Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1909, p. 5

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LÀ"E COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, AUG. lai, 1909 IRAN breakfagt ahead There le no Urne wvhe l.*Bwohb-Nut Brand" Bacon in appreciated more der- ing the vacation seson. As it isthiuly sliced and packed iu thse Bfeoi-Nut glass jar it retains its superior fiavor and teudernss, i. esly prepared and ineures a quiok, appeti.ziug mel. Do ual fail to imlade BeeohNut Bacon inu your supplies. We have iL. J. -ELI TRIGGS, OROCER ----------------.--------- --------- To the Public, Announcement lias been made of the dissolving of the partnership of the firm of Smith & Davis. This firm lias served you for years. and the under- signed wishes to announce that he wil serve you as well in the future as lie lias in the past. A new stock of goods lias beaun ordered, both groceries, dry goods and general inerchandise, which will replace the stock depleted by the dissolution sale. You will find mucli new goodB in our stock. Yonr patronage is invited and we will endeavor to please. WoE DAVIS GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS No, these are Not Badges just samples of the up. * to -tbth -minute 'Neck- 9Wear that you'Ul find in our splendid stock MEN'S FINE FURNISIINOS Shirts that fit, Coul'rs and(Jufs of reailiUnon, Neg- llgee for home and office, tlnderwear of seasonable weiglit, etc. A biîg itoek for the natty dresser. the. particular man. Aloo ail the litte aidea-Cul! But- tons, Stick Pins, etc., and no higiier than asked ,ç1oewhore for inferior guoude. Note tism act. ' I LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI l.OOL.AND PERêSONlALME:NTriON Tht bMr, evmt for Saturday la tb. Odd enov Picnse. UMMar Proctar, of Chcago, la vIlitng relativese luLibertyvIlle. kms. C. L. Sith sud ehild ren, ai Oak Park, wvesviiors bers Friday. M-. B. Colby returnqd borne Moadaj' afier epeudlg several veeks lu the wvern. eorg ae la, of Peorle, speel Scîurday vlth bis brother, &C . Hilggion R. C. imas epnt Suadar la Antioob, Mm. Hlgglns remcning for several deje vlit. Max Kohuer returned Scturday ater apeudlng a twa veeke' vacation lu Colorado. C. Goili & Co. move I bta Ibeir Dev atore raom le tise Proctor building Wedneday. Mr. and Mmr. Walter Heagb.rg, of North Adams, Mass. vlslted Mrs. C. I. Fulier last wesk. Use Fly.Sby on your nov. ta Incresse Ibeir mllk lu ly lIme. fiold naIÂLsnxwrr viLLE LubieneaCo .4 4-2 NmIssMabel Warner, of1Beardtave, Ill., vas lb. gueet of Prof. G. &l Mitchel and wilete .past vsek. Master Lloyd Taylor leitt Iis veek for Elgin vbere ho yl ect as trumpeter et the expoeition held tiare. Mmr. C. Clement, vbo bas been quite oeriouely Mîlnt her home south of the village, je Irnproving rapidly. Dr. Frank Tuffies, o! Prairie du Chien, Wim., vas a oruest of bis brother, Station Agent j. G. Tulfley, Wedueaday. Pyrolite Goal for threshin3g. Tbere's mouey in it for yos. Sold by lb. BlossE LiîuBER CoMiPÂNY, Lihartyville, 111. 46-2 Mr. John Woolridge returnei borne last Saturday, alter opendlng a week with bis son. Charlie, lu Maniptee, Mich. The Triggs groeery ia sporting a new auto delivery wagon. It in a Brusb maühine sud handied by A. W. Licht!eld. Mir. and Mr@. G. A. Wrght spent several days the past woek et the home o! their daughter, Mr@. J. H. Swan, in Antioch. lire. EH . DKnox, vbo residesvwith ber daughter. Nire. Bertha Fry, on Park avenue. in slowly recoveriugfrom a seige o! ilînes. Mise Edue lrbau la spendiug the som- mer with ber aunt and oncle, Mir. and Mirs. D. N. Raneon. on South Milwaeukee avenue. The Wells Fargo Express Company wili bave an office lu the new Jochheim building as soon as the building i@ complete. Mrs. John Layeck sud famlly, of Chicago, arrived bers Tueoday sud yl visit at the homes o! ber brothers, James and Wm. Laycock. Hcrry Putnam leit Monday for Grand Rapide, Mîch., vbere Barron Grattan the veillknovu borsfrom the Grattais stock farm bas beau entered ta race. Hon. A. K. Se an sd Bon H. Miller vent ta Lake Geneva lest Friday, tb.y bad legal business efore Judge Donnelly, who la speuding tbe sommer there. George Hoap vas leken to lb. Jane UcAllaerhospital fast Saturiley, ho vas operated upon lb. next rnorning = go dicitisansd IA rscovering quc- Lira. F. E. Mereh enlertalned a large Party of friands ait ber home on tb. GratIci Stock Fermn last Fnldal even- lng lu honor ai ber guesi, Mn. Dune, ai Indianapolis. Mr@. I. U. Corcoran sud cbtldreun e- turned borne last Wednesday alter ci four veesks visit witb relatives and irlouils lu Boulder, Colo. Rer sdater, Dlle Hart, kept boume for Mir. Cocorsu dnrisg ber absence. L. B. Colby, ertwhile ity editor of the leNI)EPiENDr nnd R. H. Sharp, bath from Ft. Worth, Texas, sud on lthe sta o! the evening Telegram In that Cty arrlved bere Tuesday for a short viil at lb. home oi Mn. and Mire. Byron Coby. Arnong lboee vho recenlly vWuteil Niagara Falle vers: lMn, sud Mms Howard Mason and sons, Frank iMasan, Frank Quentin, Fred Bock.lmen, Mrs.j Alle Tupper Davis, Warren Nichlas sud aster,< Anaaned NMIsesMande, Grame sud Ethel Wbeeler. Ben Clyhourne sud Ed McCormick bavei purchased tht vrscked automobile whicb figured lu the fatal catastrophe soubb o! tise village necenlly. The ma. chinehbas been on atruck near lb. Cly. bonrne livery for the past week il îbas been curiouely vleved by many. At the iregular meeting o! Mtchell% Military Baud lest Tbursday evsning su eleclion ai officers vas bld and but1 luttle change mail. in lb. personnol.1 Foiiovlng are the ofilcers: W. B. Miller,9 i reideul; Lme Whiney. vlce.prssldenl;1 'E. Austin, E. A. Bisisop,8. C. Kîmbail,1 Rox Weil, Tho@. Hlàddleon, Oea, McDonald and C. A. Beewlck, board of directoire; F. S. Keru, secretary andl treasurer. Mn. and Lire. M.O0. Johnsou, vbo havet been making an extendeil tour aiflthe( vesl. vers In a Verybail vreckan thes Inland ralroai near Coeur d'Alen,g Idaho, Salurdcy alteruoon, July 81, b ut scpeil wtboul Injury. Tva eletnie trains o! tibes, Cars eacnhcame logetber1 bond-on ced fiftoissu ers kiilleil andiseveu-. tly4ve lejured. Tbe crers fBs &Wvlthi Iwidseekm 1 thedrawing aI i3»7r cneu@Ob., f car a! oas Il anvascruàbed i1k. aneou sbeIL. -suc hi@e eanng, aMdsvUýE st a portion Of bis ineoojue, lt, suocus, 4A Viffl t n* Mori plelurues ery nlght et tbe MMs J. W. Butler bam bren quite si<Ç MM@ssG'ae, oker @peut two days in Km iss D6 e"lwla vieiting frieude et WlImelte *5~W*s.k vWtsw I egrslalvsqd frendo hors. Muà"tî~ildy iRuoiton, Kan. , la vldting frknians M relati ves bars. Wm. Wh hbbm 'dud daugbter, Mise Hele». &Te %*hinlCecterbn rg, 0. The infant daaglstsr of Wm. Caya bas beau quit. ssosle l91the past week. Miss Ida Attrldp tarsned bomne lest wSok alter sprndng two montbs ln New York: Miss Mabel Wbitney, of Aiden, la. le visllng aI the borne of ber brother," L. H. Whiney. 0. X.NvoVcs o! boys frorn th. M. 9. 5undq seool are camping ut1 oags'. Laks.1 "Ilickes" Sprln«&te, of Chicago, bas beau a gueel ai lbe U H. Whitney home1 the put veek.1 Tise Mnlvey Comedy co-pany opened je week' engagement under cen vase here Monday evening. W. C. Mianney, of! Michiganu City, in spendina aIser veeks with bise aster, Idre. Wm. Wiabam. MieCatîbecl oisr,turned homne recently tram a vacation of two weeke aspeunt at Lake Genevai J. Eli Trims, thogyocer, ie building e new reoldouce an the corner of Me.-henie Grove Roand udhm Court. You yl b. well pàid ta use Piy.Shy on your caws lu fly lime. ScAd et LiBERTYTILLE LtrîeuýE CO. 45-2 0 ire. John Lynch *nd children have i been opendîng tbe P#«ettwo weeks et the home of ber pe.rMtset Waukegan. lire. Annie Keliner' and son, Fo@ter, spent Saturday ad Sunday with ber daugbter, Mns. C. B. Webber in Chicago. 'Rebecca et tbe Well" wil dispensec lemonade et the ice cream social held )n' the parsonage lave next Tuesdajyc evening.r Dr. Stork viied the borne of Mr. andr %lrs. WÏii Scbireck, Snnday. Augumt 1,t and a little son in nov a member o! thet family circle. Herbert lllasbfield, o! Boacobel. Wis, wu@ the guet of the Craig and Tuffley familiee and other Wisconsin frienda here this week. Premium lise for tbe coming Lake County Fair may boeseconed et the lothing store o! Jey Morse or et the Independent office. Lire Charles L. Babbitt andl Misa i Edith Baur'ý of Cncinnati, Ohio, are spending two wekke ait thse bome oi W.r W.Carroll and iemily, One of the largest yieldé of ocýt. perc acre reported thiaseaosona 88 bushels2 threebed on the Chittenden farm near1 Ournee by Wxn. Hoyer. The American Wlre Foee.Company le one of the buaeet factorisealu-lb. illage.f Tbey are cdverlieing for mienAn boys. See thelr cd lu the wcnt cogumu. Misses fflle Butter*sl4 and Flore Staples returned lMondayrImm c trip ta [Niagarafflla. Theyaso*eltdDtrolt, Tarante, Buffalo and other cies. 1 The Ladies' Aid Society of tb. M. E. church will serve lc esua, sd cake onf lb. perenagl avu, Tussdcy evenlng,f Auguait 7. A prograrn vllbereudered.m The majorty of the business bousesf have decided tri close tbeir douo framn 12 noon tu 4 p m. ou cooountof lb. Odd Fellowes' Picuit et the fair grounde uext Saturday. There la fit teen per cent mort combus- tion lu Pyrolite coal th"a ny other soit coal wbich makes it lb. ebeapeet cou] on the market for throshlng. HOME LuM&BER COoMPANv, Libertyvîlle, ElI. 46-2 Arther Koon ebipped fivehoress ta the show et Rock Island ibis week. Sixi mare vere added et Elgin from the Wlld( Rase Stock Farm. Ed Poitoun« ill act as aid tu the 'master harseman." The base bail game et tbe fair grounde lest Snndey afternoon vas a notable one for the Baniblere, who noi only von tbe game, defeating lhe vistons front Wlnuetka byea score af 9 ta 0, but vas su errarlees one for the borne tom. . Ruffené, Le Rambler piteber, allaveil the1 visltlng tena only on. bit and only one c msu reached flirt base. . Rochsester Acedemy opo is hfulltortu Sept. 7, wtb increaseil bing force. 2V ar tcourse entera la collage or Un versily vithout exam"nalon. Op- portunitles for business es.e, mniec andprprlo fo tabi.Ne lectnc&neletO" t alllds'ootrvl For catlo ceindinornio ades Z e.E 0 T, Rheet rW. T.:ý Roc 464 Central Park wore a gay and festive air lest Thuradey eveniug on aceounn of the lavu fte or fair held tbere by lb. f Choral Society during lb. band concert. Thoe e vre aide shows, fiaisPOUand u oliser attrections to hait lb. unvcry bcpbi.however, esmed ta Fikblt-T nresponses la lte eerUetlc Invitation of numerane "bIkmuws."nt-l th. fortune teller isrhmnt standis, lb.efek cblcken, bl4 eetc. Ths carnîval i pn U*e4ha olbsr show thls Thu.rsday v«"lg vth am enlireschange ai01prograîn.t ~ unsef n-must b. sysim-n dta àt aeding to les.than 1 atoally each week or snouth 1 .snid Ibte ahi.! essential 10 riW~our Bank viii hlpyon ta oe per cnubsn-se.- open 'q soopunt. ---- ---- - 1 couaty sud especially from th. langer cilles on the nortb @bore the atteudenco viii ha large. A lar» represetalion la aloo expecteil iram Chcago and Cook couuty ce vell trom Milwaukee sud Southere Wlscon- sin. But fev o! the eveuto are for lb. fretennIty exciualvely andl vilh but fsv exception tise publice'May participai, lu any o! the races. White tb..Odd Fellove' will haont in force, the public vil make up the greaten part ofithe cra wd. il la more than a picnic, il is a one day fair. Witt You Decorate? The tiret annuel picnic o! lb. Odd Feilowse Picnic Association o! Lake County viliiha heid et the fair grounds uext Seturday andl as a large elten- dance le expecteil from Chicago sud Cook county, Mlwaukee and Soulisere W le. cousin as well as other surroîînding tovus ve vies ta give thefis a llttlng veicorne. Mauy decorations viii ha provided by the local lodge but we earnestly request tbat lb. people lu general and the business mon in parti. culer endeavor ta maike a dlsplay ni huntlng and Sage Ibat yl ha expressive o! Ibeir bospitality and tend to the day e holiday air. (Sigurd> COMsITTEE o,-4DmaiOeÂTIQNti. Methodist Services. "A Treasure In Clay" vilI ha the subject of the sermon next Sunday moruinget the Methodiel churcb. The Suaday echool bas been keepiug up ta iea good mark during tb. bot veatber. Everyone notattendingeleeheresbould corne. Mire. J. i.. Hughes ia viitlng relatives ln Chicago this veek.. MisesPearl Hughes le spouding lb. Racine. The Snndey sehool clam ofaire. Edilh Warren enjoyed a pieutc aI Lake Bluff Wednesday.. Mr@. P. H. Cale sud son, Benjamin, o! Milton Junction, Wle., "spen aly aI lhe home of her son, R. H. Cole, John Lynch returned Tueeday tropi Monîreel vbers be &pont tvwes*11e'as a ilelegate ta the Forrester'a conventIon. 'A uew cernent crosslng la helng put iu on Milwaukee avenus ln lb. nildile ai the block oppos teb Davis store. (ismeut le bing tiledi thîs i, as an experlmnent andl la guarsutsed ta last fiv@ years. ,The ladies u! lb. Melisodist chnrcb ,bave chasSaI a" lisa pýac for lm. cymsW "Teéa vz o 1 lh . ODD PELLOWS PICNIC NrXT SATURDAY Fuir Groundsats Libentyville ta ha Sene of Big Gathering. Bal- lcon Ascension, Races, Base Bail Compose an AIl Day Program. Ad- mission Free. The finIt annuel picnic o! the Odd Fellove' Plcnlc Asseccation of Lake Couety viii b. beld et the fair grounde n-ti aturdaF. Auguet 14. The progneam b@ges len lb. mornslng and lente aildey. Tbere wilI b. no admission foee eargeil ta enter tb. groundls, tbaugh lb. pro. grain la lerlie enough end extensive .aough lu Warrant one. This la ratber UOUsaa t.hesurai public baa lvays besa ccistomeil la paying there durlng Ibefair. An admission of llfteen cents viii bu chugeita the grand stand lu front of wblcb thse eveuls wlll aIl teks Tiser. yull b. tbre. bail games. The Wcukegsu loilge of Odil Fellows bas Iseeiac balilsge to play lb. bout ai lb. county lenlb.éîearnlW ng îd lu lb. ater- noon tiser. viii b. twa gause partllik patoidlaluby lb. Llbenyvll. mbhmr, P"ltine, Hlgbleisd Park and Antiocb. Tberevull bcssMy"cborse rmees. Àires for a&l trot, c free for alilPace, c fermer's runnlng race and e fanuer'@ trot, four wheeled. The balance o! the program la camposei of varions races and sports, a greased pig andl other entertainmenta that are bound to hae interesting. The grand finale for the afternoon la e bel- boon ascension hy Prof. W. Price Doyle, "king o! the clouds," the tbrilling epec. -etauat se aîw-aye a favorite vith the people, whether in Cty or towu. One of the new buildings at the grounde bas been loored and l makes an excellent dance pavilion with a loor 40x8O or over 3000 feet of floor spee. Tbere viliiha dancing there ail the efternoou and eveuing with munic bY a large orchestre. Mitchels Militai-y baud wiul furnish music for ail day. There wiii ha several lunch stands, a diuiug hall, reireehmeut stands wlth ice cream, soft drinks, cendy, souvenirs and other nlcknacks. There will ha a nuinhar ot gaMes an the oerounde of vrnu des- eriptions for the amusement a! the public. lfanY of these will la operated hy etrangers but the management le3 making an eanest endeevor ta soee that no crooked gemes o! auy kind be allow- ed on the grounds. The tain grounds are in the inest sha8Pe they bave ever been. The hay bus been cut end the grounde given a genteral cleaning and trimming. Smooth green lewus meet the eye ou every side. The track bas been Put in lune shape for the racing. There will ha a check roorn for parcele, resI room for ladies and aIl the accomo- dations necesary for the couvenience of a large cr0 wd. Tables and hanches vilI ha provided for those wbo brlng their dinner and wisb ta picuie et the grounds. The weather man bas promnised faiîb. iully to provide uiteble veather for the occasion and tram the reports coming lu irom the varions tavus about the NOW IS THE IME Everythig of a banking nature entrnirted ta aur ùsare receives our best attention. 'We fed wm of aur ability te handle yonr business ta yonr satisfaction. IIO GRADE BONDS FOR INVESTMNIT ALWAYS ON KMAN Capital méd Surplus $75.000.00 .C«Àk6,Comniy ~aoa ' flULTH LUBING 1 _ài, ila Iltis eu=eon vsastise candi. u tion of your plurnbiug fixture. demnanda yaur closeattention. Tise ovehaulng cf tie plumWs. iug ofyour home is se neceeeary as housecclenin. Ifyou iutcnd makiug repairs oreinetaffing Dcv fix- trce, wc shah lie glad ta figurefor you, providiasg a guarantee of prompt end perfect work et reaun- able pnices. We sdI and inatail thse amous SIssdm Parcelain Enaineled plurnhing finiurea. 'Sbmàe ~'Weie bing. a vealth of heakk ta your home and inerecaie aseflang vainc Ma NE( We have junt bought a lot of sampie shirts without cors, the. usual 50e and 65c shirta,. which we will soni, while the. suppiy la, for A A Lt of Boys' 50c Negligeo Shlrte 25c MeWis Mouarh $1.00 shirte, etiff boomm, Bises 16, 16* and 18, for ............5 Clearance Sale of Summer Dress Goods I 1' 4.4 I I I I 'I ALBERT W. LITCHFELD,- Ubertyville A«Mmobi ----------------- We arc maldng a big reduction in the price of ail Light Weight Dremn Goods. Cali and sec them DO»*O*»**Qqm 1 ---F.

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