Nej4,.Flynn ýBuldýg, Waukegan, 111 Are you a memnber of Cfàss 'OS? If flot, do not fafl to enrofi at our FalI Term, Septexiber 7, for our 1910 Class. t Neyer in the hiatory of the W. B. C. have there been more e alse _____________________ for thoronghly qualified yousig men and young womon than dnrisi& Me. PMt year. 41 môye calis for office help tI9sn we vre able to 611l. S.ud 1#o ur kudameCaalog. Jusm*l.and etke h cf laiie.o can mgss ec as. llxtenaive snd Attractive Program Hms been Prepertd for Annuel Gatherîttg of Sciool Masat Cen- tral OchOI Augut 23 ta 27. Two S«eione a Day and Noted Inairuc- MOWrom Wa Usa' Iun". anhnsî,uel tesebera' inettute îili tb. heM lu the agsoMbiy hall b! tise Central Bvbooi. Waukegsn. Aurimt 23 *, 2 as<l there wilise two sessions i daY, lie glaning t nine, endirg Oeven forty Afve, hegnning tnune and miibç t throe !rty. * tl. utructasu @- * Pro< C W. Parr of Cook county, WhO. lecture@ on argrlculture In the jebCOl, scisool managemfenit, sud misl- oe»aeous toptice. 0up4. M. G. Clarke of Streator was unmabie Us coone 10 Wsukegan becaise ofe liihealtis of h&bif le. su Prof. W. L Swayer of the South sachool taires bis place sud il talk ou aitis- Ïte to.g5maiUr and geographv. Fus* prirnary work isws Margaret Pumpirey id Oak Pare yul be tise inatructress. lu -bad work A. J. Yeomnen, fIr- inerly t! Wauke.-au aud ke Wsukegsn Man- now of Colorado Springs, 'tili b. thse ieader. Tbeve wii be additionS) featureg of Suevets more alîtractive esture. 1!ig4TETO LATE MRS.VASSAR Charitable Work of Reidont Pro foundly Approiatcd. (FrolS Wuea4UYsSBn.) the pastor to introduce lnstitutiofl fostures in thia church work snd tl ise shoud ho aucces8ful in obtain!ug s ciurcis edifice lu Waukegan ho willI have placed iu t.sultable moins for suris worlc as Mis. Vassar wlshed to inaugurate. fiET PIANO AS PARTY. GIFT Three Chlidren of ,'Ambras. Merchant Coiebrata Sain. Day. (Froiu Wednesday'". laly Sun.) Three chldren o! Mr. and Mra. An- brose Merchant, Mary, Frances and Ambrose, yesterday celeirated tiseir bithdays on tise same day aithtie reideuce ou South Sheridan Road and Liberty street snd thse big gift of thse day 10 tthe tbree was a iandsome pino from J. C. àerchant,, The psriy fortise tiree and thir many guests was a beutîtul l111e a!- fair, thse guests atteuding beiog: Elizabeth Straug , Burton Browni 'Marlon Day, Lester Bîgr ath.a Salewsky, Icone Pans, Veda Wbite, Beatrice Uhlig,- Ferdinand McKee, Daiay McKee, M arlon Chambers, Grace Wite. Harry Davis, Mary Hardy, Katiscyn Gaunon, Margret Sweeney, Harry 1.1Kue, Alice Flins- lng. Julis Fleming, Anea Reiiiy, Helen Kiopusoyer. Theo. Strang, Cecilla Weleb, .oephioe lierchaut, Helen Hlggius. Joseph Dowe, Howard Bach,. hMargaret Anderson, Clîffurd Everts. Carence Hutchens, Arthsur Litcifeld. Lucy Duggan. Bessle Uhlig, Katbryn Reilly. Eugeue Trayuer, Franka Wai. li, Mae Feudick. Mary 3,jercedes Legguett of Galesburg. Mary V., John and Anua Lyonn. Joe, Frank and Har- ry Kilisate, Helen aod Edna Deltmey- er Heleu Mlorse, Lucille Ward, Glad-1 yu Boone, Mary Hogan, Rena Dowe, (louera and Verne Arens, sud John sud Fl7orence Hayes of Norths Chcago. UV@TOV I RlTU MADDlARFI Resotutions or syupatby bY A M. E IB i. en M ff n su MNss.s, claurcis os deati od Mrs Frnces Vas- aonKee otLcneHr n sa, at Sunday mornin services. Onon eirGothicago1lr n ',Wbereas. Deth Imj t*m t rouaOenCmae Our mdt Mm. Frances Vassar. a very kind f ieud ta aur cburch organi- (Front Wednesday's Daily Su.) ration: There la a litte barniiesesud dlv- Be ht Retiolved, Tisatt i l with pro- erting myotery eonnected with tise î'- foqnd regret sud deepet tearrow tisat î,ortel marriage o! Josephs Leo ttol'u, we as officers aîîd membiers o! tIhe south Geteue treet saloon-keeper. A. SI. K. churccbsud Sunday scitool Rothi'on the el es1ensti got out a lie- learnofo!tise soi uews, feeling ai;5' ise to wed Miss Cacelle Hiînutteilu do tisat in tise paslug away o! tiis Waukegan Augnet 151h. Thesa ie goetiwomnau our cisurhbia iobt aitrued aboutasnsd yesterday got 'a Ira. ud tititul fieud anca 1a a5mrrsge license lu Chiceago t.0n. 'l'uis aiways anxous about our welare aud ewbere lie waa oarried or lise essons laplay d usr tisu ordut itî stack of tise change of tplace cannot bu lu ver de~armeu o!aurchutcehi iearited. as Roi ie I Çlicloago, todayl worik li-e la atoung Austrian lWho bas Isueit j,» t Wur!her esoived, Titat we ex- bere a hot 111me. lHe bas sercd tme t lthse famgy ansd relatives o! tise lu the imîeilcy ,des.d or beartfet sympatisy, as. Itei rY mmuýft tbtiat vo aisare aitil thetu. thJs'n4 ele1i-UOaTHESE MAY WED. Ca'bebil.!o! tise eburcs. lamtes lTait Crag, Clsiago, 50-Jieu- H. B,. JOHNSON, I i' . Brovu, 29. Pa»ta.' TintBecler, MIlwaukee,, 49; Car- ~l'tVadér on lasit Chrstmlas hisld1rie tI,. tl.s, 52. tbe' pa àtoè bud lu ber- a Ilia O!fifs ______ g ý 1 gela aiotars sud sse ne- snss.~téa<xlt wîîan mappro.riato Ltil, Will1e--Say., uhat la a gIt W .i~ioffes'ad 80 gîve thea iypoiteiiB O bla OUIttI# a A Ibyîîorile. uy sou.'hla & aua *W~~ ~$coetgi~tioiiwho publkylsua.rodee r lueuçtt.suJu~ swig. sruig Sd' ià gucees, tisent geltxi af. elvÉty Uni 'ucy a iee 1w" 4aOcuMa aplace, h iettai,îîit ml.tmai. poadi ho It. iy srpl-e~stîSble or Itisuel.-t' et 1L . il U c Gcrdsn. IOWT*MS MET EuS FalIed ta Seo PassOngOr Train Ae- proachînfi at State Street Crooaisug, Racine, and Waas truok DOwît aau4 Fataliy Injured-Died ln Racine on. Trueday-Was a Former Wauko- ganîte Weil Known. (From Wedneydays Daily Sun.) Racine, Wls., Aug. 1.-An Inquest, was iseld Tueodsy afternoon lu tise, case or Thsomas H. Sisephard. klled at tise State street crossing by a Chi- cago sud Nortbwestern railroad pa&- songer train. Evidenesisowed tisat Shephard wauted to make a north, isound train, dodged under the close& glue o! a sauts isannd train. The body, was a hipped lu Milwaukee for buriaf. Sisepisard was a former resîdent olb- Wauke&an, sud la a member o!f te OtMd Feilows at tisat place. PORTELLO R-IT A BIG QX 9. Powell snd Cohan Company Contin- uesta Score Heavîly. (From Wedneaday'a Daily Suu.) Tise largeat second ulght's business In tise bistory orfî'oîulac jsriced shows greeted Powell and Cobau's Musical Comedy Comnpany isat nlgt>t at thée Scsy.artz Tbuat'c. -'Hi Diddte ttiddie" was the bill anid a popular une tl prove] with tise. audiance. Ail tbe favorites of the conapany werà seen lu cougeniai roles. M.iss lPor- telin asth ie vaudeville actress. Mise Ranontl as thse jealous wife, Mr. Ins as the storty aid toan tram Kalaino- zoo and Halton Powell as tbe youne. doctor uLII made bits. Miss Poctello deiighlei with several musical numobers. She sings Astule 1.aurie sIllis seidoin iseerd sud te audience watt iotis to have her quit. "Tise Yankee Ijoodie Boy,' a play which bitehnaesveral seasous of suc- ceas ou tise road ahIl be thse offerlng to-îigist. It lias a s-trong plot sud lais of good coinedy, whlo tte minae Is of a deddedlly cateisy kind. Judg- ing f rom lise final two performances gleen by titIs dorer comPtny they Mioîsld give a clever preseutatîon of tise play. Soine unuuîaily pretty ces- ttuuea for tise chorus sud seroral atclk- Ing ecenie effecis are prourlaed- melba and the Oid Wsman. Mime. Milba once snid 1h51t the moeti paibetie incident lu ber cartier orcti red wisen site'was slugîug St Phila- deiphia. "Wbsu I keft the IpcAdernyi' sho says. '*my 'arma were fuît of roses A white bttired woman atepped foe ward sud sxîid: '43od blesa yéur beau- tIful lheurt. 1 have been wftliing IDlthe i4now for yon ta corne ont,' YOUr vtiit5 I< lthéîîîîîsr beatiful iising lu thé4 ivorld. M,111 you give me là rpae ta ! keep lun îemory of il?, Thers abs atood, white hs.ired, la lte drivingi t imw, pooriy clsd lu black sud vifi hues o! griefasd axe aea.nsd Ç94 b4é eia'ce. watitgVtefll nie -t I - baý ýwade ber bapp:y. 1 gs#e ber OTOIe f~e - td 1 s1e nbotb Thi Corni The RE ing up',a nants wl Iast and ï deckrs qub underpric than late ity dres and white. yards for t sale t y>'( whýet, Mal pri« e ch TOWFLIN, hua vy qusl good quali salai prie PtLLOW 42 O bY 6I of a splefl làr 15e v TOWILLS. qneIit i seliflg for UNSIOLKAI vicelibteg lv wo'ten.i RInd-Utt Reg uiax Cross, lheso of e "ftêtwd Up"mA FinallCIeeiugi Sale Èices Tomorrow and Continués Until Ag 28th Round-up sale means much ta every individual in this locality. NWe bave made a complete round tbraiugh gatbering together of all summer m~erchandise, includlng short ends, odd lots a nd remn ,th the purpose of effecting a complete clearance. A deep slash in prices lha& taken place ; it's the final cut ; a reduction that holds no consideration for former sefling prices or val ues. WC want ail "~Jcy clcared. This Round-up 2,ale, therefore, means your last chance of the season for buying at ies. Many sections are already showing new fail li.nes which can .be bought now for much less tr on. __________________ 16 31/2c. o Gvod deitend'abie (ittai- e. nd couibination OotSIî .te Rotind 1'i, cd ................... ..31 39c. 72 by go inch l,;Ec el bit oide of a firm serviceable nulaittY à50e values, Round-Up h .................. c 4G. Pure ien crash t )we ung ality, 15e grade et 121,4c. Aliot i r klty absorbant 'otshb 6 CASE% 1'Z.45 by .1<. lut h or iacb, b;eached itiiinw cass. uade ndd uaýy usint.l .121-c values, ait cbý... 5.18 hI '- en hiick towev, ci l u îe kind that 'ae have been >r 5c, Round-lip price, each. IOC WHED MU8LIN 5c. A good svr- grade of unbieet-hied iusnt trin 17000 yards. priced foi-tihe psale, at yard........ 5c À Word or Two Ab.ut The "Round-Up" "The Round-up" is a typîcal western term, and one applied to a customn of the western plains. The owner of every cattie range sends out once a year a band of cowboys te round..up, bring together his cattie which are dis- tributed over miles of p r a i r te. Days of tedious riding are requir- ed. Cradually the c a t t l e art bunched into one large herd and the yearlings branded, that their ownership may be known. So froin the western plains cornes the word "Round-Up." It is a naine that niaybe suitably ap- plied to this sale, for we have rounded up all sorts of merchan- dise for a final clearance. ___________ i a., $3. and $3.50 values. flnd l ita islt Red ,ud Aineriran Lady tan snd au islacke sail suzes. spiudid modeis. pair 5treet car ire reifund- Pd to au out tonlýrsv~pofl . ùfcha s e s îf$5or more basement TOILET PAPER. lxta ut'i gade aapectoral i. tî 'l for.'.... *............ o JELLY TUNIBLERS- iXîr 1a file , ilitsîtj<lly titlblerti. 't.ltitii «st-r', 8 .19 ouce stLC dnc.ei...19 FRUIT JAF. Tl'ise test grade or r trI jars,. lA qurart siZe 1)"'F iize. 45e PLATES. 7 tînt wlite semi-pO>l cela lu 11 sale plîce ecdi......5 DISH PANS. lraki ttv n elî'd. 10 quart i', ll sale prici' -........ . Lc SOAP. Armitar, s tttJu tioap, 8 bars "Rotin- p 9 TOOTH POWDER. Dr Graye", recognlzomd as te ý»beet ioth "0owdler nul.a( ,a egtiar 25c' mzn ors'red for- tie Rountd-l'i, T WOMENI8 MOSE. -aib,-rtisaI hcing 18p, plain Cotton, hein nie'] toI csiilied beel aud toc', fast cohm. Round tir) 14 sale priepair .... .............12 ç EMBROIDERY AT 4' 20. ine araic reut- broinery. wldtbs lg 1 S msc,-, quailities tisat bave heen selitixmia ,<ghlas flic. pl..ced in one big lot. priced for Ilie 4- Rtuud-tl1p at yard ............ ... f PETTICOATS 59c. Mlade f nom a .Apiendid qtiiiy of asîircsorte - rlnimed il ih ,ldýt embroidery rufles and iolliers wîtlh daitty lact-î. iey are values PoslliveiY worî 59)c 319.for tise Round-t'p sale... LAWNS AT 7' 20c. Vaines Fne W 15e, I9- ured. slclped aud dotled in .tii olat lnga, Round-UTp pnieu yard . ........7 c WOMEN'8 VESTS 5C. Wî,nxens liii.-genre resta, lnw lape nek. i, ela.spieti- did i0c value8, RoundUp price caci.. .5Jc Notions .4t 1jWa.ists at olfet rît liai r îîisfor Je. COMMON PINS. Two pack- agi-a of gond coannion'dct'ss pluis loi' le. PEARL BUTTONS. Card o! i dozen bnttauz for lc. BASTING THREAD. Bisels tar Wvitei, ier ssSol 1C. COTrTON TAPE. Varions s idhs. lpe-r boit le. HOOKS AND EYES. Ai isires. per card le, MOURNING PINS. A large box foc le. DARNING COTTON. Black or whie, per spool le. %'C We 'te roundrd up oîtr entir,. stock of i'trilshat '01,1 Up la 3$2.50 sud offer you your unrestricted cholce et 48c. Incitided are fine lingerie, lawn ant i ta ine51k waist6, hands;owe t' miner styies, tt ld-Up Ptice 1 1 1 - a moi t IN W#