CrÇ8 P Attr changesiAil, O.iiiir'n Olto eObtal gesser buàt Former Aideris Speuirs aoetivs. WUlth e chances ail for the ib, tllscgo & Mlwvaukee ros ofelua manth, perforce. for *tg»_cf thbe cty. notably sev 4urtare voudering bow cIl be before ths adminit" ,sfui off ,,lsuk sud it te w osuite 01 ued oui 0f saisffCouftbfor yo irotheciccort.Ge. o 8 ake . ou t e t 1he ahënss ud- f tour M d ULapoitbar.tisnni (14%) ent- lu Ii ii t out f aiWoryte te edotur n e tticorhoautW kog nxanlpu ony ofNO=otise', Lya ulo isud lu d djlflO8 SA Gebovrtge f. astaerva.udo dncP .eMon- secti n 0f >ui oB I do f fau i (14); f taui tectin;tOiiee ot! Lake t arie nlu te H or M ay o gM. F rt M n ay a c e , 909, sud Qhslcu &lad Crcit out a ti. aeh ".) a- xaOlt dX 4deisud su tv0t4VOthe hndosiha lanauavu. oren .. ,dtba l uW ecte - B J. tev us s d w . ta Aifed l A Joh909 H ereoanni un a d mnal ed Fitty -tva ( ) o t ang oN e ;(9) 0.ri5;> a ce m or e r leuq t a ilth aelbliMrga e la S an e ry otti M Mated ibis lBuh day aiWulyOfA.ars ni o s d v , lo .bk.3 ihin i P r a tr lu h nte o f J s B. DEaistcou tf -il then e Tuo r i n i al ý een(9) d oft! theu p int ; theot o hor e h, . t OhOil, rt ur, Et0ch 454ilat tiaMrCuer 1909.OU L"@ Ap. W Ttis &$1.425.o angTu edae h ayae s eP tember gre ndes ce a to flO hund esi ud ts ' d. e o s r b. nglsi tat heo te r u . Stno , G ue tnefFe eW I ans O. b aveCKWa Y, AbsatrKactofT r a itu hu a t 8 M.AD . 1909,outson and urWilltom 'clok ty-thcrer,(148) tout aje o nt tfone; the acoll et,1b to o tomlalonan R Sthe, el L Sale M C er fii crutCurdiL Bshuk e mlte2,bid lk. 20 , Hlblul. lu befornon oofisidaynuotisencLakeMfl .ilnO su on.hiser.iciaisud lne2et Sd uo bas obien otat o! Oanty Satecfallnou. 3 *ol saleEE o! Pak v 1. $.00 uaandn n t raucersof t ise C our t 9% dgous e va ntydre(1,076) Wiheiaonter Of * d ohn AylosIt DOW l Broters GfoWllrb 6 crsl W aut iLiedSaea. o 72 eteaxbnehrdadfou rn t pitj Arau i svnt- l temarcit ut of ecasd, C . y ran1tsted oatof gLehCaurtaudforry SeALI ai-OE Mwprttw . w.41,P7.00ni elnot bic voureilu(fo 3csh 4)iobte hs ubdiofthsIo;theoucar s ix (sh a i t best fare te si Ubon Wlla m S.e Bolevm'A . oth Atikn1r9r0e9, e b H.R.Wltsdeanoo eaen ed thD. mao'sLaeonthem long s ltoJ.1A M ndreandi ! adj ilage S a- i u e fau rti e ig and sdout bld.- er oralong tise c"nteroulino ai 4).dave- aid sudction o nci c ut cftoant. CamlsanILrchi. GMayng, hnsty j$ oda fOtbeýjS aO iau lu n LI berty ise c. pa rt t bt. 1,Lw.rYd. er e illn t edOv criled caudsudI thne 0tO tire lin o uotw and ufrt - Oncludlug tii. sud J. COwenrBstian , efnduJontalu . ucRan. s<tId. N oause la stchloroorm oing = 4, Ler anotslo 9 feeu.Hihlnd Pdk; Mote i iWcr o » cur Wlltlta 4312. annote29 d - hea orn u harorsa muh G sh.ll, rt ur EidelHlir19 9 Brae of ville; w. d., $1.000.-roEas ta si nta e oflu the Cour it or(59 ) s ud ýet ot-liv.(45 a n.d Wcomm lla a non t A ylrint mon- le an Saly dca d . , R nt ad adL ehmD a nn nd S. rtcelvorg. as far as a spur lino fa Chas. Davlln and wi. ta V. E. Day- l.Ciy Park, Istreet iaiproveentO i'.lin,185 acres lin n.%'sec.Il, Cuba- Scrosulut gaies are concerned. twp.;w. ; , $2500. Thero la a persistent runsor, noita Estte aiFrauda Rudd, de'd, ta b. cocIrxned for obvions reRsOsa, tuaiT hos.Rdd, l1Ot 2, blk. 1, Tiff auY's 341 '14iit«Of ithse Frost main Une Vil, add.Wakgf ..,$1 iod5 on a sale for their satsfactioan Aug. 5, 1909. tilue ibis .month, or aoon et any R. W. Hawkius to G. G. MeLane, anIt, d lu ibis case Waukeg5f's lot 8, sisb. af lots 5 aud 6, blockt 34, boMe for tbe iollowing things go ta Highland Park; $2260. &mathI like egga , ibrova aginsi a Fletcher Lumber Co. to F. L. Ciien- brk vull: ey, lot 8, blk. 4, Pt. Chanton, Highland 1. Spur lins ta park. Park; w. d., $1. 2. Repair of Washingto aireet Christine M. Johnon and bus, ta traccita W. J. Hamiltoni, lois 23, 24, 25, block 3. pIscing oi gaies ai dangerOlls ., querys sub. North Chicago; w. d., an vosi ide lune. $300. 4. Improvement of Marlon and Herman Swanson and wile ta Ma- cIller stet. thlda Lehman, e. 118 ft. n. 50 fi., s3. Onta the auber hand the ctY's 150 it.. loi 29, 1-ighwood; W. d., $10. Chanose are regar41e4 as boter than Mathilda Lehmau and bus, ta lier- oe«u before if Frost gets the linoenan Swansan, n. 50 fi, s. 100 ft., lotý bac%, a remats posabllty, or If thse 29, Hilghwood; W. 4d., $10. .s' etug s teth. rlght bauds. Master IL iCbancery Ia Mary E. 1%é BullSkacsduiuirtion vas Gjatler. lot 3, aBafflSOrs -Pnb. ýn S. E. *P$4 *« the plsuk' flnlly afier ail 14 Sec. 17, Waukegafl Twp. and lais )d fi0 h bdginge amelpromises 1k. 15, 16 sud 1, bit 43, Wasbburil Park, Ole Bock administration lu Metti!ig w. d. $117500. , MeV. iii rossi recelvers flatly telilng C. C. Edwards and vufe ta C. R. 1tbisrpwm mayar sud his ades ta go Rowetis, lot 5, bit. , ltidgeland, Wau- ,t th.fderal court and get an arder itegan w. d. $1750,00. >M that silVlst body If Ih -wnted H. P. Price and vite ta Annie N. . -oo*ag doue. Thtis vili probably be C.ampbell, lats 1, 2 sud 3, prices Sub. tldWaukegau r lang sund these du or lot 33, Higbwood, w. d. $1.00. 'ps ot fouIl ite goiiig tbat fer h Lulu Mattacits to Margaret Moore, lot in village of Libertyville, q. c. T-«*la a large percetateofaicii- $1.00. smu wujobeilee, bovever, tbat If the W. B . Smithand vife ta C. T. Gnnn, ý1ý Ê4,f the md lusRWYdstane. lu the pari lot 337, Laite Fores, q. c. $10000. tfutM >he. eclveru muy be f arcesi ta John Sinnati aud vif e ta . M. andi unmO, J. U. Rnnot part Sec. 19 and 20, 'X"Atm it lu a vuitlng gamo viib Fremout Twp., vw. d. $2,00. *0popi sa; thbe goat; sud iii Ciy J. B. llobbs ta Mary S. Nichali, lois eâoialo4 barnlng an,. Alderman Mar- 8 sud I9, bit. 10, North Chicago, v. d. ip, tMméley Inacilve.$825.00* ____________IE N. Packard and wvue ta P. P. Hiavkins, part lot 5, bit. 12, Highland opIF~~I Ul Park, v. d.$400.00. ~~M0!~RfRRRC T!D P. C. Clark and vite tn B. F. De j - mut, lot 1, bock 71, Highland Park; peiNe01*Muywith ttoform WW w . d., $1. ai GOeanUp open sunday saloon W. K, Ruffuor sud vite ta W. C. PtÎýodtl@5il HuMr-ftsid Extenda Gorrel, lot 1, Oakinouut, Highland 19Tejws0 sloons butGots NoeFer. Part; q. c.. $1. th.Aýýhr Saloonsa Said to Have Rtate ai Caherine Havlln, decd ta ls«. Open Veturdasy. John Strs.hau, 40 a. in o. e. 14 sec. 6, Nevporitvp.; deed, $1.400. Jane Kirk et ai ta J. A. Edholm, T!'. tatement lu givren outtrfoi the ,8 lsu ,ut ,K~kôPv 80510 fi"lion ibat Bndy the foi-l-otls 1, 2,.3tandW4, blk. 9v. d., $50.w ioulacs ver. arreutei ior iteopn lug d.t Wûe ;w.d,$0 oué ndy F. P. Dymond and vi. et ai ta Theb. thet aloons0058openon Sl Vau.der-Werff, lot 15. blk. 2, Dymonsi AUtO Pne, Sout Oeuou ee & AuaUn'a lota 51. ta Lbertyville; a aig v . d., $100. CW"-le»r, Gnese an -1ake People's National Bankt ai Jackson, *UlooreLsemnuosdtk Mici., ta Auna L. Moras. s. 100 It l clamed hat thrsalons,1, blk. 15, Hghland Park; . d., $1. wre'ouenlaiin tiai ayttie aloans toph Viechmann sud vite ta vet t oen rls t. arretbuet.t AIndiola Rasi & Gun Club. S. W'ly %, thi laas ui a ie areus vnt. loi 7 Nippersinit Club Pub. la Sec. THIES£ MAY WED 4, Grant Twp., w. d. $50000. $I"! Zidua, Chcaea............ 37 Wn udadwf o .3 t Divoeed n gound ofcruety:ens, E. '% lot 9 bit. 14, Exmoor Âdd. Divocos ontrond9ai8.uet o a Hgbiand Park, v. d. $90000. Mami. Uc1908..... .....2 J. J. Page and vife ta Aubrey War- AreMaldC. Jhnsn, Hghlnd P.2 ren, lots 1 sud 2 bt. 2, Tiiorpsous Hael E . bsokr gluu 18 A dsi to Waukegan, . c. $25.,50. 1us E.Siater............... Aubrey' Warren ta, A. C. Weaban, Zdgar P. Vestal, Fart Sheridan...* 27 lots 1 sud 2, Thompsous Add. to Wau- Ethel I. Lundhalm................ kegan, w. d. $850.00. Ja%. W. Crammer. Leliay, Pa ... 3 i. K. Orvîs and wie to, A. P. M. Bernice Ferris ..................7 Harr V. inswrth Chiago,29- sundabl, lts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk. 3, Hr rVInwrtb Cîcaa1.9-Orvis Sub. Wautegan, w. d. $95000. P. 'Y. Hoffenratb. Milwaukee, 21 TaeCicoPston Wilia Sebaber, 20. Tor B.Chiolb PositeionaW. u Soren Nel'an, Racine, 21-Muytha Lse .Cly omryaWu 'Yvoif 19.tegan uevspapor man and laler a Brt F. Cooper, Detroit, 30-E. W'al- Fort Worth, Tex., Journalisi. arivosi kerSan ntoio, Waulegau Monduy night sud Tuee- Ceri Su ai, 30. naSal,3. day lefi for Chicago viiere ho startod John Wodrlcka, Racine ..... . 8 r ihteEaie usa BeltuaPeten ............20ening. Ho vas accompaniesi on hie D. . onkin Chcao, ý(-AlnaD.trip noth by J. F. North ai Fort Brc,. otlCiao -sn .Worth, via viii visit bore ion s veek Bruc. 30. l, hcao 2- or twa. Colby bas made goosi ln tihe C. rE. tacitvol, C cgo92.E-wort and bis asivance la a satisfaction Chtil ilGlils, Racine, .1-jessie t i ayfins *mabo"usi 19. Adolpis iaaet. Chicago, 24; BOOK ON NORTH PAOIFIC COAST A*'é*d* Taiacyzinsky, so, 24; Dan BY CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & sabier. Wsnkegsu, 23; Maggle Es- ST. PAUL RY. to. sauins,18. Are ' ou coniomplating a trip ta the. Pacifie Norbveet or ta fthe Masa-Yn- "»,Weiêoafe" le ftha cleverest Imita- kon-Pacxtc Exoiiou ai Seattie? Il a 09 =009W oa.. ver yet madle. Dr. cali or send lornaw book. -North Pacifie Sbeo-oeoàsdIt lrom pure parce iCasai Cuntry," sened by this Bailvay. 11811101 11,1mut-.etc. Filue lu liarr- It viii ieîP Youu iplanning yaur trip. I WsNius saminute. No 20 or 80 FRE-I you cail. MAILED tor tour conts 5 bs8sioUubol#lasg. Smple ree., postage. 1 4 gr 0paE"RCK 862 round triplfrom Cbh!agto 13eoAtlu _____________ Tacoma, Spokane, Portand, Vitoria,. Vaneonver, Butteansd oti,.r pointe It l *M&t-batmfutfwllosare lite dedly uoutil September 30, Cioe oi "*W. »*çoap 4mme ake the roues.Baes. BoRt-anlieu 00 1101110W 40124M"=io, Wl. 4"- I I M Il r. The wondertul low prices- in our Great Clearing Sale. are rapidly reducing our mammoth stock of men 's and boys' clothing. ,We want you to'benefit by our generous offer*ins- It wB py yota to corne in n0W and clothe your boy for school- We are ta-king a Ioss- on many of the bargains dffred as it is necessary for us to have theroom for the new fali stock BoS Uis that sold fr om $7 t $10 are now going at with knicker pants 5 $ 369 for Boy's Suits Including $ JU~, the Hercules brand. for choice of a fine selectio n $ 2.65 of Boys' Suits worth frofà $3.50 to$50.ý» 2OL~, or Men's $5.00 and $6.0 $305 Trousers. Boy's 50c Play Suits Boys' 50e Knee Pants Boôys' 50cý K. &. E. Blouses - - 39c - 39c - - 35c $9.,5 for Men's SURtS Woth $15.00. $12,75 for.-Men's Suits. worth $1800. Qxford- Shoes ail colors, tan1 ox- green s andý pô%¶cthrsî$3.50 $2.75s Underwear"c 'Valuges. hose I i