWthuad. net"aira camne tMr bhu-s tholtiybut ne=1le *On = $4t , r mt ~i regrotid mu@*" is . -'ss *mi"t s -o d tl at b. rsif t-l wpet bu t the ,oie u Md a aV fe do net ka.u r y«* .'hels ce ý !Or tllm Md Bat MY lUSInant itttufse u q W'fttfo-ne fl.Ca"&leple P- a armes, oall - *1,ae letck -ad dsry -moi" trÀ &mm sse r , t ~~too fleurotil to gr'u . s ZOtU7 te but ire a ptyw ub and» the grlm wall& o1 a br'ewtry t WB tht e r «tiit moketas.von I auke jsa1o"andutln this bmauifo ztr1 thtre-crs mou creeâtedtu atlt tg: o! G l, Who «tory i b tael *bagu, bile wt have Do saloons, saeuhtilo scarcéiabotlthat dose Dot bava l10 tr attclid. Thoee t m oenta&bI« option holwevsr lu tht clty 0f C4411>17, iertfLderOrfaffloule 0fr OU Fréy, lM. ,Newton ad' oYe %Itaer Mleted lu tbe a tter part of uet19, ln co' oelnw tht @w york City. 6 , 00.aonenter tht iîlng r000 of It bot ot01ooursq91 0u ulleme the portrait of Klng uwarde tht Vif, ae ok gdw mi thon watIlaj n U m-the' siti latte c:f Vsblgtou O(rcu,, arflsld, lMcKla)y a4al-e lt'urro- ùface of tbte ot emanclpator iream UncloCn. lau, lMn. »diter Il you wll her witb le Iwlàl ky ed ostaoom of -Y .g nd an fi fsotor mltf ad tt vo h@en me to nippos1 ta "Y aprediced pro 11 courte, Itleluca arery -Itmnbelag the sbsetman a Ubrtyvllt with no cibla = a., f epprt ta baieg au ts ýtlhberta farinai ad tbt prImeo cha l in yvilltln is connu inluthe eho t aaJ Ibave lutlnfateiabova wu ar*volet 0fthe OilY tOnguei aid Allent, but once bavlng Mrassiftbh )rder lin. my ow uId»ut tOgether li th t a! ofother prectical -mold 0 e tbat thla wce boundtoab. a great lrmlng country andt ime bat OnlY rgtbeaathst biet, a et pey lt Dlot 10 r cettotfthladndir iltivaltion t re wae shippt froin tt itie own O!fL nnwitbOnly one 5ml 1elevat Of er :10,00huhaIt 0t na. lhit year thîre e tbranci clroat boig graein 1tontwa neu elevatorin ucoursefaicoruction and tuo more coutemplet,.it loka a tbough thare Waa aametblng doing; %nothqr thing that appeal very atrong- lto a man uho bas paît taxes 8il bis le lu Lake county in the low rate of axatiofi. Juet imaggine an Improve- mont tax otf85 par quarter amotionland amaximum Achool toi of 10 cents par ace witb no pereonal tex wbatever bora ithe country, jet taut it look@ good to me an t ythibs le e gooti atrong Ivernment wltb. members ot the provincial Parliameut electeti by the pople wbo meke the lawa ta o 9rn te Province ent wlth justicesto enforce te hasutndwlth the royal nortbweet mounted police ta looka&fter the criminel cama it meims thet ue have all the Officero thet are neceeaary et preéeut et teut. Another business propositiaon le thie, then a man eau buy goot larming land st from $15 to $20 per acre and eu ait. a crop that wil t wlce paY for the lnd it look& gondd b me. but wby go cartber. thbe aIt cying in. 1"that aeeing je believiug." You etC remember that Whoue Our Seviaur ues upon earth that De min saidt ta another "ecau any good bhing cames out o! Nazareth," andi yet n0w meu af everY kindred and tribe and toqgue are worahiping et the faet of the lOWly Nezrene. Methinks soame doubting Thoas will ey, -can tliey raeagralu eud vegetables îpi ha tafr north country uhere beyionly 'have tua asemons, July and winter. Wby Canada la a stte aot ninr bounded on the tact by tbe Atlantic ocean on tht ,unt by Pacifie on the aoutb by Got 's COULtryandiOn tie north hy evarlauhlag los, eut snow." to eit snch I uoult tai lu tht corde of Soly et-lt, "coins sud ut." 1 have meustioneti aboyaebwere thare lauu mchi good thure le mach of evil and aine. the Aret nuAnti the lirai; roman wert crested anti plced lu tha gardn ot4tu .hse ver has beau a paratlse upou etrth wllhaut e serpent la il and aInes tha days of Job uhemever Ibe nome ot God gathareti thomstlv bogtba Saan ameemo * l an aO. iut other plac-e sud as tht country' la' éparuly selttedtiomseare e lau unto thsuelvn sud there le muets Sabbéith damtsion ildmach prolesalty la- talgati li. Th t 111.white achnal booses art eoanuata dol the preirise ant the circuit rider la barsanutthe poor hava tht goopti preachat unta them and the econditions will ultiniateli- ha aver- ..meil a mesure et lesat. (lut upeed the day. Now, Mr. Editar, lu conclusiou lot me aay that 1 have no axa to gend, unoflah tofry andnlandtoeil, but the«e are a foisplain ctatements o! facto ce thty pu apracticel man Who bac erlw eau counaectaid wlt fermig lu coma uapay& i bIlle aantd la lufull sympathy wîth the tiller ot the tol aMd knout uhtreol hi upeake. S. 8. WHEILLER. Great Aiteratn Sait of Piano*. HuMlredeo1Ia Dow tianoi. tormluj a part of Lyon & Hoy'. magfallcaa ~stock, have got ta hrtinovad f rom tii thirt floor of thefr buiiding et the corai of Wabeth Avenue and Adami > ltraet, CUiaego, beetuta af uttia hI usu floorlug. lua oder to ips fh piano. iti giat! faellhy, axtraordi aarlly 10w prime bave beau alflxad Thmtomm r e .phtumuialy loc a L 0 &IffWy armakina e ttermne f Xrtte con t t"lagreet stock o latrmct lth e uti t exh u eeki leu do mot uhlah cs Ura0i pVou qcaaranefoi mouhly pltl. Or un" Obt 0Iibanl meuton s60May getvelt o *gfthephunot lnath ~~ll~es AND RECORDS k HTdSSWATCH14AKER Ao HýUýS and JEWELER LIËÉRTYVILLE, ILL. Lot it be thor- oughly under- stood' to begin wth thatany suit or overcoat you may eider througb bere, that bears to you with perfect worIkmanSlp-w1U Wear weli, and fat andi in specta be in t'hor- ough keep- ing with the bighest tailoring standards. Otherwise you anay retura it, and we'il rehmnd your money. Schack flockLLeILL COREiT& 1k~ËRICKS UsEklYVLLE, ILL Libertyvil*lè Ils. t. o WHY NOT *Make WashDay Easy àN8ù,A-à0 A*& à, M m a mie9 This machine rau seau r.Ufuail ta wiea mpty, a it rns eqy onu acoot of the hlgh géarlog. The power in applied éither wl&h tfii. ande, test or both, eo that noue of your euergy is waated in the operation. The I New Home" le bult to, wear, flot the clothes nor the operator, but to stand the strain thet, it la put to. Every machine la guerantesd tu gîve perfect satef action. H« Bu W~ Wheu Yen are Figurng to JiUILD À STORE, ROUlESE, BÀRN' OR ANY KIND O!F BUILDING The most esnentl part is where eau you get the matertal promptly and the cheapest. No bill too large for us to give prompt service- and umali ones the Rame. DO VOUR FAIL DITCING Look Up Your lfou !Ieed Wants and Give Our feed a Trial IFENCE YOUR I!ARM WITII GOOD POlSIS WHY NOT? Yee, why not enjoy the satisfaction and comfort of _~a good êuit of clotheso (4ood clothes doms not of neceeity mean high prtced material. You may pay for the best cloth on the market but get a poor fit and spoil it ail. (lothiug là; not recognized so mach by the material au it i8 by the general appearance. Yo roecoguize the young man as well dremsed because he takee care of hies clothes. He wus particuhar about., hie suit and he la particular lu bis cire of it. Tailor made clothes are worthy of good treatment. Don't be satisfied with the first piece of goods that will hang on your back. Corne to a tailor and have it fitted. FRED CROKER Tallor and Draper, Llbertyvilllc i Il CoiublaSchoé los xeM askI, Çhkavié bgt Clara brtietgdldre Our ~~tag6 hygadaio mu otpe. *ai. 66*. WATCIIfor OUR. Ab Eveny week it's differeut and thene's always semething listed that you waut S1PECIA t.. IN OUR HIAM, AND TOULT GOODS GROCERY DEPARTNENT Large Real flair Pompedour Sata Claus Soap, par bar ...4c 1 Balla, SOC value.,..........40c 9evén barn for 2 5c whare ...................-... ..... 0c AUl 25e flair ant i Wra Rolle aow,..................:.....20c Oolgat's or manen'aT ialcumn Pou'ar .......................20C Mletrbe flaIr Ourlers, the fluait ever .............. ..loçmund 25c Prfecto Hair Nets, euy abate, oar prices....................... cf Step lna ndtees our new Cros Sars ln Scisas Fiaxens. Pretty In.. var, part- jie ................c Thraa for 25c Bismarck Preparat Musterd, tes différent... ...................lot Pal Milk, kaep It onu hs. ........5 euet recolved a coneignment of Guatamaten Coffo. Lot us giInt e pount for you lu sur eloctric Mill. Remember thetotlephone nuxuber is 81 W. W.c mmmwý.M - ---------- mmý Aý - - ld@ý ý - Idik I& ý& ftý AL jý - ý Al. ý ý Aý ý& ý ý ý ý -Il Il- ý 1 l' v .- -.